Newspaper Page Text
Bt. Valentine’s day.
Greeting to all mankind.
It is the wedding day of the birds.
If your Machine get3 out of order
M. M. Knight at Pearson can fix it.
Sir. T. Baily, our genial county su
veyor is resident at Shepherd, and
mail to that point will reach him.
Iv lihan A Cos. are placing their
stock in the shelves and are about
ready to serve the public.
■1 lb. can tomatoes for 10 cts. at
A. P. Husks, Pearson, Ga.
The taxable property returned for
Collee county last year, 1895 foots
up $1,829,(>95. —Leader.
T Full line of crackers, grits and meal
at I) J Dillon’s, Brunswick, Ga.
Henry Knight of Pearson is now
pulling the bell line over the McDon
ald & Douglas rail road. He is Clevel
and accomodating and we' wish him
Fquire’s Boston bellies at 7f ct. at
A. r. Hacks, Pearson, Ga.
The bond issue was a suc
cess. The bids exceeded the ofler by
$158,000,000. The price will average
over sl.lO.
Mrs James Overstreet has been very
low this week but we are glad state
that she was much better at last
Cotton seed meal for fertilizing, also
for cows, at Dillon’s, Brunswick, Ge.
Call at T. J. Davis it Co’s for nice
pig feet, apple butter, and we might
add nice cow’s butter, too.
Our young friend Dr. Jno. M. Hall,
who has been practicing medicine in
Tatnall county is now located at
Wilcox, Ga. John is a splendid fel
low, and we predict for him a bright
future. Pee his card in other columns.
2000 Palcmore Oranges at Ward &
Davis 25 cents per dozen.
I 1-4 yds. of lied Warrior tobacco for
25 cts. at Kick!aiK. & Co’s. Kirkland,Ga.
A carpenter in the suburbs of Chi
cago got out of work, became dispon
dont and killed his entire family, con
sisting of father mother, a wife and
Hirer) children, and then committed
Corn, hay, oats and bran, cotton
seed hulls, at D. J. Dillou’s, Brunswick
A. P. IT ucks at Pearson, sells Squires
lard at 9 cts. s
T. J. Davis & Cos. has the host chew
ing toVacco in town —the “Fine Cut.”
They sell snuff regardless of the
M. M. Knight at Pearson will fix
your watch as well as you can have
it done in Waycross or Savannah.
Capt. E, K. Wilcox was in town
Wednesday. He says tliewater is too
high even for him to travel, and he is a
steamboat man.
Florida oranges a specialty at J. W‘
Prince,s, Pearson.
Six balls of thread for Sets, at Kirk
land A Co’s., Kirkland, Ha.
In other columns notice is given by
the President of the Board of Educa
tion for a meeting of the Board to
elect a county school commissioner.
/Buy your onion sets of T. J. Davis
& Cos., only 20c per quart. Go there
for anything else you want.
Apples and bananas are constantly
coming to J. W. Prince, at Pearson.
Men’s balinoral shoes for 11,00 at
Kirkland Sc Co’s. Kirkland Ga.
Spring comes dancing merrily in,
and leap year seems to make her bold;
but mind thee, lusty maiden, tiiy toes
are tender, and stealthy frost still
lurks beneath the braids of winter’s
Green Coffee 20c. at Kirkland Sc Co.’s
In our editorial on the Congression
al situation we incidentally hypothe
sized that Mr. Turner would probably
retire after his next term in Congress.
We had no authority to state this
positively, nor did we; but we will say
this much with little contingency: if
he choose to run again, we shall sup
pert him against the field.
Kirklank it Cos. of Kirkland, Ga.
have opened lip a large store at that
place a id are selling goods marvel
ously cheap, Bead their ad in this
Plenty of rain and measles here now.
Mr. Henry Gray of Pine Bloom, was
on our streets Sunday.
Messrs. Geo. V. and B. B. Gray
visited Brunswick this week.
Mrs. Bessie DeLaugliter is at Lelia
ton again. We are glad to welcome
Mrs. Bessie home.
Miss Kate Emory who lias been vis
iting Mrs, O. Gatcliell has returned to
her home in Brunswick. We wou’d
be glad to have Mis i Kate come again.
Mr. A. A. Bailey who has been clown
with the measles for the past two
weeks is up again, and says that the
measles are not what they are cracked,
up to be.
Leliaton can boast of Two Sunday
Schools now. We wish them success.
Mrs. M. Kirkland of Kirkland, Ga.,
passed through Leliaton yesterday on
her way to Tifton, where she will vis
it her daughter Mrs. Live.
Mr. Willie Hargraves is feeling
grand over the new comer at his place.
A 11 lb. girl. We think Willie
ought to treat on that. Lynn.
Sunday morning when the 3:25
o’clock train over the B. & W. IT. R.
from Tifton to Waycross reached this
place some one cursed at conductor
Welsch whereupon he drew his pistol
and fired into a crowd ot boys who
were standing near the train, and
wounded William Moore, a boy about
16 years old, —a son of Aaron Moore,
very seriously in the leg, and fears
are entertained the limb may have to
b) amputated. The shooting was un
called for, and the citizens are justly
very indignant over the affair.
Mr. D. E. Gaskin lias just returned
from Emerson lowa with a carload of
the finest horses we have ever seen iu
this place, and is selling them at pri
ces iower than stock was ever known
to sell, and all the other sale stables
here supplied with fine mules
are appearantiy doing a thriving
The officials of the B. & W. 11. R.
are 'slow to begin work on the new
depot, but our clever and efficient
agent Mr. McOranie is still holding
the fort iu a box car. X.
The entertainment to be given by
The Woman’s Missionary Society on
Friday evening is the only social event
looked for this week.
Our town is unusually dull in a
business way at present. I suppose it
is owing to the beautiful weather, an J
everybody is busy at home preparing
for the coming crop, in fact it is dull
socially, croquet being the only diver
sion and tha' indulged In only by a
special few.
Miss Haddock and mother of Fort
Vallyey are vi siting Mrs. Tim Kirkland.
Dr. Dedge is the “slickest” man in
town witli that “dovetail” new suit on.
Dr. Pugh spent Sunday in town
and is growing handsome every day.
Mr. Mose Griffin has bought the
stock of Paulk and Griffin and will
continue to serve his friends at the
same old stand.
Mrs. Spurlock is visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. 11. A. Greer. We are glad to
welcome her in our midst.
Mr. C. T. Latimer of Garrant was in
town a few days last week. We are
always glad to see you.
We are glad to see Prof. Boone out
again. His school is doing nicely.
There are three schools expected in
cur town. How much better it would
be if the people were more united in
this matter.
Mr. J. A. Cro n artie will soon have
his house finished, and then there
will be a general moving on church
Capt. Kuhlman the re iresentative
for Savannah Grocery Cos., was in
town last week.
Mr. H. V Williams was in the coun
try last Sunday.
Several attended preaching at Gra
lrauf 1 * ‘unlay. E.
• c value. idi
Unto All Men and All Things G-ive Due Consideration.
R. E. LaMancc.
lari Slaliry
Momens. Etc.
Mantels, Grates, Tiling,
Iron Fencing and line
memorial ware.
iJtT Write for designs and
prices. R. E. LaMance,
Brunswick, Ga.
A large crowd of Broxtonites atten
ded church at Oak Grove church Sun
day, and after services we called at
Capt. Boyd’s for dinner. Dr. Googe
has moved into his new residence, so
the people will know where to find
him. We are glad to know that
our friend Elias Gaskin is improving.
Hurry up Lias and get well, we want
to see you out again. Broxton was
well represented at Fitzgerald last
week. The people are making
preparation for a large crop around
Broxton this year. Broxton has
the best Sunday School in the county.
Schooll will start at this place next
Monday week with .1. N. Hartley as
principal. Parents send your children
to school every day in the week and
to Sunday School on Sundays. Mr.
E. F. Evans married last week and is
now a citizen of our town, we wel
come him. He is repairing jewelry.
The farmeis around Kirkland arc
hauling guano and getting ready for
planting. Miss Lovie Bennett of
Millwood, is visitin her sister Mrs. Jas.
Herring. Miss Arabella Fussell
one of our most charming young la
dies is visiting Miss Amanda Lasseter
this week. Tharpe Bailey County
surveyor was iu town Monday. Mrs.
T. S. Kirkland and niece Miss Anders
were in towu Tuesday the guests of
Mrs. M. Kirklaud. A party of
young folks attended church at Anti
och from here last Sunday. Guess
who was eager to return expecting
her fellow who failed to put in his ap
pearance. Our friend Mr. Jno. W.
Greer was in town Monday and like
usual was talking up for Douglas.
Our Neighbor.
If it be against the policy of our es
teemed contemporary, the Douglas
Leader, to enter into controversy, we
would advise that it aver the treat
ment of contingent subjects, especially
those of political import; for there
are always differences of opinion on
these matters, and dogmatic or sweep
ing statements in regard to them will
meet opposition and defenders when
ever they are protruded. We are un
der no obligations to our patrons to
refrain from controversy and we shall
be ever ready to enter into any health
ful discussion where there is doubt to
be overcome and questions to be
The Clio Club.
On last Friday evening at the resi
dence of Dr. Terrell, the social club
met and completed the organization
of what is to be known by the classi
cal appellation of The Clio Literary
Club. Mr. Jno. W. Greer was elected
President, Dr. W. 'V. Terrell, vice Pres
ident, Miss Maude Briggs, Secretary,
Miss May Briggs and Editor Tanner,
Critics, and Mr. Levi Osteen, Door
The club prom'se* to'be one of pleas
ant passtime and social and literary
culture. The next meeting will he
I held at the retidence of Col. Briggs
with Mis 3 Maud Briggs as hostess.
The hoard of education of Coffee
county is requeued tNjne.’t at Douglas-
Ga., Feb. 16th IMG, fqkcthe purpose of
examination a^'D-aiecnjiL^^Tffjuaty
> XU# CrGrftrf&u, Pres.
If you have chickens, butter, eggs,
produce of any kind, and want the
best prices for it, send it to J. R.
K’fibb, Brunswick. He receives
country produce of any kind on con
signment. He also deals in all kind
ol Northern products, and can furnish
you with many useful tilings in the
store furnishing line. He keeps
wrapping paper, paper bags, twine,
butter dishes, crackers, vinegar, etc.
Write to him. See his ad elsewhere
in these columns.
V tfrookcr, Ga., Feb. 10th 1896.
Vue Union Springs Baptist church,
to the churches composing the Smyr
na Association :
Dear Brethren, notice is hereby
given that the union meeting will
convene with the Union Springs
church on Friday befox-e the Ist Lord’s
day in March, and we earnestly re
quest all churches to send us their
pastor and a good delegation to assist
us in our meeting. Respectfully,
J. W. Brooker, Pastor.
Pearson claims the best hotel on
the road from Albany to Brunswick.
It is under the charge of Mr. N. C.
Greer, who does all in liis power to
accommodate the travelling public.
Everything about the house is clean
and nice, while the table is filled
with well cooked eatables. The Greer
house is getting to be a great favorite
with the traveling men.—Valdosta
Every merchant in this section of
country knows of Glauber & Isaac, of
Brunswick. This firm is one of the
staunchest houses in the south, and
by their close prices and fair dealing
have built up a reputation second to
none in this section. They have an
enormous warehouse iu Brunswick,
and do an immense business through
southern Georgia and Florida.
Through some inadvertence the peo
ple at McDonald,s Mill failed to get
their Jan. 31 issue of the Breeze. As
yet we have not been able to account
for the mishap, and as the mails are
so well handled both here and at Me
Donald we take the blame on our
selves and send another batch of pa
pers to that place of tha* date.
Attention is directed to the card of
J. J. Lissuer sf Brunswick, in this is
sue. Mr. Lissner does a wholesale
grocery business, and lias built up
quite a lucrative business since
brandling into the wholesale business.
Any orders entrusted to Mr. Lissner
will receive prompt attention, and the
lowest quotations made on them.
■ -•
A Breeze representative was in
! Brunswick last week and while there
j happened to step into D. J. Dillon’s,
who and -es a wholesale business in hay,
grain, cotton seed products for cows,
'•lc. Judge Dillon has many acquain
j lances in Coffee who rejoices at his
I The winter is nearly over, hut vou
\ use cook stoves the year round. If
j you need anything else in the hard
ware line, send to the Hoyt Hardware
. Cos., Brunswick, and get the same as
| cheap as any house can sell it. See
j their ad elsewhere.
Mr. R. V. Douglas of Brunswick
has an ad in this issue of the Breeze.
Mr. Douglas is too well known to the
people of Coffee to need any intro
duction at our hands. If you need
anything in his line—well, you know
where to find Virgil.
1896 NEW YEAR 1896
Low Prices, of Course.
0 VO °l ,cnc<l the New Year with Prices cut
the oore ’ and il our aim t 0 givo our
Customers more Bargains and Better
Bargains than ever.
We want your trade!
We must have it!
Wishing our Friends and Custo
uicrs a Happy and Prosperous
New Year, Promising to give
them the MONT HOODS
° r-- r- —— HAUL
r, ijst low phiobs
Douglas, - Georgia:
New Year,
!§ New PRICES, m
= New Firm.
We have opened up a fuff and well selected line of——
Overman Building,
Consistiag of Canned Goods, Flour, Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Grits,
Lard, Butter, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Turnips, Apples, To
bacco, Cigars, Snuff, Fresh Fish, Candies, Crackers and any
thing usually found in a
First || Class || Grocery.
When in need of anything in our line give us a call. We will
always lreat you right, and it shall always be our aim to give
you the most goods for the least money.
Overman Building,
Douglas, €* eorgia.