The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 26, 1923, Image 2
THE BANNER-IIBBALD. ATHENS. CEORGIA' m meii to 'PUT ATHENS HERE Game Scheduled |ete For . Turkey Day. ^$m8 Playing Foil* S$c hd Place. 7 EDGE FOR SOUTHERN E FLAG By HAL JACK80N jlance. at the record* of tlw schools contending for the at), cy of high athool clrctr* w« he r«ce about the . saihe V* the fare of the coll*, elevan* of the Southern Con. Je. Jftany o the team* are. 1 ed ‘near the top with the 1 »ch< Of) drawing rapidly to a close nitude Is hound l&. entire group tho nalnonvilie ;eam haa the most Impressive ^due to their unbroken chain itorles over clubs of high hartvam la the only ohe in the 1 ihat remains undefeated irtr Athens High, J^tvonla High Dtcatur High lire in a triple tgrj second place honors. Kerb "these teams has dropped lie. * Am Decatur High plays Iflfcrf learn of this circuit it ^^firferT'Ttht'nff High ami Lavonla Hjfchj for the second berth. The I holder of guld position \ylll de Icldcd on Turkey Day when thrci two aggregations tie up In Athens. Many teams put In strong for honors this year and mqde the race one of high interest. It ul goes t oshow the great Improve ment-of high school team* through out the state. The holder «f the TTWmJq blue ribbon at present 1* a* fine. Yi'V . 1 ^ ,lIUrt high schOol club and Is a cf»dtt to this section while the runneraup are also powerful machinery. It I« possible that a post.*eason game between the champion of 8o»jth Georgia and North Georgia chatn-' pion wilt he played, game would no douht prove to he a classic'-ol the Junior division. Only the Thanksgiving games- re main on the schedules now and ’he results of these can only charge ting of the runners-up. r ihe Athens High.Lavonla High battle In Athens will no doubt draw, the cent*r of attention on this day nf these clubs will he battlin'; only for second place hour II great rivalry exist* betw< A battle of no lltt|. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS HERE FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK “Desire” Big Special Palace Monday—“Freckles” Barry At the Strand Monday and Tuesday. P. T. A. Benefit Strand Wednesday. Myrtle DoeR-e," | Stops Colds in 24 Hours Hill’s Caacara Bromide Quinine gives quic ker relief than any other cokl or la grippp remedy. Tablets disintegrate in JO tecondi.. Effectiveness proved in ] millions of cases. Demand red box bear- iftgrMr. Hdl’s portrait All druggists— Gators Stand Between Thin Red Line and Title. Has Best Claim. ATLANTA, Ga.—The Crimson Tide of Alabama sweep* along at the high Water level in the south ern conference football race, with but one ‘fame between it arid a claim for the conference title as a result of its defeat Saturday of Georgia. The .10-0 score gave "the Crimson it* fourth victory and the Bulldogs their second defeat of the season, and It served to further tnpnle the Georgians from the hut. leadership "innaclc. the I Washington and Lee and Van- tag-jderbilt still share with Alabama a lie. 1.000 per cent standing but the rjihir of this circuit sips out of . Generals and Commodores have the Junior clae Kioto the •’rep won but three games. Tlie Goner League for a battle with IT. 8. B.. jnls have one,conference game left champion* of the n-agu. ehu* leuv (and Yandy has completed ing the fight het\yeen Athens High jschedule, anil Lnvonin. A* there Ik no g;i« any kind billed for In Athens It I* thoui ord breaking crowd the Athen* High v*. Bast records give th edge but said edge ; card win n these two hjittlern tie up for It will be n game In which tty Maroons will be fighting for re- renge and against odds. They \ylli ehlng. Florida and Mississippi A. and iron fracas of j M. f provided a surprise by battling Thanksgiving F to a 13-13 tie. The ‘Gators \ •„ that n rer. J expected to win easily but found "‘too stiff opposition in the Aggies. Mississippi university lost it? ffiurth and final conference game to Tennessee, 10-0. By their vie tory the Volunteers broke into the .500 pre cent class with three vic tories and defeats, while Ole Miss dropped ot ’share cellar ratings with Virginia and South Carolina. Invaders A PLENTY OF IT A crltjc went by request to hear certain politician make a *i>ecc't. “Well,” said the politiran. afte he’d got through—"well, how was It?” “Sound—very sound.” said the critic. said the politician, and then hungry for more, he beamed and added. “Sound—and what else?” “Nat’t’ng else.” said the critic. —Los Angeles Times. arrivals every week in Kuppenheimer GOOD CLOTHES] We just can’t keep these suits in our store. They’re sold as soon as they’re tried on. And no wonder. There’s a size for every figure. That means a perfect fit for every nan. Splendid fabrics, expert tailoring, totally new and original styles. First Long Trouser Suits and KniCker- | bocker Suits in a great variety of models and patterns. SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATERS And All Furnishings for Men ahd Boys. LEE MORRIS “THE DAYLIGHT CORNER” Corner Broad and Jackson Streets Tallin, found fulfillment of its hopes an easy matter in defeating Louisiana State University. 20-0. at New Orleans in their annual classic. It was the Greenics’ last -(infest and won them a .600 rating in five (tames, one of which was a tic. State’s Tigers were playing their second conference (tame and received their second defeat. Washinftton and Lee found its treatment at the handa of the Cen tre Colonels much like that admin istered to other southern foes by the Kentuckians. The. Generals lost ltl-0. with Covington and Lemon causing their undoing with two touchdowns and two field goals. ... Maryland had an easy time with Catholic university, winning 40-0, while Furman's Hurricane ran up 83 points to Erskine's none. North Carolina State fell before Wake Forest 14-0 and Hanipjlen-Sydney easily defeated Randolph-Mason 28*6. Trinity won from Newberry 20-14 and Milligan won by a point from Emroy and Henry, 7-6. • ..Tho .Oglethorpe Petrela held Centenary except m one period when the' Gentlemen pat over 14 nolnts to win. The Petrela were blanked. J Carson G. Newman anrprised creer and won 12-0 and Birming ham Southern nosed out Howard, 84). The soldiers of Fort Benninf defeated the Paris Island marines 14-0. CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY Send thla ad and ten cents ta Foley * Co., 2IIS, Sheffield Avol Chicago. III. writing your name and address clearly. You will ra- celTo a ten'oeni Settle of FOL EY’S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Croup, alae free sample package! of FOLE3 KIDNEY PILLS for Backache Rheumatic Paine, Kidney and Blad der trouble, and FOLEY CATHAB TIC 'fAUiblc fw» and Biliousness. These wonderfu remedial have helped millions of people. Try fnem. Sold every where.—Advertleement. ^jelcoms. »nb ihfc- Alamac 71 St STUCK AMO BROADWAY A masterpiece of modem bat*i creation where convenience, ram ful quiet and hospitality aw peine Unique Congo Room—Medieval Grill Jand Blue! Special Exttaordlna/jr Attraction Richard- • Barthelmess • —Hi • • “Thu Fighting Blade.” Al. St. John Cora- ery, “The Alarm.” Saturday, Marv Phllburn and Je Steadman In “Th# Age of Comedy, “Done In Oil.” STR.A-ND Monday and Tueaday. (Special! Weiley (Freckle*) Barry In "The Printer'* Devil.”. Monday Comedy “Going South.” Tuesday “Beast* of Paridise.” Wednesday. Special Benefit per. formance. Parent Teacher; Arrocl. ntlon of David C. Barrow School, -Mary Plckford, in “Daddy Long Legr”, Special Musical %nd vaude ville. Feature* Matinee and night Thursday, Thanksgiving (Spec.* lal) Lon Chaney and Great Cast “While Pari* Sleeps.” Friday, Big Double Show, Her bert Rawlinson, "A Million . to Burn" New Seriea the Ever Pop ular “Fighting Blood." Saturday, Last Showing Wm. Duncan “The _ St&le Trail”. FIrat Showing Peggy O'Dny “The Fight ing Skipper.” Comedy Extra At traction. BUSINESS MEN’S EVANGELI8TIC CLUB FITZGERALD, a/.— Anew bull- ness men's club haa been formed 4 n this city with repreaenttalves j from all the churches, named the I Business Men’s Erogellatic club* and bos a large number of mem- . bers to begin with. T*he charter membership has ijot yet been com pleted and the election of officers j Is being held up pending this do-1 tail. The club has arranged to hold { meetings in the Carnegie library I and w.'ll beet once a week.' Th" J purpose of the cl«|b is understood to be the promotion of religious) activity in a business way and a I better understanding among the, men. i SAD MI8TAKE It was Sfikk, and • the ticket i0- spector went to the young couple the interruption, thrustt put nit on the hack' seat of. trip buq. The youth, (slightly inipatfebt at folded tickets. “We do not stop there,” said th< inspector, courteously. “Where?” Inquired the youth. “At the pawnbroer’s.” — Ex change. HI8 HANDICAP A very atout and portly gentle man was once asked whfr he'did not play golf, and this was his reason. “I did try It once, ‘but found than when | put the ball where I could see it I could not reach It: and when I put It where could reach It, I could not aee It."— Golfing. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9ft. .... NOTICE TO PAIXTIYp CONTRACTORS G Scaled proposals will be «4 by the undersigned until eity tigie, on November 30th painting the cornice ro„f .ft t terlor woodwork on City Hall *’ Signed, J. W. BARNETT, . ^City Engineer APPROPRIATE, INDEED The special preacher was a ,|„„ If he would like any particular hymn to be sung to agree with hi, sermon. “ , £*£’", "f Teplled - “ n * Is I seldom know what I am goii. to say until I arrive in the pulrilr’- ■/Wall, ,’n that ease.’’ Md ,L vicar, -we had better have th. hymn. ’For Those at Sea’.’’—Tit' BRa (London). Coughing is unnecessary and can be controlled C OUGHING U frequently due to an irritation of the throat and lung tissue which persistent hqpking only make* worse. You can stop coughs of this character almost at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. It relieve* the irritating tickle and quiets the impulse to cough, thus giv ing the infiaimiiathiii (hut f* causing the cough a chance to clear up. YoA‘ll like its agreeable taste. All druggists. ( onghijtg ia frequently a aerioua annoyance to youraelf anti to all ' 1 about you 1 DR. KING’SAtriFD/tcoFar MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE Palace Spesial Mond^j-. 1 ’’[in® SOCIETV LIFE FILMED FOR "DESIRE- PALACE SHOWING MONDAY The Palace theatre Monday, will hou*e a society drama, “Deairq”, hi rqpleri a* one of the finest pic tures of it* kind recently made. It dealt with tho atory of four itvei and embraces aceriee of great splendor nnd beauty art In midst of high society and the gmy night life’ of big cities. - The exceptional cast .1 Marguerite De La Motte, Bower*. Estelle Taylor, David But ler, Walter Long, Ludle Hutton, Edward Connelly. Russell Simpson, Ralph Lewi*, Vera Lewi* end Cheater Conklin. Desire” was directed by Row. land V. Lre from the story by John B. Ctymer nnd Henry R Sympnds. J. J. Hughes waa mr director an(T the picture was pho tographed by George Bairnee. Ii I* a Louis Buraton presentation through'Metro, FRECKLED YOUNQ 8TAR APPEARS IN “THE PRINTER’8 DEVIL, 8TRAND MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Strand theatre announce* i rpedal feature to be shown Mon day tand Tuesday. The name of the picture I* “The Printer** De and it feature n Wesley Bar ry the young star, who mnde such wonderful successes in “Heroe* ot the Street” “From Rags to Riches’ and other photoplay*. “The Printer’s Devil” 1* a War ner Brothers* classic of the screen, especially written by Julinr Josephson for Wesley Barry, and directed by WillJnm Beaudine. Supporting Wesley in the coat arc Harry Myers, Katherine McGuire, Lois King. George Penrce, . Bay Cannon, Mary Halter and Harry Rottenberg. It is a picture that will make you cry nnd yet you will laugh! through It all. It tell* of Brick Hubbard, a simple, small-town lad who work* a* printer* devil BriggKville Gazette. He does all the work from editing to cleaning type, nnd through a series ol 'scene* win* hi* way into the heart* of hia friend* and towns folk hy saving the hotel for hit poor aunt nnd uncle, getting hi* employer out of jail, catching the real culprits who robbed the town •iNplk, > and , finally uniting the hero and heroine, by wbiob he ls-ac. claimed n hero. '‘The Printer’* Devil" Is one of thh few pictures where one can iw ri simple, homely, heart-ap- pealing story unfolded: It 1* said to be Wesley’* best picture up to Rle present dfy. P. T. A. BARROW 8CHOOL BENEFIT STRAND THEATRE WEDNE8DAY Wednesday the Strand theatre will present Mary Plckford in her greatest and most beloved play “Daddy Long Legs”. This will he # •tho benefit day for the Parent. Teacher* Association or the David C. Barrow School. Extra to the Mary Plckford film the ladle* have arranged a special musical rind vaudeville progrpm for the and nisht nerformance* which will he at the regular admission price*. Wednesday i* the day at Strand theatre. THANK8GIVING WEEK AT THE MOVIE8 PALACE Monday, Marguerite De La Mottr Anhn Bower*. Estelle Taylor TDeaire”. Comedy, “Only a Hue- band.” [Tuesday, Eleanor Boardman In ■The Day of Faith." New* Even*. . Wednesday, Claire Windsor with Norman Kerry In ’The Acquittal" ^ew* View*. ' Thanksgiving Day and Friday, A MEDICAL MARVEL LONDON—Alfred Davis has been living 16 yeare with a broken neck, yet he is one of Ihq most cheerful patients at Portsmouth Infirmary,^ even though he is forced to spend* his days i'n a wheel ^jinir. He re ceived the injury' In A fall from a scaffold. TH08E MEANEST MEN WARSOP. — Nottinghamshire, Eng.—Two bunches of grapes sus pended over the altar have beef stolen from the parish churcr. here. The fruit was a part of the havest festival decorations. A his toric window was shattered by tho burglars. SOMEWHAT PREMATURE The prohibition officers had com* to the door of Mose Jackson's •house on the quest of an illicit stlI. The door was opened by Mose'* youngest boy, a pickaninny about 7 years of age. We’re prohibition officers, son” said one of the men, “and we've come to search your father’s houis for liquor.” You won’t I'nd no lickah heah. | is.” said the boy. “Why we Je* put the mash to soak las* night!” —Everybody’s. Eat Kellogg’s Bran regularly to gel permanent rel of from constipationf Freedom from constipation, mild or chronic, can be an rely looked for if you will eat Keiloft’a Bran erery day! Two tablnpoonfnla art suffi cient; for seroro with eaeh meal EeUon’s Bras i> nature’s moat wonderful food awaiting a chance to bring back your health. Kellogg’s Bran i. .cient ideally prepared to re- I liere (uttering humanity from consti pation and it will do that N Being cooked and 'krumbied, Kellogg’s 'Bran ia delicious incite nut-like daror. It ahould not he con fined with common bran which ia un palatable and hard to eat. Kellogg ’i Bran udde greatly to the pleamro of other hot or cold cereab. A r f way to aerre Kellogg'a Bran _ to cook it with hot cereal,. In preparation, add two tableepoonfo). lieioua in raisin bread, muffing pan cake*, macaroons, etc. Beeipes appear on each package. Realize what Kellogg’* Bran it doing for constipation sufferer* all Over the nation, then just think what ir*can do for you and youn. The horror* to come ahould guide you to eat bran regularly* to aenre it in eomo form each day. Yon can drive constipation out of your family with Kellogg’a Bran— and remove tho cause of 90% of human illneaal First-class hotels and elnbs servo Kellogg’s Bran in indi vidual package*. Ask for it at your restaurant. All g NO ONE EXPECTS No one expects a fire. But fires come. Insure. No one expects sud den loss of property. But property is destroyed and financial loss md ruin often follow. Insure. Just because you do not oinect mis fortune— insure. We can give you all forms of Property-Protection P THE HINTON SECURITIESPCO., XtMnff.’Gtf. AMBULANCE 106-Phone-1025 BORSEY’S Funeral Chapel - Hancock and College Avenue*. “Freckle." Barry Strand Special Monday and Tucday Are You Going After This Business? m HE fall season is here, with bountiful harvests. There ,/ i business all around you, but it yon’t just come to you. (You must go after' it. 'A long distance call gets the prospect’s ear and his whole attention. 1 v % / A word to soma wavering customer here, a quick price on* some special lot to a waiting salesman there and general encouragement all along the line. The salesmen like it and customers appreciate long distance solicitation and inquiry. Other concerns are winning new jnd increased trade by long distance—Why not you? ^ The fates are low. The service quick. j Call Long Distance for details. , ¥ . N “BELL SYSTEM” SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ^ Qm Policy, One System, Universal Service, and off directed toward Better Soroka