Newspaper Page Text
A S»|e*« Stflry.
Yesterday, while a couple of street car !
mules were standing in the stable, just
after a heavy pall, the red mule looked
over his stall and remarked to a black
- How do you like this weather?”
“ I’d have no objections to it if l had
nothing to do but stand here, but I da
driver, not enjoy a position in front of a hasty
and especially when the car
drews so heavih as it does now.”
change “Well,” continued Bed, “the nett
have ango l>een may may improve improve our wmiitiou I
but a good mulo, never kicked
one man, and that * wkvl was w«u> m JkouM iu selMe- l e
fense, -----------.-----see and I do not see rot
receive an elevation proportionate to the
downfall which I sustained ”
“What were you fatfore tran-smigra
tion, Red?”
“I was We on a firm not far from
Cleveland. thefarmto^el When «rv waste father died reftl^ lie
to to enjoy enjoy so so aniet quiet n a life, life and and selling seiline for for a
good round sum, I invested tar money
in a paying business and sot® became
known as -a monopolist. I had iieen
reared to respect and regard the feeli"gs
of those with whom 1 was associated l int
my desire for moir-v choked out mv’het
ter seif. I did rot try to correct this
but even while s-.itting ir clinrch with
my family, would think of my schemes
and cogitate ujkti the iufiuesce which I
exercised in the local financial world.
One night, after I ha l grien a dinner to
a party of friovds, I w»3 standing near
my frant gate, w atebim; the first snow
of winter as it drifted against the fence,
A low moan arrest d ray attention, and
lookfcg the arouna I found a man lying on
ground. What is 'the matt, r? I de
r.i’Sr.i.iT; lmLl sai-s,
man waved Ilia at me, so he
and because I didn’t stop n>U he had me dis
charged, although he have know 11
- me,
I lp, 'v,
li m 1 S ' s fl
TMv’nwvrr. von aid T are „r it Vo
pay more attontion toyonrbaaiae-ss and
■aiKmTMtelt upon yoc. to stop. if“ Miveouawa , you
31 1 rn 7 ‘
“I t-A- i„- l m -|„ olJ ,
S he imolore1 Mil it^’nstv tt i S
he street. I heard him saj O, Lord r !
■as he turned away, and I saw him fall,
but t paid w. further attention to him.
Several days afterward I was taken sick.
i nysictans \» >re called in, but I grew
r°mLrebto miserable ly 1 dle, l’ lt 'J a ?
a «i night, lhe wind x howled
b-oiiJr r r tRe
the fafvi yard. •? a ", lhe th 7 lights f , el grew f fr, "“ dim, , » he and tre f s the * u
picture of an angel, hanging on the wall,
seemed to fold its wings and leer at me.
“ ’ m in s ' i ' 1 ' °aine, but wit i a gurgling
oath I T drove 1 lnm away. My body grew
cold and my breath seemed to impart a
chill to tiie room, for those who stood
around me shivered. Suddenly my
ul(N)d, cold as ice water, stopiied and
froze. Then there was a ounou* dark
ness and a curious rush. Then oblivion,
and then— 1 was a very young mule,
standing in a stable lot. Boys come out,
threw stones at me and called sie shabby.
They punched hemmed me up in a fence corner
and me with stiuks. A dog
came I cut and chased f ric ’ ’ mid IU when W Uen T \
walkea n up to . a goat , i was ctruek . , and
knocked down. After I g-ew up I
worked -along time at a brick yard and
was afterward sold to a street car com¬
pany. Hello, I’ve got to gc out. Do
you sec that man who is going to drive
“ Well, he’s the man ears I
pulled. Good-by. Ctewlar.d Leader.
Pleasantly Phnored.
The Frenchman’s food is Savored i>e
forc it comes to the table, and it is
artistically and wholesomely done.
Where we deluge our food with liighly
spiced sauces and hot piok'.e-jnice in
order to “give it a taste,” the Frenoli
Use delicate vegetable essences and
savory herbs. Carrots, turnips, onions,
leeks, cabbage, mushrooms and truffles,
together with tarragon, thyme, chervil,
laurel and parsley, form the basis of
French flavors. Spices they use in ex¬
ceeding moderation. The essence of
common lined with vegetables juices and pot-herbs com
the of various meats, is
the basis of all their success. The almost
infinite variety of combinations which
can V>e made of these simple ingredients
is astonishing. Tins great variety of
flavors keeps the palate constantlv
amused, as it were, whereas the eternal
monotony of the average Euglifih kitchen
resuits in a sort of gastronomic boredom,
which is. to be combated only by such
violent means asstrong mustard,'Cayenne,
and tint! esculent fire known os' “ hot
fbr /pickles.” So perfectly is the food flavored
French-cooks that at table not even
salt need -be added to it.
Happiness is in the Strife..
The moot unsatisfactory thing in life
is succese. It sounds paradoxical to say
thing so, but about it is profoundly it that is worth true. the The ln./ing only
is the struggle for it, and when it is at¬
tained the predominant whether feeling ae
question as to it is worth the
effort. Nine suooessful men out of tea,
if they told the truth, would say that it
was not, still if they had to live their
lives over again they would struggle
every bit as hard, because it was in them
to do it and the struggle was the only
part of the game worth having. jft
kept that them alive, lay aud once so successful
nothing dissatisfied ahead, they become
morbid, tad re-tless.
Hint to Sportsmen.
A mall front the Country Stepped into
& gun-sliop in Austin, Texas, to purchase
a gun. A muzzle-loading preferred gun was shown
him, but he said he a breech
“On account of it being easier and
quicker to load ? ”
‘ < n^ 0 it’s not that I had an old mas
ket I 'loaded it at the muzzle, but it
went off at the breech and nearly that loads blew
mv head off. Instead of a gun
at“tke muzzle and fires off at the breech,
I want one that I can load at the breech
and fire ff at the other end ”
Taxz little annoyincee out af the way. If
you are suffering with a Cough or Cold, use Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup at once. This old and re
liable remedy will never disappoint you. All
Druggists B'-U it to Ji ceuts a bottle.
T hr King of BeS'K
A recent traveler in Centpai Africa
says: “’[.ions are one of the dangers
hetwresor, Zanzibar and the great lakes,
They sometimes hunt game in pucks o|
six to eight Same amianu show tight
agsdnst them successfully. Lions never
venture to attack the adult elephant,
an d even avoid the buffalo, unless they
more than two to one. In general
they do not attack care vaM, and never in
day-time. At most a hungry lion may
s prmg noon and carry off a straggler
while Pissing through the brakes and
jangles. ‘ “ But gUg it is otherwise at night, -
Wlion ___________________________; lions srent k the. caravan from afar
particularly °* burden, they if approach contains goats and or beaato
their vicinity by terrific roars. Nev >r
tbek«s, in a weil-ineSosed camp there is
Do danger; the lions never attempt te>
clear the obstacles, and marksmen from
behind the palisades 1 ean til pick them ofl
«th almost unfailing There is
danger only when the camp is not com
, ~ inclosed, when inside ...
P^tely or those go
<K1 ~ sttaek them.____
Imitation corals are made of ream and
wermillion. or of marble powder made
into a paste with varnish or soluble glass
and a little isiuglas, colored by Chi esc
vermiUiou and tlien moutdeiL The
knife shows it to he too soft for a genu
>»e article.____________
A uttijE glycerine added to gum
or blue is a great improvement, as
it prevents either liecoming brittle. It
afc-o prevents gummed labels from liav
iug a tendency to curl up when being
vrntton on.
vootk we feel richer Tor every new
illusion ; in maturer years for every one
wo lose
~ srsi «»;=
reixwte from all classes as we have con
I ccr,lln 8 bt Jac ii)H ° lL
! letters of Introduction.
llie JIovr indu , ge8 in BHWf> wrr
dertment criticisms on the fashion of
’ ^g^dgivtog practice is abused tetters beyond of n, Deduction. the limit
i of patiimce. Dorsons who have no claim
upon one’s time and hospitality fasten
themselves upon liimby virtue of a letter
J 1,188 rom ac< some l UR,! “ well-meaning lu,ee ltis *imply but thought- a form
Of recommending Toro Dick and Horry
to cr ’' dlt wh«- C m’oliably they do not d<
serve credit at all. Business men should
exercise more discretion in this im
jxirtaut matter. It is scarcely fair for
them to recommend to others men thev
would not trust themselves .—CMcaao
Saturday Hamid. _
The Albany > (NT. Y.) Preu and
crtjorker know of ^ to-day .. T is b that e largest of St.
Oil; for where Stf Jacobs Oil is,
Manners are the revealers of aoorets,
t j l0 betrayers of any disproportion or
want of symmetry in mind and character,
it is the law of our constitution that
every change in our experience instant
jy indicates itself on onr countenance
nni j carriage, ae the lapse clock. of time tells
itself oa the face of a We may
b e obtuse to read it; but the record
is there. Some men may be too obtuse
| to read it; but some mmi are not obtuse,
1 miaaio-»ged, ------—:- old
I fr debihly and or kindred metu
I ora norvons
Khonld send two Btampa for large treatise,
; IU . R uoceg8fnl treatment. Would’s
Msorcac. Association, lltiffalo, N. Y.
English Speaking Men.
At tlie present time this race numbers
rising 100,000,000. Outside of tbe
speaking ese tliey are the largest languaj^e. body <rf men
rule in all a common continents. Two They
1 the conti¬
nents—sthat of North America aod the
island continent of Australia—are abso¬
lutely dominated by them. They are in
pew-.ession of the southern part of Africa.
They own groups of islands and etrate
pic positions in all parts of the globe.
Two hundred millions arc subject to
them in Sadia.— S'an Francisco /Suite
Dr. R. Y. I’ikbce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear.Si
I have advised many ladies to try your “
ite Preacriptiou" advertise. and never Yours boh truly. it fait to
more than rou
Mas. A. M. Raiuun,
Ml Bates fitreet, ludi&napotia,
\ Daily Habits of an Emperor.
It is said that from the 1st of next
month hie Majesty the Emperor's daily
habit will be to rise at 5 o’clock every
morning; worship before the shrine of
the sacred insignia at 5:30; breakfast
at 6; study from 7 to 9 o’clock ; at 10
attend the Privy Council’s meeting un¬
til 2 p. m., and engage in various milt
tary studies from 3 till 5 o’clock. This
is a very different programme from tkoi
pursued before the Rt formation, when
the chief part of performance his Majesty’s time was
devoted to the of religious
ceremonies .— Jartan. Mail.
If you *rebihoB» take Dr. Pierce’s “Plea.
«ant PargatiTe Peiitts,” the original
Liver Pilk." Of »I! druggists.
The late Dr. (Jtaprn had an unhappy
;urn for puns. Dr. Emerson on one oc
;asion prear-bfd for Dr. Che-pin, and, on
entering the pulpit, then laid laid his silk bat on
the seat, and a paper - on it.
Dr. Chapin afterward carelessly, came ih, and, sit¬
ting down masked the hat
completely. Ai-ising and picking up
the mutilated tile, fa- contemplated it
with the remark: “ I presume you
thought it was a silk fait, but now it is
!a .. 11 „
“ '
A World «f Good,
One of the nw.-t popular public medicines now
before the Amerie n is Hop Siiters.
Yon see it everywhere. People take it with
good effect. It builds them up. It is not as
pleasant to whisky the taste drink. as some other Bitters like as
it is not a It is more
the old faBhinned bone set tea that hasttene
world of good. If yon don’t feel just
right try Hop bitters. - Nunda News,
TToet’s HomeT
Rose Terry Cooke’s house is in Win
steal, Ct It is an old-fashioned country
house, wi h antique furniture rifled
from many a garret. She not only
writea poetry about her garden, hut gets
up before annrise to work in it. Her
roses are her pride. She taken almost
the entire care of all the flowers, and
they repay her richly. She fa a famous
n ,t Proor «r Merit
]g uniform Kuccees, and on this Larin Warner's
Safe Kidney and Liver Care is without doubt
eae of the greatest remedies in tho land.
Humbugged Again.
I saw so muck said about the merits ef
Hop Bitters, **«l my wife who w« always
doctoring, **J never well, teased me so
humbugged seiin; and ( i am e ad 1 did, fer
iu ira-* than two mouths use of tbe Hitters
my w ife waA cured and she lias remained so
for eighteen months .inee. Hike sueb hum
■----it buggiaj.—H. t T., u. St Paul 0...1 —Piuncer _t*; .~..„, Press.
Waiting for His Mutton.
Daring . the height of the so-called . ,
“Jingo excitement, when men, and
more especially women, were almost nn
endurable on account of their political
vehemence, Lord Beaconstield was ap
parentlv, at least p-rfcctly calm Seat
ed at dinner by the side of a.i illustrious
lady he vu asked m tones of feminine
petulance: “ are you waiting for .
What are you waiting for . —theuupu
cation being amazement that he did not
hurl England into war against “I Km^ia.
‘‘Waiting?” said he. and am waiting
lor some r oast mutton po tatoes.
Toktid kidneys, and constipated bowel*, the
great caunea ;es of ot chronic chronic diseases. diseases. Take Take Eidn Kidney
Vaccination, as practiced in China,
las two peculiar teatures. The subject
s not opirattsi iqron m the arm or leg,
aut in the nose, and the Government,
while it does not compel people to sub
nit to the operation, practically reaches
‘^ ie offering < to parents W ' ,U 'J for ’’N every doing child so,
recematcil a premiuia of af»out 100 oop
?er-casli, which amounts to about 10
!e!1 * s ’ RR “> “ ir a l" K,r Ohinaman in his
’ wu a sum QOt altogether to lie
le^P 18 ™
Vol. Jobs r. lVhlltirr,
of Atlanta, fta., say i he owes his life to W tr
ner’s Safe Kwiuey aoi Liver Cure.
; has , a p^ about dc^n good Iiotk.-.
, up a
««“’l»nreb. That is pmtbeal
| « Zn. AmL'XuThi Ca ZrZ™ fZlXZ tit-T
j to a fence on r. cold wild, r dav. u’Jde .ved do
* it for years while ho goes the
j meeting-house and to talk about “teith”
“love” “sanctification” and
! “election," lacks some essential feature
of the goeoel of Christ The world
wants more’of tho Christianity which
builds liorse-sheds, pays 100 cents on
the dollar, treats the horses kindle,
cares for the st.wk, and is not domineer
„g in the family— Vermont THb one.
,,R- nr uitimn 1 IWLUP e t nriiniT BA 1,1.OB. or OF vrn TER
A Letter fr«m till* Well-Known Gentle
mmi, Wilt* 1® n ** Heg««l»r” of the Old
[From the Bwton Daily J< urnal, June 7.]
Wo published several letters lately, which
have evoked considerable comment, both from
being read in onr columns and in our cotem
poraries who have cojoed them. Wo refer to
letters from Burlington, Providence, Spring
field Mid Hartford, on the subject of the won¬
derful curative powers of a remedy called Kid¬
ney-Wort, which has been so thoroughly tried
as tc. seem to bo the long looked for medicine.
Great geod is done by a really first-class article,
as this seems to be, and when it is recognized
by regular physicians iu all parts of the coun¬
try, it is naturally received by the people at
largo with faith. Wo append a letter on this
subject received by us, from a well known
“regular” physician of Northern 'Vermont.
It it* worth a careful reeding:
Monk rov, Vr.,, 1881.
Editors Beaton J«mi.ti :
I have alwayn been opposed to the uko of
patent medicines, as I am of the opinion that
more harm than good i« done by their india
criminato une. Seeing tint eeveral correa
poudentri have been singing the praieae of Kid¬
ney-Wort and knowing of mine remarkable
cures performed by it, I feel it but just that the
public iihould know of them, I wan induced to
URoit- iu my practice, by positive evidence of
its virtues, and I have done so badv considerable
extent lur the paat two year a.
One of the first cures was that of Mfb. A--,
who h«d coffered for years from a u obstinate
kidney trouble, complicated with constipation
-and uterine difficulty. There vra« an iufania
tory condition of the organs which, caused much
pain and often severe anfforing.
I had prescribed previously all the remedies
usually benefit. employed II procured in Kidney-Wort such c&aok but without her and
directed ifc to be prepared and tuken according
>ah.mftt tc directions, it relieved the pain and suffering
immediately and gave a favorable turn
to all the symptoms.
Her recovery progressed rapidly, and in a
•comparatively her short She time lias I was able since’been to pro
uoiiuce cured. ewer
much stronger and tiealtbier than Tor years be¬
fore. I could detail a score or more of other
cases in which I have used it with the same*
marked results, if I bad time and space.
.In tbe various kidney troubles it has been x
very efficient remedy, far more decided in its ef*
facts .than BiicJri, Uva, Uric, Hpirits iNitre, and
the ulher agents usually employed.
Its diuretic properties show themselves in
•two to four hours ; while as a laxative and ca¬
thartic ing it bowels product speedily s the happiest and results, reliev¬
the without disagree
able effects. Its txtion is prompt, and the ef
fects 1 acting. Being curative end tonic, it re
Btorea a condition f ficoith and rc-Riitir action
which other cathartics usually fail to 4o.
This spring I professional found that duties through a close at¬
tention t > my l had become
worn an£ was in need of a diuretic and cathar¬
tic my*elZ. 1 At ouq-j took a fo» done# of Kid¬
ney-Wort and found ifc to operate equally well
in znv owe cape.
Very sincerely yon»3. D.
Picixip C. Baujou, fit
.Pilaa an* Kesaoitsaa
15c. box “Bough on Bata” keeps a house fe
teoru flies, bed-buns, roaches, rats. mice. Ae.
iMDiGR8TiO£f, dyspepsia, nervotii prostration
«%d ail forms of genera', debility relieved by
taking Mensjuam's rEPTonzEo Beef Tonic, tbe
only preparation of beef oomaining it« entire
nutoitiong propertiea. It contains blood-mak
ertiee; incr, force-generating a fid jife-«ristainiiig prop*
is invaioable in all en feebled cezmitioaa,
wbetfccr tbe of exhaustion, nervoan prc»
trmtioo, if ropKiting overwork frore , pulmonary or asmte d ne-a^e, complaints, parHcubtriy Cas
weli, Hazard A Go., proprietors, New York.
I* i« el.fotig* ant on*, wifi Huffer f-rorn »l*rabg«m<*nlA
bronght Lt impure Woo<i ( when SOOVIU/S «AH«A
SYRUP will restore heakii to the physfcoal orirani/fation.
It fHagcr^njrthenfn^syrup, pf*a«an tVitS&e, awiiha RF.HT
BI/jOD PChlFJKR *-ver dUec/ttnriri% Hcrttf< iia,
SypWntlc 4i**H*r8, Weak»*M of tb* Kidney*, P.mipc
In, liAlarta, 4iftor4*r*, BiHooe ecm
tilaint* and Irimamm* ef Um Blood, Luv«r, FKqbji,
► tornoch, Bkla, 0 %®.
bakeb's pa or panacea e»*o® ytoi® ■ Mm **.*
WATCHES C®Ul*co« rr«o. kMrraa. Ffuftrt
AlMrita® wUta Co.^ lUo*VfA>.fa,
eO J>PTQ^ 4 AnOatit Doo. tu A4dr«M » «»y ®» Tm« B««® A ooBfiT Co., maA*. CteVy M«
From the loth of October. 1S81, to
the 1st of .Tuly, 18S2, genuine Bock
-prinu Water will be supplied fa t'U
tomers by Ei 1is A Co., of Bailer Springs,
Al*., at the followin’ rate*:
Ten gallons in anti-o.msive can. £>.00
Same can refilled at...... TOO
Five gallons in antic, erosive can.. 3.25
Same can refilled at 2.50
Nine gallon.- in glass bottles...... 7.50
Res*)i:able freight and express rates
are siveu by a!’, railroads. This water
has been known for nearly firtr vears
as a sure cure f<»r Dv-pep*ia, a sure cure
for diseaws of the K tin v and Bladder,
a sure cun- for all curable cases of
Dropsy, B a sure cure Shut, tor Scrofulous cases
of the "ties or and a certain de¬
stroyer of the terrible thirst for int.ixi •
eating drink that overcomes so munv
worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk¬
ard of his dram tor three dsvs and
meanwhile give him plenty of Bock
Spring Water, and he won’t want the
whissy. Don’t von mink it's worth
trying? If you do, drop a postal to
Ellis A 0 .t,^I^villeotontr a cent
Th* telegraph lines between Paris and
Nancy, a distance of 200 miles, are placed
under ground. The wires are inclosed
iu iron tubes provided with man-holes.
vented Antiquarians shortly after FaPTlliCl th c umbrella was in
the and has been the
least improve*l upon of all appliances for human
com fort, the shape being now as it was in those
youthful much like days pigeon of the world. An umbrella i>
a as to tin* que stion of posses¬
sion—the last one who gets it owns it The fol¬
lowing fatthiiibouXumhnie*iiecially MWTvrWimkT aspUndhf tin * last
tine-may lati-r: place purpose'
sooner or To your umbrella in a pack
indicates that it is about v.» change owners An
umbrella carried over r woman, the man getting
nothing hut drippings of the rain.mdicateseourt
ship. When the mail las the umbrella atnl the
woman the drippings, it indicates marriage. To
carry that it at right is t«* angles under fiy the your arm who tugnifies follows
an eye ■ r,i man
you. To put a cotton ms brellaby tliesideofa nice
silk lend one signifies umbrella that " exchange is no rubbery.
To an sjgi lies that “I am a ibol."
To<arryan umbn and knock lla just high enough xignities to teat
out men eyes «ff men's hats,
“lam a woman.” To go without an umbrella
in a rain-storm shows [ \ sure of getting rheu
mutism, and will have r. use Sr. Jacobs oil to
get well.” To keep a fine umbrella for your own
use and a bottle of sv. Jacobs Oil always in the
house, in ease of rheumatism or accident, would
siguiiy that you.Aire real J Philosopher.
0 L/ it
. The jlcSS following communication to the z/f editor of
the Salem (Mask.i iWi/.^tr shoWH how an artist
treated his visitor: ‘ i would have accepted your
kind Invitation to visit von in your new quarters
with Mr. Rheumatism, pleasure before jvmnced this had on not me my so old suddenly. enemy,
He nrrivc<l last Fru ay, and, without stopping to
send up Ilia card, rushed in nnd grasjH'd me by
the hand with such a grip that itt a few h<mrs
my hand and >M#Ft were so badly swollen and
painful coal that had I felt as though one Mr. of Rheumatism Mr. Hatch's
teams run over me.
has been fL constant visitor of mine for several
years; he always swells and put on a great many
airs, making leaving himself at home, devouring and my sub
stance and toe poor in flesh pocket.
Last winter he came und stayed two months. 1
then decided that the next time he came I would
change his die'. I was somewhat at a loss what
to feed him w ith, hut finally concluded to give
him three square meals a day of St. Jacobs Oji,
toomlng, custed with, noon and and is night. This fare be is di i
leave by packing up day; his trunk iu* and will
to-morrow or next says cannot
stop wht any longer, He as treacherous he has pressing business else in
‘re. is a fellow, friends and he
ten is viviting; •oxne of our Salem : if he
does, he just g JEfffe* rtlni tliobume fare J. that Lp.fayuve* 1 did and
won't S.
i I ««
1 m s
| 1
I'li l uvnai' Finro fir* Fills* to ut New Ffii
Blood, nad wfll completely obutucc the blood In
on Hr® n-aibtm fifll l» eacU tfcm* »lcbt mctathn. from An\ Uweek^ pereon
wifi take on* 1 to nun
MMtorssd t<m ao>H'l lucfc a thfnff L** (>o<
Solo Pvomrbor* .ICHNWON or mail forBlrllbr
T. B. tk CO., Bo«ton, ,11 a
fwyuierlj Ka*»i*tr, fil«.
U n BjP iVOBCED I” Interest,
Is cttiumencfld in the November number ol
Arthurs Home Magazine.
All new MUbwcrlbeTO for IH8J5 wlH receive
rniCI. rnPP tkeNwemberand IMnwinljerNc«*.
f3.. r oftW»fear. Tkrms. $2a year; 2copies
j0; 3 dopier Y- r ». 4 cof»iea£(i; 8 ana one ex¬
tra $12. JNSF"For *NH?cinien number, containing
firet ^•^AltTUUli&bOXrhtiudcliJhkL < ha»Ufr« (rf 1 ** IMvorcTfl,”wind M 1 UC'
«.r a p« r d*y u u<rw>.. aamp**® I
•‘•w Addr*** a oo., p* i, Main*
§!)(> ZT~ZZ"~-Z ~ . ~ . I.7 --------- . *cv"re,nu” _ ‘
Y \ITORCE0 in any fttat* without publiccy
«ta<np for »h«r 1®%. 0. B. $IM8, f;hjca§o.
r* YOU want h Fkr«t-r]*M K«!ig<®ua *tid
M utibftcribc to
mus. wit ee[. as: mt cuznv Editor
Sen fiabserfber* for l»g?will r«c*iv« tli« r>*p*r
nta.i Hf Ynn WlK*5. Addr*«■
*1. IT nOfl«fL 4 N, Publl*h*r,
Xm. H nut my Ht , Hen
One Dollar
a/" to*., 1 «?T!ZaS!i pkln , Lta,v J 1 dLl.d
o»«o trp. W«,<! U
WOMAN,” Worcester's Subrrription “
UIUM of Hocial and HuHineHs Fonua
Box 11^ Sew Orleans, La,
m* h awriisssr sssrv^ss
um 'm
B AL fi s: 1AM
vSi ; i
if *
-m %%
SI iii ‘-V.
iTfcis Fr|TtTt»| rtpremti tit U*(i Is % kttltby ititt.)
For ( oii^ht, foliU fron |k t’l'onf IriDs' l
nrh<*r of ih- Throikl »»i i.rx liV It
unri<r»tuJ »n *d ou«rh bs-yomitill CuUijyM'ou.
li a j*p: caches *o near • that “ NnuMv-flie” per
cent, icily *re fer mouently cured, There where tbe dufctioo®
•ti comnlie <1 with. U ncehemkal or other
giedients to n*r iu the youug or old.
J. H, HARRIS & CO., Proprietors,
5,000 Wanifd for r.lff* of
It <*r»nt»in« th* foil hi* Inrv of hill tto».1o and eventful Ur*
• la*'*id ;iv v MsiMimtiion. i frirfrical (rvAttm-nt, .Unth,
fun JorvJ tsI i'Imi I'mprjtji*. *. etc. Tho h*-»i ohaiiro of vonr Iif«- t«
‘koni®n* v. h »*»if of “c*tch|Nptuif *» ititiijktusk ,t*. This
th* onlf *mh*ntic nd full> ilitiairatiMt hfr fo «»t out
M*rtyr*d pi -oidont. Kiu*ate®{ fxiiUftita. Kxtr® tci to a
to Amenta. <’ircuUt fi *>«».
AtMrwit Na TUN AT. rUBTt.HIR® CV, AtUnt®, O*.
1 i 4> Facer tf.TA Wrltt** CABM cV'st u"
ay for by a*til.
h Ciolr; ®nl« tiLUti A# boonj. for only ft ft
Ciy via WHY WARTt mONEYI Ts,,n* man er «M JRM
r-TC If you aaal a LuaiiflSIki WvmrtMha. •»»!>,■
^ 1 Whhkair* or > TMCkeK, b*a«y tr**tu BtftRNUTUKN „f hair «» b»M
v trea-la or to and
INTIOORAT* »>ial th* HUH a«f»a«v*iw't b* WuSv'*^. Kt oND L. .
Try fAU.VI*. th* SaaioNiA at, JiaeeaaM H(I 000(1 wtnel* lit* in NEVER V wfi At
U > <iti>ZA
LXl, if a IMV,, Mass. !***»»• «f all lutiU oua. *■'£*-71
GUNS Ormi AttTOivar*. WML •*• Qml Worts. 0 |M PKuSorch. fra®. A44ua* C*
r mi 1 *
L :J
* JFri
Lay the Axe
to the Root
If yon wonld destroy the can¬
nal kering worm. wound For any exter¬ lame¬
pain, of sore, beast, or only
ness man or use
MENT. It penetrates all mus*
de and flosli to iho very bonoi
expelling all inflammation,
soreness and pain, and healing
the diseased part as no other
Liniment ever did or can. So
saith the experience of two
generations of sufferers, and
so will you say when you have
tried the “ Mustang.”
//rmrm i itonanrwea ft tin rrwn i
■ |men<!« r««I f( hy union, t #»«••>*« form ai l
| I Itrbilit If fs. iiernfl I
■ h, in tail- M»i* |
II lint !,f Viittl
■ Of/, Aen oii* ftovafra ■
Vence/romFV attrl iftnvttlcmW
verm,Ate f
aiaiiStfa-istg Ksar 4 * a ^r&S 3 & 'i 8 aiSgS g
The. ir on Tonic im a ~
W'Cfatt rot inn of l*e-ti- /
tojrulf of Iron. I‘cru~
ritm Mlttrh, titifi l*hrnt
f>Afile«, onttoriateici
toifh the 1 cf/ftublt
/IroMtnfieiv, It
**»’#■»*// jturpoHe Mt/ier*
.« Tonic Ih ncocmmary,, , , , , ,, ..... . , J L M l . ....... r
*~T”* ED
j [PETROLEUM Uwd and approved by tha leading JELLY PHYSI- .tW^OUff B
Tho moat Valuable
Family Bamedy^^ I I
known. Trtak
1/tieiM trum. rue
Vaaalla*—tut ae
I A Traatasat Far tfa «f VaaeHne Taa»);»e 7 omnia Cold Creoc, Taartfa
___W0HBD8, BTXHS, Cjtatritar lea.
Taaa lfaa T oilet Swya,
' Cnagki, Caida, Iare tiraa-t, Orasyud BiphtharU, SswsicoiKmML
- . >< M «uj ' n ■pvaahl* term artak
aak ant aiaaa af *U aur (**«*. fa* V asa has faterxjiUy.
JO ai. a t TUB raiumrau nresirns, M cum A BOX.
mnowwm —n*A. AT rmM i»st mm ttmina a. CWAX ATM* On If,
Z'tz£Z?™jf} v™ r::rrrr ^ 1 t r*‘ T .™ i ‘ b t •"*: —»«««>
Qérfiin can Sympathm with Woman.
Jh n Positivv Caro
r*tr all fhfHsc- Painful Crtinplstln** am* WeAkwwJ
Miuuma to»ur*K*t female
it will cure crttrclj the wont form of F tuaio Ontn
jiliDtiLd, all omy'itn Yrflartnstlcn and
Hon, Falling and Dit |.lncemt nt*, and tho ronafqwmO
Rplnal Krakneaa, and U jiarl;rularly adapted to tlta
Cbanffe of Life.
It will dlMDlvt end npd tumor* from Cite ut^ma In
an early stage of developmeat. Tfio tfWkwy to <?» ►
evrmn launora there ta «-t»erk«t very Hiicedlly by tt«
It remove* CfiintMM, flatulenry, <irstr<»y*aD rrawtuc
for *timul*nt*, and rvllrre* wpaltncis* of tlw* rtommrk.
It core* Bloatinfr, floada bo.% Nerwjf
Oeiteral Dobdify, BUvpleeasefni, Ih j nwalon and IndF
ge*iIon. pafn, welgh%
That feeling of T« arlng down, caudng
and barka«’h«\ I* alwnya penxMuaeBtly cured by ita xiea.
It will at all times end under all clrrunwtaneaa art la
harmony with the Uwa that i*ov»rn the female
For the cure of Kidney Con plaint* of oitLer mx thin
Compound is uusurpn«rd.
POCNDM prcpnjwd at J* and Att Woatrrn Awenua,
Lynn, Masn. PrieofL flKottl«*for|k Sent by mat
In th® form of pills, also Intho form of lozeaga*. on
receipt of price, 01 per box for either. Mr*. Pinkhaaa
freely answer^ all letter* of inquiry. Send for pampla
let, Addr-vn a* above Mention thi» rupee.
Nofamilv .km,Id t.wltho-tlvnUt riNKHAlTR
I.IVKIt PIlJS. Tlwr cut* ooi.«U|*Uon, bUknulMB,
„ u d totvidlly or the liter. «6<*nt« per koi.
» 4 - Hold by »H I»rnt«ists. ™te»
GOVERNORS, *c. Send lor Price
* 1st. W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO.,
(42 Main Sired. LOUISVILLE, KY.
£•777 'till p a Tidhw,. !■(*«■>. a.
a fl I 1% » % W ♦ NTKP ter Ot* Mari Mid Tasteat M®la
.TL Ik'S ’ FIcOht*' H.k-U Mtd Frit;*® r®dui‘*d W p®i
:®ut. K®Uoii*l <J®.| PHU«a«lpfei®, Pat.
GUMQ witw VJZXSIXt mott 7 l«H®(WltU. JZ 3 m£
1 ou* AddlAH VAl .INTI MX UB04., V7.V. j
r?<*T«} PL*T CV A f M PLUMI
PlAVA, ti K-ttiy Hi" .liicali, I'lup, Tfiiip«-r>.!««•
r*wUiu*li«im, l".nyn, K«aii>pi®a
1*1(4 l.igtikH, a t.tiL* Ihmk*, I'm.t.iitiiiiK-H,
MtstflWUhlll l Ms, ' «iiun*il Kir*, Bui in i'mk,
Tlientricul Kmi 1 , J..r)®jr'A W«s Work®, Wi«®,
Hennery. B*hrda, Mount fievt "’lu’ii, > iwloflicr, < lmra<l**A hi <i
«*.*f»!*»;■ »»♦•« •.#•»! !>*•»*, ront/Unth# full I tSw
■<*rip(ion hi.<I pr »<■««. Sifl Viet, ■ I Itl.NK II At Sit >4,
AH I lilt teat., N*n V»i b.
rubink®»®*Pai»», Allml^ O*.....^F®rtjHi®ir*D.--*l .
» b® ll’uris* and But Mi ilkiim ever Uiwi*.
A c DlmblRriloM of Hop« f Buchu, Win n
Riunt Sr»K| c%urat‘.v« kurat'.vi* « Mia DnmtaLorq |!j’u|x 1 1 ii*u of ' v, *h ull i*n «thcr iu«l i- a’kt «wl
miUce*% ktliAicHuu . t Blood Furiftor, Liver
Ron u i 4 U tpr f l,o*<> tw <l iimUU lUsbUiriiuc
Atcoitl un ■BMBttOiUS«terth.
No diM'IMOC'X an fwawthly long where Hop
Bittoi-R are us Ytti letl ami perfect n.ns thvir
Ii «7 gin lot ll%f*mlv’pirtotk.agodaodIsflm.
To all whoso o l»l< >ytiM’jil® fau tso I rr*rnI®rl'
ty of t tin Imi wv Ih or mini tinary orpivu, or wl/«» re
quiruuu Aaaiftnlkt t-.Uwalunt,
Hop m w>n #ut» without intox¬
icating* ■Hk J\f
No miltUrr what your f Hnir* or nymplmii*
an* wluktth® dlw'iuMHir ailmOMtiir- Im um flop Bit
tvrw. Ouu't watt until yim »I«k l»ut If y.*,
<udj for! had <rr niIw-raI»)*,M UMI 'tLorn at once.
11 miijr hiavh your J>f«.lt hang” » v •»U hu»dr*Mj...
$500 help, wHI *mi jwi«I for a eaV« \ th»'y win ni ,t
cu iv or bo not milfmr 0 ‘ •* t you r t t .t ml*
Mufrcr.but uKoaiul ui'(f* tlrniV^ 1 ^ Hop B
lUrnAinber, flop fYlfUirn Ih fto^ vi to, driKi'Ml IfPIPM
drnnUcn nostrum, hut the bn met tti. “ » tl Be Ht
MndIf’Wm ami HOKE” *v«r und iiiitilr ; tl»« ••UiVALIIt^r^ riuinut
UtltiUld WltilUUt no them. )M’ingu or fuiuije
III* im*wra
P.I.G.l* * n alwolottj and r urn
forontnlantatm,wmofopluiu, nurcotli-A. All Hold Ly nminrlMta. tohuc/ut H«ud raid
for Otrcular. Ilop Millers Mf|f. C®., A i
itis t*
“cunt «Womm la tho Hopa om .~ Inca.