Newspaper Page Text
Col. C. C. Thomas was in town
Monday attending City court.
Mr. C. II us ford o c Huxford, Ga.
spent Monday and Tuesday in town.
Apples and Mananas are constantly
coming to J. W. Prince, at Pearson.
Prof. S. C. Sanders of Leliaton was
in Douglas Monday as a court witness.
Col. Carter of Baxley attended court
here Monday.
Buy your onion sets of T. J. Davis
& Cos., only 20c per quart. Go there
for anything else you want.
Col. T. S. Heriet of Willacoochce
was in town Monday courting.
Mr. Jessee Lott of Broxton called
on Douglas Monday.
Mr. Janies Overstreet is the recepient
of a 12 pound boy •
Florida, oranges a specialty at J. W'
Prince,s, Pearson.
The Breeze is doing job printing at
Savanna prices. Send in your work.
Justice Infinger has been quite sick
this week and is confined to his room
T. J. Davis & Cos. has the best chew
ing tokacco in town —the -‘Fine Cut.”
They sell snutT regardless of the
The free silver hill passed the sen
are but was overwhelmingly defeated
by the house committee.
Lock Kirkland conceded to he the
best young farmer in Coffee county
was among the visitors Monday.
A. P. Hucks at Pearson, sells Squires
lard at 9 cts.
Mr. Shadraeh Inman, father of tbe
great Inman family died in Atlanta
Editor M. J. Parker of the Douglas
Breeze, is in the 'city and paid the
Call a pleasant visit.— Brunswick Call
The Telfair Enterprise is in favor
of working the convicts on the pulic
roads. You are right brother.
A woman in Blackshear threaded
ninety two needls in twelve minutes.
Boys she will do to tie to ; we’ll bet sin'
can sew on a button right.
Dun’s Review speaks more hopeful
of the commercial and financial situ
ation tliis we ;k.
Corn and hay at A. P. llucks,
Pearson. Ga.
Every man has his day of dcubt,
but an honest heart never lost its
cause on tha t day.
If you must live well simply to meet
the expectations of your friends 1 it is
belter t-o do so all you can find a
higher motive.
3iL can tomatoes for 10 cts. at
A. P. Hacks, Pearson, Ga.
At a call session of city court Mon
da}’, the caso of Mrs. C. B. Johnson vs.
W. S. Skinner was decided in favor
of defendant.
Prof. Skinner jf Willacoochce says
he has 4-1 pupils enrolled at that
place with a lino prospect for a much
larger school.
Sqairo’s Boston bellies at 7f ct. at
A. P. Plucks, Pearsou, Ga.
Mr. Gus L. Brack has accepted the
position made vacant by Elias Cab
ins and he invites his friends to ea'l
on him.
The Douglas Breeze lias greaty im
proved in every respect recently.—
Wa yeross Herald. Now, that is very
nice and kind of you, sir.
Call at T. J. Davis <fc Co’s for nice
pig feet, apple butter, and we might
add nice cow’s butter, too.
it ?s a fad now with fashionable
women to have diamond set in their
teeth. And next they will have rubies
in tbpir toenails.
Mr. Rem- m Crawford is the new
press ijigont of the Plant System with
headquart : at *he Tampa Bay hotel.
I’ampla. Fla.
2000 Palemore Oranges at Ward <*.:
Davis £-3 cents per dozen.
Mr. i'-V. W. Morris, a prominent
merchant of Baxley, arrived in the
city yiCstciday. Mr. Morris will lo
cate inj Douglas shortly.
G. D. Curry of Hazlchurst oillcd on
the Breeze this week. We arc always
glad to see you sir, call again.
The Breeze office, under the man
agement of 31. J. Parker is doing
some of the finest job work ever seen
in this section.
Fresh Garden seed for spring plan
ting at Ward & Davis.
Master .Oliver Peterson is yell of
the measels and Joe Daughtry is ta
king his turn w th the malady at the
Peterson House.
A millionaire was convicted of mur
der in the first degree in St. Louis on
the 3rd Inst. He murdered his wife
and baby. Ilis name was Duestrow.
Ward & Davis are closing out
their fall & winter stock at cost in
order to make room for their mam
moth spring stock which is arriving
The negro Tom Jalinson|who killed
conductor Nelson two years ago died
a few days ago in the Cochran jail of
wounds received while resisting arrest.
Mr. Harrison has announced that
he will not be acandidale for Presiden
tial nomination. Ho is about to mar
ry a wife and cant serve.
Mr. Dennis Vickers was in town last
Saturday and bo says the people of
his neighborhood are making prep
aration for a big crop this year.
Mrs. Mary E. Girtman of Bingham
Ga. was in the Breeze office this week.
The ladies will be welcome in our
sanctum at all times.
Ward & Davis have had an exten
sion glass front put on their store and
Judge Ward now puls himself on ex
hibition three times a day.
The young people of Douglas have
rrgsinizcd a literary fifth and will hold
their first meeting at Dr. Terrell’s res
idence Friday evening when perma
nent officers will bo elected.
’Mr. M. J. Parker, formerly of Bruns
wick, is now on ‘lie Douglas Breeze.
As co-editor with Mr. Greer, he is do
ing good work on the Breeze.—East
man Times Journal.
Mr. Plant met tire engineers at
\\ ay cross lafi Sunday and a t ottle
mont of their grievance was consuma
ted iu a pleasant and agreeable man
ner to all.
At (lie reside nee of Dr. and W. W
Terrel Tuesday night a small party of
young people gathered and enjoyed
the hospitalities of that home till a
late hour.
Mr. T. J. Harrison while killing
hogs Monday morning had his. hand
seriously injured. He was catching
at i hog and the animal jammed it
against a sharp post splitting it open.
Dr. Sibbett sewed it up.
Mi- 11. C. Thurman and son, Atlanta
have moved to Douglas to establish a
brick yard. Mr. Thurman says as soon
as he can get a house to live in he will
move his family hero.
Our young friend Elias Gaskins who
has been clerking for Messrs. Vickers
and sou since September has moved
out on his place beyond Broxton,
We wish you plenty of hog, hay
and hominy, Lias.
Mr. J. T. lielihan, of the firm of J.
T. Relihan & Cos., arrived in the city
yesterday, and will open up a slock of
goods in the store recently vacated by
J. B. Gordon.
On Tuesday at Denton a difficulty
occured between a young man named
Ivy and Owen Merritt, Ivy drew a
pistol and shot Merritt in the thigh.
The wound is not fatal.
We call attention to the change of
B. Peterson’s ad in this issue of the
Breeze Ilis stock of general mer
chandise is now complete, and he pro
poses to make prices for cash custo
Notice the new ad ol Ludden and
Bates K. M. IL Mr. J. 1!. Knight the
manager of their Wayeross branch
bouse is among our people every week
and he is working up a line trade in
pianos and organs.
Mr. J. C. tb Timbcrlake, the new
manager of the Southern Hotel at
Wayeross, has thoroughly renovated
the house in ail its apartments. It is
now a most delightful place to step
and the traveling public will appre
ciate his efforts.
A large part of the eleventh district
is showing a disposition to force Col.
Brantley into the Congressional race,
—Brunswick Times Advertiser.
Gray Roberts an old citizen of
Coffee came in to get bis pension
Monday. The increase in pensions
brought many of the old soldiers and
the widows of soldiers to see the
Mr. J. B. Quarierman, ef Wayeross,
is now conductor on the McDonald
and Douglas railroad in place of our
e'.ever friend Sweat, who lias been fill
ing the place temporarily since Mr.
Hilliard left.
On the Abbeville and Wayeross rail
road immediately adjoining the Fitz
gerald colony, a colony for negroes in
which no white people are allowed, is
being established for the benefit of
negroes who are denied admission into
Attention is directed to the ad of
R. E, LaManee, of Brunswick. Mr.
Lamance is one of the finest workmen
in his line in the south. Satisfaction
guaranteed in all work. 'Write to him
for designs and prices.
Young Master Hitcliinson who lives
on Mr. Henry Vickers’ place while out
shooting Monday, had the gun to ex
plode and a piece of the barrel buried
itself in bis face just under the eye.
lie came to town and Dr. Sibbett
extracted the missil and the little
fellow never flinched.
Douglas, the new town in Coffee
county, is said to he increasing almost
as fast as Fitzgerald.—Wayeross Her
ald. You are right brother Perliain,
and we arc not on a boom either: our
growth is nearly if not quite as stable
as that splendid town of Wayeross.
The Times has known Col. Brantley
long enough to know that he is too
intelligent, and too old politically to
be made a tool of, and we have no
Idea that Mr. Brantley will be candi
date if Mr. Turner runs.—Blackshear
Prof. Jno. U. Overman who has
been in the government service in
Nebraska for the past year lias
returned to Coffee county and has
been in Douglas this week shaking
hands with the people. His
many friends will be pleased to know
that he will likely rimain in Coffee,
Mr. A. S. Minehew who was in
Douglas Monday says that the two
negroes burned at liis still were named
Royal Shaw and Major williams both
from North Carolina. The fire caught
from the hearth the straw on which
they slept and they were only hoard
to cry out once or twice.
On last Thursday at Davis a village
about fifteen miles east of Douglas,
two negro men employed atMinchew’s
still were burned up in a shanty. It
seems that they had gone to sleep,
leaving a fire burning in the fireplace
and the flames caught the chimney
slicks, resulting in the conflagration.
Last week a young white man
named Elks employed at Bailey <fc Cos.
mill at McDonald’s Mill, Ga., was
about to jump off a moving freight
train on the B. & W. railroad when he
lost his balance and fell, his foot
caught under the car wheel and was
crushed so that it had to Lie taken off.
Dan Yeoman says a piece of cam
phor gum as large as a bean pushed
down a hogs throat "”'ll cure the chol
era nine times rue o. ten. It doesn’t
cost but a nickle and a little trouble :
try it. And John Blow, traveling
salesman for Tediman Brothers says a
a teaspoonful of commercial carbolic
acid is almost a certain cure, while a
little in slop once a week will prevent
cholera in hogs.
Anew discovery in photography
has been made which has promises
over any other scientific accomplish
ment of recent years. Occult objects
may now he photographed as well as
those seen with the eye. A physician
may locate a bail in the flesh, lie may
take the picture of diseased organs
within the body or watch operations
of the brain while in action. Science
is our friend.
I hereby yive notice to the public
that hereafter no trespassing of any
kind will be allowed on my lands
will out permission from me.
B. Pettaaox.
Unto All Men and All Things Give Due Consideration.
Gone Buck to Coffee.
lion. Wm. Gaskins, who Ims been a
citizen of Lownds county for six or
seven years lias moved back to bis old
home in Cofl'ec county, where he has a
host of friends and relatives. Mr.
Gaskins once rpreseated Coffee county
in the Legislature and he wears a gold
medal given to him by admiring
friends for services in the lower House.
He leaves many friends in Lounds who
regret his moving from among ns.—
Valdosta Tunes.
We rejoice to welcome Mr. Gaskins
hack to Coffee and ho really seems glad
to be back.
Elias Gaskin Hart.
On Monday last while Elias Gaskin
was cutting trees on his farm near
Broxton, he was struck by a falling
tree and nearly killed. It seems that
he had cut the tree half down and,was
resting by a stump while his compau.
ion was completing it. When the
the tree fell it struck another tree and
switched around, striking him iu the
breast. He was knocked senseless and
did not recover consciousness for two
days. His injuries are serious but
net fatal.
Another Kail Road,
Mr. 8.8. Gray , who a short while ago
bought the Empire. Lumber Cos- tram
will extend the road on to Fitzgerald
and oonnect withthe B & W at Pine
Bloom - This will make the filth rail
road for coffee County. Verily we are
marching on with pi ogress, and people
who wanthomeswhere land is plentiful
and productive and people are prospe
rous will do well to come to Coffee.
It is the best all round county in the
The senior editor went to Bruns
wick this week. The business bouses
down there sent him back with his
pockets full of ads. The lateness of
his return prevents them from coining
out in this issue, but look out for
their appearance in the next.
The Republicans of Coffee county
are requested to meet at Douglas Sat
urday February 22, 1896, to elect del
egates to the District and State Con
ventions, and to transact such other
business as may come before the con
vention. C. T. Powell, Sec’y,
2-7 B. Coffee, Chairman.
A scholarship in Massey’s business
college at Columbus, Ga., Montgom
ery, Ala., or Jacksonville, Fla., for
fifty new cash subscribers to the
Breeze or $23.00 in cash.
Georgia, Coffee County: Will be sold be
fore the court house in the town of Doug
las, said county, on the first Tuesday 111
March next within the legal hours of sale
to the highest and best bidder for cash, the
following described property to-wit: One
hundred and fifty (l.>0) acres of land loca
ted in south east corner of lot of land No.
15, in tho 4th district of said county.
Said property leviod on under and virtue
of a ti fa issued from the city court of Cof
fee county against W .1 Faulkner and C L
Faulkner in favor of the Read Fertilizer
Cos. Property levied on and to he sold as
the property of \V .1 Faulkner and ( L
Faulkner in satisfaction of above described
II fa. Levy made and returul to me by
W A J Smith, Sheriff of city court of Coffee
county, This Februafy sth. lSy'j.
W M TiN.viat, Sheriff.
Georgia, Coffee county; Will he sold on
the first Tuesday in March next at the
courthouse in said county within the legal
hours of sale to tho highest bidder for
cash the following describe! property to
wit ; 20 acres of lot of land number 137 in
the tltli district of said county, said M
acres being hounded an follows; on the
soutn and west hv lands of Ben Morris, on
the north by lands of Jim McKiuon and
on the east by lands known as the Jim
Stephens' place. Said property levied on
and to he .sold as the property of M. R jyal
by virtue of an attachment li. fu. issued
from the Justice’s court of the 748 district
G. M., said county in favor of Nancy Cox,
for the use of B. l’etcrsou against said M.
Royal. This Fob. sth RKKi.
Wm. Tanner, Sheriff CC
Georgia, Coffee County: Will be sold be
fore the courthouse door m the town of
Douglas mid county on the first Tuesday
in Mareli next within the legal hours of
-ale to the highest and best bidder for
cash, the following described property fQ.
wit: Four hundred and ninety uereS of
lot of land No. 113 iu the sixth district of
Coffee county. Said prone ty levied, on un
der awl virtue of a ji ( jssued from the
city court of Coffee county, in favor of <) A
Oupptit against Fred Tticketson. Said
property levied on and to he sold as the
property of Fred ltieketson in satisfaction
of above described li fa. Levy made and
returned to me by W A J fcndth, sheriff
city court of Coffee county.
This Februar sth, W A1 Tanner,
Wayeross, - - Georgia.
Special attention given to practice in
the City and Superior Courts of
Coffee County.
1896 NEW YEAR 1896
Our Business DURING THE PA3T yeau
-*-*►**-*> *m**mim* DOUBLED TIIK PRECEED
Low Prices, of Course.
£ hfIVC lUil openeii the New Year with Pride* cut
'SAiWSWd. lhe oore ’ and R our ui, to give our
Customer* more Bargains and Better
Bargains than ever.
We want your trade!
We must have it!
Wishing our Friends anti C’usto
mors a Happy and Prosperous
Now Year, A Promising to give
them the MOST (BIODM
IAEA. 13 33 EL IAT LOW PE/1083
Douglas, • Heorgia: