The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 12, 1923, Image 5
* IwrnSKSILVV. I»F.I F.MRBlt H 1MB-. r ' 1, W»Tr TUB BANNEKHERAtP. ATHENS, GEORGIA 1 IPORT NEWS [City Lads Here Fri,- Kr Night AtS O’clock. B. HAL JACKSON L Athens Hl&h Lcagers will rir second opponent* of Friday night at eight L t w h«>n they battle the fast lulled. They will l>ear watching. The showing of the club at pre*. 0,1 1 Is moat pleaalng and th e ladt show promine of developing ' into one of the beat teama In this aec- tlon. At flrat It waa thought that the Brown clan would be greatly handicapped by the loaa of ao many reguiara but he haa rounded the Red an<j Btap)c, ?P\ind, atar of several year* paat at Georgia, ‘'Dub" Thornton, Charlie Cox. and O'Burn. Then they have an able nrr<* v of substitutes. The prire of admission will be fifty cents SOCIETY iif'iT ‘ nice'’crew of .; cagera. i Thiel G.iMICHAEU TO Will Meet Gl'an- yvar-. I«m|In iomn>hm smaller fast passer*. An games have been scheduled for every Friday '-and Saturday of each week It Is the coacher'o plan to* have two good qul .tetn ready for action so that either of them will not be drive* too hard before the big tourney. Th invaders boast of a big faat' *1h Thu' mIwhtv qu,n ! et of 'veterans and out foi “f ,h,lr fourth «<*■**• Nearly ever, W i„J.“Sn2T Vchool While of Ih. now ui. * “*‘l*nt l« going good. They had rath- 1 « *■*« the local-, meaauro that 111 I Mt "° nt • ,| * h ' h* 11 ’ J u «‘ nmhlf iJS™ , A * No "> ‘ho arm ""d watch the wool worthy of their ateeL Ac „ A v , ry ama „ of adnl ,,. ■ „ on y gartie of any kind , 0B w| „ b . cha d at this time It l a expect m d draw a full hchiVe. Ei!.ortoq camera have ni- .Colbert CageTeam * ** ln ,h * ” n " Winning; Wants Games past :lven the lo- it fall they the gtoat local five bui This ■up .i fine game. This year I have a vetetth learn that has up to form fp ( three previous The lofntf, are working COLBERT, Ga—The High School boys came out of the game with Bogart her e Saturday in tip-top condition and resumed practice Monday with a light work <VY, 8 On Thureflay, December 13th tho High School P. TV A. will hold Its December meeting In tho Mell auditorium. TM* will bo Fathers' night snd tho-men are eipeclally urged to be prerent. Mr. M. O. Michael will be the principal ipeaker ot the evening Mrs. Warren will apesk and Prof. Ed. Mell will apeak on "What the P. T. A. Means to the High School" and Mrs. Julius Tslmadge. ot -What thd High School Has Meant to My Son.” Following the speak ers will be a social hoar .with mu sic and' refreshments. All parents end persons Interested In the High School are .cordially Invited whether members of the P. T. A or not. The meeting Is called promptly for 8 o’clock. Another Interesting speaker ol tho meeting will be '.Mr. E. J. Bon- „ . durnnt who will speak on -What Co ; J "i the High School Has Meant to M.« Children." ' \tfrn. ‘ho . hooks A. long scrim* I In two games played this sea- the : bill, yesterday nndj"*»n ‘hose boys have for this fracas and nre do-’out. Practice consisting mainly of Inn! to putjlt bx\, tho right pa.* slrfg and shooting. doubt be fepavtcd today. No tal of 86 points against their op* for the game/' could be ponent's 18. Everything seems to (,l at this writing, i Indicate that Colbert has a splsn- r ov i jdld ‘♦‘htt 1 this year. Cnpt. Yates I Boss and Glenn Butler seem (ERTON • ' , 'have the toward'* places sowed up ' and they are as flashy a pair > girls quiptfif, .will leave the]are usually recn In High School May morning for Elherton circles. Edwin Hart the lanky hry wIM engage thp lassie' center, is not only a strong offen- ..r that,,city. By theJr go. sivc*player hut a whale on defense v leave r.Biv.'.fir-iti tfcv.r to' Hjs well. T»>e ewsrdlng department il .-marefcatlop, so a great Is being nbly tnken care of by ll should J^s nut for the game.) Paul Hart and Dewey McCurfey. > invHdera.,wUU have In mind | Other members of the squad or# i they lnvj«l«.0Ur fair city the! Qulillan Benton, Hiram Hampton * of last yrar «t the hands of nnd Bradford Hitchcock. Tht k'tmeiings uB'l.slso the football schedule Is still Incomplete and ilihg nt thq.ynmpnign Just fin* Manager Cecil Hardman Is anxious I? LOTS OF nt “Dsnd#rihy» Does Won i for Uweti, Nsglecttd .Kate Athens “Y” To Play Georgia Saturday Night THE SPIRIT OF GIVING Each year at the Yulcllde sensor tho children ot tho First 'Presby terian Sunday school happily ex press the sweet spirit'of giving In stead ot receiving. They usually celebrate with a beauUful tree and bring gifts for the less fortunate Tht* year the gift* will be broushf lo the church Sunday morning ani' appropriate exercises will bo helo at th© 8onday school hour. On Friday of next week the children will have their treo In tlu- afternoon. tho hour to bo an nounced later. This lovely custom haa bee©!"* an event of their liver to which they always look forward with pleasurable Interest and th' greatest Joy. Cjaffpey, S. C , Tuesday morning for a lecture before the U. D. C. Her subject I, to be “The South As I lie mem her It In I860.' The costume ehe will wear for the lecture Is a very handsome black satin trimmed In Venetian lace and worn over a large hoop skirt I DAVISON TO PRE8ENT PIANO PUPILS Miss Bertha Kate Davison will preaent her piano pupils In re- cflal Friday'afternoon at 4 o'clock, at her home on Hill atreet, which promises' to be a very interesting event BERNSTEIN-SILVER ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Selig Bernstein announces the mnrriege of hts daughter, Ger trude Jane to Dr. David Marion Silver ot Augusta, Wednesday, December 12th. at high ooon. Mrs. J. S. Stweart has returned from Atlanta and waa accompanied by Mrs. Hilliard Spalding for a •hort visit j i am Mr. Harris Jonea with a party of S. A. B. boys went over tn Monroe today to attend the funeral vf Mr. A. J. Arnold who died' in Florida. How to Stop Sour Stomach MISS M. RUTHERFORD TO LECTURE IN GAFFNEY, 8. C. Miss M. Rutherford leaves tot ma«m of lugu- ii,* joe*! "Y" gyiq. The gatae Will t Want hair full. begin at tight o'clock. > of gloss, lustre j nils game promise^ to be a thrill- ahd life short* • * r nn( j one w *j| worth seeing. I Jr, follows n jrtnny past stars will be found In J genuine tori In* |he ..y^ j| ne . up and lt W |„ be nn xip of negleci* * xce || # nt opportunity io g#t a line i p . d * ra,p * ! on the "Bulldogs* *«r well as th# 'dependable • • ,n the l !n# *“P will be found p ' ’ ftching scalp A,fred * cott ' former ,um,rta nr of .^nd the dand* lb rorrccted’ .mmedlately. Thin I wlapy or fttciliig hair Fly Invigorated- ‘ taking I strength, cotor and'youthful '•Dandcrln^" I* delightful hair; a rcfri'fhing, stlmu* toalo—wfift* sticky or greasy. I iir,ig8tore,-ir-A^yytl«#m#nt BEAUTIFUL STORY IS TOLD IN “THE COVERED WAGON” OF LIFE IN THE EARLY DAYS Santn dibMflbring your • huttlc^Car thia l«a*. .„/ J - LOIS WILSON, at Molly Wingate and Warren Ksnlgsn Baplen In “Tha Covgred Wagon." Next' Monday night. -Tueaday inaUnce and Tnesday night at the Colonial theatre "The Covered Wagon' will mako good In advance repot ts that inve preceded Itfrom New York, Atlanta end othei cities. Tho favorable critical ver- fflet Is also tho popular one. Love story, spectacle, Wild West allegory, farce, song-and-dence. tragedy, comedy are Just a tew of ;ta facts, it might i-.'nthfully be de- -veilbed es “the show that has everything." The' mighty unity that bind* the congeries is the In terring theme-of the opening np of the a-est; Amdrica'e greater'em pire. ; hr . the ’ humble t« arks nn'"eovered aarons.*' Scehen I of the.* »vt.-d prallre nclioodere I lowed by thtlr s’wfdpnlng; horses lund oxen "ertj -- th-’ Platte; bar- I dea'llng, tongM to axle, .igaln»t Indian stuck; their breve land lubbers fighting savages, prelrii tire, buffalo and' MOO miles of hos tile wilds; the environ, splltUn, as the Gold Trail and the Plough Trail diverge, nnd Oregon's fin, conquest In the snows, stir pa triotic pulses snd make over; auditor proud of belhg an Amer ican. The romance of Molly Wingali the pretty wagon-driver courted by rival Mexican War service mer finds spdendld embodiment bj hols Wilson. J. Warren Kerrigan sod Alan; Hs|e, whilst Ernest Tor rence and Tully Marshall rontri; bufe' sItaTOshlng^ lifelike gtjd. eh tertalnlhs portrayals nf tnnyt; ' about, Thtbe'nr- J0OO.per.tjn: th** cast, pryilie .Mayhood ort tra i< ;i fjcUghtfu! f\ ; alu ■ selling at Jow«>rri (‘lg:ir Htorv. Chronic With Many Peopl#—Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets Bring . Quick Comfort—*8weet#n and Stop Acid, 8oui* Risings snd 8uch Dyspeptic Distress. When the fact Is considered that i*ven careful people, those who' fol low diet ruler, get attacks of Indi gestion no argument ’ Is needed to recommend the best means of re lief. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are used by lawyers doctors, teach ers, by bunlncae men, high livers, Moclety women Industrial workers, 1 clerks, and tho worst abused atom-1 acliM In tho world, those of a hosi.i of travelers. For thirty years people have i learned that they may eat what j they like or what Is set before] them, and no matter what the con* I dltlnn of the stomach, If due to! .dyspepsia, these wonderful tablets |, *top gnslneas and spur risings, they give the rtnmach the alkaline ef fect which overcomes acidity . and thus thoy either avoid distress af ter eating or else they quickly re lieve It. Be fortified. Get a 60 «*ent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at any. drug store and arm yourself against Indigestion—Ad vertisement. Just Ten More Days toShop Time goes by in a hurry, these ten days will be gone before you know it. ’ Better finish your Christmas shopping now. In the mornings is the best time to shop leisurely. Xhis Store Is Filled With Gifts of Ail Kinds for All Ages. Vases of Italia/iware, Japanese and Glass. Beads in long, short and chokers, all the new est things. , t Book Ends^-Ebony Trays—Mahogany fin ished Trays. Buffet Sets in Mahogany and Polychrome. Bath Robes, for Men, )Yomen and Children. Sweaters—Bed Room Slippers—Gloves. Ivory Toilet Seta and Separate Pieces. Toilet Ai-ticles in Christmas-Boxes. Vanities—Mesh Bags—Card Cases—Mani cure Sets. ' l1 • . ’ • ' 1 5 Silk Hosiery—Sox and Ties., When one is in doubt about what to give—then select handkerchiefs. Our assortments, are complete for mens women and children. Ladies’ Hadkerchiefs in plain, At 10c to 35c Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, Prettily Embroidered ..’ 10c to 65c Ladies’ Maderia Handkerchiefs 50c to $1.50 Beautiful Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched, real hand work, 3 in a box for .. .. .. $2.25 Initialed Handkerchiefs for Ladies 25c to 50c Men’s Initialed Handkerchiefs 35c to 65c Men’s Plain Handkerchiefs . 10c to 50c Children’s Handkerchiefs .. 15c to 25c Table Scarfs and Gunners, Boudoir Sets made of beautiful quality materials, embroidered, and with lace edges. Davison -Nicholson Co. Athens’ Busiest Store SHOP—O—SCOPE Don’t Worry Over Holiday Problems! Just Turn to “Christmas Gift Suggestions" Christen, Gift Snggsatlona I Gifts for Her Norris Exquisite Candle* Blocks Aristocratic Cannes Marts French Chocolates Hollingsworth Unusual Candles Bunte* World Famous Candle* Georgian Palm Garden GIVE HER THE BEST W© hum a wonderful line of Chriatmaa Ilaxos of the World'* Moat Famous Candles Georgian Palm Garden Christmas Gift Suggestions "GIVE HER A" i STUDEBAKER On* She Will B* Proud of. Lawler Motor Co. A GIFT SHE WANTS Electric Curlers, Boudoir Lamps and Irona, Floor and Table Lamp*, Heating Pads. Taylor Electric Co. Fountain Pens, Watches,-Rlnga, Stick Pins, Cigarette Cases and •Holders, A Gift he will want. J. Bush, Jeweler Wo Invite you to see our Cbriat- mas Cemetery Wreaths.- Pot Plants and Cut Flowers Jones’ Flower Shop Phono 287 GIFTS SHE WILL LIKE Vanity Cates, Stationery of all kinds. Toilet Articles, I-crfumnt. Ivory Sou, Toilet Seta, Candles. Citizens Pharmacy In Amber. - Ivory and Shell, Boudoir Lamps and Candle Sticks. Candles, Stationery. Gold and Sllror pens and Pencil Beta. BRAD-O’S A GIFT THAT LASTS A YEAR Protect bephome with one of oor many tiro Insurance policies. LIPSCOMB ! Fire Insurance Agency DORSEY’S A gift she will remember. Ladles' over-night cases, hat boxes, suit cases and band bags. Christmas Gift Buggestlona For Everybody We have something In our store for everybody. Gifts they will ap preciate. Com* In and sea our display of goods. S. H. KRESS CO. I-& 5-10-2» Store A FIRE INSURANCE Policy protects your homo. A Gift for Everybody LIPSCOMB Fire Insurance Agency SPECIAL XMAS PORTRAITS As few or as many as desired Attractive oil colored portraits FINE FRAME ' Adams & Arnett Studios Thousands of useful present, at prices that mak* your money go far. Dorsey Furniture Co. McLELLAN’S 5-10-25c STORE Christmas Cift SiiggestionH AUTO ACCESSORIES Automobile equipment (or Christmas. Motor Meters, Side’ Shields, Monogram, Radiator Caps, Stop Plates, Extra Tires and Tire Covers. Motor Tire & Supply Co. XMAS GIFTS At Popular Prices—Shirts, Tics, Hats, Gloves, Socks nnd many other things. Levy’s Toggery and Boys’ Shop Pipes, q'gsrs. Cigarettes, Christ mas Packago and Boxes , A Gift Ho Will Like. Jowcrs’ Cigar Store * SOMETHING HE CAN U8E Pipes. Cigar*. Clgar-ttoa, Raton. Sharing Brufhes. Fountain Pans nnd Pencils Citizens Pharmacy Christmas Gift Suggestions A GIFT THEY WANT Who could ask for anytblnr nlcer than a CADILLAC 0 Soule Cadillac Co. A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Is a Gift and Saving Combined* B. R. Woodworth Lift “VICTROLAS” Make tho homo lmppy Christina morning by giving tho family , victrolA Dorsey Furniture Co. EDISON PHONOGRAPH "The* Phonograph WJttt a Soul." We carry full stock of m Instruments, Piano-, Gib Mandolins leal Morris Music Shop Mrs. Nellie Saylor, Mgh. Gifts for Children! WITH A CERTAIN amount saved we can finance you to build and own yonr home. What la more appropriate than a Savings Account for your christ- NOTICE!' To avoid delay place your orders todsy for your Wreaths, Bas kets. Cut Flowers and Pot Plants -for Christmas. Mfah Nettie Ji Why Not Give Iter A -DIAMOND'- Yon can save by ggtllng it at J. Bush, Jeweler Auction Bale AN ELECTRIC 8EWING MACHINE maltha a < practical and appreei*- rSLiTSrJSM.: J Jones Greenhouse Co. lies thla banh'ng feature. i Phone 4(02 Commercial Bank Bring the children In and let them am oor toy depaeiment .Wo hav* many toy* to pick from. We nave you money. S. H. KRESS CO. 5-10-25c Store Sms-er fk’.ving Machine ompany TOYS toys ;^%£TOYS 5c to 98c ' 'McL.F.1.LAN’S 5-10-25c STORE Make Your Gift a Raxors, Sharing Brushes, Mili tary Brushes- and All Toilet Supplies BRAD-O’S The Man's Shop Mavis and Candy Says -MERRY CHRI8TMAS" In a distinctive manner. See our Chriatmaa boxea, one ah* will appreciate. , t Jowers* Cigar S.tore Benson’s Fruit Cake You will Please a Friend. Gifts for Him W* bare many things la' our ttor* |t pick front (Hat will make 'hri&lmaflj Gifts For Him. Dixie Army Store Gifts for the Home We hav* many Ibfok* lo pick from that will make appredaUire Gifts For tha Home. Give tho Family A Gift They Can U,a A BUICK FOR CHRISTMAS Conolly Motor Co. -Dinner Decorations VEGETABLES will mike a large part of your Christmas Dinner Costa’s Delicatessen I* headquarters, for that dinner or dinners and wo will be glad. to fill your wants. Dixie Army Store FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES. Th; Beat Gift of AU . [for Chrl*tmi*. Lawrence & Miller CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Attention. Tako your dinner at Cpsta’s Luncheonette Regular Dinner 65c Sandwiches and Salads of all kinds -L FRUITS r»tron. Lemon an«l Orangp Peel. *’ry*tallzi*d Pineapple ami Cher- .. rlei, Ra'ttinij, Flg*. Dates, ami F-ruIlr. ami alt kinds of Vvgvu- . hies for your Chrlslma. Dinner. :in S iw" M| '- - : 1 ROGER’S fftSw? • V*