The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 14, 1923, Image 1

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    InVeatlgat* Today!
■■ Jo Regular Subscribe
$1,000 Actldent Polity Fret
OLD 2»'-J
NEW... .' 27*
PARIS.—When Premier Mussoli
ni declare, the annexation ol
Flume to Italy he will annonta
the withdrawal or Italian troops
from the port of Harms adjoining
harbor, It la learned here from au
thoritative aoureo. He will thus
live up any claim to that port, to
Sussak and* to the delta which ha
(I 10 Jugo-SIavla.
Thla la atated to be the mutt
of the direct negotlatlona now go
ing on between Premier Muaaollnl
and the Jugo-Slav government
vUih are reported near the point
ol completlnn. Jugo-SIavala la be
ing aatlafled to have a tree hand
left to It
In the development o( the port
Premier Mpaeollnl’e declaration
of annexation of Flume waa fixed
lor Saturday, according to a pre
vious announcement and it la to
morrow that the time limit exnlre
Mnsaollnl’a note to Jogo-Slavla
artt-h has lieen construed In aome
rmortera as an ultimatum. Latest
detekinmcnta both from Rome and
Belgrade appear tending toward a
settlement of the Serbo-Ilallan
crisis which was at one time
1 +
till I C S C C |C “Battle of the Continents”
! fl I L LLnUL I U to Draw Record Crowds
At Polo Grounds Friday
A lively diacutmlon was preclpl
tated In the meotlnK of the Kl-
wnnl* club Thur«d.iy when
leaalntc of tbe C. and O. railroad
by the Atlantic Coaat Une came
JohiP B. Onmble, a guest of the
dub, waa Introduced by President
I Barnett' nnd he went Into detaib
of the proponed fcaae, showing
how this road ura* n bridge Into
the coal fields In Virginia, Tenn>
esaee and Went Virginia and.ahould
he left open to. the une of all the
rondn that tap It. He nald that the |
proponed leane would give the A. C '
L. nnd Itn allied roadn a practical
monopoly on the co*.l nltuatlon for
tho doutheant nnd would have itn
effect on the leaning of t!)o Want-
ern nnd Atlantic, the ntate road
when the leane expires In IMS.
Thin road now In leaned by the N
C. and St. L.
Mr. Gamble requested* that ths
cluh. go on record an opposing the
! tense. After much discussion, pre
nnd con. a committee waa voted
the earthquake. Photo ehowa veeeel being loaded
the first relief vessel lo leave America for TO INVITE
1 bO,000 pounds of provision!, mostly rice, ROTARY CLUB
f thousands of Japanese made penniless by
“ * ‘ * * at Seattle.
It was unanimously voted to In*
PARtH — Stress mannas speech
Thursday 1s looked upon here
largely Intended to prepare th*
public in Germany fbr abandon
ment of the passive resistance la
the Ruhr. . *
Assurance la given by * France
that tfyere la no dsatre to prolona
the occupation of ths Ruhr and tha
if natisfitetory basis for negotiation
1" ofefred fiance will not be prone
to avoid discussion, with the view
of an early settlement.
Resigns As King
Refuses Grants
Jap Jumps From Window;
To His Death; Thought
Family Kilted in Quake
(By Aaaco'aud Praam)
NEW YORK.—Tokonoakue
Inyuye, head accountant of tho
Ml tan! and company, Japanese
oxportera and importora, Jump
ed to him death from tho fif
teenth floor of hla lower
Broadway office building Fri
day morning. He * la aald to
have been despondent because
he believed hla family waa
wiped oat la the Tokio earth
Boys’ Gym. Class to
Open At “Y" Friday
The formal opening of tho feoy’a
Gymnasium classat,the,local Y.
m. C. A. will D« fali Jnjthe )'Y M
resigned Thursday morning W*MTi .a
Alfonso returned*to the capital ahd ibuilding cn LawpM t tore at © g
was met at the station by members * o'clock Friday evevlnff.
«*f the cabinet and proceded direct- a short program III th^ gjrmnas-
!>■ to the palace where be. went do , wl|| p. loUo wod by « general
“•nferencs with Premier Alhuce-
mns. * '
It la uaderstood that the premier
MADRID—The Spanish
requested the king to grant govern
toeat facilities* for the jkinlshmcnt
*»f the military revoltera at Bar
eelona and 'elsewhere. The king
refused an dthe premier thereupon
submitted his resignation of the
entire cabinet.
There's just one kind of a
ntan or institution that cannot
afford lo advert!*©—the one
that does not have honest
goods. Advertising and the
goods go together. Neither is
of value without the other.
Without advertising the best
roods will not, as a rule, reach
the public. And without‘hon
est goods, advertising Lfftt
bring no permanent suetdiB—
nor will any other operation.
Rut together they make atfWBj^
Inspection of the Y. M C. A. build
Parents of the boys, members ol
the Y, and friends are invited to
When the Georgia Highway Com
mission meets at East Point next
Monday (morning a committee from
the Athens Chamber of Commerce
•Isylll he 'present to Join others In
asking for an emergency tnnln*
tennnoe fund to improve the high
way‘between* Athens and the Sa
vannah fiver In Hurt county.
Action authorizing the road com
mute of the Chamber of Commerce
to appear befose the Commission
urging appropriation of tS.OOO fot
Immediate repair wont on thla Im
portant spur of the Bankh»*d high
way was taken Friday morning, by
tho directors.
GrJf/eth, member of the
maintenance force of the depart
ment In Madison, Hart and Frank
lin county appeared before the dl-
(Turn to Page These)
club to bs the guests of the club
at the next meeting and at he samr
; lme entertain the specialitax com
»mission that will be sitting to Atb
• ens that day.
! The Joint meeting of the twe
I clubs, if the Rotartans accept, wll’
.'be held about the 20th. This will
| also be "Constitution Study Week’
( for the Klwnnls club and a com
mlttee composed of Major A. ,L Mc
Coy, Walter Hodgso nand DuPree
Hunnlcutt was named to handle th<
• program.
I Dr. Jere M. Pound won the at*
tendance prise, given by Bolling
Du Bose. .Guests of the dub. In ad
dition to Mr. Gamble, were Cap
tain Bachman of the University R
O. T. C. and John Talmadge. The
meeting was held at Unger Longer
Lodge and was largely attended
A vote of thsnka nnd. good wisher
was sent the Lexington cheese
factory f#r .the delicious chee*«
furnished by.Klwanlan Dave Pad
dock. ’
fight details
Tho Banner-Herald will re
ceive the result of the Demp-
•ey-FIrpc fight Friday night and
- will be pleased to have Athens
fans call 1210 for this Informa
tion. The details of the big meet
are as follows: v
Date. Friday night, Septem
ber 14.
Place, polo Ground; home of
the New York Giants.
Lim.t, lb rounds; judges' de
Tlmo of bout, 9:30, Eastern
(daylight) or 8:30 Athens time.
rurse, Dempsey to receive
37 1-3 per cent of gross receipts.
Firpo 12 1-2 per. cent.
Semi-final oout. Gene Tun-
ney. American light-heavy-
weight champion, vs. Leo Gates;
of New York,. 12 rounds. This
fish* follows main trout.
Preliminaries. Jack Burke, of*
Pittsburg, vs. Bill Rood, of Co-
lunibhs, Ohla. 8 rounds; A1 Rob
erts, va. Mike iZied, both, of
New York. 6 rounds; Leo
Brown. Australian, war. nan
Bright, England. 6 rounds.
Price of tickets, $3.&0 to
Yarborough Denies the . T , ;
Charges Made Against ^egro migration to northern states was likened to
Him; Opposed to Flog- “the first pale rays of the dawn of a better day” for
ging, He Says. the south by Judge Blanton Fortson of the Western
i Circuit, in an address delivered to members of the
Eighth and Ninth Congressional District Press As
sociation, in joint session here Friday.
“Tho fundamental reason for tho
Open Letter Admittedly
Germany Can Pay No
Written in _ Yarborough | .More ‘ T han 30 Billion I
Were Also ^ ° therS ! 1 Marks ’ Says C,mo 1
NEW YORK.—-Tha.,day 1ar-
MACON, Qaa—Tho StaU Friday
morning called wltnesoo against the
dofenso testimony which had
tempted to, prove the bad character
of eeveral of tho etato'o whnssse*
Several testified to tho good char
acter of W. O. Burnet V»ho claimed
to ho a victim of tho ftogcpr*.
f'lheni testified that tho Intimation
of tho defense that Burnett had
mistreated his wife white iii wore
Tho Burnett daughter ewd tho
tick mother had not been mistreat
ed and further stated that when
the defense attorney Rosa learned
the nature of the testimony she
would give he offered to pay her
wJtneeo fee and mileage asking her
to (oavi town.
It. developed that defense Attor
rtoy Rots was also a member of the
k|.n, H, took the stand himself
tlnonts’’ will have passed Into hla- ' |’* d Wl him Burnett mistreated
torjr ere another sun rises either , B ? l 5 ‘*.1, * ni
on ■ new world bearywolibt chant- *»"* conclud « d *hortly after noon
plan or the bronted giant, Jack I —
Dempsey, remain* anconqaered In MACON.—Dr. C. R. ’Yarbrough,
the realm, of flstlana.
J. H. Dorsey III,
Boils the Trouble
Friends of Tax Receiver J. H
Dorsey will bo sorry to learn that
he Is ill at a local hospital. He
haa been suffering for several days
with carbuncles on hlo neck and
they became so serious that he was
forced to bed.
His Illness la. not considtred se
rious but Is very painful.
Friday night at tbs Polo Grounds
here Jack Dempsey of the North
American continent, meets Luis
Angel FIrpo of the Argentine for
the heavyweight championship of
the world.
Tho Amsrtcan holder of the tltlq.
king In the squarretf circle foV the
past four years, will go Into the
oonfllct with hla bronzed, grim
vlaaged South American adversary
an overwhelming favorite, among
on trial charged'with rioting la
< ' ’] " i:'i tin* ili’KKlng twin*
last year of It. F. Mills, denied hero
Thursday tho charges made against
him and stated that he disapproved
r *f nagging and all forms of . law-
Dr. Yarbrough admitted that ho
as a member of the Ku KIux
Klar. dpd declared that the klan
stood for law and order, and* that
It did not stand for flogging.
The atate then introduced three
NEW YORK—Germany can
pay no more than thirty billion
gold marks In reparations, the
sum offered In the last proposal
mad'e by Berlin, Dr. Cuno, for
mer Chancellor 6f Germany, de
clared on his arrival on the
steamship Reliance for a vU:t
of several weeka to thla coun
Dr. Cuno, who Is now presi
dent of the council of the Ham
burg American line said he was
vlaltlne the United States .for
the fourth time as private ett-
Isen and as a shipping man.
The visit has no connection
with politics he said, as he had
definitely left the office te the
chancellor behind
~J negro migration is tho restriction
on southern European Immieru-
gratlon," said tho jurist. “These
immigrants have for a gvoorption
constituted tho unskilled Iabo<
ply of the. north. Fi
of their Inability to be ass
by us, for the safoty of our insti
tutions, congrea* has at last tak
en measures reducing tho number
of these people to bo nrlmltted. 1*1
“Thereforu, there exists a labor
shortage In all Industrial, centers,
and* It Is to fill this shortage that
tho negro la going north. Many In
fluences aro and will bo brought
to hear upon congress to let down
the bars to thla horde I ask you.
gentlemen, not only to opposo this
but to urge even more restrict Ions.
Thcso Immigrants frequently con
stitute the worst elemonts in their
respective countries. They have no
knowledge or sympathy for our in
stitutions. They create disorder
and almost are impossible to ns*
aim Hate.
i Europe
The latti
close followers of the game, to win i letters alleged ^o have been writ
and to win decisively. But while ten In Dr Yarbrough's office. A
expert analysis of the fight—the typewriter expert said he thought
“dope”—all point toward victory | the letter which waa admittedly
for the champion, those who have written on the Yarbrough machine
fdllowed the meteoric else of FIrpo, j and the other three were written
hla climb from obscurity to fame. $ on tho same machine. The state
fortune and tho position of. fore-. Introduced a number of rebuttal
most challenger In a year and a {witnesses before the court
half, believe that the “mighty, journed.
right” that has thrust aside all op-
Iiut tho sou»h
KOropeqn. whether h« U-**i-
r or Inferior, is nut Hkn vs.
T^iicinpcu SpqRinn Gontine* I will f»*p«itt. ho shcAild !>o
mibiness oesmon i_onun- | t ou( And . , f hl , ls k „ p , oul ,
ued After Liuiekeon.At nr K ro win wiu> exar-incr.winx
State Normal School;I; u ' ll,b ; h " ur< rIT.“
/r i.. * rprrrn *•. indiMtrinl bejfthri. As he .ruf**
Many Attend. Ui,u„ „t ,ui.Hor .tanda>4k>o!
li\ii:r. »:f mom Intelligence, more
position heretofore may upset cal- { • W mm
SrttoM end tojj ^ P RELIEF
iK-alabla team.
VMa MW one atop. »d»er-
. Somoone atop. bujrtW. j
IVhen aomeone atop, buyfoif,
Someone atop, aellinx.
When someone stops selling,
Someone stops making.
When someone stops making,
Someone stops earning.
When ereryone atop, earninf,
F'l'ineW atop, buyink.
Thrn tH* brrad M"-’.
Moral—Krro x"inx.
Phone 75.
.WASIHNOTON, —. Thlrty-aeyfn
apMlflo, raeommendnUooa
nwd, by tha »dl commlaaloit
Thuradny to rreeld.nt CoolWgr
with a ri,tr of Inatirfnx . depend-
able aupply of fual to the public
adequate wages to the miners and
■ Reasonable return to the opera
tors. Tiie- ,h * !
all these things are possible.
One recommendation made was
that a'group from the miners re
preeentatlvas and one from the op
erators Join In tb* study of way*
and means of stabilising ths In
dustry to prevent unemploymen
and uneven production. Anothei
suggestion was that the operator!
P-jjfaxWt ftn oreanliuitlnn amon"
themselves as effective ax that
| the miner* “both art a defensb
land co-opwatlv. meoaure." *-b •
Athens’ “parior burglar” has the police guessing.
At least, the police say the lone bandit has them
scratching their heads in deep thought. No (less a per
sonage thi
tive depai
“job” or “jol
ley Seagraves, chief of the detec-
veteran slueth says this particular
las been handled in clever /style by
a clue, except finger prints on the
io Cauthen home on Milledge and
footprints at the Dorsey and Crews homes on the
same street, has been left by the burglar.
ond atory room In the'E. H. Dor-
Chief Seecrarea declare, there
I* no donbt In hla mind bnt that
the thief wa. the tame who rob-
Caathee -awd
Crew, home, on Milled re. all arltb-
In a few blocke Of each other.
Whether the borcUr lives In
Athena ta not known. In fact, he
bed the Mlddlebrooka, Nlcholaon l haa pretty welt covered np all
and one other, heme teat month. I trace of hla Identity. An to what
In nearly every Inaunc* the berg-1 nature of person be I*. th«r* I* *
Ur entered the residence through l wealth of opinion. For Instance,
the "wild bull of the ramps, "
Attracting the greatest Interest
of any International anaounter for
ring honor, since the Dempsey-
CarpenUer battle two y«ra uo.
the 15 round title match at tho
f id ground, promise, to rlrgl aa
apectncto that hl.tortc atnigglo
In which the champion vanquish,
ed hla rival from France
A throng of mor* than 90.00"
will pay aptroxlmately $W40J)00
(Turn to page eight)
Ask Aid in
Obtaining Lower
Rates on Produce
See Death in Tomato
Shipping Enterprise If
“Discrimination” Is Not
ATLANTA. Ojv—Farmer.
Georgia are asking Senator w.
Harris to renew the fight ter
reduction In freight rate* «*n farm
products! sin dfody |the Benatqi
communicated, with tho Tntfrntaic
Commerce Commission.
Tho latest complaint 1* from th
Sweetwater Valley Truck Grjww
Association, of Powder Springs, fla
who say “the railroads ore dlscrlm
Insttng against ua very, vrrv m-eat-
Iy In the puttier of fte'th: netes
and untm» *• *i«* •»’•»?« ta V- :rr.r
relief front the pn>hlbitiv»? lutes 1«
means the death of an enterprise
which will mean a grevt d*al tu the
farmers.- *
The aosoclatlon cites the-freight
of 1429.50 An their first car of to
matoes from Powder gprint* it
Tampa. FUu while they say the
Tho Japenae* relief fund la
Athene and Clarke county waa
ovuraubatrfbed' Friday whan
thd rr.mmlttee announced that
$555.85 In cub bad been rail
ed through tha Red Croaa. The
Goal wa. $640.
Those aubacrtblng since
Thnradav follow:
Subscribed .....$47745
Cash, 1.00
Ladle, Heb. Com. Clnb 5.00
Judxolc. H. Brand 6.00
T. F. Preen 10.00
cash .50
Cash 2.0.
Mrs. Bocock 1.00
Cash «.00
J 1. Wilkins 5.00
Georgia Natl. Bank ... 10.00
American Stato Sank .. 10.00
M mbacrlptloas $668.15
The meeting of the fth nnd »th
dl.trlct Prc.fl Asroclatlona
Journed- at 18:10 Friday morning
for lunch at the State Normal
School aiKf tho bualneso of the ses
sion wu carried forward to
At tha morning oeulon Judfe
Blanton Fortaon and C. D. Hour,
treo. preaidant of tha Stale free
AaoacUUon. nddreaaed the meeting
while Louie Morris of Hartwell, C
M. Morcock of LawrerujevUlc, W
T. Bacon of Madison. !1 A. #!nld-
well of.Monroe, John* F. Shannon
of Commerce, Congressman Char<e»
If. Brand and others spoke an
newspaper problem*. /* •.
The aetBlon wa* well attenJe-1
and the dlscuialon* entered Into
highly beneficial to the members |!koen a
of tile asaoclatJ*^
greater* induni
take bis place. Our farr
gradually Improve. Labor
tho natlo
im; of
“Of coursi
Is proprecy
deed, who
And to the
. I understand lhat this
-and he Ih hoUf. In-
would prophecy. But,
, I believe it to he true,
negroes who leave ua.
r say God speed. \ rejoice lo It.
It geetng that for the south
hich ha* waited so long In the
dsrknon It !■ a* th«* find pale.rays
of tha dawn of a better day,"
Through no .conKHou* fTillt or
volition on hla part, tho negro has
ATLANTA, Os.—J. R. Satter-
fivHj. murderer sf hi?
brother-in-law. J. H. Hart, was
sentenced tx "death by Judge John
D. Humphries in ths Fulton toper,
lor court Thuradny night
Satterfield woa sentenced to he
hanged in Fulton tower on Nov
ember 2nd. Attorneys for Sitter-
fid dlnunedlately gave notice that
hey would appeal for n new trial.
vat diet.
madison; os.—mck .Morokn.
John Morakea; and John Pntros.
three ktadlion men were sentenced
to Ufa Imprisonment In the peni
tentiary for the murder of Jim
Morakea, of iMadlson, on June P
list. In the superior court here
Thunder night
The verdict of guilty woa return
ed by the Jury nt 7 o’clock Thurs
day night. A recommendation of
mercy waa mado by tho Jury and
Judge J. .B. Park pronounced the
sentence. o( lire terms In the peni
tentiary for tho trio.
The atate bared Its earn largely
i circumstantial evndcncc, alleg.
Ing that Jim Morakea waa ■ killed
roip tha blow of a hammer by Dick
Morakea ted that the other two
transported the body to Columbia,
B C.. where If was buried In «
field. ,
Death Claims Littic
Martha May llaynes
Martha May Haynes, aged 2
years and six months, died Thurs
day night at 10 o'cloc at the home
of Ur parent:, Mr. s=d Mrs. Arss-
atrong Haynes 0 f Wlntervllle.
Funeral service, will be con
ducted from the home Saturday
morning at 11 o'clock with Rev.
W. M. Colie, Baptist minister, of
Interment will bo In the Wfnter-
vllle cemetery. Bernstelo Brother,
funeral home will ho In charge.
Urn Jittb sill is sarrived fcy.hef
parent, and two brother!. i ly j i
le, perhnp.
nnd kindly people."
I Mid the jurist.
I “Of course. ; understand we have
I made considerable pmrress since
the otter prostration following ibe
Civil war nnd reconstruction" >10
continued, "but every iho ignifot
perar.n must rrnllie that we have
not nml nro not now keeping pace
with tho development of other sec
tions of tho country. And It wuu d
seem clear that there must bo
aome fundamental ret
retarded progreia ot!
devastation of a war nnu r.wuu-
s'.ructlon now nearly sixty y>am
behind ua. 1
th*ui the
"Moit observers agree. I think,
that no aelcctton of the nation is
more richly endowed with natural
advantages —- climate, materials,
harbors, waterpower*, noil—and yet
wo lag behind ?he rest of the na
tion In wealth, manufactures, com-
(Turn to Page Three)
DECATUR.—Mra Haxollno Evans
was found not guilty of the mur-
ore **» bee htuband by q JHWBB
Dekall) county enperior eotnt-ay,
Decatur late Thursday night. So
licitor Generat Ctaudo C. Smith
read tho verdict. Much emotion
was shown by thoae In tho court
When tho verdfet was read
sprang from her chair
of Joy. rywbep*
bniulH and