Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term, third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court-A. L. Mil
Holieitor General—W. H. Fel
ton, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—H. M. Bur
^ Wright.
Ordinary—O. P.
Tax Collector—John M. Sanders.
Tax Receiver—B. H. Knight.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
County Surveyor — George W.
Coroner—T. J. Holloman.
County Commissioners — \V. J.
Bent, W. E. Champion and W. B.
County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
Mayor—A. .T. Danielly.
’ Aldermen— J. W. Mathews, M. H.
Carnes, J. A. Miller and J. A\ . 9 .& 1 -
Clerk—F. Danielly.
Treasurer—J. B. Wilson.
Marshal—E. E. Dent.
• Ths Happenings of the Week Pat
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs • •
y, T hat Has Happened and Is Co¬
in;; to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal and Social-—Men and
O what fools we mortals be,
‘•Wad saern power the gifty gii
To see ourselves as others see us.”
' Often times we would huutagoph
* er hole.
Work is resumed on tiie school
Miss Bessie Smith has returned
home from a visit to friends m
Thorn as ton.
T. I. Cochran, of Roble.y, tyis in
Roberta Tuesday on business.
Messrs Webb and Morgan of
near the Agency were in Roberta
Tuesday on business.
Deliver Riv, of Macon, will op
en a saloon in the Hoi Ionian
A. Witkowski,of Macon, repre¬
senting the Mew- York Life, was
attending to business here this
weeK. -
Miss Julia Rutherford and her
friend Miss Fannie Branham were
down from Oulloden Tuesday on
pleasure and-business both.
Mr. West. Mathews will be
found in|iis same old stand, now
to serve you in the interest of
Boliver Ray.
Mr. Frank Hardeman, a long
and trusty employee of Boliver
Ray; has been out the greater
part of the week looking after
the hitters mercantile interests
in this place. Mr. Hardeman is
yet a young man but has consid¬
erable business experience and
Both the Knoxville and Ro¬
berta schools opened Monday
morning with a good attendence.
The people of Crawford are awak¬
ing to the importance of educat¬
ing their children. That is a do¬
ty a parent owes to a child more
binding than to leave a pecuni¬
ary inheritance. Every parent
should send his children some¬
where to school.
Mr. C. E. Worshom has moved
to Macon.
Col. Hardeman, of Macon, was
jn Roberta Monday.
Miss Kizzie Lowe has become a
pupil of music under the tutor
ship of Mrs, Aaron Clark. Mrs*
Clark is an excellent instructor
j n that highest and most refined
of . u , tg Miss Lowe already ex
dibits ai extraordinary talent in
that direction, and the sweet mu¬
sic she makes is a rure gurantee
of her preeminent success in the
study which she ha begun.
Mr. B (liver Culverhouse, who
moved from Crawford to Mont¬
gomery county in which place he
has lived tor sometime, has re
turned to Crawford with his fami
Mr Sid D*mt waa in Roberta
Mr. J. I. Champion was in Ro¬
berta Monday on business.
Mr Sain Wilson has moved to
Mr. J. E. Byrd was in Roberta
Monday, on business.
The Bond brothers were in town
this week on business.
Mr. J. B. W Ison will probably
begin the study of dentistry.
Col. H. A. Mathews of Fort
Valley was up on legal business
Col. R. D. Smith went to Ma¬
con Wednesday on professional
Mnsei'ra Items.
Christmas has passed and the
new year is now before ns. Mav
we form good rules and |may we
be governed by them., for we know
not whatTmr troubles*and tribu¬
lation's will be the coining year.
Some of the farmers are clean¬
ing oil’ their laud preparing for the
coming crop. Most of them have
about secured their labor for an¬
other \ ear.
From the present out look of
some of our most pro ineufc farm¬
ers there will probly be a large
crop of cottorf again this year, as
there are several large tracks o!
land being cleaned up near this
place for that purpose.
The young people enjoyed sev¬
eral parties in this community
last week.
Miss Leila Webb, of Goshen
Valley was visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity last week.
Miss Clara Jackson, one of Up¬
son Co’s, most popular young la¬
dies, is visiting Miss Mattie Bow
Mr. Willie Bowen and wife 'of
Birmingham Ala., spent last week
with his parents. Mr. Bowen has
not seen his parents in four
years. It afforded him much
pleasure to spend Christinas with
them once more. Last Sunday
morning he gave them 1 the part¬
ing hand and bid them fare well
and returned to his home in Ala.
A reception was givenbv Mr.
and Mrs. Moore, to the Sunday
school of Ceres during the holi¬
days. A large crowd was pres¬
ent and after the tables had been
relieved of their heavy burdens of
everything good to eat the crowd
returned to . the parlor where
some nice music playing and
other amusements were enjoyed
until late in the after noon.
Mr. James McNiece and sister
Yatcsville, were in our midst last
We think some of the young
men around here are going to get
married soon as they are wearing
their Christmas smile yet. Lets
see who will get the honor for
breaking the ice off the coming
We learn that Prof. Childs has
again .been employed to teach
8f .hooJ for us another year.
trustees of this school acted very
wisely in getting Prof.'Childs to
serve them another year.
Our town was unusually lively
last week taking Oiiiistmas, but
every thing has quieted down to
business again.
Miss Homie Moore, who has
been attending school in Macorr,
spent Christmas with home folks.
SIfe returned io.Macon last week'
accompanied by her brother
Porter who will attend school this
year. Porter was secretary in the
Sunday school of Ceres and he
lias many friends here who will
gretly miss him. J.
h Ixte
iFr. F r„ Ivey, assistant to state
geologist, Spencer, had a curious
experi'enc-e • 1 in Taylor v county -
Other day.
Hereafter .. Wiren , . he goes out .
looking for minerals, he will p
prepared . fo? encounters.
Mr. .. T Ivey was m . camp alone , in .
Tavlor ‘ county 1 close *. ' L to’“Old '. Aa- ^
ency” and rear the ferry between
the counties of Omwlord and T a v
tar, on ednesday night.last. . ,.. On
Thursday ’ moruiug *- two men came
to ins camp and , one oi . them , gave
Ms name a* Engine F. Bell and
at first claimed to be the sheriff
of Taylor county and presented a
warrant to Ivey for iris arrest,
signed by M. Lucas (his
are not remembered), claiming
that he was a pedDr and derimnd
ed $25 of him.
The young man told the pre¬
tended officer what In’s business
was, but the man’ insisted that
unless lie paid the money he
paid the money lie would t ike
him and his team in charge. Ivey
refused to pay anything. The
men then threw him down and
him, taking from him
his p r i v ate 1 e t te r s a n d a Iso so m e
belonging to the state geologist,
Spencer. After going through
them they threw every thing out
of the wagon.
Finding that they could not get
the $25 the men said :
“Fay us$10 and we will let you
off for we are brand to have
Ivey refused to pay any money
and they left. After leaving the
men discovered they had left
the warrant with Ivey, and re
turned in company with several
others, and the would be officer
demanded the wanant. I T * ey
fused to return it, and lie
again thrown down in attempt to
take it awav from him. Ivey
finally tore up the paper, saying
it he could not keep it he would
destroy it. The parties then left
and tjie young man came on to
Atlanta reaching home Saturday.
Tins is one of the most high¬
handed, outrageous ever perpe¬
trated in the state and will doubt¬
less be fully investigated [by the
Taylor county authorities.
< i
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• » i O,..v. . fc.V.iAi.SF‘
Local, County arid General News Causrlifc
^p* . ...
an U£ c/tt.'S^scvibers— ut ia for t;, -“ Pw « Sftl <* f The
C. Items of Interest
to- L|.•
farm ''ClNiiata-Sw# ^.W^de.MatheWB -a -'w, i
peete'to*ffnAy& to Macon.
T(;N:TT; C :C T
Pmpi-riy at firs? Wrihsimm
last Saturday especially cotton
seed, broad axes, augers and corn
she Hers, sold for its Value.
oil .. purchased > , tue ., seed , and ,
Cuffee tiie later.
Late Mon ay eve our attention
•ms call d to a dusty appearance
in the eastern sky, on enquiring
„h.titmeAt, we were
** «.lo«d man that
■**•’ ° 1 ^ 1 ....."T
cc,intiu 2 ' : ' ’ ‘ !lt>r receufc
e i ectl0U * . tou eg,, ' .,i 11 <a 5 ,rtmnm>- ' ° ra dmon “
prominent and patriotic demo
, lo encourage
; . eneo,.i,.„c
third partv.
Pearl and , , Lena , TT , ,
Misses w
, e ret " p died ' from '* ail extended
visit to Yatesviile and Ceres
, ■ J , , 1 y t
VV eb.D Ot the latter piace. .
J1iUn * 1 iOJUVay;an(t Am '
n ip ' Holmes of (hiiiodeu ' cotem- ' :
P !ab ® » vl lt t0 u,e , rM 1 ' !ower y La,1G ,
M, F. Jordan is epending a
short stay in Fla,
Unausweml yet, the player your
r 1:ps have pleaded
Iu agony oi heart these inanj
Docs faith begin to fail; is hope de
And think you all in vain those
failing tears?
Say not the*Fatlier hath not heard
your prayer:
You shall have your desire some
time, somewhere.
Unanswered yet, th >ugh when vo..
first presented
This one petition at. the ratio r’s
tii rone,
It seems you could not wait the tie >•
of aslving,
bjo urgent was your heart to have n
Though years passed since then, do
not despair,
The Lord will answer you somi
t cue, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? nay, do not say
■ un granted;
Perhaps your part is not yet whol¬
ly done;
The work begun when first you: ..
prayer was utterod,
wtil -nisi, *,.«! He to.
' 0ll wiii kee;> the insenee burning
Kb glory you will see sometime,
Unanswered yet? faith cannot be un¬
Her leet were fine ly planted on the
Amid the wildest storms she stand
Noiyquai s tiefoie the loudestjthun
der shock.\
She knows Omnipotence lias heard
her prayer,
And cries, it shall be done &c:ue
time, somewherL
[Robert Browning.
His Little Slip.
She (engaged for an evening for j
nartv)—It- to is not quite time us
,u start “ - vet, is fr, ’ Mr. Spoona-1 i
im LY* He ,. Alisa r . ^ x>aisy out i .
— ac, , am
always early. The early bird, you
know, catches the—er—the*—the—
aw —that comet, Miss Daisy, the^
can , be seer ciui.e •, distinctly - 1 -‘, .,•.
say With
a goo., t'pei a
VOL. 1. NO. 24-
GEORGIA, Crawford County :—
v\ i: e sold before the court house
• loot i'u the town of Knoxville, said
county, within the legal hours of sale
t > the highest bidder lor cash. On
the first Tuesday in January next, 2000
the foitowing- property to-wit:
lbs of seed cotton, more or less, 150?
bushels of fiornin the shuck, more or
less, 2000 lbs of fodder, toll more or less,
bai-hoU of cot seed, more or
loss anti two bushels of peas. btlitl
properly levied upon and sold as the
property of debt, uufler and by vir
tue of a distress warrant issued from
Justice’.- court 573rd l)ist. G- M.
said .-ounty in *„v»r of W. K. Eu
\sHhh-\ .Kuning*. Said tils
earnm; returnable to tiie
Kps:pm umy - Wu -
JvC.t't-Lv».uiK>UKK, Kil-ritf.
GEORGIA, Ci'awrod County:-
On the first Tuesday in February,
uext, I will sell before , the court
j 1()USe fioor in tiie town of Knoxville,
said county within the legal hours
sale, the following described.
property, to-wit. One store house
S’Ld’ owdlSSiktiulT’Said 1«
measuring 40x60 feet and fronting on
^B^mejod bn
Said property levied and sold un
sued isoin the superior corn t ot Up—.
son county, said state, in favor of E.
Barber vs Blasiugame, as. tiro
t )ro l' t rT . v of said J. W. Blasiugame.
Tlli K v 7 , 1S02 ,
•' J. C Culverhouse, Sheriff,
GEORGIA, Crawford County:
All persons indebted to th<?estate of
Jno. R. Worshuin deceased, arenoti
{iod to come forward - at once and;
«H persons hsv
tag claims against said estate are
notifiod to nresent them in terms of
tne law. December 5th,1892.
as-. A. Worsham
Jno. r. Worsham
GEORGIA. Crawford'County:- -
H. G. White, of said County, h» '
lik'd with sue his application askin C
that permanent letters (with thv
mill annexed;-on estate of K. B.
Murchison, deceased, be granted
hi in'; and i will pass on his apylier
m i on the first Monday iu January
• -t. Witness my hand .officially?
-his Nov 2sth 185)2!
O. P. Wir.GHT, Ordinary.
< GEORGIA, Crawford County :—
To ail whom this may concern:,
C. Cleveland, executor vf the last
.rill and testament of Mrs. A. M.
Cleveland, deceased, has applied to
no for dismission from hjsexecutor
d«ip. This is,-therefore, to cite all
•larties at inn:rest to show cause be
lore mo on or before the first Mon
May in January next, if any they
nave,why such discharge should ndt
->e granted, or letters disniissor.v will
oo granted applicant as prayed for.
'.V it ness my hand and official signa
i a re fhis the 3rd day of October, It#)2.
O. J\ Weight, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawsord County -
' irs. Annie M. Andrews and W. A.
Andrews have applied to me for
permanent letters of Administration
• u the estate oi Jno. T. Andrews,
late of said County, deceased; and
this is therefore to cite all persons
concerned to show cause before me,
if any they have, at my office-, on or
before the first Monday in January
next, why such letters should not tV
granted applicants. Witness irv *\
hand officially this Nov 28th, .1892.
' O. P. Wright, Ordinary.
Will be sold on the firstTuesday in
February next before the court house
door iu the town of Knoxville Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale, the
following ]>roperty to wit:
Dot in Block A.
Lots 1 and 2 B.
Lots 1 and 2 O.
Lots 1 and 2 ?» D.
Lots 1 and 2 E.
Lots 3 and 4 M F.
3 and 4 n G.
3 and 4 H.
3 and 4 1.
1 and 2 M J.
3 and4 11 K.
3-4-7-8 11 L.
1-2-5-6 M.
t 3-4-7-S ■ 11 Ni
1-2-5-6 i ii O
, 17-18-21-22-25-23-29-30. „ R,
All of lots not sold in Block P, aud
a!1 ot ' l°ts not sold In. Block Q, un¬
^r and by virtue of 36 exem.tions iH
sued trom toe superic* court of said
county in favor of offi <crs of epurt
vs Georgia Iinorovcmont Company
All of said property being in the
town of Roberta said cotufty, and
known in the plan of said town by
lots and blocks as above stated in
the original snryoy of said town
Terms oash j ,