Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 14, 1884, Image 1
QAl Ly Americus Established 1879. Recorder. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1884. Americus PCBU8BKU BY Recorder. W- Xj. e-LESsnian. J. I. & II. F. OFFICE OS COTTON AVENUE. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS j la tri’Ens. C. U. McCRORY, attorney at law, jiLLAVILLE, GA. TERMS—All claim* from *30 or nuder, |3: I on t lO to $500, ten P'T cent.; over $500, seven | N<» charges unless collections a Mnylltf. (=3 nrs doctors. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, ■IIROEOiV AVD PHVSICIAN. his nrotesslonal acrvice*. v.ith an cxperl* ntot'Jo veaw. to the people of Americus and kritr Office over Dnvla Sc Callaway’s Store. Itea corner of Jackaon and Church * tall* will r< upt atteution. lairtllil AM* BlillPPiS M ,1 (Wll'l.m; I,IIP OF PURE DRUGS, nugiTtf Americas, Ga. DR. C. A. BROOKS, americus. ga. .-it at Diventv'rt'a drui? store will r attention Will be found at night ; * of Col. S. II. Hawklna, corner Le Coiled** streets. may 0 MJSCEL LA NEO US. Nell PloKett, ALBOTTON, . - - - GEORGIA Will do Plastering, Brickwork and Housework Calsominc a apccialty. Repairing done. Orders promptly attended to. oct2tf UOTO • CALVIN CARTER & SON E'en SOOTS AWP SKOEf3, Public Square, . . Americus, Oa. GIN WORK. 1 I vronld respectfully state to the public that 1 am now prepaired to REPAIR OLD GINS I Alter having bad i experience or »e mintifactories. I 1 nr. All work gu K<lw* J. MiMer. C, Hornce McCall. Monumental Marble Works, MILLER A McCALL, Proprietor!, Srmthwost Corner of the Public Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. of tho best Italian and American Marble. Irou Railing for Cemetery Kudos* BEST GOODS LEAST MONEY ! New Store AND New Goods. 2TEW ADVERTISEMENT. rofty urn, a Specialty. JOHN S. MI EitS. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. We cull the attention of the public to the feet Hut we arc ore-pared to till nil orders for Fresh lirrad, Cak*K, Candy, Etc., of our own mnkc- fxfclanil pure. We keep a'so Onfectiou* and Groceries, which we *A1 at tho ruling price* Buy and sell Country Produce. Give us » call. ir. J. PHILLIPS <D CO. July26tf Meat Market PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB •j uing purcWofl from Hare St Cobb th« Mu* "*rk.-t uid ProvUion Sto.e oa COTTON AV33NTTE1 k-eji on lnnd the very beet cute of J Mf, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, unti ulio a full lino of Creen Groceries and Provisions, *•'racing all kind* of Vegetables and Fruits In tn J T*’**”’ C “ nnt ‘ d Co«xl», etc. It i« thiir aim _ ' i* • nrnt • lass establishment, nr.d give their gotkitni the frireat prfeca. ifr •! Wiew price paid for Cattle, Hogs, and a T*‘ or country produce. • rlcus, D,c. 16, Copartnership Notice. ...i. thl* day aa.oeiated within* lb .... . . Ur r .rrv V. lon '““to*** Mr. O, A. BKI.L tO Ih U. * J n ,' h, ‘ «»*• al ™y old “tand on Cott «’nnr-v U I',? r tUo rtrm *»*«“• « nd »«yle of .«*. ; ° nb * N *( o. Kos|,cctlully, T) S. if. COHEN, ii'ankinc the public f..r ti e liberal ■B’or rent. ('b T u h r e .h“fi, rMiJ,nco of L B'ttelt. on AlUm. 8 |l re * t D0W ™«“pled by A. A 1S84. *' * OMt “'on given Septcmbei 1. Jas.Fricker&Bro, AMERICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where wo shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before | (HUM) JUKF PRESEYTJIfLVTH Webster County, Wc, the grand jurors sworn and j acting this October term Webster j Superior court, 1884, submit the i following as our gcnetal present- I ments: i Through committees appointed | by our body, together-with tho aid . of our cfllcient finance committee, I wc find as follows— j We Hud the court house in good j condition with the exception of the I following: The steps on the east i side arc down, and are in need of new ones. There is one lightning rod which is loose, and should bo made stationary. Also a few lights and one blind need some repairs. Wo find tho jail in n safe condition except the feed doors; the same is also kept in a neat and cleanly manner. Wc have, through our various committees inspected the books of the dillorcnt officers of our county, to wit: ordinary, clerk superior court, sheriff, treasurer and county school commissioner, and find them kept neatly and in accordance with law. Tho books of the various justices of the peace and notaries public have been be fore ns, and we find them properly kept. We find the public roads of our county in good condition. We find, on examination, the bridges of tho county to be in good order, with tbe exception of tho bridge across Lannalmssec, which we learn is now under contract. On examination of tho treasur er’s books, wc find tbo financial condition of tbe county to be as follows: To amounts received at laat re port $4,393 08 To amounts r.oeived siuco from R. S. Bell, T.C 151.00 To amnuut. received from Geo. W. Davenport, Ordinary 15.00 Total amounta received.., .$4,559 08 Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for Total amounta paid out... $4,321,44 Commissions for receiving 113 97 Commissions for paying out... 105.53 $4,440.94 Leaving balance on band 118.14 $4,559.08 in taking leave of bis honor, Judge Fort, and Solicitor C. B. Hudson, wo extend tho usual com pliments for courtesies shown this body. Wo recommend theso pre sentments to bo published in the Americus Recorder and Sumter Republican, provided they will publish them for $5.00 each. W. H. Cnsar, Foreman. J. C. Laykif.U), Secretary. B. F. Barge, -I. E. Holloman, J. 8. Barker, G. W. Jennings, 11. A. Bell, J. P. Jones, M. D. Bell. J. It. King, T. S. Chappell, David Majors, O. L.Cobb, J.W. Msy, Smith Davenport, J. D, Reaves, O. W. Dillard, W. M. Sears, J. B. Holly, W. S. Stokes, D. P. Hogg, W. W. Simmons, P. 11. Spnnn. Ordered by the court that the foregoing general presentments be published as requested. Ai.len Fort, j.s.c.b.w.c. C. B. Hudson, Sol. Gen. A true extract from the minntes, this October 11, 1884. Oeo. E. Thorntor, Cl’k S. C. STEWAHTCOIMV. DAWSON DOTS. Dawson, October 13 Our pre siding elder preached an excellent sermou to a largo congregation nt 11 o’clock, yesterday morning, and another last night. Ho left for his home at 2 o’clock thin afternoon. Our entire community’ aro very much pleased with Mr. MacDonald, and hope ho wifi lie returned to us next year. Rev. J. F. Webb, of Berrien county, came up last week to at tend the association at Macedonia and visit his two brothers, Henry and Richard Webb, of this county. Mrs. Bascouib Lowrey, of Ala bama, formerly Miss Goorgia Red dick, of our city, is on a visit to relatives and friends in Dawson, and is now tho guest ol Judge II. S. Bell. It does seem that our young edi tors and professors are a little ahead of the "old cap” with the young ladies on the corner just nt the present writing, but I hereby give them warning that they had better “watch as woll ns pray,” for "Let Hercules himself do what bo may. The oat will mew. each dog will have his day." Speight Baldwin is hauling water from the creek, half a mile oft', to run his gin and saw mill, and yet ho is ns jolly as ever Mark Taply was. Colonels T. H. Pickett, and A. S. J. Henderson, also T. J. Hart and A. Doubler, went down to Leary, to-day, to attend and tnko a part ia the trial of J. R. Boyd for larceny after trust. Mr. George M. Roberts, after a visit to bis parents, .near our city, of threo weeks, returned to his home in Bainbridgc to-day. J. A. F. Daily, Per Ykar,...$0.00 Wkkkly, “ ... 3.00 ABOUT CONTINENTAL LIARS. The Stage Driver’s Joke. Hanford Time* Old Uncle Ben, the veteran stago driver, was an inveterate Joker, and was fond of practicing his art upon Ids passengers who shared the driver’s box with him. One day Ids horses were toiling along a lonely country road, and just nt night they passed a solitary farm bouse and a mile distant from any other and bearing an appearance of n lack of thrift. “There,” said Uncle Ben, pointing with his whip, "there's a woman been lying in that house for morc'n n fortnight, and she isn’t buried yet.” “Dread ful,” said a passenger; "tho authori ties ought to attend to it. Hasn’t she any friends, and why don’t they bury her?” “Got friends enough, but she ain’t dead; she’s lively as a cricket.” Lumpkin Independent Only eight cases have been re turned to the October term of Stewart Superior Court. A great deal of cotton near the river, which is usually shipped by boats, is now being hauled to Eufaula: George Kelly, colored, was stricken with paralysis about three weeks ago and died from the effect of the attack on Sunday last. Loudon Cobb, a well knowu old CASH and the time in which to secure them colored mm, died or heart disease ^ I on Saturday last and was buried is limited Come one, come all, and don’t; by moonlight u»t Sunday night 1 at the colored Baptist cemetery. fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Aagmn p s5th! tf ^ * <*>*“ i Americus, Ga., Aug. 13. 1884. On Friday night last at 9 o’clock, Mr. Thomas Barr, one of the old est citizens of Lumpkin, died at bis home here, having been an ID- valid for seventeen yean. Beecher Intimate* That He It Rtl One, Whatever; Mr. JeyNlayB*. This letter is addressed to tbe Republican candidate for Governor of Michigan: Gen. R. A. Alger, Detroit, Mich.: Dear Sir—1 have just read your letter of Oct. 9, exhorting me “publicly to retract your (my) statements, as yon have iu your zeal for the Democratic party, and the Democratic nominee, spread them before the whole country.” When the heat of this canvass has passed, you will think that such language borders too near upon insult to be either just or wise. I beg you to understand that I have nothing to do with the truth, or otherwise, of Mr. Joy’s statements to me, respecting Mr. Blaine. The only question is: Did Mr, Joy make those statements T The tran sactions between him and Mr. Blaine, through an intermediary, may all be mythical; or the inter mediary might have been an im postor; or Mr. Blaine’s feelings may never have been hurt by any such requests; and Mr. Jov may never have been shocked at Blaine’s imputed answer; and Mr. Joy’s artless feelings being practieed upon, by this intermediary, he may have expressed himself too severely about Mr. Blaine. Let Mr. Joy and Mr. Blaine settle that between themselves. I have nothing to do with all that. Did Mr. Joy make the remarks in my presence which I have published t If he did not, I have lied. If he did, Joy has lied. There is no Idle ground. There shall be none. Either I heard it or invented it. Mr. Joy’s second telegram to you makes a languid and ioolish denial, which I attribute to his not having seen or understood my statement. But if Mr. Joy has seen my statement aod denied it, or when bo landB in New York be shall declare that no such conver sation was held in my presence, then I have only to say that, whereas I did not Imagine that there could bo moro than one con tinental liar, I am compelled to think there aro two. I'lcaso accept this letter as the only retraction and apology that I am prepared to make to you, to Mr. Joy, to Mr. Blaine, and to the > Republican party. Henry Ward BcientR. TES, M? SOM'S, Just as soon as we can pick, gin and sell our cotton we will call upon Tho Clothier Gylos at bis New Cornor in Americus and purohase our outfits for tho season. By tho way, what a revolution Gyles has caused in the clothing business, where for years previous to his opening we never saw a first- class garment in town, although we paid prices all the samo that ought to have bought tbe best goods in the land. But it remained for Frank Gyles to step to the front, knock tho bottom out, and sell the finest and only perfect fit ting clothing at figures less than we used to pay for common ones. And our peoplo appreciate his vim and enterprise, for their gratitude is shown by the daily increasing throng that occupies his store. In wild despair, unable to compete [n prices and styles, other merchants try to come in at tbo twelfth hour and mako a sickly attempt to divert tho grand rush by UluBive adver tisements of auction goods from broken concerns. But the people wont hear any such nonsense. They don’t stop long enough to even take a passing glance at these old, worn-out advertisements, as thoy arc perfectly posted that auction clothing, etc , means generally bun dles of mixed-up Bizes and obsolete remnants that none who wish to appear even respectable will wear. The procession will now move direct to Gyles tbe Clothier. Three cheers for Gyles tbe Clothier ! Hurrah for Gyles the I Hatter !! A tiger for Gyles tbe [ Shirter and Socker 111 It Satisfied Her I*a. San Francisco Chronicle' “I have come, sir, to aBk you for your daughter’s hand." “I beg your pardon, what name did you say ?" “I have not bad the pleasure of meeting you exuept casually. My name is Smith.” “Have you any roforrenee?” “Certainly, your daughter.” “Oh i thank you. It is so good of you to ask me. It is enough that you didn't elope with her. I don’t know you, but I suppose you'll live in tho house ami we’ll have an onportunity to bscomc better acquainted. Good morning. The Base Ball Record. Washington Star. This year there have been three associations, in the “League” tbe Providence team has won the pennant irom the Boston club, its present guardian. In tbe “Nation al” association the Metropolitan olub of New York have now a win ning lead. In tbe new “Union” association the St. Louis club is far aoead. Popular interest in tbe “national game" is, it anything, on the increase, and playing has almost reached perfection. lion. Darld II. Harrell, of Webster, I _ Tor Speaker. Atlanta Conatitutioo. It is said that the friends of this (0°tbe'positlon 0^8^ SZ\*' w * Sheffield & Co. next House of Representatives. j Holmes’ souk cuke mouth wash and j dentifrice is au infallible cure fur Ulcer* ated Bore Throat, Bleeding Gurus, Bore month and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keeps the Gains healthy. Prepared sole* ly by Drs. J P. A W. It. Holmes, •Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. For salt by Dr. W. P. Bart, dentist, if. E. Ball, and all druggists and dentists. aUgSOiO. LOOKOUT FOR MOKTESY WE MUST HAVE f All old note* and account* must be paid or aat- Ubctorialiy arranged el*o they will be placed in tbe hand* of officer* for eoUeehoo. We mean what v* My. J. W. ftBJtpyiKlD * CO. uCtSnJ