Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 2

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Assailant Proved to Be an
Italian Named Robini.
As King Was Proceeding to Cathedral
to Attend a Te Deum Three Shots
Were Fired Into His Carriage, but
None Took Effect.
Brussels, Nov. ID.— 1 Three shots tvern
fired ot the king of Belgium this morn-
ing as he was proceeding to the ca
thedral to attend a te ileum of the
late Queen Henrietta. No one was
Tile man who fired the shots was
an Italian. He stood In front of the
Bank of Brussels on the Hue Royal.
The other chambets in the revolver
proved to he blank, so it Is presumed
that those fired were equally harm
less. The man was Immediately ar
rested and the police had some dif
ficulty in rescuing him from the hands
of the crowd. He gave the name of
The royal eortego consisted of sev
eral carriages, besides that of the
king, containing the Count and Count
ess of Flanders, Prince and Princess
Albert, of Flanders, the Princess
Clementine, and the aides de camp
and ladles cf honor.
Held Anarchistic Beliefs.
When examined by the police Hu-
blnl confessed that ho Intended to
ahoot King Leopold, and said he held
anarchist beliefs.
ltublno is a bookkeeper. He was
horn at Rinardo near Naples in 1859,
and has lately lived In Brussels.
A fuller investigation showed the
police that Rubino really fired a ball
cartridge, the bullet of which smash
ed the window of the Comte d’ Eoul-
traniont's carriage and grazed tho
grand marshal's face.
Mob Attacks Robino's Cab
When rescued from tho mob Rubi-
no was placed In a cab and Infuriated
people Immediately surrounded It
and attacked tho vehicle with knives
and sticks. The police had great dif
ficulty In forcing a way to tho police
station through tho crowd, which
shouted alternately. “Kill him," and
“Long live the king.”
The cab was badly hacked with
A search of the prisoner revealed
a package of ball cartridges.
It is reported that Rubino had been
heard to express anarchistic opinions,
and It Is also said that he came to
Brussels from London expressly to
kill King Leopold, and went to the
cathedral today for this purpose, but
refrained from shooting at the king
for fear of killing soldiers who stood
between him and Ilia majesty
Attempt Was Premeditated
Rubino Is also reported to have said
he was employed in the Italian secret
service In London, and that he camo
to Brussels a fortnight ago with the
Intention of assassinating King Le
The news of the outrage spread ran-
Idly throughout the city, and the
greatest excitement prevailed. The
people thronged the streets eagerly
discussing the attempt on the life of
the king, and large crowds gathered
In front of the various bulletin boards.
The newspapers Issued frequent edi
tions, and these were eagerly bought.
General abhorrence was expressed- by
the people at the apparently deliber
ate attempt to assassinate the Dover-
Searching For Eagan’s Body.
Kallspel, Mont., Nov. 14,—The Great
Northern company has employed elev.
en men to continue the search for Su
perintendent Egan, for ten days, but
has no plans after that time. Assist
ant General Superintendent Kennedy,
who has taken charge of the division
says: "Superintendent Egan has not
been found and now we can only
attempt to recover his body.”
Superintendent Egan Is said to have
carried life Insurance amounting to
125,000. What effect a failure to find
the body would have on the Insurance
is now being questioned.
Grsceial woraee
A Oesiro for a Perfect Figure is Inseparabla
from a Leva of tho Beautiful.
The scent of the violet or rose is ol I
precious ns the lovely flowers whose
breath they are, and while the lives ol I
flowers ore brief and we can only enjoj I
them for a day, the beautiful woman giveJ I
the pleasure of her fragrance to us as i
permanent blessing. The soft fragrance I
of a beautiful woman suggests purity, I
health and elegance; she is the refinement
of civilization; an index always of good I
taste and an unerring badge of gentility, |
F emale Regulator
in regulating the lunar periods in woman I
permits of no wrinkles, pale cheeks 011
tortured nerves and shapeless figures. It is I
Nature's remedy. The druggist may off el I
something else and call it “just as good” I
but the menstrual organs will not be dt>
ceivid, and permanent injury may result I
Try our Regulator. Of all druggists $l
Our treatise on “ Woman” mailed free;
Those decorated Dini?er Sets are genuine Haviland China. Our
own importation. The “White” will cross “The Tide” in Nov.
We have the finest Lamps shown in Georgia, but they are the
cheapest, 15c to $20.00.
Those Lounges and Chairs are covered with real leather, and
frames are quartered oak.
Our Cut-Glass have the thickest blanks, deepest cut, most ar
tistic patterns, and most brilliant sheen that can be secured.
Our stock of Chamber Suits, Side Boards, China Closets, Ex
tension Tables, Diners, Odd Chairs and Tables is the most
complete and attractive we have ever shown.
We still have large stock of graceful and elegant shapes in Odd
Pieces in French China, Vases, Cups and Saucers and other
articles suitable for presents or home use.
Our stock of Housefurnishings can supply all your wants.
It is true goods were bought for CASH and that we can and
will give full value for every dollar spent with us.
Physicians an I Sped lists.
34 1-2 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Ga.
Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts.
Americus, Ga.
Newous and I
Diseases Our I
treat w ith greatest successall forms of I
Sc in Inal T ^
Seminal Losses, Nlitht Emis
sion. Lows of Vital Power, Sleeplessness,
Despondency, L
l 1 X Un CT, »j1' LpiLhnllLhS, I
. ot Memory, Confusion of
Ideas, Lassitude, Gloominess. Depression of I
Spirits, Aversion to Society, Easily Dlscour-1
aged. Lack ot Confidence, Dull, Listless, Un
fit for Study or business, and finds lite a bur-,
horrible In its results, completely eradicated I
without the use of mercury. or Iodides of I
Potash, Pains In the Head and Bones,Syphlll-1
e, Catarrh I
URINARY Kidnev and Bladder Trou-1
unman I / bie*. Weak Mackt Uu rning
Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine high-
lv colored or w itn milky sediment on stand
ing, Gonorrhae, Gleet.Cystitis, Etc., prompt-1
ly and safely cured. Charges reasonable.
To Young Hen and Kiddle Aged Her.
A SlIRF nilRF rlie asful effects cf
vUnC ounc Early Vice, which!
brings organic weakness, destroying both
mind and body, with all Us dreadful Ills,
permanently cured,
Cured, Removal complete, nelthei knife, I
caustic nor dilation; without pain or Injury.
Proof Indisputable,
VYR DYAR Addresses those who have I
kill# V I fin impaired themselves by Im
proper Indulgences and solitary habits
which ruin both body and mind, unfitting
them for business, study or marriage. |
MARRIFD MEN, or those entering on that (
happy life, awateof physical debi lty, quick
ly assisted.
Our newsystem of mail treatment enables I
us to treat patients at their own home as
successfully as by a personal interview,
Send for perfect question list- Call on or I
DR, A. S. DYAR & CO.|
34 1-2 Peachtree Street.
Between Marietta and Walton Streets,
Atlanta, Ga.
“We can live without poetry, music or books,
But civilized men cannot live without cooks.”
Hid the poet Bulwar lived in this advanced age of
good cooks and good living, he would have gone, for
his meals to
Johnston’s Restaurant,
Under the Opera House, where the art cullnaire is a
finished product. The tables of this populer Cafe
are supplied, day and night, with every delicacy of
the season; the most luscious Oysters, Juicy Steaks,
Southdown Mutton, Fish, Birds and Game of
every variety.
Quick Orders Served at Shortest Notice
and in a style calculated to please the most exacting
and fastidious epicure.
Everything new, neat and clean; elegant dining
rooms, public and private, excellent service. Orders
for meals sent anywhere m Americus.
Telephone No, !0 If You Are Hungry.
In the same building, but entirely separate from
the Cafe, is the Bar. where the finest and purest
Wines and Liquors, Beer, Ale, etc , are served. Here
presides that genius, Coot Stanfield, whose fame as a
mixologist is proverbial. His greeting is cordial and
he serves only the very best.
For The Best
Cooked Heals
in Americus.
For The Best and
Fnrest Drinks
Sjrved in City.
Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Coming,
jmiinwiuv 0 f them and is
ready and waiting to fix you for them.
I am better prepared to
serve the sportsmen than
ever before with a large
assortment of High-Grade
Guns and Ammunition at
priced to suit your pocket-
Myline of single'Breech-Loaders cannot be beaten' on quality or
pt>:, and my High-Grade’[Hannuer and Hammerlcss Double-Barrel
Breech Loaders cannot be duplicated anywhere at the prices.
Clca..M-t and Gauntlet the hair.
Promote* • luxuriant growth.
Haver Falle to Bcetoro Gray
“Ur to its Youthful Color.
,1 »r*ip «J.<-».«• * heir loliinr.
Old Veteran Gete Damages.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 14.—J. W. Low
lier, of Wsdesboro, N. C., attended tho
National reunion of Confederate vet
erans held iff Dellas during last April.
By the overcrowding of an excursion
train on ths St Louis Southwestern
railroad, he was crowded oS the train
at Oarlspd, Tex., and his slcuu fract
ured and his right 'arm broken, lie
sued ths railroad company for $43,-
000 damages. A jury In Judge Nash’s
court awarded him 13.250.
....Hudson’s Drug Store....
212 Forsyth St.. 'Phone 98.
Drugs and Medicines.
We have the prettiest and most complete drug store in the city,
" A iJ E cjiil'uKsTEi , es , 'S:Nousu I our stock is fresh and complete. We are reliable druggists,and nevei
dSL'rArSMlisl'iVS'M I substitute. We fill your doctor’s prescriptions just as he .writes them.
Paigerau Habitllatlm and Imlta. I
Uone. Bey of your Drucglst. or emd do. te I
turn UaJJU lSTooOTeStawntal. Bel/by
.. . * .r! hreMlsu. ^Chleheete* then * * “
Meotlou this poper. VUtion 1>, l*tmlJ
Every Woman
Im Interested end should know f
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
~“enewVa«lMlByrlafe. Injec-
* Nurtion. ItMt—M*f- |
t—Most Convenient
ll tlcaases Initially
Hot and Cold Soda Water.
Sole agent for HUYLER’S CANDIES.
shyser dreyyHt A
other, bat rend stamp for.
lustrated give*
full pdEtioulars and directions ii
valuable to ladies. MAHYKI, ^
ttcoin Times lldg.*.\’e%v Vo.
Farm loans negotiated any I
where ia Southwest Georgia
at low rates and on easy|
terms. Save money by see
ing me.
Americas, Ga.
If you want money on your farm I have arrangements
I with New York parties through-whom I can get it for you
| at Lowest Possible Cost.
Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga,
Stnrue Lumber
Warcnouse S, A.
L. Ry. A Church St
Ttho jCumbet 2)oalor
Uptown omce [No-ntr.
Siough ana tDramad jCumbtr
jCatht, \<Shlnfit*, Sit,
Warehoue No. 117. Retldence’.iKo.lOt
For the Next 30 Days
merless Guns. If you are not ready^to buy, bring your old gun here
and have it repaired and cleaned by practical and experienced guu-
smiths. - Shells loaded to order on sbort jiotice, and special and prompt
attention given to mail orders.
There’s Plenty to Drink on the Corner Now I
New Place, and the Best Line of Liquors
fold in the City.
Original "Stone Mountain Corn,
Hawthorne Club. Baltimore Hunter.
Three Feathers,
are among our popular brands of fine liquors,
Mr. Robert A. Hogue is with us and would be pleated Mo serve
bis many friends in city and oonntry.
ARTESIAN SALOON, W. N. Booker, Prop.
To Whom It May Concern I
We wish to call your attention to the beautiful line of
Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Sachet Powders, Smelling Salts,
etc., carried by the Eldridge Drug Stores. Nowhere can
you find a’more beautiful assortment of perfumes m{elegant
packages, than aie now displayed at he
Eldridge Drug 1 Stores.