Newspaper Page Text
Attorney at Law,
Hamilton, Georgia.
Will practice in all the courts of the
State. Special attention given to colitctions
08 ~Also money to loan on improved
farms, on 2, 3 and 5 yenis time, at 8 per
cent per annum. Come and sec me.
Diseases of the Mouth and
Teeth treated in the best manner.
Georgia, Harris County.
AG Coats, administrator of Beverly
Slaughter, late of said county, deceased,
makes application for letters of dismission
from said estate,
All persons concerned are hereby Dotihed
to show cause if any they have by the 1st
Monday in September next, why letters
of dismission should not be granted said
applicant. under hand and official signa .
Given my
ture May 24th, 18S7.
J F C Williams, Ordinary.
Georgia, Harris County,
K E Collins, T P Collins,A J Ward and
J A Cochran, administrators of P G Col¬
lins late of said county deceased, have
made application for leave to sell the
land belonging to the estate of said dec d.
All persons concerned are hereby noti*
fied to show cause, if any they have, by
the first Monday in September next, why
an order should not be granted said ap¬
plicants to sell said ’and.
hand and official .
Given under my signa
nature August 1st, 1887
J F WILLIAMS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Harris County.
To all whom it may concern:
L L Stanford,administrator of Mrs Lu¬
cinda E Walker, deceased, has in due
form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the house and lot in the town of
Hamilton belonging to the estate of said
deceased, and said application wid be
beard on the first Monday in Sept, next.
Given under my hand and official sig¬
nature August 1st, 1887.
J F C Williams, Ordinary.
Harris County Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold before the court bouse door
in the town of Hamilton, Harris county,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to^ the
highest bidder, for cash, on the first Tues¬
day iu Sept., 1887, the following deaciibed
property, viz:
Steam Engine and fixtures, and one for
ty-five saw cotton gin, with feeder and
condenser attached thereto, and one
mouse colored mule, 12 years old, named
June. Levied upon as the property of
James S. Clark to satisfy a mortgage fi.
fa. issued from Harris Superior eourt in
favor of Wm. G. Wheeler vs. James S.
Clark. TALLY. Sheriff.
F. M.
Georgia, Harris County.
Executor’s Sale,
By virtue of the last will and testament
of W L Worrill, late of said county de¬
ceased, I will sell before the court house
door it the town of Hamilton on the first
Tuesday in November next the following
described land belonging to said deceased
to-wit —Lot of land No. 94 containing
202^ acres more or less, and the south
half of lot No. G7 containing 101X acres
more or less, lying in the 19th district of
said county, known as the Brincifield
place. Terms cash. August 2nd, ISS7.
W F,
Exector of W L Wcerill, Dec’d.
I have on our yards—near Hamil¬
ton—200,000 feet of good, wish merchant¬ clear
able lumber which I to
out at bargain prices. Come and see
or write to me.
Bartow Brooks.
I am ascent for the celebrated LeCONTE
NURSERIES, W. W. Thompson, Proprie
tor Smithyille.Ga. I will be glad to show
yon m y specimens and to take your order
for any trees or * es —i on need. My prices
are as low as ar id *"♦ he Vees are unex
celled. B. C. KIMBROUGH,
-**• Surah + Sashes.
Everybody wants one. We have a tlioice lot of shades in
New Stock of Sheer Plaid Lawns 125 Cents.
Printed Linens at 10 cents.
We have a choice lot of REMNANTS in every department to be sold at less than cost.
mention expecially Remnants of Silks. A large lot at half price ready for sale Monday.
Every one in our stock to be sold at cost, We mean business.
Call for the Kirven 50, 75c and $1 00 Corsets. They are the best for the price to be had.
Our entire stock of Zephyr Wools ALBERT to be closed out at 5 cents per ounce.
J. KIRVEN Sc 00.
* pj Us
Tv •7,
m. Sr 5 ^
m N ^iV v
m Sj
*• I
*' a
■■ can
m m -
ttS &£©i4Sl! m
Ini S.
Sciatic s, Scratches* < Contracted
Lumbago, Sprains, Muscle®,
Rheumatism, £ train?, Eruutions,
Horns, Stitches, Hoof Ail,
Scalds, Cliff Joints, Screw
Sting:?, Saokacho, Worm*,
Bites, Gail?, Swinney,
Bruisas, 1 'ores, Saddle Galls,
Bunions, ft via Files,
Corns, Cracks.
accom "Makes for c-ve: ytcly exactly what Isclalmed
Cor it. Cue of the reasons for the great popularity of
the Mustang Liniment is fcanflinits universal
applicability, Everybody needs such a medicine.
The £,ui;R.e riunn needs it in case of accident.
T h o Ti « u - err i fe ur.e ds it for general family use.
Th c Cu r.r.-cr needs it for his teams and his men.
The j;.a-cL:tnic necd3 it always on his work
The 7.1 h:cvr uec-'s it fn ease of emergency.
Tire J "i aact r need •: it—eau’tget along without It.
The Farmer needs it in Ills house, his stable,
and his stock yard. needs
The Stenonbc-nt man or Ilia Boatman
it in liberal supply afloat ami ashore.
The Horse-fancier needs it—it Is his best
friend and safest reliance.
The Prock-grcv/er needs It—it will save him
thousands cf dollars and a world of trouble.
The Railroad man needs It and will need it so
long as his life is a round o?'accidents and dangers.
The Backwoods;.-*: u needs it. There is noth
Ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life,
Umb and comfort which surround the pioneer.
The Merchant needs It about his store among
his employees. Accidents will happen, and when
these come the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once.
Keep a Bottle in the House. ’Tis the best of
economy. Its
Keep a Bottle la the Factory.
use in case of accident saves pain and loss of
Keep a Bottle Always la the Stable for
aeo when wanted.
Georgia, Harris County.
W H G laze, Sr., and W H Glaze, Jr.,
administrators with will annexed of Nancy
Glaze, late of said county deceased, have
made application for leave to sell the land
and real estate of said deceased.
All persons coucerned are herebynotified the
to show cause, if any they have by
first Monday in September next, why an
order should not be granted said adminis¬
trators to sell said land and real estate.
Given under my hand and official signa
turj August 1st, 1887.
J F C Williams, Ordinary.
West Georgia A. & M. College,
The Fall Session begins August 22, under the auspices of the
J. W. DOZIER, A. M., Professor Ancient and Modern
English Literature.
KEY, W. \V. ARNOLD, A. M., Professor Natural and
and Mathematics.
MRS. W. W. ARNOLD, Elocution,
MISS BERTA DOZIER, School of Art and Principal
Department. C. KIMBROUGH, Principal Music Department.
Tuition in Primary Department to
Tuition in Academic a to 50
Tuition in Collegiate it CO
French and German, each, extra to
Music - CO
Drawing and Painting - t o 50
Incidentals for Fall Torm 50
Incidentals for Spring Term - - 100
Board in good familos from $0.00 to $10.00.
B ,5 i m « ■ * » ** — a m m
m m a K a a s,
IS m 1 m V Wm
m GRAINING V GDLDRSf mm iak,iw- Him! i D] czn DISTEMPER GOLD
> >« > y’n. OQ mm >■ r SbM' P ■ pltv.!y! Dp cn m . ot)(/ -q cr iZ! enu ccA 33
i / orr >160 m my: -n 3 M ^1 I c a \ \ \ •
■■ « S P CXI C~3 rn ui
f, . If i ■ r> 2 n ■<. **
Hats Trimmed in French Style.
Splendid Assortment of New Hats
New Trimming Goods, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Etc. The
cheapest place in town. Feathers cleaned and curled, gloves cleaned.
Between SPEAR anil