The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 25, 1923, Image 1
11,000 Accident Polity Fro* To Regular Subscribers THE BANNER-HERALO Invootlgato Todayl THE BANNER-HERALD THE WEATHER: Dally and Sunday—IS Cento a Weak XrtaUiabtd 1832, GEORGIA—Fair an$ rising tem perature Sunday and probably Monday. # ^ ~ Dally and Sunday—IS Cent* a Week. VOL. M. NO. 242 Associated Press Serrice. ATHENS. GA., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1923. A. B. C. Paper. Single Copies 2 Csrfs Dally. S Cents Sesdsy. - J. -f. V T Political Upheaval Still Continuing In Germany ITIOWTS REFUSE TO'CO-OPERATE WITH EBERTS SELECTION OF LEADER IINET; HER9T READY •M* •M* 4* 1 4* 4*—4* 4* 4 # a j. T “ Over300 Tuberculosis Victims Found In Clarke, Stfys Nurse (By Associated Press.) inriTii nr Tnin nr BERLIN-—Herr Von Kardoff was selected by [][-jlT|| fit Tfl f] fit President Ebert Saturday afternoon to undertake BLHIII Ul illIU Ul the task of forming a new ministry to take the place of the ousted Stresemann ministry. He appeared willing to undertake the work but the German Na tionalists refused to co-operate with him. Thereupon he tried to form coalition from among the Social, lets and German. Peoples party but the German Peoples party declined to co-oparato with the Socialists. Von Kardoff waa therefore oblig ed to renounce the task of cabinet making and' withdraw. President Ebert then went into consultation with tho Nationalist leader. Dr. Hergt. It was latet i..ported that Dr. Hergt had ex pressed to the president his will in Ingnns to attempt to form a eabi- LONDON.—The downfall of the StreiemanT government is viewed here as an event of the utmost tignlfleUnee, possibly -Involving developments destined to havo a deep and' lasting effect on all Europe. The Times, In calling at tention to the loes of the Ruhr, which it aays, was “tom from tho Reich end will remain separated for a generation or more” alao asserts that “a new Europe ia be ing shaped at. ur doors.” •■France has had her way,” the paper de- darts. "Her curiously systematic and coldly logical effort la nearing its goal. A now political and tconomci entity 1a making tta ap pearance in Europe, moulded and dominated by France." Perfect “34” IENI INSTITUTES PROBE Request Clarke’s Lawmakers Oppose Proposed Candy Tax Clarlse's two representative* In ih Utnrral Assembly hav# been asked to oppose a proposed tax o' ilvs cents per pound on candy manufactured and eold In Gtorgls. Palmer and Sons, along with other candy dealers hare, rtclsvsd telegrams from Tbs Nunnaliy Company of Atlanta Saturday ad* vising of the proposed tax and urging them communicate with tba representatives for an opporal. It is claimed that the tax would op erate against Georgia manure- turara. lit responce to the message Calmer dfc Sons send the follow. i»ir wire to both Mr. Holden and Me Du Bos#: “Proposed bill of tax five cents Per pound on candy which aapplies to manufacture's and Vetallers ullke I* a hardship to both, (By Associated Press.) CINCINNATI — following tno death of three women patients at the Longview Hospital for the In sane here after they had received Injections of a widely known sped, flc for biodd disease. Dr. E. A. Baker hospital superintendent STARTLING CONDITIONS UNEARTHED HERE; MANY OTHER CASES, IS BELIEF LTOIIT SET FOR IS .28 (By Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY—The ar raignment of J. C. Walton, s de. posed Governor of thla state who Cases have been found in 137 families in the last! Mnat. court, and who waa lndlct- fcW- Weeks. I ed 1 ld*y °n a«v«n counts, woa More than 300 people in Clarke county have tu berculosis. •* Combining School A Health Boards Of City AndCounty Is Favored Quizzing of municipal candidates by the League of Women Voters has developed the fact, it was learned yesterday, that a majority would oppose any effort to eliminate ward lines, nearly all are in favor of combining tlhc county school and health depart ments, the recall finds some support, and that election of school board m’embers by the people is as vigor* ously opposed as abolishing ward lines. The qu> Service Investigation has revealed that 260 individuals 1 .”‘cJ'judic V ciMk here!*' 0 ” Dl> ,T' n dr t u. C to l, T.k U, thI 1 'stMe m H£ifh f | * n the county have been in close and constant contact | *■ E - Davenport. Board to make # chemical annly. with persons dying of tuberculosis, and that some of j Eduards. the former' aovernorf,' “th. pa,n«. were ™ff,H„,from|these already show unmistakable symptoms of tu-lSy*™ ^ paresis. Dr. A. Z. Domone, staff bcrcillosis. phynlrfnn had prepared to glva In-1 jcctlona fourteen ,f the m.., High Schod Wffl care, the best of food, fresh air, — — sunshine and rect and cannot get them under exritiug conditions. serious esses In the hospital. Voters Choose ^aawov - i ui in uuiier cjisuuk ruuuii'ous. * a • 1 f W * W C ., Kour iteupio, titad tub..a;ft^ Aid ot Library I t y Officers tads in th,- county last work. ~ ; Next Tuesday , ' STARTLING | conditions Democratic Primary Takes Place Nov. 27th. Mayor and 5 Aldermen to Be Nominated. Tbe voter, of Athena will go to Tho above are eoma 1 of the startling facta brought to light In a report of a prca mlnary canvass ot tbe county made by Miaa Made- Ion McGInlpy. county unU-tubercu baicttloale nurse, which was made publ'c yesterday through! the the polls next Tuesday and nomitt. OUrko County AntbTuberculoala Miss Katherine Moore, 18-yetr- old beauty, won 2103 and was se lected aa the "goddess" for the New York auto shew. She’s a perfect 34. ED LLOYD IS ate a mayor and five aldermen, one of the fatter from oach ward. Slnco the first candidate an nounced the campaign ha* lusn one of the quleteet In the blatory ot the city. The general public haa shown but little interest in the election and It la predicted that the vote will be unuenally light, that t for a primary. IT TO ANSWER CHARGE (By Associated Press) NEW YORK—Charges that Her. eld Lloyd Corporation apptoprl atrd the plot of the Owen Davis ploy "The Nervous Wreck” and mad. il into n motion picture, en. titled “Why Worry,” wm con tained In a suit to recover 1100, TWO CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR I Mayor George c. Thomas, ia a candidate to succeed himself and [it opposed by O. H. Arnold, Jn, I who was announced and placed Into the race by a number ot frlende over the city. Judge Thom- aa ie eervlng V* Brat terra aa tbe city'e chief executive end la ask ing for re-election. There li opposition for council In the Test, second and fifth warda. B. R. Boodworth In the third and W. R. Tindall In the fourth are unopposed. in the flnt Henry T. Culp, the present Incumbent, la opposed by E. U Jackson. In tbe Second. Dr. .ily request that you <■*. ooo damnees, filled In the aprems every possible effort to defeut this court. The complainant. Include Rob. ert H. Davis, who collaborated with Edith R.R Bralnnrd In writ ing the original story from which the dramatisation was taken. 1UER0F (By Associated Press) CHICAGO.—/*» alleged confes sion by Otto Malm, arraited for robbing a butcher shop, that he killed Edward Lehmann dua'ng • robbery savers! weeks ago at the Knit Goods Factory, baa exonara tf>(1 Walla* Drusbalmai. haM 'f/v led Walter Bookelman, held 'for •laying the man and Identified aa >he slayer by Ethel Beck, ble al leged accomplice. The aatboritlea had considered (heir rase against Hookelman as footplate. The woman, when ahe »aa confronted with Malms, admlt- l*d that ; she had gotten tired of being i Queg*’oned end thinking •wokelman had (old tbe same •lory, agreed that they were tho one sought. • Malms* confession named his wife as his nccom- Assoclstion. These (nets are made public In order to Inform the publle as to the conditions existing In Clarke county which the association has been trying to 'relieve since last year. . I Tbe Tuberculosis association be gan active work last year follow ing a report published by Dr. J. D. Applewhite, county health commie- a'oner, pointing out the alarming niimber of tuberculosis victims and deaths In thla county. A cam paign was conducted and funds sufficient to employ a nurse raised. | This nurse haa been on duty three month! and hae made a prelimin ary aurvey of the county. HOri findings are nothing ehort ot I startling, officer! of the aseoo'a-j Present Play For “Professor Pepp” WilTtSe Presented Saturday, Dec. j 8, By Members of St«-| dent Body. Great Interest la centered In the Initial entertainment at E. B. Mel' auditorium Saturday evening. Dec S. when the Seniors ot the Athens High School present "Profetedr Pepp.”' The play delineates college Ilf-* In a highly amoalns manner in il acta, each brim full of laughter and fun. The characters have been skil fully allotted * n u bring out the best talent of the school. Those who nre taking part have entered Into'their parts with Interest and enthusiasm and the teachers ns-', slating have been untiring In their (Turn to page fire.) tlon declare. When Dr. Applewhite made hla report last year, a report based on the number of deaths and cues he “bad advertising for tba county:” llc-was astounded nnd be wiia H. B. Heywotif. the Incumbent It ffR'fhatf *M tnrmdd opposed by J. P. McCall and In the'"tod advertising for the county,” fifth Vincent Mathewe and Dunaway are candidate* for the place now held by A- L. Howland who Is not offering for re-etecion. POLLING PLACES ANNOUNCED The following polling places hav* been announced for the elec- MAN PUT UNDER I E KSn-eJ. bond of jure \ S5«.Sriv s t:K KS The report, however, awakened the people to the grave eltuatlon and the Anti-Tuberculeela Association- set about to employ a special nurse for thla work. The report ot Mias McOInley, which la far from com plete, bears ont the etartllng I'g- urea given by Dr. Applewhite and hae even startled members of the (Tum to Page Five) FOR $4.00 THEFT ward. V. M. C. A.; Fourth fire hall, corner Hill and Prince; CMP*be —■■A It D fairanoa'a alnm . (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA^ Two terrific bomb explosions In tho Foreign Consulates In the downtown trlct early Saturday injured scores of persons, damaged many houses and threw the southern sectln of til*, city into, wild excitement. ’ No' oho shis seriously hurt, . so far ns the police could learn. The first explosion occurred In the Spanish Consulate about ont o’clock nnd the second nt the Sons of Italy Bank, In which the Itali an Consulate Is located. Pollc«> worked on the theory that lioth explosions wjrre perpetrated by the same party as a part of a terror campaign. i •, IV. Dsmetta. Spanish Consul cablrd his government a warning 1 fearing action here. He said it ‘ might presage demonstration* elsewhere. He pointed out that a bomb was found In *he Spanish Embassy In Paris a ft v weeks ago and declared that he' suspected r cor.nplr.ncy of terrorizatloki. ionn&lre also bring* out tho fact that the question of city planning in Athens Is being given general consideration and that tho people are anxious for a park and playground system. Tho Longue questionnaire was sent to all of tho ten- - candidate* nnd not one failed to answer. The complete anrwor of each candidate to each question is published in The Banner.Herald today on » I page purchas'd by tho League. Six out ot tho ten candidate* vigorously oppnn**d to doing away with ward linos. These six favor lotting the system of electing councllmon remain as it is. How* over four of the candidates, >wbR* not favoring elimination of ward lines, “tnte they believe elncMon or the councUmcn by the city nt largo retninlng tho feature of W rqpruumtatlon would be better than th«‘ prevailing system. IX Right of the candidates consolidation of the count city health boards, seven combining the city nnd boards of education nnd uncertain. None of the candidate would oppose n bond election for tho schools In 1924. they state. **lf d Is urgent nnd the city's One cnndltfits^ When a coffin-maker In La Pat. capital of Bolivia. S. A., fills an order ho takes it personally to his customer. Photo was taken by a’ reesnt visitor in the South Ameri can coOTtiy,'*, ‘ finance .permit.” howrwr, declares, that oppose n bond issue unless Barber- (Turn to Pape Fivs) Motorman Given $100,000 Damages [ By Supreme Court I —1-1— 1 NEW YORK—Charles N #1 Olson, former athlete nnd ftreet car mo. torman has been awarded #100.001 by a Jury In supreme court for Injuries received a year ago when a large truck belonging to » metal puckiigt* •■••rniittiiy X- w York “Athens Nearer Market House Than Ever,” Mrs. Troutman S tates. Np Market Next Thursday. 1 Negro Loses in Suit For $25,000 crashed Into the street, car Olson]63 year old (By Associated Press) LAP0RTE, Ind.—The story ®€ j how a 17 year old girl had thg tholce of death or marriage to * brought to light Saturday In Porter county j superior court; when Sarah of Valpnlriso was granted \ j vorco from James C. Raker. The girl sm'd she was married ] (By Associated Press) PLAN COTTON BLOC WASHINGTON—As a step -- n, a ’ d ,L h M r ” n '”'!?r Baker In Kentucky LTuUaft* Fifth ward, II. P. Lawrence's atom at the 8. N. 8. post office .The polls open at 1 o'clock and close et 4 p. m. , (By Aaaoclated Proof.) MACON—Clsud. B. Tanner, mall carrier of Mllled*evllle, wne placed under a 11.000 bend here Saturday on a charae of embexxlement. Ife , /. . « ■■ I. nllexed to have np,-ned a '«!*|ReV. E. Ae CaldWCU and taken therefrom $4 00 In hill,, all marked. The letter wa» enld to have been placed In the mail, by poetal Inepectoreae a decoy. Bogart Chirks Can Now Scratch Easier One of the largest hawks ever asm In north Georgia wa* shot down near Bogart Friday by Eu gene Daniel, a young and expert ihot of that section. The bird measured three fret, eleven and one half Inches from tip to tip and was diving at some doves when young Daniel caught him on the wing. Will Preach Twice In Athens Sunday Speaking at tho morning hour on tfca subject of "Getting Ac quainted” and at tha evening ser vice on “The Sip of IngnUtnde.” -Rev. E. A. Caldwell of Monfoe will AGfllttST INAUGURAL BALL AT LOUISVILLE (By Ateoelated Press.) LOUISVILLE—William J. Field, Governor-El.ct of Kentucky mated that he would not attend the Inaugural ball, scheduled to be held in lha executive nutnelon on the nlaht of December 1. “If such a ball la he'd. It will not Athens la nearer a municipal market bouse than ever before, Mrs. W. L. Troutman, market mi ter declared Saturday. Tbe curb market mored Into one of the Doxier building on Clayton •treat: yesterday and will not re turn to Broad street until neat s^rln*.'It waa announced. Fifty-three stalls have been built fn the building Into which the pro ducer, mpred yesterday, and at-ten o'clock forty-one were occun’ed. Tbe bunding wne crowded with people throughout the morning demonstrating that the market will be followed and patronised- by Athens hone*wire# wherever goes. The poducers were delighted with the new arrangement aa it takes them out of the cold. The ahonpere are alao glad for the op portunity of buying nt the market without experiencing the dleagree- ableness of cold nr niny weather. .‘The eucceu of the market yee- terday and the Urge crowd which crowded- the bonding delighted Mrs. Troutman. Bhe declared there It no reason why Athena should not construct a building where the roaret can stay both winter and ST. LOUIS.—The circuit court ST hourelE,'"' "S.”'"Sere jj" mldrtS here Saturday rendered a verdict atatrs met Saturday to dlacuw ?J5 th |“’ “ h ,® 1*? # h*? h £JSlf P**® 'n favor of the defendanU, the St. methods of aiding the cotton (row-1*** Louis and San Francisco rxVIroad! i ere. Representative Vinson of | uncle 1500 la a suit brought by * negro law- Georgia attended the conference. ,rnapnea mow fo. E4C AAA Ik. Ik., 1 yer for $21000 on fhe ground, that day coach to a coach reserved ta?il,110 FAVOFABLE VOTES ARE NEEDED TO CARRY BONDS! negroes whan tha train entered Oklahoma from Mlsaouri. Tbe Jury held that although the | negro had paid for the comforts of j the day coach, the *n!h. maneloe."he aummer., mortal church worehlp today. | th>t h . ana wlfo dM rh- market le located In fie A* the holidays dray nearer and •pp r0 vo of it, h* said he wo.ild huild'ng occupied hy the boya club do nothing to interfere with danc.|exhlb’U during tbe recent fair. Jng outside tho mansion. * Housewife* arc urged to make or- In the meantime, a committee of I ranxements for fcoducc for citizens Is jroing forward with IThnnksglv’ng on Tuesdav as the plans for holding lh«* hall. jinaikct will not be open Thursday. been arranged for bolb eeurlces. At the morning hour the ML Ver non MasoiYc Quartette will aing. The public le cordially Invited lo tho aerrlcea. _ into aay coacn, inc nma w»s i 11 Athena votes .favorably-on tho menu will be discussed and a gen* I obliged to comply with the laws I^Mue that haa been feral attendance of the cltirenry, ] of the state, through which It op-|“»«l for December fifth for the [especially the vot-rs Ik urged bt j erated - purpoie ot patVnx and grading 1 those who have called the Broad street from Lumpkin to Mil- Ifng. .... Tn.Min.Ml ri.u*iein lledge It will be necessary that! The proposed Improvement wilt j inrreasca Eiiecinc |two-thMa of the voters voting linkup Bread street from Lump-j Ratos Affect Users cast a ballot In favor of the bonds kin to OiCUcdge. thereby opening ] ... -vi- .— — • ■ • — needed I Whn'oealn Pna-er Onlv ,,,,, two-thlrde must be a ma- what Is considered a much IV nO.esaiBT'OWer uniy; lnrlly 0 , l(ie regutcred votere of, thoroughfare In'o the clt r*■'.“ . v,7 i, ’^|the dtv. [that section. .ppllratlon for Increase fn pow | ,n t,n-.e-.iin. *t>. .> V . I ..... . ■ dtp _ , h . A1 n„, 1“ other words, according to the ft has been pointed out that the j —P? ! raglatratlea Itata at present 3A18jpavtng of the street will relleTal ‘ *" OuaVfled, 1.110 of these trafRo that hae become congeetadj must vote In favor of the bonds [on MUIedge. Hill. Prince. Haa-| on which will be held before the Public Service Commission In At. Ysnta offsets wholesale usvjrs in ’ Athens only of which there are hut fourteen, C. D. Flan!- gen, president, stated yesterday. CLARKE GINS 2.889 BALES OF COTTON Cotton r!fined In-Clarke county with leaa than one third ot thla number casting ballots agmlnat the bonds for them to carry. The task feeing those who are Interested In the lasue la to get to the polls on election day 1419 Athena an Imr voters who favor the bonds. The meeting called by the Cham ber of Commerce and open to >11 the people of Athena Interested In prior to November 14, according.the paving* expecUd to cause a report made y?sterday by the great deal of interest at th* City Bureau of the c*nsu» at Wa#h-|Han Monday night at 8 o’clock. Ington. amounted to M89 bales'A FREE against 9.748 bales at th's time I DISCUSSION last year. { Every l pl<3se <ot the Improve cock, Hull. Lumpkfn and othofl streets leading f'n from the wggfc I At the samo time It will aborta^l the route Into tho city from th*| Epps Bridge road and will giv fnt that cost less If accomplished now I at anv later dat<\ Right of way has Wn • br the city engineer all along I street and the project will around JfW.OOO, the mount**! proposed Iwwie. Tho people v< Decemhor 5th, the same y elect a mayor and aide J