Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 24, 1866, Image 3
\E jjc Souther* Jjtralb. i.riAn, flwnto, Oct *4, IMW. 'a air FIN FRICKS OIIimKNT r,iP,RfCTf.D DAII.T BY O. 8. RtItHERICU Cotton 29(3,30 net -the buyer pacing t.,« 3 cents tax. Bagging, 40(3) M) ; Hope, 20(0}25 ; Corn, yellow, 1.45; White, 1.50; Meal, 150 ; Bacon, cletr sides, 21; rib ) ed, 22(3)23; Hams, sugar cured, 30; Country Hams, 24(3)25 ; Lard, 24 ; Butler —Market well supplied ; dull at 25; Kgga. scarce, quoted at 20; Chickens, 20(3)25; Dried 1 ‘eaihes, rough, 3 00(3)3.50 ; peeled, 5 00(3,0 )jj) bu. Fodder, 1 00(3)1.25; Rye, 2.00 ; Harley, 2.50 ; Oats, 80(oj 1.00 ; Flour, good Coun try, Jb. When the L. M. Association was organized, two days in the year were set apart for a general turn-out of our cit z -ns to decorate the graves of our nol le dca<! The 10th of May, the clay on which otir great hero Stonewall Jackson fell, is the first day. The second is the 26th of Octo ber, which is next Friday. We hope to have a large number ollt. Ladles who have not taken lots, can Bbow their respect to our cause by bringing their baskets ol flowers, and assist ns ,n decorating the graves of those who ate dear to every Southerner. On that day 4 o’clock P. M., we will have an appropriate address at the soldiers’ cemetery by Kev Mr. Gwin, pastor of the First Bap list Church. Fix. Com. Zd£T° The services of the Second Baptist Church will from this time on be held at the Brick Chute!* in West Griffin, known as the Christian (of CatSpbellite) Church on the FIRST and TtilitD Sundays in each month. Conference ort Sitt'.rday before the first Sunday in each month. Kev L. T. Poyal has been chosen Pastor df this church. We want oUr friends to ba sure to read the correspondence of the df<7/o*>ori. tan Rrcord, signed “Corn Meal and l’ickles.” It is not a caricature by any means; there are several living right here in Griffin vrl c wire of the unfortunate number treated hs tl ereiu described, and they assure us it is not only true as far as it goes, but that the half had not been told. Practical Phrk.noi.ouy.— Professor I. N Davis, of Niwnan, Georgia, the Blind Phreno ogist, i.s now in our City, on a proses. sional tour. Ihe Professor is well Itnown throughout this pot lion of Georgia, as wi ll personally as by reputation, and reaches us well endorsed as a gentleman,and as etniuent ly skilled in hi* specialty of deciphering hu man character by the Phrenological de velopements. lie will either call on tjitiibns or they can call on him at the Georgia Huts! fits’* In. a recent B.i ston speech, Mr. Bout well said the President had disgraced the country, but lie would not he impeached far it, and added ; I want to sav one thing, arid sn dec 1 v ar, 1 impressed with the convict on that no man ean ever hereafter bet: listed in the office n! Prtsidcnt or Vice President who has bought or sold human flesh, that I con jure yi u nd m\ fellow <dtiz in forev. r alter to make it a rule of your public policy that no such man be clothed with the lughe-t office in the gdt of the ppnple. [ddreat ap plause, and cries of-‘good.”] I he A bany Evening Journal thinks that the great results in the North w iil warn the Foull) to throw aside her pretensions. No, says Prentice, like the traveler in the fable, the more fiercely the storm beats upon her, the mors closely will she hug around her the thick mantle of her eonslis tuti;nal rights. I he Oil Hubble. —The oil bubble hug been -pricked and fairly exploded. Culver, Penn & Cos, it seems, were really all there was to base the oil speculation upon, and with the failure ol that concern thousands of ‘dreamers were awakened to a realizing sense ■ot their condition, and learned for tLe first time in their lives he lessou that each gen eration must actually experience. Near for ty years ago New England went cr. zy over the Southern gold mines, anil hundreds of thousand of dollars, Northern capital, were tarried there and expended without one six pence ever being returned. Then fol lowed the silt worm fever, then the Western Sand speculation, then wildcat banking, etc. H g and little babbles have been blown to ■dazzle the foolish public, and like njoiba around a light, no caution will avail; each generation must burn iis own fingers before the lesson can be Ic.rnecL The «il business has 1U per cent, reality to 90 per cent, froth, and millions of money have been lost by the foolish ones in haste to be rich, and pocket «and by the old farmers, whose lands rose to ten times their true value.— Xete York Daw took. f)ISTRIBUTIONs. We would call atten tion to the opinion of one of the hading pa pers of Canada on this subject : Most of our readers have no doubt read some of the numerous advertisements of Gift Enterprises, Gift Concerts, &c , which ap pear irotn time to time in the public prints, offerihg most tempting bargains to those who will patronize them. In most cases these are genuine humbugs. But there are a few respeetable firms who do business in this manner, and they do it as a means of in creasing their wholesale business, and not to make money. From -uch firms, it is true, bandsomo and valuable articles are pro cured for a very small sum, and wlial is more important, no one’s ever chea ed. Every person gels good value lor Ids dollar; be cause, as we have stated, it is intended to »ct as an advertisement to increase their ordinary business. We have seen numbers of prizes sent out U. this way by Sherman, Watson & Cos. of Nassau Street, N. Y„ and there is no doubt that some of the articles are woTtb eight or ten times the money paid for them while we have not seen or beard of a single article which was not fully worth the dofhr which it cost. But this is onlv one of the exceptions of this rule, for as a general thing tuo pa rses engag-ed in this ta.dne-s arc no' *mcg but clever swindlers.— So'or (for Rea “*v, m.reat, c. E , Jan- 13, 195 J / Oo- --CtutW A New and Grand Epoch in Medi cine ! Da. M.GORiMth, foamier of * new Medical f | T w whene rut talemal d«. most give precedes re to the man wkc restores health and appetite, v ith from >ne to two of hie extaordinary Pill*. and cures the moat virulent •ores with a hoe or ao of his wooderfllt and all healing Salve. Theae two great •] .eifirs of the Doctor are taut aunetseding all .the alsrautvpcd nostril ins of the day. Extraordinary cures by Maggiel's Pills and Salve have opened the eyes of the public t<- the inetfieieney of the (so cal ed) remedies of olhera. and upcfl which people have so long blindly depended Msfgiel's Pills are not of the elaas that are swallowed by the dozen. 1 and of w hich every box full taken creates an ah solute necessity for another. One or two of Msg giel’s I’ilU suffices to plaea the bowels in perfect order, tone the slomseh, create an appetite, and render the spirits light and buoyant! There is no griping, and no reaeti' n in the lorni of consti pation. T f the liver is affected, its functions are! restored ; and if the nervous system is feeble it is invigorated. Thu last quality makes the medi cines very desirable for the wants of delicate f». , mules Ulcerous and eruptive diseases ara file.-| ally extinguished by the disenfeclant power o ( i Maggiel’s Salve. In fact, it ii her- announced that ' MaOCixL's BilloL's. Dvarartic: am, I* 1 vaimoit* Ptnu cure where all others fail. While for Burns, j Scalds, Chilblains, t’uts and all abrasions of the •kin M.ibdtt!’* Salvk is infallible. Felj by .1 .Ia dbtKL. 11 f in* Street, New Aork, ami all Drug gists, at 25 cents per box. [sep4— ly W. J. PARISH, dealer in zamwki mmmmsfz: Os Ereiy I>cSCi iption, Including the choicest I>Rl F.D FISH, and pried MEATS, of every kind. BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. PINE APPLE CHEESE. OVsTEUB SWEET MEATS. anj other Canned Meats, Coffee, Chocolate, <to. ALSO, Wholesale and Retail dialer in Cons ectionaries!! Comprising Faney and Stick Cindies, Sauces. j Nuts, and in fact everything to be found in a Complete Fst\blishhkst*of the kind. Country Dealers, in particular, will find it to their iutuest to gi.e me a trial. W J. parish. Went side Hill Stieet, Giitfiu, (ia. octlO—3m Something New UNDER THE STTIST A NEW FRA IN’ MEDICINE! I*et tLe suffering aud diseased read the following. VtT I all v.-hb lmVe been given up by Doctor, and spoken of Rr» incurable, read the following. Vf9~ all wim Cilh believe facts aud can ba\e faith in etidei ce, read the following. Office, for the present, at my residence, on corner of Hioadway a*id 13th bireetr opposite Mftvehal l^llnge. July 19, hm A voir all m*n I,'j these presents. That on this, the I iv-fnti®'h day of June, in the year of our l."id One Thousand Light Hundred and bixty «ix. personally came J* s» j>h Haydock *o me. known as such arid being «ia*ly swoni, d«‘|-o t and «s inlliJU z 1 hut he is tlie Mjle general ajflit Idr tl l ‘ l nit "and States, and d* pi ndt ncics thereof, for pieparnlionfe or medu-im*f» known an M s Fill* and \i.vt, and that the following tei ini ctU.efc me verbal in copies to the beat of hut kuowl edge dud belief. , JAMES SMtITPE, [L si Notary Public, Wall Street New York. iuwc i, 18 h?. Dh M AtHHia.. --I tukc my pen to write you of m\ great lelitf, an ! that the awful pain in mv side has left me at Inst.— thdtiks to your medicine. Oh. doctor, how thankful 1 ail! that I can get some sleep.—l can nev*r write it enough. I thank Von again and again, tltid am sure that you ure really the friend of ull stiffeners. I could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amiss. JAMES MYEUS, IJC Avenue D. Tliis is to ceitify tliat 1 was discharged iVnin the army with Chronic Dinn-huca, aud have been cured by l)r. Mnggicl’s I’ills. WILSON HARVEY, N. April V, 1860 l’itt street. The following is an interesting case of a man employed in an iron Foundry, who, iu pouring melted iron into a flask that was damp aud wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and ou him iu a perfect shower, and he was burnt dreadfully. The following certificati was given to me by him about eight weeks after the acetdent. New York, Jan. 11, 1866. My name is Jacob Hardy; 1 am au Iron Foun der; I was badly burnt by hot iron in November last; my burns healed, but 1 had u running sore on my leg that would not heal; 1 tried Maggiel’s ■Salve, and it cured mein a few weeks. Ibis is all true and any body can now see ate at Jackson’s Jr.yu Works, ’Jud Avenue. J. HARDY, 119 Goerriek street. Extracts from Various Letters. "1 bad no appetite ; Maggiel's Pills gave me a hearty one,” "Your Pills are marvelous," ‘‘l send for another box, and keep them in the house." "Hr. Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic." "1 give half of one of your pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” “uy nausea of a morning is now cured.” "Vo r box of Maggiel's Salve cured me of! noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Salve belli nd my ears and the uoise left.” "Send me two boxes 1 want one for a poor family.” "1 enclose a dollar; your price is 25 eents, but the inedici' e to me is worth a dollar.” “Send me five boxes of your pills.” "Let me have three boxe* of your Salve by re turn mail.” I HAVE OVER 300 BUCH TESTIMONIALS as this, but want of space compels me to conclude J uAGOIEL, M. D. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE! Notice —None genuine without tbe engraved trode mark around each pot or box. siirnrd by Dr. J. Maggie). It Pine street, New Yoik, to counterfeit which ri felunv. Sold by all rcsp«ctaUe dea'er* in Medicines in tbe United States aud Canada—at 25 cent* per l *ox or pot,' sep-l-lyr For sale in Griffin by J. N’. Harris & Cos. Notice. GENTLEMEN roust come op and pay their Ticker* and from this date ask P-r no tax-# as it ia impossible to get them mad e. t-end m your caYncc aud oar £*ods will b* (old ** low a* at «»y lot. risr town ie »' « country. 'it? m«-,f v. e dreary A. W. JONES, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY oivf mm | M KS T AN I) BOYS’ Cl ATI IIIXG. Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes CROCK FRY, < • LASSW A UK, ariJ every v.irieiy of EANGY GOODS, NOTIONS &C. West aide 11ilI'Streef. ti. jflin, Ga. I, now receiving one of the Unrest anil best selected Stocks of Goods ever brought to this market, wl ich will be sold cn very REASONABLE TERMS lor Oasli. Believing t’ua, lie cun satisfy purchasers as to Quality and price, he cordially invite* EVERYBODY to call, and inspect hte Goods. After doing so. He is satisfied that they will uol be dis posed to try either the Atlanta or Macon market*. TIIE LADIES are especially requested to examine Us mag nifirenl assort incut of CLOAKS, Sll A W LS, I M I.N’TAGS, NUBIAS, un<l DRr.SSGOoDS, consisting in part of Rich Black alii COLORED SILKS. | Rep*, Silk and Worsted Poplins, Solid ami I Primed All-W’oll and 1 ’acifle DcLaines, Merinos, Alpacas, Empress Cloths, etc., etc. A beautiful assortment of LACES and EMBROIDERIES, among which will be found the Real Cluny and Vatenefemr s, I tress I rimtnings, in I lidless Variety, and a 1 DOL’SAN’I) other things u-ually kept !h a First Class Dry (feeds Store. Oct C. 1 StUi-3in TO BONDHOLDERS Os THE STATE Jf GEORGIA. EXEurriYE HKI’AUTMFNT. / MII.LKIHvkVII.LK, (»;l . 13th Oclobcl*. 1 K»,*i. j IN coiif irrnity with an n«*t of th« fiuneral As- Mtmbiy. ttpnruvt*d f itli Match, ISBG, mini* j h*Tv 1 lu. 11 14 UlOul^d. J , G»*o!" i now *.! id*, an 1 wl.i.-h »er. not i Mini in n’d nr the Intn war. w h**r»**t*rr»’r* ntr.dg y:\ hi**, I ln«V l»* funded < n | ivsuntutior a the I : ii!»ury j°f tlie stutv, in Moi tgage Hoi d* of ihc *>tat' hum ii g st veil pel ernt. intei eSI fi\#m the **: .Jav t»f .lu!) , 1 Miß, that being tiie day of tli'.’i Ja*. 2ud y. Unit all coupons pa\aH! * in N'-w Yoik or iu London, now due, and embraced in a do sci iptive list furiii'lied the agency br the I’i • us ' uivr, nicy be funded, in bonds describe I übove, : on presentation at the National Hunk sf the He j public. New York. 3rdly. That all coupons fun*!.-.] In N* w York j be ma’ked PAID aud returned to the Tea-my , with u (iestri, live list of bonds i-aued iu luudiii ; I them. 4tlily. That the Treasurer endorse, or c iuse to be endorsed ou each bond funded, the name ol the |y f on presenting it, and tliat a registry o all I nidi i--tied in tl.e funding process be kept in llie Tr< n-ui ( r’a office. ntlily. No intcicsl is allow J ou lords oi coupons after niati lily. CHAHLEj- J. JENKINS, Governor. TREASURY OF GEORGIA. ) Milleduevilu;, 13th October, ISC6. J Holden of ovcidue Bonds and coupon- of the Slate of Gcorfti- Are hereby notified, that, iu ac cordi nee with the above older, they can receive for them, on presentation at this department., new bonds of the State, dated Istji'ly, 1866; due twenty years train dale, bcarih(* interest at ? per cent, perannum, payable semi annually, in .Inn uary and July, and secured by rr.uitg ige ou the Western A Auantic Railroad. The bonds being in sizes of SSOO and J 1,000! holders must present their bonds and e nputis in multiples ufthese sums or make up their deti ciency in currency. No provision for payment of interest after ma turity ol Bonds or coupons having been made by the Legislature, it cannot of course be allowed at this department. Persons sending Bonds in under the above older are requested to write their names legibly on the margin to guard against mistakes in their entry on the records, as ordered above. JNu. JONES, octl9—6t Treasurer. L. It. BREWER, COTTON BROKER, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT Will pay the highest market price for COTTON, Or will make liberal CASH advances on Cot'on Consigned to b» correspondents iu Liverpool, New York, S*vtl)uah, or Augusta. New York Exchange For Sale ' Griffin, Georgia—Office iu AJmah Hail, opiio ; te Brick Ware House. O t 1 3m ENGAGEMENT RINGS j MADE T O ORDER. ! II it | GRIFFIN, GLOEOIJ V'.ofruf* Boildiaf—Vp sufrx DANIEL & RUCK El!. G • ■IXBRAL R Grocers, Pi’odiico 0 A N D 0 Commission Merchants,? £ f VLLAU’S OI.D STAND R Mil.!. ST., (fit 1 K'i’LN, GA. s We trill soon receive large a.'eeaji »n§ to our already pplendid Stock Come a>>d are mat the late atand of tn- ( lAMM.H \ >IV We guarantee UDivei«al satibfaotion to our cu«toiner< May 21. 186t>-tf J.C.KING&Ca LIDA Y’S BUILDING,) solomj.n t>r. GRIFFLY, - - (U'.OIWIA . We have opened i*i the above l.ni and (iii in ly opposite Hie Hii k \Yare-E*v«4j g*y?hom«e. )a » *rgc and w»i»i bt.ee' td stock ” cf Family Groceries! FLA NT AT Iu N IIA RI >\Y A lIK, j CLUUKLItV, and AVuODKN WAUK. BA<;<fl Nif and 801 L, OSNAISLBGS and FACrultY YARN. l'LOL'lt, CORN, BACON. Ac. I j AVe I'.vc rl.o (l fine stock I SHOES AM) HATS (foil M»-‘ VI Tlio above fftru-k we :n> d •■*.< rnuned to reU ]J > W itb III' \ bod \ , Mil j 'll! V. •• k, t• r tl-?, < ! Iricnds, is iv '.t’L'h to Comk am* -if. « * JOE IfOll) will !,.■ iii the huU-c ready t'» \ '■ Die friend. 1 at all limes. I lire in one r.v 1, auJ -;c v, ii i re-; 1 ■ .‘,lc ! fur the rest, j se|,2o-tf J. C KIND a CO. TIIE LADIES 7 STORE IN FULL BLAST!! ' f undersigned Imajust returned from N* w 1 Yoik. whore h** pelectcd in person, AN EN j TIKE NEW .STOCK OL Millioerv and ladies FI I! \ ISIII \ G fill GODS CONSISTING OF BONNETS of tin, latest Palis styles ; II AI S rnd TURBANS of every s'v'c : RIBBONS, FLOWERS,’ ‘•FATHERS, , VUES’, NOTTS, CLOAKS. ULOAK CLOTHS AND TRIMMING - Dress I’riumiingK, Velvets, Silk-, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, [.'.dier’ Vt .-’s, c ., BALMORAL bit HITS, Llsn.ikerd,ief.| shft» Is, ,'ontags, Nubias, Veils, (>aj c*, Bereges, aud TACTIONS in greot variety—now openirg and selling ofl.fisa)- Call soon 1 Tull S. S TAYLOR, Agent. 0ct.17 —ts. TO OUR Old Customers, -And ali new ones who will favor us wnh a call : LOU It 10 iOlll IXTEREST ! ! We arc now opening an assortment of Groceries! of all kinds. Heavy Staple Dry Goods! Clothing of all Linds, Boo’s, Shoes, Wood and Willow Ware. Fin* and Common Liqtrww. Cheese of all kinds, di r-ci front manufacturers, an ! fact everything that a man or lady wishes For Family Use ! G. A. & H. C. CUNNINGHAM. o~t2o Plantation for r undersigned having determined to aban A. don farming, sffers bis plantation for ssfe It is a farm for COTTON AND STOCK RIASING, h»vi .g * large Can* brake, WELL WATERED, having clear running w*;er in evefy fl*id, coutaiii’ng.wx bundled acru*.—4oo cleared balance W ELL T IMBERED, lying five milts West of rr'ffiu, on R»se cre-k — lf the above land ;* not sold by the 20th Nov .it will be pu> up end sold at tbe highest bidder togethe with Horse*, Milub covs, Hog-, Plantation tools, Wcj, OliS, Ac Sold ou ibe pieuiises. Of.t'y c.l W. H. G. MICKEtBERRY WITH IBIiE 11. IEECIIEII i CO., SUCCESSORS CP REtO, MtCKELBERRY CO., OFFKU F( ’ll SAI.I’ AT PRICKS SUITABLE TO HIE TIMES: Rio Coffee, Sugar from 16 to 26 Cts., per lb., Mackerel, in bbis tl-2s, l-4s and Kits A LARGE LOT OF CROCKERY, HARDWARE, NAILS, KMVF.S and FOltkS, HAND SAWS, .-ID (VKI.S and TONGS, AXES. ANDIRONS, CHOP AXRF, SADIRONS, (’IIISKI.S, BUTTS and SCREWS, TR.\(*K • IIAINS Bra« KITTLI’B, Pad locks, skillets, AUGERS, OVEN’S, purr, tic. HQttOW WARE, BRASS HOOPED BUCKETS, CHURNS BROOMS, PAINTED lJ* UK FI’S, TLBS, ‘ Ac., 4c, ke CORN, CORN MEAL AND FLOUR II A CON &c. HAMS, FMOULDUIIR, SIDF„S, 5o S.cks L! \ i’.KPOOL CANE NYRUi', ( I BA MOL.VSSRfI, 100 Sacks \ IRGINIA S M/r, 200 J Junchus SW II JS and AIiCO\ V r l 4 *ut*tory Til UK A LOTuf A J and 0 sri;.\RS. WANTED; :;(WJ(| ii.. It.-’is n| Wit KAT delivered in poud Merchantable unit r The highest mark et price | uid ILr BM'ON’, I.AUIL (’I)R' , • UAL, I 1.01 11, PEAS, Ae., Ao., Ac. S utl.ctn IL.nk Nutv , Gold A Silver received for any of the above articles at thu.r CTEO. 13. 33l2ZlCliail <Jb CO. .June it*, 1 Sfi(i (ini. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, ( lOYNT.'I MD i*i-t I- el r. fj.leiid .J Cieiiof L-O. MiiS and 11 AW.if the >u; latvil etylre Al o, fled, luvuiccaof nhieMoMsX 1 lie., (I .» tt* *• bifh tin of tV* In*]iea u rr«pri*t f:!') invits-1. rb-i, deab-* ..t w II OL K w A L K : wi; mMI LI.IX I.IfN , upon and fn\ .raid* t*::ujj .*< tin*} con bo puiol arvd m .Minntu 01 Mu* * u. CALL OX IIKII a. the old stuod. of .1 A UKS C Nil NK W TON, sthii.-h lni-' .%e in ly fitted us and improved. rvp(— tl JS & NEtN. ! ('Al ICO—from I>l to 25 eta. , J 50 pi»* • 4 of figured lie Laities , 2«*> piece# (,f all Wwbl do , 15 pi,*oes Sal. d*’ , * i pi** pp French Poplin# , ‘2O puces French Merino?; 1.5 pi*** os Alpacca?; 2o pi* > «*s Opera Flannels , 1 pi****,*# ivd and white Flannels, 7 pieces hia. k and white Poplin ; 75 pieces , f S* a I-land Cotton, from 16 to 35cts 60 pi* Cos of IL cached Cotton ; 15 pieces L*n--ys ; 10 pieces cotton Flannel , 25 pi*o**o Cas*inet nt*<3 Jean' 15 pieces all voolFrench Cassmifres ; V 5 pieces Jaconcites auJ MUshu# , 20 pieces Linen ; 20 p;>u,-8 Black Cloth and lJoefkiu ; !00 Ladies’ mid Mens’ bkawls , ICO la‘et»t style cloaks; 50 pair B’ankeU ?5 bboes and Bools ; 15 Dozen Balmoral Skirts ; 75 dozen Wool, Fur, and Flush Hats, 15 pieces Fancy and Slack silk ; 5 i d' zen Hoopskirta; Al! kinds of Cloak ar.d Ore«s All kinds of Collet], Linen, and Silk Laces ; All kinds of Ribbons Ladie#* Collars and Cuffs, Nubias. Hoods, Sontags, and Breakfast-Shawls; Toweling. Table Cloths; Linen and Cotton Damasks; Linen Dotted Scotch Diaper In suet a full supply of everything, which I will «.e M s? g 'afly reduced prices. Oonts. ' large k ■ . tm«o, 01 B «x Suita, B.ack I) • -kin mi>) < .Oth I'aut*, ana iu ami V«-»U; a ui g- suf-f.ly o( Oveiw.ata, Btick and Figured Si k Velvet »*e.l* , a lai-gj supply of Furcuhiug G-ioix. AI~J received, Vioiin ar.d Banjos, Tamboriues, Buitai and Violin STKINGS, Tailpieces, Screw.! Kaiin, Av. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, If you warn any of J A & D El N. -a Hi X. H. SIMON’S iXP jkyjx or fa,~ WINSHIP & GORDON, C 'KNm <»F LULL AND CROAD STREFT#, ijllll h\:< GEORGIA . jm \\ lii'lcvnli ruJ retail Dealer* Hoots , Shoes, i/of*, L'mbrellmtt, LEATHER, U'luL FINDINGS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING Vt K \Rt. MECEIVING and opening 17 cases BOO'IS and FIBtFS of ever? »tvgj and deatriplion, «hiuh wa propose aellinca as cheap ns can be lit.rebated in anv South, eru market. We invite all persons who expect to wear Shoes t« call ami examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our Senior Uartner has had many yaara experience in the >boe busi*ieaS, and i* well acquainted with the manufacturer* at the norih, which give* them superior advan tages in getting up their stock. Every ar-* tide in our line will be sold at a auiall ad vance oo coat. We aha!! confine ouraclval striUly to tha ■.■ ash syatem. No on* can aoll gfioda oo a credit at Uia extremely Id# price* we are aakirg. ' ter country merchants w»u*g to replenish their stock ere respectfully hr. vilej to give us a call, BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. HEFATIU.vg DONE XT SHORT KOriCR. WANTED, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. sept —sm « A CARD, T O TII E LADIES. MHS. "JrAYIxOR, IT Aii tbe pleasure of iDfonniDg her friend* and II l£* public generally tliat *te is now re ceiving direct from N'exv Yor*>; by far the most se ' lent stuck of MILLINERY ANDTANCY GOODS tngetber xritti s general lib. of Furnishing Good*, yet fisought to tin* murket. Tbe good* having Leer principally bought for cash, by on* exper ienced in !h-. i busings*, she hope* to be able to nrnp.'e with hotidrablc competition. All are oordially invited to call and examioa fbr them **!'. v. at the At -of the "LADIES STOSS.” Or”-” -ts.