Newspaper Page Text
• ■ «-‘<i V: ft .1 .■ tu i
<*i o 1 ' . .
f n tt -.i... » > • -ft?
Carnesville, Go.
attorneys at law,
Athena, Gs.
ifflec South West Corner of College Avenue
' Clayton Street, also at the Court House,
turtle!, desiring Criminal Warrants, can get
' a nv time by applying to the Comity
S,or at this office. decl6-1874-tf
1). llll.lo
attorney at law,
Athens, Ga.
'rouipl attention given to all business and
same respectfully solicited. janlMy
Qlaxke Ccnaaty.
wr.&^tSSSI£3S±i $££
on or before the first Monday Ti£ST&
umunst the granting ot said discharge. *
of°Angust, 1877?^ ■■ ° fficc ’ thi * 31st
b rakrow. : d:^.,Barrow/Jr.
jriHJW ItlHJH., >
attorneys at : tfAW,
Alliens, Ga. . ;t
'aa -tH "i- . *
tifflee over Talinadge, Hodgson & Co.
,/| - •—4
attorney at law,
^Vatkinsville, *
Office in former Ordinary's Office.
aiait-mc-iy .rt l>.. * **ii A
ice •r 1*<*-1 -A. £
itM-i*:- 7 !-1 •
OilA Wi
, „ 1 «&4 **4 jKskiW ’ 'A4'-. 4
nlli- tuKi *a i». i*i
Tocoa City, Ga, jiR t* ~ ,: ,i
< ,tt 47 -Ss wJt-A
Will practice in ull thq.«*qntie#>of'ithc West-
a Circuit, Hart und Madison-of-tlfo NurthjMn-
"tail. Will give special aifooion to all claims
rusted to his care, . jiv -oetWH87*-ly,
Lamar Cobb, Howem^Cobbt i
v • tK.tiv* ' *m evitT/
Atficiis, Ga
Sophik WimLow, ] Libel for Divoiee, j n
n **:, >CIArkc Superior Court,
Gilbekt tV iiitlow. ) August Term, 1877.
11 “l'F??" r \ n tf to the Court bv the return of
the Sheriff, that the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow,
does not reside in this county, and it further
appearing that he docs not reside in this State,
it is on motion ordered that said defendant
ni of this
in default*
„ ^ rt h«r ordcred timt ThFs^iotice be pub-
llshra m the Atiikks Georgian once a month
for tojirmonths, before the next term of Court.
Done in open Court.
Gmn ed; ^gp, p ^ft° rn *Y a for Libellant.
mifiS® oTHhe SnperlA- court
of Clar. e County, at August term, 1877.
Wnereas, J foh *. IlRrinJcutt und Theo
dore E. Atkinpour Executor# of Mrs. Lucv Y
Deuprec, dec’d; 1 apply to fife for leave to sell, for
ItoUP<*S.o f A'Y.W; 0 ." «pmj|lgJ«atccsoT ead de
ceased, the following property, to-wit: 2 bonds
curity, WW^fWroHIAlf^SfrCoim and Chi-
Whereas, Horace L. Cranford applies td
me for letters of administration on the estate
of Mrs. F. E. Buchanan, (late of said county, V
deceased— r
These arc, tiierefore, to cite and admonish, all
concerned to show cause at my office, oil or
before the first Monday in February next, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 27th
day of December, 1877.
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
before the Court-House door,- in the city of
Athens, Ciarke county, Ga., on the first Tues
day in February next, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit: Nine
wjtwre bales of cotton and one hundred and
six bushels of corn. All levied upon by virtue
of three fl. fas. from Clarke County Court, quar
ter session, April term, 1877. Mayer A Mayer
vs. R. R. Snniter, and one distress warrant,
Peter W. Hutchinson vs. R. R. Saulter for rent,
in Clarke Superior Court. All sold to satisfy
the above stated. fi. /as.,„nuvL. others in mV
hands, this December 31st, 1877.
J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff,
jaul 30d. , .
f/JEORGlA—Clakkk County-—
_ Obdixary’s .Or* ice, December 26th, 1877.
Pinckney Brown,’ colored, lias applied for ex
emption of personalty, -and I will pass upon tlu
same at 10 o'clock, a. in., on the 23rd dav oi
January, 1878, atipsy‘ "/< - -i: *i l
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
j#al-2t. .s . • ni . 4
ill ’a
-.J : a - f.
Mhsw is wrtYt#
t.:i:irli *» VITS/
Therefore,•Rirpenidttdt'Mm^ted are bereb
£.wt«eik«nd cited t« sbote CatAl-, at my office,
on or before the first; Monday in Jhnffiffr u \i
wiiv said leave should r ot t»egranted.
Given uiideMVjMlat ifiSbR this 26th day
of November^ iitlLbUl W >V
d-l $5 | ASA M. JAC^ON, Ord’y.
SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will • be sold/ before
t ho CourtrHouse door in the city ofAthensJGa.,
on the first Tuesday in; February, next, 1%78,
, within tiie legal hours of sale, the following
’ ^ i?®ni‘./Soa»itea^Aw„vc,
plated ware, Tinrawure, fancy goods, jeweler’s
. . ] tools-.and -fixtures, uhow oases, - sates, and all
* other liropertv belonging to and connected
\ Office in lloviproc RijiRrhig,. I with the jswriry stare and bir iness ot Fradt
I-.-.r*J-ls76-ly /it/ 'i,'aluio<lt:.., «ji;ro:i<i street, Athens, Ga.
Tnis stock embraces .fine gold watches and
chains, silver watclies, ail kinds and styles of
hulks, and gentlemen's jewelry, gold eye
glasses, gold pens and pencils, diver and plated
forks, silvRrndriplMRf ttbtt'jKpMces of all
kinds, pqcKRtSnilwif pistols, guns aud cecon-
trements, clocks, cord stands, toilet stands,
cake baskets, fruit stands, vases, guitars, banjos,
violins,^imfmOiilcolW, and a large nnmber-ot
articles of jewelry and fancy ai tides too tedious
td iliefttidn—stieh as arc usually kept iii uluge,
first-c^iss jcwciry csniblislnufiit in a city. Tne
Oconee County.—
Whereas, Mary G. Kale apples to me for
Letters pf Administration on the estate of W.
H. Hale, late of said county, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
concerned to show cause, il any they have, on
or before the first Monday in January next, why
said lettcr* should not be granted.
Giyei\-urrder my hand, at office,- this 24tn day
ot November, 1877.
dee4„ - JAMES R. LYLE, Ord’y.
VJT rERion Cocbt of Said CovifTY—The peti
tion of Wyilam Y. Elder, G. C. Thomas, James
C. Wilson, Andrew B. Jackson, Henfy Jen
nings, James A Price, H. G. Hardigree, 8. S..
Thompson, Willjnm A. VV’oodis. J. J. Branch,
Juines W. Lea, Weldon VV. Price,. John JK.‘
White. WUjsfP II. Hull, Thomas Booth, Geo.
II. L. Tlnmnond, David B. Siehardsoq, Johii
W. Johnson, John J. Cohen, W. 1>. Langford
and Barton E. Thrasher, showctli, that they
and their successors desire to l>e incorporated
under the name and style of “The Oconee
County Fair Associatipq,” Tiie Fair grounds
of which association, are located in said eonuty
dt'Ococce, near the village of Watkiusvillc.
The obieci of your petitioners is to form tbem-
selvbs into a-corporation ’for the purpose of
holding jin annual Fair for,the,.exhibition of
agricuUand products, mechanical implements
stock, and any and all other articles ■ not incon
sistent with tne laws governing such incorpo-
fyour petitioners 1 having sub-
rations. -Each’ ofq
scribed the sumo:
ing.the ca|*itaLstj
and their successors, be ineorporated-for the
period of twenvi-years. ^For wliicli purposes
your petitioners pray tiie passing of an order
conferring upon stud petitioners aud their,-sue-
cessuri the privileges npol’afole to’canylftg on
t^io Jmsiuess forvs ipeto .tfeey des’wto be inoo?-
•pbrated, enumerated in the ^Second Section of
Act of Eighteen - Hundred*: idnlr forty-three,
^/lEORGiA.—Clarke County.—
Whereas, Thomas Hodgsony. Adminiptra
tffcof.VVn;. V. P. Hodgson, deceasbd,Appires to
rae for leave to sell a tract, of land, i-outaku-g
60U «cre»j more cr less, lying In Jjf^ltSon coiiuity. _ d
Ga., adjoining Long, Diunmoad, Ai.glto, ilium- , entitled an act to pbint the manner/>f creating
ell and* Harrison, belonging to the estJte of Said certain cofpoiutions, to deflfic*the rights', and to
deceased—;. ..-r, -.*i ./. Mali
’ Tiierefore, all persons interested are hereby
notified and cited to show cause, at iny T office,
on or before the first Monday in January, awxt,
Vrliv Said leave sh’odld i.ot be gr imed.
4nS K 1 ,*3A X.SAKU.N, )
3'u.modoof clia. _ „
iThisDoceifaoir 21st, 1877.
Wbercasr. 1 IfniiableTiticbariIson, adminis
trator of David Riebalrdsou, decdused/petitions
ii terms of the !r v to bc discharged from siud
afilUisttatWi—t ‘ ' v w ‘i :.Y** Vi" ToTT);
. These are, therefore, to cite, and admonish all
|wlrabr.8 cbnijertied to sliow cause, at myoffiee,
on or before t^e fimt Monday }n Januarv next,
hgamst the granting of said discharge.
!. .Givdb undertny hand, ut office}-this 3I*t day
?f>™ 7 hr •:‘.:^aSA M. JAlftfe^dN, 1 1Ir
septll-8m. ; - ,\yj. Ordinary..!
Air.x S. Knwtv. Andrew y
'RWlN d COBB/// / .■ fit v "? : I
lv on Corner of 3ii<iad< nnfl 5 Thomas ■stfeetii
l( M. COCHRAN!, ’ H
Gainesville, Go-
Re;il K>!u.c ami General Land Agent forthc
imliase. im l sale of Mineral ahu Furmiiig
and*in Hall, and the other cotantiesof Nortli-
st Georgia. Mineral ores tested and titles to
fojwrty iiiTcttigiited. Special atteption given
ilia purchase and * " “ :
I U"
1 sale of pity j:ropcrty.
. N, DORSE!’, Attorney.
A.tfeora.o3r a*b Law,
llACTWELt, GhOEOIA, " ! ." ■,
l ill ?>":>•;!icc in tiie Superior Courts 6'f Norths
swtGeoigia and Supreme Court id Atlanta. ‘
logs. 1KT6 tf ”
James Ii. Lyj.u, * At«r. S; ErtYrijr,
wstkinsvillo. • *■ . k- Athens. *•
VI.12 & ERwm^
Will praotice in partnership in tbe.Superior
u '* rt °f | 'conec County, ana attend - promptly
' i'll business intrusted to their care.
J#ii9-3m. , , •;
>y virtue or. a uio:-lgiig^
tYom Clarke Superior Court i:: favi rof Asaph
K. Childs and Rufgs U Moss, versussaid Frank
1\ Talinadge, to sa’isty said fi. fa. Property
pointed out dujkLti^iw^'iliijic^ovc sale of
this property, usueruia ordcr from the Judge
of the Sujierior Court, will be continued lroin
day to day. Sundays excepted, until all is . old.
<iec4 J. A. BROWNING, Sh’ff.
Will be sold; before tire Court-House door
AVbweja, Albert II. EtU aryls, administra
tor of llfchaillTIngl ics, deceased, petitions in
terqw of the jljiw V* bv; diaeharged fii m add
Iministratioi.— .. ,, ,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish All
persons .concerned to show, cause, at my pflioe,
on nf before the-first Monday in January next j
against the grantiog of said dischjq-ce. ' ;!»
Given under my hand, at office, tins 11th of
j . i u i ji / AS AM. J'AfcKSON’/’
septll-3nv. - , . : ', Ordinal. .
meat of Governor Hayes, made, the
necessity of^epiug fft^eral power in
yepnbl\ctin lutjids {md for the
proteeii^n oi the Ijlacfc tyhije
Soiuheyiu-epublicans, . ,, . f ^
V :• -. r TIAL .CAifPAldN.*. H< i'A
• f^Ohaiidter ^7 ^Th^* Woody
shirt,* as it is called,-‘ Torts'* fivtfly
,waiypd aniPGot^mor Hay^ ‘himself
urged * public.' mfcn to pfft fdrward aa
our best / argument thd dangers of
rebeh rule. ■ and T a ; ’’fiolid Sbutli.”
si y ’■ Ait’K GBatMiloi* tjtuftcs .wWal
.ilAlrtevttthict vfttaiioitfrimlrtAMortOedriiSfe -.ileftiaindl* 1 iNtbv f l>in5i^,
Sn^riqr, Conti- | .Hatt*»*rfh»llglft*hbn^rf
Hayes sitouUl be declared and inaug
urated president, and second, that
upon Hayes’ accession troops should
be withdrawn from the support of
Chamberlain and Packard, arid that
the new administration should recog
nize Wade Hampton and Gen. Nich-
olls alter the inauguration.
and (Jovernors Packard arid Cham-
bevlaiskwere notified by Matthews and
Evarts to get out. Char.dier proceeds
at great length, noticirig, among other
4hjng«/the appointment of Key, wbu
party, by tiie ndyiee and procure-1 in the senate denounced Iiayes’ titlc-
as fraudulent, to trie postmaster gen-
Washington, Dec. 26.—-Win. E.
Chandler, of Netv Hampshire, of the
republican national committee, has
addressed an open letter to the re
publicans of his state making mention
of numbers of explicit statements
concerning bargains made during the
electoral oounx- and their fulfillment
by thp adoption and ptirkiiaueri of the
Pre^dent’s Southern policy*. Mr,
Chandler asserts limt the republican
r-f »i’
//J-KORGIAi 4toONHKi€oCNWY.‘-ri'Jb
Superior.ponrt, to bavb tne. Oiwjl^Mieaifestilig
on me, in consequence of a divorce being grant.-
ed to wy former wife, Amanda,-child, redfovedl
decll ROBERT SWIET, col’d.
Whereas "John E. Pope,, guardian of his
wife, Mattie A. Pop*, applies to me for'knteVS
of dLinissiqp from said guardianship—
These arc, tiierefore, to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, io show cause at roy office,
on or before the first Monday in Novembei
qoxf, why said: letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, ct office, this 19tb day
of September, 1877.
ASA M. J ACKSON, pfdinarjv n
8ept25-lns. . ,
■ • i :4i
;i wing property, to-
All of that tractor parcel of land, situate,
lying and being in the city of Athens, Clarke
county, Ga., the place vrheraon Jane Kirkpat
rick, widow of. dettmdnnt, John Kirkpatrick,
deceased, now lives—err. brae ng tiie tanyard—
containing four acres, more or less, and boiin^d
croft: on nctatb, .by Newton, and on the cast,
by tnd rosi leading from Athens to Watkins-
ville, and oonvdved in a certain indeutiirc of
bearing date on the fifreenth day of
A. HER, /"'?•** )
"Wa-tcb.raalcax'£c Jowclor,
‘V ^h'hael’atore, ucxtdborto Reaves & Nich-
r°. n Hroad street, Athens, Georgia, All
'ork warranted 12 months,
[g 4 M tHEPlCU,
cottoj^' , ,
Tocoa C%, Ga.
cash price paid-for cotton. As
‘MVassIup^ Gins
attorney at law/ t:uru(sv! %’ Ga ’
r- ■—
!, AS. C. JONES, 48, . ^ (1
^•*7 AND BALi'sTABLljr
Bw *l«Iesi *Jfc liorscs
'• Terms wnsonahlc.
w E. M. WL„
Patrick. AII sold os the propyty cf the defend
ant to -aiU.y the alpoye stated mortgage fl. la.,
this October 6th, 1377.
csold at cxpense^itf fie T. x Utardy he liavu
f 0 cbfedbly Wifi tin/tenis of the sale. .
to»»pwp i \ T - A .Jfe 0 VtNlNG, ! Sheriff.
All persons having demands ugaiuijt
LaFayctte Maupin, (Lite of Clarke county, j
deceased, arB hereby ; notified to present the
same to. ine' foi' payment within the time‘'pre
scribed by law, and'thpso indebted to hard
Ceased arc requested to make immediate paj'-
uient. .,mi|‘ ED.WARDR.HODGSON;*’ »r
nov20-6w. Adufinktrator. ,
O. Tiirasher deceased^ applies ffor Jepyp to sell
the real estate of said deceased, therefore all
persons concerned, ar® hereby' notified-to show
cause at- m v office on or before the, first Monday
ImNbVtUnberuext whytfaid’leaVe tEtrttld libt'bo
\JT County Coioiissiokebo Sirnxo ns Cqrairx
Tax and oTheb'- purposes, ^'ft’ranAY, tub
2nd DAY OF OcTOBJB, lfi77«, i. » uy jjj tH .j t
Ordered that ninety per cent, be levied upon
tbq State tax for the year; 1877, to be divided
in specific per cent, to each particularobiect
and purpose as hereinafter specified^ so as* to
raise for the several object^ «nd purposes below
enumerated the following respective sums or
amounts, via: jt -... . ,i* >*»?;* »‘t <
To build or 'repair C»urt-Moqses or
Jails, Bridges ®r Jferrks, or other pub- -
iic improvements*. , >. 8 .:
To j»v Shcrifts’, tfaiiers', ofbthlr
other officers’ fees, that they may be
legally entitled to out of the couhtv. .^
To pay the expenses of the county for Court,^non-resident witnesses
iu criminal cases, fuel, servants’ hire/ ;
stationery, and the like,•
.To pAy Jurore........ J
To pay expensjC8 Incurred, in sup-;
porting the poor of the county, aud ns
otherwSse ptoscribediby the code)... J ’j
(CJeorgia, Clarke County—OHi-
nary’s Ofiice,T5th December, 1877—Fannie
L. Godf rey, wife of Richard R: Godfrey, (her
The balance of said levy to be applied to the
payment of any other lawful charges againstthd
county. . *
The law requirW'the takes to fife collected "and
paid .in by toe 15th of December,.,aud it is
hereby strictly enjoined upoii tlio Tax Collector
tp ( .complete his collections and io’settle his
accounts with the County Treasurer by that
time..*It is inuel easier to collect thxe3 before,
Sdd husband requiring) has applied for eip.npr, \\m after Deeember. The law coneerntog dej
tion of personalty, audl will npon tiie tahufe 1 hr quent Tax-CoHectors will be stnedy enforced
lif * j'Jf ■;;•»?» : f ' »■
Heir . Intelllofenoe, Climate,
Business. Enterprise; Wa-
Tii tt Athojis is dedtineri to beoypie
one of llje coinmerciiil centres
of the int /rt'v no 4 observing inirid
can V:ul*ti>^ * '^iie inteHigerice' ;liftl
eiiter^ise of her people are a'sure
iiulex ami guarantee tliat the natural
1 antag ‘ ' 1 - LH '
♦*, t*P
advantages of tire ctty‘au«i surrdufi l-
.'•‘'.TI- Ti«:
shall »*n' ui an
"J ilU) Ju. /- .*!,if . ....
Being ll»e seat
at 10 o’clock a. ji., on the 9tb day of [ Jaritfary,
Office. A sa M. Jackson, .
1878, at my 1
«T William.A Glllelnritf, administrator of lien
demon Gilleiand. deceased,jpptition8 T in ( Iej-ius
These, are, therefoie» tp cjte and admonish all
“ fN<> v c “ b! ' r 'itTM. JACKSON,'brdin,!».
(Jeorg’a, Clarke County
. P " 0B
mtiAjgmi*. I DIaabiim „.
rijtodi ' mi
f^S^SXSSSSS&n. %-M. ;Av.
of November last, I filed niy application to the.
ncrim Conrt of sato county for a removal of
nli^isabilkies consequent ;;to 0 » ®
n 5 rl !H[
Foliruary Term,
This80th day
r ’k4oN & THOMAS, Att’ys for
Suiter, <m2 Jno. Wesley Cooley.
sTJ.E ORGI L’i. Clarke Coir nty —
Whereas, James S. Hamilton, executor.of
Mrs. Sarah Si Hamilton, (late of said county.)
dcceapd, petitions in terms-of the law, to be
discharged IVom said executorship—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all personti edne'emed, to shew cause at my
office, on cr before the first Monday to Apnl
riext/against the granting of said discharge.
Given under ray band, ah office, this 15th
day of , Ordinary.
Ocooies Oo’daa-by-
npon failure
ake settlement; withih T the
to make
time pressrihed byjaw, without a lawful excuse.
\V. Y. ELDER, Chairman,
■fork. —— - • - oct9-5t.
All persons naving claims agai
•of BEUSSE & MOON, must present them for
settlement at once, apd all persons who are in
debted to said firm, either by notej open account
or otherwise, must make immediate payment.
I am compelled to close up the firm’s business
in order to settle with administrator of I. S.
Moon, deceased partner, and will be constrained
to sue all notes and accounts of the fihn which
remain unpaid the first day of January, 1878.
* J. Ii. D. BEUSSE.
surviving partner of. Beusso <fc Moon.
O conee sheriff sale.—waj ba sold;
before tlinS Court-IIonso doorj iu the town ot
Watkiusvillc, between the legal liosrsof sale,
oil thelfirsl Tuesday to February next, the fol
lowing property, * to-wit: One tract; of land
known as the John -G»-T4u»slier-home place,
containing 865 aereA,jnora or less, levied on to
.-atiatv fi/ iii. i-sutid by Cdunty Coir inissioaer
vs. John O. Thrasher, security fir Rol*ert
Murrav, Ta:t Collector of Oconee conutj.
janl'iod. . W. W. PRICE, Sheriff.
before the Court House door in the town of
Watki sville, between the legal hoars of sale,' 1
on the firat Tuesday in Janutxy next, the fol-
Jowiug property, to-wit: •
One hundred ami fifty acres of land, more or
less, adjoining lands of W. B. Haygood, R. L.
Harris, tiie Epps place and ethers. Levied on
as the property W. P. Brewer, to satisfy a fi ia
from Oconee County Court, returnable to April
Term, 1870. in favor of Sirs. Marne Reaves vs.'
said W.P. Brewer. Jose’ph Lee, controller ct*
fi fa. Property pointed out by defendant in fi fa.
deo4 B. E. OVERBY, D, Sh’Jl.
Heads doiiejonjsljort^notice.
Ail persons having demands against 3lrs.
Lucy Y. De'ipree, (fate of Clarke county.) de
ceased, are hereby notified to. present the same
for payment to either of the undersigned within
the time ppeecribed by law, and those indebted
foHsaid deceased are requested' to make imme
diate payment.
. August 13th, 1877.
sept4-6w. I ' ’
Mrs. W. M. THOMAS, Prop’r.
This Hotel, so well known to the citto-.s of
Clarke and adjoining com ties, is located in the
centre of the business portion of Augusta, con
venient to Post Office, Telegraph Office and
Depot, and offers inducements to the public
uneqnuled by any other Hotel iu the City.
eJ scriptiaii doiie at mi- »»«iice
defeated and'; fciW H*** i do’ tiriL'ciarg
for myself, UfafoX dijf care for thtj-poor
Nonhean T)»6ii canririt HVtfthbre. * * *
T|wi sou^^ru '”{H!bp(^Bdtt^ireat
constitutional ainciidtrifehtl as M miir~
th?»^ and tlien the colored hnan'^ v ’fut(*
will be; worse thar»i$ was when Ke ivas
JifJelamy. 1 '^* 1 "* is the
ridtiisis a& it is'” 1 Clnn il. r proeddds:
^Grii'r¥ 1 ot Hayirlsribt •■tiR ; 'i>Jedgdti
liimsdiP'ltb ^fbtdct to tHfc full^'oitcrit
of federal power life, suffrag&Trnfi pb-
,itic:li iif0%S^T was
counted in as President
/jb-y-b *stl •’ f»b- T
1 PLEDGES,! . - /,,
,t,-. ,-/u ,■'■ti'il i’ -ni ' rin
giyen. by Senator Shornian of,her
phio. VMnissarics, .who ^pr^tftirgtjly and
emphatically^prptnised that b-c tyoji.Ul f
recognise ami maintain tite lawful
stale governments of South Caroliiia
an,d Lopisiaim, and Stand by Govern-!
grs Chamberlain and, vP-tckurd.”
Gji/ind j^f; :?
at jkaigtbj,^jid proceeds^quu^kc «labt
orate, charges, r Altiiosti >tba first act
ot',.,the pew a,dniinistjr*tipii' j^as t to
fulfill a-.bargatu bewtiwadfe
during the .presidential ..copntt by should be Presidept. • Tlid
lawful | government pf Lotrisjano and
§9Uth Carolina p erp to be abandoned
and .. , i„: ’» *hr- 1
in those, states were to be recognized
and established- Certain,detpocrats in
the house of representatives, seeing
that by the recurring decisions of the
electoral commission, and the regular
proceedings of the two houses, under
the electoral bill, which; they had
warmly supported Hayes, would sure
ly become president/ had ebneeived the
idea of saving something. from the
wreck. They therefore threatened by
dilatory motions and riotous : proceed
ings to break up the count) aud then
opened negotiations with such timid
or too expectant republicans as they
could find. . i ; •
a member of the house and a nephew
of Stanley Matthews, had acted as go-
between, Senator Sherman in the-
meanlime having visited Ohio and
consulted Gov. Hayes, and on the one
side Matthews, Chas. Foster, John
Sherman and Jas. A. Garfield, and on
the other L. Q C. Lamar, John B.
Gordon, E. J. Ellis, Randall, Gibson,
E A. Burke and Jno. Young Brown
had agreed, first, that the count should
not be broken in the house, but that
uiidevelOpml jftatel** Boitfg 'tl
Suite t)Uf
ilie Boutii—wttli a climate uiYsur-
ot the South—
Xh-wAgSi. fLo. •• • .?
passedj in tlio,, \\orkl—the surround-
T*i (TOII1U Tj;UHi X' G * -‘.i ' s ». * t
all the commpditjes and staple pro-.
ducts whieli keep the wheels of com-
•fM'IOll yfti'tfroJ’Hltil-' h
throughout the
m emotion
wprld^-rjnMniificent \yater powers,—
ample ,|rap?pprtatij)n for,'imports and
exports, what is there to binder rapid
adyanceinent in aj| the iiidustrjis
which.. contribute to the, wealth arid
happiness of sections or countries ?
W" are informed bv Dr. ’Little.
w’biehjtr^,inferior to none in the* State
or t^e ; <5oyth. . (5y‘tne of these have
alrefdy. become celebrated as manu-
fijet u(j!Tg. c^itres apd the s iles ot thy
di^eveu^priiducts puf ? ujjou ill? market
by. the eptei pi isjpg 4 managers.the
various ostablialimpnt^ are only bound
ed By the limits of the United . Slates.
Again, there if po spirit of contraction
aoyong. those who have the means and
inflaenc^tQ fievelop our resources, and
w,f|jle in ^coRsegueuce of that fact we
a^e making,rapid aclyanoes, rill that is
U£gde(\ to thribble our .prioress is a
concert of action on the part of alf the
P e 91?¥’! .f . ; •;
O u i* streets liayp. beon blockaded
with cottQp fo,r Awj».iriontlis past, and
eyery day v witnesye| perfect jarp of
wagons from the Carolinas arid differ-
ont portions of our owp iState, loaded
with all the varied products of the soil,
which find ready sale in our market.
Travel where you please in the State,
and you hear the praise of Athens
sounded from lip to lip, and indeed, so
■ *, v S'” • * i«'» * i ;’ \o, • • ,J
numerous are the encomiums showered
upon our people that many think a
magic spell has taken possession of us
which will exist at fever beat for
awliile and then die away. Shall wo ,
witness this? 0*uo ! Ojve of ihe'sur
est guarantees of permanent prosporin--
is the fact that} the young, ncilvc inen
o* tlte country are beiug brought for- .
ward to execute the plans of more
mature minds, and while this gradual
transfer of public station is beingrtnadc
the utmost harmony prevails. What
else is riecessary to push the work of
progress forward? In addition to
council and sympathy let our older
capitalists come to the rescue of the
young and enterprising men with their
means—build up the waste places,
encourage an increase of' manuiaetur-
irig interests, and the time k not far
distant when the population ot on:
beautiful city will be doubled. properl\
in town and country be !:sr<; *
hauced in value, and tl.c * *
prosperity will shed its
iu every household.