Newspaper Page Text
|1,000 Aecldsnt Poll.y Fnt
To Regular, Subscriber*
the banner-herald
Investigate Todayl
VOL. 91, NO. 256
D«0y and Sunday—13 Ceuta a Week
Associated Pres* Service.
A. B. C. Paper.
Single Coplea > Ceuta Dally. I Ceuta Sunday.
4-4 •5—2- 4-4 4-4
4—4 4-4 .4-4 4-4 4-4 4—4 4—4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4—4 4—4 4 4
FIVE BOATS SENT TO, , . i i a i ^
ikporn;wiLiMexican Rebels Capture Another Town
In Mexican
(By Associated Press.)
M A N I L A.—Five de
stroyers of the American-
Asiatic fleet left here un
der orders to proceed to
Hong Kong and await de
The vessels were order
ed to Hong Kong, it was
stated, in view of the sit
uation at Canton and in
that vicinity.
The movcmetns of the
boats dispatched to the
trouble zone are being
kept under cover to a __
great extent, but it is | idency to BO to th.- aid of President.Obregon in nn^ attempt to put
General Plutarco Calles, Obregon’s choice as bla successor to the la both chalrmun of the commute*
and president pro tern of the aer
ate, fell four votea abort on the
. Ural and third ballota and three
down the revolt. On the right is Rauol Madero who has Joined forces votes short on the second ballot of
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. — Republican insurgents who
'favor sharp amendment of the transportation act
• brought about a deadlock Monday in the senate over
the election of a chairman of the interstate com
merce committee, which handles railroad legislation.
Three ballots were taken without result and the sen
ate adjourned until Wednesday when the voting will
be resumed.
Senator Cummins* of Iowa, who
[i ue _
presidency, is the storm center around whom the Mexican rebellion
* has broken. General Calles has given up his ambition for the pres*
thftmrlvf it. down the revolt. On the right is Rauol Madero who has Joined forces vot«
inougm Wjat Uie destroy - ! with' Adolfo De La Huerta who is the leading spirit in the movement, the necessary majority for* re-elec
ers are being; sent to the to overthrow the present government. Huerta is considered friendly. tIon chsi.-man of the commit#* I
Chinese port simply to t0 foreign interest* in Me x, c°. J Senator Le Follette. of Wisconsin,
take care of American in
terest* or if necessary to
intervene should the sit
uation grow more grave.
Officials declined
state the exact motive
the mission when ques-
Georgia Grid Star
Under Surgeon’s
Knife Monday
tioned and if is not likely
that any report on the ac
tions of the detachment
will be given out until a
comprehensive study of
the situation has been
lender of the Insurgents and rank
in* republican on the committee
received seven votes on each bal
lot. while Senator Smith of Sototb
I Carolina, ranking democrat on the
committee, was given the solid
support of the democrat*.
Public Exercises Will Be
Held At Awarding oif Di-
again In the hands of conference
committees it Is probable that
both these bills will come up for
vote on Wednesday or Thursday
Plomas to Clarke Girls] “L"
i* riday Night. 11» not reached at that time and an
- I Income tax bill of some kind adopt
Two .Clarks county girls. Misses 'ed it Is th* concern us of opinion
Alary Lillie Hall a/id Elrie Estelle that. In so far a* result# arc con-
Todd,. Will graduate from Clarke cemed. the special
County Girl's Club Friday night at
ATLANTA, Ga.—The failure or success of the
special Session of the General Assembly will pro!,
be decided during the present week as the lawmak
ers will either adopt an jncome tax bill of, some na
ture or admit the failure to adopt some plan of rem
edial tax legislation, leaders in both houses stated
With the Ellis statutory tax bill -
placed on the calendar for early j ■
action, under a motion to recon- j | .NeW IrlOtlOn rlCttlfC
elder, und with the Lankford con-11 Fraud UnCOVCred By
stltutlonal Income tax measure 11 — '
Chicago Detectives
”i><’ci*l exercises to be held in the
county court, bouse. The exercises
will be conducted at * o'clock in
Hi.- rooms pt MmL* Annie Mae
•ssion will
have failed.
The entire situation mny hinge
on the attendance of members since
the Lankford hill, being a consti
tutional amendment, requires 138
votes, or two thirds of the mem
bership, to pass the house, with
a similar proportion In the senate.
The Ellis hill require# 104 or ■ a
majority of the votes In the house.
It was pointed out Monday by
leaders In both houses that this
meant that every absentee mem
ber will vote In effect against the
bills, whether he favors them or j
Wood Bryant county bops demon-
»trution aggnt.
Br. Andrew M. Poule, president
"f the State College of Agriculture
nnd Miss Mqry Creaweli, state di-
ivrtor of home economica, will be
among the 'principal speakers at
exercises. The band of the
Athens High School jwlU furnish
°n* s»t features at the ex
cels** will be the add rats of Miss I
i"’ie suddeth Hall, the first girl fir AnfhnnV
( ve r to graduate from the club ITIain. /IlilllUIIjr
tfrl’s course. She will discuss
h * r experience as a club girl for
»ix years, Th* two girl* gradual-
ln «r Friday night will be the first
"inr* Miss Hall's graduation. Both
*irf# will he given dlplomae elg-
"trying their completion of the
four years' course.
The .publiq is cordially Invited
«o the graduation exercises.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO—The ties of the name
of Miss Muriel McCormick, daugh
ter of Harold McCormick on the
part of the promoters of aw ei-
leged movie star mill, brojgk*
scores of school girls and middle
aged men and women to. the Pop
ular Motion Picture Products
Company, according to detective?
who arrested four Officials of tLi
company on charges of conspiracy
t^ defraud.
While waged along nfach
name line# ag that conducted by
the republican Insurgent# in
house o\*r the speakership,
fight does not wage suck far-
reaching result*, as tbs senate* osi
continue to function, although the
chairman Is not selected.
Senator Cummins declared he
would not bargain with the sup
porters of 8enator -La Follette,
addlhg that he had no intention
of giving up this post .for
other. He-skid also utft he <
not conceit* that ther# Is
question to hie right to the
tion of ohalrman.
Senator Cummins was advised
some time ago by some of bis
friends that there was sentiment
against his holding both the com
mittee chairmanship and the office
of president pro tern, but at that
time he told republican ladere
that he had nothng to surrender;
thnt he held <both of his offices at
the pleasure cf the senate and
thnt It was for the membership to
decide whether he should retain
either or both.
J. D. Thomason, ■ tali' ba,e-
ball and football player at the
University of .Georgia, under
went an operation for appandi-
cltia Monday night and is now
convalescing at St. Mary*!
During the football wagon
that has just closed he suf
fered one or two attacks which
hsndicapped him,a, a player.
Monday when he suffered an
other attack he went under
the. surgeon’s knife and hopes
to be hack in shape by the
time baseball season gets un
der way. ' •
Ht Is from Columbus.
W. T. Anderson Will
Speak on Highway De
velopment in Georgia.
Act on Consolidation.
Directing tho affairs of a $40,-
000,000 corporation la a mighty
big Job- But William R. Hop.
I kins, successful lawyer, engineer,
realtor and railroad builder, la
used to working hard. So ha hat
no hesitancy in assuming hi, du-
I tie* as Cleveland's first city man
ager on January 7.
column of revolutionists
proceeding by way of the
Inter-Oceanic railway for
Mexico City is taking
with it four batteries of
75 milimeter guns and
four batteries of madiine
guns, in addition to am
munition for both catego
ries. The column was able
to increase its gun power
from pieces obtained from
jthc San Juan de Ulua cas
tle and from the warships
, n ^ ro . th , an a th . ou!, , and in the harbor here.
1,0J2 to bo exact—from January 1
1 to December 31! But it's all In a
year’s work for C. F
Youngstown (Ohio) polio
ant for tho Erie railroad,
wonder the crooks all call him
“Terror” Frum. They fear him
like tho plague.
Another column of
nfuten-1 troops, to be under the
" u tn ' personal command of Gen
eral Guadalupe Sanchez,
is being formed and will
go to the capital by way of
the Mexican railway to
aid the columns already
NOGALES, Arlr.—Topic, capital
lCo has
rebels j
The Georgia football squads, varsity and fresh
man, will gather around the , banquet Ward at the
Georgian Hotel Tuesday night when the business
and professional men Of the city will • fete with a
dinner and a dance." n
(By Associated Press.)
ution providing
Recovers From
Painful Bums
Georgia Grid Star Nar ?
rowly Escaped Serious
Injuries When Hurt Leg
Caught Fire.
E prohibition department C«or-
", — | Following an the figure* made
[ In 192$ Georgia federal prohl-
(By AMoclated Pre»*> " ,£** nt A destroyed 2,846
WA8HINOTON.-<- A fifty per y' r tf"!» «me second with
cent reductfoir In poaUge rite, on * J 8 ™ ?*, W 3 Pt
farm product* milled directly from "P .* nd Virginia
th efarm for delivery at tha poet- J”* , ntx i ® 56 - A*enta worit-
offlce from which tha route etarta {25 ln .P” rK |*. •’“"g* MmJv^nd
I. proposed la ..bill prepared by iSSUfe
’emeruunmeni°of’uw’membera 1 of fully 150 will be present for the banquet
Press Association* which met |
here '.n joint session Friday mom- M. Snelllng will preside as
ht gat the Georgian hotel toastmaster and but few speeches
The visitor* will b, entertained | will lie delivered. Dr. Seaford will
by the Chamber of Commerce. . probably aonounce the completion
The meeting of editors. In add|.'of tbn 1814 football schedule and
tlon to > elnc nn Importart one for will tell something also of thr
both ueoctattone'wlll feat-re high- basketball and baseball dates,
way Improvement -In northeast I The coaches will be In sttsnd
. Peorgia. Th principal speaker ance and Captains Joe Bennett and
on highways will be W. T. And#r- John Tsylor will make short talks
son. editor of the Macon Telegraph
who is alav a member of the State
Highway Commission. Mr., Ander
son will speak on "How 'the Gqpr-
ldH of th<
of the state of Xnya
fallen into-the
according to .
received lire today from Tepio.
Toe garrison nt Tepie, in Naya-
rlt, Mexico divided yenterday and
-0O n.iltlie-rie l* • 111 *-<l
ed to capture
to advices rocelve
ersl Anatollo l
tary operations
was in command
was reported serlo
General Manuel
7 those in North Carolina, the next
,. state, destroyed 1,113,304.
Senator Harris of Georgia.
The Mil provides that the car-i ,,
Here handling this clasa of husl- Con ’
nc.N would nt commissions on in. imentedi.gna jiestroyed the
| 8ttll tn the University of Ooor-
A n inilDNA Infirmary. Mark Anthony
rt Lf J U U l\ ll Georgia football Mar, I* Improving . . - . , , ------ ---
K i&2*r%2£ : S Uncle Sam Needs JffSS:
One Hundred
As ,2nd “Looies”,S n ’ 1 ^ W 5,T n^,”” con,Uc * t
while dressing h»* knee which had
been hurt in grid activities.
Only by his presence of mind and
the assistance of a friend Nehd
Illal tho IyOgisiature ad- !wa» In the room with Mm did Mr.
ioum sine die next Fri- tSSSJTSSL “-‘S
the bum came about while Mr
Anthony was removing some ad-
day at six o’clock was
adopted by the Senate
The resolution must
be concurred in by the
House before it can be
legal The resolution
w as introduced by Sen
ator Duke.
Ijoslvo tail from his knee. In or ler
to pet this t*|ie off with the least
trouble and pain possible. Mr. An
thony had applied some sort of
solution to tho bandaged parts.
This solution. It seems, was ,hlgl •,
Inflamable and because Mr. An-
Ihony was In front of an open grate
fire. It caught fire almost Instan-
I taneously. Mr. Anthony and' h f .s
friend who waa In the room with
him managed to extinguish the
oinor run nnn muo . flame, hut only after tho football
<"n Of Perry Oa. are visiting her) star’, left leg wpa'.hadly burpoJ.
[ ur *nl* Imlge and Mr,. Horace' He wa, Uken to tho unlwreiUT l»-
1 'olden. - I firmary uhere he Jllll I-
made for violation of the drv law
Men who want to enter the army .Georgia stood In fourth place with
amt yet be near home will find an 'a total of 3,438. California had
excellent opportunity In the ta- ,6.433; New York, 4. 928, and Texas
listed personnel of the cavalry '3,639.
unit of tho University of Georgia. ‘
There are several vacancies In this
detachment However only men of
good character and references will
be selected for thla doty. Men of
this section mlgh^ well Investigate
There are also over 100 vacan
cies In th* U. S. army for. the rank
of .econd UeotenAut and examina
tion for these places will be held
on April Hill. 1924. The officer
nnc> of lbs University, Will
be pleased to give any Information
on Uicsc examination*.
Ga. Exams, to
Begin Friday
ExamlnaUone marking the clou
of the first term at the University
of Georgia begin Friday, .Dee. 14,
and continue through Dec. 22. Tr-T
students as they, .complete rtholr
examinations will go in thei.-
homes.for the Christman hoi.'dnyx.
Th e.prisg term of the university
wilt begin Jan. 2.
xts Press Can Best Co-operate .for
Better Highways."
•The business meeting of the
editors will he featured by aetion
on e' proposal th consolidate the
two associations. This matter wa,
ui.u.Ku at the last meeting or
Yhe two Indies nn<r final action
will be taken Friday.
The Program In full follow.:
Called to order by the president.
Invocation—Dr. E. L. Hill, pastor
First Presbyterian church of Ath-
Heading ef minute, of Inst meet*
Payment of due, to SecretarJ.
"How Can th. Weekly
ton. Levon is Times.
'A Pair Prise for Adverttalngt
What tn It, nnd Do We Oet It?
James P. Davidson, CI.-e'aAd
"The Value of the. Editorial
Psgv'1—John T. shannon, Coni-*
Among th* players who will he
Ilf attendance are,.Day, Frier, An
tnony. JneelftV", Orayion, Taylor
Bennett, Richardson, Moore. Kit
Patrick, Randall, Fletcher. Cleck-
ley, Levle. Phllpot. Butler. Nelson,
Wlehr*. Bsu. Tlppln, OlUver
Smith. Shadduck. Carmichael
Bimunwiti. of the varsity squad,
and Johnson. Howard. Curran
Ltickey. Mapp, Bell. Forbes, Wild
er. Hind. Clay. Oroves. Andrew*
Rogers, Crowley, Cloud, -Elrod
Morton. Hollis. Kala, Sherlock
Hatcher, Hebblo. Fowler, Roland
Carroll. Cook, Duffe.v, MOUgar..
Stnkeley, Young and Tinner from
tha freshman squad.
Manager* Sanford. • Jobnsor.
D'Antignuc. Muagrave, Reeves and
Pespinnan. and Conches Woodruff.
Stegcnue. Thomas. Bachman and
White will Ii* In attendance.
Captain Josh Watson of the
baseball loam and captain Ed
Ourr of the batketbell team will
also he'In attendance.
J. D. Thomason, who wpa oper-
ICS.'JSr B “ nBOn : C# ™\ mght. < wm , °be *cSS l .'t‘ thThoV
"How the OHiris Prew Cssl*^»“■ enablete mtten. d '
Bast Po-operate Fpr Better High-
ways**—*W. T. Anderson. M*r*»n
fTelearaph. •
General DUctiwkW.
Selection of Next Meetly Place
1 Blectlon of Officers.
Yaqui Indians
WiU Not Rebel,
R epor t e d
N00ALS8. Aril.—Advices
WHISKEY POURED ON STREET Hemtosllln Tuesday ofaclaUy de-
jny rumors that th* Yaqui Indians
McDonough Os.—One hundred In Honor* have taken the wtt
and eighty, five qoerte of Scotch I path ss revolutionists,
and Irish whiskey were pourcl our These reports assert that the fn
on the Street* , here aider r.rdri- »f 1 Indians win only‘rebel If the gov-
Judae,Turner or the c*unty' ephrt ernment falls to keep op th* aiip-
rrcemly.' The whiskey whs found .'(dy of provisions If his been fur-
ffioers In sn kuWthshne uhrehl p'Jhlng them anl officials declare
carrying-it ■ fifun ' fTi,fls|TT'~. 1 r tinirtln pos'fhtllty that
tils will hap
How much have you htlped
toward fighting tuberculosis In
Clarke county? Do you eve,
stop to realise how’ many pro'
pi. are suffering from tubercu
losis who could be relieved II
you would only sire a fry pen
nies th employ relief measures?
In Clark* county over 10* peo
ple are afflicted with tubercu-
loslt. BIx died with the die
hare last month. How n
will die this month, the next and
th, iwxtT' It la your duty to
h,lp Qght thla disease. Don't
think becau-e none of your
loved ones have the disease II
la non, of your affair. Tuber-
culoals can be transmitted from
on* person to another. It la an
awful dleeaae. Clarke county
should ftuYc the l-v»d death
rat* from the disease In the
stale. We have on* of the
hlghett. It la the aim of the
Antl-Vub*rculoale Asroelatlon
to keep fighting -the disease
until II Is practically eliminat
ed. It takea money in do this.
If every parson In the county
Will buy Iw.ntr rents worth of
Christmas seals th* -money can
be raised. How many realr
have you bought Sooths lo
cated at Ih* Palace, Michaels
and the poatofnqs are Millet
these ante. Buy a few pennies
worth every day. Monday the
C. D. Flanigan p„ T .A. com
mute* headed by Mrs. Pau<
Hadnway sold Ut il worth of
aeola. r Tuesday the Woman’,
club waa In charge and Wed-
neaday the D. C. Barrow P. r
A. will have charge of aelor
with Mre. W. E Broach ar
Total of 108 Cases Re
ported Since November
1. Easily Spread in Early
S’.xty-four cases of meaNles* ha-.o
been ‘reported* ,to thet Hoard of
Health since December 1, It was
learned Tuesday. Forty-four rase*
were reported In November makli*g
a total of 108 cases in the last
six weeks. Ot the forty-four cases
— to jfomn&ar, 1 —
about half
from quarantine.
Dr. Linton Gerdine, president of
the Hoard of Health HtateU Tues
day that about the only way to
prevent thq continued spread of
the disease (a for parents to kefcp
their children at home when they
signs of having a cold. Df.
Gerdine stated that when the child
appears to have a cold and juxt
before the rash appears it Is in
the most dangerous stage of th*»
• a6 contagion is coh-
MACON, Gs.—a stomach pump
wa, u«ed on a tan year old boy at
Ih* Macon hospital hare recently
to Av, him from tho effects cf
bad whl.key which ho 'said ha had
found and drank. Tha boy waa
found drank on th* atreota by Pa-
trolman R. L,'Thomas while very
alck and w*. immediately rent to'
the hospital. He Mid that he and
another boy found Ihe whlekey and
had Ju.t fim.hed drinking it a lie
tie while before.
11 more