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ATHENS L'Mfffiri
11,000 Aooldent Polity Fra,
To Regular Subscribers
Investigate Today!
Middling .... ...
Provlouo Clooo .... .... ,....
Cloudy Thursday night; <
Dally and Sunday—1J Cento a Week
r l♦ N WMSSMS.
Government Forces
Concentrating Near
Vera Cruz To Stop
Athens Women Heirs To
$200,000,000 Estate
Advance of Rebels
Direct Descendants of
Martin Key Said to Own
, ,J“ y Associated Press.) BJ
MEXICO CITY.—It is generally felt here that the
decisive battle between the Sanchez forces and the
troops loyal to President Obregon will be fought on
the Vera Cruz front near where Carranza was de-
feated by Sanchez in 1919, soon.
The government is continuing to concentrate its
troops in that district to oppose the advance of the
77 Acres in New York
City Worth Many Mil
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA. — F ox,
sitting; beside his wife,
appeared more cheer
ful at the outset of his
trial Thursday, when
the case was resumed.
He wajked briskly into
the court room, neatly
As Dr. StoCkbrldge
described how he.found
Cobun dying on .the
floor of his office after
the fatal shots, Fq.v
beat a rat tat on the
table. Mrs. Coburn, the
widow, placed a black
bordered handkerchief.
to her eyes during the
Fox constantly ran
his hands through his
hair, now partly gray.
ATLANTA, Ga. — Fol-
owing, the selection of
ne jung'which occupied
ill of Wednesday, the
tufa nnrl rla/nnon i'n fkn.
Report Says Country Will
This twisted debris' bf the automobile \hat stelli-,1 or. the New York Central tracks at "Dead Man’s
Crossing," Forsyth, N. Y., Is all that reveals the indirect cause of the wreck of the Twentieth Century
Limited, its three occupants jumped to safety when they heard the first a Mon of the cre-k Twentieth
Cantor; Limits thundering down on thent Forctd to stop, the train also halted the second eection. The
third icetion, dashing past warning signals and flares, crashed into the rear of the second section,
leaving a tangled mass of wreckage in which 9 peiiccngeru lost their lives and 50 wen more or less
seriously injured, e . i ’ ■'
JBe Forced to Announce
Bankruptcy Without
I VERA CRUZ—The cities of
Merida nnd Progrew in the state
of Yucatan have been eelxed by
• rebels commanded by Colonel
. Alcalde, accordlnr to Information
Jreachlr- 1—
in n muddle.
The Athens heir* to the estate,
(By Associated Press)
' BERLIN.—An appeal by the
Gorman government to foreign
1 countries to help It out of It's fi-
Jn&ncla! difficulties Is ogpected In
many snorters here within a short
time. ‘ .
, The appeal may take the form
of a request to the League of Na
tions to take control of Germany's
The action ;for financial help u
regarded as Inevitable on the
.ground that without such assist
ance the government will not bo
Able to poyit’8 officials and will
be force<r~TO announce It's bank
ruptcy. It la forecast that in a last
j desperate effort drastic taxation
measure# will be instituted.
revolutionary headquar
ters here.
i The advices say that Governor
Carlllo of Yucatan and his follow
ers have disappeared, taking *ith
, them export tax money and other
Travelers reaching Esperansa
from Mexico City report that more
than 1.000 federal troops or# con
centrating at San Marcos, midway
between Mexico City nnd Vera
Crus nnd on the line of march the
revolutionists .,«• taking to the
capital. If these- advices prove
correct it Is presumed the fjrat
Important battle between the rebels
_ i the government force,, will be
'££? uSSX-ZZT B * n 8n4r " " nd »-
* trade In New' _____
•portod Thursday I FARMERS
Qs tho Ural UABO, Texas.—Right Win-':
' their tolls for], d wrl1 ,,rn,,,<, o'"! mounle.l
tho troooors ,11.1 formers of the lower Juaro* val-
offered their support to
government in Juares
any threatened re-
tucl Prieto, collector
ince<| Wednesday,
quiet throughout
H. do la
>f Mexican' tryiops
Presidio, Texas,
was no truth to
Was Bound For N
York With 20 Cases
Whiskey. Car and
quor Seized.
S. N. S. Special
To Be Run By the
Central of Ga.
I ” *• USUUI18 luo iroi)|KMH tutl , .
not arrest her but contented them- !“ J ' c!:
I selves with .her auIoinobUo and the . °f r< * t>n
; twenty cases of hitch grade contrtt-
band which the coupe contained, of euatoma !
Ridley Released ,ho nor *hern part m,
^ | aoeardlng to /Mr. Prieto.
On Bond of $400; Jliar , z - t ^ y '
OJInaga. opposite
I nnd declared iherf
ATLANTA*—Rev. Caleb A. Rid- the r *P°rts that tho town
ley, former pastor of the Central mcnnc ed by Dela Huerta
Baptist church and Imperial kludd ■ *
of the Ku iKlux Klan, was roleaaod I La rife Crowd Hean
Wednesday afternoon by city no- -r r»
lice authorities under • $400 bond! of COU
which was fixed by .Recorder j Agent and Add!
George E. Johnson, who bound the' -
defendant over to the state courts The series of niu.irated
on chargea of operating an uuto- being given at the vurloui
mobile while under the Influence In the county hy Dr I i
by Mar-
;nie Central of Georgia will op
erate a special State Normal
School train out ot Athens to Ma
rtin on the morning of the 29th.
Tho train will carry the hundreds
of students of that scbbol who live
south of Athens.
r he train will meke connections
Madison,, Machen. Macon and
Other connection point, along the
The train will leave Athene ct
7:40 on the morning pf the 20tl> ac
cording to an announcement made
Tburaday by' Commercial Agent,
J. Y. Bruce.
Planning Commission Is
Discussed At Rotary Meeting
Dr. Ridley, who* nppeared in
court, waived preliminary hearing.
The only testlraogy heard' was that
of Patrolman Shumate, tho arrest
ing officer,'who stated that about
a quarter of a plot of whiskey was
found In the tonneau of the car
and that when Dr. Ridley was
JURY 18 .
W. l Beard. 340 Lakewood eve-
nue, Western Bectrta cotdpany.
l. T. Cook. T Langley avenue.
Armour Fertilizer company.
V. E. McKnmy, 1!) (lordon ter-
n ™. electrician.
s. P. Skinner. 184 Lakewood
Fred J. Orr, at the Rotary meet
ing Wednesday brought to the at
tention of the members a moat
vital matter for the bettccmeti* an-
Improvement of tbli city—that of
creating a city pUn commliploa to
work In connection with •Ncnm-
rnittee appointed by the Alumni
of the Unlverelty of Georgia to
eatabliah a Southern Plant Station:
and Institute lu this city. The I
purpose of such an organitmtlon
to be for the growth, distribu
tion, and observation of economic
and ornamental plans and Inter-
of spending: for the year, setting
apart sol *■ —*
for clothl
•y Associated Pres, , J
NEW YORK—The • dissolu
tion of the Corporation of- - the
Inter,Church tVbrld Movement
was assured in eupreme court
Thursday when repreeentatlvee
of thy mate Attorney Generul’e
office did not appear tv oppose
the action.' A default was en
much for educa*
Turn to Pa?« Eight)
(By Associated Prese.)
(By Associated Praia.)
LONDON—Lord Alfred Dou
glas, eon of the late Marquis
of Qusenibury was found gull-
ty of criminal libel upon Win
ston 8p*nc«r Churchill, formar
first Lord of tho Admiraltyg by
a jury here Thursday.
Dougfaa published a state
ment that Churchill llaaugd a
false communique after the
battle of Jutland for the pur
pose of influencing the clock
He wet sentenced to elk
months In prison at flip ex
piration of which ho must give
surety to keep the peace,
particularly towards Churchill.
Otherwise he must undergo six
months more imprisonment.
ATLANTA — The Stovall-
Holden bill, tb give counties
and municipalities the right
to exempt from taxation for a
period of five, year* all new In-
dutiiral enterprises, including
cheese fpstories and cream
eries, -wee passed by the Sen
ate Wednesday.
Thursday the bill wee given
a favorable report by the House
Constitutional Amendment
Rer*.««*#ntat;ve Stovall co
author of the hm t» from El-
berton While Holden represents
Clarke living in Athens.
Demonstration of Holiday Dainties for Gifts a
Parties Enthusiastically Received By Audience
Friday Last Day of Cooking Institute.
n nou rn vrl". ?' **£ ?}"* lum P—lbly deny the .
2H.2. M ° L Medil1 Cooking ceaa or the school. No klndenra
School, many Athena houaewivee enera would have been m
helped to eolve their problem. ot frankly appreciative- of7he w.
Christmas entertaining through dere of the great world nut*
Whit. InThe'uSUS*on "'homS^ nSt‘ U rad , ' 0 "ouiiI11«." , Them^'
3- iMnnlry, 619 Washington fected for the city plan commle-
. Southern Freight nsswla- alon orlth Mr. C. D. Flanigan e»
chairman, which commhulnn will
E. Rohlnann, 500 Cooper act with the committee from the
(Turn to Pago Eight) alurant association with Mr., B. W.
Hunt. Of Eatonton aa chairman.
A representative of the Banner-
Herald In an Interview with Mr.
Flanlgeir on the propoeetT project
secured from hjm the following
outline of the purpoae.of the com
mission and Its workingn:
"The housewife plana her house
keeping. the home builder plaaa
h'e home, society plan* lu func
tions. tho hualieM man plan, hie
■drarilsing and ealaa • campaign.
Discussion of Better
Highways Will Be One
of Features. Session Be
gins At 10:30. O’clock.
COll-MPUR. on,—Plena . have
hoen. completed for the big New
Year-, relay cross country run he-
twaan the Y. M. C. A. tram, of Le-
arange ondgCotumbua. Runners
will atari from the T. building In
folumbur end the first team to
reech tho hunting i„ Lao range.
44 mltaa away will be awarded the
prise. The runners will run In
Edltoyn Of tbs’ eighth and plntb
congressional district meet In
Athena Friday morning at ia.10
for themselves but protect oth
er. from catching the disease.
end punctuated with tho many
questions with Which her feminine
audience bombarded her.
A moat appetising orange bread
wan mixed first and whlla It was
cooking a similar bread wfiich had
hoen baked In the morning wan
P***ed through the audience. Fol
lowing this was a moat attractive
tray of decorated cookies,' a tray
that capard m.nnj 1 gaap» and oh'n!
of ndmlratl^n. . Chrlitmas : treee,
polnjeitas, and , hotly _wreathe!
■If you have drought Christines I
Soots already buy fonts . mors. •
Buy soma every day.- Wednes
day tho D. C. Barrow P. T. A.
with Mrs. W. B. Broach to I
charge sold Seals. Friday the I 1
College Avenue P.. T. A. wll'
hare charge with Mrs F O
Blrchmore,' chairman. Bnj
’-'bottle Seal* and help fight tu-
i-erctrlrial* 1 ' 1
Tt-nnnctTLOsiP is font a-
ntovtr. ‘ 1 ■ ■
gram. - One of tho principal fea
tures will bo dtacusalon of how
the newspapers of this eection ran
help develop highway,. /
XT, T. Anderson, editor 6f the
»ieon Telegraph nnd mtthber of
,»he highway' commission, will
apeak on “How the Ororsla Preee
Can Beat Co-opemte for Better
C.inenlidatlim of the two asm-,
(Turn to Page Eight.) ‘
aeev- luitiictg Will rvin In
relay of thrt+ tenths of a mils
each, wfth officials arcompitnfngr
them in automobtlM and keeping
xn accurate check oq the time.
The roods arojn -good . 'oao4Ufoq
tho county In the past few weeks
by tho Miss'of’thu nuts. Tho crop
as been unusually hgood this year
both in the amount of the yield as
wi ll ns the* f|ii’illty bf tho ante
with wan unmrpaaaed In the hle-
tory of the county.
•Pi It I*.expected thargood Unto
rill be made. The runner* . ,wfll
M»VO ;»i»tow to nick them up;when
heir part of the refay 1* com-
•l4-te*l Tlwre hundred and nlxty
frred In th*