Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 19, 1881, Image 7
A Persecuted Nan. Tho Imliacajiolis Herald tells of the tribulations of a farmer who came to town from recently. wind When blew about off two his hat—a miles home the new and stylish plug, which he had pur¬ chased a few days previously, thinking he would make his tir-t appear¬ ance in the city, looking r. spendable, of at least the heavy as to head-gear. Both wheels it, crashing the wagon tile passed into directly thoroughly over a shapeless mass. He was obliged to cover his caput with a bandanna nntii his arrival in town, where they gener¬ ally keep all sorts of head-covering for sale. A little further on, one wheel came off, and he was unceremoniously pitched out into the road, and considerably bruised. A stranger assisted him in again getting on the pin, but in the act of driving iu the linchpin, the helpful stranger happened to strike one of the unfortunate follow’s thumb a terrible tilow, completely di-lodgiug the nail. About this time the man had serious ideas of retracing his way homeward, but finally screwed Ins courage up to the sticking place, and decided to come muti¬ on and lated defy fate. He well wrapped possible, up the and thumb as as proceeded. He had gone but a short distance further, when an infernal old dog jumped at one of his horses, causing the animal to spring so suddenly as off, to break his headstall and throw it when the horse, more stepid than vicious, turn d square around, and wedged himself, his mate and the wagon Help and contents in a fence corner. fortunately finally came to his and rescue, the team was extricated, the man pro¬ ceeded. He had brought a little “snack” from home and feeling slightly bit. hungry, thought he would eat a Iu takiug it out of his pocket with his well hand, which happened to be the and left before one, he he dropped it overboard, get it, couple of count spring ill-mannered hogs gobbled a it selfish, leaving him up to the last morsel, not even a “leetile bit o’ gheese.” Wheu he fiualy arrived in town, he found that each of horses was minus one shoe, and a pair of substantial blankets, intended for the animals in case of need, had “gone glimmering through the dream of things that were.” He is a perfectly temperate individual, but desires that his name shall not be mentioned, con¬ cluding tlmt if it should become public that such a succession of little tribula¬ tions attended his progress here, he couldn’t get credit at any store iu town to the amount of fifty cents—provided he should ever be compelled to ask for it. Bathing. The end of the day is the best time lor a sponge-bath; a sponge insomnia and a coarse where towel have often cuied iliaedium failed. A bucketful cf tepid water will do for ordinary pirpMes; daily shower-baths iu winter-tune are as preposterous as hot drinks in the dog days. Russian baths and ice-water cures owe their repute to the same pop¬ ular delusion that ascribes miraculous virtues to nauseating drugs—the culminat¬ mis¬ trust of our natural instincts, ing in the injurious idea that all natural things must lie to men, and that the efficacy of a remedy depeuAx on the de¬ gree boys of its hundred repulsiveneas. Ninety-nine in a would rather take the bitterest medieiDe than a cold buth in mid-winter. If we leave children and animals to the guidance of their in¬ stincts the dog-days, they will and become quench amphibious their thirst in at the ious coldest spring without but in fear winter-time of injur¬ consequences ; even wild beasts avoid immersion with an instinctive dread. A Canadian bear will make a wide circuit, or pick bis way over the floes rather (ban swim u lake in cold weather. Baptist mission¬ aries do not report many revivals be¬ fore June. Warn springs, on the other hand, attractall tho birds and lx iris that stay with us in winter-time : the hot spas of Rockport, Ark., are visited nightly all torchlight by raccoons and and foxes Hiixtliausen in spite of hunts; telis us that in hard winters the thainx of Paetigorsk, and iu wild the Eastern Caucasi IS attract door hogs from tho dis¬ tant Terek valley. I know the claims of the hyiLopathic school, and the argu¬ ments pro and con, hut th:i main points of the controversy still hinge upon the issue between nature’s testimony and Dr. Pnessnitz’s.— L. Oswald, h. Povular Science, Monthli/. Dime Novel Story. About midnight Mike Snatcher, an Irishman, elevator, employed at Fleming’s coal told Lieut. appeared in Stores’ Station, and down Sargent that his wife was on board a river shanty, with a man named Mike Stretman. The Knoppe, Lieutenant, accompanied by Sergeant went down to the boat. Tho guilty wife heard them coming, and, running into out in her night clothes, sprang the river. Her clothing caught < 'll a leaned spike, and there she hang. The officers over and were endeavoring to pull her out, when Stretman appeared with a keen-edged Wliat ax in his hand and exclaimed, “ are trying to drown that for?” you woman Then seeing Snatcher ho struck a vicious blow at him, which would have laid his head open had h» tried not dodged. Then Btr.jtmon turned and to strike Lient. Sargent, who evaded the blow and grabbled with him. In the scuffle that ensued both men fell into the river. The Sergeant seeing a good opportunity fired a shot at Stret¬ man, but missed liis aim, and he like¬ wise sprang into the river to assist the Lieutenant. Between them they dragged Stretman to shore, rescued the woman and took the whole party to the station, where the man was locked np for assault with intent to kill, and the woman for vagrancy. —Cincinnati Gazelle. When you wish to know what the weather is to Ire, go out and select the smallest cloud you see. Keep your eye upon it, and if it decreases and disap¬ pears it shows a state of the air which is sure to tie followed by fine weather; but if it moreases in size, take your great coat with vou if you are going from Tlie home, for falling weather is not far off. reason is this r When the air is becoming charged with electricity you will see every cloud attracting all lesser oDes toward it, until it gathers into a shower; and, on the contrary, when the fluid is passing off, or diffusing it¬ self, then a large cloud will be seen breaking into pieces and dissolving. Oxe's self-satifaction ta an untaxori kind of property which it is very unpleas¬ ant to find Worthless Patents. “The Perfection Window Cleaner’ was in substance a rubber mounted oc a long handle convenient for reaching np to eh an lofty windows and the like; the peculiarity which of the device consisting in the way in a cushion for rub¬ bing was adjusted, so that it eoulil b< pressed against the surface tol>e cleaned. T he court said that there was nothing new in tliis; the implement was only a mop or scrubbing brush made of india rubber. ‘‘Improved Kindling Wood” was pat¬ ented, consisting of we-od tied np in small bundles, each containing a lump of combustible matter which would take fire from a common match. The court said that there was no more invention in this than there would be in selling a sherry-cobbler glass with a straw in it, or a can of food with a fork. As at first devised, the “Fare-box” used in city omnibuses and street-cars was inefficient for want of an opportunity to the driver to see whether the proper fare had been put in. Some one obtained a patent for the improvements of fitting a window and a reflector, in such a man¬ ner that the driver might, either by or night, see the coin which had been deposited. With these changes the fare-box became a success. But court said that there was no in inserting an additional window, or in putting in a reflector near a lamp. To relieve drivers from the of buying a new whip because the end has become frayed or broken, the stock remained good, an contrived “ Whip Tips ” with sockets, so that a worn one might be unscrewed and a new one screwed on in its place. The court said that he might sus’ain exclusive right to his screw, but the important feature of the device making independent tips to lie tuted for worn ones—was not new ; is the priueiple npon which in sections have been made for years. “ The Rubber-tip Pencil ” has had extensive sale ; but, when the patent it was contested, the court said there was no invention ; the device nothing but “a piece of rubber with hole in it” Not many years ago a ent was questioned for an article “ Comminuted Glue. ” The device sisted in breaking glne into facilitate small cles of uniform size, to solving it lor use. The court said nothing was here involved other grinding glue fine, and grinding be called a new invention Science Monthlu. ____ Teeth as Producers of ness. Dr. Sexton, a leading otologist of York, thinks he has discovered a tion between near-sightedness, hearing furnish and defective teeth ; the the starting point for the order affecting the other two organs. The “ fifth pair ” of nerves supplies once the teeth, the tissues of the those of the eye and oar, the ments of the frontal and temporal I' 1 gion, etc. A defective tooth irritation of the whole region thus plied, and iu fact often occasions cases of neuralgia. Even when there no pain felt in a tooth it may yet be oanse of grave disorder in Urn eye, or temple. D mentis, it is claimed, sometimes duo to a tooth having all appearance of soundness to the fessional eye.—Baltimore Sun. An eagle was shot m California cently, measuring ten feet from tip tip of its wings, while in the act of rying off a lamb. This is claimed lo the largest bird of the kind ever on the coast. t utfs PI LLS INDORSED 3Y PHYSICIANS, CLE88YMEH, AND THE AFFLI CTED EVE RYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite. N ausea, bo wels costive, Pain m the H ead,with a dull sensation in the tact fuitne*s part, Tain und er 'the'shoulder blade, after eating, with a disin¬ clination'to exer tion of body or min d, Irrite HIity of te mper. Low spints l Xoss of memory, with a feeling orbavinf neg¬ lect© d some duty, the weariness, Dots before Dissiness. Fluttering of Hear t, the ey e *,~ Y el lo wS k i n,~geadeche,'H estle s« - ness at night, highly colored tTrine. IF THESE WAEHUTGS ABE UJTHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPEO. TUTT8 FILLS «*peeially adapted to such feeling CMB«i r on« dose antonifth effect* the sucbachange snfferer. of as to They fnereikae ike Appetite, andrauie the body to Take mi Fleah. thus the system i* uonrUhed.and by liieirTonle Actieaon the duceil. oigpilhF Price Onrans, x> cents. Beyvlar »5 Murray stool* SL, arepro- W.Y. TUTT’S HAIR DYE, Gray Hair Or W Hires a* rhungsd to * Glossy Black by a *inxJe application of Ibis Dyy. Ji impart* a natural color, act* InttaTuanefiuxly. Sold by Dru£g'*t*.or **Rt by *xpra*« • n rsrpipt ‘ Office, 35 Murray St„ New York. JF Dr. TCTM MAX! At »f T»!»#KJe Jz-fermUiixi aafl k aarei H+o-ipU vJH ba wai^-J VKiS. vs applirn liaa.p l MONROE TAYLOR Gold Medal Roda. Gold Medal Salernluu. A 113 WATER ST., .YETI TAJIK. Are purer, better, stronger, and longer ’mown in the market than any other article >f the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and never fail to insure the best results in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or »o pay. rj^L mjh /* wm c. >5 e HAtiljsN r^i \ hair H I KENEWe^ > Ha# been in constant M o*e by the public I for over twenty year*, | and i» the best preparation ever invented for RESTOR¬ Tho ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS Stats YOUTHFUL COLOR AN© Assayer V n r*. and _> Chemist ( It supplies the natural of Haas. 1 food and color to th« hair and glands without staining the leading Akin. It will increase and Physi¬ : thicken the growth of the cians I i hair, prevent its blanching endorse and falling off, and thus V AVERT BALDNESS. and recom¬ It cures Itching, Erup¬ mend it tion* and Dandruff. As a as a HAIR DRESSING it Is very great desirable, giving the hair a triumph silken softness which all in medi¬ admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and haalthy. cine. V , A - '« , BUCKINGHAM'S D y £ WHISKERS will change the heard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation It Is easily applied, ana produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY B. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by all in Mtdicint. Gold Medal Baking Powder, Gold Medal Cream ’l‘nrtar Crythl. Gold Mean! “'uhlnx THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS 70S Kill AND BEAST. For mor© than a third of a century the Metlc«nMttiUn| known to million* ail IJnimeMthaBD the world cen over hs the only aul© reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above kind. price For and praise—the beet of it* every form of external pain lie MEXICAN Mustang It Liniment is without fln equal. | the tle»h and muscle to anoo %ery of pain bone—making and inflammation Hie continT sible. Jte effects Human Flesh impos¬ the Brute Creation upon ami ful. The Mexican arc equally wonder* MUSTANG I Liniment is needed by somebody in I every bouse. Every day bring* jjpWs oj the agony of an awful tunld or Imru subdued, stored, of rheumatic martyr* re¬ or % valuable home or ox saved by the healing power of this LINIMENT wlileh snee.lily cures sucli ailments of the HUMAN fLKSH ns Joluta, Rheumatism, Sw«lllo(i, miff < outrafted Mnacle*, BuriiH and Sralda, Cats, Braises an«l *prmlun atihgs, 9 Faison ©us Bites and Herat, ItlfflDfM, Ltminru, Old Uleers, Frustkitr a, < hllblalns. More Nipples, Caked Breati, and Indeed every ferm of external dis¬ ease. It heals wrfthont scars. For the Hki th CssATioif it cures Founder, Sprains, H Iwlna y, SUIT Joints, ■ r.f.i Sores, Hoot Din eases, Foot Rot, Serewr Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind ■ fall., BpitviM, Thrn.h,, ■ Old Sores, Foil Fvll, Film upon ■ the Sight and every other ailment H to vrhleh the oeeupante of the Stahls and Stook Yard are liable. The Mexican Muatan | I.lnlinent alway and e cures positively, and never disappoints; It le, THE REST of all man £551, m m m xvii? nsspm. I he Lates t The Best. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. t 'I’iit! handsomest and most complete URGE ARM MACHINE Yet produced. ILLrSTEATED CIRCULARS SENT ON APPLICATION. Victor Sewing Machine Co., Middletown, Conn. Soottwm ODIse, Ho. 8 N. Chariot *t., Baltimore, *4 THE m iL mk /■ Exmonmmv nmmmou u: uzsxamz cumms. £3;.::tfe!»4Si&sijtSsr&s0ifctf aatraci sia* KINGS ! IT* ijsspHggSsyr • ff ****’ a**. EwOt Uvei TkoKbw tu-nth, H r ! Si .rk Walnut Cue, will. •Infant Frvnch Y rtx^rv.i j All lx* t«|>revrm*T.t*. India Rubber I’adal « %rrwfx t *t*l rntv on ik« -•■eg. Wright B.i*rdrvb#»l 300 It*, vD 1U di}» Im) , —** t*u*r pumiiUv. barren. [ rtli Shipped style #rOrx*n ^ ariaUr DSrectfor CaUiopo**! abont - #SK». S 98 No . at Kb j larswwtor ton*d i.-wtrook-at rua be it <--*:« mrfh na t XJ It. CUurcb, H»U,Ch*7*l and lWlor '.“rgsai. aad upward- 1 x«n.dtsnpt ofCia*. ^ith valuable k-rtllinprov ea ac n t*. Elo J CMt y liauiKHf. THREE M GIN UN. vVa boxeri.ov.. 1 Seim and uxe-th.r! octavo, f. 11 Agrutle sale, t-hm-wo. d case, alt round <w»n, t* siiiiiY i csreed |> ■_-» m-4 lyre. fcos» v *•» Pont ne and top nv ulCinvt ell r»en<l t’»: turn, back fimahe J hinte or I I 5®* fWh 1 *. grand Full artkn, trmatet.iwavvextra de«V, enw s luipwcrttsw 4 aval#. fr. * cary,-4 i*lL.1,»«u rw-M-wood would lags, ivory tev (roottrapped (naascr**. Thist* **tnenHic«Bt i’iajio | forte in which every improvement that in any way Wml* Uj the i*et fKin-fl of this Instrument hs hi beet* uddv.i. I i'iittfT and for t'AStt, «. n**q«eni?v are all* U sell thh ii beanUfalVIano for leu than half hut is wrfkMutly naked h> w ■gmt* far an lufator Instrument. RvnsemWr U..* plan* l.vua urea ar.d on*-third «ktavn fcnd thmsM^t, ta an extra larpc sire, hn» four round vomers nnH is n full pvw 4 m*c Ti,* at vie of iuulro inert'• BwiaJiy r»tahq.ue.» M (o fl.Outl. j Shipped _JVr^ranter this PiaiMi Direct for - S 285 . t. h# at p . 4 In ororr rwn*a and te < eres-nt a. handsosne an ar.p.nrwH» ns (hows *-riJ f.w three ttenet | th s amount, and v < l\Ai!IUN Ttt in vrhingfer live Ye.-m, ws w.«r lathe first NatiofaJ or Nalkmai Rank of thlocity ash Mr re spans 1 Tslttv. Rend for i ul.iK^«e». Ai>r»s,«sa The Meriden Purchasing Co., Co tHU flROWHje IRON r*tOE - © Vi A - K BITTERS BROWN’S DION BITTRIW »ro ! * certain cure for ail tliaeaam requiring a complete tonic; eepo daily Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter¬ mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, I Loss of Strength, lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength¬ ens the muscles, and gives new Ufe to the nerves. Acta Ulto a , charm 'on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as taxiing the food, Relchiug, Ifcut in the Htomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation tliat will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Hold by all Drug¬ gists at. $1.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL OO. Baltimore, Md. Aaa that all Iran Ritter* are bb*A* hr Raown Cmnrtt 0*. aa« hi ate aibSM»l rad tinea aud trad* mark, an wrappar. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. J2 6 u.s AKQ SPEKKATGRRHIA. ivtiDFaiy A«s»S for t *.o fcpf,.,<jy 58 »«S an«l parinaneot 3 Srat»tt <!ure of tkuni nni Kmiwion* find Ixupotency by tint only true way, V.r.: Direct Application to the r.incij.ttl 8*at M lhf> acting by Absorption, na<1 oxvrti.'.z >tr. vpstcihc icllui-.ncfj on the Bexr.inal VfBicl-fi, EJn.c uiatoi y Di ets, Prostate Oiancl. and l/rctur.x. The o«e of the liamtxlj Lb attended vitij no pain or lo«*oa vrnierife, &(.'! do*** not int«rfere) with tho ordinary p’uruiur ■( ItTc; it i* quickly di.GAolYi-d Sr.-1 ‘ > ,a ab aorliod, ativ* prod tic insert UnmcdLatO ^ootUlny and r**».*o r r! t >y>n the mxqaI and nervoua oryaoi.:> ;! h oa i drp;n w *'‘" frora sel!-abrxue ar.d «xc««w<w,etoppio* > {/‘ ta tho uratcm. restoring the tninti to ey iih c. - • : na memory, removing tho J> ■ mneee of bight. Aervous VeblUty, Contaelwi oT Idea//, Aveniio a to Society, etc-, etc., and tho aur^racr » of preirn. .re Old r,go unuaiiy ac^oninan) .r.g this trcuiil*, i.ud roT.orifif perfect &ey uai Vivcr, whero La,* boon d rni.t.-it ior loar*. ThU laod* ot m+.r.t, tias stood tb* taxt la rc-ry Bot«ro cn*ca, and L* scribed nov. a pronour.oad Dru©a ar** too inucb pra in tfj'-ro trocbiM, ar-1, a« jvtr.y can fx**.- wiU pnfb t<), with b'it ilttla if any parmanSQtg'uid. T’rartleai Tfi^r* :* n-> NhnMMf %lx/ut IhiMi’reitHrux^ia. of> hyv! a*us to iK^iitively guarantee that it * l!: During tbo eight yetru that ft cum mo in a*narai oa«, vv* hare thoaaandaof tanti "voniai* au to ft* raiuo. and it ia new conceded by tho »*di«al I’nrfwxion to r>« tho nort rational faaauo yoi jiacGTarod of reaching and carin*thU vory prevalent trouble, that U well * rv^wn to Im» tho oa nrm of untold thair rniv.ry to aonuany, and upon whom quack* pr«y with dsoJm* noatruma and h.g feaa. Th* Bainody *• t* t-ut laat up in noat boxa*. Jr of tbroa siaaa. Ho. 1, 'en/rxgri a month,/ f 3; u. 2, fauAeiaot to effect a per maocat care, on loo* la acrar* emeu,) §5; No. 8. iaatin^ otar thrue mootha, will atop emlmiona and TbtMtre rigor In tha worst o a aa a ,, 97. H*nt by mail, In plain wrappora. Txul DIMMtUTlQBO toe ostng fiend will acoompanvJKACH fiemUed BOX. letsuivin* fer Anm t Ikaoriatiw U rml I IlnetraUtmm P mm ph~\ k meu mndTemt. MHaw*. emtWetu trill rvmrinr* 1 the hec m u ed m et fapw/eol eMepJie* a# SUmi them mm he I I re ted e fer the duMem wuenuheed,mnd jit effected. Mmld •/ Ufe, OMJLZ mmtve mm if / f Mwr hg HARRIS REMEDY CO. Kf C. QRfXtSTt Ksrtrftad 8tb tta. St. Louis. Ma Trad© Palace* -r'*- **>*■«,. iv •-■v.v - A fim ■ i&S m TK nm rn 1 hi: \ '•i > ► 3|ajEn' «l 1 •** V 1PW m. WHOI ESALE & R ETA 1 ■ i H *; ■ mm .; ■BN ill: pr rXkg Wi ?* - > Si - -Ef - tip 'f ® 'ff ■ g r- W ' ■ ’ -I v' .ywr ? ' id sty FI W''ri —________ ______ i t’u 'mu Dry GoocIh and Notions Of Every Description, Shade, Hue and Style. I IfE ANNOUNGK, of HANDSOME for th« benefit GOODS of the TtOdies, Southern that there 'is NO S17C® AH® TT assortment in this country WE MEAN IT, AND CAN PROVE IT, if you will only call and look. New New New Colors an! Comfmations. Dress Oooils. SHADED and STRIPED* VELVET, SATINS, ail shades, all shades, OMBRE, all shades J MARRILLEAUX,all shades, CASHMERES, all colors, FRENCH SUITINGS, complete, ENGLISH SUITINGS, complete, .SILK PLAIDS, mixtures, IROQUOIS, 8IIOODAH, ROBES, CIIUDDAH, TINSEL VELVETEENS, M01RANTIQUE, SUITINGS and ROBES, PERSIAN KOFTA, BLACK (Ml APE and ALPACA. Our motto or the “BEST GOODS AT Till'’, 'LOWEST IMIICES” wu shall to tlio utmost, viomo and look if you do not buy, lor after that yo* help but tell your neighbor what we say IS TRUE. Del line <fc Hickok, 630 Broad Sthbbt, Augusta, Ga. 0ct.R,rn3. W. J. FOIaI^AKDs NOS. TM AND 730 REYNOLDS STREET, AUdUSTA, OEOROU, Lotion Factor and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Disstun’s Circular Saws Rubber Whistles. ami Leather Oil Uniting, Cups. I’op, Steam Globe Pipe. and Wat Check er aad Steam Gauges. Connections. Valves, Governors, Wrenches, etc., together with every article of Steam arid GENERAL Water FiltitiKs, AGENT Eludings, KOR etc. TALB 01 T SONS. ott’i ,V ; ■) ■ iltu r a) Engines (on wheels.) Portable Engines (on skids,) Ntationmrjr E i >54 l\t i ll a r and r,ocoinotivc Boilers. Turbine Water Wheels. Corn an* Mill;. Saw Mills. Shafting, Spark Pulley*, Boxes, Hangers anil Patent Arresters. Watertown Steam Engine Co. Watsrtown Agricultural Engines (on wheels.) Portable Engines (on skids.) Dairy Engines (for small buildings.) Vertical Engines. Stationary Engines (with and without eut-off.) Return Tubular Boilers (with two flues.) Loco¬ motive and Vertieal Boilers, haw Mills, etc., etc. C. &.G. COOPKll & CO. Coo per’sSelf-Propelling (traction) Engines. Kami Agricultural Engines KoturnTa- (on wkeesi. Portable Engines (on skids.; Stationary Engines. Locomotive and bular Boilers. Corn and Wheat Mill. Portable Mill (with portable bo attached.) Smut Machines. Castle,« Wheat Mills -Separators and ten- t--**-* Oat and Weed Extractor. Saw """* . (double, and single.) _ J. W.L CARDWELL & CO. Wheat Threshers. Seperutors and Cleaners. (mounted "Ground Hog" Powor Thr*tl Hydraulic Cotton Presses. Horse Powers and down,) Corn Sliellers and Feed Cutters. JOHHSTOK HAEVESTEE COKPAHY AND Emerson, Talcott & Co and Binders. Re.apwrsand Mowers Combined. Single Bind trs, Reapeis, and Mowers. Cultivators and Grain Sowers. FAIRBANKS & CO Standard Scales, all sizes and patterns. Alarm Cash Drawers. Manufacturer ot the Following Machines. A Goodrich Improved lXL Cotton Gin. Reid's Patent Automatic I’owcrSarew Fress (steam or water power.) Smith s Improved Hand Power Cotton and Hay Press. Cotton Gin Feeder. Cotton Condenser. New Virginia Feed Cutter. Engines, Cotton t;jo», ate., repaired In a workmanlike manner. Order, solicited and promptly execute I. For further particulars, circulars, gen¬ information, etc., apply to W. J. POLLARI), Auusta, } Or J. V. Andrews, €rawiordyiIle,Oa. Fancy and Solid. KID GLOVES, 8,0,4,a and Gl.OVS.S ‘i RutUal, Oil AM IOS SAX, BERLIN NEW LACES, Ribbons ami Hosiary COLORED MARSEILLES (QUILTS LINENS, for bed and table, CASSI MERES and Jeans, full assort’t, LA DIES’, Misses’ and Children ? s Suita, Ready-madeSuits DOLMANS, (.’LOANS, forliovs from 4 to9year« FLAN N EL Underwear and Overwear, BLANKETS for the million, Ladies’ and Gents’ UNDEitSVBTS Ladies’ and BUTTONS Gents’ UNDERWEAR, and TRIMMING, Elegant Unbleached Goods, BLEACHED and CHECKS, DENHAMS, Etc.