The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, November 13, 1903, Image 6
COME LISTEN Iw««y, , ■ » To be riven away ornthe first Saturday in November to the one hold 6 v ’ to *• ^ .. - ■ ' ' r . . ' \ f • ing the lucky number, their choice of the following articles: ' n»c- iik «& Handsome Double Door Book Case? Elegant Sideboard with 14 x26 Beveled Edge French Plate Mirror, Beautiful 6-foot Extension Dining Table, 32-inch Brass Bound Roller Tray Trunk. It is our intention to give every cash purohase of $1.00 a ticket with a number on it. These tickets will be numbered m dupiclaue, and as thov are given out, their duphoato will be placed in a sealed box. On the date above mentioned we will arrange to have some one come in and draw a number from this box; the one holding the lucky number will then be allowed to come in and take his choice between the above mentioned articles. We of course will publish the number in the paper. Now take a look at our prices and see how they compare with those of bther merchants. Best make Iron Beds, any Color with 120 coil, absolutely Hornless spring inner look; regular price for both $7.50, oiir price for both $5.15. Trunks at prices to suit the trade, cheaper thau anyone else can afford to sell them. Cotton Mattresses at $3.87 and up —guaranteed best make! Solid Oak Double canc Bottom Chairs at 50 cents each as long as they last. Stock limited. Nice dining chairs at 97 cents each. Beautiful Scroll Arm Hocking Chairs, standard make, worth $3.00, our price $1.47. a Handsome 6-foot Extension Dining Tables worth $7.00, our price $4.93 each. Hall Stands el all kinds and prices, Go-carts of every description nd color, price, design and size; 27 different kinds in our stock, in prices ranging trom $9.00 up. The largest line of Jardiniers ever shipped south o Macon. Come and, see them. Solid Oak Bedsteads at prices ranging from $2.63 up. in standard sizes. The largest line Rugs, Shades, Art Squares and Laoe Curtains in Georgia, Florida or Alabama. Side Board and Bed-room Suites at any price you want* Kitchen Tables all sizes and prices. Come Running, We Called You. HUNTER & BAQGS SEARCH LIGHT. 6. RUSSELL BRINSON, motto* mb mw. OFFICIAL ORGAN OEOATUR COUNTY AND BAIN BRIDGE. Baiabridfe, 0a., getober 2, IM3. The trial of former Lieut. Gov. James H. Tillman of S. C. for the murder of N. G. Gonzales, began Monday and is still in progress, The Calvin Bill abolishing the three day’s grace on notes went into effect yesterday; all notes from now on will not carry former three days time allowance after the note falls due. The entire south is rejoiced at the improved condition of'Mrs. Jefferson Davis who has been crit- cally ill at Buffalo N. Y. The latest bulletins report that she is much better and is steadily im proving. The latest quotation from Sir Thomas Lipton is, “I will keep after the cup untiil I get it.” We have the greatest admiration for the perseverence of Sir Thomas. If there is anything in the old “rule of try,’ f he will eventually succeed. William R. Hearst has present ed to the University of California a new open air theater, a repro duction of the classic Dionysian theaters of Europe and Greece. It is the only one of its kind in America; it is 245 feet in diameter and has a stage 122 feet long. And now Atlanta proposes to be represented at the St. Louis Exposition by a railway station, an exact reproduction if possible of her new union passenger depot, that is to be; she also intends to place in this building a distinctive ly Atlanta exhibit. We suggest that a fac simile of her present fa' mens car shed would be appro' priate, as no doubt could possibly arise in regard to it being a “d : s- tirrtively Atlanta exhibit.” MODERN METHODS OF TAXATION NEEDED. A large percentage of tax pay ers return their property for taxa tion at h value far below its in trinsic or market value, and this too is done under oath. On the other hand it is pleasing to note that there is a respectable num ber of people who return their property at and pay taxes on its market value. It is a little curi ous to understand how the former of these two classes of tax payers reconciles his oath that he is put ting his property at its true value with his conscience. Perhaps he has misplaced his conscience on the day he made his tax leturn. We make the point that right here there is a discrimination be tween these two classes of citizen tax payers that is unequal and un just, that makes the burde». The general counsel of the A. C. L. railroad, Mr. Fleming Du- Bignon, has expressed the opinion that railway property is being dis criminated against in Georgia by being taxed at its full value while private property is returned for taxing purposes at less than 70 per cent of its market value. He offers to prove the fact by affida vits of tax collectors in numbers of counties, and thinks the rail roads could successfully evade the payment of taxes on the grounds of unequality. Under the constitution all prop erty should uniformly bear the burdens of taxation. We cannot say whether the railroads are over taxed or not, but it is a fact that a large expense of the government fall heaviest on the man of con science, who is largely in the mi nority. So the railroads and the conscientious tax payer stand to gether and pay taxes on the full value of their properties, although through different motives, while the majority are entirely relieved of the burden on 30 percent of their possessions. It strikes us that this too evi dent unequality is able to exist by- reason ot the inadequate system now in vogue. It is antiquated and no longer suitable to our stage THE TRIAL OF TILLMAN; Trial of ex-Lieutenant Govern or Tillman of South Carolina for the murder of Editor Gonzales is in progress at Lexington. Many able lawyers are arrayed on either side and every inch of ground is being vigorously contested. It will be remembered that Till man while in as lieutenant- governor and qresident of the Se nate met Gonzales one day some month’s ago on the streets of Col umbia and without warning pulled his pistol and shot and killed him. The provocation is said to be fierce editorials in Gonzales p^per last year during a heated political cam paign denouncing Tillman’s candi dacy. The progress of the trial is be ing watched with interest all over the country and th>*re is much speculation as to the outcome. It is getting to be too frequently the case that a man charged with crime where proof of guilt is posi tive can not be convicted before our juries if he is backed by means and influences This is a sad commentary on our jury system and is doinu; more than anything eiSe to bring it into disrepute It is strange that any amount of influence, pub lic or private sentiment could cause a jury to violate its solemn oath to “a true verdict given ac cording to the evidence.” Unless jurors cherish a greater solemnity for their oaths trial will become a farce and justice a mere name without a meaning. of advancement. We are unable to suggest a better one unless it be through boards of equalizers now under advisemenfiby our law makers. Farm For Sale. Ninety acres of finest farm land in Decatur County. It is part of the W. E. Powell plantation. Cbn-| tains, tenant houses, gin house and I stable. Thomwell Beach- j Columbia Ala. 1 BARGAINS FOR 30 DAY! For the month of August I will sell my entire Stock a and Summer Goods at greatly reduced I I will leave on August the 10th for New York to purchase Winter Goods and the goods now on hand must be sold tot for those coming. SHOES! My stock of Shoes is complete in every detail and y» them at your own price. Ladies $2.50 Slippers at 1.90. I Ladies Ji.JoSlipP “ 2.00 “ “ 1.50. | “ l '°° CLOTHING BARGAINS Mens’ Suits worth 512.50 now •“ “ “ 8.50 “ | “ " “ 6.50 “ ’ “ “ “ 5 00 “ . . * Summer Dress Goods greatly reduced. Mens. ^ Children Underwear at almost half price. | I will sell Groceries just as cheap as Dry Goods. 12 best coffee for 5i.oo; 20 lbs of good rice for 5 100, 0 cigars, etc., at rock bottom prices. Just received car load of Buggies and have car of horse Wagons coming which I shall sell as cheap as to see me when you want a wagon or buggy, alul rern have a few more of the McCormick Mowers and Ra es ’ one come to see me. I shall CHARGE no more goods after August i- you so cheap for CASH that yot^won’t ask for credit- Yours Respt., * J". X., Iraa. City, S*