Newspaper Page Text
Series of District Meet
ings Arranged, to Put
Over Program Adopted
At Big Session Hpre.
A now agricultural program, one
that will hoop the farmers of Geor
gia on the right road to prosperi
ty, was being worked out here
Friday by county and district
agents at the State College of Ag
The agents were In consultation
with Dr. Andrew M. Soule, presi
dent of the college, J. Phil Camp
bell. director of eitenslon work,
and heads of the various dlvtrlons
st the college. The sessions start-
eo at 10 o'clock and were espected
to take up the greater part of the
Upon completion of the program
the agents will retun to their
homes and a serlea of district-
wide meetings will he held for tho
purpose of “putting over" the pro
grain outlined here Friday.
Director Campbell In comment
ing on the plan said, “We have
thoniht It wise this year on ac
count of the severe boll weevil
fol cotton crop in North Georgia
to make up the programs early,
instead of waiting until January
as heretofore.”
The district meetings have been
scheduled according to soli types
and possible opportunities for
regional developments on specified
agrlcultnrnl lines.
The meetings are .tentatively
s-hcdrlcd ns follows:
Squad 1:
Homo. Gs„ September 24th.
Atlanta. On., September 25th.
Crlffln. Ga.. September filth.
Mncon. Ga., September 27th.
Athens, Ga., September 29th.
Cornelia, Oa., September 29th.
Sound II:
Augusta. Oa., September 24th.
Savannah, Oa., September 29th.
Wnycross, On., September 26|h,
Tirton. Oa.. September 27th.
Albany. Oa.. September 29th.
Columbus. Oa., September 29th.
(Bv Associated PiV'sa.)
ATLANTA.—Fred T. Bridges,
employee of the department of ag-
rlcnttnrw wader Investigation by a
legislative committee, testified at
the hearing Friday that he went
t« teurena county during the cam
paign period of 1922 to correct
false reports which had been cir
culated’ against Commissioner
Brow.i and for the business of the
|By Associated Press.)
ATLAJFTA.—William Ogle. Jr-
s young man of this city is In
the hospital In a critical condition
with a bullet thruogh his stomach
which was received when two p»
llcemen fired on him.
Ogle and three other youths
ahandonedthelr automobile and ran
when policemen started to search
the car. It Ig alleged, for a bottle
of whiskey.. When they started
running the policemen Bred on
Ogle. , >
will he spent in Athens for
Saturday week-end ahooplsg
and it la safe to any that a nurtlon «f thee* dollars
wHI' be guided by the store
ne#e and bnalness announce-
eientfc that appear in The
With a circulation that en
ters over .i.QOO hopes every
evening with 'h edav's news
and at a flaw when every
r ef the family has the
Meet Gov. Walton
Governor Walton ia the man
who put the entire state ot Okla
homa under martial, law in his
fight against mob violence. * i
“I Have Crossed the Ru
bicon,” Says Oklahoma
Governor. Sensational
Testimony Brought Out.
(By Associated Pres#.)
dls*ntorested citizens of this state
Friday aettled back An their seats
and prepared to waten tho “fight
to the finish" between Governor
Walton of this .state and the Ku
Ktux Klan.
Declaring that like tho Caesar
of olden days* he also hod crossed 1
the Rubicon, Governor Walton sta
ted that he was determined to fight
invisible empire” to the fin
After this statement, the gov
ernor made public some sensation
al testimony exposing the alleged
Inner working of the Klan designed
to show that the secret organisa
tion had directed mob violence tn
this state, as an opening gun In the
••finish fight."
The testimony wan taken by the
military court Bitting here, and
was given out by the governor
•fthat the, people may know the
pnrposes't-of (he klan.
Aa a preface to the statement.
Governor Walton declared the bur
den or the fight against the klan
had fallen upon himself nnd upon
a UwIaIi ntabo Mg miinaAlnr. mnk-
Says That Only One Mor
ning Paper Printed News
Giving Truth About His
Impending Trial.
(By Associated Praia.)
WAWAR8INO, N. Y—William P
Anderson. State Superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon League Friday
morning accused several New
York dally newspapers of suppress
ing news that would give the pub
lic the whole iruili concerning, hlr
Impending trial for the alleged ml*
use of the funds of the league.
Only one morning paper, he ds-
dared, published the damntngly
explosive fact that the application
of the dry enforcement representa
tives of MOO Protestant churcher
through a protectant attorney, for
merly Governor of the st'nte, tot
the inspection of the grand Jury
minutes, was denied by the Judge
who granted similar requests to
six other defendants whose names
with those of their attorneys con
stitute a significant? non-Protestan*
The • trial of Anderson, which Is
now pending, lies aroused it crest
deal of Interest, due to the fact
that he Is accused of misusing
funds which were to have gone to*
wardg the fight against whiskey, j
Veterans Buried At
Government Expense
. T .. _ | In, It n«MMirr for him to appeal
Chairman Langford Re- tor mandat eta.
“ nts ^..“Handpicked” | Z«* “
C.harrrp Will Jin T)„t v I rr!pp "' JS A"” 1 . "ho died aftrr dl«fhargo, or rralitn-
cnarge. win uo uuty, |r!im iot continue to fight.- the gov-^ {rom „ rvlce anU who
He Says of Committee. *har «■<>• ■ . , . ,
"t call upon Iho peonlo who lio-
Ifeve In a representative form of
government Immediately to assist
vs financially and to make all re-
•ttnnce to Mrs. Aldrich Rlnke. Ok
lahoma Pity. Oklft. Aldrich Blake,
himself. Is absent from the city at
this time and probably will be for
some days."
(By Associated Press)
ATLANTA—Members of tha
special legislative commltte Inves
tigating the state department of ag
riculture arc determined to conduct
a “thorough and fair Inquiry, “ ac
cording to statements by 8onator
George W. Lankford, chairman, and
his associates.
“Since this commltte was ap
pointed, much has been said about
It being •handpicked’ and already
having made up, Its decision," said
the senator. “I want to say right
now that each member of the com
mittee Is sworn to do his duty and
I believe we will submit a report
which will apeak the truth. If
there Is anything wrong with th<
department, we are going to le»
the people know about It. . On thr
other hand, If the department Is
being conduced In nn efficient man
ner, we are going to state Just that
In our report."
Representative Carl Guess de
clared that* since the Investigation
ATLANTA, Go.—The proceedur*
necessary to be followed In secur
ing federal aid for the burial
veterans of certain wars who die
indigent Is outlined In a circuit^
leter sont out by M. Bryson, dj*
trict manager of th* United Stater
"Congress enacted at the last
session" the circular reads, “a law
providing that a veteran of any war
“Bo far ns I om concerned," Gov
ernor Walton declared, “I have
crossed the Rubicon and It In a
fight to the finish.**
“Jewett (N. O. Jewett, grand
dragon of the Oklahoma realm of
the klan) and hla crowd have
turned the fight over to the klan
newspapers and the klan member*
of the legislature.
"Jewett and hla 'Invisible em
pire" shall not paaa In this state.
•‘If nr castary I shall arm every
man In thJ* state who la opposed
to hit empire.”
has been ordered he la In favor of, >The iec tion of the military cour*
«oln« to lhe "hettom of J"record made public ,u the teatl-
•• . Of Dr. A. A. iMaupIn. a don
•flat, who stated that he joined the
•onal allusion, he eantlrasd. < W11U
lira him “hoyond “11 d-ubt Hint ^ (n Apr) , In Edition, a
TL'E-m i? the.tnte portion of Iho teatlmony of throo
“If ther. la anyone In the >tnl» , „ .rfi.i.i. waa
“If there la anyone
that know, anythin* Impropet
(Turn to Page Fiva)
Funeral For Man
Killed By Sheriff
Arranged Friday
(By Aaaoclated Preaa)
TOCCOA, Oa.—Funeral aenrloee
for Frank Andrewe of Mlae. neat
here, killed by Sheriff Mo«e of
Franklin rounty nl*ht,
were beln* arranged Friday.
Andrew,, alleged liquor ™"" Pr '
and bootlegger, wn* ehot and k.defl
by tho officer when he attempted
7 - ..we m the nin-
tury to Inveetlgate the charge thgt
Governor Walton Illegally had
used atate employee# to check
namna on an lldtadve petition,
the klan a year ago laat May. He
tcatlfled that he . waa Initiated In
raid he never had attended a meet ■
Inc or paid due, and had not con-
aidered hlmaelf a member of the
organliatlon for yearly a year.
to knock tho ehertff from the run 1
nine board of the automobile he writ
drlvlnr. auapected of hauling whla-
key. It la «“M- Andrew, la ml;
to have drawn hla, ’he aherlff
proving the quicker on the trigger
lime to read and dtaenaa both
the dav'a orwa gad the rarl-
— t tore menagea of enter-
arlalog merchanta. I h
fonder Ihet nenoer-Hcrald
>de here the hahit ef making
Mi-lnc. for I hoar who oae
hem ,rgul. r, y-
rts^notiTT'-" tojhi simr*
>f Alhen.. ahon fira* tonight
o The Banner Herald.
(By Aaaoe’atad Preen.)
Smith, who relieved a« director of
the geological survey lo aerve on
the cool commlaalon waa re-ep-
poinlcd Friday hy Preaideul Cuol-
Idge, effective neat Monday.
(By Aeeoe’ettd Preen.)
MIAMI.—Lieutenant, Roger, and
Palmer, Marine Corpe evletora fly
ing from Bag Domlneo to Bt
Loola. arrived hen •kortlj
aaaa ftfday »Bd reanmad-their
flight Borth-ard la tho lato oreo-
Oklahoma county off let ala waa
given ouL
Dlatrtrt Judre George W. Clark
who aummoned. a apeclal grand nol on |y elect Uielr legdera for tbp
. a. I lha ahana that __te .... . ..
Oraw aged 2* of New Orleana cap
tain ot the Tolane Unlveralty foot
ball team la 19 and prominent here
both In bualneas end aoclnl cir
cle, waa dectrocolted at Dlaqne-
mlne. La., when he came In con
tact with a heavily charged wire.
(By i
ST. LOUIS.—'The exact amount
of whlikcy atolen from local bond
ed warehouse* and the Jack Dan
iel Dlatlllery amounted to 992 bar
rel. and waa over two million dol-
lara In value.
(By Aaaoclated Praia.)
NEW YORK—Harry Brabant 72.
an amor, aaaoclated with Tony
veara ago. died iTbortday I* InVentty
atlon from service, and who served
In the military or naval forces of
tho United States during- any period
of the Mex(can War, Civil War, Uia
Spanish-Amrtfcan War, tha Indian
Wars, the Philippine Insurrection
the Boxer Expedition, Cuban Paci
fication, Nicaraguan Cnmpalfn
Vera Crux Expedition or tha Pun!-
tlvfe Expedition to Mexico, and the
World War, would be entitled to
burial at the expense of the govern
“The Intent of the law enacted by
Congress Is to provide burial ex
penses and transportation to play
of burial for deceased veterans up
to 9100, provided that no provision
la made either by the state, city or
couply, or by the deceased's rela
tive# or by any other means /or hi*
burial .nnd before this office can
authorise the burial, this informa
tion must be available.
Sophomores Roam
Streets But Fail
To Discover Prey
Several hundred members of
the sophoinoru class of tho
University, after a meeting In
the chapel Thursday night,
roamed! tho streets In the
down-town section hungry for
the sight of freshmen.
But outaldo of one or two
stragglers who came out of
the movies unaware of the re
ception awaiting them the red
caps were not to be found.
It had been noised around
town that both classes were
to hold meetings and would
Hen try out each others'
prowess but the freshies were
evidently content to await the
coming Saturday night when
they would rule In old time
fashion and then dare tho sec
ond year men to show their
faces In public.
Yes, there wore no scraps
Thursday night, and the curi
ous crowds that came -down
town were disappointed*.
Dr. Jacobs Asks
Permission From
Makes Plea For Preserva
tion of Constitution of
United States in Stirring
Speech Thursday.
An address by Judge T F. Groan
on t{ie “ComitituUon of tha United
States" featured the weekly lunch
eon of the Kiwinta club at ■ the
State Normal School Thursday
Practically the entire membership
of the Rotary club were guests ot
the Klwanians while the goYernoi
and members of the tax commlaalon
were also present.
Judge GrqexV speech was oae
that demanded -tho' attention ot
thoue present for every second of
tho thirty mlnutva ha consumed. He
plead for the preserving of our
groat Bill of Rights, born one hun
dred and thlrty-aix years ago laat
British to Hunt
to brink about tho drat real
Tax Commission Chair
man Says If Majority
Prevails That S;
Will Be Incorporated ii
Meeting Here Votes
Income Tax. Hugh (
don Favors Inc
Poll Tax.
Again Asks Government
For Permission to Exca
vate For Remains
Gen. Oglethoipe.
Mayor. O. A. Cargill of Okla-.
unday 10 tha data. iwma City, the atorm ranter of the
He related that It required a [fight agalnat mob rule In Okie-
nr tn brink about the firat real.home. Mayor Canrlll’a life roadi
amendment, to the lnatrument and I like an Alger book. Hu wea for-
after theae came the 19th and l»tbIraerly a traffic policeman, studied
amendment, and added. “. . .. and law at night and became county
ra 11 raven know# that woman wuf-| prosecutor, then mnyor.
Oljfrngr nnd prohibition ar# equal tc
|a civil war.**
(By Assoclatad Press.)
LONDON—Dr. Thornwell Ja-
oba, president of Oglsthorp* Uni
versity at Atlanta, Ua„ is a*-aln
seeking permlssldn to search for
the boc)y of General James H
Oglethorpe, .founder of the state
of Georgia, In a church at Or#.-
ham, Essex, with a view of trans
porting It to the United States,
ur* the Dally Mall, Thursday.
Dr. Jacobs, tno newspaper tint## , U ruK
believes that he ha* more nccu
Governor Clifford Walker's posi
tion In refusing to attempt domi
nation of the legislative branch o!
the state government, especially In-
the matter of tax reform In Geor
gia, was defended by Judge Green
Judge Green was tho principal
speaker St the excrctotk In com
memoration of the Constitution, the
the national observance of "Con*
rately determined the rite of the; .y*?!,.? 0 5 h f„ K,w * n f*
grave than when permission for i rl, ' h " of ***
the acareh for the general', Irndy , n T !r. ^
r^be'tllowed U| ,U undennke *"xra- hr, ’"'' h "raking to dominate ,tb»
to bo allowed to undertake exca , irclnlntlvw and referring apeclflcal-
vat,on * • ’ * 4 !ly to Governor' Walker, declare**
! that the chief executive of this
'state Is right In refusing to dc
more than sugegst or consult with
t»*» Wlalatlve branch until a bill
Is passed. “It will he tinge enougt
then for the executive to exprtsr
1 hla opinion of the laws by hla ac
tions In signing or disapproving the
^•nct," ho stated.
Jefferson County Grand
Jury Continues Investi
gation in Face of Orders
From Governor to Solic-
Redcaps Preparing For | itor;
Big Night Saturday . r>
•" r ' vQ) I (By Associated Preaa.)
Election of offlrara fo, th.
frenhan data at the Unlreralty of I. t he conrlct mut-
nlgkt of thU week, ^cordlng to ,^, 10, from A. L. Boyd. Ihe.1-
atatementa that were given on the <JBt o( |h , Iloard convict Su-
campus Thursday.
Saturday night for years gone in
the history of the unlvreslty haa
boon knowi\ as “freshman night"
and on this occasion the freshmen
college year,,blit hold complete!
sway on the campus and through
out tho city of Athens. It Is an old
saying that no sophomore is neen
on the streets of Athena after dark
nn Saturday night, lest he be the
object of revefcge by the all pow
erful freshmen.
pervlsors, who ordered th.» alleged
leaders of the mutiny whlpuel. to|-
lowlng n personal Investigation ot
the trouble.
No detalla concerning the testi
mony were available and h# de
clined to discuss the trial with
newspaper men.
No word was received from
Montgomery indicative of anj
plans by the Governor, who Wed
nesday night told Solicitor Davb
that he would not tolerate a grand
Jury Inquiry Into the case.
> .(udffc Green declared that Wood-
row Wilnon'a domination of con
gress was one of the worst mis
taken of history. Although one of
the greatest of American presi
dents. Mr .Wilson went beyond the
bounds of executive prerogative, thr
apenker said. Calling attention to
lawlessness everywhere the univer
sal tendency to mske the Constl
tuMon “fit the popular demands of
the hour,” the speaker urged hie
hearers to uphold the great doeu
ment. "the basis of our liberties and
national happiness."
Following Judge Green's address
Governor Walker made a i
Speech, In which he plead for thr
harking of the people of putting
over some kind of a tax reform
(Turn to Page Five)
League Council
Takes No Action
An Income tax,will be
I as the chief method ot ralsl
state's revenue If (ho
slon of the general
November heeds the advice
majority of citizens where L
Walker's tax commission
gone. Senator T. S. Mason of Ha
well, chairman of tha flid
said here Thursday.
Senator Mason declared
commission has had
hearings wherever It has i
tho large crowds of
(tearing before it Indicates
plo are depending
out a sqne and praci
system to supplant the
In uee.
On Italian Act
Council of League of Na
tions Takes No Definitt
Action on Italy’s Recen
Stand. . ■> ' |
(By Aakociate Press)'
GENEVA— 1 The Council f<* thr
League of Rations failed tf take
definite action Thursday ifn the
question of Italy's repudiation of
the Leakhe'e-comtistency to Inter
vene tn the Italo-Oreek situation.
It was decided to discuss the In-
terpretat >%i of the League's coven
ant wl'h the assistance ot an ex
perienced Jurist In a meeting be
hind closed doom.
It waa learned Thursday that th*
Council privately waa determined
to avoid the, dangers of open de
bate on Italy's refusal to recognise
the Li ague’s competency to handle
th* dispute.
Child %alth Body
ivenes in Mich.
Underwood Turns Against The
League Of Nations
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO.—Senator Oscar Underwood, senior
senstor from the state of Alabama and avowed can
didate for the Democratic nomination in the 1924
race, is no longer a strong advocate for the League of,
Nations, according to on interview credited to him in savs Mexico needs schools
the Chicago Tribune.
nran UIC I irr Child Health Officiate.” Tommu-
» nid LilF El nttv Program, for Child Health.'
Atlanta Policeman Who
Killed Hames Goes on
Stand. Pleads Self De
(By Associated Proas)
ATLANTA.—EL C. 8tlfall, At
lanta policeman, Friday took tho
•land In hla own bthslf In hla trial
nn thn charge of murdering W. H.
Humes, a private detective.
Stlgnll said that ho shot to prj
tect hit* own life when Hames sad
two other m«n advanced on hint
thtpstcnlngly. Ho did not know
wbat 1*1*0 to do. ho raid. 0». the
aland*, hn stated that there had
been III feeling between Hames
and hlmnelf and the other two
men, growing out of their work.
The Interview stated that Sena
tor Underwood said that hla orig
inal view* on the League of Na
tions were well nown hut that on
hit recent trip abroad, he has soon
tb*v Learte it work.
i*Lea«*« it work. ) i
"Developments then and aubtp- stated.
feutir'Uh*'«**■*< »r •••*- t -J*"*
v Th. failure of the League to
function In the dlaputa between
Hair nnd Oroera had mnch to do
with tha change In the atutade of
Senator Underwood, lb* iRtorriaw
‘■led. . „ .ifi unoounl^ il
Senator. Undtrwood
MEXICO CITT.—The future of
\fexlro ||ea In tba eitabllahment
of 74)00 prlmaiy acboola through-
out. the republic according to En
rique Co-ona. ot tba d.partmefet ot
public In,traction. Ha declared
that, of tha UJMMO InhaMtanta
at Mexico. 9.000000 am llllteraieq
and that 4.oq«looo of tbera llUter-
(Sy AMMlctfc) Prate)
NEW YORK.—Many, phaaci of
child health work will be dlecuaaed
by natloual autborltloa when tho
American Child Health Aaaoclallon
holda Ita annual meeting at pe
trol! IS to 17.
With Herbert prealdent
of tha Aaaoctatton. at their head,
tha de Iran tea will atrire to make
•ran more effective the effoita ex
pended Ince the organliatlon cam
Into being laat wlnted, according
lo Courtenay Dinwiddle, tta gener
al executive. The aaaodatlon waa
formed by the merging of the
American Child Hygiene Aaaorla-
tlon and the Child Health Organi
sation of America.
most favor
1 majority i
vity half it which I
lloh favoring tno Ii
adopted by a largo
crowd of on» hundred
The commission closed tl
Ing st six o’clock In tim«*
members to catch tho train
lanta. • -
The resolution was
Chancellor Lsvld C.
received the verbal
of eight or ten prominent
men and fanners who
fore thn commission,
body of sbout one hundred
men end women, four
recorded against the ii
Among those who
the Income tax was Harvey
secretary of tba Budwlns (T
soft drink manufacturers ^
ed that his sxpsrlvnca
government had taught
(lev* the Income tax
him t
i city wh
Following addrezsos by
Walker Md other members
commission, exploit
posstAi; Its visit to
cuafio^ qf tax method* wan
the first, speaker belnv "
Gordon. Jr., president '
merclal Bank of this
vacated. In a paper filed
commlaalon and termed
dual membsra of that t
pm mojt Illuminating
an Income Uz and a
poll tax of not less than
la re. Mr. Oordon asserted tlmt
A . . w *ke present poll tax >■( on.* dniiar
Among tba subjects to be Ukeni| a - an absurd return for my adult
n are Problem* of Stato and City) (Turn to Page Five)
body <
and "Tho Workers In Health Edu
cation; What Thny Should Do.’
The efforts of the doctor, tho
teacher, the nutritionist and the
nurse will be discussed by the
Haders In these respective profes
Nurses Class to
Graduate Sept. 28
Graduation of tho data
of 1999 at 8L Mary’a hoepttal will
he held Sent.ber 29 at 9 o'clock In
the firat BapUet church.. At thla
time atudent nuraee completing the
*e will be glren diploma*.
ATLANTA.—A atudy of the en
gineering sapecta of the water
power protects at TiRalah Jhlls,
Oa.. near thla rlty, la exnected to
he made by vtalton to th* annual
convention of th* American So
ciety for Mnnldpel Improvement,
to ho hold bore Ni
IS. Tho fella, one of
Interest in Trial Now
Hangincr on Pistols
Given Ward By Police
■ chief. •
• (By ^(aral Jled Preis)
WHITE PLAINS.—The trial nf
Walter B. Word, mini n.iim
bakcr'a aon, whj la charged with
killing clarence Fetera, contlpued
to center around two pistols, one
of which la hla own. the other n
gun which Ward aaya Petcrit tried
to kill him with.
Frank Cody, New Rochelle rhlef
of .Police, (ratified bo r>\" both
pl.tola to Word aa * preeent when
the latter waa a police rnmmle-
aloner. Ward rcaignetf after kill
ing Peters.