The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 12, 1923, Image 6
Btem2 WfePNESDAY. DECEMBER «, TBB BAWNgB-nKRAt.n. ATHENS. GEORCIA WANTED — Refined middle agt lady attendant tar dental office. BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS. LIGHT LABOR SALESMAN.- $AM farmer* at cost during the yeai mi. Itepenltnc all law. which de- [Webb, Greenwood. 8.- C.\ c. L. .Oaten, Charlotte; 11. I* Furlowt Tilton; Jake Moore, Klngiton. -V Dt.-O. L- Peacock. d!2c WANTED—Butler and chauffeur. ‘ Apply 1155 Mil ledge Ave. . dl2c Brand To Push Bills Designed To Aid Farmers prlvirtlie several state* of the right to fix Interstate freight and pas senger rate*. Authority. fo r the president to ap point Judges to sit on the supreme court when any member is dis qualified. so ns to prevent any WE. (JilOHKvTwWt AN /” VJvW NOT? ELEcWK. ^iGNTHAf flWiHES OFF AHO ON ON 00'? tJTOKE SJ00,WVWHAT f>PH 7 tv W. Gardenhire. Atlanta; F. II. Thomason. Columbus, Ga.; W. II. Durden, Atlanta; Paul T. Morgan, Atlanta; George Ml Htanton. Au gusta; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Welch, Naw-Haven, Cnn. John R.' Findley. Norcror.; D. Boger. Tampa, Fla.; W. B. Nnrion. Fort Valley. Ga.;..Walter. F. Winn, Lgaiar Caldwell. Atlanta; II. c. Jlplfee, Macon; R. A. Sprntl'nR •hERKi Ni lEltPORH A farm bargain—then some! B yy, buy home; e-z terms: C me for lots. T. L. Mitchell. 1 *HOl)L0, v MOT! Dividends (huge ones) make Equitable net cost way below : Figure it out! T. L. Mitchell.* A Life*Annuity fur self; Boys and girls savings; Christmas-gf its—permanent; Divdend^—amazingly big; that women ahd Juvenile offender* may he went to state reformatories Instead of to houses of refuge. Judge Brand has received strong assurances of support'for hfs leg islative program. i efforts Education assured your child: Fone 746: Equitable Life Agency. Lift your gift out of the ordinary class.. An Electric Waffle Iron is the means to this end. W AFFLES, crisply and deliciously browned the Electric way, served piping hot “right at the table,” with honey or syrup are creations fit' 'or the gods. «7 SO 1 * Among those visiting in Athene Tuesday night were, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H- Moore, Tampa, Fla.; J. tppi.v 5*w. several of hi* measures lieforc iv.rcet or, that committee which wil help the dJ4x fitl’merf. The Mils are: j To extend the time of payment |o r liquidation of loan* by the war finance corporation from three to four years from date of the Irlgi- . nal loan, which will help the far- ■ mers who hnv« loans with bank* I granted advances by the^war fi* nance corporation. To amend the farm loan law so that actual farmers may borrow money for indebtedness due by them when not Incurred for agri cultural purposes. Creation nf n ten-mllllon-doUnr revolving fund to sell nitrate of toda :1ml calcium aresnate to the E. E. Du Boise. Atlanta; s. i\ Howard. Macon; Ed Danfortb. At lanta; H. M. Beckford. Philadel phia; F. W. Mueller. Atlanta: F. S. Belk. Chattanooga; J. B. Beall. Atlanta; Herbert O. Franz. Chi cago. Always Take ( VOHHT Ttf SAM HILL / -SOIAftOP'l ' C.0TTR TOfiN YHOhF UWW> ON AND OFF- \ ..„ NlbHT, DC NT THE.U WOULD VA WftNT TD DOWN HERE. vovtn rTfottrv WANTED—By young lady room and board lit private home. Ref erenced* furnished. Address P. O. Boa 3.76. d!3p CASCARAJ, QUININE SYRUP PRICES GOOD THOMARVILLE. Ga — Much of. the new syrup made this season Is on the market hfre now’, and Is proving to be very fine quality. Th 0 cunts Krimti. and syrup dealers arc ernllglng good returns • this year, and Ochlocknee report sales last week at a dollar a gallon by the barrel. The cahe grinding season Is about over now, and the seed cane for planting next year has been banked for some time, though a few In some sections-who de layed banking It report that some of it was injured by frost. FOR SALK—My horn* on Wood-; ‘lawn Avenue. lot 80x210, fur- it. Terms to suit put- j Albert Davison. d!4c chaser. ATHENS ENGINEERING # COMPANY Phone 711 Smith Building f ANTE D—A floor scale on j wheels, suitable for weighing, boxes. Box 228, Athens, Ga. dl4c j FOB KENT—5"R. H„ 197 Mil- ledge Ave.; 10 R. H., 575 Hal*, rii St. FOB SALE—10 R. H., 675 Harris St. This is a splen did hrme. flue chapter house. J. T ANDERSON Phono 840 Only 7 more days before Tax Books close. W. A. MALLORY, Tax Collector. No Dollar You Spend Buy3 More_ Value *Than the One for Electrical Service. FOR SALE—Cheap, one hot air| . heater, practically new. Box 228, Athens, Ga. dl4c FOR SALE—Two $135.00 range stoves, good as new, for $35.00 each. L. E. Brooks, .373 E. Dougherty St. dUpl ’RECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A BIG DIFFERENCE JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES IN THE TOWER OF TICKS CHAPTER 8 y. . . ADAM AND EVA AUNT MATILDA’S VISIT ■By Cap Jliggi Prawinm bv I-ee Wrlfhb ocwwTD'm' S StttX foB j SUE HAS THAME sosAprpuriM J ow shape J l JVICE story hy H»l Cochran. TOH ADAM . WHAT SHALL I DO? AUNT MATILDA IS COMING TO CALL ON US. SHC5 SO ■r' DIGNIFIED AND f OLD FASHIONED! J g HE'LL PROBABLY ’FECTLV SCANDALIZED •AUSE I HAD eiy/^ lie BOBBED I r-' 0k /well;N LVHATO* IT' “S EVA? jj no t wta? A MAT- while sh( is HgffE? (3PA9? JUICE . juSTAMWorr AMDILLeST / NOUSW.E IMATEP, jA.y. <, S H'LLO-AW, BUT rM AvHFUL ■mesty, I SAID ■miRSiYAicr Dtcry/r '/vesTV- i aunt N 'matilda?! EVA. I KNOW YOU ACETS^ A WOMAN OF JUDGEMENT SO I WANT TO GE-T V YOVR OPINION ON A | / WELL', Vv WHAT IS >> THE VERDICT?. VERY IMPORTANT er of the Land af Ticks explained that toe biinccst of illy waj-llr. Main Sprlnp. “He’s the lellow who really ka to.” anld Tlqky. “And"tho smaller rptuiRt jump mervly. hvlp him to keep all of the il-i>k works mov- OCT OUR WAY By Williams THE OLD HOME TOWN f NEVER m'iND 7\ Tho&e ©oveI VOURE EaOiNCr. / Tb ei»v wrTH ' ME -ItLL I LEARN TO Hold er , NEWT SUES l AREARfN’- lOLD ON THERE BOY HIS IS NO LAUGHING ‘YT-TtSO-'^DrvCIM / l I P’ C’NVON OLUEV WEJRC GONNA PUWGMINNVt MATTER-'SPDS/N'I LEFT] THAT FIRE GO OUT | By this lime the Sprint family had disappeared. And then a lot of big and little wheels rolled In. They looked just like the Tock twins, whom Jack had' met before. Ticky didn’t wait for Jack to ask about them, but he told thu wheels to stop Ions enough to meet Jack. (Con- tlnuwtl- i. "* , ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS (you SAT Uno-no-th' DAD KEYES SAMESCA IS ALWAYS TOTS8BA lett/n' 21.721 °UT A tcwIl'- V Howl? y ID FORCE A LOT of I You OLD LOAFERS TO I Go HOME AND BURN / XYOUR OWAI COAL^S - iUEi l II BY OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON -I am not .0 very Wa. mr yet so very ■mall.” I I ■ the neat riddle the Rid- • the truth he said, ia k4d: Ao matter whrre I promenade I’m ao very blc. nor yet ae always on ahead. s m;1 IL • I’m nulet In my hablta, oa aea or 1 an ttal «“d tbes air or land, I’m tall. ,,ul ,h " 1 “*" ln 1 mu,t eonfeai. I I am atout. but "ftrn I often have a band. “Now this no doubt- will make you la any abode «« all • lauah I haven’t any hand, Ittle blue to ateen. .Jlut wait, mv frlenda and apart your chaff f have a crown la» 1 steud. j war. f3t, I never drlnTc to k«*r r fo prowT trim. , • j I ytt'ls'lilhM'lJirtea »*m•• At ten e'-V V m fl|l^/ ur^ .to the brim.” ; =TFlP: hJTf?.vVi!jin»j£> * I don't Uke Ufo *«&*>*• prefer outside. And y.-t i never. w fortune util I’ve 21 r think If, frlcrdw f‘>y if N r. in-ti K-i I