Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, tliird
Monday in March; fall term third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
Solicitor General—W.• II. Fel
ton, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J. N. Mathews.
Tax Collector—W. J. Brown.
Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
‘Sheriff—John C. Gulverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
Count ^Surveyor—J. L. Parsons.
Coroner—J. H. Jones.
County Commissioners — B. F.
Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
Fu troll.
County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
The Happenings of the 11 cck Rut
in Short, Pointed Paragraphs -
What Has Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Political,
Personal and Social Men and
We are prepared to make mans on
improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews & Blasingame.
Lee Spillers has been promoted.
He is now road overseer
Fodder pulling, road working
end wet weather,
Meeting is now in progress at
the Knoxville Methodist church.
Sheep raising would be a profit¬
able industry in Crawford. Worth¬
less dogs should go and sheep
substituted for them.
Jphn S. Saudefur is on the right
traekv lie Isas on hand already
colts that will bring him all of
fifteen hundred dollars, provided
lie should wish to sell them, and
' it will not be a great while before
he CPU realize that much for
The town branches were on a
swell Sunday. They * [presented
the same appearance that they
did-in Sept. 1882.
W atenn el o n shi pm e n ts con
tin ie.
It seems that people on the rv
er will be subjected to au
flow. Such would be
the present flattering crop
The dispensaries late
under South Carolina’s
quor law, it is said,
wlnskey by the tank load at
‘cost of one dollar and
cents per gallon.
cents besides the government
it must be an inferior
A Reward of #500
Will be given for any case of R lieu
mutism which cannot be cured by
Drummond’s Lightning HemeJ.\.
The proprietors do not hide this of
fer, but print it in bold type on ail
their circulars, wrappers printed
matter, and through the columns of
newspapers j v cry v, here, It will
work wonders one bottle cut ing ‘>ny
ordinary case. HI he druggist has
w>; cot if, he will order it, or it will
he sent to any address by express coll
receipt of price, together with special
instructions for rise. Drummond
Medicine Co., b,- ..o Maiden Lane,
New York. Price $5 for two large
Lee Sp' JoH peddles out beef
at. Roberta, around about Musella
aud occasionally takes in in ter¬
^mediate pm ns
’ Mr. W. J plot umb was up from
Byron t .is week and pave us a
pleasant calk
Miss Emma Slocumb who has
been visiting the family of her
brother, M H. Slocumb in Knox¬
ville, left Modday for Byron
where she will remain several
Some of those who mouthed
most in favor of passing a stock
law for the county are the very
last to abide by its provisions.
This kind of example is worth but
Emmett Elliott stopped over
this week on his way to the
World’s Fair. We are glad to
say that his genial appearance in¬
dicates that he has been generous¬
ly dealt with since liis last visit.
Wfe offer One Hundred Dollars re¬
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known
F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in ali business transactions and
financially able to carry out any ob¬
ligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, O. Wald lug, Kinuan & Mar¬
vin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter¬
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 76c. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. .
Quite a number of darkeys in
and around town seem to live and
stay here without turning their
hands to. any kind of work. Such
might very appropriately be set
down as vagrancy.
The calaboose presents a most
lonely appearance these days.
The county jail holds some rather
permanent boarders and they are
very energetic in letting people
know Unit they are so situated.
W. P. Allen and his daughter
Miss Mary, returned this week
from Fair Haven, Mass.
Allen Robinson was before
magistrate’s court this week on a
peace warrant.
Quite a number went from this
county on Wednesday to Thomas
ton to hear Tom Watson’s speech.
Thomas is airing things politica 1
in general and without reserve.
Trains were somewhat thrown
off of schedule time by a runoff
of the passenger train at Yates
ville on Tuesday evening. It was
caused by a giving way of cross
ties which caused a spread in the
track. The engine tender and
two cars were derailed. No one
was hurt and no damage of any
Joe Gns Danielly completed
the moving of his new engine and
boiler from the depot the first of
this week.
Sandy Point Siftings.
Mr. Editor—If you will allow
one a short spade in your inter¬
esting paper I will give you a few
lines from the Point.
We had quite a rain in our com¬
munity last Sunday. I guess the
good farmers have rain enough
to last a while now.
Messers J. D. Grace and L. S.
Witt of Macon spent Sunday with
the family of Elder Isaiah Grant
wonder what is the attraction in
our settlement must be some
voupg ladies. Haven’t any girls
to spare boys.
Ask B S. Grant why lie did not
go to see his girl Sunday P. M.
John Scarbough has quit off going
to see his girl. Wonder why ?
The creek being up so high Sun¬
day prevented Hicks Goodwin
from seeing his best girl.
Ask Miss Mollie Grace what
young man it is that is going to
wear crape on his hat when she
goes home. Don’t [grieve young
man she will probably come again
The school at this place is
flourishing. We have a splendid
teacher and all the scholars are
well pleased with her.
Tell Prof. Kennedy if he don’t
mind he will get. left, up about
Sandy Point.
.Miss Julia Kelsey’s best fellow
came out from Macon to see her
Sunday in spite of the hard rain.
He must mean something.
Miss Ida Grant has the loveliest
tube roses 1 ever saw. especially
when they are in a box on their
way to Macon.
The ninny friends and admirers
of Mollie Grace will regret
verymuchtole. ru that she
leave for her home in Macon in a
few days."
j There must be some attraction
[down this way for Add Harris.
The amount of business trans¬
acted in Ordinarys court Monday
was unusually light.
Mr. F H Wright went to Macon
Monday on business.
Mr. Ray has once more lost his
dam down at the ram. Fate
seems to be against this particular
, T> Bob , Lebueur . o , has . been clown , at ,
the mill recently putting 7. in good
phape , his mill .... dam , which .
broken a short while back.
Miss Lillie Blasingame, ’ 0 f
! v latesviJJe, , ..... is in Knoxville „ tins .
Week visiting among her many
tnends . . . and . relatives. , Miss ... Lube T ....
is one of the very pleasantest and
, best , of .a . ladies , known to , the ,,
writer who trusts her stay will be
one of pleasure for herself. It is
sure that our people are always
glad to welcome her.
Georgia, Crawford County: —
Notice is hereby given that- on the
day of S. J. Rains, late o l
said couuty, departed this life intes"
tate, and no person has applied for
administration on the estate of said
S. J. Rains in said state That ad¬
ministration will be vested in the
Clerk of the Superior Court, or some
other fit and proper person after the
publication of this citation, unless
valid objection is made to this ap¬
Given under my hand and official
signature, this 7th day August,
J. n. Mathews, Ordinary, and Ex
of Clerk.
Georgia, Craw ford County,
To all whom it may coucenj: Isalv
Grant having in proper form applied
to me for permanent letters of ad¬
ministration on the estate of Elias
Wright, late ol said county deceased
this is to cite all and singular tiie
creditors and next of kin of Elias
Wright to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cause if any they can, why
permanent administration should
not be granted to Isah Grant on the
estate of said Elias Wright,
Witness my hand and official sig¬
This 3rd of July 1S93.
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County a
Will be sold before court house
in the town of Knoxville, said coun¬
ty, within the legal hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday in September next,
the following property to wit: Fifty
acres, more or less of laud, same be
ins; the South-East quarter of lot No.
114, the first district of said county.
Levied on as the property of S. A.
Kelly by virtue of an execution
issued from Justice’s court, 521,-t.
Dist. G. M-, said county in favor of
S C. Munk vs W. R, Kelly and S.
A. Kelly
Aug. 3rd 1893.
J. C. Culverhouse, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Crawford County •
Will be sold before the courthouse
door in the town of Knoxville said
county within the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in September
next the following property to v. it:
Lots'No’s 1 and in Block “K
also lots No s l and 2 in Bloc a 1 is
the town of Roberta .-aid tommy snhi
lots fronting 100 l’cet each on fire!
street crj| Public Road Hading
Roberta to Knoxville and nmnim;
back 210 feet tael to 2nd. Street.
Said property s. Id uml : a ml b;. \ it
tue of thirty -six hfa s in favor th¬
fleers of court against Georgia
provemont Company, as tin, propm •
ty of said Ga. Juiinanuiueni, Go.
Tonna * ash.
Aug. 3rd. 1893.
:i:moi si;.
y't i;,
VOL. 2. NO. 53
B. GEORGIA, H. Crawford County : - -
Bay f Crawford Court Superior
vs March Term
J. B. Wilson. } 1893 and Buie Ni Si
to foreclose Mortgage.
It appearing to the court by the
petition of B. H. Bay that Jas. B.
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 18th:,
executed and delivered to B. H. Ray
a mortgage on a house and lot in the
town of Roberta Crawford County
Georgia, containing two and one
half (2 1-2; acres ambsituated on the
west side of the A. & F. R. R. and on
the south side of the public road
leading from depot of A. & F. R. R in
said town of Roberta, to old Agency
also on one vacant lot No. 3, in Block
8, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet
and extending back east same width
as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Aliev.
Also lots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated
in the N.E. corner of Crussel street
and Duggar Avenue and fronting to
gether 200 feet on east side of Dug
g&rd street and extending back-same
as I? tl1 ? n C lt of wa 5 T °
the A. & I. R. It. , being 103 feet on the
north line and 153 feet on the south
lin e on 9 rus ® el street for tbe purpose
of securing the payment of five cer
said ta ! 5 ! h^^smy J. B. Wilson notes to B. nuule H. Ray by the
to save the said B. H. Itay harmless
endorsement on note
due C. C. Elliott, amounting* to the
sum of twelve hundred and
(#1259.1besides ^P^ ars , uild eight . s, : v 4 eu (8) 0 te % , eu interest . p ellts
and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes
tlie sa *d Jas B. A\ ilson refused to
pay :—
It is therefore ordered that the'said
J. B. before Wilson the pay first into day this court,' O.i
or of the next
terra thereof jhe principal interest
and atty’s fees due on said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And it is
ordered that this rule be published in
the Crawford County Correspon¬
dent, a newspaper published In the
Co. of Crawford, once a month for
four (4) months previous to the next
term of this court.
C. L. Bartlett, J. S. C.
R. V. Hardeman & Sox, Firs Atty’s
Cleric's Office, Crawford Sr
periok Court.— I, J. W. Jack, Clerk
of said court, do certify that the
above and forgoing rule is a true copy
from the minutes ol said court. Wit¬
ness my official signature gwith seal
or court attached. Tills Mifirwii -27/
1893 . . -
J. W. Jack, Clerk S. C.
and Physicians endorss P. p. P. rb a tpiendid oombin ofDl
forms preicribe and It with great satisfaction for tha cure 3 oi c
etasrss of Primary, Secondary tnd Teriiar
i Si
.Uiceraj|hatJrave resisted all treatment, Catarrh,
Kit! ^UisMSM^KciEemaJ^hron.c" 'coSpiaiatsl'hlor.'
mmeL. fuREsr-ima 1 -A
Ladies wiioie systems ire poisoned end whose blood (a ia
an Impure condition,dueto Irregu larities, ar e
9 id
ptcuiiuriy benefited by the wonderful tonic and I, mod
cleansing properties of P. P. P*» Prickly Ash, .Poke Soo«
and Potassium.
i SfilP
! pplsi E§9
Ihi V £ v$| > , y;
§[ff§,i ||g - if
L a F r 2S a IT IT i V 1 » J S* W- V l C
iiaiA or. Dlood L!
A.:““ : '* I R’b- Wi n.g-mHthhio cud- i-j
( Wflr’d.'.s.Gi U’.! t aRachnieui .
{£■*■■* £ , me *} •']»,^7 % W' Vf'.ii Jsa co«Oy eoncl i #*t»t J \altinble (.cipleli uit
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