Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 12, 1891, Image 3
Tin* Sheriff i| a . A WOMAN'S REVOLVER PREVENTS A MURDERER FROM -DREAKiNG CUT OF JAIL. ■ilm it.i attempt l»y tlie use of a piece procured from otf the P nn c cures low Ison ilo was frustrated in the atte a fellow negro prisoner, who <r alarm. slieiilf Smith wa: but his plucky wife emergency of* the ease, window overlooking t!i Little Wlfe- riler. Ti led to ne 4.-Henry’ : Julv Lml fur 1 if. je»tcrdiyi to break Jail ! on which he • of his cell, i !•$$•®$t••••••••••••••■••••®®®®®®®®*®® BAD BLOOD!: Pimples on the Taoe | ■ Breaking Ont | ~ Skin Troubles | : Little Soresj Hot Bk!n | s Boils i_ Blotches | ■ - r CoW Bor**| Bad Breath j ■ S I Bore Month or Lips | : 5 V/Vk t. #f \ ! DOCTOR AGKER’S i : ENCLISH 1BL0Q0 ELIXIR! j WHY? beca 1 j 3 s Wp 0 o u re1 lood ! * Have y. ti ever used mercury t If so, did y°Q J 167 DOZEN Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Straw Hats AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WILL BE SOLO REGARDLESS OF COST OR CONSEQUENCES. r 120 IVilSSEs, ■ tlie al AI LOR H ATS at 25c., worth 50c. ‘ m,l anythin" else in the Hat line, go to III Ell Mi: The “GREAT AMERICAN EAGLE" SHOE STORE \\ lu*r»* you will fiml all tin* novoltieK m Men’*, Bovs’ an«l Children’s ut at the time, equal to the .She opened a jail corridor Health is Wealth! To take the place of a corset-if you won’t wear one-try the Ball waist. That’s, just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish, Then, if you’re not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. For,ale by GEO^D. VVHEATLKY. YOUR rSKIN, BLOOD, l ! LIVER, £ KIDNEYS, fj [BLADDER Are they diseased ? *• * question that affects your life. -aTbimUS ■!i , T~-h-hri<-<\lhronah<w4 n oe cured all discuses of these organs. Ilf Ilf fl (Wooldridge'! If VU I. Wonderful 'Hill Ul Cure), Wooldridge’wdiJoEEFUL cube co., kA bI: by ALL DRUGGISTS. r.ntefj Cur- for Piles of whatover p'' 1 M," r ‘Ljree— EV srnnl, Iuternal, Blind jj *. ,n o» Petiii ft } Chronic, Recent or $1 A* i box; 6 boxes, $5.00. ! j' 1 ' 1 ’ I ,ri 'I*”d, on receipt of price. e t0 ‘ lro Any case of Piles. w - -aieed and sc!. -inly by tmk i»avk\.'oi:t pure; co.. " hulcFale aud Retail Drug will remain in jail until October will leave for the penitenti; brother-in-law, Thomas Ward, nam county, was the main witness, and his evidence is substantially as follows: Owens married Mai iah Ward in 1678 and deserted her .about two years ago. He left her with six children, but occa sionally sent her money. After lie had been in Cordele some time, a friend wrote Mrs. Owens that ho (Owens) was dead, and returned his trunk and other tilings which belonged to him. This happened after he became engaged to Miss Leila Morton. Mr. Ward had with him a certified copy of the marriage from the ordinary of Jasper county, and .also had a picture of Owens. Owens still denies the truth of his former mar riage, and says it is a trumped up affair. Everyone here sympathizes deeply with the young lady .and her family, but are indignant with Owens. Miss Morton is still in Anniston, and intends remaining there, so Madame Rumor says. McElHeE’S WINE OF CARPUI for Weak Nerves. Ho Mockcil ClirUt. Kansas City, Mu., Juno 4.—Stvcin- furtli, tlie Rockford, Ill., crunk, who styles himself “The only true Christ,' and who for tlie past few days lias been holding the fort with Ids “disciples” in this city, had to dec from an angry mob last night. A crowd assembled before tho build, ing in which Swcinfurth had been ex hibiting himself, with a firm determina tion of applying a coat of tar and feath ers to the pretender. Taking alarm, Swcinfurth secreted himsolf, and had not been caught up to a late hour. McELREE’S WINE OF CARPUI lor Weak NcrvM. LIPPMAN oRCib, Proprietor., Oruggl.t.. Lippman'. B'ock, SAVANNAH, GA. For sale by the DAVENl’OJtT DRUG COMPANY, Aiuericus, Ga. k Certain Cure for Dyspepsia. There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as Dyspepsia and indigestion, and one too, that up to the present time has bailled the skill of the most eminent physicians. Two-thirds of the chronic diseases have their origin in Dyspepsia. The symptoms are loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of fulness or weight in the stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting, acidity, flatu lence, dull pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of bowels, low spirits, sleeplessness, sallow skin,, derange- "" ' a ieys, and not \mf~^quently pal pita* i any Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir C 'mpanv, Montezuma, Ga of Americus,8«- DIAMONDS AND WATCHES at prices tl^g will enable us to sell lower than ever before. Our stock is immense, assortment complete, prices lower than any one. Call and see for yourselves before buying. , C. A. FRICKEE, ’ . President.- 4O9 JACKSON SI., AMER1CUS, GA. (Barlow Block.) 'bjiiu vv- v . u,c haventort drug Americas, Ga. PTJH.E BEST KHtlWH RFMFHT c H.(j| irej j Qonorhioa ami «!?. o > .?, Ua ^ , l without Tain. Contains no ft Stricture! VJT I. ’' r Poisonous sub,tune..., absolutely linriulcM. f’ltf’erllicti by physicians. Item Sy- with each bottle. Price ll Ml . . ly 1 rUKKlmi-. Beware of Sub. j 1.j? Americus by Cook’s Pharmacy K li-ii Fleetwood & Russell, J. - ' Davenport Drug Company. loans. W a Am ,;0 ! latcd at LOWEST rates. > PA.ments, on city or farm lands, nets,. J. J. HAMESLEY, • Americas, Georgia. Going to Indianupoli*. Macon, Ga., Juno 5.—[Special.]—The Sotithern Cadets have at last determined to enter tlie inter-state Infantry drill at Indianapolis, and will go there direct from the Cbicatnauga encampment June :',0th. Tho greatest enthusiasm prevails here since tho company decided to go, and subscriptions to tbe fund necessary to defray tlicir expenses arc pouring in, nearly $000 having been subscribed in a few hours to-day. The company will drill nightly until tlicir departure to tlie state encampment and to Indianapolis. BLACK-DRAUGHT lea cures Constipation. ItrunswIeU's Sellout. Close. ltlifXsWK K, June The closing ex ercises of tbe public schools are now in progress. Tbe administration of .Superintendent Orr lias been a most successful one, and since lie lias been in otlieo tlie schools have been brought to high standard. Gay throngs now enliven St. Simon's and Cumberland. Many improvements have been made and guests can now en joy every convenience that could be de sired. The Data at Last. ItguiQUE, Juno 4.—The Itata arrived here this morning from Locopilla and was delivered over to tlie American warships here. Tho Charleston is ex pected to arrive hero to-day from Arica. The Itata handed over to the American warships all arms taken oil at Sandiego, consisting of 5,000rifles, ggy WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic tor Women. A Ills Failure. Nashville, June A—Tho wholesale dry goods and shoe firm of the McLaster Company assigned this morning. Lia bilities, $47,000; assets estimated at $725,000. ' • . • Caveat®, and Trade-Mark® obtained, and nil Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent In left* time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent i® secured. A Panphlet. "IIow to Obtain Patents," with names (‘factual client® in your State, county, or towu, tout free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D. C. THE LITTLE SEWING MACHINE MAN OFFERS FOK SALE For nil Machines on easy terms, and cun supply tlie best Needles, Oils, Attachments, Etc. rOR ALL MACHINES. Spec I ill attention give null Machinery. Orde eelvo prompt attention. mUNKENrfESS W Liquor Habit. at ali ms wonts msste/s sirso/ts was D*HAitfE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC. 11 ran b_-gl ven In coffee, tea, or In articles ol food, without tho knowledge of patient if necessary, it is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a inoderatedrinker or i»n alcoholic wreck. IT NKV- Kit FA II-S. it operates ho quietly and with such triplet* reformation ig i*rtainty that the pit For sal Ainerinua, (ia. Dr. E. J. KlSridge Americus Iron Works; -BUILDERS OF- Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins,. Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys jKg-Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. * « Saw Mill Men, Attention! Are you in need of machinery of any description? tug just what you desire and we will uess is heavy machinery such as If so, write 11s your wants, make you low prices. Our special busi- stating just what you desire and we ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORJING MACHINERY, ami for fivet-clatss machinery, wo ‘defy competition. Wo arc general agents for II. 1), SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machinex, and can dis count factory prices. He sure to write for circular of “Farmer.’ Favorite” saw mill; It is tbo Leat on tho market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Writo for prices and sco if we cannot save you money. Perkins Machinery Company, HtoukhohWs i Capital* - - ttlfSOUMMl HurpluN, - CMOO*OOa - : D K<» ORS:— * H. C. Bagley. Pres. Americus Investment Co. 1*. C. Clegg, l»res. Ocinulgee Hriojc Co. Jas. Dodson, of jas.DodHon Si Son, Attorneys. G. W. Glover, Fren’t Afuericus Grocery Co. 8. H. Hawkins, Pres’t 8. A. Sc M. Railroad. 8. Montgomery, pres’t Peoples .National Bank. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield - ~ **—* T. Wheatley, wholesale dr W. E. Murphey, Cashier. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vice-President. W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS- O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins, B. II. Jossey, T. N. Hawkes, W. C. Furlow, W. Hi C. WhBa.ley.R. S. Oliver, II. M. Brown, W--M. Hawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rvlander. ' - Liberal to Its ciistoraeis, accommoda ting to tho public and prudent In it* management, tills bank solicits deposits and other business in its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Pr.jt. J, C. HONEY, Vic. Pmt. JN0. WINDSOR. C’r. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. C’r. E. A. HAWKINS, Altorn.y NO. 2839. • THE * Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas, Saw and Grist Mills, ORGANIZED 1883. H. C. Baolky, IT... W. E. Hawkins, Sec. & Tr. Americus Investment Co. investment Securities, f aid up (lanital, $1,000,000. . (Surplus, $250,000. * directors: II C Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, W M Hawkes, BF Mathews, O M Byue, W E Murphey, S Montgomery, J U Pharr. 11. P. Hollis. CAPIfAT, STOCK, - - - SUKl-LUa& Undivided PruSts, THE AHEHICUS BUSINESS COLLEGE Will open Juno 15th and will give apodal instructions lu buaineaa inatheinnticii and penmanship, or both com bined. Day course, all studies, - fio.nnper tno. i’entmtuuhlPt (special) - - 5.00 ** Mathematics and Penmnnshlp, 7,50 " Night Course, all studies, - 5.00 " W. B. MITCHELL, Prln. We are now prepared to furnish Lumber and Shingles on short notice, at the lowest cosh prices. Parties wanting either of the WIGGINS * HERNDON. fflPIUM WAlUBtACA urn and Whiskey Habits cured at home with* out Nsln. Book of par- ticulara sent PRKE. a *.M.wogi (17 SOUTH BROAD STREET, Mentio» The Timm WheniYou Write. ATLANTA, GA. june24-d&wlyear Your AttentiQii Please! ! ALLISON & AYCOCK, Tlie Lamar street Book’ Sellers have about three hundred dollars worth of Pictures and Moulding that they will let go' at COST for the, next 20 days. Fine Steel Engravings at 26c, formerly 50c; and just listen at the jirices of our Fine Pictures: Fine Oak Framo steel engraving, sire .18:24, $1.50, former price $2.50; Fine grade of Oil painting, sire 24x30, going at $1.50, former price t2.50, # otherg in proportion. We have as good an assortment of Moulding as has ever been brought to this city and we will sell it to you at actual e.,st for-the next 20 day- only. Moulding from Co up to-Mb'foot, formerly'sold from Ido to One, all "sires and styles. Wo mean business; wc are over stocked with tlie-e goods and they must go as wo need the money. If you have any framin to be done do not let this opportunity pa-s. Ivcmember you are savin front 25 to 40 per cent. Remember the place. Bank of Soothwestern Georgia. * M. SPKKR, J. W. WHEATLEY* President, Vice 1'reaid W. 11. C. DUDLEY, ' A. W. SMIT Ciuhier. A»»l»tant Cafthier. X>n<ECTOit9: J. W. Wheatley, E. J. Eldridge, C. A. Huntington, II. It. Johnson, It. J. I’crry, J. C. Nicholson, A. W. Smith, W. H/C.Dudloy, M. Speer. , E. Bunit.'Jn., Pres. O. A. Coleman, 1. H.M. Knapp, V.P. an, Sk. * Treas, Georgia Loan&TrustCo. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. 310 LAM A It STREET. AMERICUS. GEORGIA B P Hollis, Attorney, J E Bivins. Land Examlna. W. D. MURRAY. FRESIOEHT. i. h CLARK, CASRIU. Planters’ Bank of Ellaville, Ellarilio, Georgia. * PAID UP CAPITAL, - - *85,000 Collections a Specialty. Liberal to Its customere, Accommodating to the public and prndent*in it* management, this hank solicit* deposits and other business in its anS-dawly.