Newspaper Page Text
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nomt or sHADOwa
(H. C Banner.^
jo” .‘(JISbrMiciM •or*'” «*• ,kla >
W*“? *> throaib the tree-tow Wow
‘.•SffiSSSfpSm below.
lb »-&itfS£3t. drenuM,
KSS2»Sl tnuurti ffirayod?and lost,
ir W “ l ’.toft«S > towarl < Seir'home.
v too have gone astray,
Kuft m v comrades on the win
Ke brougU aisles where soft you moan,
inu» suJ Spot you know alone,
W?oaly leaves and nestlings stir,
JTwa/dream, and dream of Her.
* Myra Clarke Gaines, Uev VI-
talliy and Mental Brilliancy.
[Now Orleans Cor. Inter Ocean.]
I la Ibis pleasant home we had the
|L u re of meeting one of the most
T lerful women of the ninteenth cen-
Lr-Mvra Clarke Gaines, the widow
{the late Clen. Gaines. Mrs. Gaines
a for the past fifty years teen trying,
trough the courts to prove her right
-property which actually belongs to
r; an j nbout which the supremo court
rtiie United States has decided in her
I v or but now comes some technical
about bonds. The little.woin'vu
seen 76 years, but has the appear-
„f being only 50, with her fair
EJnplexicn, bright black eyes, that
Lor look through glosses to decipher
| j\ nes t print or to use her pen, which
l doiug, and the result will be her
iitohiography, which cannot liolp but
»n interesting work. With all her
CmMe and opposition, she does not
l)i,,\v any vindictivoness or bitterness,
L amiable, generous, and a true friend
* the poor. When relating to us the
•it nces of her trials, she would vi-
abont the room, gesticulating in
|u amusing manner. She avows that
n outtalk, outlaugh, outwalk any
under the sun, nnd boasts of
laving monopolized the conversation
thenMme. LeVeit was of the company,
L. h to the chagrin of that renowned
I \\ hen the question of the illegitimacy
L Mrs. Caines’ birth was introduced in
Euurt, she pleaded her own case in the
Viesence of more than a thousand peo
ple. winch plea brought every member
l.t the jury to her side. She says “God
Yever repented having made woman,
|iut He saw that man was a decided fail-
e, at.d was sorry that Ho had created
m.” She is always a woman’s cham
pion, believing in her rights, wh.'ch she
Kays must come, nnd the right of fran
chise, on which subjoct the has talked
i public to thousands of attentive
stoners. “If,” said she, “I had been a
mn 1 should have adopted the medical
[profession, becauso for it I inherit both
and talent.” She restored hor
llaughter to perfect health nfter the
[physicians had pronounced her beyond
Mrs. Gaines’ father, Daniel Clarke,
as a native of >ow Orleans, and in
tat city he is buried. I n her early
laidenhoad she became tho wife of
William Wallace Whitney, of New
York, but in a few years was widowed.
Mho says: “Gen. Gaines was greater
'than Clay, Calhoun or Webster, and his
Ila<t words to me were, ‘Your cause is
[jiiNt and you must succeed.’ ” Although
her lather was born in Louisiana and
hor husband in Virginia, she 1ms never
known any north or south, but has idol-
her whole country. Her first bo-
wvolent work will l>o to build a
'-•'lows’ home, tho noxt an orphan asy
lum, if tho grectlv lawyers do not
‘irobble up” all who secures. The
• hargen in tho case thus fur, for fees,
biographers, writs and counsel fees,
have already beon over $300,000. Tho
printed record will cost $12,000. It is
hoped that tho monoyel woman will
»oon secure her rights, as sho lias been
li'ing on borrowed capital sinco 1870,
/ art of the time supporting thirteen per-
Mundny In Kl Paso.
[Cor. Inter Ocean.]
Me spent Sunday at El Paso, and in
tho afternoon wont across the river to
>ee the old church, tho only object of
interest in tho town. The doors were
>'*:ked, and woiuquirod at a neighboring
•tore where we could get tho key.
“W the priest,” was the reply.
"And where is tho priest?”
At tho cock-fight. ’
And there wo found him; in a rough
•“nphitheatre, crowded with men who
7°*ed like banditti, nearly every one of
. m w itb gamecock under one arm and
m tho other hand a few dollars of
.‘•xican money, engaged in tho na-
,on ®‘ amusement ami betting upon the
* i jativenesa °* bis favorite roo-t,. r.
it is the regular practice on Sunday
, n . ** l0 *ico for tho ontiro congregation,
•nest and all, to lonvo tho clmrcit lor
a" cock-pit after high moss and spend
. rer ttainder of the day in that re*
jJJr. a wnsement. The priest at Paso
j: , rto owns a number of tine game
•Ms, and was too much interested in
match to accompany us to the place
worship where he officiates.
A IlumorlHt’H Beady Wit.
‘ms is a story of George D. Prentice
} never saw in print and which
‘better illustration of his ready wit
IK. ‘^ything else he said, I think,
••id Journal office used to be the
^ping ground of many southern
or known, who liked to
ff 1110 veteran journalist tell a story
1^.1. n P a presumptuous young
ir.n. i i unc b- Among those who fre-
C rhe J °nmal ofilce was Will S.
the song writer.
°mmg into Mr. Prentico’s office
jj ; , } ‘ la * v ia that free and easy way of
10 * Qt down in one chair, with his
■uZV a ? the S’ ant * jamming his hat
n of his head, said, without
Mr. Prentice’s leisure:
*eeu mv l Mt gong, George?”
iif-aviiJ rea , kw r e ceased writing, sighed
i"'MlftalhI 1 ..^^ ing ap udl f tod re ~
•i i-.^ y t oiim/“ an8 md:
: •» ••>
bl ? ulU ‘ u 4 # 01 dl who in age*
urtn, t0 knowledge, to
■Mb (“^^he»ie deed,, .bon on
j A Be markable Letter from the War
Department Archives.
[Chicago Tribune.]
j President Linooln had trouble with
, to® hcry Gen. .To Hooker, who was
angry at the appointment of Burnside
is commander of the Potomac army.
Subsequently Hooker was appointed to
i ’onmiaud it, and then Lincoln wrote
him a roinarkablo letter.
Ibis letter, says tho Washington
iorrespoDdent of Tho Boston Herald,
was given to Col. Robert N. Scott, of
i the war department, by Hdoker him
self, and the original is now in the
| arclm es,, It is one of the most notable
I productions ever writen by President
| Lincoln. Some parts of it are fairly
! Shakespearean in diction and thought.
! It is ns iallows:
‘•Executive Mansion, Washington,
I). C., Jan. 26, 1863.—To Mai. Gkn.
Hooker—General : I have placed you
at tho head of the Army of the Potomac,
Of course I have done this upon what
appears to me to be sufficient rea
sons, and yet 1 think it best for you to
know that there aro some things in re
gard to which 1 am not quito satisfied
with you. I believe you to be a brave
and skillful soldier, which, of course, I
like. I also believe you do not mix
politics with your profession, in which
you are right. You have confidence in
yourself, which is a valuable, if not an
indispensable, quality. You are am
bitious, which, within reasonable
bounds, does good rather than harm.
But I think that, during Gen. Burn
side's command of the army, von have
taken counsel of your ambition and
thwarted him as much as you could,
in which yon do a great wrong, both
to the country ami a most meritori
ous nnd honorable brother ollicer. I
have heard, in such a way as to bo-
lieve it, of your recently saying that
both the army and tho government
needed a dictator. Of ccAirse it was not
for thi8,bnt in spite of it,that 1 have given
you a command. Only those general!
who gain successes can set up as dic
tators. What I ask of you is military
success, and I will risk the dictatorship.
The government will support you to
the utmost of its ability, which is
neither more nor less than it has done
and will do for all commanders. 1 much
fear the spirit you have nidod to infuse
into the army of criticising their com-
mauder and withholding confidence
from him will turn upon you. I shall
assist you as far as I can to put it
down. Neither you nor Napoleon, if
ho were alive again, could get any good
out of any army while such a spirit pre
vails in it. And now, bewaro of rash
ness! Beware of rashness! But with
energy nnd sleepless vigilance go for
ward and give us victories.
“Yours very truly,
. “A. Lincoln.*
Monotonous Crackers.
[New York Times.]
A dozon men gathered around a
cracker barrel in a west sido grocery
store last evening and watched a cooper
eat crackers. The cooper had bet u
new hat with a carpenter that ho could
eat ten butter crackers about one and
one-half inches in diameter in ten min
utes without drinking any water or
other liquid. Tho cooper bogan his
fourth cracker nfc tho end of two mill-
utos, and seemed to enjoy it. It was a
minute later when ho started on the
fifth. “Well, they aro pretty dry,” he
remarked huskily. It took him two
minutes to get tho cracker down, and
when ho began on the sixth ho looked
as if ho didn’t enro very much for crack
ers anyway. His eyes were red and
thoro was an uncomfortable working of
tho muscles of tho throat. Exactly
eight minutes from tho start ho put ihe
seven tli cracker in his month nnd
chewed slowly upon it. By hard work
ho managed to swallow it and began on
the eighth. “Time’s up,” said tho time
keeper before tho cooper lmd bogun to
swallow again. “Well, I’ll bo hanged,”
said tho cooper, "that’s a tough job.*
“1 never yet saw a man do it,” observed
the carpenter. “In Kngland wo used
to pit a man eating ten of those bis
cuits—you call ’em crackers—against a
man drinking a glass of water by tho
teaspoonful, ami the water-drinker al
ways came out ahead. Heven and a
quarter is my size.”
Malvlnr* lircat Power.
(New York Tribune.]
“In ‘La Morto Civile,’ ” pays Halvini,
I always weep, and greatly. Now,
there is in Bio Janeiro a newspaper
editor, Senlior de (.’astro, a big, bearded
man, who is famous f.»r his lack of feel
ing. They say ho buried his wifu with
out a tear—I do not know, but they say
m». Ho saw *La Morto Civile,’ and after
tiio curtain fell he came upon tho stage.
Behold, on each sido of his nose there
was a groat wet furrow, and as lie laid
his hand upon my shoulder I could feol
it twitching and trembling. And noxt
dav every one in Bio Janeiro wont about
saving: ‘Ho lias made Castro weep!
What a triumph!’”
Lordou us to Future Life.
[Chicago Humid. ]
Gen. Gordon, the commander of the
English forces in Egypt, thus ex cresses
his views as to a future life: “ I think
that this life is only one of a series of
lives, which our incarnated part has
lived. I have littlo doubt of our having
pre existed; and that also in tho time
of our pre-uxistenco we were actively
employed. So. therefore, I believe iu
our active employment in a future life,
and like the thought. Wo shall, I
think, Ikj far more perfect in a future
life, and indeed go on toward perfec
tion, but never attain it.”
A liiant Cuspidor.
[Chicago Herald. J
The United States treasury ha* the
biggest spittoon on record. It is a
great oblong w ooden box as big as^ a
bed, filled with sawdust. It lies in tue
basement at the foot'of the four flighia
of stair* which lead to the various
stories, and accomodates tho govern
ment employes and othcra.
Houston (Tex.) Poet: When the
time comet to vindicate the honor of the
American name, the veriest dslv in
swelldom will cut bin bang, take off hit
eye-glass, And shoulder a musket tt
wawly ucUdbt,
Schumpert & Roney’s,
“Spot Cash Store"
We'promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as
we arranged and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more
goods for less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time.
Con.emplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty
days credit:
Flour. Flour.
In this article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big
markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We
will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system)
For 50 pounds, $1.75. Old price, $2.16.
2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1,65. “ • ■ 1.90.
Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.50. “ 1.80.
Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.35. •* 1-65.
We guarantee nil these Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them
and we will cheerfully refund the money.
In future we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap.
Sugars. Sugars.
Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for... . .$1.00.
“ “ 11 pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1-00.
“ “ 11 : }; poundsNewOrlcans (Bellcwood) Clarified, for 1.00
“ “ 13 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00.
In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity nnd pur
chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s comsumption. in
Coffee. Coffee.
In this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy
all the “Santa Claus” vou want lor the little ones. We deal 6J pounds Choice Rio Coffee for $1
Thurber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound.
Salt. Salt.
Liverpool, full weight, for $ 1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 1 SOjwunds,;#! .05 per sack
We are slaughtering at the very low price of $1.00 per cwt. to make room lor a'[car load ol
Whiskies. Whiskies.
In this line we are full to overflowing, nnd to unload we have reduced the price on all grades
from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think ol it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain
Corn Whisky I or $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50, ^
Tobacco and Cigars.
We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” at 57c per pound, and all other grades
Wc regret lbat we have not spin e millleient to give full and complete quotations on all of our goods, bat
you will hear from us occasionally. Remember that by (i-vins your goods from us and paying SPOT CASH
you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual in credit store.
er-cariTAi. pbizb #»«,ooo,^»
| Tie let ti only t». Shares In proport laa
Louisiana State Lottery Co.
" We do hereby certify that tee tupertue
the arrangements for all the Monthly an4
Semi-Annual Drawings of The iMuisiana
State Lottery Company, and inperson man
age and control the Drawings themselves,
and that the same are conducted with hon
esty, fairness, and in good faith toward all
partus, and we authorize the Company to
use this certificate, with Joe-similes of our
signatures attacked, in its advertisements
Commissioners |
Incorporated i» IMS for id yean by the Lezltla-
turefor Educational and Charitable purposes—
with « capital of #1,000,OOO-to which « reserve
fund of over #550,000 has since been added.
By *n overwhelming popular rote its franchise
was made a part of the present Stats Constitution
adopted December 2d, A. D.. 187t.
The onIn tottery ever toted on and endorsed yt
the people of any State,
It never tealet or postpones.
Ill Grand Single Number Drawings
take place monthly.
October 14, ISM lfM MnuUy Drawing.
100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Each.
Fractions, In Filths, In Proportion.
if ' lo j" 23,000
2 PRIZES OK <0.000. isjioo
4° ‘WS 0 *
lo do 10,000
*0 do 600, 10,000
U» *• M0. 20,000
800 do lbO,..** MlQOQ
do 26,’ ::SouO
9 Approximation J'rlses of |?B0 M.7S0
» “ “ 600 4,600
0 “ .“ 250...... 2.260
1,901 Prizes, amounting to 9266,600
Application for rates to clnbs should be mads
onl? to the office of tho C'orapsny In New Orleans.
ror further Information write clearly, civile
frill address. Make P. O. Money Orders psyssle
and address Registered Letters to
Now Orleans, La.
% POBTAIs NOTH! end ordinary letters by
Mnil or Express (ell sums of f9 end upward by
Kxpn-sn et our expense) to
or M. A. DAVP11IN, »" r
SOT ■m.m Ml., Warahl.ftt.., D. C.
Tie Lost is Fold!
Bar aitii Restaurant.
--- loop on a^free bod. Everything'has'bsen
renovated aid is sweet and clean. I bud in But’s
Liquors from S to 13 Years Old!
Cali and get your share of the best. Bacchus the
Second In drink* a rival er Delmonlco In good
eating. Call early an\ secure jour beds and
something to eat end dniik. Words esunot ex
press my thanks to my friends. Corns and see me
and you shall bo satisfied.
All School Julies,
Auierioua, Go., Aug. 24, 1884. if
A Word as Regards the Penny !
To all those who sccut at the idea of introducing the Penny in Americas, we say that wo stand read}
to redeem in gooi'ii or the cash any amount from 5c upwnrds. Bring them along and get their full value a!
Very truly.
Americui, Ga., January 11, 1884*
mSf* cw-toffc E. J. KN0WLT0N, Atm After. I
Welfl t fifteen pounds. Adjustable.
Neatest, Cheapest, Beat.
• Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
Is the'Best canstructed sod fin-