Newspaper Page Text
l'nlvarsity of Georgia Freshmen
Jacksonville State Normal and
Tt° h ,u n m JjvrfJF tTm |<wt - lft ■
(leorgla Tech* frcshnfen at Atlanta
and the Florida freshmen at Jack*
arranged are to be played In
I Auburn and Opelika, two team;
will be met out of the immedinU
l | vicinity of the Tiger campus. On
, >jEW YORK—Jack Dempsey derfat* the champion, I can see on- J November 10 Coach Newell's clan
world’s heuvyweb.m chanipidn, is b’ one possible result. I have train j w j|| out for Pensacola, Fla., for
‘confident that he will retain hlr *<* dllllgently, am in perfect physl* I „ ron test with the ’Gator freshmen
t title in his battle at th<* polo c«! condition and believe that then j wh . ch were met Jn Jacksonville
•Grounds Friday night with Luis will b a a new champion afier Fr! j |. l8t geason. The game with fht
Angel) Firpo. The challenger from day nl^ht. ( n [Georgia Tech, freshles will be play-
Argentina is equally sure that In 1 • , . , i eq on November 24 which will con
, will dethrone Dempsey. Jack WHAT^THE ' (clpde the freshman program. Th<
reached Its highest; the school for ltnf smen, put the
peak, since the beginning of prac- • men under him through the hard
tlce on last Monday, in the Bull- t . s t *orlc of the afternoon, that ot
dogs back-yard- Thursday after- i opening up holes, getting down the
noon. To begin with the varsity) fi c |d, charging, and every kind ot
work in general for this depart-
l, Kearns and Horatio Lavello, th«=
managers, are just as sure that}
their respective charges will win KEARNS—Th
,,Dempsey and Kearns made theii finish Firpo jurit
.predictions at White Hulphm
Springs, while Firpo nnd Lawllc
made theirs at Atlantic City.
, „TUfl statements of the boxers
tjKir.mannqera follow:
.DEMPSEY—I’ll do my -
agwinst Firpo. Tm gn'ms to m
. it a short fight If I can. but I w
‘fty I’m gain'.: to knock him mu
a punch. I never make predict !<
' have,,never seen Firpo I;
don’t know hla style.
' like any other challenger.
champion’ jwfif
. s quick i'ui h<
You can rest 'assured that’ 1
one punch will win the battle,' that
. Is all Jack will swing. He does not
j Intend to take any ehsncea. Yot
i never can tell wheli a wild oPe wll'
( land and make a new chrtmpioh
Jack looks in great shdpe ftn(I if
tm | feeling fine. To me he seemk to be
I in better condition than lie was at
».?j • Rhelhy. I have n» cn-***eb»'islon on
ikf J th“ oMteoir" of the Flrno bout,
m’t LA VALLE—Not more than nim
ir '•"Mndi T feel sure that Luis wll’
na | win within that time, for I do not
ind j think that there is a man In th«
he i« j world who can stand un against him
1*11 make | In the kind of ho"t that this will
itp Jny r style of battle when I entej | be. Jlut even if Firpo should lore
: the rlhg. It would be almost use-1 the bout will no; last lonarr than
"•’lesa for me to plan Jn advanc e. Opr! nine rounds. Neither Dempsey noi
■punch from him might, upsot my
.plans completely. He’s a hard hit-
’ ter and a tough man. I understand
1 am ready for whatever he has tr
‘show. That’s all.
it* for .this contest has not, yet
been decided upon. It wll probab
ly he played In Atlanta or Savan
One or two other games are salt
Jo be pending and some of the
open dates of the present may y
be filled with games. The games
appearing definitely on the Fresh!*
calendar for the coming season, in*
October 6, opt-n.
October 12. Mercer, campus.
October 2d, I’nlverslty of Georgia
October 27, Troy State Nora ml
November 3, open.
November 10, Florida Frdshmen
Pensacola. Fla.
November 17, Hamilton Aggies
November 24, Georgia Tech fresh
men, Atlanta or Savannah.
linesmen were ordered to ap)>ear
on the field with shoulder pads and
head gears. Drill of a most inten
sive nature In tho art of throwing
rnent of the team.
'< iach White tutored the Fresh,
man hacks, whlld Coach Hackman
FIRPO—I naturally base my
opinion on the outcome of the ap
proacWng bout on my past achieve
ments, I argue that I have ac
' compllshcd *everythlng that ha*
been asked of me In the past and ?
' wm not grt rny first taste of de-
"feat in .this the most Important test
’*(4f all. My decisive victories of th<
'pm* have given me the necessary
c ihfldence. and. while I do not un-' apiece.
NEW YORK -Despite the ef :
forts of Tix Rhka-d ‘ to prevent' t
tickets for the’e between /Jack
Demimry end Luh Flrno from fall-,' ,<tT>VD?VG OP CLUBR
Jog into the bends of speculator-?, • . SOUTHERN LEAGUE
the latter gentry have been able J 4 jy ^ p c £
in R»rurr poj,- nt ihe , miioh- ,Ncw Orleans ... ... 89 50 .041
nought pOFtebourdn. Mobile 83 01 .570
Apparently they hove ,nnt lieep i nirmlnehom i 72 47 .518
nhle to aeciire very mnny. however; M„ nnl(1 „ u r,11
for they are asking prleen that nr, : Atlanta , ; 72 71 .508
exorbitant even fo,. epecllnfora^ i N -„ h% ., lc , n w m
. " J* r, T iEhatt-nootra 57 85 .401
ioto,l by the .pecs at ' IBM lAtllc noek 47 88 .348
Georgia Freshmen and Auburn Rats
On October 20th in Opelika
j AUBURN, Ala—A very Attractive
l schedule for • thp Auburn Tlge
I freshmen is near|ng completion ac-
announcements made b;
l the afelctlo authorities Thursday
th* ,Jieginnlng of
jrrtghman t»syu« at Auburn. Lnbt
fy.ab mo*e than sixty youngsters
cjirtf9ptlpg. P¥UtJy ( op many blrt
choqlg4»d iprepkmtory, schools o,
* -i—*—^4,thrckll i. fd
Ir.'jearqora i in
which to train the v.irsitv squad
At the same time ths roaches nr*
much more able to locate deserv
ing men who might be likely look (
kPtSjches hn^* -i'l'
much jSteciopportufit^ of tlrfyin%' New York
home the real fundamentals, o( the; Pittsburg
Wid game. j | Cincinnati
r 1 milrnro
IN CHARGE . If{[,4 t
New York .. .. .... 88 44
Gleveland - 75 68
Detroit 66 61
St. Louis 65 01
Washington 61 68
Chicago ........t 58 72
Philadelphia 115 73
61 788
. ... .....
ie vaf-' i Kirk : XnMH.jjUJ
only atai-^of tfae bkeltfli
rmsii^A *!>egah'
slleAVnlforms. 1 . :
The ‘R. J. r. .rutlng that 'tin
Ity phry;rW allotment- s»f
ireo ^*.*hrs, makes tho freshman
r.Ir.rt® period an important cog In
tilldMc tarfRy ’.machine*. ♦ This.
Fttem. citnids an. opportunity to results in the fali tralnl
iany*1tipr i .en to display their garni* were played lust serai
.an did- the old the emhfryonlo. Tigers whlclv
•n i ( training * re«rve f< iii Smd|| bm a pair of da^tM^uItjij
■ I nl» ' mm’i'mI whb !i \u*i II #d i tim ing tile s***is«>n. Victories wer '
. • t <1- <1 as A dummy. :**im with chalked up agninat Alexander Olt^*
will -he
•'( Ih- * (lAm.n
Coach * N#wirt| wag. In chni
season and experienced
W. L. Pet.
.117 62 .626
80 66 .68?
. 80 86 ,r»w
. 72 64 .529
. 6H 66 .511
. 66 69 .489
. 44 88 .333
. 44 89 .330-
P?.m« ft 1 HtMT- SH/lSON iftR
and receiving passes, filled ; tho, had charge of the linesmen,
greater part of tho afternoon^ for s t r0 ng team Is exi>ected‘ to bi
the backs , while the Freshmen turned out this season,
made their greatest stride since ,-harlie Wlers, Jim Taylor and
the first practice of the year.. j 0 e Harton are how jn the Injury
At the scheduled' hour for the
evening session It was discovered
that sixty candidates, the largest
number to date, were to lend their
presence to the. hardest practice of
the present season. The lilt, when
classified, showed that of the Bfxty,
fourteen/weref trying out for .the
backfleW. twenty-flvh were being
Instructed In line duty, and twenty-
one were preparing for their first
year of college ball, twelve being
linesmen, and the remaining nine
Weirs and Darton are both
out-with bad ankles, but are ex
pected to returA In harness withlrt
a few days. Taylor was the qnly
man of the trio to appear on the
field in grid togs, but was unabie
to participate In any heavy work.
ON TRAIL OF CHILDREN KEPT ORl Tarxhuniania can run'slx m• TI " ,
“PLAYING-’ OUT OF SCHOOL scrlblog tha^xk thafcranniiig nj"
daaco offlaor. County toachera re-iopjj" TaraiiUMra l,, h!'«* l0 ’‘' 0n< '
J°r* <mce ™jV W rY ch ."'} tl’.o Sllneral tie Ocampo^
taa" jurisdiction ** al5 1' covered 90 kilometer BISy' ha ’
John Fletcher looma highly fot
one of the Rank positions. Tho
"Ills Boy's" weight and speed
,-hould figure greatly In the llt.e.
Coach Woodruff Is expected’ to
begin work with the dummy, either
I Friday or Saturday, as the coudl-
Tho varsity backs showed oveel- |lon o( tho entlre squad |, „f ,
lent form In their passing work, ])|Rh ca llbrc.
both at tho throwing and receiving I T)l0 v aralty candidates- out.
ends, at open field running, and; Thursday were: Randall. Phllpot,
getting to tho line of scrimmage.. K j|patriclt. Nelson, Butler. Slmon-
Kevera! varieties of passing wehk| wUz , nerrlot, Ralford. Cleckley.
nractlccd. with Phllimt. Randall, j y Day, Windham, ■ Fulcher and
Butler and Kilpatrick doing the. [ { l oun t. backs; Bennett, Cloud.
Ringing. This means ofnttack will I j (1 g e i 0V e. Cargill, Shattuck, Tlp-
be a strong point In the Bulldogs j ll[n( , j, alISi pvier, Ixvle. Fletcher,
defense this year, and this means , ( , raJr Thomason, Carmichael, R.
promises to he strengthened upon j ir ,. JV v.., ton, Oliver, J. B. Cban-
the arrival of Coach Thomas, who j d | c ' r [ g m |th. Carroll, Pittman, H.
■ expected to "blow In" Friday. Ri< hardson. Orayson, I. V. Chand-
CoacW Stegeman, Instructor In I ] Cr und Moor?.
John Fletcher, imanimouf^chpicc number, upon the Arrival of th«
for All-Southern fullback lost year , Freshman, on next Monday.
.« The squad was divided again
was shifted from, the baekfleld tr, wlth Woodruff earing for the backs
an end position, at Wednesday of- steBPn)nn tho linesmen, aryl* thf
ternoon’*- practice for Georgia’ a ! destinies of the Freshmen weri
candidates. This was the only add*' bn lulled by Coach Bachman. Cone*,
ed feature of the day, as the riguTfrtmiaa* has not arrived in camy
Jar order of the previous practices to date,
ns carired out. More kicking;- pass!**, tackling
Several new faces nre appearing and the backflelds running In for-
i the field every dhy, and ,th« motion will probably be the went,
rquad wlll 4 Increase to Its greatest for tl)« j-fmajned.j.f t)^<y0^4.1
Judge Price Advises Par
ents to Keep Children in
School or Else Violate
State Law.
“Better send that child * to
■ohool,’’ 1« tho advice Judge E. S.
Price, county school attendance of
ficer has for parents who have not
put thefr children In school! thifc
fall. 1 ; t / f : ‘ .' n
Nearly three hundred children
turned school age jn the county
this year,-Judge Price says. The
state cotapulsory school law, how
ever, has Jurisdictlot'i oWy over
children between 8 and 14 years of
Judge Price points out thnt It Is
against the law for a parent to
keep his child 6ut of school If he
is between the ages of 8 and 14.
The’ violation is a misdemeanor,
punishable by the courts.
If a child Is found absent from
school the attendance officer noti
fies the parent. If, within a reas
onable length of time, tho child Is
not returned to school, the parent
Is brought Into court Since Judse
Price assumes duttes of the office
upon its creation three years ago
six cases have been made. Ir
every case a fine was imposed’
lump the parent but. lifted when
tho child returned to school. /
violator of the law can he fined
*18 per dav everr day the child
Is absent. Judge Price says.
The attendance officer keoph n
card Index system, with the name
of every* child of school vro. jf
a child fails to show un it school
the teacher notifies the 'attend-
V • 90 kll0,netfr » lit it h, Hr'
the ductw* ttsavris.
DENVER.—With the bonds f, 8
nancing the construction n
Moffatt tunnel through ,tLo *; r0if
Divide delivered to th^ New y.wk
buyers, tho actual work o n ih< *,i e
boro already has been started
Despite the fact that prospective
bidders for the construction work
were* granted a delay In which tc
prepare their entlm*.:es; work at
tho tunhel site has not been post,
poned. according to President ’VII-
lianj P. Robinson of the tu«jno|
commission. • -»
—In his will. Harry A. Kersey di
rects he be buried lh ’-a'quiet and
EXPERT8 DOUBT OIL SUPPLY unostentatious manner, and In ne-
WILL NEVER EQUAL. DEMAND . ccrdance with the method prevail-
WASHINGTO.—DespRe govern- J ing amongst those people called
ijient efforts in promotion the most jSpIrltuollst, who are fully acquaint-
cvldetn that the country’s oil pro- ed with the facte of the pcslsbility
It la becoming more and more - t of communion between the spirit
evident that the county’s oil pro- mmga** *•-
ductlon will probably never again
catch up with the demand, accord
ing fo a recenj statement of the
Bureau of Mines.
Domestic consumption Increased
from 261.000.000 barrels In 1814 to
586.000.000 barrels In 1D22, the bu
reau’s figures ciiow, while produe-
‘lon Increased from
Most children enter school be
tween tho ages of six and eight.
Howe/er. a study of a first, giade
In one Athens school found one
11-year-old child; one 12 year*
old; one 13 years old; one 10 years
old. Yost r.f the. children were
either' ptx or seven years of age.
The cdtnty schhols hre open
nrfw but Judge' Price lias hot re
ceived a report from absentees in
e'ther the city or county schools.
Judge Prfcq says .as a ceneral rule
most Clarke county children within’
the age limit of the law are taepf
in school'.’ ' ,
world and the materia Iworld
««U to 5C2J)00,000 In the *a^6
icnod. Imcorts ^n^tke
•ip the deficit. # *“
MEXICO CITY.—Mexlc* should
enter a few Tarahumara Indians
In the coming Olympic Games at
aris and win every long Instance
United States Post Office and
Court House, Athens, Georgia
Office of Custodian.
\ Sept. 10, 1923.
Scaled proposals will be received
at\his office until 12 M, Septem-
266.000,000 iber 22, 1923, and then publicly
opened for
at this building »n accordance with
the specification, copies of which
may be obtained from
dian only.
(Advertisement.) Sept. 10-14-18.
— m OAibes
fiiERN League
.Bark at. Atlanta (Schedul
J transferred from Little
Birmingham at Memphis.
\ Mobile nt Chattanooga.
Double Crip PARIS
arc pronounced by lov
ers ol sport and men oi
action to excel tor great
er security and ease.
Say PARIS when you
buy. , ,
"3000Hour, of |
Solid Comfort * -i
Children’* HICKORY Cat'll
Chicago New York
' Double Grip ,,
50c and up ’ >
No metal can touch you
New Orlenna a t Nashville.
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Philadelphia.
Cloveand at Boston.
Detroit at Washington.
Brooklyn at Pittsburg.
Boston nt Cincinnati.
■ New- York at Chicago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
southern LEAGUE
Atlanta U; Little Rock 1.
Birmingham 1; Memphis 4, *
Only, two gamen plnyeil.
ciqtoiand I; Boston 9.
Chirago 5; New York !>.
Ht. Lnui* 2: Philadelphia 3.
Detroit 2; Washington r J.
Prooklyn 7-3; Pittsbdrg 4*0.
Clnclnatl 5; Chicago 3.
Only l wo games played.
Commencing Monday, September H&.
THE GREAT PAYSSOUX—America's Foremost Exponent of Hypnotism
and Mental'Telepathy—Scientific and Refined
Peerless BlihUFoM
Automobile D r i'atlet
Starting at Theatre
Monday 3-R JJ. ^ jg
—" 1 1 ..^li il
Ladies Free
Monday night if ac
companied by escort
holding one paid 60c
PRICES 15, 36, 60s
Plui War Tax
Begins Practice
(By Associated Press)
BEWANEty Tenn. — Practice
season of football nt Bcwanee Is at
hand and prellminarlvs are being
completed this week, >vlth the ( i(rrl
val of Conth Bennett. Manige;
Roland Jones and' candidates for I c^«mploi
the first team. jfWnpon.
Approximately thirty men re
ported to the coach the first of thf
week. Their jiults were banded out
and the thud of the pigskin again
Is heard on Hardee Field, where
many u close battle bus been fought
in days gone by.
Of. the thirty enrolled, nine are
letter men from last year’s team,
three were Ineligible ln»t year, and
five saw service in several engage
ments and failed to make their let
ters, while the remaining thirteen
are frorp hut year’* great\fresh-'
man team .that took both the Van-
dy and Centre freshman Into oamtp
The coaches face a task that mu
seldom confronted a Tlger^ men
tor, In that a game i| sql^eduled oh
September 22. and the college doo»
not formally open until the 20th.
The engagement on September 2i
is with Carson-Newman, which
haa the reputation of turning out
good teams, and this battle Is ex
pected to prove no Tiger olnch, |f
The Tigers who made their lefl
tern,last year and 4 are foturnlnfi
will hnve to mime n captain,
Cooper Litton, elected at the end
of lost season, will not return
the Mountain this fall, it is
ported he will enter Centre.
Charlotte Wins
Again From the
Macpn Peaches
mAcOX, Ga.—Macon wM . ijut-
classjMl by the charlotte Hornet.
In thd flrat date iilayed on the
local gro||Ji(]s -iii the Sally league
Mjy',’«rle«, Thursday nf-
„ gOnaL couht being 1!
to 1. YBi three Charlotte throe
out or the four games played. One
more Is necessary (or Hablltiell’a
crow to clnce the championship.
Will Be Admitted
Free to See Fayssoux, If
Accompanied By {Jscort
With 50 Cent Ticket.
Ladles will b*.,- admitted free
Monday evening, l(,‘*ficompa.nied by
an escort, with a. paid fifty cent
|j*ikct'jt6- jjb« performance of Fhys-
nrtTraiwIsard ef'^Fpibtisni. >
- Adtrlssion to the lov.^f floo.* will
t»a 50 cents; halcoprfSJr and tho
gti’lery for colored; l3e. Perform-
jnneo will commence promptly at
18:30 each evening during the en
gagement. ,
Fayssoux ts well- known as tho
foremost exponent W occultism,
hypnotism ami’ telepathy In Amer
ica today and bis several appear
ances here In past years are re
membered most pleasantly by
many who saw him then. At three
.o’clock Monday afternoon Fays
soux will make his celebrated
blindfold drive through the streets
of the city under the direction of a
committee of prominent 'citizens,
during which he will find a*'post
4-office key, then drive to the post
office, unlock a box, select a par
tlcular letter from among other
letters and deliver it to the party
to whom It Is Intended* The letter
There has been much speculation
as to who will be elected captain,
possibly “Blood” Miller, “Helnle"
Powers and Amos Kent being th«
most prominently mentioned foi
this honor.
It is not now certain that Pow
ers will re-enter Sewanee this fall
nnd It la intimated that* “Blood'
Miller may be Ineligible
count of not making certain eredltt
necessary In a degrfe course. Hit
friends are hoping that this fleet
footed back flohl man will be on
bond when the whlstte blows for
the first game.
“Pete” Baird, who was Ineligible
’art •season, has made his pence
With the faculty, and will give some
one for his money nt the
quarterback position. Seaton liii
ley. also unable to piny last ycai
because he spent a year nt Georglr
Tech, will be In harness for r
baekfleld position and I^mce Minor | the North American continent, will
Is again In the good graces of the J be scaled for perhaps the first time
powers that be. ” louring Sepimnimr, If the (tUviiipS
The freshmen of last year arc I of Carl E. Ellelaon, former army
expected to furnish the varsity I aviator, and C. J Lincke, Anchor
and key will bo bidden by the
mlttee while Fayssoux Is under
guard by other well kno#n -cflizens
and securely blindfolded alf the
while •
ANCHORAQK. Alaska—Mount
| McKinley, the highest elevation, on
candidates some real competition
and the fight for positions i* going
to be % battle royal.
age newspaper man. to land in an
airplane on the frozen plateau al
Its’summit proves successful The
trip will be made for the purpose'
of securing air photographs of the
famous peak nnd the national park
wblcn encloses It. Clqse-up photo*
gftgrh i aSySff&fti hergg-sf
tain fulneM will «tao be taken.
Do you know that the large tanks,
in which Grown Gasoline is stored
at our Service Stations, are sur-
1 rounded by a hooded covering to
protect the gasoline from exten
sive heat and preserve its fresh
ness and pep?
Not only is Crown Gasoline made
right, but it is handled right. Same
with Polarine Motor Oil - Four
Grades-and all of the same quality. I
Try these pr6ducts and know of the satisr
factory results, as well as the efficient ser
vice maintffined for you at our service,
Visit out service stations at
Washington and Thomas Streets
Hancock and Hull
Athens, Ga.
H. And nearly everywhere you go.
' Better Stick To The Standard ; .v
Always buy at the station or
the dealer with the Crown sign.
Stan dar d 0 i l Com pany
«*® a “