The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 16, 1903, Image 4
I. M. Griffin Dies. The town was shocked Friday evening last at the announcement of the sudden death of Mr. I. M Griffin, one of the most highly es teemed citizens of the county. Mr. Griffin had come to Bainbridge from his plantation some miles out of town and was in the Oak City drug store at the time he was stricken with heart trouble. Dr. Morgan was immediately sum' moned, but in spite of all efforts death came in about twenty min utes. His remains were interred at the family burying grounds near Attapulgus. Deceased was about 62 years of age and leaves a family of six chil dren, all grown. Mrs. Frank To* lar and Misses Kate and Anna Griffin, of this city, and Messrs. Fletcher, Harry and Kmsley Grits fin, the first two reside in this coun ty, and the latter in California. He was a full brother of I. Griffin, of this county and a half brother of Thomas H. Griffin, of Round Rock, Texas, Wm. H. Griffin, of Kagle Rock, Texas, and J. C. and J. L. Griffin, of this county. He also has one sister, Mrs. Jno. E. Lasseter, of Leander. Texas, At the beginning of the civil war Mr. Griffin enlisted with the Bainbridge Independents, compas ny G, 1st Georgia regiment, but later joined the Milton Artillery of the Florida troops. During his entire service in the Conf ederacy it is said that he never reported on the sick list and never missed a roll call. As a citizen, Mr. Griffin was held in nigh esteem by all and in his death the county has suffered a distinct loss. To the bereaved ones The Search Light extends its deepest sympathies, as do the many friends of the family. The Jno. R. Sharpe Injured. The Steamer Jno. R. Sharpe, owned by the Thronateeska Navi' gation company, of this city, while attempting a landing at Abe Clarks Wood Yard 10 miles north of this city, tipped half over and sank last Friday evening about 7 o'clock, together with a cargo of naval stores, canned goods and cotton. The loss is estimated at about $800. Capt. C. N Buchanan left Monday for the scene and the boat will be afioat within a few days if it is not already so. The government barge up the river will be used in raising it. The Sharpe will resume her run as soon as raised. Road Notices. Grricta—Decatur County: c. T. MIiiim etal having appllwtl for the opening and csliihlmlunK of it now public road, commencing near tlm main bridge acroHt* Aitapttlgus ctock near Harrell's mill in the Climax district, and on lot of laud nnndicr 14» In tln> lUth land district, anti running thonco in a southa oatcrly direction until it intersects Hm district lino between tho nineteenth and twentieth district, and tlumcc south along said line through tho land of W. \V, llurroll, G. W. Boyce, W. R. Mims, Mrs. Whitely.C.T. Mims, O. II. How- an and W. T. Nicholson and terminating at it intersection with the Bainbridge and Tnl* lakassco road, near the residence formerly occupied by the family of Mrs. Jake Blount. The total length of said proponed road Is about foui miles and the width ;(0 feet. No tice is hereby given that said application will lie Anally granted on the ttrat Monday in November IWtii next, if no siiflleleut cause is shown to the contrary. Witness the hon orable b.iurd of county commissioners of roads and revenuesof Decatur county, J. II. GILPIN.Ulork. Oeofgla—Decatur County: J. M. Moss et al having applied for the opening and establishment of a new public road commencing at tlie Hawthorne Trail, near the widow Hrlner’s, thence east by Pine Level and Concord churches to tho countv line, there intersecting with the Thounisvllle road. Kaid road to run a land line through the lands of J. II. Harrison. John Grtnor, J. M. Moss, Berry Moss, Jet!' firmer, Jim Pinson, Mrs. W. J. Taylor, II. c. Pinson, Wight Bros.. Ed Maloy, Jack liv ens and G. V. Klktns, length of said road Ik*- tug two and one-half miles. Notice is here by given ilia*, said application w ill be Anally granted on the Arst Monday m November, linn, if no sufficient cause is show n to the eonttary. Witness the honorable board of countv commissioners ot rouds and tine* titles of Decatur county, JOL 11. GILPIN. Clerk. J. D. Halstead has rented ( one of the stores under Preston’s tin shop and will open up offices there. Sheriff Sales. Georgia—Decatur County: Will be»spld before theicourt house door in the citv of Bainbridge, Ga., dur ing the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on 1st Tuesday in No vember next, the following described property to-wit: Sucty-two and one-half acres of land off of the south side of lot of land No. 323 In the fifteenth district' Levied upon as the property of Frank Close to satisfy a tifa issued from the September term 1003 of the city court of Bainbridge in favor of Mrs. K. A. Oliver vs. Frank Close. Also at the same time and place, one- half acre of land in the city of Barn- bridge, bounded on the west by prop erty of Ed Oliver, on the east by prop erty of Laura Grant, on the north by property of B. B. Bower, trustee, ana on the south by the original south land line of lot number 280 in the 20th dis trict. The said half acre being thir ty-five yards wide east and west; and seventy yards long north and south. Levied upon as the property of Charles Wooten to satisfy a justice court fifa in favor of I. Kwilecki vs. Chas. Wooten. Levy made and leturned to me by H. B. Brockett. constable. This Oct. 8 1903. A. W. FORDHAM, Sheriff. Notice. The Honorable Board of County CommitiBioners of Roads and Revenues for Decatur County, this day fixed the county tax rate at five mills for the year 1003, for the following purposes: Court house and public building, $ 1.00 on the 1,000 Bridges an l Ferries, 1.56 Coroner, .04 Courts, 80 Sheriff, 50 Non resident witnesses, .05 Jurors, 60 Pauper. , 30 General fund, 15 5.00 R. A. Lytlk, Chairman. Joe H. Gilpin, Clerk. PETITION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Decatur County: To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of H. C. Allen and F. R. Gra ham, respectfully showeth, that they are residents of said county, and that they de sire for themeelves, successors and assigns, to be incorporated as a body politic and cor porate under the name of "THE ALLEN COMPANY,” and by that name to sue and be sued, transact all business as hereinafter prayed, have and use a common seal, make contracts, borrow money ami create such evidences of debt as tlie corporation may desire, to secure the same by mortgage, deed, deed of trust, or other securities upon its property and franchises or any part thereof; to buy, lease or rent, own and sell real estate and personal property of every description; and to haye and exercise all such other powers as are specified by the lawsot Georgia, and as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of tnis Incorporation, Petitioners show that tho particular busi ness to be carried on is to do a general real estate business, to buy and sell reul estate, either on commission or otherwise, to rent property, own abstract books, and to furn ish abstracts from same to any property they may desire, to act as agent for any per son or corporation, to act as attorney in fact in such Instances as they may desire, to own stock in any company they desire and to vote same, to buy and sell any kind of prop erty whether real or personal. The principal office shall he Bainbridge, Georgir, with the right to establish such other offices in or out of this state as they may desire. The capital stock company is $5,000,00 all paid in, the shares of the value of 1100.00 of the number of tifty shares. Tho period of Incorporation is twenty years with privilege of renewal provide^ by law. Wherefore, petitioners pray that this po tion may be A led and recorded as provided by law, and when tho same has been pub lished as provided by statute, that an order may be passed incorporating petitioners under the name and style, and for the pur poses and with the powers horein set out, This Sept. 14til, 1903. F. K. Graham, Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office Sept. i4th, 1903. U. W. WIMBBKLEY, CLKItK. i^- ifw r r v Notice 1 Georgia—Decatur County: Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for Ihe hire of the misdemeanor convicts of Decatur county for the year 1904, on the first Monday in No vember 1903. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J H. GilFin, R. A. Lytle, • Clerk, Chairman STATE op Georgia—Decatur County. 9. M. Godwin ) Libel for Divorce, in vs > Superior Court of De- A. J. Godwin. 5 catur County. Filed September 15th, 1903. The defendant A. J. Godwin, is here by required, in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next Sjperior Court to be held iu and for said county of Decatur. State of Georgia, on Tues day after the first Monday in November next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's libel tor divorce, as in default of such appearance the Court will pro ceed according to the statute in such cases made and provided Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of said Court, this 17th day of September, 1903. C. W, WlMBERLEY, Clerk GEUKG1A—Decatur County: John Murkerson, ) Libel for Divorce, vs > Decatur Sup. Court. Lettie Murkers'n ) Filed Sept 12, 1903. The defendant. Lettie Murkerson, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney to he and appear at the next supe rior court to he held in and for said county of Decatur, on Tuesday af ter the second Monday in November, next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s libel tor Divorce, as in default of such appearance the court will pro ceed according to the statute in such coses made and provided. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, judge of said court, this 18tli day of September 1903. C. W. WlMBERLEY, Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF DISABILITIES. innie E. Barbree 1 Libel for Di va. > voree. Deoatur John Tilden Barbree. ) Superior Court, May Term, 1901. Verdict for total divorce 12th day of November, 1902. Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of August. 1903, the under- sigded tiled in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Decatur countv an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon him under the ver dict iu the above stated case, 'aid ap plication will he heard at the term of said court which convenes on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, 1902. John Tilden Barbree. CITY SHAVING SALOON, Newly Renovated Throughout Clean Towels •§• Sharp Razors. Good Service. ALLEN BURGESS, Prop. GEORGIA—Decatur County: l hereby certify that tl:*? above is a true and correct copy of the original petition for charter of the "The Allen Company,” now on tile in iny office. This Sept. I4th, 1903. C. W. WlMBERLEY. Clerk Superior Court. State op Georgia—Decatur County: Mrs. John Harper ) vs. [- Complaint. Sam B. Harper. > The defendant, Sam B. Harper, is hereby required, in person or by attor ney to be and appear at the Superior Court to be hela in and for County of Decatur on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s complaint, as in default thereof, the Court will pro ceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the HonorableW. N. Spence Judge of said Court, thU '.2th day of August, 1903. C. W. WlMBERLEY. Clerk State of Georgia—Decitur Countv: Mrs. K. M, Nicholson 1 In the Superior VS. 7 Court, May E. A. Stewart. ) Term 1903. It being represented to the Court by the petition of Mrs. K. M. Nicholson that by deed of mortgage dated the I8th day of December 1901 E. A. Stewart conveyed to the said K. M. Nicholson the west half of lot of land number two hundred and fifty-nine in the Nineteenth District of Decatur County, Geotgia, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or lesh, for the purpose of securing the payment ot the promisory note made by the said E. A. Stewart to the said K. M, Nicholson due on the 18th day of December 1902 for the sum of one hundred dollars, which amount be sides iuterest is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said E. A. Stewart do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term the principal,interest and costs due on said mortgage or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said K. M. Nicholson of said mortgage and the equity of redemption of the said E. A. Stewart therein be for ever barred, and that service of this rule be perfected on the said E. A. Stewart according to law. W. N. Spenoe, Judge S. C. A. C. A true copy from the minutes of this Court. C. W. Wimberley. Clerk. H. H. CHEATHAM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTICE. | Permanently located over Hicks’ Drug store j Special Attention given to diseases Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Bainbridge, - - Georgia ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Georgia—Decatur County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will he sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in No- vem her 1903, before the court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale the following real estate situated in Decatur county towit: One hundred and twenty-five acres of lk'id off of the south half of lot No. 289: all of lot No. 288 except 15 acres in the northeast corner of said lot. Oue hun dred sud tifty acres on the west side of i lot No. 287, east one half of lot No. 317, j Two hundred and fifty acres more or I less, being all of lot No. 312; al, situated j in the 21et district of said county, con- ' taining altogether eight hundred aud eighty five acres more or less. The above lands are well situated and adopted to cultivation of tobacco and located in and around the tobacco sec tion of Decatur county. About one hundred acres of fine hammock land that has never been cleared. a..d about three huudred acres of well improved laud with dwelling houses and cut houses in a good settlement. Terms, cash. J. H. Emanuel., Administrator of Estate of D. A. Campbell. Deceased. State OF Georsia—Decatur County: Mrs. Jennie Knight) vs. ^ Libel for Divorce. Henry B. Knight. > The defendant, Henry B. Knight, is hereby required, in person or bv attor ney, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for the County of Decatur on Tuesday after the second Monday in November, next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s com plaint, as in default thereof, the Court will proceed a« to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of Raid Court, this 12th day of August, 1903. C. W. WlMBERLEY, Clerk. Roofingja specialty. All calls given prompt attention. Tinning, Plumbing and < Gunsmithingand Sheet 1 of all kinds. Old roofs repaired and'repainted. Orders solicited. F. A. Preston, Troupe Street. Bail A FULL LINE Of Harness, Collars, Bridles, and anything in the Harness Line can be found at C. H. GRIFFIN HARNESS STORE, On North^Broad Street, BA1NRIDGE, GFi Also carry Harness Oil, Soap and Axel Oil, Heavy Team Collars. Repairing Done Neat and Prompt a1 Reasonable Prices. BICYCLES! Just received, if you are thinking of buying a bike^ Men’s bicycles at $17.50 ancl u * Ladies bicycles at IQ. 50 an(1 Second hand bicycles at 5.00 an Remember we-do bicycles, guns, pistol and loc* H class manner at Low Prices. Keys fitted on Will pay a good price for your old 1 1K 5 Phone 181. STAN8EL BROS