The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 31, 1923, Image 5
WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER .11, 1023. 2 Cents a Word Minimum Charge of 40 Cento. (1.00 for throe insertions. Seven | jmes for the price of fivo in- ! eertions. Ail dlscontlnneiee* MUST i bo made in person at The Ban- ( ner-Herald Office or by letter. ! 'Telephone discontinuances are i not valid. i 7C WANT AD 7C 19 PHONE 19 BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RE8QLTB fl Your Wants WANT All of Them - ^Supplied Here FOR SALE—Boys Knickerbocker, suit. 2 pair of pants. 16 year old! size, never been worn, $10.50.) Thone 724. , 10-31-c. FOR LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—Empty wooden and tin lard tubs, ten cents each. See Athens Hide Co. f 431 Thom as St. Also one Nissen two- horse wagon cheap. nl7p FOUND—Coins. Owner can have by phoning descriptions and j paying » for advertisement, t Phone 1180. o30p*FOR SALE—Ford cut down. FOR SALE—One new Queen In cubator. Never used. Phone 1886 or 1086-W. n2c., RENT—Two unfurnishedj rooms. Phone 684-J. nlc FOR RENT—Two large unfumish- j cd rooms 3 blocks of P. O. $15.00. Also one furnished roonx Phene 17.38 after 6 / o’clock. n2c. STRAYED—From my place on Tallassfce road, white and liver tires, rune fine, $60.00. 464 Col-j lege Ave. n2p. J spotted' female bird dog, with!FOR SALE—Gas stove and onej collar and piece of chain on * u FOR REN T—Two furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath. Also ono four room house on Oglethorpe Ave., Phone 417. o31c POSITION WANTED—MALE receive 1 j;. male pu lower jaw. -In 1 afte day afternoon, brown it choker. Flndsr please notify B S. W. Usery, phone 675-J. receive reward.10-3 FOR SALE f 'OR SALE—Ground B for tho Chickens. Natl ket, Phone 747, 124 Street. PACKARD USED CARS Single-Six Touring. Twin-Six Touring. Theae cars are newly painted and in splendid condition. Call us for demonstration. G. M. Knight and Bona Allen, Jr. 548 E. Clayton St. Phone 997 o30c TAXIE SERVICE With Reliable -cP&vers -YOU-DRIVE-IT CO. Phone 661 140 Washington St. L *E. KAY <TH8 9MILIN0 PAINT8R* Flna Painting and Intarlor. Decorating Phoo* 1287, Athena. Ce. RAILROAD SCHEDULES aaABOARD AIR LINE RV.. Northbound Bouthbot 14:00 a Atlaata-llonro. local 0:11 1:41 s 1:1- - 1:41 p N.T.-Wash.-Rich.-No'k. S:t! p 1:45 p AU.-Abb.nll. local * “ * U:<4 p AU.-BIrmlnxbam 11:14 p N.T.-Wa.h.-nich.-No'k. 6:14 a aXORSIA RAILROAD antra Dop** 1 T:ti pa lift an ll:tl pa - i:«* w CENTRAL OF QEOROIA RY. W. O. BOLTON. AIUL Phone 1441 Depart for Macon 1:40 a. m. 4:46 p. m. Arrive frem Macon 11:10 t. m. 9:30 p. m. j. w. nnucK, c. a., phone 444 GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY j No. 1 Leaves Athens for Gainesville ..No. is Leaves Athens for Gainesville 11:16 a. in. * No. 1 Arrives Athens from Gaines, till* 6:00 P. m. .No. 11 Arrives Athens from Galnes- VWe 10:40 a. m. •OUTHIRN RAILWAY ■ffectivs Sunday, April 2*. IMS. No. • leaves Athens 7:41 a. sa, ar- flves Lula 6:20 a. m. No. t loaves Athens 4:11 p. «* Him Lula 6:46 p. m. No. T Isavss Lula 6:M p. «-•* •hu Athens 4:20 p. n. No. s leaves Lnla 10:16 a. nt, ar- Mns Athens 11:46 a. m. O. BT MILLER. C. A- Phone II (DOINGS OF THE DUFFS '* j FOR SALE—Gas coeknig Range, good condition, cheap. Box 228. j, n2c. e FOR SALE, RENT or Exchange— \\ Seven room house,'two acre lot. j five room house and atore com- bined on acre lot. J. W. Beard, Oconee Heights. n9p k ' POULTRY j FOR SALE—25 pounds of K Standard Granulated Sugar, - $2.50. Not over four lacks to the customer. d R. F. Christian, Grocer * Broad St. Old Dispensary Bldg. , nlOc k MALE HEM’ WANTED - WANTED—Several boys to de- liver papers. Can give you route In most any part of city. Apply l Banner-Herald office. | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS 'hides—Stop at red sign across Thomas St., and market your hides to best advantage with 11. . ’ Eugcnt Fant, Mgr., Athens Hide Co. o31p WANTED — Twelve men with cars to tack signs and distribute advertis ing matter for Athens Trade Month. Will pay good price. Apply to T. H. Dozier, Jr., 619 South- - cm Mutual Building. WANTED—To insure your valua ble dogs. Our policies cover losses from any cause, including theft and- disappearance. Write . P. 0. Box fllBj Athens; Ga.' nl8r ' GIVE your orders now for your hand-pointed China for Thanks giving and Christmas. Call Mrs. C. C. Kimsey, 1454-W. ^ g ‘ , PHONE 427, LON PARR, Con- M tractor or the best painting, in- t0 side and out, side painting, kai- „ somining. Alt work guaranteed. ( c nllp , WANTED—Sewing of all kinds. ** Price Reasonable. See Mra. Ran- oj dali. 132 Springdale. . o31p - WANTED—Two neat appearing | young, single men to travel, selling aluminum cooking uten sils' to the housewives. A guar- | r.ntecd salary and commission. Hustlers arc making $35 to $50 per week. If you are a hustler and looking for a repl money- fo making job sec Mr. Jamsgln at r.u Clayton Hotel, 2 to 4, or tele- N • phono for engagement! other hours. n4p WANTED—To buy good pair heavy farm mules. Address, giv- ( [ m ing description and location, y, Charles Cannon, R. F. D., Dcm- orest, Georgia. nip p. WANTED—A thoroughbred male Fox terrlor puppy. Box 228, Athens. Ge. n&r. - cr papers in Princeton and Cord Mill. Apply .4&Mm&u)0i9far The entire world is at your command by the use of the want ad columns. Here yon will find the things you want— or through it Is offered a medium for the things you want to sell. If it’s results you’re after our Want-ads turn the trick. That’s why they are used by those who demand quick action. BANNER-HERALD ’ Phone 76 BATTERY REPAIRING We’ve a Size For Your Car— ! uSR ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. Smith Bldg. ' Pbona 711. JEWELRY AUCTION SALE NOW GOING ON DAILY 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. ' * Over-stocked—Must Raise Cash. Come and Take Advantage of This Great Feast of Bargains. j J. BUSH, Jeweler 165 Clayton Street Next Door to Kress 5c and 10c Store 28c. M. Harris. Auctioneer. TOURISTS—WELCOME ' \ LADIES* REST ROOM GAS AND OIL Coleman’s Free Camping Grounds 340 Madlion Ave. Route 8 Night Lodging. AU Conveniences. o30c STORE YOUR COTTON WITH US SELL YOUBTCOTTON THROUGH US Athens Branch of INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSES, INC. CAPITAL $1,000,000.00. General Offieea, New York. We Issue Negotiable Receipts, Acceptable Aa Collateral By the Banka of Athens. SAFETY. COURTESY, SATISFACTION, SERVICE Robert Onid A. It. (Gus) Nicholson Ben F. Woods Iicnry L. Pope ftjilLi- STUDEBAKER Be Suro and Sen the 1924 Model STUDEBAKER Before You Buy. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY We Havo Two 1923 Ford Touring Can For Sale Only a Few Months Old. USED CARS 1921 Sedan. 1921 Coupe. 1923 Touring. C. A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO BOILER REPAIRING BOILER REPAIRING Flues for Every Type of Boiler Are Carried in Stock By Us Heavy Welding Done Anywhere WELDING AND BRAZING AND CYLINDER GRINDING , ARE OUR SPECIATUES Call on us if Your Boiler Needs Repairing KELLER MOTOR & MACHINE CO. * Athens, Georgia Phone 351 West Washington St. Coal—Coke and Cotton Ginning Wc have a Nut Coke that you can substitute for Anthracite in base burners or furnace economically and satisfactorily, Phone 521—You Will Like Our Delivery. > ARMSTRONG & DOBBS Oconee Street n28c. THE VETERINARY DIVISION j Georgia State College of Agriculture will Respond toCalls for VETERINARY SERVICE , 'A moderate charge will be made. Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga. BOOK STORE GARDNER’S BOOK STORE \ And Gift Shop Subicriptiona to periodical, are gifts that are appreciated. Attractive offera until Nor. 1. Subicriptiona received for any magazine published. GARDNER’S BOOK STORE CLEANING. REPAIRING AND PRESSING . WE SPECIALIZ^IN LADIES WORK. FORSTER PRESSING COMPANY 185 Clayton St. CITY TAXES The third installment of city due from October 15th iber 1st, inclusive. Tex- ayers who fail to pay on or be- ,’ovembtr tat will havo to pay cost on fi fa, which will be I against alt delinquents. G. E. O’FARRELL, City Marshal, nl8u PROHIBITION CASES ^ FLOOD FEDERAL COURT MACON, Ga.—A great many case* charged with violation of the federal prohibition act have been tried here in federal diatric'. court by Judge William H. Bar rett. Many of the men were freed on one chergo only to be convicted on another end heavily fined. Read BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS Announcements FOR MAYOR . I hereby announce my candidacy GEORGE C. THOMAS. FOB ALDERMAN W. R. TINDALL. FOR ALDERMAN action of the Dcntocra November 27th, 1923 biect to the itic I Primary, h! bHieywood. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announco aa a candi- date-fpr Alderman from tha Third Ward, subject to action of the Democratic Primary • November 27th. • B. R. BLOODWORTH. CADILLAC’S AND WHITE TRUCKS Soule Cadillac Co. Sales and Service Phone 651 168 W. Washington PRESSING CLUB STEAM PRESSING mmi SERVICE STATION BATTERIES AT $16.15 For Ford and Others Radio A, & B. Batteries At Reasonable Price3 CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. . DRIVE THRU Phone 677 n!4c JOHN K. DAVIS Builders 701 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phone 1877 USED CAR BARGAINS WATCH THIS PAPER EVERY SUNDAY FOR PUR USED CAR BARGAINS. CITY GARAGE & MOTOR CO. " Phone 271. COAL- COAL-COAI, DEPENDABLE SERVICE DEPENDABLE COAL HANCOCK COAL COMPANY Phone 707 Phone 707 Phone 1886 PHOTOGRAPHERS Now Is the Time to Place . Your Order for Christmas Pictures ADAMS & ARNETT STUDIO 162 1-2 Clayton St. Cleaning Preaiing REAL ESTATE Hate Renovated Georgian Pressing Club Phone 1157 - cl nlc Georgian Hotel Bldg. STEAM PRESSING CLEANING. PRESSING REPAIRING IIATS RENOVATED White Pressing Club Cteanere That Clean Phone 686 nUc SHOE REPAIRING AI1 Work Guaranteed Freeman’s Shoe Shop Work Called For and Delivered. D. G. Anderson & Co. 224H Clayton St. Phone 74 Building Lota a Specialty. McL n ELLAN’S 5c-10c-25c STORE Fresh Line of Candy Just Received Asstd. Choc 20c lb. Fudge, home style 20c lb. Amer. Mixed 20c lb. Asst, Hard Candy. 20c !b. You can now see the 1924 Modele of the Following Care' on Display— HUDSON ESSEX . OAKLAND OLDSMOBILE W. I.& GEO.M. ABNEY 154 W. Clayton St. Now Opened For Business THE t SQUARE DEAL GARAGE “SAM” STONE—"PEG’* YOUNG All Work Guaranteed. Where We Appreciate Yonr Patronage. Hull and ‘Clayton Streets. Story’s Cotton Warehouse Athens. Ga. H. G. STORY, Prop. Thirty-five years of successful operation. Will appreciate your business and assure you of my best efforts to serve you satisfactorily. Liberal Advance Made on Cotton Stored nllc FRESH MEATS Tfy Some of Our Choice Cuts and Be One of Our . * SATISFIED CUSTOMERS , E. D. FLANAGAN MARKET 157-,Thomas Street. Phon BATTERY REPAIRING WHEN YOU NEED A NEW BATTERY SEE US CITY GARAGE & MOTOR COMPANY We Hare Expert Battery Repairmen Thone 271 Phono 27 COFFEE COFFEE HEMSTITCHING All Kinds of Pleating Wa Make Buttona and Do Buttonholing The Hemstitching Shop 312 Holman Bldg. n8e HAVE YOU TRIED NOO-NAME COFFEE? “A Delicious High Grade Coffee” NEW SOUTH COFFEE CO. Athens, Georgia. INSURANCE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Most increased dividends. Also all li B. R. BLOODWORTH 212 Southern Mutual Rldg, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING MONOGRAMS, LINENS AND LINGERIE EMBROIDERED VERY REASONABLY MRS. P. E. DETTRA FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING *- Phone 602 1323 S. Lum BULBS BULBS Buv Your Seed WHEAT, OATS, RYE. HARLEY. D. E. RAPE, CLOVERS and VETCHES From Us. r H. L. COFER SEED COMPANY • We Are in the .Market for All Kinds of Field Peas. Get in Touch With Us. We Furnish You With Bags ami Twine. nl4e FURNITURE REPAIRING Show Cases, Store and Office Fixtures Furniutre Repairing and Refinished Furniture for Sale ATHENS FIXTURE COMPANY „ Those 1166 Phone 1166