Newspaper Page Text
John D. Rockefeller Surprises General
Educational Board With Present of
Thirty-Two Million Dollars.
Thirty-two millions of dollars’
worth of income-bearing securities
was the gift which John D. Rocke
feller, through his son, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., announced to the
general educational board when it as
sembled for a special meeting in New
York ,City Thursday afternoon.
“For general education purposes
throughout the country'* is given as
the purpose *of this donation —the larg
est single prize ever handed out tor
such purposes
Mr. Rockefeller previously had giv
en the board $11,000,900 for the same
work, his contributions now amount
ing to $43,0W),0iQ0.
The general education board appar
ently was not prepared for tnis gut,
w,hich was announced simply in the
fallowing letter:
“New r York, February 6, 1907.
General Education Board, New York
City. Gentlemen: My father author
izes me to say' that on or before April
1, 1907, he will give to the general
board income-bearing securities, the
present market value of which is
about $32,000,000, one-third to be add
ed to the permanent endowment of
the board; two-thirds to be applied t.o
such specific objects within the cor
porate purposes of the board, as either
he or I may from time to time di
rect, any remainder not so designated
at the death of the survivor to be
added also to the permanent endow
ment of the board. Very truly,
Most of the members of the board
were amajed at the size of the gift.
The elder Rockefeller is not a
member of the board, but his son is a
member and the active direction
doubtless will come from him.
The board voted to accept the gift
and in appreciation directed a letter
to the elder Mr. Rockefeller, as fol
lows :
“The general education board ac
knowledges the receipt of the com
munication of February 6, 1907, from
Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a mem
ber of this body, announcing your di
rection to give to the board for the
purpose of its organization security
of the current value of $32,000,000.
“The general education board ac
cept this gift with a deep sense of
gratitude to you and of responsi
bility to society. The sum, added to
the $11,000,000 which you have for
merly given to this body, makes
the general education board the
guardian and administrator of a to
tal trust fund of $43,000,000.
“This is the largest sum ever given
by a man in the history of the race
for any social or philanthropic pur
poses. The board congratulates you
upon the high and wise impulse which
has moved you to this deed, and de
sires to thank you, in behalf of all
educational interests, whose develop
ments it will advance; in behalf of
our country, whose civilization for all
time it should be made to strengthen
and elevate, and in behalf of mankind
everywhere, in whose interests it has
been given and for whose use it is
The members of the board who w'iil
administer Mr. Rockefeller s immense
gift include some of the best known
educational workers, financiers, pub
licists and philanthropists in the coun
Well Known Railroad Man Accepts Posilion
With South American Company.
John M. Egan, president of the
"Union Depot company of Kansas City,
and widely known throughout the Uni
ted States as a railroad manager, has
resigned his position, to which a
salary of $15,000 was attached, and
has accepted a position with a South
American railroad company.
Carries More Ihan fighly-hree Millions.
Several Amendments Adopted
The he use Thursday completed and
passed the rivers and harbors appro
priation bill, carrying more than ss3,-
000,000 with sundry amendments, all
of which were suggested by tae
chairman of the committee, Mr. Bur
ton of Ohio. One amendment provides
for’a survey of the Savannah river for
thirty miles below Augusta, Ga...
Since Raise in Salary I hey Proceed to
Outlaw Giving and Receiving '*>•
The house committee on th~ Dis
trict of Columbia made a Javo/abl| re
port Thursday on the Mury bill, which
makes it unlawful to either give or
receive tips in any hotel or eating
house in the District of Columbia.
A dead man Is soon forgotten—un
less he died Insolvent.
FITS, St. V itus' Dance :N ervous Diseases per
manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve
Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. H. E. K1ine.1d.,931 Arch St„ Phila., Pa
Many a pugilist has been beaten
at his own game.
Of Interest to Women.
Every woman naturally should b*
healthy and strong, but a great many
women, unfortunately, are not, owing to
the unnatural condition of the lives we
lead. Headache, backache and a general
tired condition are prevalent, amongst the
women of to-day, and to relieve these con
ditions women rush to the druggists for a
bottle of some preparation supposed to be
particularly for them, and containing—
nobody knows what. If they would just
get a box of Brandreth’s Pills, and take
them regularly every night for a time, all
their trouble would disappear, as tnese
pills regulate the organs of the feminine
eystem. The -same dose has the same
effect, no matter how long they are used.
Brandreth’s Pilb have been in use for
•over a century and are sold in every drug
and medicine store, plain or sugar-coated.
It’s better to crawl out than to be
thrown out.
For Over Two Years—Patent Medi
cines, Quack Cures, and Even Doc
tors Fail— Cuticura Succeeds.
■“I was very badly afflicted with eczema
for more than two yearS. The parts af
fected were my limbs below the knees.
1 tried all the physicians in the town and
some in the surrounding towns, and I also
tried all the patent remedies that I heard
of, besides all the cures advised by old
women and quacks, and found no relief
whatever until I commenced using the
Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and
Cuticura Resolvent. In the Cuticura Rem
edies I found immediate relief and was
soon sound and well. C. V. Beltz, Tippe
canoe, Ind., Ncrv. 15, 1905.”
Look out for things that won’t bear
looking into.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar? Reward
for any case of Catarrh ..hat cannot be
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O.
We, the u: dernigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, K.ISNAN & Marvih, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall’e Catarrh Cure is tako internally, act
ing direotly upon the blood and mucuoussur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 71c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Bell's Family Pills far constipation.
Vaudeville Female — HasbU that lit
erary duck -go-t that sketch done for
ub yet?
Vaudeville Male—Yep, but it wont
do. He bad the nerve to call it a
refined comedy act, an’ there was only
three chances in the wholepl-ece fur
you t’ knock me down. What d’ yer
think of that?—Puck.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrnpfor Children
teething,softens thegums,reducesinflainma
fcion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle
Give some nicn a dollar and they
will believe anything you tell them.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money ir it fails to cure.
C. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 26c.
Nothing pleases a * little man more
than am opportunity to act big.
and frankly, in strictest confidence, tHilng afl your
troubles, and stating your age. Wa will tend you
TREE ADVICE, In plain sealed envelope, and a val
uable 64-page Book on “Home Treatment for Women.”
Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, Toe
Chattanooga Medicine Cos.. Chattanooga, Tenn.
. 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 ■' i ■■■- ■■ilia 1> a.gei m.
You Look Prematurely Old
HOT TiVlflrPO Cherokee •Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein Remedy for
OwL IAT Lull b Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe druggie tt. U b g Q 3 , 50c aud ? tl.OO.
(A'-Af/,,, /A young people
w-rO matter how limited
/ your means or eduea
/ ■*" ' tion, if you wish a
thorough business
training and good position, write today for
Our Great Half-Rate Offer. Success, inde
pendence and probably KO ill T'NE guaran
teed. Dnt’t delay- write today.
Mother— Tommy, what’s your little
brother crying about*?
Tommy— ’Cause I’m eatin’ my cake
an’ won’t give him any.
Mother —Is his own cake finished.
Tommy—Yes’m an’ he cried while
I was eatin’ that, too. —Catholic Stan
dard and Times.
"Do you really believe two heads
are better than one?”
"Give it up; hut I know we wouldn’t
amount to much without foreheads.
—.Philadelphia Ledger.
Secause of those u4y, *rl uiy, *ray batra. Vm “LA CREOLE” HAIR RESTORER. Rrtco. 91.00, retail.
Is acknowledged to be the most sue- | •' l /-\ 7,J
cessful remedy in the country for ! kJ
those painful ailments peculiar to A TL L
For more than 30 years it has jft j
been curing Female Complaints, \\\ /111
such as Inflammation, and Uicera- \\ \ [//
tion, Falling and Displacements. J NX* y A ( (
and consequent Spinal Weakness, Aljj [A x ' XI
Backache, and is peculiarly adapted
SLSSSC? Silt' it has LYD[A ETpiNKHAtCT-^
more cases of Female Ills than any other one remedy known.
Lydia E. Pinkham s \ egetable Compound dissolves and expels
Tumors at an early stage of development. Dragging Sensations causing
pain, weight, and headache are relieved and permanently cured by its use.
It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions. Weakness of the
Stomach. Indigestion, Bloating. Nervous Prostration. Headache. Gene
ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faintness Extreme Lassitude. “Don’t care
andwantto be left alone" feeling. Irritability, Nervousness, Sleeplessness.
Flatulency, Melancholia or the “Blues.” These are sure indications of
female weakness or some organic derangement.
For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound is a most excellent remedy.
Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women*
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs Pinkham. Lynn, Mass, for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham
who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pinkham
in advisincr. Thus she is well qualified to guide sick women back to
health. Her advice is free and always helpful.
will find in Mozi.RV’s Lemon
I Elixir, the ideal laxative, a
{ileasant and thoroughly re
iable remedy, without the
I least danger or possible harm
I to them in any condition
peculiar to themselves,
j Pleasant in taste, mild in
action and thorough in results.
Tested for 35 years.
50c. and % 1.00 per bottle at
all Drug Stores.
“One Dose Convinces."
CABBAGE Plants, CELERY Plants graggi
and all kiudsof Harden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbage
plants grown In the open air and will stand croitt cold, urowo from
TMsKVfewCM Sr seeds of the most reliable seedsmen. We use the same plants on It wifi Wj j t[X
our thousand acre truck farm. Plants carefully counted and properly IhW HM
WkmfcktaSPx-'MI packed. Celery ready lust of Dec. Lettuce, Onion and Beet plants, same HI M
time or earlier Reduced express rate* promised.which,when effective M. | ■
IJroPitofJilttießlliTiW will give ua 60 per cent less than merchandise rates Prices. Small lot* 7? im
ALSO per thousand large lot*gl.o<> to *1.25 nor thousand F. O B. Meg- BaIMC
BSSSIKEtee eetts S. c Arlington white bplne Cucumber Seed 0 cents per pound.
F o. R.MeKgetis, S. c. 'lll* Tinned state* Agricultural Department
has established an Experimental station on out farms, to test all kinds of vecetahles, espe*
I Am now prepared to flh order* for my Celebrated
CABBAGE PLANTS in any quantity dealred.
rare header, email type.
CHARLESTON WAKEFIEIJT—About ton daye later
Igaaa Early Jersey's, alee a ears header of One size.
Prioes f. o. b. here, packed ia light boxes:
■OO for 31.00. 1.000 to (,OOT at 31.50 per K. 5,000 to 10,000 at 31.35 per X.
Special prioes on larger quantities. All order* .hippo! O. O. D when not aeoompaaled by remittance.
CHAS. M. GIBSON, Young’s Island, S. C
If *o, buy yonr plant* from ua. They are raised from the beat eeed. and grown on the sea Islands
South Carolina, which on account of being surrounded by salt watsr, raise plants that are ear Her asm
hardier than those grown in the Interior. They can be set out sooner without danger from frsdlL
Varieties: Early Jersey Wakefields, Charkefon <rr Urge Type Wakefield a Henderson’* Socecselon and
Fist Dutch. Ail plants carefully counted and packed rsady for shipment, and bent express rats* In
the Bouth. Prices: (ISO per single thou-and. up to 4000; COOO or more at fL 25 per thousand; 10.000 and
upwards at tl.oo per thousand. OTHER PLANTS SUPPLIBD-Celery Lettuce, Onions apd Beet ready
in December. ‘BPECIAL GARDEN FERTILIZER” WOO per sack of tOO pounds. Everything P. O.
8.. Merge its, S. C. The U. 8. Agricultural Department has estabtiabsd an Experimental Station on
our farms to test all hinds ef vegetables, especially cabbages. We will be pleased to givs results ca
these experiments. Write to us. N. H. BLITGH COMPANY. Ecgcetts, S. O*
“I Was Given Up”
writes Mrs.[Eva Bashore, of Wapakoneta, 0., "by ten (10) doctors,
and the only hope they offered was an operation, for an abscess of
four (4) months growth, measuring about six Inches long, on my
ovary. I weighed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly
walk across the floor. The trouble began by my taking cold at my
period, which stopped the flow. I doctored for nearly a year without
obtaining relief, until, as I dreaded an operation, I began to take
“I only used eight (8) bottles of Cardul. Now lam well, have gained 35 pounds
and work every day. Wine of Cardul saved my life. 1 cannot say enough for it and
will recommend It whenever I can.” Nothing could be more certain than the fact that
you need Cardul if you suffer from any of the disorders peculiar to the female
sex. It is purely vegetable, strictly medicinal, harmless, non-intoxicating, and per
fectly reliable. Cardul regulates irregular functions, relieves unnecessary female pain,
restores strength and Invigorates the system. Over a i.iiWoQ woman have been tene.
flted by Its use. Try it
Avery & Company
H 1 .53 South Forsyth Bt., Atlant*, Ga.
........ .... ...... ....... *.
sizes. Wheat Separators.
Large Engines and Boilers supplied
promptly. Shingle Mille, Corn Mllle,
Circular Saws,Saw teeth,Patent Dogs,
Steam Governors. Full line Engines A
Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue
SUCCESSION—Bet known rare k*dingl*l i
Urge flat cabbage, later than Charleston Wakellela.
Them* plants are from the vary beet tested sasdi Sg4
grown in the open air and will stand severe cold with
oat injury. All orders are filled from the same bed#
that lam using for my extensive cabbage farms, eat*
isfaction guaranteed.