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$1,000 Accident Policy Froo
To Regular Subscribers •
the banner-herald"" 1
Investigate Today I
Dali; and Sunday—IS Centa a Weak
EataUiihed 1832,
VOL. 9>, N0.1241
Anodated Preaa Strike.
A. B. C. Paper.
SInfle Coplea 2 Centa Dally. ( Centa Banday.
I *1* •!• 4* •J* *1* *1*
»je ■■ *1* *1* 4* t *1* v *!•
Expose Of Entire Whiskey
Industry Is Expected Soon
Where Body Was Fpund
Comptroller Charlea L. Craig
of New York City will go to jail
for 60 doya. Sentence for con
tempt of court impoaed by Federal
Judge Mayer haa been confirmed
by the Supreme Court. Photo
shows Craig about to read the Su
preme Court deciaion,
Dr. Pound Defends State
Against Unfair Adver.
SAVANNAH, Ga.—Federal authorities expect
startling revelations in the huge liquor ring which
was uncovered in various parts of the country as a
result of the whiskey expose here several days ago.
It was said that the revelations will show the
trail of the liquor from the time it is landed or made,
tracing it through every stage until it is finally de
livered into the hands of the consumer.
It la expected that hidden chan*
nela will be brought to light,
through which the lquor has been
transported from the coasts many
miles Inland, by the more than one
hundred Inctfctments which have
recently been issued.
The necond day of the trial of
eight Savannah mer.. charged with
tising Given Bv State-'s™ b ‘ b ”°" taw *' * nd eCTerted *" Has Been For Past Five
.i 'prove highly aenaationab droPP^d y ear8 Deputy Health
Commissioner of Massa- 1
chusetts Division.
(By Associated Press.)
Trapp. In his first public addreae
since he-replaced former Governor
Walton, Friday told a group
business m«n at a banquet here
that .the affairs of the state would
be ho conducted in the future that
it will not 'only be safe but also at*
tractive for all legitimate enter*
prWer of induatry and business to
operate. “We have no cause
wjar." he said. There had bren wo
nre#»n*ity for mnrtial law.”
The state senate Friday
whnyl* regarded aa the first test
of the strength of the Ku Klux
if Inn elements and thoiie oppposlng
organisation, rejected
omeMment to the Klan bill under
conHderntfon which would have
P-nvIded for the filing with county
officers, semi-annually the list of
oficers and members o secret or
ders. The vote was IS to 2J.
'W . (By Associated Press.) ■ ■
BERLIN.—General Von Seeckt, national com
mander of the Reichswer, Friday ordered the dissolu
tion of the German Communist party and the con
fiscation of its funds.
’ | His decree also prohibited
ment of Noted Scientist.;to » nubboro m bottle between
* ... . .. I counsel over techn*callt* e * *** *°
Athens Kiwaniana will aid thejthe admission, of much .tes’jmony
Woman’s Club hold “Home Pro-1 Thursday. The court adjourned
ducts Week” here beginning Dec-' with witnesses yet to be heard. •
ember .‘1, following request ol The fight being tunde, both bv
nrganirartnn through the pres-;the government and the i1oC»mi.«<\
ident. Mrs. H. B. Ritchie. has been construed by many as be-
Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Thonm j nK indicative that there »s ntuen
F. Green appeared before the Ki- aB relatively tmpsual and Impoi-
wanis club Thursday at 4 ih« Y. M., more than the Immediate case*.
C. A. and tofd of the plans of the | tant B> they are. The announce*
Woman’s Club to conduct “Home; raen t that In various Sparta of the
Product* Week” at which time! country morn than 126 indictments
everything, made or raised in Ath-i are expected, accentuated the In-
ens and vicinity will be displayed, |erMt , n lhr i mW6 ryato trial. Con-
ard bocsted. The, K i wants club ^ , c cha rged. It la said. In
will also Junch at the many of these indlctmeuts, affect-
ProJucM’* build ng,on one of th. , over the wbole At-
of the week it i* belt!. .lantlc .eaboard and the Interior
’ v I for severs! hundred ndlto-
SPEAKS I Foreigners. Canadians and some
' ! Cuban and Bermuda residents may
An address by, Dr. Jere M.jj^ implicated methods of Import-
Pound, president of the 8}*te . thft u quor> contrary to the cus-
Normal School, recognising “Edu- tonia | aw „ t BB well — *-
cation Week” was one of the out-*
landing* features of the meeting
Thursday. Dr. Pound pointed out
that Georgia Is receiving much
unfair as well as detrimental ad
vertising as n result of a book
writtch by Madison Grant, noted
anthropological writer who states
in his book that the Nordic race
en Georgia is deteriorating.
Dr. Pound said that the writet
of the book meant to be fair and
believed he waa stating a truth
but that It was untrue. Tie said
that the writer of the book based
his statement on statistics about
Ccorgip*-’ supnor* of educa-
(Turn to Page Eight)
— - !** violation
of the out-»‘j“|he”prohrbltion law. th^ multi
piled “Vilat- ons of sea and port
regulations for shipping and even
the matter of asserted adulteration
o Ifmported llquprs on board ves
sels at Bba, may be revealed.
Phi Kappa Society Loses to d*
in Anjiual Freshman Im- - ■ " J *
proinptu Debate. “Pro
hibition" Is Subject.
Demoathenlan literary society of
Another echo from Dr. Soule’s
defense of the Georgia athletic
war cry, ’Give ’Em Hell, Georgia,”
la heard from the column of JantM
B. Nevfn. Georgia Alumnus, in the
Atlanta Georgian.
Here’s what the Atlantan bag to
■ay on the matter:
"Dr. Andrew M. Soule’s scholar
ly attainments and marked effi
ciency as president of the State
College of Agriculture have been
commented upon by til’s writer
upon numerous occasions. He now
Soule’s.' great common sense.
Objection was raised by an or
ganisation of some sort in Colum
bus recently to the accepted chorus
of the university football boost-
Qfve ’em hell. Georgia!”
NEW YOnK—OfVclal announce
ment was made v Thursday at- the
offices : ot the • American Child
Health Association. 370 Seventh
avenue, of the appointment of Dr.
Bernard W. Carey, of Boston, as
director of the five-year child
health demonstration at Athens,
Ga., as the aecond of a series of
such demonstrations Inaugurated
under the Joint direction of the
commonwealth Fund of New York
and the American Cmid Health
Association. The Pest df three
demonstrations I* now being con
ducted Inf Fargo, N. D.
The selection which resuted in
the recent choice of the Georgia
city aa tht urban canto;, and of
Rutherford county, Tennessee, as
the rural community resources for
child health, waa made from among
40 cities and counties in 11 south
ern states n the seetton east of
the Mlsssslppl river. Tlie double
demonstration will be financed by
a grant from the Commonwealth
Fund, and directed by a special
child Health Demonstration Com-
This .hows the cellar at 71 Suffolk »treet, New York, where body of 1 F p 4TI T RR. RRURNS I
four-year-old Irving Pickelay, kidnaped boy, \va3 found strangled to I AT COLONIAL SAT l
death. New York's East Side la aroused nnd to a man sworn to ap- ; •
prehend the,slayer, believed to be a maniac. * j —; ■ ■■ --r ? :
r , ‘ _ ' r n.i—i— —T*jw plays of the Georgla-Atnbn-
lira camp to be played In Montgom.
ft-y Hfttnfdsy afternoon will •* bf
called, nnd illustrated at the Co
lonial theatre by the “Oridgraph,*
the wonderful football machine
that Is In the. city and which will
be u-fd to Illustrate this game.
O/v; of the largest crowds of the
reason is expected to be on hand
to watch the bnll'e progress In this
Important game on the Georgia
The time Is 3 o'clock. Athens
time, the admission Is fifty rente.
Judge Sentences
Woman Bandit to
Life Term Thurs.
I holding of Communist meetings ai
the publication of Communist newt*.
| papers.
I Speaking at Hanover Thursday,
j Held Marshal Van Hindenhurg
. made public a manifesto deploring
| the recent disturbances In Munich,
saying that In the* troubles there,
“German brothers of equally patri
otic minds became enemies and
caused a divided community and
brought Joy to our adversaries ’*
All directors of the Krupp plant,
who were Imprisoned last spring
(on charges of resistance to tho
j French, growing out of the rioting
at the Krupp plant on March 31,
have been released, advices from
Cologne stated Friday.
For Peek At Georgia
Bulldogs Next Year
Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Bainbridge, Hartweii
and Several Other Cities Offer Guarantees to
, Bring Red and Black. Grid Stars to Their
1 Town For Battles.
Dr. S. V. Sanfrod, speaking before the Kiwanis
club Thursday, said that the Georgia athletic authori
ties were being besieged from all parts of the state,
from Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Bainbridge and
tottTct!!!* Hi”th , ALoSltto» n ’*rr j elsewhere, for a football game next fall. “These cities
tbe itiperriiioa of th. entire child are willing to put up a guarantee so certain are they
that they can produce the crowds,” he said. '
Athene I, fortunate In that .he
doesn’t have to petition for games,
give banquets and put up guaran
health demonstration program.
Dr. Carey for the past five years
has been deputy health commis
sioner of the Maaiachutetts De
partment of Health and director
jmrwutmi ui ncauu auu mrcciur—«* -*••*
of the State Division of thp staterie^f- Sb* gets the games anyway.
This shows fhe Shenandoah
above the state house in Eo^tun. It
was the big ship’s first trip to
Bostou and thousands stood below
in wide-eyed admiratlcn.
Curb Market to
Enter New Home
Here Saturday
Widow of Prominent
Georgian and Mother of
Mrs. Harvey Stovall bf
Athens, Passed Away
Mrs. Frederick C. Foster of Mad
ison. widow of Jud<r* Frederick C.
Foster of th« Ormulgeo circuit,
died at a local hospital Friday
o’cldck after on 111-
DlVfsion of Common Dteeases, has
been chosen as directing officer
of the Southern child health pro
ject, according to the demonstra
tive eommlttee, because of his
outstanding service In public
health work and hit all-around
qualifications as a practical ad
ministrator in this field*. He re
ceived his training and worked for
eight years In the south. He will
go to Athens to ssaume his new
duties December 1.
Students Conduct
Religious Service
At Princeton Sun.
Unless Athens supports the I
teams that play here by turning]
out as other cities in the state
will she' haa tut an empty cl.Yin |
to them.
Last full Athena had [
Tennessee, Virginia, Vanderbilt
and a number of smaller colleges
here for games. This fall she has
already seen Mercer, Ogletborpe.
and Virginia perform here and on
December first will have the op
hursduy bv Judge Lewis was
uccapied with delight. ,
The court was about* to sen-,
tone# Marie DuBols, arrested with
three bandits, to * year In the iyn-
Itentlnry. when her fiance. Kdward
I'avluk naked the she be placed on
Judge L* win paroled the prisoner
on condition that PavaJak marry
her nnd «tand good for her be
havior. Both accepted the terms
Winter Quarters Will Be
in Building on Clayton
Street Opposite Tele
phone Co. Turkey Sale.
Alter, helps open three day* each
week .luce Max 8. with «*le» peel
ing the 160.000 mirk the Athen.
curb merket le»»ee Itroei etreet
for the winter Seturdey end will
take up Its new home In one of
the Dozier building, on Cleyton
The building to bo occupied le
the one where the boy.' club ex-
will hr I
ly Sundn
nth. Mri
her "■ v.nty-flfth year.
lrrunKcmrntn hare not
iletetl but Mrq. Fort, r
led In Madliion probab-
The body will be car
ried to Madison via the Central
Georgia railroad Friday afterna
Mrs. Foster waa widely knoG
and beloved. Her huxhund. before
Ills death In 1916. was one of the
most prominent men In Georgia
and It ha* been said of' him thnt
ho knew more people than any
Other living GvOFgiSn.
Surviving Mrs. Foster are four
children. Albert O. Fm-ter and
Frederick C. Foster of Madison,
Mrs. Harvey Ftovnll of Athens and
Mrs. Robert M. Wade of Marietta
the former Is solicitor of the Mad
ison city court, Before her mar
riage Mrs. Foster was Mis* Julfh
Floyd, daughter "f Htewart Floyd
and Sarah Fannin Floyd of Mor
gan county.
The following well known Ath
enians acted as pallbearer* In
carrying tho body of Mrs. Foster
to tho train Friday afternoons
Messrs. James Harrow. Hugh Price,
E- E- Lamkin. DUIupn I’hlnlxy,
Vblts were displayed during the .Rolling DuBose. John Welch. D.-. !
rtewt Fhlr and Odd Fallows Fes- h. M. Fullllove. F. a. Llpsco
'and B. F. Ha-rdontan.
Wkv Not Catch tho
Men Who Sell It
To the Students?
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS.—Tho Allied Roparelloos h'hiiVb’|«w«Vmon« ihr U, irnt».ri'ltr
“ f v «Sf«« ■*■* Cpmmlf.;on Crtiley heard the Oer- of Wi'sconslo students and others,
•nor, f .‘nS 1 ®* 11 d « ,e s»tlo« regarding the ca- Accootleg to Robert O. Quick.
“ ,rid " , l11 of lhe 'paclty of the Retch to pay rep- 1 Prohibition group chief, the agents
nil accompany nteh of the ten
season. j' * J — H,B —«• * u P®y rep
And staged ( !n Athena! This Is . "rations monies. The sluing hut-. . . .„ h -.
nn attiactlon thnt Atlanta would »ovr and a half, ™ f b”Y h , c h ,ei ” ‘ '
i . pay *SOi)00 to- see.- Birmingham. fiwly-occupied* by an exposition of
L. S. Carter, Alton IIosch. C. V. . I)OM || ) ]y $24,000. Montgomery $20.- German ecoionk- and financial sit «SSS!??* JBS*' Bom ®
postfbl/ $24,000, Montgomery $20,*
"Ml, Columbus as much and so on.
Athens must make a good show
ing in the way of attendance at
uatlons, by Dr. Fischer, under sec
reUry of the treasury for the — ' „ - *
Rpich. .Moot Court Selects
The contmlasion, which .oemed, |( s Officers*
tho Upivcmity of Georgia was the I specific Inquiry thou was rondo of !•• • ■ AUon Hosoh. c J,
winner In the annual freshman Im-* nr. Soule as to wlmt he thought surest of the IJnlver 1 °°°*
promptn debate held in the chapel about abolishing t’t-ap an unwor-1 cJrgia YM C A «iu con A1
th!* week. The winning society thy, unladylike and somethlng-or- J religious service at Prince- ,M ‘ HO V 7
• iiunipiuncd Ct.e affirmatWe -fde other thing. ! Method!** Jhu«*h «.mdav ‘J 1 * ** D, ° ** hftr ch * n «^ having
of thS question, “Resolved. Tbit j “Bo*” aafd Dr. Soule b? W .• ThsniX these «g »mc ? played will be
National Prohibition Ha* Been ajof reply*--wlth more emphasis t..«n' rW ,„ ^ lllu j #r auspice* of the tfni- n ^ e °P* rd 3 r -
Succesf,” and the losing side, the 1 clAgani’f, perhaps, “seeing ns how [ venrtty y MCA Messrs Hosch ' TlcJcef * for llk erentr « K an,e - . ... ... . . .
I‘!|’Kappa society, represented the ' the doctor «a a college professor. , ■J;*'*’J* “ "®* c ’’;jnow selling at Costa's. There’s *l»y »nd will probably then de-teectwl president of the Jefferson
negative 1 of the question. “There I* nothing of intended ©«* i !L y m^c A cabinet 0f iplenty of good One* left. Buy >our« <*lde whether It is necessary to cal! Mwrt court., of the Unlveraity of
This representing the Demos* j suggested profanity in the th'ng. | th# Y C " A ^ rabtn * t - itotlgy* the dotegatlon again, before a fins.’ peorgia Law Bchool for the second
thenlsn society were Ow A. Perkle,' These boys do not mean for some- Vahui* p. AOA k
Huford; W. T. Johnson, Com-, hodv literally or figuratively to go Dr. I Ollnjr lO 1 rCUCM
merce; H. F. DeLaney. Atlanta; jto hell. What they mean U that f wo Sermons Sll
J. A. Long, Pendergrass, and J., they expect their team to hit the | I)r j w Young who preached
J Mennety, Savannah. l*ne hard nnd crash through It—: nt the F j r „ t Methodist church last
Those representing the Phi Kau- |for a touchdown! summer and who has been heard.
P* society were A. J. Klngery. “Our boys are not mollycoddles; here on ot!v>r „c Ca aione will l William O. Mundly, Jr., of At-
Mrs. Bessie TYoutman,' market
city U> attend*tbe “house warming” iRev. Walker Ends
.which will mark the opening oil , — . j
(the winter home of the market; L,eCtUTe OtrieS
Mra. Troutman announces that nl
jHvtol'nnd’^rtatma? n I
'may be hon»ht at thlrty-i ve cents p^,., Eri , COMl chur( . h >t A|lai , 1
completed a week’s scrl.-s of I,-
ranged Into stall* wher* each pro. I XTnfver-sIty i
Thn’room" W J2L ^ SSSS/^xn™ 1 ^
Portable as poa.IMe and a tadtoa'I Jj u Sj hop N * 1,0D of the
•reat: room has been bollt. i ... , j
The curb market haa been a big d J?T® d y .^ rs | **®®* 1 ^
success and there is every Indies- J. h ? be , a * ,KK|
tfoa that the ,win)er quartern will 1 ,,f , A,h 7,'* 1
become |u*t aa popular a. the! J?'"4* 1H■
a ,,, _v » ti. n kniirL'nm' near such a series each year 1
" f " r '!•" I-1*t fir- vetM I
is located acres* *ne street irom’f». A , I
the. Sow him.,Bell Telephon. com-1 “ v ' bc . en .'lellwm.,. |
(By Attadated Press.)
MADISON, Wla.—Tedccal pro- ,
bl'.'t'on agents stationed In hladl.'P* r pound.
nm were preparing Friday for ) TR» market nonae ii being ».■
stringent enforcement of the pro
Two n sennon8 a stindRy Munday and
Bennett Elected
Grsymont-Summlt; J. T. Webb,(they are henIthywyrod-blooded, fine I preach t h er e. again Sunday, both
Savannah; S. J. Whatley. Barnes- j youngster#. They mean no harm . morning and night,
vllle: K. J Travis. 8«vannab. and by hollsring. ‘Give ’em hell. Poor- j pr. Wasson, the pastor. Is in At-
F. W. Bell, Mlllcdgeville. jf|*aK What they mean Is to en- imu In attendapc« at the North
’ Preglding at the debate wer#I hearten their team; to toll it that Georgia Conference and will not he
WllYtm Tate of Tate, and Carl they are expecting great and man-j here Sunday. The public Is cor-
K. Nelson, of Athens, presidents ly thinga of fL” 1 dlally invited to attend the ser*
of the two societies. | “My word, yes and nmen!” I vices Fundny.
lanta, odltor-in-chisf of the Red
and Black. University of Georgia
newspaper has been selected sec
retary and treasurer of the senior
law class at the university. Joe
Bennett, althlete and football star.
Is chosen historian. Delacey Allen
Is president of the class.
to find his statement sufficiently
explicit, will consider it aurf the
supporting documents next Tuch- '
deUsicn is raat.'crcd.
I pany’s building.
jin oast vears thoso who hav
, heard by the unfrrslty students
R. Tift. President I Rev. Hewell, Younp {Chicago; DIshop Irvin P. Johnson
Richard Tift of Albany has been Minister, DlttJ Friday Dr. W. Bussoll Boirf^
" I or New York City, and Bishop H. |
J. Mikell of Atlanta. 1
term of the College year which be
am* in January. Thomas B. Wal
ton. of. Washington, Ga., was nam
ed vice president. Both of them
. • . r* , * oien are members of thrf' Alpha
Hut Saturday Tau fraternity and prom’
Social At “Y M
Irient in college circles.
‘ . . i » Kmanuet Lewie wse selected as
. The pretty co-eds In sitendance. ^ Ur!tor RCRCral# r. p. L. Carter,
at the Uotv.nity of Georgia will, rlerk , . nd olhM . m | nor of0cM
entertain the rtedents ot the: nn. d . Renlbtlona of coagratula-
uplveraitx who re.tde on the can-; non, for th* r.ry etflci.nt manner
pun with a nodal affair at the y.,| n which h* haa function*! aa
Hut Ratiirday night. Theae affair* I praeMant o th* aoclrtr w.r# drawn
•re given aa a rule every Satur- I „„ for B. H. the retiring
day night and are highly enjoyed, j .xecntlve.
R«Ve Fred Hewell. died at ns, i
home near the Wire Bridge Friday] HA8 E8PERANTO COLLEGE
tnornlng 'at seven omlock after, PEKING—An Esperanto cortege I
an Illness of two weega. inns been established in Peking]
Rev. -Hewell was twenty-six j w,th * n snrollmeat of' mors
years old and ha had been a students. In addftlo.-i fo
Ister for several years. Hs Is Mir V^nto, Chinese and English
vivsd by his widow, one son and a
dargbt* r.
The funeral will be hetS at the
Methodist church at Birnett
Shoals Saturday afternoon at three
o'clock with Rev. Higgins of Cov
ington Baptist church officiating.
The Interment will follow at Bar
nett Shoal.*. Bernstein's Funeral
Home in cbsrge.
VIENNA.—A revision of the cen
sus show* that Austria has. an ex
cess female population of 238,478.1
The total population of 6 526.4
Includes 3.2S2.568 women
144.093 men.