Newspaper Page Text
Investigate Today!
To Regular 8ubaerlbora
$1,000 Accident Policy Proo
Daily and Sunday—13 Cents a Week
MIDDLING 33 l-1e
Clear Wednesday and ThnrsdayS
Cooler Thursday.
State Convention Of Dentists Bepnsma^S!!!
Sues With Doug
Complete Program Has
Been Arranged For Fri
day and Saturday. Thai
ian Play Friday.
Many Alumni Plan to Be
In Athens Alumni
Luncheon At 1:30 Sat
urday. •
Friday. Saturday and Sunday
promise to ‘be three of the/ llvesti
|days Athena has experienced sinco
last commencement. In fact acl
(ord’ng tp the program and etate-1
meats made by those In charge of
the arrangemets, this 'week-end
will be a regular commencement
I me minus the graduation exer
cises and DOasibly shorter from the
standpoint of number of days con
sumed by the program.
With banquets and luncheons,
house parties an<$ pretty glrls.L
hundreds of vhHtprs^nd^poaaibly
Saturday, tho dances, the Thallan
piny, and all tba other ovents
scheduled, Athens for three days
Wit be a place of great festivity.
The official pro|<ram gets under
way Friday night with a brilliant
banquet at whtoh time the mem
bers of tho Georgla-Vlrglnla foot
ball tram together with coaobes
and athletic directors will be honor
guests. Immediately following this
dinner, a great mass meeting will
bo held to the University chapel
to be attended 1 by Georgia atndents
faculty member* and friends of Jhc
(Turn to Page Two)
Members of Dental Socie
ty Begin Annual Con
vention At Georgian
With .Big Delegation.
Prof. Sutton Speaks Wed
nesday Night. Editor of
Journal Speaks Wednes
day Afternoon on Prog
Many strides have been made In
dentistry since the •‘old family
tooth brush hung by the sink;" ae-*
cording to addresses at the open?
Ing of the convention of the Geor
gia Dental Society at, the Hotel
Georgian here Wednesday.
In other words, dentistry, which
didn't have a strong foot to stand
on not m> many years ago, now la
a recognised profession thanks to
One of Riot Victims
deny. And whnt’. more, they allege the magaiin, Mid urent w»
fired by “Doug" bec»u«o ,be ra growing int
Booth Tarkington’s Play
To Be Feature of “Home
Coming” Program For
Friday Night.
With the day drawing near for
the opening play of the season, the
Thet'an Club Qf the University of
Georgia, la working day and night
The play to be given Friday Is
"Seventeen,” by Booth Tarklngton
nod the cream of hlstronic talent
of*the University to gathered to
gether in the thirteen parts and
the cast thla year seems stronget
than evtr.i
"Doodle" fierce of Parrott, Ga.,
takes the* male If ad with Callle
Prospects For Agreement
Between France and Bri
tain Brighter. Commis
sion to Comply With Re
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS,—Prospect* for an agree-
MiWhorttr, of Athen, » hi, ala- m ; nt Franc, and Great
ter. Freeman Jelke, of.HawkUs-, „„ tnl of thB |„rtta-
SOIIIUU WlIMp llidl,il..
-.w * the father with Martha» ,,riu,n . . .
Clark taking the mother's part, tlon to the United States to Jon
Judson Smith of Bninawtok takes the conference of experts for ex-
They Want To
Take "Hell"
From Georgia
the part jjf Mr. Farcher with Vir
ginia Traslow of Galnesy*!!* as his
wife. Charlie Anderson of Macon
is Johnny Watson with Colquitt
<hrter of Atlanta as Joe Bullet.
Bessie parr Is Lola Pratt with
Matt to Dowdy of Commerce as May
Parcher. ,
Hawkeye Stokes of Atlanta and
Carlton Mel) of Athens take the
pert of two blackface funny boys,
with "chubhJP’ Allen, comedian de
•axe in the role of the youthful
"city al'ckar/*
Miss Ma MU Bullock Is direct-,
ress of the Ipay and' has bean ren- j
dered some vary *b!e assistance by ■
Mist Mary Lyndon, former direct- j
ress of the play and has been ren-
president of the club with A. A.
Marshall aa business manager.
amination of-the reparatolns ques
tion were regarded In diplomat!*
and French circles Wednesday as
brighter than they were Tuesday.
It w*» also stated that the Rep
arationh Commission has decided
to comply Immeil'ately with the
German request for a hearing on
the reparation question os propos- j
ed In the Berlin government’s note ,
of October 24, if the several govqj
ernments. Including the Uniter! j
States, are unable to agree regard- |
Ing the setting up of an advisory!
investigating comns'ttee. j
Athens WiU Aid
Disabled Veterans
Atbealans wlIV-respond to the re-f
lief of Veterans of the World War j
Saturday when teams of young!
kifla and women will sell forget j raise a fund for that.
purpohe. It is expected that a large j
■rntmag rill raised here. ' j
It it announced by the Ath-
Istic authorities of tho Georgia
football toam that ticket* that
have been reserved and not paid
for will^be put back on sale if
they are rvot taken up .at once.
The*# tickets "Srs on eel# ei
Costa’s every afternoon from
3:30 until 5 o'clock and the un
redeemed tickets will b# sold if
not taken up immediately.
COLUMBUS, O*.—Columbus
-people want the word “hell"
talcs n out of tho University of
Georgia football slogan, nnd a
move In that direction Is under
way. * ‘ - .
Following the suggestion by
Columbus that the word ought
to be eliminated in view of the
fnrt that It Is. not In keeping
with the high Ideals of the big
university nnd a bit repulsive
to the more refined who attend
the nnnunl games here, several
have written the Chancellor
nnd AthU tie Director Sanford
concerning the matter.
The Wesley dose of 8t. Luke
Methodist church, composed of
n membership of 1B0 mm, pass
ed a resolution, offered by Hon.
T. If. Fort, condemning and de
ploring the ure of the word
'•hell" In the-battle cry of the
Georgia Inst In tlon. declaring the
word "grossly unbecoming, cal
culated to lead to a spirit of
recklessness, even riotousness,
that tends to lower the moral
tone of our community, etc,"
npd It Is urged that'tsr of the
word be abandoned. A copy of
the resolutions were ordered
sent to thfr faculty and hoard
of trustees of the University of
Use of the word ** hell" In the
slogan. It la pointed out, wa*
very much abused at the Geor
gia-Auburn contest In Colum
bus Saturday, end the move,
ment to eliminate the word hod
Ite origin at the big gamf here.
Following preliminary business
sessions Tuesday night and WSd«
nesda.v morning, together with ban
quets and Initiations conducted by
the Psl Omega and XI Pal Chi
fraternities, the convention swung
Into the main atretch at 11:10
o’clock with upwards of two hun
dred delegates enjoying tho pro
ceedings. •
A welcome to AthfmTwae found
In addresses by Chancellor David
C. Barrow, Dr. Jere M. Pound and
Dr. Andrew M. Soule after Dr. - J.
C. Wilkin eon. pastor of the First
Baptist church had Invoked the
Divine blessing on tho assembly.
After, the welcoming words of the
Athenians,to which Dr. Dl D. At
kinson of'Brunswick responded,
the convention hoard technical ad-
dresses by the president. Dr. New.
ton A. Teague of Augusta and
Miss Oradys Eyrich of Jackson,
Miss., followed by reports of com-
, .mlttees and motion pictures.
| j Wednesday afternoon the eon.
ventlon listened to an Interesting
addres* by ont of the foremost
mm In the .profession. Dr. Otto U.
King of Chicago, secretary of the
American Dental Association and
editor of “The Journal." the off!
rial organ of the organisation.
Robert Troutman to De
liver Address Saturday
Morning. Special Serv
ices Sunday. Banquet
The above, or* of the first pictures, showing: the body of one
of tho victims in tha recent food rioti in Berlin. The riots arc now
in progress, bands of men and women storming food and clothing
shops as a result of the high price of bread.
The Allen R. Fleming Post, No.
20,- has just completed plans for
the most extensive program ever
offered for Armistice Day, A T.
Levie. commander announces.
Saturday morning, November
10th' at 11 o’clock Mr. Robert
Troutman, young attorney of At
lanta, who wag a major in the A.
E. F. will give an address from
from the Shackelford building.
This address will be preceded by
parade given by the R. O. T. C.
Less Than One Week Remains Now
In Which To Qualify For Ejection
November 12th, naxt Monday, is the last day on which to quali
fy for tba municipal election to be held -here on November 27th.-
All those who have fafled to pay their 1822 atate and county tax
and their 1023 city tax and are not registerad will be denied the
privilege of casting a ballot.
In othsr word* voters to be placed on the eligible Hat must
have paid ail of last year’s state and county . taxes* be registered
it the court houso and in additipn have paid ail of the 1023 city
^axes and be registered at tho city hall.
After six o’clock next Monday no ' person not eligible can
The entries for the election close on the 17th of this month, at
loon and ail candidates must pay the admission fees before that
ate and Hour.
If you are not registered yau had better qualify at once!
unit of the unvierslty.
Sunday night, November 11th.
at 8 o’clock, special services will
be held in the First Baptist church
of this city for ail ex-scrvice men.
Reservation will be made and they
are urged to be in attendance.
- 1 n * .
special program on patriot
(By Associated Press^F-
measures relating to the
tax problem were intro
duced when the legisla
ture opened here Wednes
day and were referred to
committees. • In the upper
house Senator Pace intro
duced a bill to create an
auditing and accounting
department and also one
to establish a budget and
investigating commission
with greater authority
than the one now exist-'
ing. *
At 6 o’clock, members of both
houses will be entertained as the
guests of the governor at dinner
at the Peacock cafe, at which
time the report of the special tax
commission which has been study
ing the financial needs and fidu
ciary system of the state, will be
preesnted to the legislature.
At the same time, Governor
walker and members of the com
mission will deliver short speech
es, setting forth their experiences
during the summer at a series of
public hearings on the tax ques
tion which have been held in vari
es cities of the state. They will
plain the facts upon which they
,.hased the recommendations
embodied in their report, and will
JfiJ legiiiators Just what was
the attitude of the hundreds of
Georgia citizens. of all classes
and lines of occupation, who
ism and the meaning of the flag Store Yh»m 5 '
white school in the city of Athens j
and Clarke county. The exercises, DISCUSSION
Obey That Impulse
And Decorate Now
Dr. King pointed out to tho dele-
gates that tho association has
grown remnrkahly since HIS. in
that year It had «S0 members, and
assets of $1500. Now it has 54,001
members and assets of <500.000. I|
Is publishing a magazine of con
siderable merit and the profession
now ranks with medicine In the
army and navy.
The American Cental Associa
tion has contributed or Is maklnf
(Turn to Pago Two)
It shouldn't bo a question of
"to decorate or not to decor
ate" but rather "I must decor
ate for that Georgto-Virginia
Next Saturday's the day and
the time le ehort. So far but
lltte bur.tng it up and but few
pennante. Every place of buei-
nest l the cJty hhould be flying
the Red and Glack of Georgia
and the Orange and Blue of
Virginia by Friday.
The decoration committee
urges that tha people do their
art In showing tho visiting
team that they are welcome
here. "Homecoming" Day
comet but once a year and
Athens should put on her beet
colors to greet the old "boys"
and "girls" back.
Drtss up that place of bu*l-
neset, NOW!
in the city schools will be held at
‘1 o’clock, when a tree will be
planted at each school, and given
tho name of some local boy. of tho
school’s own choice, who gave his
life in the service. At 11 o'clock
on the same day. the same cere*
mony will be* given at each school
in tha county. A speaker from
the American Legion will be pro
vided in each cose. The names of
the speakers and their appoint
ments will bo announced later.
Monday night at H o'clock the an
nual ex-service men’s banquet will
bo held at the Georgian Hotel.
Tickets are now being sold for this
banquet and all ex-scrvice men,
regardless' of whether they an
Legionnaires, are especially Invit
ed and urged to attend.
The Georgia State Alumni Chap-
Dr of the XJ Pel Phi Fraternity,
met In Athens Monday In the Ter-
race Garden of the Georgian Ho-
♦ .J?
follows: Dr. B. Freidman of At
lanta was elected president; Dr.
Harle L. Parks of Atlanta First
vice president. Dr. B. O. Hottzcn-
dorr of Atlanta. Second vfee presi
dent: l>r. Robert K. Letts of At
lanta was re-circled secretary and
trenruror. Dr. Ralph Alk#/i, tdltor.
The next meeting will he held In
Atlanta some t1m« In March.
Then, on Thursday, the gover
nor will make his formal message
of transmission before the legisla*
tare, in joint session, after which
debate on the problem will com
Both President George Car rwell
or the senate, and Speaker tv
rVw-il V..II1 ..e .i 1 ... * . . "•
Cecil Neill of the house, who dere
in Atlanta Tuesday, voiced the
nope that the assembly would ex
pedite its work nnd enact what
ever legislation it is going to with
as little waste of time os possi-
Police Continue
War on Speeders;
Report Is Given
Athens police arrested ninety-
*°nr People for violation of the
traffic laws Inst month, accord
ing to a report of Chief H. W.
Beussee to the Civil Service Com-
mission Tuesday night. A total
Brothers Shows of 2 <° rases were docked by the
_ _ ... sm‘eihntr uvi'A • ... j .....
Will Have Many Attrac- flwi
At th* mcftlng Monday the al
lowing program was carried out:
Vocal lection—Dr. T. O. Fow<
R. H
Address' of Welcom*
Responn*' to Address of Welcome
- D--. BenJ o, Holtsendorf.
Address of ((resident—Dr. H. H
Williamson '
Business, election of new Mrin-
Vocal selection—Dr. T. O. Fow
Kentucky, Maryland and Mississippi Elect Demo-. '% Vpill 0u „
cratic Governors. Also Win Four Out of , '<•>■
Seven Contests For House. Klan | tZT/lr&g
Candidates Win In Ohio. rh<m.
- 4 Comm I tee.- program. Dr. Harle L.
' Park*. Chairman: Dr B. Freidman
(Bj Awxiattd Pr,u.) | In X.w York «ul, ih. H'pnbll-j Ent „ t3lnment , nd A rr,nr>m,nl
tive and Entertaining i ,MCd -
Features. Exhibits Are
Th. Clark, roqnty lair, exhibit
ing th. work or th. varlou, boy.*
docketed/ and twen-
. .789.50 i
Dr-two for having no tall light,.
The minute, rend, showed that
Policeman Ed Pos, had been sus
pended twenty days at a called-
meeting for visiting a house of ill
The report of Fir, Chief G. W.
■ nn .1,1.- .ini.. ,.r >h. ~„.i. i^cDorman showed the firemen
IS' -rs&jsr
got under way Monday and
furnish n w«ek of gala eventa for
thla section.
In addition (o tho fair exhibits
will he the features offered
Mlllbr Bros.' Shows, the same
amusement people who were hers
last yar at the fair held then. The
scene of the fair wtll be the same
place as fast ytar. the amusement'
faturs, wjll be on Wasblngtpn and
Hut streets while the-exhibit* will
be.ln thr’Dosler buildings on
Claytoq street. *.
In New York atate the IWpubll- ^
NBW YORK—Democrat govern- cane retained control of the Gen- 1 ^t>> p»..i tf^ *ChrInweV*T>r */
»r»l Awmbly. hoi lb, DHnocrkib-: _ v oa .,„ nr H Murph d
JudlcUry llck.t In Msnh.U.n xnd, Rs WT ,,„,,Uv),^-l». P.
Thoms.. First Dlstrirt.
Dr if. if, Williamson, Second
Kiwanis Meets
At Ag. Colllege
The weekly meeting of the Kl
wanto clnh will he held Thursdav
■at two o'clock at the Agricultural
rollae rafeterie and a full atten
dance la anticipated. Special pro-
j.trsm hat been arranged, according
were elected Tuesday In Ken
tucky, Maryland and Mississippi,
while Vermont, the only state
! where a senatorial contest wsi
(held, returned Porter H. Dale, Re
publican, who defeated President
Coolidge’s cousin, Park H. Pollard,
In seven contests for ths house,
the Democrats won four and the
Republicans three.
Representative Fields won the
gubernatorial race In Kentucky Inf
a most decisive manner and will I
to tho secretary.
dependent tickets, supported
William Randolph Hearst.
In New York, the Soldier Bonus
apparently catried while the hydro;
electric project was beaten. j
Virginia turned down a $.*0,000,- j
He good roads bond l«sue.
Ohio elected mayors supported j
by the Klan In Youngstown, Ports- j
month, Akroa and several other,
f»r. r R McKonta. Third District.
f>r. B O Holtsendorf, Fifth Die-
Dr. R. H Murphy. Sixth District.
Dr Paul McGee. Eleventh District.
have a Democratic legislature toj The New Jeeeey, legislature re- j reaching promptly at t o'clock In
support him. ‘raalned In the Republican column, jthr. afternoon.
A premium lift totaling about
$500 worth of prizes has been se
cure dby the members of the Odd
Fellows, by whom the fair Is being
sponsored and to win these prizes
much Interest Is being shown by
the club members over the country.
The entertainment feature#
promised are said to be th# clean
est of any associated shows and
the feet that the local V. O. O. P.*«
are sponsoring the fair Insures Its
The support of the public Is de<
manded In the venture, however
because were It not for th* effort
put forth by th* members of this
secret order th# hoys and girts of
the county would have no oppor
tunity of displaying th« results of
thrir efforts this year.
The fair and entertainment fea
tures open Monday, November 12th
. important. Chief McDormun
thanked the commission for allow
ing him leave to attend the Na
tion Eire Chiefs Convention in
Richmond, Va. This was his twen
ty-second convention.
Need $450.00 Noy||
To Insure Ceiling
Friends of the Oconee Btreot
ree Methodist church raised
$30.00 Monday towards celling tha
church and $430.00 is needed be
fore the work can go forward.
This U a fund that the people
of Athens can well afTord sub
scribe to. The church has been built
under trying circumstances an,, be
fore tho roff was hardly over it
services were being conducted and
nos- that winter is coming on the
celling Is badly needed, especially
for Sunday school when the little
tots gather.
This church Is a section of the
city not served by the majority of
rhnrches and the popele outside ft»
Immednlte location can well afford
to help It.
Reverends Dick and Ruark ar«
catling upon the people thla week.
They expect a rimtrlhutlflu.