Newspaper Page Text
• investigate ■ w
To Rogol*' 8ubocrtbora
J1.000 Accident Policy Froo
Dolly and Sunday—10 Conto a Week.
Established 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Canto a Weak.
Cloudy With Probable Light
Associated Press 8ervlco
Single Copies 2 Conto Dally. I Cants Sunday.
Columbus Will Send
"Big Delegation Here
For Legion Meeting
.live Post in Electric City
■Will Be Represented By
Eighty or More Legion
Commander of Fort Ban
ning Will Be Among
Group to Visit Athens
During Big Convention.
COLUMBUS, O a.—This city and
Fort Bennlne, located near here on
a 97,000 acre tract and the home
of the Infantry School, the great
rut school of arms In the world
will send a delegation of more
than 80 to Athens for the state
convention of the American Legion
next week, officials of the Charier
8. Harrison post stated here today.
The local post has a membership
of 106G and Is one of the lives!
in the South. The commander and
adjutant of the post will arrive in
Athens Sunday and early Monday
morning will confer with the may
or of the Classic City relative
to certain stunts to be given by
the Columbus delegation. The lo*
cal poet plans to srfend several
hundred dollars on advertising the
post and Columbus, this being ex
clusive of the amount the onegA^
tlon will epend for hotel Accomo
dations and other items.
The Columbus men will present
a free show once or twice daily
presenting 8. L. 8tan!ey. “the man
who trows.” Mr. Stanley Is a mas
ter In muscular control, Increasing
his height seven inches and doing
a number of spectacular and un
canny stunts. One of the most
spectacular stunts la that of free
ing himself from six wrestlerr
without the use of his hands. Thi
“man who grows" allows six men
to get weertler holds on him and
then breaks these holds by expan
sion of muscles. The stunt Is a
difficult one and In some Instance*
n half hour of exertion is requh*e<
to break all the holds,' Medical
men of Columbus and the medical
corps at Fort Bennlng are nmaxec’
at the wonderful dislocations Mr
Stanley can produce.
,One special stunt Is to stop hit
pulse on any beat people In thr
audience call, Mr. Stanley asking
physicians to count the beats and
at that number designated for each
pulse stops that pulse.
The Columbus post of the Amer
ican Legion has dons much to ad-
vertlsa that city ahd Fort Ben
nlng and at Athena will carry ads
In tha newspaper and dlstributi
Adjutant of the Allen R. Fleming
Pott and chaimMn of the Gen
eral Convention Committee.
Political Gossip Begins.
Three After Next Con
vention. Talk Begins on
Race For Qpnfmander.
A large vanguard of Legionnaires
gathered here Sunday night and
Monday. The entire personnel from
Department Headquarters, headed
by Commander Rodney S. Cohen ot
Augusta, arrived Sunday night and
established headquarters t
Georgian hotel.
Edgar B. Dunlap, commander of
the Gainesville post, is here. Rob*
Troutman of Atlanta was
among the early arrivals as was
Evan P. Howell of Atlanta.
General H. D. Russell of Macon,
head of t!Ue‘ National Guard In
Georgia, with Pope Furman Brock
of that city, arrived Sunday night
for the convention and lor the ses
sion of Federal court this week.
A delegation of 80 from Colum-'
bus traveling in a motor convoy
and headed by the famous Fort
Bennlng band and the local post
troubadors is enroute here and will
arrive Monday afternoon. r
As Measure of • Reprisal
For Killing of Belgians,
Rhineland Ib Completely
E F F E Ct7 V E
(Only Food Supplies M^y
Be Carried Across “Dead
Line.” Mob Violence Is
COBLENZ—The frontier between
occupied and unoccupied Germany
haa been cloned for a fortnight b!
the allied high commissions in re
priaal for the bombing of Belgian
troops at Ilochfeld Saturday. Tht
casualties were reported-ag ten kill
ed and some two score^fvounded.
The decree, which went Into ef
fect Sunday midnight, permits only
food supplies to be taken across the
No German may cross thla line
The decree prevents visits, trips ,ol
merchants, and absolutely shuts the
Rhineland out of Germany.
BRUSSELS—Police are guardlm
the German embassy here, fearing
mob violence and demonstrations at
"a result of the bombing of 'Belglai
troops at ilochfeld.
The socialist press urges moder
ation. warning Belgians against t
campaign of hate and terror simi
lar to that ■practiced by German}
against Belgium In the world war.
Acquittal of Matthew
Stinchcomb Causes Oth
ers to Be Thrown Out of
Court; Attorney Says.
Acquittal of Matthew Stinch
comb, one of eight Barrow county
men Indlctod for assault and bat
tery In connection with "whipping
parties" In that vicinity remitted In
the other caeca being thrown, oat
of court, according to Attorney
James W. Arnold of the defense
here Monday.
•The Georgia Delegation headed the parade at New Orleans last
year by virtue of winding this trophy and evory indication is
that the cracker bnftoh will again lead the march • at San
Francisco this fall.
Whispering of political action Js
circulars, giving the hours of the I In evidence around the hotel and
free fhows and setting forth fact!; on the streets where groups of
about the Blectrlc City with 10(. Legionnaires gather. No definite
successful Industries manufactur- J line-ups are In evidence but sex*
For -First Time in His-jCol. Gantt Writes of Trip
tory, Troops Will Repeat to Mountains Where He
Fight Between Two
(By Assoofatad Press,»
GETTYSBURG—Veterans of thr
North and .South gathered here
Monday on the heights overlooking
the site of the Battle of Gettysburg
to wltnes sa re-enactment by mod
ern artillery of the Confederate at
tack on Little Round-Top In 1S63.1
Company to of the llth Field
tlllery known in artillery circles as
Harding's Own" wll ltake part in
a sham battle which Js the feature
of the celebration of the sixtieth
On several occasions In ihe paal
troops have demonstrated the fa
mous Pickett’s charge but no at
tempt haa ever been made to repeat
the encounter between the Confed
erates and the Northern Army at
Little Round Top.
Historians have declared that
the attack there really marked the
beginning of defeat of Lee's forces
hundreds of American
Legion iMen Gather in
Athens for■ Convention
Jfa , ;t{n y <^ C ' onvention °P ens Monday Night With Registration/
tZ£L’S,‘d%£* •* Senator Walter George,.Garner
Eleven Thousand Four
Admission to America.
Many Will Be Turned
Away For Another Year
As Quotas Are Rapidly
Walker, Major General Hines and Many
Others Will Deliver Speeches Here.
at anchor ohlslde Ambrose light-
Saw Thousands of Fruit
Bearing Trees.
In Ul« story of the Alhambra, nllin . wa jtlng for th< stroke of tnld'
t to main a dash for qusrran'
gend of v young Moorish Prince,' with the admittance to tbi
and that be may never know Iqyo United States ef their passenger*
or woman, when an infant he was as goal. Heartbreaking scensi
placed In a beautiful garden in were expected by the officers Hun-
Grennds. with only male attend-‘day as the quota was quickly nil-
ant., and while surrounded by all, id. •
the beauties and luxuries of life,' Six hundred spent 8undsy night
wsS forbidden any knowledge of on Rills Island and ware summed
the female sex. early Monday by Inspectors.
But when the prisoner attained | The remainder ware being held
the age of young manhood, flndbig ‘be liners which brought than
naught else upon which to flx bis and where It Is probable that many
affection ant! devotion, fell In love|°* them relslve the dleap-
with a beautiful and shapely tree ’ pointing news that the quotas ol
growing In the garden, and upon 'bdr countries have bean filled and
this tree lavished nil the endear-. ' ht / *»“ “°°“ r ,on «
manta amt davotlon that a lover, b » fOT « the door, .wing open again
would upon hi, sweetheart. _ " _ ...
Strand to Offer
Opening Monday night and Tuesday morning with
the registration of delegates the fourth annual convention
of the Georgia department of the American Legion will
bring to Athens for three days hundreds of the veterans
of the recent world war.
Addresses by United States Senator Walter F.
. ... ■^■^George, Governor Clifford M. Walker, Major-General
NEW YORK^wi'h a grand total ; Hines, head of the U. S. Veterans Bureau and
of eleven thousand .'our humired I Other notBDJeS Will Auu to B pFOgTUTTl Which, for CH- ,
and eighty-two aliens in port at tt6rtainment features, surpasses anything of its kind ever*1
* * ‘ ’attempted in this state.*
Wartime "buddies," now leaders
In their various professions, wom
en members of tho American Lev*
glon Auxiliary as woll as many j
vmitora bent on seeing the fire
works and enjoying the entertain-’
ment pror.rum on July i, will bej
tho guest! of Athens and
take part or vlnw from the sid
linos tlie "hOmcthXng doing evt
minute" progr&m worked- out
the local comuiiteo of which Fra
O. '.Miller is chairman.
the end of a race of Immigrant 1 attempted in this state.'
carrying liners to reach port here)* —
first before the new Immigration If .1 ...
quotas were with, nine thousund (LOCctl VsOlHIYlFHlClCF
other* were still clamoring for ad- ‘
mittance through Ellis Island Mon
Though their hearts and eyes were
set on "Amerlc", the promised
land to most of them, only two
thousand were passed through the
Kates into the new world Sunday
The officials at the Immigrant eta-
kept busy all dny Sun
day asking questions and giving
to hundreds of tho#
who were coming Into thte coun
Saturday, i)tght sixteen ships
i“The Man Without
When I vlsltod t*ie apple orch- j a
arifc of ..Habenlbam and looked V/O Unify IftTl
upon those lovely specimens of the • . ««
vegetable kingdom—each tree most Legion rrogram
Commander of th, Allen R. Flam
ing Past which Is hast to the
Trial Expected
To End Thursday
artistically fashioned far beauty i
tint ,oun, Flint. rail -fLfl-,./-...-"-
My nave boon
(upon an apple'
Noted Athletic
V gearlAI- QrauU ll2: t lC« n 5.r 0 . r ni n Dle n To7Mk .'h"'wn"hera7„’conV^i'lon wl£ th”.'
Leader Speaks a^™***™*;*™
Here Monday-
noutlay and Thursday, is said to be
of the most gripping and In
resting pictures ever filmed
.The story Is well known and Is told
Tho defense dsmatided Idol of i p-i—.- pierce 'ttot^towIV th’» , ’twta"T» l b££t ',{£■iTbektory I.[wall known end Is told
the other seven cases after attach.. General raJme r, rterce, tMt une way MI* by Arnold Daly. th* famous char-
comb's acquittal and the state re-) President N. C. A. ta ch£* Z'&ZWoX
strives to have each tree as nearly hlv|( patHu ,„ m bul
ing 200 different articles^ Fort
Bennlng, the* great military reaer.
vatlon, will also be boosted. Tht
Columbus men have a wonderful
•plrit and have accomplished much
lost year winning the national
rifle matches at the nation*! con
ventlon of the Araericau Legion
against nearly a score of tcamr
from as many states. The team
shot under the colors of he stats
Du* to the fact that Athens it
•the second love of George C. (Rid)
Woodruff; who has spoken of Ath
ena a number v of times .Columbui
men are especially interested In
lookint th# city and the University
of Georgia buildings and ground!
over. Woodruff will coach tht
Georgia eleven this fall and last
year his great leadership was felt
In Columbus when he brought th<
membership of the'Columbus Le
gion post up to the largest of any
In the state end the votes of that
organisation at Wayeroaa, the larg-
*et number at the convention, went
■olidly for Athens for the 1923 con-
kjldtklon to Kid Woodruff
the Columbus delegation will havf
Other Interesting members atonj{ „„ . y
(Turn to Page Three) Sons, funeral directors, In charge.
oral prominent Legionnaires have
been mentioned as successors to
Commander Cohen. Prominent
among these are Edgar B. Dunlap,
Gainesville, who was a candidate
last year, George Woodruff of Co
lumbus, Fbnvilie McWhorter of
Atlanta and others.
Savannah. Rome and Albany are
to make a fight fop the 1924 con
vention and the selection of the
convention city will have a bear
ing on the political angles.
Fleming Post
Delegates Named
The delegates to the state Le
gion convention from the Allen R
Fleming port are aa folio we:
Henry H. West. Howard T. Ab
ney. A. T. Almand, K. E. Beschnm,
W. L. Erwin, A. T. Levle, .1. H.
Ijanpkln, W. K. Mcodtar, W. D.
Paschal). T. H. Mctlatton, Charles
E. Msrtlm
Funeral of Infant
fused to try them. It was stated, oAf Phnnpl On
•The imVcImenta, eleven In ell. 1 ^F>eaK8 At Gnapei on
were returned against Thurmond Ideals Of AthletlCS.
Stinchcomb, Guy Thurmond. Met-; ..
thew Stinchcomb, Frank Bnraon.l ■ . ,
Fielding Williams. Oen GranL Ben A large erowd of AtbsnUns ss
Wall, Boy Perkins after the w%- well as students at the University
ping of Ashnry MeLesky end Reu- 'of Georgia Summer School wlB
ben 8orrells. negroes. In May 1332. > htsr General Palmer Plsrce. hesd
K was brought out ta the trlel|of the National Collegiate Athletic
In Winder eeveral days ago that ‘.V? nfJS g'is csred.for nonl« orchard. When ta
Ben Grant, cashier of the Btatbam | Monday night at 16 |bkhmi iney , ure i r tolUl . rt „i the
Bank and Frank Bnraon were ln, oclocI - tamel| cherry Woesome of Japan.
Athens taking n Masonic degree on I General Pierce will apeak on And Just hero, let m< suggest to
tho night MeLesky was whipped. -Jaeala of Athletics” Monday ,n, e apple growers of Habersham
alike In shape as t»aalble-thnt „„ chnrm<d w|lh
th«fr limbs may shade the »t«r- pmotIon -
reunding ground end et the same
time be so shaped end trimmed ns
to make the gathe^tog of fruit nn
easy task nod guard nganst Injury
by storma and winds. There Is not
a more beautiful sight for the eye
than n well trained nnd properly
Jury Thursday.
Former “Whipping Boss” | T0 8PEAK
to Know Fate When! At < »vi,
I of VIS
Senator ;
by F.
Thomas Walter Higginbotham, j
former convict whipping bona, In!
exception it will continue to at-! v,jji J
Thursday, counsel for |he state and
defense declared here, following an
announcement by Judge H. A. Mc-
11 A. M. TUE8DAY
Registration of the delegates'!
begin at the Georgian Hotel Mo:
day night and continue until
o’clock Tuesday morning at wh
time the opening of the conventlo
and recep|;on of dclegWjes
take place,
Mayor Goorgo C. Thomas,
cellor'David C. Barrow, H«
t. Command'
Fleming, Jr., the
and Mrs. E. H. .l^hnson, comL
of tho Wo-iien'a Auxiliary,
deliver tbepwelcomo addraai
which Mrs. w. F. .Raker
Auxiliai \ ,,,,,1 |{ <H lney Col
inauder of the Georgia
partment, will respond.
Tho principal nddres|
momlnit Hoseion will
General PYaujc
Veterans Itureau.
v::il be .Introduce
chairman of th,
llltntion Connnlj
, fzatlta
Funeral services for Joseph
Weaver Simmons, Infant eon of Mr.
and iMm. M. C. Simmons, who died
residence. 280 William*
street, Sunday, were hej^'at; ihe
grave-aide ta Oconto", cemeti
Monday at I p,
It Is stated. The followtng ntght
Sorrell* was whlppad by a hand of
maeketl picn. The same night Guy
Thurmond and Matthew Stlnch-
romb were shot trying to arrest
Tom ePtera at the home of hie
brother Will Patera. The men bod
warrants for Peters, It ta aald. Slot
other men were with them ho*
were ta a ear several yards from te
.honae. It was stated. Will Paten
I* under 'Indictment in Onmee
county for shooting the white men.
Ex.Oovenior Hugh M. Dorsey.
Solicitor W. O. Dean. O. D. Rosa
nnd W. C. Mundey, of Atlanta rep-
reseated the state while Senator
O. A. Johns, of Winder. J. W. Ar
nold of Athena, Wewta Russell and
Hoyt Chandler of Winder repre.
•ented the defense WWpotng of
the negroes created considerable
excitement In Barrow, county at
the time It occurred.
MON^REAIe—Immigration offi
ces ware not open Sunday, hence
the thousands. awaiting entranov
to * the United Hiatts could no'
Isavti CaDOdtui'l clHeh. Many had
night nnd on tha “Need'of Phyaf
col Training In Our School*”
Tuesday morning nt> 11 o’clock ta
tha chapel.
General Pierce wilt ho the guest
ot Dr. & V. Sanford of the Uni
versity while In th* city. Dr. Sen-
ford Is a member of the executive
committee of the national as socle
tlon, end president of the South 1
ern Collegiate Athletic Association.
No man in the country haa
given more time and thought and
contributed more to the advance
ment of college athletic* on a high
plane than General Pierce. He or
ganised the association twenty
yean ego and served aa its presi
dent even while serving'his coun
try overseas daring tha world war.
Tha National Collegiate Athletie
Association la the moat powerful
athletic body in this country. It
la the organization that makes tha
rule* for all sports, football, bas
ketball. track, etc, and ta an or
ganization compound of mon than
two hundred and fifty of tha lead-
fair' institutions in America—H*r-
wd, Yale.
inee cemetorY'datoed to leavti Setarday, bet » Georgia/Chicago.,MtnemoU. Ietaa,
i. Dunawar A fJaa-painted oat that traina.wyuM California, etc. , , ■
—— - -• •—i» ballon rd-'fJlatesww '
then land them at the
fore midnight of June SO.
dramatic Cullen that he will hold a full sea
slon of court on July 4th. The de-
Thia picture la being shown hare I? 1 **® '• expected to close Ha case
bv th* Allen R. Fleming post ol (Tuesday and the following day will
the Legion and .the proceeds have be devoted to arguments, It was
been gruolousiy donated by
that next toeing i they Imitate thr
Japs snd'liavo an Apple Bloosom
Festival. |
I spent considerable time while
In llnlwrahem Investigating oip‘el
ruIRwe. and the growers and all;
femliitar With the business most
kindly-and patiently answorvl my
question*. From J. 1. Roper, heed
of tho Apple Growers’ Co-Opera.
theutre to the Lesion to help de
fray the convention’s expenses and
the public 1s urged t-i attend. It
win he ehown at the Strand Wed
ntsday and Thursday from 11 a
io.’ II p. m. The admlalton Ir
35 cents, adulta, 10 cents child
Higginbotham Is on trial for tho
murder of Martin Taber, of North
Dakota, |R being alleged that the
former whipping boss of the Put-
nem Lumber company whipped
Tabert so sevtrely while ha was
serving ns a convict on January J
(Turn 'p> page eight)
History of Athens Chapter
——By Mrs. R. C. Orr '
American Legion Auxiliary
Athens ta never behind-hand
live Association. 1 got some in-.when It comes to patriotism. Her
teresttag facts. Thera are now in'record during tha world war was
Habersham county between 500.000 1 one to bo proud of.
end 1.000.00 bearing apple trees,
and the acreage la ranWIy Increas
ing. The apple lo a fruit that at
tains Ota greatest perfection In the
Following her traditions, Athens
contributes a very live chaptah to
the American Legion Auxiliary,
mor-ntalns. Bttd the soil and climate i Oeorglw departnient. A little his.
of Northeast Georgia Is espe-lni^! “T »f »“• toapter roads »■ fol-
aoltcd fnrgrnwtnr tito fi-iest siw-ct-1 lowS!
mens of apples. The apple beU la I The flrat moating was called at
e< ending /.-ora Habersham into the hospitable home ot Mrs. T. It.
Rebun countv and the Can,linn*. [McHatton on Dec. 12th, 1121, with
Te Show what the eople has done the following ladle* answering t
for Habersham county Mr. Ropr.-1 general Invitation through the
ann before the Introduction of this .Banner-Herald,
new crop he could buy land around I Mrs. W. O. Faroe. Mrs. C. If.
Comer* at from 12 to 35 an acre, Rnelllng. Mr*. T. W. Reed, Mr*. J.
sells at from 3128 to acra, S. Stewart. Sr.. Mr*. A. A. Rayl*.
or lea*. Today undearefl.hfad there; Mr*. W. P. O’Callaghan. Mis*
and In enectaPv wn|L-torat«d end ClquJIa Hanlgeo. Mia* Frances
compaYativrly leval; Ib.lirin bring chewy. Mtaa Maude flhesay, Mrs.
a still hlahar prio*. .Bhfiuieiopple fjA^Sneed. Mr*. J. Z. Hoke, Mr*.
(Turn to page eight) .«^Bocock, Mrs. S. V. Sanford,
Mrs. R Lee Calloway, lin
Williams, Mrs. w. D. Itytr
R H. Dorsey; Sr., H
Holden. Mrs. E. K.
Mrs. John li. Northcutt.j
Patton. Mrs. T. It. Mel!
E. II. Johnson. Mrs. It. i
Mrs. T. H. McHatton i
tenuiociry chairman and 1
of fwonty-four women!
thdr enthusiastic-support. ,
At the May (1K2) meotld
Hammond Johnson was 9
president. At that meeting j
for “Poppy Day" were made
going Into effect, and rca)|zli
sum of four-hundred dollars L
devoted fo the founding of a I
school for the children of i
who died ta the war.
May 30. 1922 was fltti
esrved as memorial day.
beautiful flag was presented tol
t Fleming post, six At
(Turn to Page Three)