The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 16, 1903, Image 5
From Climax. Allen visited relatives Mr?. r.vlor, of Whigbam, spent Monday in our burp. C. Dixon, of here visiting relatives. ; c e Sheffield, of Bain. 4 over Tuesday on le 8 al Hrli vv. C. Lipscomb, of were the guests ot the House Tuesday. Bush, of Cypress, Fla., nest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. n)jy and Tuesday. Smallwood, of Atta- i through Climax en- Thursday. | Mrs. N. C. Bell left Mon- Quincy where they will days with relatives, Curry who has been brother, Mr. D. B. Curry ie d to bis home in Quincy. J, Truloek returned home I the week after spending with relatives and friends me Parker has returned ja lengthy stay at Pana- ip and other points in (lieCurry left during the md some time with Miss liman and other friends in i. bolock accompanied by bis kere CbarleB and Lloyd has from a delightful trip to Senator Stewart Weds a Georgia Lady. mie Averitt and his moth. A. Ayeritt. have returned me in Fowltown after a r, Ana Mrs. A. J. Trnlook. rlbut, who has been resid- eeville for several yean', voigh Climax this week on to bis new home in Kansas sight last a select and con- rovd of friends surprised Jueen at Dr. S. T. pretty new home. Miss charming hostess and a unite in our town and her its here are a source of lire to us all. Friday night two ot our «nd most popular young P«ied to a most terrible while on their way to make The horse they were driving ightened and left the road, their carriage, and wound- of them seriously. We r speedy recovery, Brinson Briefs snumber went down to the Bainbridge Monday. "“Brunson passed through today enroute to Bainbridge. ’ Brown went over to Pone day this week on Graham who has been "“ for some time has re. # Brinson. j*bns, of Recovery, has £ her sister, Mrs. C. J. ,ho livei> >n the Bock %md United States Senator Stewart of Nevada, who has worn the toga longer than any other member of the upper house of congress, and who is now 70 years of age, be. came a bridegroom in Atlanta last Monday night. His charming bride was Mrs. Mary Agnes Cone, of Madison, Ga., who is said to be her husband’s junior by at least thirty years. The ceremony wa« performed by Dr. Bradley of Trin itv M ethodist church, and Judge Thomas M. Norwood, of Savan nah, acted as best man. Senator Stewart is one of the most prominent and distinguished members of the senate, and al though a republican in politics, has always been a friend and ad mirer of the South and has rens dered valient services in the legis. lation affecting this section by casting his vote with us. He is said to be worth $25,000,000, made mostly out of silver mining in Nevada. Married Near Brinson Sunday. Mr. W. T. Barber ot the west side of the river and Miss Belle Ely were married Sunday last in the presence of a few friends, The groom is an industrious young man of sober and worthy habits He deserves the bride he has won and is being congratulated The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Sam Ely, who live near Brinson. H. R. Reynolds, J. P., officiated. Powell-Williams. Trusses. Beware of Imitations! Headquarters for the ONE AND TWO HORSE PLOWS, Besides carrying a complete line of the above goods, my line of II III Ask to... See Our Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Are Larger Than Ever. Ladies’ Dress Goods from 10 cents to $1.00 per yard. Ladies’ Ready to-Wear Skirts from 75 cents up. Boys’ Knee Pants, 5 to 15 years, from 25c. to $1 per pair. Boys’ and Youths’ Suits from 75c. to $10 per suit. Men’s Suits from $3 50 to $15 per suit. Miss Gertrude Williams and Mr, A. J. Powell, both of Pine Hill district, were happily married last Friday, W. R. Brown, J. P., officiating. Only a few friends witnessed the ceremony. The groom is the son of Mr. John H. Powell, the bride is a popular young lady of her community. The Search Light wishes them a happy and prosperous life. Notice! . —n preached at the c j>urch Sunday and R r wburk filled the same pul- Wenin f? service. Walter Lane, of KUe8lS 0f Mr - Ptn 7 last Sunday id J!' J’ ^ eel > Mrs. A. Haynes, Jr, «.«„ V 8lr at Ma con last tor . merl y lived sCr ion ° f tte H to Visit their old To all Person Concerned: I am so crowded with patients that I have decided to work at night. From November the ’ 1st I will accept persons who wish to be treated for Catarrhal diseases of the head, diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Catarrh, or Bronchitis developed fully, Nose diseases, etc. My stay in Bain- bridge will be to January the 1st, and I will work up to the last day in December. Office hours at night 7:30 to 9. Respectfully, ' J. M. Bosworth. J. W. Porter, who handles nu? chmery in this section and wbo makes his borne in Bainbridge, in vites your correspondence when in need of any kind of machinery. Address him at Bainbridge, Ga., after you have read his ad in this paper. Mr. Metteaur Griffin left Sunday for Mississippi where he will begin work for Fleming & Hines in the turpentine business. He resigned his position as deputy, under Sheriff Ford ham about two weeks ago; Mr, W. E. Soott assuming his position. His address will be Roosevelt, Ala. Attachment in Excelsior Trusses. it will Please You.... Mr. Dukes and family who live in the neighborhood ot Bethel church, attended preaobing here Sunday and were the guests of the family of Mr. S. J. Warren. The cool weather caught a good many in this section with tbeir seed cane standing. • It is feared there for* that the crop has sustained a ssrious injury. If you wear Truss don’t fail to look over our stock It is complete am up-to-date. Oak City Drug Co. Bainbridge, Ga. J. T W IRON LANE, CITY, QA. Celebrated Chattanooga Cane Mills AMERICAN FIELD AND HOQ FENCE. SHOES! • SHOES!! I sell the famous BATTLE AXE SHOES. Every pair sold with a GUARANTEE, and have a pair for every man, woman and child living between the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers; so you come right along and get them. I will also keep on hand during the syrup season a supply of CYPRESS BARRELS, and will buy all the Syrup brought to this market and pay SPOT CASH for it. YOURS TRULY, * J. T. LANE, We are Agents for The Celebrated OSBORNE RIVAL -DISC- HARROW. We would like for all our farmer friends to come and thoroughly inspect this machine, it is * a great labor saver and cultivator. in Price 8 Disc 16 inches $25.00; 8 Disc 18 inches $27.50; 8 Disc 20 inches $30.00. A. J. MACDONALD Bainbridge, Ga. Union Bottling Works. T. I. THOMASON & SON, Props. 3M All Kinds of— Carbonated Beverages —and Areated Waters. -MANUFACTURE— Ginger Ale and- «► Seltzer Specialties. Waker» BAINBRIDGE, GA. PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS, Panacea, Fla., on the Gulf of Mexico. Excellent mineral water cures all forms of indigestion and stomach affections. Situated among the pines, pure salt breezes, a de lightful place for bodily and men tal rest. Salt and fresh water tfshing-crabs, oysters, fish, etc. Pleasant and splendid accommodations at rea sonable rate. Address, Mrs. 1C. McFarland, PaaaoM, Fla.