Newspaper Page Text
The Colebrntoil Cane In South Caro
Una -His Narrow Escape From a
Mob When First Arrested.
| There Is no Doubt.of This Fact-Plenty
of Capital Backing tho Rond-What
the Constitution Says of It..
v Mni-lal telegram to the Augusta There isn’t the slightest doubt about
from Spartanburg announces t jic ru . 1I< i completion of tho Chattano! -
n !,t I verdict of guilty has been reached Southeastern railroad. Little is
•!! ,»„, Turner murder trial. heard of it here in Athens, as the gen-
Turner is the proprietor of I t j einen who are working it up have no
.1 Kails cotton factory. 1> U , I reason to awaken the people of Athens
, year-* ago, killed a poor for- I ^ t f, e g re at bonellt the city will derive
:l ' r ! uaed MctzkiH3 at his mills. froIU ,£
n'l’ 1 '« ■ immunity was very much excited 1 j,, talking with one of these yester-
'!, iiic liomicicle.hutTuaner, after two I tjH y ht , Hajrt . .‘We do not care t> say
„.„ l a nnmiitted after having been I anything especially nbout it as we have
llrst | plenty of money paid in and as much as
. wo want to follow it when called for.
1x1:1 ' timu after this event, < *“ rn I There has never been a road construct
h"ine i - ho0 l girl, became h I u( | , n Georgia with more solid hacking,
Her mot her sued Turney for J and they have decided on building the
mother. obtained a judgment for I and notliing can stop them.”
damages . • | l hey do not ask a dollar from the
^ r i i' irer Clara’s brother, and 1 ur-1 citizens of-Athens,hut sec what a splen-
1„.i ringliiiiod Finger. I did investment such a line as the one
ner met. assembled on the day I propy^d would be, and will push it to
A rrofitfd and avowed that | flnUb.
Turner was arreswu “FT ”' out of jail
they inulcometo taheTurnerOrth ^
An organized ||<)t appeal.
Iina was ‘;V,,roini>t measures
Shcrift Nichols took lt 1Iia de ,
known to tile trow’d that he intended to | s i lie ^ r | n|C firm of Iiail Brothers.
On this line yesterday’s Constitution
lias the following:
‘‘The Chattanooga Southeastern rail
road is Ituginiiing to look like a :eal
thing now,”sai«l Mr.llen Hall of the en-
,nown to t m e whatever might he I promoters of the road have been nego-
>roiect ins prisoner bating with mo to take the contract for
tfeeonwq i ’ lvnchers thought to rtlm riug tho survey, and when things
‘ "“..".Vr daughter more effective get that far in the manipulation of a
make thor o • s go 80llie of them railroad on tho quiet, it means business,
by the use „moment grounds with The road is to run from Chattanooga t<>
went to t © F haulod from there a 1 Athens on almost an air line. It will
nvelvc-pouildor Held piece. T[;‘* Hey | be by a hundred miles the shortest pos-
1 temau ‘‘.n/dil
ordered* the*crowd
reeled his police to clear
hy a hundred miles the shortest po:
sible route from Chattanooga to the sea
and will open up a splendid scetiou ol
country, crossing tho Marietta <fc Nortl
Georgia at Jasper, and following sever
al;uiouutain streams to Gainesville, and
on to Athens.”
‘•Who lias charge «.f*.the schemeV”
“A company of capitalists from Clint
.• „ T.V'/n.Mibicss of tlie polioe I*ro- I tanooga, Atlanta and the north. The
""'1 1 '. r.cricms tn'ulile. I charter has been applied fo., but ha-
\ outod . then spiked the cannon „ ot | K . 0 „ received yet. The men say
lohicmatl CIU i„ tn train | .. jy jjujpj t j le roa ,i
n business.
IMISSCSSIOll <>l »■■“—;> , |.| a '
Mr. C. B. Veronoo, of Athens, tho In
ventor—A Patont Applied for--A
Stock Company to bo Organized.
i v..... — . nl/ „i Flavo you visitedTooinor’s elegant fur
The lyncher*, lac^king o x 1 I niture emporium in the last low months V
lion and leaders from the 0 j
badly demoralized by : « a jj AQ( j
i heir attempt to bombard the Jan, aim
jSnothS^Cohnnhia, where ho has
rioee been confined.
On the trial of 1 urner
for killing
If not you have missed a treat. It
the place to see the prettiest and mosi
attractive display of furniture ever pul
on sale in Northeast Georgia, lt is not
only the place to see, but it is the place
to buy. Yon will lie astonished to see
at what low prii-es their goods nave been
placed on the market. The fact of the
The problem has been solved!
About what we shall cover our
ton with!
And an Athens man is the inventor
ofjtfii* covering which is to revolution
ize cotton baling!
Mr. C. II. Veronec, the Edison of the
South, has added another invention to
his long list, and one which will be of
more value and importance than the
rest combined.
In fact, it is of more importance to
the South than any other recent inven
He lias been at work perfecting his
original idea for sonic time, ami has
now applied for a patent.
He lias been exhibiting a sample of
his invention for several days past, and
everyone who has seen it is delighted
at its practicability.
Thu invention is a perfect substitute
for jute or cotton hugging, and is much
stronger and cheaper that either.
I lie warp is metalie and can lie regu
lated to any distance apart lie sees lit.
The lilling can bo made out of any
thing, hay, pine stiaw, broom straw,
the roughest cotton, old rags, in fact
nearly anything.
This wire warp makes the whole af
fair very strong, and it is almost ini
possible to break it. Th lining may be
of any of the above mentioned articles,
ami tiie whole is held in place hy ties.
Everybody who has seen his sample,
which was made hy the Athens Mauu-
ufacturing Company, says there is no
doubt about its value, and that it
hound to he adopted as (lie covering tor
cotton hy the entire Foil th.
A company w ill he organized at once
and begin its inannacturc.
At its head will he I»r. Cumak, win
owns a half interest, and this of itself
proves the value n| the invention nii.l
Unit woi k will lie pushed to begin its
The first factory will lie placed
At hens and samples sent all over tin
There is no doubt about tlie practi-
cabili y of the use of t his invention,and
the problem has at last been solved
to how our cotton shall he covered.
A Negro tn tho (Press GalloryfMakes
the Reporters Mad—Carlton Will
.Succeed Himself—The Oklaho
ma Sufferers to bo Helped.
spec'al liy Te ogram Assertion.
Washington, 1). C., August 11
Elliott Fret-love Shepherd hast sent to
Washington a double-jointed son of Ham
named Anderson, to represent tho Mail
and Express. Htris array ml in a blue
ilaunel suit, a white straw lmt, russet
shoes and Gordon sash. Anderson ap-
|H*nred in tho house press gallery this
morning and delivered his credentials,
Mis seat in the gallery is betwoen tho
Boston Globe amt the Chicago Tribune
The boys are whistling “new coon in
tow n to-night.”
Congress will provide help for the
* Iklahoma suH'ercrs. The situutio.i is
list reusing, and the president says as-
aistanee must be given. A largo num
ber of settlers went in tliero with limit-
■i means and have nothing 1 ft. They
tlml tlm season well advanced, with the
utWiok lor tlie future discouraging,
ind the territory itself has no means on
which to draw for tho relief of its citi
The feeling is very general here that
l>r. il. II. Carlton will he the Congres-
ional nominee from the Sell. It Is be
lieved that Colley w ill not have strongth
nougli to secure tlie nomination, and
t lint Olivo w ill throw his vote to I)r
< ai lion. Cnder existing circumstance
it w ill t»u found necessary to bring In a
.ark horse, as neither o? tlie tlireo can
didates can secure the nomination.
Dr. Carlton was seen this morning
an 1 declined to discuss the situation
saying lie was not in the race and liar
not kept up with the atlairs. He ap
pears entirely unconcerned.
widely known than l)r. J. II. Mcl.eun’s Volcau
ic Oil Liniment. It is a wonderful remedy.
A Negro Dies From a Kicking Receiv
ed Saturday.
Atlanta, Ga., Auguat.ll.—[Special.]
—Andrew Thompson, a negro, was
kicked hy Arnold Wright,* companion,
on Saturday and this morning he died.
The kicking occurred in South Bend,
near Ogletroe’s store, on tho road to the
Wright made the assertion that he
had heard Thompson eurse on a ‘‘dum
my” while ridinigout from the city.
Thompson denied it witli scvcrall bit
ter oaths, and U*gan abiiBing Wright.
Wright rushed at him, Jumped on
him, knocked him down and kicked
him several times in the stomach
Thompson managed to walk home, and
fell in the doorwuy., lie was put in
bed where lie sultored agonies all day
yesterday and last night, and died early
this morning about 0:80 o’clock.
Wright has not yet been arrested but
is said to be at iiis work near tho liar-
Thompson, the t dead. negro, was
mairied man about-12 years old. lie is
said to have been quarrelsome and al
ways ready to light.
Wright is known as t a peaecahle ne
gro, who will not light unless attaeked
He says that lie had no idea of kill
ing Thompson, hut merely to whip him
for having cursed him.
Persons advanced in yours fuel younger and
dunuger, us well as freer from the infirmities ol
i, by talcing Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Sarsapar
What is
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substltnto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* nso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cores Diarrhoea and Mind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Cas«
torla is tho Children's Panacea—tho Mother’s Friend.
Rov. Sam Small and His Denomina
tional Vacillations.
i>n tlie trial a* - nronOS- I business is, J. IL Toomer is a llrst-elus-
Mi Ukisa, Ed. Finger swore to : I « business roan, and lias long sinc e dis-
terons story of having ,! f en . a .J* ’ I carded old business methods. Formerly
possession of Metz kiss, wlnclii . 1 . j t war. customary to sell a few goods.
Turner s defense. M*ss
*•«* «•*»? ” Sr
lion. In spile of this »! lul .
part |<> save their brolher-u -law, hen
ineil the sister m.d took ll.o lire of the
b 7t was openly anno.ineed in Spartan
burg Sal unlay U«ai it the aeons, cl man
was a. ciniHed, that there
ready lc. ly nc-li him.
The\llly LandCo.JDonatos a Lot for
A This Purpose.
Th.‘\iHv Land t'o., will give a .beau
tiful lot for the purpose of erecting a
hiuiclsomc clmreh building on this
properly, near the old Lilly homestead.
The plans of the building make it in
deed a stately editiee—a credit to our
uity. This portion of <>ur city stands
' sadly’in need of a church, and we ary
gliul to know that one will soon
built. The next move is t<> <*rc-c
academy on this land, and present
tlie city as a pnblie_sehool.
Wo Want Them and Must HavoThom
The Bannf.r has mentioned several
times through its columns tho great
need of more houses, both for dwellings
and stores, hut our capitalists do not
seem to understand how badly they are
Yesterday no less thitn a half dozen
parlies c-aiue in the Bannkk ollicc in
quiring foe houses to rent, and express
ed themselves as being desirous of loca
ting here*, hut could not do so on ac-
couut of their inability to secure homes
lor their families.
This hits gotten to he an almost ovory
day occurrence, and we arc losing many
would-be citizens.
All the advertising and all th® great
natural advantages we posse ss cannot
draw new citizens anion}' ns without
wo Imve neat and comfortable houses t#
rent them.
As lt is now we haven’t a vacant
house in Athens, and applications for
houses are hoard on all sides. Three
hundred could lie routed within Iwo
w e eks, and add to our number many of
the liest of citizens.
This state of allalrs has gone along
too long already, and our capitalists
hut on them it was also customary l
make an in. incuse profit. Things have
changed, and Toomer is not one of the
old liguress. He believes in the now
idea, which is to sell a great many
goocis, and at low profits. Tho result
is that lie can, by selling in such c|unn-
tities, give*you bargains, llis delivery
wagon is always on the go, and frequent
ly it is nec-c-ssary for him to work ids
fnre-e at night. Go to Toonier’a and fx-e
his stock, anil yon are sure to buy.
Prof. T. G. SlmUJon9 Receives the Ap
Yesterday the Board of Education
met ami examined the papers of the up-
plic-ants for the positiou of principal of
our public schools.
After mature deliherationjand careful
examination of the papers. Prof. T. G.
Simmons, late professor in Durham N.
C. public school was chosen
Prof. Simmons is a graduate, and
Valedictorian of his class, of Wake. For-
resi college, the great Baptist instiiu
lion at Uulcigh.
lie is u man of emminent ability, and
will he a credit to the schools and to the
McElree’8 Wine of Cardul
{or aalo by tho following merchants in
li. Lyndon, Athens, Ga.
J. B., near Athens,"
J. \V. II.wipy, near Athens.
B. Bin Min , A Co , Athens,
L. f>. Slkdok& Go. Athens.
Maiikiku.—Yesterday a happy mar
riage took place in East Athens. The
contracting parties were Miss Callie
"urhorougli and Mr. Fred Uic-hard.-
hey arc- Imtli well-known and popular,
and have muuy friends in tin-city. Mr.
iehards is the son of Mr. T. S. Bich-
irds who is foreman of tho carding room
in the lower factory.
Many people habitually endure a feeling nl
lassitude, because: the- think they have to. If
they would take Dr. J. II. McLean s Sarsap
arilla this feeding of weariness would give
place to vigor and vitality.
Miss Josephine Mealor Passes Away
After a Brief Illness.
One of the saddest deaths that we
have had to record in some time occur
red on Sunday morning. Miss Jose
phine Mealor, eldest daughter of Mr
James A. Mealor, was stricken with fe
ver almut ten days ago. At llrst little
apprehension was, felt, but in a very
short lime it was discovered that the 1
disease hail assumed a most malignant
form, and though all was done that
medical skill or loving nursing coulu
suggest, vet on Kunday morning at ‘J
o’clock, she quietly brenthoi her last,
Miss Mealor was a young lady of mu
uy lovable traits of character, and num
bered her friends by her acquaintances
About four years ago she professed
religion and united first with the Oco
nee Street Methodist church, but after
wards became a member of the sccoud
Bantist church. From her lifo tliero is
little doubt but that she was soundly
converted, and in a quiet, unostentious
way illustrated the religion she profess
ed hv a pious life. For somo time she
bail I icon a faithful and ulHcient teacher
' ?** t ,._ j liro rtt 1 >o the Sunday school of her church,and
‘in 'iaasfsss | ,o “ - r ^
Houses as are desired.
A Poop Into tho Specimen Room of |
Mr. T. A Robinson, at Tallulah.
Our friend Toni Robinson, the genial, I present, an
whole-souled hotel man at Tallulah I the grave.
The funeral took place at the second
Baptist church yesterday afternoon, the
services being condtictcu by the pastor,
Rev. IL F. Elliott. A very lureo con
course of sympathizing friends wore
,d followed the remains to
Miss Mealor was about nineteen years
of age*, and had fair prosjicets for a long
and useful life, hut was suddenly
stricken down. What solemn cinplui-
sis does this deatli givo to the wnrels of
our Saviour: ‘‘lie yo also ready.”
One of Dr. J. McLean’s Little Liver and Kid
ney Billets, taken at night before going to bed
trill move tho bowels; the eject will astonish
m Tin*
Falls, has late ly developed into a full- !
fledged mineralogist, and is elolng
great deal to bring to public notice the
resources of that wonderful section of |
our state.
This far Mr. Roliertson lias turned
his attention to the counties of Rabun
and Habersham, hut has already gath
ered a cabinet of tqieeinicns that would
do credit to country, and which
shows tho great undeveloped resources
of Northeast Georgia. With the creep- j
Mon of lead, Mr. Robinson has found
every mineral known to Georgia, anil
that, too, in paying qualities. Of Into
years he has given a great deal of his j
time fo ttiis pursuit, unci is well postiM
on the subject. Among his collce-tiou
■wo notice exceedingly pure specimens
of gold anil silver, the purest inaj'iietie*
iron ores, talc, asbestos, slate, kaolin
and many oilier minerals. He has also
:t beautiful addition of precious stones,
several of which have be-en cut iinel
dressed and pron-unced of the purest | j U8<d 8 s s for a numbcro{
quality. . , . . I yeare, and consider lt the best tonic and
There is vast Helds of undeveloped I blood remedy that I ever used. In fact
wealth locked up in tlie mountains of I j wtH jh| n<g, attempt to enter upon a
Rabun and H a Is* rsham connnes, anil I spring or summer In this climate with-
wo are glad to know Meat Mr. Robinson I 0IJ t n # H. W. Coleman,
lias set to work to bring the same to I Of Coleman, Ferguson & Oo.,
the notic e of capiLilists. While he is
carving out a future for himself, lee is
Doing a great work for his scetiou ami
b *Mr? liobinson has found ill Rabun
mine so rich in sulphur that he savs it j nailed free.
t^UUh^firetc^Mmem^^^eveToi^ I Bwm Bpbcitos Co.. Atlanta Ga.
] Nature should he
laaslsted in tha
ispring to throw oil
tho Heaviness of
tlie sluggish winter
circulation of the
blood. Nothing
docs it do well, 80
prompt or bo safely
Swift’s tfpecilic.
o City, Fla.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
Ono With Black Moat Cut In tho Ban-
nor Office.
Yesterday, several watermelons were
purchase:'! by ineinlecrs of tile Banskm
tiilV, and made away with in a short
At least all save one, which excited
so much wonelcr that part of it was
laidasiiie to exhibit as the boss curiosi
ty of the age*.
Tin; one in question was exceptional
ly large -uni line-looking, and appeared
to he the best in the: lot.
When cut op<*n, however, it was
found to lie a different sort <>f a uu-lon
than any ever seen or heard of.
The meat was a deep and perfect
black in the: middle, and shaded down
to a dark purple towards the line. The
seei! were white, anil a number of them
were saved to plant next year.
Aftei examining in greait astonishment
fora while, one of those present ven
tured to take a mouthful, and pro
nounced it tlm most peculiar and at the
same time delicious tasting article of
food he ever put in his mouth. This
led others to try it, and all agreed with
him in his opinion.
Tlie meat was tender and sweet, pos
sessing the flavor of a watermelon com
biued with another which cannot be
compared to that of any fruit or melon
known. It was the most delicious auel
delicate llavor that the writer of this
article ever had the pleasure of tasting,
anil if tho se<*d will only produce such
melons as this the owners of them have
a fortune.
Another peculiar prope rty was the
delightful odor emanating from it, and
which was all as soon as the
melon was cut.
This and tho peculiar llavor mark it
as a ditleront tiling altogether from the
common watermelon, though whether
this difference lie constant in all of its
kind, or whether it be merely an acci
dental variation, exin only be proven by
planting the scoel and seeing what comes
from them.
The melons were bought from an old
negref who had a wagon load, and he
was questioned as to how tlioy ivoro
raised and whether lie hail ever ohsrved
one witli black meat.
lie said they were raised from seed
purchased in Athens, and were planted
in the orelinary way on the side of a
hill. Also, that lie liadpiever seen one
with black meat.
This is tho llrst of its kind over heard
of here, anil is truly the most wonder
ful aiiei dedieious melon yet known.
There is no hoax ahmit this, and the
proof exists in our ofllee. A part of the
iiiedon has been laid aside for cexliihi-
tion, and all who desire- to see this won
derful freak are invited to call and ex
amine it.
The Juice possesses the delightful
odor mentioned, and a good amount
liua been bottled.
It is miii'li more delicate and exqui
site than the most elegant - anil expen
sive extract, nnil out of this alone a for
tune is in store for us if the seed will
011I3’ proeliii-i* the* same kind of melons
they were take n from.
Try BLACK-OBAUQHT tew tor Ilyipepsla.
Atlanta, August 11.—[Special.]—
Sam Small coiiies,to;tliu front again. A
few elays ago lie* attracted attention hy
scaring up letters from a lot of promi
nent men for the corner-stone of liis
m*w university, and now I10 is aficr his
hiire-li letter, having found himself in
the rather unenviable position of a
preacher without a church or denomi
There is an interesting story as to
how it all collie about.
Ten years ago before his reformation
Mr. Small jnini-il Trinity church timing
it revival i:oinlucle>i| hy l>r. iicielt, and
liveel up te> its requirements for some
I line.
Gradually he lu-gan drifting away
from religion, ami tlie* ties that hound
him to the* e-liuri-h were snappe*d asun
der in tin: whirlpool of elissipalion.
Years passes], and Mr. Small was re
garelcei.a:; u hopeless wreck of.intcmper
Finally, he attended tho meeting ol
Rev. Sam dimes, in Cartersvdle, where 1
lie profe-sscel conversion.
Since then he has been elolng a won-
elerftd amount of goes!, hut his own ne*-
tions have caused him to lose.his church
letter, for which 1m is now looking.
No action wits over taken against Mr.
Small hy Trinity church when he.stray-
e*d away into forbiiielen paths. When
he came back into the folel atC’arters-
villt:, ho still kept liis .membership at
When ho entered the.Episcopal church
with a view of preaching for that de
nomination, the stewards anil members
of Trinity took it for grnntcel that ho
had voluntarily withdrawn, so ho was
considered no longer a member
When lie announced his caiulielacy
for the le gislature the Episcopal church
thought lie coulel not consistently preach
anil legislate at the same time
Before the election, however, and
while matters, so far as Mr. .Small was
concerned, were in ‘‘statu eiuo” ho won,
to I'tah, the land of tho Mormons, anil
while there wa9 oflorcel tho presidency
of the new university of learning, be
longing to the Methodists.
Tho oiler was too tempting to refuse,
ind Mr. 8mall aecoptcel it, although he
w:is an Episcopalian.
Of course this action sovered his con- I *®
I that Wi
Terrible Barbarities In Morocco.
Special by^iuiv* Telegram Association
1‘akis, August 11.—A most Incredi
ble story of barbarity reached Imre Ironi
Moroesw. Twelve of the native tribes
joineel in a revolt, nnd with their com-
binoel armies llcreoly attackeal the cita-
elcl of ono of the tow’ns of die interior
The citadel wna taken and tho Sultan’s
.army thorougly routed, with the loss of
[ many prisoners, who were mercilessly
butchered by victorious reliels. A hun-
elreel and twenty huel their throats cut
ticsielcti suffering the most horrible in
dignities their captors could devise.
Among tho prisoners were two sons of
tlie governor of tho citadel and upon
them most awful tortures were practic
ed. They were bound and foot,
l’hen the flesh was cut piecemeal from
tlioir lioelies snel roasted, and they wore
then forced to eat pieces of themselves
until death relieved them from their
“Castoria Is an excellent mctlleino for chil
dren. Mothers havo repeatedly told mo of Its
good effect upon llieir children."
Da. G. C. Oi oood,
Lowel., Mass.
» Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far elistant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of thovariouaquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves.”
Da. J. F. Kixcuelok,
Conway, Ark.
“ Castoria is so well adapted to chlMreothu
I recommend it os superior to on; prescript**
known to me.”
IL A. Abcher, M. D.
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, JJ. y
“ Our physicians In tho children's depart-
ment havo spoken highly of their expert
ence in their outside practice with CVwtot®
and although wo only hare among
medical supplies what la known as reguUr
products, yet wo are free to confess that tU
merits of Castoria has won u« to louk vm
favor upon It."
United Hospital amp Dianueaun.
Boston, M«a,
Ai.ixn C. Surra, I'm.,
Disease lies in ambush for the weak;
a feeble constitution is ill adapted to cti-
eemliter a nialiiritMite atmosphere anil
sudden clialigesof tem}M*rature, amt the
least robust are usually the* easiest vie--
lima. I)r. J. If. McLean’s Sarsaparilla
will give tone, vitality anil srength to
tlie entire bodv.
A Pllo of Monoy.
Special by Nows Telegram Association.
Paukkkbbl'KO, W. Yu., August 11.—
Four express cars containing silver
bullion to the amenint of flf*,000,000
dollars passe*el threuigli here Satnrelay
night en route tram the
New Orleans mint.
Tho Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City,
A Wonderful Story From Oglethorpe:
Mr. Henry Jarrell lias just returned ;
from a visit Lo his brother Ur. John W.
Jarrell, in Oglethorpe: county, and tolls
us of a surprising 'eat of sagacity nian-
itested hy a shepherd dog, belonging to
that gentleman.
The ting bail been missed for two
ays, anil at last some negroes discov
ered that the animal had lallcii into an
(del dry well, about twenty feet deep.
.Ur. Martin, a young man living <<11 Mr.
arioll’s place, W'etiL to ihe lese-tie of
the imprisoned dog, ami as soon as the
uiiiual heard his voice it into raptures
of delight.
Mr. Martin procured a rope long
nougli to reach the bottom of the well,
mill lowering tlie same, was surprised
to see him grasp the end lirmly in liis
mout h, and by its hold, was drawn to
the top.
The dog had received no serious inju
ries, and i» i'"' given a hearty meal was
as frisky a ever.
McKIras’* WINE OF CABDIJI for female diseases
The Wrong Fluid.
Special hy News Telegram A«*eeciatlon.
Bsunswick, Ga., August 11.—Dr
Flagg, a traveling medicine man, last
night about 10 o’clock, drank a glass of
rheumatic cure, mistaking the medicine
for water. liis recovery was thought
tn be doubtful, but he is now out of
Colonel Jesse -Wimberly, Republican
to Contest tho District With Him
ncction with that church.
When ho wrote to see about a lettor
from the Methodist church he found
that lie was considered by tlie members
an Episcopalian, so he has a meuilicr-
ship in no church, being a religious
waif, so to speak.
The Utah church will probably re
ceive him Into tho church there, not
withstanding the predicament in which
he lias phie-cd himself.
Hpeoiul by Nows Telegram Association.
Afocbta, Ga., August 11*—Colonel
Jesso Wimberly, a leading white repub
lican ot Burke county, will oppose
Watson for Congress from, tho tenth
Wimberly* claims to have thoanpport of
a number of Burko democrats, who say
they wilUnot recognize Watson hr the
democratic nominee.
[Colonel Wimberly’s candidacy will
not Alarm Mr. Watson or the democrat
in the tenth. It is safe to nay
itnborly cannot carry a county
in the district.]
There is a corset that
never breaks in wear ; it can
not be broken in wear.
No; that’s going a little
too far. There have to be
steels in it. Steels will break.
We don’t mean the steels;
but th-.y are not the [tart
that troubles corset-breakers.
What we mean is tlie
“bones” don’t break. The
reason !; they are Kabo, not
bones at all; and Kabo
don’t break.
This corset that never
breaks is the Kabo, mysteri
ous Kabo, wonderful Kabo.
Let every ccrset-breaker
make the acquaintance of
If the corset doesn’t suit
you, after wearing a week or
two or three, bring it back to
us and get your money; and,
if the Kabo breaks or kinks
in a year, come back for your
We have a primer on Cor
sets for you at the store.
JOA.X 11, 1800.
Lv Brunswick
I.V .le-Slip. .....
A r >1 neon .
I.v Macon.........
Af Atlanta ... ....
Lv Atlanta. .
Ar Kniiic. .
At- Chattanooga. .
Ar Louisville
Ar Cincinnati
Ar Knoxville
Ar Morristown
Ar Hot Springs
Ar Asheville
I ll f»p.m.
1:2» a.m
I 8:17 Il.lll
•Jis tn.
Iowa m.
S10 inn.
U-.( 1100 |i
Ar Bristol .*
Ar Glade Springs
Ar Wythevllle
Ar Roanoke
1 p to
5:00 ;■ in,
7.2*1 a.m.
(lA'i pm.
8:10 p.m. 6:'2»m.
10 10pm.«a»J».
l2Ai n-mj l Cy.m.
lo-M p.m. 5511 m.
s ;s» u.
7.3ft |i.D
,*.««. t
Ar Natural Bridge.
Ar X.’tray
2:38 a.m.
5:2) am
2 8qi in.
4 a*tng
riy t.BL
Ar Lynchburg 7:Ma.m.
Ar Petersburg. 11:20a.m
Ar Norfolk 1 7:00 p m
. Train leaving luunswIcV at iu# p.m. omjjj
Pullman Sloopers Brunswltk to AtUBU»aj "y
man BuOfot Sieepe-rs Jocksonylllo W WnolBMS,
connecting nt Rome with through
Washington, and r.t Chattanooga wlta PttlUMa
Sleepers for Memphis and the West. ......
Train leaving Brunswick at 8.20 a.m.coanecu"
Macon with Pullman Sleeper forChattatioarajM*
Atlanta with Pullman Sleeper for Knoavliw*"”
connections are mado wltn Fullman R'rtP* ^
Philadelphia and Now York, and Hot Hprlu*““
Aslieville. ——*
TWO CENTS per mil# travelled eomwmi
May 15th, 1890, good Return tie'-*" ”°V**f
No Iron-dad HlanmturaConlr—«*»«*•&.
ticket Agent, or to
LY. District Paaaenger
No! 74 IVegt Ray St.. Jackamvlu*. «■
Taking eflect August ‘2, 1890.
2GJ* BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipatton.
Sick heaelacho Ib the bone at many hy. a
This annoying complaint may be cured and
nreTonled by the occasional use of Dr. J. II
UcLeuu’s Liver and Kidney Fillets [little pills. I era, lias a big, generous beart in ids
Atlanta to Qlvo a Prlzo to tho Ugliest
Woman—And Major Pruitt.
Spots Her.
From Yesterday’s Journal.
Tho ugliest woman in Georgia.
Here’s a chance for her to win some
Captain Whack Bailey, of the firm of
Rose & Bailey, wholesale liquor deal-
Since J. M. Iligh and company* havo
I offered a thousand dollars for the most
1 Neatly Lost by < b ^" tl . ,al I '}’° l V m ? *® rid « T U,eir
nt I Captain Bailey’s heart has gone out
And Hundreds of Lives
the Accident. 1 . - . . ,
in sympathy for the ugly women of the
Monotrai., Quo., August 11.—As tlie I IIe * ,,i8 determined to get up a hand-
steamer Jlohcmfci, carrying nearly ont* I 80,n ® Hnat to bo in Thursday’s parade*
thousand grand army* men nnd their I k 1 Li 1 ® >'°ntre will be a sort of throne,
families on route to Boston, entered I " ' t * 1 costly surroundings.
Cedar Rapids ’ about forty miles from Cuptiun Baiiey. hivs ottered five lntn-
Montreal Saturday a great crowd of ex-1 'l 1 ®*! dollars to tlie ugliest woman in
eursionists thronged on the hurricane Georgia if she will come to Atlanta on
deck to get a gootl view and enjoy tlie '*»y and rille on th ® throne fixed to
novel experience of, running through I the float.
the rapids.
The deek of the' steamer was, howcv
er, too weak to stand the strain of the
great, crowd, and a portion of it giving
away about one liiinilrod of the excur-
sionits went crashing down on the deek
Major Sock Pruitt, of Athens, has
written a lettor to Captain Builev, toll
ing him not to look any further as he
has lotind the woman he wants,
lie says she lives in Banks county.
She is hump-shouldered and small,
Tho President’s Trip.
Special liy Nows Telegram Association.
Chatham,' Mass., August 11.—The
United States cruiser, Baltimore, with
President Harrison on hoard, passed
north at 10:30 a. in. The wind is north
and the weal her clear, and she will
probably rcacn Boston about 5 p. m.
below, and so great was the confusion lulviu £ carrot-colored hair and a clayey
that the men at tho wheel seemed to complexion, Irescoed with large and
have lost llieir heads, for the next in- M»«*lthy freckh-s. The major says she
slant after the crash all control of the irt 80 «ross-eyed that a street car driver
boat was lost. came near falling off tlie the car in
Swinging out of the regular channel Athen8 because she winked at him, as
it struck a rook and remained hard and h ® thought, but she was really winking
fust upon it. A panic immediately en- at a fell ? w 0,1 ,hu rear platform,
sued on hoard. A rush was made lor Captain Bailey says the woman la so
life preservers. Women fainted, clothes A ,a t th ® «>wa go home and give
were torn, and all on lwiaril were more 8 °" r mi,k aftor looking in her face,
or less cut and krui-ed. Finally order .If there’s any other woman in Geor-
was restored and a brat sent asliore and 1 W ® 1 ° l ‘ an outshine Major Pruitt’s
word of the accident telegraphed fo “P 111 * n ff*y "* ,e stan,1 8 a chance of
Montreal. | winning the captain’s money.
tho popular favorito for dressing
tho hair, Ktsloriii^ color wlim
gray, and preventing Dondruir.
At cleanses tho sxatlp, Ft ops tho
hair foiiuiR, and hi sure to i>tanw.
60c. and SLOP at Drufrjrists.
i THE O. & M. R- R-
j Will inaugurate a Slum-Fly Train t* 1 rH '' * ri1 ®
! And return every Ttu'stlav anil Sul 1 '"'
! eae-h week. This 'itctii'iliilti I- |>nt In r ® i.
> ot r pati (ins mav alikt-to Irawm'l in 1 '* 1
i nei-s ami roiiirn the stiinee Jay. ,
; Train Will rune.,, the- r..Juwimt '' 1
: rounei-trip tickets will la: b..lel ul t»t* s
i licieiw, geienl on elay liesmeit and uu *
] train on-y. ' . . tiTi*a
Umind T. li.. Triii I. v.", ‘-““'“.s
f..45 a
TheM(M,aon«t»nd beWetiro f. ir Com*. Ben ions. Aw.
StopHollimin. Knimri s comfort to tho fi-e t. Ni-ver faild
tocuiu. 16 centaat DruiotisU. lltacox Co.. N. V.
CUSHIONS. Wld.per* hoard. Corn*
hrt*W#. iiMMMlUi»h»raal) lUM«4l«sf|jJ. Ssldb* K. IHDriiX.
©aJj, tir’d way, haw *#rlu Wriur*r bMkcf proataFKAJt.
Ilavo you Cough, Uronehitis, Astinna, Iniligcs-
tlou ? Use PARKElt’S GINGER TONIC It has
cured the weerst vases aud is tlie lw-st remedy
for all ills arising from defective nutrition.
Take in time. Sue. and $1.00
Monttccllo .S2 lit
M.-cli.n i is
Shady Kale z Ol
Alarco. 1 111
(iotty 1 7«
Aladise m 1 SI
Feirenre 92
K.-iiiiiihgton .... (ii
15' shop
will inctense Its trips each wecl- , |(Allji
age m ay justify. A.
M:.eoi., July 24, ’90.
ilromM. lilies ami gentlemen who are hus
tlers earn Wg pay weekly as local nr traveling
agent. Net experience necelcd. Elegant outlit
mte and exclusive territory. All the best vario
ties. Stock wa-ran ted. St ud references.
J. K. WHITNEY, Nnrseryinau,
ttoebeater, N. Y.
They are the l»est ’plasters In every way for ,
the quick relief of j
Unlike all other plasters, these are Purely I ,
Vcgetahleand Harmless. Relieve iustnuily and i In tllo KMItoll ..... .. i»-
never foil to cure. U 1 . ' , , , . e- ,whit.-nl- C IvoeY
»AK" QUICK AND SURE. 1 dm-ing th.l'luwsh ’round t...that
-ofjio, by tone, (knetwn as “voicing. ) l’ 1 l , n .i' yta 1 -K-
.Mass. i Athens, Ga. 11 ’
oar 9 un oouDuni,.
Sold by elrugglsts or mailctl on n*ceiitt t
__ Bnfferin*ftomthoe<fcct.ofy^^SJ^Ijffl
prices, best work
Banner Job office. <
and Vtliiikey Hab
its cured at home with
out pain. Book of par
ticulars sent FREE.
_ V. M.W001.LK7. M.n.
7)CBjo CM Whitehall Ha
JProte F. c. F0WLKB.