The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, May 05, 1871, Image 3

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    rgi yw N 34 >4. TTF It* HS •
Cirtcrsini®) 6i»> Miy otlij IS<l.
Rowland Springs property, four
n j t h r ee qu r(er miles aorteast from Car
r>r«rille. with the beautiful location and
«urrounditi ga, together with waters possess
ing invaluable medicinal properties, are still
emitted to lie idle and unprofitable, from
, car t 0 year, either to the owners, invalids,
\, r the community blessed with such great
natural advantages, as a health restorer and
I reserver, as is found in its healing wa
ters, pure and balmy atmosphere, romantic
M-enery, quiet retreat from the bustle and
( , .nfusion of busy life, and for purposes of
meditation and recreation. Where is the
necessity for southern people, and people of
Georgia, and of Bartow county, to go be
yond the limits of their own sunny land,
nude and county, in quest of health or plea
sure. or both, when nature has provided us
F o bountifully with these resources at our
doors. Thousands upon thousands of dol
lars are annually spent., by southern people,
in visiting Saratoga, Long Branch, Niagara,
and other places of fashionable summer re
port, at the North,'while little or no effort
is being made to attract northern people to
the south, or even to prevent our people
from going there to spend their money, by
superceding the necessity for it by develop
ing and improving the resources in our
midst, upon which the God of Nature has
laid gucb a lavish hand. Effort after effort
lias been made to open these Springs for the
benefit and accommodation of the class of
health and pleasure seekers above enumera
ted, befoie and since the war, but without
success. Another season is rapidly ap
proaching, when the people from the low
county and dusty and sultry cities of Sav
annah, Columbus, Macon, Augusta, Atlanta,
and intervening points, will desire to snuff
the pure atmosphere and quaff the cooling
and exlnlcrating mountain waters, and get
beyond the range of poisonous miasmas and
the stalk of pestilential disaster, and yet
we hear of no preparation being made to
throw open the gates of this city of refuge,
for iherr accommodation nnd protection.—
Howland Springs might be made, not only
nn asylum for the afflicted of our people, but.
a great sourcemf revenue to the owners of
the property and the town of Cartersville,
to say nothing of the convenience of the
r.ublic, simply by opening them as a summer
resort; whereas, to let them remain closed
as heretofore, is to suffer mildew, blight and
decay to neutralize all these benefits which
otherwise might accrue to all concerned as
above enumerated.
There are two ways in which these springs
might be made beneficial as well as orna
mental. Ist. Let the lands attached to them
be regularly laid off in lots of from one to
five acres each, and sold, at reasonable pri
ces, to parties desiring to improve them for
summer resorts for private families and their
friends, and, if desirable, let the ow ners re
serve every other lot. 2nd. Let the large
hotel buildings on the grounds, now rapidly
rotting down for want of repairs, be rentd
or leased to a party or parties who will a
gree to fix them up, and throw open the
doors, during the summer months, for the
reception of visitors. Either or both of
these plans inaugurated would again bring
these mineral springs into notice. There
arc citizens in our midst who would like to
buy a lot there nd improve it for a summer
residence for their families. Invalids from
various sections of the State would buy and
build there for the benefit of their health
during the Bummer months. Ladies and
gentlemen, from our crowded cities, would
like to have a place to go and spend the dull
summer season pleasantly and agreeably.—
We drop these hints for the consideration
of all parties concerned, in the hope that
their feasability may be tested. -
For the Cartersville Express.
How many large mechanics are there in
Cartersville ? But one, and that is Strange
What druggist is most liberally patronised?
The Best, of course.
Who sells candles ? A Candler.
What grocer should be associated with the
butcher ? A Skinner.
Who should keep out of the way of the
butcher? Mi-/am(b).
Why is a certain merchant the fastest
man in town ? Because he is A Head.
What physician prepares the beet medi
cine ? The Baker.
Why may the town marshals be accused
of ncglecti g their duty? Because they al
low a Battle to be witnessed on the streets
almost every day, and do not try to prevent
What should console verdant young men?
W hy, that one of the cleverest men in town
is called Green.
W hat is the difference between a painter
and Dyer ?
What relief ia there for the Knight of Car
ters ville ? Why, the Moon.
Where may plenty of hay be found ? At
Moon’s stable, who keeps Stacks on hand.
W hy should a certain physician never un
dertake a voyage at sea ? would
not be safe for a ship to have a Leak in it.
Are any of the county officers very weal
% ? Yes, the sheriff is Rich.
" bat have we reason to be proud of ?
That the people have confidence in ou*
JTortf, . u» -.i<
" ho is the most ordinary man in Carters-
T ille ? J. A. Howard.
li the town council would prevent a fire
•t Cartersville what should they do ? Why
have Sparks and Wood watched closely
Why do editors often have their manners
spoiled ? Because they receive so many e-
T il communications.
IVhy should this punning cease ? Be
cause someone might be Trammelled and
suffer Tayne, and, perhaps, have a Jolly
Ume in J ail - Sub.
Col. Tumlin will please accept
r grateful acknowledgements for a boxfull
n lce, delicious strawberries, sent by her
‘be senior editor of this paper, on Tues
:■ corning last, We learn that she has
u ‘ r y successful in raising this most
'Hable and prized luxury in all the cat
-BUe of berries, this year.
{ Nk
!lre at S r 8 ’ mildew ’ or any vegetable stain
Pr °pCuUS Vcd by : ‘ rplying Darb^B
«X. T. Gibson, Local JFklitor*.
#35“ It. W. M<-RrHV i„ our authorize 1 Agent
and tot lector. I’o r iceive anj receipt lor Sub
scription to the Express, and to collect claims.
W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local Mid traveling Agent, to receive and re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
wheat crop in this County, has
been greatly damaged by the wet weather.
Those who attend the pic-nic Satur
day may expect to enjoy themselves, and if
they do not it is their own fault.
Remember the New Drug Store is
the place to go if you want Fckic and Fresh
Drugs and Medicines, cheap.
May ulli.-tf.
§££>The New Steam Mill is doing tbing
up handsomely. The gentlemen who ins
gincer it thoroughly understand their bu
The prettiest thing in town: The
Arctic Soda Fountain at Patillo & Baker’s
store, and it beats all the other Founts mak
ing good Soda W ater. Go and try a glass,
and be convinced.
A Largo lot of Glass. Oils, Varuish,
&c., for sale CHEAP, at the New Drug
Store. May sth,-tf.
#ri|“ Messrs. Hoffman & Stover are put
ting the finishing touch on the town hall
Two better painters can’t be found in these
The press of other matter, together
with the impossibility of making something
out of nothing, is our excuse for the non ap
pearance of the usual number of “locals.”
But if you want the best lager beer
in town, consult Torn Bridges, he has it.
JBgy“ Loyless’ Real White Lead is war
ranted equal to any in town, and sold for
less. May sth,-tf
gQjp*' Job Work (lone at this office, cannot
be excelled this side of Pekin, China; we
want to do a heap of it, too, and will do it,
and do it cheap.
Ladies, don’t forget there is a nice
lot of Handkerchief Extracts, Colognes,
Toilet Powders, Combs, Brushes, &c., at
the New Drug Store. May sth-tf.
B£3L,lvtr. Geo. W. Hill, our worthy and
esteemed County Surveyor, showed us, a
few days since, a beautifully arranged and
correctly defined map of the town of King
ston, ground in colors, drawn by bis own
fingers, the result of his own topographical
ingenuity. We are very much inclined to
the opinion that, our town council would do
well to follow suit, and have Cartersville
mapped as she now is.
The wheat crop in Bartow County,
so far as we can learn from personal exam
ination, will be very short this year The
fly and the rust is proving disastrous to it.
Some few fields will yield tolerably well,
should no mischance happen to it between
now and the time for cutting it. The clover
crop is the finest ever knewn. On the plant
ation of Colonel Lewis Tumlin, we saw a
fifty acre field of clover, knee high ; the
yield will be between two and a half and
three tons of clover hay per acre. The Col
onel sowed another fifty acre field in clover
on the lath of February. The field is now
green with young clover, and ready for
The farm of Colonel Tumlin’s is a model
one, and perhaps, the finest in the State.—
His residence may justly be considered the
Kimball House of Cartersville, from its
comfortable arrangement and roomy capac
ity. The Colonel himself is a true type of
the old Georgia planter. His table which
will put shame to half the hotels in Georgia,
is free to all mankind. Ilis hospitality knows
no bounds.
During the Convention his house was
crowded with gcntlemed from North Geor
gia, from Rabun, Jackson and Floyd coun
ties, from Middle and South Georgia, and
New York. Mrs. Tumlin dispensed the
hospitalities of the house with a grace and
charm peculiarly her own At home she
reigns a queen.
Col. Tumlin has about five hundred
acres in wheat, four hundred in corn, (some
now six blades high,) 170 acres in cotton
and two hundred irt clover and orchard
He raises liis own mules and cattle, and
produces nearly everything needed on his
own farm. In his garden he has the finest
of strawberries, from which he has been
gathering ripe ones for nearly three weeks
past. We commend the example of his little
son, Henry, (now in his teens,) to the sous
of all wealthy men. Henry is now running
a plow successfully, but few of the other
hands excelling him in its management.
About, four miles below the State road
bridge, on the right bank of the Etowah
river, (on Tumlin’s plantation,) are three
mounds. The Cherokee Indians who inhab
ited this part of the country did not know
anything concerning the origin of these
mounds. They are situated on the bank of
the river and command it. Two smaller
mounds in front, some twenty-five or thirty
feet high, and covering about an acre each,
seem to have been designed as guards to .lie
main mound, which stands a little farther
back. This mound is ninety feet high, oval
shaped, covers about five acres—the top
being exactly an acre. A platform of earth
in front goes up about half way. The main
entrance was on the upper side and towards
the rear That these mounds were the
work of human hands cannot be questioned.
The excavation, covering about two icres
of surface earth, and extending to a depth of
twenty or thirty feet, can be seen in close
proximity. Who built them is yet a mystery.
The plough share every yet~r turns up hu
man bones, and the skeletons of several have
been exhumed entire, which measured sev
en feet.
This section of country is not to be excel
led anywhere for wealth, productiveness of
soil, hospitable men, and beautiful women—
maids, matrons and widows,
[Atlanta Constitution.
S@rlf you want anything in the
Grocery line, and Skinner & Clayton
hav’nt got it, it hasn’t been made.—
They buy goods to sell, aud Gus can
beat the world doing that very thing.
Good cigars always on hand, and ‘goo
bers” world witout end. Go to Skin
ner & Claytons, and get what you
want, and cheap as dirt.
S®-See the card of the Moseley
Brothers, photographic artists, m au .
other column. •
Also the advertisements of the sale
of the academy buildiug, and valuable
Globe Flower CoughT Syrup cures Asthma
S. & M. LEMAN.
Have Received the
Best Selected
fc. " ,
Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishing Goods,
We will save the public 25 per
Cent, in buying goods of us.
H e 3iavc a large stock* and
will sell lower than any
oilier in tow n.
apr 22-w2m CARTERSVILLE.
Pic-<\ T ie--Slielnian 9 s Spring
on Saturday next, 6tli of
Agreeable to arrangements there will be
a May-Day Pic-Nic, for the entertainment
of all who may wish to attend, at Shlman’s
Spring, on the Cherokee, formerly Carters
ville & Vau-Wert Railroad, some six miles
south of west from Cartersville, on Satur
day next, 6th of May. Parties attending
will be expected to provide their own pro
visions, as is usual on such occasions.
The Cartersville Brass Band, and per
haps, the Stilesboro’ String Band, will be
present to enliven the occasion with sweet
The following gentlemen will act as the
Committee of Arrangements:
Cartersville.—J. A. Erwin, Abda John
son, and W. R. Hughes.
Euharlee.—Tlios. Tumlin, Wm. 11. Stiles,
Frank Aycock.
Stilesboro’.—W. L. Rowland, R. 11. Can
non, and Pleasant Shelman, jr.
Taylorsville.—J .G. Colbert, Wm. Cun
yus, and Jos. Smith.
The following schedule will be run on
Oi. the Cherokee Railroad, on that day, for
the accommodation of those wishing to at
tend :
Leave Taylorsville at .7 o’clock, a. m.
“ Stilesboro at 7:30 “ a. m.
“ Shelmau’s Spring, at 7:45 “ a. m.
Arrive at Cartersville, 8:30 “ a. m.
Leave Cartersville, 0:00 “ a. in.
Arrive at Shelman’s Spring, 9:30 “ a. m.
Leave Shelman’s Spring, 4:00 “ p. m.
Arrive at cartersville, 4:30 “ p. in.
Leave Cartersville, 4:45 “ p. m.
Arrive at SheVman’s Spring, 5:15 “ p. m.
“ “ SHltesboro, 5:30 “ p. m.
“ “ Taylorsville, 6:00 “ p. m.
Fare from Cartersville toShclman’s Spring and
return, 50 cents; From Taylorsville to Shel
man’s Spring and return, 50 cents; From Stiles
boro to Shelman’s Spring and return, 25 cents.
All parties will be required to purchase tickets
before getting on the train.
l>. W. K. Peacock, Gen’l. Ag’t.
Standard please eopy.
Suits of Clothes from $2,00 to
$4,00 at
Sattehfeild, Pyron & Cos.
JBS£““Mr. Jeff. Brandon, at Satterfield,
Pyron & Co’s, would be pleased to see
all his old friends at that place, where
he proposes to sell them goods as cheap
as they can get them tlsewhere in
Sunday School Celebration.
The Anniversary Celebration of the
Cartersville Methodist Sunday School
will be held at night, on Thursday, 4th
May, in the Court House. At the
close of the School exercises Rev. C. A.
Evans, of Atlanta, will deliver the An
nual Address. The public are invited
to attend. Exercises will commence
at quarter before 8 o’clock.
J. A. Erwin, Supt.
The prettiest, cheapest, richest and most
captivating ladies’ Dress Goods, in town,
have just been received anl opened by Sat
terfield, Byron A Cos.
Cartersville Prices Current.
Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. R. If-vlgeus,
Grocery Merchant.
Cotton ... - - - -per lb. 10 te 13
Axes per loz. $13.00 to ft' 09 Me its :
Butter—Goshen th 50 if Shoulders tt>l2*<il3
u Country Clear rb side 12f<el5
Beeswax fl) -20 n 25 I’luiu ham.- lluio
Brim-done A <ulph. tb 8 <«l-5 1 tnv, iinm> is<<t £0
Rldestnne !b th 15 «20 l Fre-h pork 9 n. 10
Borax th S» (4 99 Ctiedse, th IS ‘a. 22
Crackers —Butter th S a25 Cigars, M .zS93
•* s-*ia It 1 , <ils " than.
“ Cream .. lAy-Jl Twb-vrco It* OtaTft-
Candy—Fam-v a-st-tb 10 * **' ” Medium 70«,<V
“ Stick’ .. ... lftot-IO “ TVnne.l.oo >f 150
Coffec-Rio ...tb. 18V*25- “V» la-af500.25.
*♦ Jan 26*28 “ SinokingTVfelOO
Cream Tartar. Th 50 tt~~> I Eggs do*. 13(516-
Cunialior—flam, fl> 1.25i2.00 ' Flour, cwt. $4(5 4.50
<'otton < nrd>, d->z $7.5ft0.8.(rt Lard, th ...ll iillVe
E»>—nn Salts.... th ... Sal.s Meal, hush. 75'a ft k'
Grain—Corn, bush. 75 h HO Lime, bb1.T.7.V®2.50
“ Wheat, red.l JO— 6o Bice, !h fta.l2 ,
“ live T.Vaftt Salt, sack 2.95*2.10
“ Peas I.4ftvrf2 Soda. H> .... 7a 10
“ Oats 50art0 Starch, th ... 54.15
“ Clover Seed $9.30-12 Soap-liar lh 8a 12
Sugar—Brown, lb ...13(5.14 Shot, bags2.7s(i®3.t4l
“ C ll'erla Shovels, Am. $1.50
“ A 15‘,6flt>-, Iron,. tb ...549
Crashed 10-,'(a 18 Putty, th .. RalOc
“ l'owr’d .... Isa‘JO Indigo tb f1.7502.00
Svrup—Mitscova. e»l 40 a.50 Tallow, th 10 412’i
Golden ... HO a t.OO Tea. it. fi.2.Vrt1.50
“ Ex. Golden fl'i/1.25 Feathers th tW5.75
“ New Orleans Bft*sl | Pepper, th 25a.:;.5
Oil—Tanner’s, gal sl.lO-10 Maek’l. kit $2-v2.75
“ Kerosene f.Va.hJ Potatoes, Ir. 750.85
“ Linseed, raw $1.25*1.40 “ Sweet $2.00
“ -• boil’d $1.3541.50 i Twine, hag. 3ft®3s
Rope—Manilla th 8844) j Candles, th 19*30
“ Machine .... IPa 15 | Lumber M flfi-S2O
“ Cotton 37 a W I Wool, wash. 2O a4O
Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1.40 | Osnaburgs yl!V5118
Brown Sheetings, yd. 10 all ] Turpentine 75<a ft
Dried Peaches, bush $1.50-75 1 Rags, cot lin th 3>j
“ Apples .... $1.75 I White Lead 10tol5
Vinegar—Cidar, gal 50475 | Estrella Oil 40(4fit)
I will attend at the following places and times
for the purpose of receiving tax returns for 1871,
Oth District, May Ist, 18th, and 29th.
Adairsville, “ 2nd, Kith, and .'tilth.
Kingston, “ 3rd, T7th, and 31st.
17th District, “ 4th, 18th, and Ist June.
Cussville, “ sth, 19th, and 2nd “
Pine Log, “ ftth, 20lh, and 3rd li
Wolf Pen, “ Bth, 22m1, and sth “
Lower Stamper 9tn, 23rd, and 6th “
Allatoona, “ 10(h, 24th, and 7th “
Cartersville, “ 11, 12, 25, 26th, 8;h Jk 9.T1 “
All persons are requested to give in their
Lands by Xumbers, Sections and Districts.
W. T. Gordon, t. It. B. C.
I A unions! ! !
Who is now receiving an
en tirely new and fresh stock
of Staple and Fancy DR I*
GOOD S, Dress Goods ,
CLOT HI WO, S'C., which
have been bought at bottom
price*, for CASH!
The advantages of having a
resident buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to CUSh fitly-
CFS, which cannot be overlook
ed by any one who will con
sult their own interest. All 1
ask is an examination of
to convince you that I will Do
all I s-ay.
I will again remind my
long-winded customers that I
occasionally need money, and
hope they will find it conveni
ent to call and pay.
J. D. HE AD,
Cartrrsville, Ga.
Liberal Advances made to
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or, to hold.
April 13, 1871.-swtf
• Is Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, aud Parlors. !!
Made in America, viz:
Mason & Hamlin's, & G. A. Prince & Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to keep in Perfect Order
for Five Years J >
Also, Agentfor
Various Smaller
Call ort me and get my
Call and see Illustrated Cata
logue and Price List.
Don’t forget tliia Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersville. Georgia.
march 28tli, ’7l—sw 3in.
Jf Daniel B. Cunyus, Administrator of the
Estate of John P. Burge, deceased, represents to
the Court, in his petition, duly (tied and entered
upon record, that lie has fully administered
JnoP. Burge’s estate. This is, therefore to cite
all persons concerned, kindred and Creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admin
istrator, should not be "discharged from his Ad
ministration, aud receive Letters of Dismission
on the first. Monday in August, 1874. Given un
der my hand ahd seal of Office, this May Ist
1871. .1. A. HOWARD, Od’y ft. ('. ’
IT afterdate application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to
sell the lands belonging to the estate of Francis
Murphy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased.
J. B. F. Murphv.
J. J. Murphv.
Administrators Ac.
may, 2nd. 1871.
WE are pro >ared, at all seasons, to HU or
ders for Grain and Flour Sacks, of anv
size, quality, or qu mtity at our faotor\#in \t‘-
laut'i. Go. W. A. MifCilELLvc CO
sept 26, 187 J. wly
V, '- '■•
Th«* Pux KiM.Fi? is by universal consent
allmi-p] to bare w«»:i for its-If a. reputation
nnsurpass -J In *l»r» history of medical pre
partitions. Its insmnfancous effect in the
eradication au'i extinction of Pain in all it*
various forms inei lent t j the human family,
and the unsolieit '1 written ami verbal testi
mony of the masses in i's favor, have been
and are its own best advertisements
The ingredients of the Pain Killed, be
ing purely Vec.stable render it perfectly
safe and efficacious remedy taken internally,
as well as for external applications, when
used according to directions. The stain up
on linen from it; use is readily removed In
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so many of the afflictions incident to
the human family, has now been b »fore the
public over Thirty Years, and has found its
way into almost eve y corner of the world :
and wherever it. has been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the Pain Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is true
to its name, a Pain Killer.
The lwd in the TOWS
of Cnrlersvlllt', known as the
Solomon Property,
has bcea surveved. Erwin street extended thro’
it, and Guilding Lots Laid Off, and it is now
offered to sale, in quantities to suit purchasers,
upon reasonable terms. These lots are conve
nient to tile business part of town, and in a good
neighborhood, m iking them the most desirable
lots now offered for sale.
apr. IT-swSni Cartersville, Ga.
Pendergrass Property,
on Tennessee Street, is off re 1 for sale, in lots
of 4th Acre or more, as purchasers desire.—
K.ich lot fronts on a street. 'Those wishing to
se. are homes in an elligible locality, can now
do so upon til amost reasonable terms.
Apph to
apr. TT-sw3m Carter* ville, Ga.
Bear m MM ml
When disease lias undermined the health,
and the physical system has become pros
trated, a stimulant that will not, only
strengthen, but remove the cause, should be
immediately resorted to. Mental distress is
also a fruitful source of the breaking down
of the constitution, an 1 the ravages of this
enemy to health are truly alarming. For
all such maladies Hostetler’s Stomach
Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By
acting directly upon the digestive organs,
they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling
after eating, so often complained of by
persons of a delicate temperament. As soon
as digestion is restored, the patient finds
iiis strength increasing, and his general
health improved.
Thousands of persons cert ify that, it may
be relied on in. a»l.l cases of weakness or
nervous debility attendant upon sedentary
habits. The generality of Bitters are ao
disagreeable to the taste that they are ob
jectionable to a weak stomach. This is not
the case with hfostetter’s Birters, which will
be found 1 mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
their restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening. Its basis is the only
pure stimulant which has ever been pro
duced, containing no fusil oil, or any other
deleterious element. The most careful and
skillful chemists have analyzed the Bitters,
and pronounce them harmless. 'This is
scientific testimony; but the testimony of
the hundreds of thousands who have expe
rienced the preventive and curative effects
of the great vegetable tonic and altera
tive of modern times is still more conclusive
In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billiousness,
Nervous Complaints and general debility it
is as nearly infallible as anything in this
fallible world can be.
Administrator’;* Sale.
\ IKTUE of an order from the Conrt of
Ordinary oi Bartow county, will be sold on
tiioflrstTuesday in J one, 1871. at the Court House
door, in said county, between rite legal sale
hours, the reversionery interest to bait’of lots of
land Nos 170 and 2(Ni, in dist. and 3rd “see. of
Bartow county, tlie said lots bein'? the dower of
Mrs. Nancy Denman, widow of Felix G. Den
man, dec’d; the said rcversionerv interest sold
as the property of said dee’d. Possession of the
same given at the death of said Nancy Denman.
B<>ld tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
s-tid Felix G. Denman, dec’d. Terms of sale
cash. April 22nd, 1871. 11. W. Kite,
Adm’r F. G. Denman.
Satterfield & Wolford,
4T the old stand, East side of the rail
road, where we promise to sell on as
good terms, and as low down in price, as
any grocery house in town, either by the
WlxoWisul© ox* Retail.
Come and sec us and test our sincerity.
apr 12w ly J C WOFFORD.
S. 11. PATTIXA,©, Agent
Weil and Boys’ Ololhing
Made on the 3fost Reasonable Terms.
In fact, almost any description of
AsCh<‘aj> as tli<» Clu‘itiM‘stl
r P || K \ v N :>I S XE . n has t'• )R\, FODDER,
.A.-Vi - V and OATS for sale at his residence
near this place. WILLIS v.M
Gaitersville, tin., April 11-21.
Component Part# — F/ui'l F.rtract Rmlnub,
anil Fluid Extract CaUt « /..« (J - Jpc
These Pills are the most delightfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
i magnesia, etc. There is nothing mote ac
| crptnble to the stomach. They give tone,
and cause neither MNisea nor griping paint.
They are composed of the finest ingredient#.'
After a few days’ use of them, such an in
vigoration of the entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Helmbold's Compound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Fills are not
1 sugar-coated, from the faut that sugar-coat
ed Pills do not dissolve, but pass through tliv
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect. THE CA
TAWBB GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in
l taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
j itig sugar-coated. PRICE 50 cts. Per Box.
Henry T. ilelmbol Fs
Will radically exterminate from the sj-stein
Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis,. Skin Diseases, Salt Rhe
mn, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Night
Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds,
Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have been established in the sys
tem for years,
Being prepared expressly for the above
complaints, its Blood-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
and healthy color, and restores the Patient
ito a state of Health and Parity. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing all Chronic constitu
tional Diseases arising from an impure state
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion.
Price, -$l5O per bottle.
Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Neck,
of the Bladder, and Intiamation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad-
Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, sstonc in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion* Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Ilorror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
the Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons front the ages of IS to 2*>
and from 35 to 85 or in the decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains;
bed-wetting in children.
IlcTmbold s- Extract Buclm is Diuretic and
B’ood-Pmifying, nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Hab'ts of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
fcctions—iu these diseases used in connec
tion with If*e! in hold’s Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other rem
edy— as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, I’ainfulness or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the most eminent physician and
midwiy-es for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and aft ages, (attend
el with any of the above diseases or symp
11. T. Ilelmbold’s Ext. Bucbu Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, aud no
exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of the Urethra* ailaying pain and infia
mation, so frequent in this ekiss of diseases,
and poisonous matter. Thousands who
have been the victims of incompetent per
sons, and wJuplmve paid- h.»avy fees to be
cured in a short time, have found they have
been deceived, and that the “Poison” has,
by the use Os “powerful astringents/’ been
dried up in .he system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Hclmbul l Ext Bucbu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, and no
matter of how long standing. Price, Sfil 50
per bottle.
ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every species of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots.
Scorbutic Dryness. In turn!ions of CUTA
NEOUS MEMBRAN *3, Tot., dispels Hives,
Redness and Incipient Inflamation, Rash,
Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or skin,
Frost Bites, and all purposes For which salve
or ointments are used; restores thaskin to a
state of purity and softness, ami insures
continued healthy action to the tissue of its
vessels, on wiiicii depends the agreeable
clearness and vivacity of complexion so
much sought and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defeats of
the skin, IE T. Heluibold’s Rose Wash lias
long sustained its principle- claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
which render it a toilet appendage of the
most superlative and congenial character,
combining in an elegant formula those prom
inent reiftiisites, safety and ertieafcy the in
variable accompaniments of its use—as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
ion. If is an excellent Lotion for diseases
of a Syphilitc nature, and as an injection
for disease l of the Urinary Organs, arising
li omlrflbits of dissipation, used in connec
tion with the Extract Bucbu, Sarsapar’la.
and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases
as recommended cannot be surpassed _
Price, one dollar fr bottle-
Full and explicit directions accompany
the in dic."«s. K m’ uce of the most
ponsible and reliable character mrs sued <jy
-i plieson. with hundred* of thnns isjß ,r
hv.tlg wiLiviS oa, anil Upward of 3C',OUO t...
so'.jc ted certificates nud recotnm !"h.t o ry
Ic't-r?. r.mnv >f' which hit from it<e high, t,
sources, including eminent pbyticians, CU,-
gvmon. Statesmen, etc. The proprietor leg
never resorted to their pnblicatoii iit the
newspapers; he does not do th's Item tiie
fact that his articles rank as Stand ml Prep
arations, and do not neck to be propped up
by certificates.
H. T. Hclmbold s Genuine Preparations,
delivered to any address. Secure tr<>m 01..
serration. Established upward os 2 > yeais,
Sold by druggists everywhere. Addrers
letters for information in eonfidece to H, 'J'.
Helm bold. Dauggist anl Chemist.
Only Depots: H I'. Helmbold’s Drug and
Chemical Oarehouge, No. 501 Broadway, N.
Y., or H. T- Helmbold s Medical ! epot, 104
South 19th, st Philorelphia, Pn*
Beware of IJountei feits ! Af-lfc Sor 11. T.
Ilelinbjhl s!! Take no other !! !
I>A 11 B
Prophylactic Fluid.
TJN Mod it ine, for puri
fying, cloasing, removing h-d
of sickness; for burn*. -ores. woumK *timr>;
for Erysipelas, rheumatism. and all siUimlisea>-
esr for catarrh, sore month, sore dintlio
ria; for cholic, diaiThtea, elioleraa>hjo
soften ami tieantifv the skin; to roinov<‘_ink
well as .am>lie.l externally; so highly reeoui
mended by all who have u*cd it—is for sale l»v
all Drnrtri-ts -mil < ’otintrv Miovb ints. ;in» ! »i>v
ho orfforeij dirertlv of
DAItBV J *K< >l*l iVL V l’l< t <>..
Doc. 6, w-ly. Ml street. N. Y.
i* - _ '
Are Daily Receiving and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Choice, Select and Fashionable
Ever before exhibited in the CIBTERSVILLE MARKET, and ‘-Want to Sell Them.*’
your time and here’s jour plaee to bay a heap of tine goods for little money.—
Come, one and all, and see for yourselves. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & COi, GARTERS VILLE.
Grover and Baker Sawing” Machine
I- •' '
riTHIS celebrated Sowing Machine lias been in
I ns* lor nearly twenty years. aniLis now us
ed by over three hundred thousand families,,
and has gained a reputation far above any oth
er sewing Machine. It Las been awarded" move
national prizes than any other machine in the
world; at the Great World’s Fair at New Vor ,
it was awarded the Gold Medal; at the London
Fair it won the very highest prize, and ia ISC.,
at Faffs, it was awarded the Cro-«ofthe Gogi" i
of Honor; besides this, it has won the Fir t
Premium at all the State .Fairs where it li .s
been exhibited. However, we do not claim that
premiums won at our State and County Fairs
any great honor or mark of distinction, as it
depends more on the operator than the machine.,
they seldom have judges who are mechanic -,
and judges of a Sewing Machine. At National
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are
judges of machinery. The following are some
of the reasons why the Grover A Baker is the
It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements;
sews directly tram two spools without rewind
ing; sews all kinds of work without haistin
can do twice as mnch work in a dm as miv
other machine; it is the most durable, and
almost noiseless; it sews equally well on all
kinds of g'HXIs. from the finest Swiss muslin to
the heaviest Beaver cloth; makes the elastic
lock-stitch much the j£v<jfcg%ssin use, and every
machine is fully warranted. Who can desire
anv more in a sevaing machine. There is ere r \'
variety and size of these machines, from the
lightest family to tiie heaviest leather machine.
These machines arc now for sale at (bartersville,
Ga., by Leon A (’AMP, in one of Judge Parrott’s
new .Store Houses, under the City hall. Mar
ch ines will be delivered to customers either iu
or out of the city, and full instructions given
free of charge; and should any of our machines
fall short of our recommendation, the money
will he cheerfullv refunded or placed in its
stead any other machine in use. Old Machines
repaired and put in good order on the very
shortest notice.
Cartersville, Ga.
Win. Satterfield,
Having Dissolved topartnersdip with
Has returned to’and opened h fit-si -class
i at hi» old stand, where, in tin- future as in the
past, my old customers and the public generally
will alwaj x find good I TOUOES to drink.
apr. 13-wty Carters ville, Ga.
For Sale!
For Cash!
THE Private House and Lot,.
And the Business Housoand Lot,
Os Capt (1. B. Blacker, separately or to
gether, on the East side of the Railroad, in.
the town of Cartersville. The former o< :ii
pied now by his family and the la*ter -i
Barber Shop. To be sold for cash < niy.—-
apr. 13-swtf Cartersville, Ga.