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It is just^as easy and not any more expensive to you to present you loved one* with a useful rather than a merely ornamental article
and we think a careful examination of the numerous attractions at the
Bee Hive! RFF HIVE Bee Hive!
will suggest many a good investment to you. u
Will comtinue in full force till January 1st, as we are determined to convert our entire stock of Winter Goods into money. We prefer
to open a new season with new goods rather than to present a lot of stuff carried over from seasons previous and which customers recog
nise as old acquaintances as soon as they see them. If it must be, we had rather sacrifice the profit now, than to sustain a heavier loss
twelve months later. This is our idea of doing business.
We Want
Every lady In the oity and vicinity to remember that our entire
Uno ot Drees Goode is Included in tnls Clearing Sale. Blade Dress
Goode are always considered as staple as Coats’ cottou, but we do not ex
cept them and claim to snow the largest line lu Amerlcus. We start at
12)£o and dontstop until we reach $1.25. Colored and fancy goods have
been materially reduced in prices. A few more Novelty Suite marked
down to actual invoice cost to close. We can do you good In thie de
\ it '/
Your Mb
Will be highly appreciated and we feel confident that one trial will
suffice to make a regular customer of you for us. We are business men
enough to know that the better we treat you, the firmer a friend we will
make of you, and we always try to have our prices a little lower than
those ot other houses will be found. We still show a very large line ot
Dress Trimmings, Fancy Bilks, Velvets, Plushes, Braids, Buttons, etc.,
and clearing prices are the order of the day at the Bee-Hive.
You Will
Giving Us
A look Is all we ask ot you; If we don't make our prices right, or, in
other words, If we fall to sell you, it will not be our fault. Our stock is
entirely too large; we allowed ourselves to becarrled away to some ex
tent by the extraordinary bright prospects of the early fall as wen as by
the fact that our trade during the summer increased day by day and
bought unusually heavy. The low price ot cotton, the warm winter and
the present scarcity of money retard trade and we are not going to cry
on acconntof profits. Let’em go; we mean the goods and the profits too
A partial list of goods suitable for
A nice Worsted Dress.
A fine Bilk Dress.
A nice Black dress.
fl Trial
Have^kbserved ore now that our advert lament are "gospel truths."
W* carafally,avoid making misrepresentations or writing misleading
“•de." Whamre say we have, we can always show; you are not met
with a “lost Obt" at our store. Hence you oan safely depend upon the
force of the words "Clearing Sale;” we mean thereby that we desire to
clear our stock of all kinds of winter goods. Flaunels, waterproofs,
Jeans, blankets and comforts, lap ropes and slmular articles must be
onverted into money and if low prices will do the work, our aim will be
accomplished. -1
Regret No!
'»» ■ > ’
After It la too late. We endeavor to enlighten you and keep you
well posted. We believe printers Ink the best medium to conyey to you
the glad tidings of the many extraordinary bargains now
onr Clearing Sale. Bnoulder scarfs, large and small shawls, ladles
vests and pants, childrens vesta and pants, union su}ts, gloves, hosiery,
corsets, ribbons, etc., to be converted in'.o money, or at any rate, our
stock of them must be reduced, and we knew of no better way than to
urtber reduce onr already very low prices.
Purchase will suffice to show you that we are the Leaders of Low
Prices here. "Very small profits” has always been our motto and to this
we attribute our success in galningthe above title. We devote the sec
ond floor of our establishment to clothing exclusively and our stock Is
still a little too large; in fact, we would like to close out every dollars
worth of winter clothing, b« it suits, pants or overcoats, and we rather
believe that we can-save you some money on your purchases, if you will
take time to examine our stock. Not a bit of trouble to show you through.
Before You
Throw this paper aside, read this "ad”carefully. Every word of It
moans money to you. It’s an easy matter to fill a page with a lot of
nonsense, but there Is no nonsense about that Clearing Sale of ours.
Neckwear, souks, suspenders, shirts, collars aud cuffs, childrens shoer,
ladies shoes, mens shoes, casslmers, negligee shirts, night shirts, dress
■uirts, etc., have all been marked down in order to reduce stock on
band. Bear in mind that all these goods were purchased before Ilf re
was any rise In the prices ot goods and you get the benefit of the - d,
low prices.
Purchase Elsewhere
Before you come to see us and a comparison ot our prloes with those
you have to pay elsewhere will make your*head aohe. Now, why do
this? Give us a look before you buy a dollars worth of your bill at
other bouses, and we feel you’ll be benefitted thereby. The grand clear
ing sale will not last always; therefore delay not coming to the Bee-Hive
and make yonr bill with ns. We will treat you square and fair, honora
bly and politely. We hold that your interest is our Interest; upon that
platform we propose to stand and respectfully solicit your patronage.
A nice Colored Dress. One of our Novelty Suits.
I A handsome Plush Wrap. One of our Tailor Fitting Jaokets.
A good Trunk,(we have about a half dozen we want to close out.)
A box of Hose. A half dozen Bocks. A pair of warranted Kid Gloves.
A pair of our fine Blankets, (useful if not ornamental.)
Oneof our nice Dress or Business Suits. A fine, light weight, satin
faced Overcoat. One of our pretty smoking jaokets. .
A pair of tiur fine full dress Shirts. Bilk Handkerchiefs and Muffiers.
Exquisitely hand-painted Table Scarfs. And numerous other
Specially attractive offerings on California Wool Blankets: perfect
beauties in borders.
Special purchases for Christmas trade: We have jast received 60
dozens of lovely
of every description and price. You are cordially invited to visit our
store and examine.
I Is 100 Bilk Umbrellas, the very thing for a present. Gold and silver
heads, natural sticks, cherry wood handles and all the newest designs.
A beautiful lot of goods, but
No Fancy Prices
>. 'tfHdL
on them. We can’t poaalbly tblnk ot everything we have in atook. We’
cordially invite one and all at onr atore and look through; yon’U find
something to salt yon and we would again repeat, at a saving of money
on prices asked you at oilier houses.
In'conclusion a word or two about WRAPS: We were told by a party who had made the-comparison, that our $7.50 Wraps were pret
tier aud better than goods another house asks $10.00 for. Does’nt this bear us out in the assertion that you can do better with us than
elsewhere ? will you take the trouble to give us a trial ? Respectfully, .
*It is our utmostfdesire to begin th$ New Year with olean books; henoe we respeotfolly. but earnestly request a settlement of
^ ACCOUNTS dueus. . 'I.'. • .1 . j .$**,'■
*a. nmm go.
Proprietors of the Lowest Price House in southwest Georgia!