The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 23, 1923, Image 7
of the ClArke Rebecca Finder please return U Maude Elliott, Abe Joel Reward. OR RENT—light Vaughn, Athens, or see 3 W. Coleman, Prop., Lawn,” 274 Thomas St. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 2 Cents a Word Bert ions. All discontinuances he made in person at T -Herald Offico or by letter. ...ephonfr- discontinuances an rot valid.' i 7C WANT AD 7E 10 I’lIONE * 3 IIANNER-llERAl.n WANT ADS GET RESULTS Lost and Found Wanted Apartment ANTED—To rent Sept. 1? eight to tcfi rooqi, modem hous mvenient to Schools and. collet? iy responsible,-, party. jAddre Number” care'Banner-Herald. WANTED—Small house or 4 5 room apartment in deziral ocation. Phone 1014 v a2 WANTED—AT ONCE OR Sept. lOfli B or 0 room he id 2 to 5 acres land in edge Athena or .not over a miles Will buy or rent. Answer, Y.,’’ care Banner-Herald. a23< RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. forthbound Southboun i Atlanta-Monroe local «:15 • AU.-Birmirrham-Mem. 3:12 » NortoDt-Illeh.-N. Y. 3:12 » A tL-Abbeville local 7:30 i A tl.-Birmingham 5:29 . Norfolk-Washington 5:29 Wllmington-N. Y. 5:29 GEORGIA RAILROAD CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. O. Bolton, JLgent, Phona 1561 Central of Georgia Station Depart for llaoon 7:20 a. m. 4:41 p. m. Arrive from Macon 1S:10 p. m. •:M p. m. For farther information phono J. Y. Bruce. C. A., C40. ■AINESVILLE MIDLAND RY. Schedules Athena Arrive A. M.e *5:20 P. M. A. eei0:10 A. M. •totty. eeoally Except Sunday. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Effective Sunday, April 2t, ISO* No. « leaves Athena 7:41 a. m.. ar- Luta t:JI a. m. No. i leaves Athena 4:lf % m.. ar- Lula 6:45 p. m. No. 7 leavaa Lula 5:16 x>- m., ar- Athens 5:20 p. m. 5 leave* Lula 10:10 a. m., ar- Athena 11:46 a. m. CL B. MILLER, C. A.. Athens, Oa. Telephone fL FOR SALE 1 i FOR SALE—Old news papers ten cents per bundle or three bundles for twenty-five cents. Banner-Herald Office. > FOR SALE — MEAT MARKET fixtures. Apply 10 the Western Market. Phono 1447. s3c FOR SALE—Four nice Jersey cows. All fresh in, giving from four gallons up. F. Y. i\Ugood, 163 Clayton St. Phone 1479. a24c, - FOR SALE—BIRD DOG Puppies. Frank Smith, Chas. Stern Co. a23c { FOR SALE—On Jefferson Road, . two acres near city limits, four acres 1 % miles city limits. Phone 1727, H. I’. Lawrence, 318 South- ,* cm Mutual Bldg. a23c FOR SALE—BY DR. B. B. Chan dler, 419 Boulevard, good wood g or coal range. Reason for selling, have bought a Now Detroit Jewel i Gas Range. Phone 1683. n23c 1 i FOR SALE—Block baby carriage, - large size Kittie Koop, both new- ly enameled, and in first class con- ditlon. W. U. Puschall, Phone 1279 a24c. 1 HELP WANTED—Male WANTED—27 railroads calling for Agent-Telegraphers. We train and place you. Freo Book ”25” explains day and mail courses. Southeastern College, V Atlanta. «25p WANTED—Two men for outdid. v territory," 1 Immediately. Good chance for promotion. iPhone 158S or Ilox No. 109. W. L. Tlrunkhurst As»t. Mgr. a-22-p - • WANT E D—MANAGER FOR * store to be opened In Athens. No tire experience Accessary. Send reference with first letter. United , Tire Stores, 107-168 W. Quincy St., Chicago, Ill. a23p — Matrimonial HANDSOME LADY OF.MEANS, would marry if suited. (Stamps.) Violet, Box 787, Dennison, Ohio. ^a23p Miscellaneous SEE OUR PEDIGREED USED cars before you buy. Conollv Motor Co. } HAVE YOUR SEWING Machine cleaned ami'repaired now, ready for foil seffing, at reduced prices. We repair all makes. Work guar anteed. Singer Sowing Machine Co . Phono 288. sl6c AUTO REPAIRING ,v Ford Cut Down at a bargain Terms Reasonable Sam W. Pinson Garage Ford and Chevrolet Part* 164 W. Clayton Ph«nc_46) E. KAY “THE SMILING PAINTER* Pino Painting and Interior . Decorating Phone 1297, Athenn, Ga. — INSURANCE Northwestern Mutual Life Lowest Net Cost, Most Flexible Cdntract. , B. R. Bloodworth 212 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phone 1467 a28c FLOWER SHOP ictory—but when you want wers—call JONES FLOWER SHOP REAL ESTATE D. G. Anderson & Co. 224 E. Clayton St. Phone 74. j28-’24 Iron and Metal Automobiles. Dealers in, scrap VULCANIZING polish cars, dope All work guaran- class vulcanizing. STEAM-PRESSING SOMEBODY IS WAITING TO BUY WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL- SOMEBODY IS WANTING WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. y A Classified Advertisement in The Banner-Herald will get buyer and seller, together and close the deal. Classified advertisements in The Banner-Herald cost but 2 cents a word each insertion, cash with order; no advertisement accepted for less than 40 cents, ;ach issue. ALMOST EVERYBODY IN ATHENS READS THE BANNER-HERALD STARTERS AND GENERATORS REPAIRED Cleaners that clean. Bats reno- Phono 686. s!8c BARBECUE If not try it today. We Serve It Fresh Every Day. Flournoy’s Barbecue Caff Broad St. Phone 1740 -a27p PHOTOGRAPHERS KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED WHILE YOU WAIT. We Take Them at 10 A. M. Out at S P. M. \dams & Arnett Studic 162 H Clayton St. Electrical Testing Equipment, Ignition a Specialty General Auto Repairing -STARTER & GENERATOR REPAIR COMPANY Roy W. Mewhuurne Genuine Ford Parts and Second Hand Parts for all Makes Cars. Comer Clayton and Thomas Streets, Entrance Clayton .Street Day Phone 1316. Night Phone 608. * s21c USED CARS 1921 Runabout .. $165.00 1923 Touring, (6 months old) $325.00 1920 Touring ... $150.00 1 Ton Truck .... $265.00 C A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO OFFICE SUPPLIES A Complete Office Supply House Art Metal Agency ^ THE McGREGOR CO. Clayton St. Athena, Ga. o31e MONEY TO LOAN We make loans on improved city property at a very low rate of interest. h. o. epting & co. S. W.JJssery Jay H. Epting Managers Loan Dept. Phono 1680. Holman Bldg. NOTICE NOTICE I am now located 212 Southern Mutual Building handling all linci of insurant and NORTHWESTERN-MUTUAL LIFE Lowest Net Coat—Moat Flexible Contract. B. R. BLOODWORTH Phono 1467 . phono 1467 s20c USED CAR BARGAINS AND PRODUCE Merry Produce Co. BUILDERS JNO. K. DAVIS Builder 701 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phono 1877. Franklin 5 Passenger Coupe LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY Phone 1711 Phone 1711 WANTED POSITION VULCANIZING OFFICE MAN with over twenty years experience Bookkeeping, Banking and General Office Worlc will bd open for position on or after Sept 1st Permanently employed at present but. desires change. Can furnish best of references, p. O. Box 728. AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES • When Your Car Necda Betiring Let Ua Put Our Guaranteed Tires All the Way Round. Motor Tire & Supply Co. MUSIC SHOP One Slightly Used Pianof Was $500, Now $250. PURE AND SPARKLING (] NATURE’S BEST REMEDY - No othar water haa tht wondartul taste, tha Invigorating feal-_ Ing that It laavta after each plats full—It’s delightful, yaa It’s— LINTON SPRINGS WATER Ik It All Year ’Round—But Especially In Boring and Bum- mtfk-PHONI t6 Linton Springs Water Company Off lea Broad Btreot CARS WASHED Bring Your Car to Ua for Washing and Dopeing. Clarke Storage Battery Company Low Price Batcries for Any Car. Phone 677 Phono 677 ■13c VULCANIZING Good Used Bargains 1010 Cadillac Touring 1621 Studcbaxcr Big Six 1019 Buick B Passenger The Soule Cadillac Co. 14B W. Clayton. Foster Pressing Company Cleaning, Dying, Repairing and Prating Von Canon-Wall Building Phono 1884 Phone 1886 • «23c. YOU-DRIVE-IT We Repair Any Make Car. Our Mechanic! Know How. Why Not B. One of Our Satisfied Customers. Ypu-Drive-It Co. one B4L J. L. SMITH, Mgr. s6c SEEDS-SEEDS Invite Us to Your Next Blowout. Phone 271 City Garage & Motor N Company a27c PRINTERS Good Printing Is An Advertisement for Your Business. Place Your Order Now For Your Fall Requirement. The McGregor Co. Used Car Pick-Ups Cadillac 8 Ford like new All of our cars are in good condition. EPPS GARAGE Hudson Essex a24c M Inter Daffy Dllly Pee Wee was u dude. He wore suits with wide Htripcs sometime^ suite witty blj? dots other tlm's and suits like checkerboards in between times. Ho *vore eye-glnssos amT^carrlcd a cano and looked quite ns gorgeous aa King SiuMikurns himself, although lie didn't wear a crown mi his head hut a high silk hat Instead. And I’m sorry to in/ that some of the other Pee Wee Landers made fun H&'hlm behind Ills hu. k--thu boys most of all. Wlnky Wank and" Davy Dumpy and Dinky Doodle and Tiny Mite and Georgle Porgle and the whole crowd Itehaved something awful whenever ha They should have been nshamed of themselves, for although Mister Daffy Dllly was a bit ofht about his clothes he had a heart as hig as r. watermelon almost and liked everybody. And his manners were simply fine. one day them was a hall game In Pco Wee Land. And ’>vcrybudy was there to see how it would come out. Daffy Dllly wa sthere. too, right In the front row. First thing you know, the ball came along and knocked Mister Daffy’s hat ? -mm off. Hut ho acted as IT he didn't <! u bit and picked It up all maahed atttfS* everything and put It on again*.. • That’s alight." be said pleasantly; •*1 don't inliul." Pretty soon the ball came along and knocked hia can* out of his hand. "Tnat’s uU right," he declared, pick ing it up os nice tis pie. Pretty sfjon^the ball came along aU covered with mud uud splashed over him. • I don't mind a bit," be wig. 'Til send It. to the cicaucrs. Don’t worry 1 ' anybody." . Hut nancy was road and ahe stood right up. ••You boys ought to be ashamed yourselves," she shouted. "Wl Wank, go home and wash your ears. Tommy Tumble, you need a tfffr. brush, and Davy Dump, you're siwaJM-n a sight and so are the rest of you. . Como up this minute and apologue ,to. ;; poor Mister Daffy for being so mean,".. And so they did, all .of them, and they were never mean again. But It tautfht Mister Daffy Dllly. a lesson, too. lie dressed much more sensibly after that. (To Bt Continued) -> ■ ears. JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES . 1 The Pirate Ship Story hy nil Cochran- ' Drawing* by Leo Wright. Kettles nhd been -Tack’s beat friend and he disliked the Idea of bci-ig away from him. Then a sudden thought struck Jack. One of the crew was just about to hurl a barrel into tho sea. Jack suddenly sneaked to the open part of this barrel and crawled nisldo. Flip watched eagerly. . BATTERY REPAIRING We’ve o Size For Your Car— ATHENS ENGINEEHING CO. Smith Bnilding Phono 711 Field and Garden Seed. Bulba and Flower Pott. Sprayers and Insecticides. Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. Feeds and Remedies. H. L. Cofer Seed Co. Phono 247. 269 N. Lumpkin St. s!4c AUTOMOBILE PARTS Auto Parts Half Price. Auto Wrecking Company 840 brood Street We are equipped to give you the best service in tire and tube re pairing in the city. ATHENS TIRE SERVICE CO. Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate Commission I per cent over 41,000| 10 per cent np'to 31,000. „ HUBERT M. RYLEE Law offices Phone 1675. 405 Holman Bldg* ^ Athens, Georgia Man Gifted With Wonder ful Power Through the Subconscious Mind GABLE, Medium and Life Reader, will give demonstrations of the power of the subconscious mind at hig offico by calling your name in full, teilfng you the ob ject of your call and advising you truthfully on any affairs of life. With no prior knowledge of you he calls the name of your hus band, wife or sweetheart. With unerring accuracy he does this by' concentration of the sub-conscious mind, the mind in which you see with, dream with and hear with, and the same mind in which all great things are accomplished.; Every person has more or less power of the sub-conscious, mind. This mind can be developed by some people. He has read for and, advised some 1 of America’s most 1 successful men and women of j whom he has their indorsements. If your business is not paying you sufficiently for the amount invest-« ed there is a cause. Consult Prof. 1 Gable; ha gives advice on business changes, separations, speculations,) marriage, love, divorces, law suits,; travel and sickness. Those com-j ing from a distance will be given, special appointments. Office hours 9 to 8:30 P. M. 279H Lumpkin Street, Upstairs. — (Advertise ment.) *23p The little ^venturer turned around and saw that Flip, too had decided to make a break for freedom. Hia pet dog had Jumped over board and was now swimming as fast as he cotjld toward .lack. “Come n, old fellow!” shouted Jack, and loon Flip was right at his side. (Continued.) , / CARD OF THANKS Mrs. and .Mrs. H. L. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bullock, Misses Luln and Clara Matthews wish to thank their friends for the beautiful floral offerings and many courtesies. shown them in (heir recent bereavement, In the death of their brother, W. J. Mat. Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company The Western Railway of Alabama The Georgia Railroad The Summer Toorist season ts now oa and vacations nr* in order. You wIU bo glad to know that conditions surround* lag Summer Tourist travel an more liberal this season than in almost any prevloas year. Reduced rates are In effect to practically every state in tbe Union as woll as to some points In Canada, the varionn tours including delightful trips on th^ Atlantic end Pacific oceans! the Gnat Lakes, St. Law rence River, Hudson River, through tho Yellowstone and other Notional Parka, to tho Grand Canyon, etc. Stop-overs may he made at any point on either going or return trip, within final limit of ticket, which is. In moot cases, Octo ber 31, 1923. , Let ns help you arrange your vacation. We sro here to nerve and any Information deotrod will bo gUdly furnished by tlckot agent In your town or by the undersigned, "x J. P. BILLUPS, Genoral Passenger Agent, ~r:.r..: • ,, ir - Atlanta, Oa.