The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 30, 1923, Image 5
2 Cents a Word Minimum Charge of 40 Cento Insertions. Seven times for the price o: five Insertions. All dfscontlnusnces MUST be made In person ai The Ban. - ner. Herald Office or by letter. Telephone dlscontinvencee are NOT valid. 71; WANT AD 10 PHONB BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS 75 Lost and Found LOST—Platinum bar pin, in Michael’s Store or in business section Saturday afternoon. Finder please return to Banner-Herald Office. Jtcward. j,31d WANTED — Eight re fined young men for canvassing work. (Exper ienced.) No delivery, no collecting, guaranteed sal- WANTED—Female Help FOR RENT—NICE FIVE ROOM cottage, good location. Conven ient to schools and street cars Immediate possession. Address “House,” care Banner-Herald or Phone 949-M. j30c FOR SALE and commission. lost — one liver ticked after 9 a. m. pointer, large scar on shoulder, name Mack. Howard if returned .0 E. E. Phono 281-W. ," p — p experienced salesladies. Experience LOST—PtSll'TtCI TfcJR DOG, Wearing leather qojlbr when lost. Has liver spotii^CAfihwers to namo of •lack.” Finder call 58-J. L. H. fittest. ,, * j30c Wanted I.0ST-MAN’S GOLD WATCH, open face, cither in Royston or between % Royston and Athens, Under retjujjv to Banner-Herala and receive^ reward. a 1 p light housekeeping. Prefer < in. /^ddress P. O. Boy 483. LOST-BET,WEEN ATHENS and U Uura , c ^i, eBc : Box 768, Athens, Homer,, brown leather hand hag (j n> rontaininjt'il check for $107.35,!— .... bunch of keys and wrist watch. Ketum tc} Banner-Herald. Reward. | RAILROAD SCHEDULES. SEABOARD AIR LINE RV. Northbound Houthoound ln:00 n Atlantn-MonroB local 6:1G p j> A»L-13irmirrnam;Mem. 3:18 p p Norfolk-Hieh.-N. Y. 3:11 P p Atl.-Abbevllle local p -Birmingham p Norfolk-Washington P Wilmlngton-N. Y. Situation Wanted VANTED—POSITION BY yi .. man experienced in cotton grad- llanner-Horald. WANTED—Situation GEORGIA RAILROAD rrlv« Depart 20 pm v • ' 1:20 am :lo pm 1:25 pm CENTRAL Of GEORGIA RY. W. o. Holton. Agent, Fhone 1661 Central of* Georgia Station Depart for Macon 7:30 a. m. 4:45 p. m. arrwe from Macon 11:10 p. m. ’•:Jl0 p. m. For further Information phone J. fPTSHlc*. C. A., 640. ■AINE8VILLE MIDLAND RY. Schedules Leave 7‘ ( Athene Arrive 7:45 A. 10 4.5 A. •!>nlly. . M.*# C 6:20 a P. O. Box 444. 6:20 a 6:20 a FOR RENT—Rooms FOR RENT—DESIRABLE Fur- nished apartment with connect- ini; hath, for light housekeeping, FDR RENT—THREE NICE con- necting rooms for housekeep- B. Dougherty St. j30p •6:20 P. M. • •10:18 A.M. Dally Except Sunday. •0$jUutN RAILWAY Effective fihnday, April 29, 1821. No. 6 leaveAvtthena 7:46 a. ro., ar- v«*s Lula 8:20 a. m. No. s leaves-Athens 4:15 p. m., ar- ■»*** I.ula 6:46 p~ m. N’o. 7 leaves Lula 6:55 p. m., or* Athens 8:30 p. m. No. 6 leaves I 4 ula 10:10 a. m., sr- H'** ’Athens 11:45 a. m. O. n. MILLER. C. A., Athena OS* Telephone fl. For Screening Ice Boxes and Cabinet Work Phone 802 L. T. CARITHERS E. KAY -THE SMILING PAINTER" Fin* painting and Interior Decorating Phone 1297, Athena, G*. D aitt.v.m.wi.1 | | I 11 I PURE AND SPARKLING i.Jj: NATURE’S BEST REMEDY No other wafer ha. tha wondarful taata, tha Invigorating /ant ing that It laavaa attar each glass full-dt’a d.llghtful, yaa It’a- LINTON SPRINGS WATER Brink It All Vaar -Round—But Eoptelally In Spring and 8um- mar-PHONE 95 Linton Springs Water Company . r Off lea Brand Straat, ., - FOR SALE—Old news- \ papers ten cents per bundle or three bundles for twenty-five cents. Banner-Herald Office. SEE OUR PEDIGREED USED cars before you buy. Conollv Motor Co. tf. r'FOR SALE—ONE STUDEBAKER car in good condition. Must •ihave money, $7r.OO cash gets it. r Answer “Car/’ care Banner-Her- jo Id. jtfOd I FOR SALE — FIFTEEN PURE "j bred Rhode Island Reds, seven ,, months old. Answer “Chickens/^ icarc Banner-Herald. j30d ONE-HALF the world doesn’t know how the other half is getting on, but the little Banner-Her- aid Want Ads bring both halves together for their mutual benefit. OUR PEDIGREED USED CARS are good for long and satisfac- tory service. You save tho differ ence. Conolly Motor Co. tf. FOR SALE — THE GEORGIA Candy Kitchen can bo bought out at a reasonable cost to any one that wants business. Apply 273 Hancock Ave. j31p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Collection of United States and foreign coins, bills, notes, stamps, etc. Arthur Howard, 261 Thomas St., Athens, Ga. j30p Foster Pressing Company Cleaning, Dying, Repairing and Pressing Von Canon-Wall Building Phone 1886 Phone 1886 a23c DR. J. W. POWER PHYSICIAN Graham Hotel (My Offico is Now Located Here) 17514 Clayton St. J26p STEAM-PRESSING WHITE PRESSING COMPANY Cleaners that clean. Hats reno- »voted. Phone 686. al8c. VULCANIZING We wash and polish cars, dope them all over. All work guaranteed. Flrit class vulcanizing. UNION VULCANIZING CO., 362 East Hancock Ave. nl8c AUTOMOBILE PARTS i Auto Parts Half Pi ice. Auto Wrecking Company 840 Broad Street >21c STEAM-PRESSING Cleaning, Dying, Altering and Pressing.. RED & BLACK PRESSING CLUB Cor. Broad and Lumpkin Sts. •s Phone 1317. a20c Coal—Coal—Coal Jno. L Lewis, president United Mine Workers of America, says: “BUY COAL NOW.” Don’t wait for something to happen to fright en you into it. 1 W. L Hancock Coal Co. Phone 797 Phone 707!, Iron and Metal c aj E. D. FLANAGAN 1783 157 ’"on Used Car Pick-Ups Cadillac 8 $400.00 Chevrolet 490 ... $125.00 All of our cars are in good condition. EPPS GARAGE Hudson Essex a24c A BARGAIN Ford Cut Down At a Bargain \ Terms Reasonable. «. Sam W. Pinson’s Garage 164 W. Clayton Phone 461 *23c PHOTOGRAPHERS “Remember your vacation.” “Kodak Films developed.” “Seven hours’ service.’ * Wo take them at 10 A. M.. out 5 P. M. ADAMS & ARNETT STUDIO 162 1-2 Clayton St / al9c REFRESHMENTS o half your lunch hour by eat ing with us. We serve light lunch es, also have candy, cakes, fru'fe, cold drinks, ctgars and cigarettes. THE COZY STAND Corner Clayton and Lumpkin Sts. (All Sandwiches 6c.) ■18e She Likes Her Babe “Nellie," the French r~-Je dog of Mrs. Francis Diehl, Cincinnati, Ohio, did not approve of Mrs. Tom Cat allowing its young one to go without food, so she decide!? to adopt the kitten. “Nellie' won t allow any other cats or dogs n^hr her kennel. This photo won a $25 prize in an “unusual” animal contest. BARBECUE Have You Tried Our Barbecue? If not try it today. Wo Servo It Fresh Every Day. Floumoy’a Barbecue Cafe 151 Broad St. Phone 1740 a27p INSURANCE Northwestern Mutual Life Lowest Net Cash, Most Flexible Contract. , B. R. Bloodworth 224 Vi E. Clayton St. Phone 74 • a 28c REAL ESTATE D. G. Anderson & Co. 224 Vi E. Clayton St. Phone 74. J28-’24 LURID FILMS BLIND EYES OF EUROPE TO THE REAL AMERICA Country of Scantily At tired Women, Lazy Men, Bold Robbers, Is Impres sion Foreigners Get. (By Associated Press.) LONIlON—EiHropoans entertain curious notions anouf life In the United States. Many of them get their Impressions from American Inoving-pictures, which feature train robberies, pnnk hold-ups, so- cfai scandals, shooting affray a, ex citing automobile episodes, nnd hold and be covered with suspicion “In the west ann tne south very little work is done. The men of the town hang around the |storo all day long in case they are Want ed for a fight, and the women gos sip over gates so as to he ready to run into the road nnd welcome homo the blood-stained hero. "America must be an awfully in teresting place to live in; vnly few of us Invertobrato Britons could stai^l tho strain of such an excit ing life. It isn't so much the amount of work the Americans do as the suddenness with which they do things, tbnt must tell on them In time. Fortunes nro made and homes run led in America on the, screen In less time than the aver age Englishman takes to cat hi* breakfast.” BASEBALL DYING OUT IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The Pee Wees are first cousins to the Little Peezers and live in Pee W6c Land, under the bur docks. One day the Fairy Queen re ceived a letter. It said: “Dear Queen: “Could you and would 70U pleaso to help me. “My subjects have learned ,to ride on lightning bugs and since tiien I haven’t had one peaceful minute. “They say ‘uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,’ and .111 have you know, Queen, that although I wear my crown day and night, I never get a chance to-lay my head anywere, with all my worries. “I never know where any of my subjects are at night. The only place I know i a where they are not. That place is Pee Wee Lwid. “As soon as night comes they jump on lightning bugs and ride away, the whole kaboodle of them. “Tiny Toe fell into a costard , pie sitting on Mrs. Brown’s win dow sill jo co-j*. And although he’3 a good swimmer, the custard set and he did, tool “Wee Willie got stuck on some fly paper-r-or his clothes did—and the only way his friends could save him was to peel him out of his clothes and bring him home the way ho was. “Could you—would you please to help me? “Your faithful subject, s “SNOOKUMS, “King of the Pee Wees.” “Nancy and Nick!" called the Fairy Queen, smjlipg. “It seems to me that this is a job/for you (JHEAPER FUEL;blL French engineers have been ex perimenting with a gas oil for auto mobile engines, which they say has provetf more efficient than gaso- Knd‘Se W troublTt£y‘«trJnto'u I line. Besides, the gaa oil Is cheap- something fierce. er * JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES / UNDER THE SEA , Story by Hal Cochran. Drawings by Leo Wright- CHAPTER 21 “Why, it's only a chest full of fishermen’s hooks,” exclaimed Jack. “What good are those?” “No good, at aH,” rw>wr -the watermite. “In fact, they are more harm than good, for if you take them out of the sea they will be used to catch fish that live down here in the water.” . ... MANILA, P. I.—Baseball, the American national pastime which wn* expected to replace cock- fjnhtlng here, is dying out in tho equally sensatlonnl things. (Philippine Islands, and the De- "From personal observation of Drrtment of. Public Instruction, by American films In British cinemas”.Jts lack of interest, is blamed for nays A writer in the London Eve-*the failure by a sporting Writer ning News, “we reach the conclu*|jn a Ideal, newspaper. The Manila* Bion that America in a large coun- league is said to be the only base- try entirely surrounded by ain and |ball organization in,the island in ntlment. It Is inhabited in the • nourishing condition today. While Jack and Flip and teh watermite were working away with the treasure chest the sehweeds had been carried closer and cliiser together by the waves until now it was getting dark. Jack then asked the watermite if there was any way to have light while he buried the chest. VULCANIZING Invite Us to Your Next Blowout. Phone,271 ' City Garage & Motor Company ■ a27c rant by unscrupulous, but mously successful, business men, who devote their nights to squnn* I dering in cabarets their Ill-gotten | gains of the day before. In the west the bad men rob stage- conches and banks, shoot sheriffs During tho past five years, sporting authorities sav, the Do- nartment of Public Instruction has gken no encouragement to baseball through the bureau of education. Prior to that time, it I is said, the bureau of ^ education! nnd their partners In crime, and | was actiely engaged in fostering spend a good deal of time rolling, tne national game in the islands, on the ground In attempts to gouge | with a view to eliminating tho each other’s eyes out. island sport of cock-fighting. “The north is peopled by beard-[ Teacher, brought here from the cd scoundrels, who go there to os-1 United States, it is charged, do cape from the law, to steal mining I play baseball nnd have little, claims and to menace lonely girls'if any, knowledge of tho game or SPECIAL NOTICE CITY TAXES The second Installment of city urea are due from July 15th to LUgust lit. Inclusive. Taxpayers tho fail to pay on or before Atte st 1st will have to pay 11.50 cost a ff fa, which wifi be issued gainst all delinquent!. . G. E. O’FARRELL, ug. 1. City Marshal. WE WILL BUY for cash old Junk Automobiles. Dealers in! scrap iron, rags, metal. DIXIE IRON. A METAL CO. Phone [1*1, 414 Foundry St* \ f. 824c. MEALS, WANTS DIVORCE LOS. ANGELES.—Herbert M. cose friends for fifteen It was one of her husband’s up and cook him a meal. Often, when the prepared the meal for him, he would not eat it, she said, but would scatter the food about the room. snowbound in log cabins. The south is .notable for cactl t sand and half-breeds. The last-named are no particular vice. They just bad. of athletics in general. REAL ESTATE BOOM STRIKES SUMMER RESORTS OF JAPAN TOKIO—-Tho demand for homes st the various seaside and moun- ! tain resorts of Japan made fa mous by foreigners is ever on the ............ .... .... „ „ increase, and those foreigners costume, their uncharitable nttl- who invested wisely arc reaping f their harvest. Prices have gone up ten fold within the last few. years pnd there seems no tendency j to fill. At Karuizawa, the moun-i tain .resort to which missionaries! fromrall oferUhe Far East flock ) in summer, nnd where the Prince Regent will spend -part of this, season, very high prices are being I paid for houses and land. The < sumo is true at Kamakura, Zushi and Hajpma, the seaside resort, I formerly almost entirely foreign, | which have been invaded by the Japanese. ] hide towards other women, and fw» their remarkaliTfc bedrooms. These of enormous -aize, elaborately decorated, have at least one tele phone, nnd an easy way of egress for herolnea and Ingress for he* roes. Sometimes the vllllan uses one of these entrances, nnd then the heroine throws a lamp at him am' rings up the' hero, who waa lying •nke wafting for the call.’* *!Ic dashes round in pajamas d an automobile to her rescue just In time to wa|te up the house* “You ace,” aaid Jack, "I don’t want these hooka to ever be uj<d catch any of tha flab, that have been ao kind to me. Su I’m i bury thia treasure ceat so no one will ever find it.” “That's a eoi Idea,” aaid the watermite. And he summoned a lot of aunfsih. (Con tinued.) Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate Commission I per cent ovcf tlJMMi 10 par cent Bp to <1,000. 406 Holman Bid*. HUBERT M. RXLEE ' Law offices rhnne 1676. i v* .i/Oi <Wot * u Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company The Western Railway of Alabama Hie Georgia Railroad Tho fnlrd f ie Summer Tooriat season la now on and vacations are rder. You will be (lad to know tbaUcondltlona surround ing Summer Tourist travel are more liberal thla season than In almost any previous year. Reduced rates are In effect to practically every state In the Union as well as to some points In Canada, the various tours Including delightful trips on the Atlantic anil Pacific oceans, the Great Lakes, Ft. Law rence River, Hudson River, through the Yellowstone and other National Parks, to tbe Grand Canyon, etc. 8top.oi. r5 may bo mado at any point on either going or return trip, within final limit of ticket, which Is. In most cases, Octo ber 31, 1923. Let ns help you arrange your vacation. We are bon; to aerva and any InformatioB desired wilt ha gladly furnished by ticket agent in your town or by tho undersigned. J. P. BILLUPS, , General Passenger Ac-ut. , , Atlanta, Ga. ff Manila ,1 .