Newspaper Page Text
£• > 1111 » %) 11 a l il.
■ Olio**.
CItIFKIX. HA.. OCT. 1«. !»«•.
Urrat Injustice i* done Hum.
Since the Confederate emigrant.* that
went to Mexico, have been couipclUul to
leave mtnr of them, at least—«e notice a
(HfjMimtion among sonic of the IVeas in this
country to speak very snecringly and dis.
paragingly of the whole scheme of Mexican
colonisation altading to it as if it wcie a
mere speculation on the part of the getters
up thireof, to enrich themselves, anil that at
tie expense of the victims they may induce
or persuade to emigrate thither. NN e cannot
but think that this is a very ungenerous,
yea, a very unjust view of the "hole matter.
The great majority of the men prominent in
that emigration movement were of the tru
est and mr*t faithful of those that e*pou«ed
the Confederate cause, and fought for it.
Talk to u« aboot those whole-souled and
true-hearted frieods of the South —Govern-
or* Harris and Alien, Generals Price and
Magruder, Lieutenant Maury, and others ot
the same sort—who adhered to their mnking
cmintry, and deserted it not in its very go
ing-duwn ; talk to ns. wc say, in this wise,
and our fcarlcs* reply is, that he that makes
the disingenuous charge, nine times ir» ten,-
knows well he is uttering what is palpably
not so.
When General Price and Governor Jlar.
r.s, —fortunate enough to get onrt of the
country without being furcnl to pcrjuic
themselves like those of us that remained, —
sought refuge in the empire of MaximiHian i
they religiousiv believed, and had fi.-sl-ratc
reasons to believe, that that Government
he able to maintain itself. Indeed, it
is not yet foregone history that the 1 raneo-
Austrian Umpire of Mexico is a failure, or
any ways near a failure. Take the worst view
of the matter, and have it that Maximillun
i- a humbug, and lis empire a disastrous
failure, why not indulge but the poor charity
nnd say these tolonists were or might have
been mistaken about the whole matter '(
Away with such poor silly sophistry as
this—this sophistry, or, rather, this absurd
ity, that because any thing fails, no matter
by what agency, foul or unfoul, it is there
fore proof positive that either t lie e.ausc was
unsound, or the men enlisted in it, were un
sound. This tom-foolery would not only
-condemn our glorious, immortalized lost
cause” but stigmatize every man identified
with it, as a heartless villuin or unmitigated
No; —not a word of it do wc believe.—
nn aggregate, than tl.uae wc have mentioned
übovc, ax connected with the Mexican emi
gration Behenie ; and further, they are as
far above tlioso who throw out slanderous
charges or iuuendot-H against them, as the
empirean-cleaving cag’e is to the t'linnl and
-oontemptiblc tom-tit that perches on your
pump-handle, or chatters from the
top of your gate post.
And after all lha slanj that is poured
forth about persons t>eirig “</«;>.-</” into go
ing to Mexico, —about the “falsepromises,”
nnd “flaming communications” and "exag
gerated pictures,” Ac, kc. t it. is not so cer
tain that these to rallul dupes and victims,
ullwed to Mexico by Price, Maury, Har
ris & Cos., are not just shout as well off as wo
are—ice the dctrital remains of what was
once the proud, peerless hero-band of Pixie.
“Hktti h late than never.”—Tin-At
lanta Era, with an energy worthy of a better
eause, and a spuuk worthy of a better arena,
i» interrogatively exercising itself o*i the
subject of ratifying, at tlii* late day, the pro
ueedings of the Philadelphia Convention.—
Political terrier—we mean no disrespect
struck never a colder trail titan that rat(ifi
cation) I.tint our friend of the Gate City has
seared up. Wc arc looking out every year
when lie will overtako the game.
Hr A certain Miss V r sn Lew, from
Richmond, has written a History of the Re
bellion, which will ioou be published in
Roaton. The ltidimoad Ti ?nea Ba\s tl i*
{oung damsel has written in the most fiery
Udical spirit, and abuses the President and
prominent officers of the Oonfedciacy in a
manner woithy of M as ISwisslielm's pen.
NN e already havo the words “ Sherman
i-ed” and “ Butleriztd ” and “ Brownlow
ixed" and know the meaning they connote.
Radical Miss Lew ifotn Richmond is fast es
saying to introduce the appropriate word
Rev. Dr. llowell of Nashville.—
This distinguished Divine, who, a short while
back, spent some time in our midst, being
the guest of his son-in-law Reverend D. NN" ill
Gwin, we learn from the Nashville papers,
has returned so that city, where he resutnt*
his pastoral duties.
A few days since a gentleman called upon
Borne lady friends, and was shown into the
parlor by a servant girl. She asked him
what name she should announce, and he,
wishing to take them by surprise, replied.
“ Amiens” (a friend). The girl seemed at
first n little pui/led, butrjuick|y regained her
composure, and, in tho blandest manner jar
siblc, observed, “What kind of a rust did,
you say, sir
■—l he mineral springs at Gettysburg are
«]uite a sensation in Pennsylvania, and prom
s' 0 to become ere long otyccta of national
interest. Tbe s:ck, the latne, the halt, and
blind are thronging to these springs or cur
rying away the waters to ildf »rOnt y \ r * ft} I
the country.
Telegraphic News.
> ■■■■— '■ ■ ■■
I*Wll.\l»H.l , iifA, Oct. 7. —’I he mob spirit
prevails here, and tba political excitement
was higher than tor yeats on h riday uight j
laal. 'I hrse Itemoerat ht-a-hj J.itt*-r» I «vi
been putt* and by the KcpuUican ;
Last night there were riotoua proccedim.'* iu
different pans of the city, and several p i
sons were shot.
Washington, < M. 7 —Sscr.-tar- toward
is much Improved to day.
The President has l-aucd a proclat. a Hi |
rreommending that Thursday November
be-ol»crvr.l throughout the coumry ma .i.y
ot thanksgiving and praise to Almignty G >t.
who has been pleasid lo r mebsjfc to as a- a
peop e another year of national life, w inch is
an indispensable Condition oi peace, security
and pMgreia. Tnnt the y.r has. moreover,
licen crowned with many peeua.r blessing-,
the cruel war that so recently closed among
us has not anywhere reopened, foreign
intervention has cea* and to excite a ami or
apprehension i intrusive pestilence has been
benignly mitigated; loinestt. ir.iiq’iilut
has improved ; sentiments >-t e meil.a IjU
have larg-ily prevailed, sn-J sffe -ti"iis of h )
ally ind patriotism have been widely ren- w
ed; our field have yielded quite abundantly ,
our mining indust y has be-n richly reward
ed, and wc have been allowed to extend our
railway system far into the interior
of the country, wh Is ouf commerce ha. re
sumed its ust u.arv activity in for.igu seas
The gre.t nation si blessing demands a nation
al acknowledgement, lie recommends also
that on the solemn occasion the pe--p e do
humbly and devoutly implore God to grant to
our na-tinusl councli*, and to our wh-ile peo
ple, that divine wisdom which alone can
[lead any nation into the way- of all g 01.
A dispatch from the capital of < Tegoi
says: “ 1 o day the Oregon Legisl ture vn
(ualiy expunge J its former passage otil.*
on-titut:o.ia! amendment, by » -oto - * to
r,.1. Kelly and Car'- Met 'lafferlv on Sat
nr lav presented a resolution of a ir.'aeti* g ot
late I*. S. aoldien of New Nork. which de
clares that the highest dignity of this conn
irv had been compromised bv the actions of
Mini-lcr Adatn«. and several c msnls. in re
porting the f’er.ian rtiovenietits. ’1 lie Piesi.
dent referred him to Mr. Sowur.l. when one
of the delegates said he hail no <-r>tif : d< nre
in that genllemnn. and it was useless to s«e
him. The interview uttr mutually unsatis
Xkw VoRK, Get. 7—ft is stated that
John Mitchell write! from Paris deelin : tig
to have any further connection with James
Stephens in his Fenian movement. It is
said that Stephens has chartered a large ves
sel Safely for operations of a trans- Atlantic
Nnv York, () -t. Gold, 485. Cotton
dull H7b» do.
M..11H K Oct. H Cotton s-les to day six
hundred bales. Middlig* Moderate
Pinvf’Kiov. N J , O f S —Comm > !orc
Stockton died lii-t night
TmvsTK. Oct. S —Tin* insurgent move
ment among tbo (’returns is spreading rap
idly. The' cabinet of the Port talk of ceas
ing relations with the Queen altnge'her.
])kri.l!«, Oct 8 —The order taking pos
, « of llano
ver was promulgated ig. .» . ,
yesterday. "I he loyalty of the people is in
all cases demanded.
Jupf'* We have hitherto omitted to notice
anew daily started at Gridin Ihe lhiily
Herald. Wc will Mate that it Is a very neat
paper (amt we profess to he a judge), ot fail
dimensions, nd promises to prove a paying
institution. We arc under obligations Ini
an exchange.— Furl 1 nth-g lin/./y T. ■/'/'/•
UK V I Kit IN'
w H J fi v. - y -
Hats and Caps,
ISoots & Shoe*
(:ROCK KRY, <.LA s< W A KK,
ana every variety of
West side llill Street. <D illiu, Ga.
I* now receiving one of the largest and
best selected Stocks of Good.* ever broughi
to this market, which will N.c sold o:. very
Relieving that he can satisfy ptirehasers
as to quality ami price, he cordially iuvik-)
to enitl, axd inspect his Goods. After .V< >ing
so, he issatk-tied that they will not be -li
p.*sod lo try either the Atlanta nr Nfaeoi
are especially r« quested to examine h** m*ir
iiificent xssortmeni ol (TA'AK>, B|} ,\ \\ l.>
SONTAGS, NUBIA-!, and DlihSfG* )"1»8
consisting in part of Rich Rlack and
Heps, Silk and Worsted Poplins, So i l and
Ptin'ed A'll-NVoll and Pacific 4>ei.aiiies
Merinos, Alpai-ttA, Empress C'l-tLx, etc., etc.
A beauiif’ul assortment of
among which will be found the Rea! Cluiy
and Yalenvienn -s, Dress Trimmings, in
Fndless Variety, and a I'UOUSAND other
tilings usually kept in a TV' f'l'iss Dry
• roods Store.
i n ] ?it
cran i» oi»a\ im;
Gridin of Fa-lii»nv
<>N M XI*AV AM* TI E-'DAT, «*CTuU-lt |
l VIII. 1866.
»x* iien i /
I 1
- .-nt .*f I INI. BoNNKIS. II *- i" j
CXI S i:Uilt*»N> H.n -V FUS-HAWI.-.i I.UAK-,
with .very article, urualy ln-pt in a Hr-t • ia* 'I.
littery Store. iVt I •>
Plantation for !“ale.
*i' . i •
R. doit I plantation
!t hh g.«.d tarn* f..v Cl>lll ■ N ANI* .-I*' l o-
IMA-dVr. Laving it Ist g- Cun. US
\\ \ 11.!till*. bat ig • I-ar iun i* .• wat.i in n
lie. i ■ • taming six Irandi • I tci. - -i
! the t.ii wi.i i.h\ii;i:i:i.i» ivi g five = •-
A r** of ir-tf- on lb*j« rrerk —if tb- afiove lie t
i« not rot.l by tli* gotli .N. v . it will be ~ul up
ai,.l mb! a• tile t.tglo-l, t.-g.-‘l e wi-ii
11.,i0., Alii- ti c«-w-. lt*.g«. -g-ijiu,
ijiu, Ac Sold on the prrmi*ea.
james u rniiiAr.'.y.
*1 to- fellow leg named leadieg t-'i-n-*- 1 - -f
A-nrti-ta.* igia. -I-s.i- to e ,il tl.. | .'..r ;.-
fern.on'of lio- iiii-n luo *« in.-I ira.bis.t
I, -- .i to lli.-ir large nnd a.-II .1 w;... b.
Tl,.- lll.liltemeiita lit-ld out to buyers me uuaui
j.n--e.l in »sv Suitliern market.
ivril I- ppufipoV and <-.ii'efi!lly ntt. :. l.- l
* to, Ilui-> -living tin- .-up- il-.- of time an I liav. I.
Kw-rv lii in nniiie.l In low is perl*- •’ y i -i-
Me, and s»f-. anil r. i’i with i-sulidvlu their
o!d cintotuers:
l).y Goods
a Mammoth sto.-k on linml and foi sale by
II V. ItI'SSKI.!. .t CO.
11. V. Itussell, Wilberfoi-ce !*anie!, -I. I. ifn-sel,
onowi) .t mi '.rrr.r.r::,
Wliolesn'.e (irocels, Ito-ad Mm-t.
bioctries, Notions &r.,
- (ii-< - ■-:■• --. Noth'll*. Ae ,at wli.d.-sale.
- fliot-s, fioots, Ar ,
coni.ev, join-; .t co.,
'.Vlml-safe Healers, broad .-live. '
SHoi**, Hoots
.1, N. CDiIKN.
I Wholesale and It -t id Healer. Hr..a.l Street. e, fiillery Ac.,
I Oiler splendid liiilueeiiients. _
Sait tilery, !*ari*vss ami < arria-ge
.Matt i iuls,
811 EIt.MAN. .ir.'Sl P A CO.,
W-hylegaV nnd lielnil d-al. -.
Haggles, Gtii-riasos, A.<-,,
I i\ U->l. -no atm 4VJlJti'|N'.'■tlieW.'’'
frui Iteiy, Class.-') are Ac
,- ■ Tib i'l I i.lts. T.loM AS. A- s!loi;ll. ;
t Have on bund -i larg.- ami -pi.a.di 1 s ■U,
r <Totliirg anil l-'iiiiii-tiiiig Hoods,
.1 s| Ml |\ ,1 |;i;i I
* Jtii 1 Isoiid .'.tre.-t, tiller a .-j 1.-iniid assortinvnt.
I>i ligs, Meilit . ties, A.C-,
T A. DEM 1..
Wholesale and Detail Hnnrgist. Ilroad Stre.-t,
I ifLin ta Hotel,
First I'lu-s i'ii.l splemlid aivoinin.idaii »
< »)J bi \"lFi'F* *’.\! I i'll—from 1-J t. -J :t* .
) -HD " figured I>.- Fan - -
I j.i.-c -,.l „11 Won!
I.* | iia-vs Sal >1 >,
:;o pi.-i-ra F..-11.-1, I’c|-'i,H ;
I -go pi.-ees Fn ti. li M. .;• ••-
F. in. Al|.no. ii-;
cn.-c- iM n-,.1 Ham
7 |.|.v. - blll.-k Mi l u nite P.-plill ;
pllfei-l. 411 *■ .1 F-Ull.J 4 '1t.4.111, ll 4'tll 1 • t-. t, ."lets
Sll |'il Ccs of r-111. 1 Cult. .] ;
l 1.7 |1..F.i.5.-ys :
In I'lt-i-e- 4-nt.ti ti Flaaitel ;
g.*> pi -res (:as-inel and .1.-uiis ,
la piece- all w e..|Fi • neli ( u-stin. r
, |'ii e s Jn.anicUcs at. J Ma-iius ;
go -j'ieees Finen :
Jgo I'l-’-'es Black Cl.ell and Doe-kit, ;
100 Ladies* Mill Me-s* - l,a\v!- ;
luo la’i-'t style rlnak
-1 a" |>aii F. nnkels
( ease. *hi>4* and i* .ats :
1.7 1 >"/. -ii I '.aln...i al Skill-.
15 dozen Wmd. Flo. iniii l-'lu.-’i Hats;
l.'r pieces Fitncy nnd Binek mF, _
So dozen Ulll-p.-kt: t.-.
AH kitois of i h-aka-. 1 Oress Tritninings ;
I I All kitiilt* of y'.illi .. l.ineii, and M;k Fa. .- ,
I ndies’ Collars ntid CtifTs,
! Nubias. Hoods. S..ntag.s, ami
’ Brenkfast-SliawF ; TuW-elii g.
. T.t 1 7.- Cloths ; Linen and Cotton
1 i.-iuin-ks; Linen Hotted Seoteh Iliape".
I fact a full supply of everything, 1 will
D’or Gcnta.
, A large assoitim cl of Busco ss *iiits. Kla. k
I )|'|-kin au J l oitli Fat.t.s, and Coats and V, -.
« in* ge supply 4>l 4 Hei-oats, Black and Fig:..
Silk \ 4-1 vvt \ 4-s!-; a 1.4! go supply us Fm . ’tunc
, GuUki
A!'" r<v“ivp)|, V?*'!in m I i’ »r j »< T t .:!,v; ines.
’ l i uitar ai.'l \'iuitn >IK KN < *>, 1m! j>i. . >ci **nn >.
. Koai . tic.
■ _lfyou Want any of
' ia! lat
\. ir. slmox’s
h. Us-s HU M / qr-y//.a> '
. , riy ami I l.i *1 t ••»!. ,;a
--- 1 •
I .
. h t ‘ .i. --I a.- : *‘*=*
1* ° . - ' 1. •
ii•• *i ’• - : * •.: * ‘V
I1 - * ■" ' 1
JIUvING&( 0.
<:i ! I.:DAY’S 5.:'!! l'-N* )
fJ'H/'f'f.Y. - <:i'A)R JA.
r * w. ’ ,i •. • din ti- J .- i. ;
*■ . ,; -
\ j ... v:-;; v: »
YAimUy Groceries ?
PLAN • '■ ' ION IIAI ' '■ MU’,
■ -a l *' \- :■ • .
bli.'dS AM) HATS
rr ATVTI 1 v, *F H. TV" 7* 1*
(u \p ly' J j F *. ry y ‘ IJ Jt?
wld b
I f..l- iti-1. -t.
.* ■■
JOHN H, WHiiE&Ea,.
p irrr UN their g--* • . * -
I I Ol '.I. lii I 1 I’A i id IN A'.’i
F\teil«|p*l to them i'.r tin- ‘it fi t -n rears,
mid it is w iti; r. gi e l c ' . 'em .- 1 . r i:,
.•Mid tlo-'r old fr t0..1s an I , u-toiin-ifor al .
1.111 l ied field ol 111 .ms ..
Tl.c-y ar.-now ci ii g u
WLitct?.ll Street,
I Atlanta, - Goo £la,
rhe i-- !;.
STAI’J.K AND .’ AN' i; i . . . S,
< 'lotl'ing. 11-,-s -|| ! < ;-. |’. - M!..; SI ~ .
that they ev. r! i. ngl.t S It.
fi lends when t ii- -. v - t At Mil i. - o-v
them tlir .ugh t; ir s'-u k, us t’ .-v n ; -
I’p and I v-y e 111 • A j. an i ;.s g
(ioofis, as an J4l iso ft e Vt. t .
.1 h \\ i:.
sv23 i.. W. Willi ii.
I ( * KNTI F.MF.N* . -a- : j. iv ti.-ir
\ * Tiek. • and tl .11. ihi- ■! Cl- ■ I
vs ii is imposs-t-i.- < . g.u .1 ■ i ne I- . s, ~i ; ;i
your finim-s and •' r -b ii'il 1 e - •! u- 1 .*
i* nnv int" 'a .i ;i - ■<>
«• -A g Is.. I. f ’ : ICFAVCY
’’Wilbur F. Jobnsan,'’
y OF O'Jliil!OJA.)
iljronhs, t\- (To.
T’. A rJf of T
.»)) I arotstlt I < 1 sti-erf, N. \v (Irli-nn •
Take Notice!
1' a-.i in*'--' •!.• 1 ■i-P.-. •i .1 1 u
.1. 111.- .'e. I- ... -.1 i ii- ! N \fed - ~|
Kail 1 -- -01. t' i. • -.Mil of Tun! ii* n- J ( i
ties. ‘ ’ III,Mv !--s li-.iil I and " ■ v. id !• .\
tell.) .| lo t-i -liAu: •. io 111 tit. IVI n-.dier miCi.
at the ' - mp.i -A- ' .- :•
Parti- sfa :' . ' ■ !, v, ! ! >
.1. t - M \K>
-' : .g :sn|iv ■ i
W - -tre : re| v - . t . nr*'*.; Me I .1
C 1 ix. nSi \ tudtt
w. wi. It! »
S* !! rttHtin ?<•; I*i'i '•!/;<. in !fi .* f. ir’io iln ml ii:ti id ./. ■ , r
J •' ' ! pay C! .-,4
N.tes, f’m .<*• As. ! ; o*!.er s- < 1.-.-t ,
Hi fliu m.d viciii’tv, mi u -d.ti l , ' *—• k '* •n 1 v -r t !. -p - ~j
V. F-r ’»-7-on N w Y*- kin * *-u';t. (-. Jl-lm) A. M. ,\ J
f „|| *;,i;,y'N Hi i 1 L- V r. :lv ■:I s’ the 1; .-k Ware!
i 1 lllj DlllllS JdII JiulJllil\E^r
J\.t Kccluccd PrAccr.i,
I AUK Sl 1.1.1Nt; 01 i FAST VT
•V -TV T? AV . T"5 V -£? £>/ I
is. li, liiiXkXClbOL WO.
[] s i >l!> Vj <» F 111 L!- -i i: L T •’ .• I'•* t •
Griffin, Georgia,
II \S ON' HAN'* A *.■“'!) AS- M l"', i. \!> !!!'.' .A- Ii- W KAlvi Si’! , ijvj
OF ALL Ai.i'iM.Ks 1 HIM .viNIN ;in Mi , IKINH ANii
11 i. * * ‘ :N K
t X. Ai-o. ... S-e of FAN* Y A N!» ] ; ;.*; A I !'- V> A.. i
oi.y; Lumps, iVt*., C oi.itig 1-V r;-. i •<*..-• >, * ■
I ,
I Pi: IX''- 5F
In i Mi>. ’ • - ■' - - • ■
•*5/ T c • TV t P P. n. ; 'r- r..
v¥ -h *. - ii.i ir c- ova -v kj . ,
V' A * -
* i l.:
( ... / j ..
► is 11 -
j Wp ' ■ ’ •- V v; v- -
j n., r '<*-n‘or !Signer I -v! j:; / y ;*
j-oi;!-, \\' *ii jlv **" . 11 1 * * 111 si ])»-i. -r In v
■: a f "\: O v • ,
j jtiT
’I W*) Go. id 1 .. V MAKKUs.
1.., 11. B!IEWli““™
■ Am.
.i KN Hi; \!. ft >\l!,-S|CiN ;: -
>r ■ ii! m ill' libd-a! CASH tidv.n.. ■ : < ..t*o
New Yoik Exchange For Sale
• to oi Aliuali i. ....
l \ ib |’tt'i'HiT 1 t » r-f-iNo
! t-'W PAY i•' : . J latld r it'.J . .
*> . «
<i ' ...
! - : . !. . - ■ .:M
%- r '
’ l Ai LSMA? ' ' -
2!Li'S. S. A. Jackson,
Tc \- ' t .A.--' ■} -• f F.-'N
l I NETS at. 1: 1 U*< of tl.c w v I test style*
■iy'A :: rfi SAJ r> : J?* r-.C;. 1
• \\ ’* ' • • ; j )•: lull i t’S ii V&r?V m
■ ;;,vit ’. ' lie ; pt-q.iu {to fanfftß
WJ! o i »•; AI, !-: •
-eitu Ml 1.1.1 ?\ 1.! A . upon r.s one In 1 nils ■-d
’ | they .-.-ii.l..- pui. .:* *• -.1 iii Al'ai .noi Ma.mi.
Ml- the old stand of
. : u .
it. o i, i O WkN f*
1 i! \I . m:: :/ ~lu .- , ..vtioti .T *he Oit>
!, . •> -i A, , „i; out ben-'»
, i e-;-. .Mi. Handi• -.1 ac-i*-s "*
' *J B. BEIP*
' i 1 5' ■ --f
Si in ;• i 1 4- --Ann It- xvissg '* irlitiie'
,t' r«iv •i■ >TV re <i • ■ .run - .
a I ; Fe.
•1 A;-. .1 'Vi<n>d, A’iii.-t
FMFIFF: M < <_)-..