Newspaper Page Text
S6O in Gold!
WiSi be Paid to any Man or Woman.
It remains for the celebrated firm of physl
clans and specialists, l)r. Hathaway & Cos.,
| Regular Graduates Hegl-t red | , to place a
genuine business proposition before the pub*
lie, which has never been made before,
VVe agreeto treat any por on afflicted with
any chrot:ic disenso ami cute them, furnish
ing medicines unci everythin!.} necessary for
their case, or forfeit SSd.dU in geld, providing
the patient faithfully follows treatment and
directions, nod I ho case is a cur* b'o one.
This offer is plain, and thbl'o i i-oeatcntb
It; and furthermore, tbo oifer ir, good and the
money perfectly sufe because we are linan
cittily resign Bible-
Dr. .Hathaway &
Co.’s experience tlur
f iTflir ‘ ■)•% lag Die last tO years
\ has proved the fuc*
w . . (hat they
K, U tiuiu&aiuis of cases
W.U, M -.yhi.i other doctors
•2 itSF fi havo failed, and this
v 7 warrants them ft:
My Zi I J lnnhing tklsrcmark
j j'. - £ sons who are sulTer
,i ing from any chronic
it ■fyeV /■dlsi'iue, havoiiow an
*' lifv ouporl unity to test
t ho 1 rent ment of the
helenowiedgfd leid
"t , WjJf ing physicians and
V_y?.wwrrr'-Xsflc .puciali-ts of this
country, with an nb*
"?svo solute surety of being
cured. Special dl
,<•, such o Scutari li,!>;o< and poison, wf alt.
> <-m of men and women u filch affects llie
ileiicate organs end private dlsioises of ail
kinds, rhemnatism, stricturo, varicocele,
rupture, female troubles, sf-.ln eruptions,
ulcers, kidney nml iirlrmrv dlneanes, livor
and MtcTnne?> rllfUeultles,liquor,'pli man I
tnorplilne haap s, or any chronic disease.
Our treat ment can bo taken nt homo under our
directions, or, wo will pay railroad faro oml
hotel bill to all who prefer to como to our of
fice for treatment, if wo full forum. Wchavo
the best of financial and professional refer
cnees and transact our business on a strictly
professional basis, nruinlslni: no'hlng but
what wo can fulfill. Wo do not believe in any
of tho free prescriptions, free cure, free
sample, or (). D. frauds, but. tlilnk it Is best
in tlie end to lie honest with our patients.
Write us to-day; don’t delay.
We have carefully prepared Symptom
Blanks Nt>. 1. for men: No, ”, for women; No.
3, for skin dlHeuses; No. 4, for catarrh, and
new 'i4 page booklet which we will send I' ree
to all who really dost to truthful information
about their condition. Gall or address.
> '£l'i So. Broad Street, Atlanta, Uu.
Mention this paper.
H Ice water will chill the Htoiuarh, !>ut It Q
■ will make you feel warmer. Q
m will cool the hioocl unci make you really E
Q cool. It’s the drink for warm ilaya. Q
Q TIIK null IKS K linos CO., IM.IInOr la. H
gll Maker* of Hire* Good *ni>l Milk. ig|
IB "A ftrry /thyme* fr Thirtty Time*." Sent free. BM
■ niMTMFiUiT
AYMI’TOMtt-—Moisturet Intoniti* Itvlilnf tuil
Rtlnctnci iut Ml night; orc !>> r.4t<hlng. It
nllnwe4 tocontlinto tumor* form ninl protrude,
wliloh often blood him! iilcrrut i\ bci'miitnc vitj
HWA YNK'HOIXTMEMT • Dtp* Itchingund
Mending, ulurl* the tumor*. Sold by dririrfithor by
I Fur 50et*. I* rt a par(l bv Or.MwivhrA S*, Philadelphia.
Th* luiplo appUcatiuu ul r gjjw
.vjg] without any internal *flbJ
m*hoin*, burua tt-' jSRh v
~ an ** r woMHim, itch, all'rafil _AI
thofeoe, nhj,
11-M hands, nos®, Ao., leaving
skin olsar, whit® and lieal *<•
•old by druggiM*. or sent hi mail for 50 cU. Address Da
***• k Son, PhUadelptiia, I’a Ash your druggist lor tt
Schedule In Effect .Time 11th, IS!>9.
iNo Nt>, Nit j No.
NorthhoiiiMl. ~ j |- j.|
Lv.'l-rtnnoviek. .7777. Mtß-t U 8 aj 4 Oli| Stop
A r Rveret t !(1 Still Id !tUe ,'iOOp aOp
L\ Jesnp. ll'Vnt . jlO Slip
“• Burreiiry LMlilpj
“ Bexley IV’O/p ’ll Alp
“ Hn/.liimin<t loop II ithi
“ Lumber CVy 1 l*ji .. 12 04a
•' Helena > 2Uh>! 12 86a
** Missler . - 2lp
” Eastman.. j j 2 45j| 1 Ola
“ Empire ] 8 • P
T7v Hawkinsvllle 2 45p
Ooeliran.. N ” !> 8 20p N:J 1 89tt
“ Mwkiu SlVia 4 45p T illp: 2 5>l:l
Klovllla HOH t 6 44pl 8 llpi o 48a
“ MeDonouith 8410 ft22p SftOp
Ar. Atlanta. In Un T 2l)jj 865 p oOoa
Lv. Atlanta 4Ulp ilubpjlTiOp! SSki
Ar. Chat tanootia Stop ft ton ftCOa 0 .Vhi
Ar. Memphis ;mm li>|> 7 lOp 7 40a
Ar Louisville .Mm Tip filftp Tjjjjyj
Ar At Imuis, Air Line, HftOp T ota 7 04a T iMa
Ar. Oliiftnnat 1. y. AM’ ; t.m *ROp ; stop 58Up
Lv. Atlanta. 4 lop j ... Siitki
Ar Htrmlncham. 101 Op ... 11130a
” Memphis. T l.m I B!Mp
“ Kansas City . T Ilia 5 Sep
Lv. Atlanta i'JUOm ll.Vip
Ar. Washington. tl 42a yoftp
' New Yeilt. I'. 1 1. p ll 21 la
honthboand. i l 0 w H 14
£v. New York.. 4 Bop 12 iftu ■ I
Washington. ._ ltMftp 1115a'
Ar Atlanta. S.Vip ft loa
tit. ItaiMMM (Mty oldp 10 101
” Memphis. Poop 7 Odn
*• Birmingham Ift lloa . 4 4ftp
Ar Atlanta . 11 ;Ma ' 104vp
Lv. Cincinnati, y. v v soup s soa ftOOp sttoa
Li St. Loots. Air Line s ‘ s; ' * •*
* Louisville. T 4ftp 7 Uhl 7Up T 4iki
Lv. Memphis . ! xiinp OKm SOOp SOUp
Lv. Chattanooga I 6 4Vi-i0 10|> ft 45a ft3op
Ar. Atlanta |ll tin 50 a 11 ftfta 10 20p
Lv. Atlanta 4 20p ft 20a 120ftp: 11 OOp
” MeDonouth 82np ft lea 12 52p
“ Kiovilla ft IKS j > 7 03a 1 2Tp' 1217a
Ar. Maeou ! lop S'.iti 2 26p 110a
Lv. Ooohrtui loose. , 2 25a
Ar Hnwktnsvjile ..tin 44..
Lv. Empire ...7777. 10 22a
” Kastman 10 ton 8 lA);
** Missler .... U 24
“ Helena II ,fta 8 85a
“ LumlierOity 12 4t)p . 410a
** Hajlehurgt 1 o.ip 4 2ft
•’ Baxley 182 p 4 58a
" Surreuey 1 e2p
Ar. Jeaup 2Ssp . .. 54S
Lv. Everett 10 lifts H Itlp ft lOp (IftOu
Ar. Hrunsxvtek 1! ifta 1 SOp ftUftpl 7 45a
No* {5 ami 14. —Pullman Shaming UrTW
twoon Brunswick sud Atlanta, U u-ito Jack
sonville, Fla., anil Cincinnati, via Everett and
Non. 18 and 16.—Pullman Slrri'inj; Car* be
tween Atlanta and Cincinnati. via Chatta
nooga: also between Chattanooga and Mem
Train* 7 and 16—Pnlltnnn Drawing Hoorn
Buffet SleeuLg Oars last ween Macon ami
Asheville, Jc c.
Nos. 7 and B—Pullmnn Sleeping Car* be
tween Atlanta and CliattnnovHta
Nos. 6 and 10—Observation Chair Cars be
tween Mis-on and Atlanta.
Connection at Union Depot-, Atlanta, for all
points north, east and west.
Third V P Gan Mgr.. Trait..- Manager,
Washing -,l). O. Washington, D. O.
Oen’l Pas* \gt, Asst. t+<‘U . Pass. Aji., D C. Atlanta. C4a.
GonQrattfiatfofls lortließlacks;
* tlm wftites.
s , #/; 'X , r Y _ /•
The late Robert C. Billings, of
Boston* leaves, by his,will, bequests
to’ benevolent objects aggregating
s7oo*ooo, ofwhich about $250,000
is given to coljtfges*' Harvard Uni
versity receives SIOO,OOO and the
Massachusetts School of Tecnology,
The only institutions in the South
helped are the Hampton Institute gt
Haraptop, „ Va., $25,009;, Booker
Washington's school at Tuski egee,
Ala., $10,000; and the Atlanta Uni
versity. Atlanta, (’.a., $5,000 —ali of
which are schools for the higher edu
cation of negroes.
We congratulate our “brother in
Hack" that his hold on Northern be
nevolence continues so strong and so
steady. We do not begrudge him a
dime of his good fortune when we
commiserate Southern white boys
and girls whom Northern benevolence
overlooks and whom Southern benev
olence almost ignores.
It is idle to say Southern people
have no means. Within a month two
men have died in Atlanta whose com
bined wealth was published as ex
ceedingover $1,000,000. One had
but two children; the other had none.
Neither did anything for the cause of
It was said both were very benevo
lent secretly. It must have been so.
These are others in Atlanta who
are equally as wealthy, and some who
are more wealthy. Some of them
look like they will die soon. We
shall be surprised if men who have
given little to education in life break
the habit of a lifetime in their wills.
Our rich men in the South imitate
the extravagance of Northern wealth,
hut its benevolence they have never
learned And yet they are honorable
men—“all honorable men.” Th6y
simply do not appreciate the value of
education nor do they know how to
part with their money.
Send your address to H. E. Buck
len iV Cos., Chicago, and get a free
sample box of l)r. King’s New Life
Pills. A trial will convince you of
their merits. These pills are easy in
action and are particularly effective
in the cure of Constipation and Sick
1.1 cad ache. For Malaria and Liver
troubles they have been proved in
valuable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action,
but by giving tone to stomach and
bowels greatly invigorate the system.
Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by
\V. A. Wright, Druggist.
“Do you think,” said he, “that one
can live in New York and remain ab
solutely ignorant of the ways of this
world?" “No,” was the answer, not
unless he happens to be chief of po
lice.”—Washington Star.
W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa.,
says: “For forty years I have tried
various cough medicines. One Min
ute Cough Cure is best of all.” It
relieves instantly and cures all throat
and lung troubles.
1)r. W. A. Wright,
L H. Holmes, Barnesville.
Man Woman.
Man’s love is of man’s life a thing
‘Tis woman's whole existence. Man
may range
The court, camp, church, the vessel,
and the mart.
Sword, gown, gain, glory, oiler in
Pride, fame, ambition, to hll up his
And few there are whom these can
not estrange;
Men have all these resources, we but
To love again, and be again undone.
—From Byron's “Don Juan."
The Rest Salve in the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or
no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box, for
sale by \V. A. Wright.
Hi suffered for twenty-five years from
heart trouble, and tried endless reme
dies without relief. I steadily grew
worse r.nd became unable to lie
down; my heart would palpitate and
flutter, and at times it seemed as
though I could not get my breath. I
used three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure, and thank Gcd I am enjoying
good health as a result. It curco me.
Mrs. Ella Schindhelm, Mt. Vernon, la. 77
is sold by all druggists on guarantee
first bottle benefits or money back.
Book on heart and nerves sent free.
Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart. Ind,
After several days of deadlock in
the Kentucky Democratic convention
there was a great thinning out of the
faithful, who had not come to Louis
ville prepared to fight it out if it took
all summer, says a Louisville paper.
Many of them were in a frame of
mind and pocket to sympathize with
Col. W., of Kentucky, who paid a
visit to New York some ten or twelve
years ago and put up at a European
plan hotel. He bustled into an
American plan hotel shortly after
ward, accepted a rate ot $5. for a
room and four meals a day and had
the clerk send a “nigger” instantly to
the other hotel for his baggage. “I’ve
been payin’ fo’ dollars a day for my
room alone over there,” he explained,
“and they’ve been a-chargin' all my
meals extry. Yes, sir! they’ve been
a chargin’ me 20 cents apiece tor
roastin’-years, and I’ve been just fair
ly eat in’ my damned head off!”
I was afflicted with a terrible breaking out.
I was treated by the very best physicians, who
pronounced it blood poison, but it got worse,
t was sutTering untold agony, and finally had
to givo up work. Cuticuua Rkmeuies wore
suggested, which I immediately procured,
l-'rorn the first, I experienced a soothing relief,
notwithstanding my iutensopain. I improved
right along till at last I teas entirely cured, and
not a sign on my body anywhere indicating that
anything had over been the matter with me.
M. 11. BASTIEX, lftfiW.Hunter St.,Atlanta,Ga.
Hritiir Ova, Triatmrst vox Ktiit Blood a#dßis
lluno:t, with boss or Hair Warm bath, with Cim
cvra Sosr. crntle Rnointinr, with Otictri, purtil of
rmnllient skin cure*, and mild doscr of CvncvßA Krsol-
V A XT, of blood pun tin a And humor cures.
Sold thmuvhout th world. Fotti* Drpo asp Chbm.
Com-. Prop*., Hoalou. liowto Cureillood Humors,froo.
A writer in the Youth's Companion
revives the good story of Horace
Greeley and the Englishman who
once agreed with him too literally.
Mr, Greeley was discussing in a gen
eral company the faults and needs
of his own nation. “What this coun
try needs,” said he, in his piping voice
and Yankee accent, “is a real good
licking.” It happened that there was
an Englishman present, 'and he
promptly said with unmistakable En
glish accent: “Quite right. Mr. Gree
ley, quite right. The country needs
a ‘licking.’ " But Mr. Greeley, with
out glancing in the Englishman's di
rection, or seeming to pay no attention
to the interruption, went on in the
same squeaky tone: “But the trouble
is there's no nation that can give it
to us.”
iir |_j /a | c Women as well as
W 1 IU men are made mis
r¥V') erable by kidney
* and bladder trouble.
BLAME |’ r K,lracr ' s
neyremedy i.rom- Root ,le Breal8 real kld '
ptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent
and dollar sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mail free, also pam
phlet telling all about it. Address,
Ur. Kilmer & Cos., Binghamton, N.
If a majority of the members of the
legislature held the same views in re
spect to worthless dogs that Hon. J.
R. McDonald of Ware county does,
I they would be worth more to Georgia
1 than all her gold bearing lands are
It would pay the state to give Mr.
McDonald a big salary to canvass the
state on the importance of electing
of electing to the legislature men who
are pledged-to enact a law which
would result in death of every sheep
killing dog.
We are satisfied that if all the
worthless dogs within the state's limits
were taxed out of existence, the
sheep-growing industry would thrive
There was a time when Georgia
farmers made a grear deal of money on
wool and sheep, but they don’t do it
now. The reason is that the wise
men sent to the legislature seem to
think more of dogs than of sheep.
The sheepgrowing industry cannot
thrive where there are thousands of
unchained, sheepkilling dogs. Asa
rule such dogs are not good for any
purpose whatever. Why they are
permitted no one can explain.
But they do live and multiply, and
there are many people who take great
delight in them. They seem to enjoy
their fleas in daytime and their howl
ing at night.
But why should this sort of enjoy
ment be encouraged or even permit
ted, since it has so much to do with
keeping the farmers from bettering
their material conditions? Isn’t it bet
ter that the worthless cur should go
in order that we may have the money
producing sheep? Instead of having a
few scattered flocks ot sheep we
ought to have thousands of sheep in
every county here in Georgia. The
wool-clip and the mutton ought to
yield as much as cotton. Cannot re
presenative McDonald get his fellow
legislators to agree to the enactment
of a stringent anti-dog law? If he
could we are sure a grateful people
would contribute liberally to a monu
ment for him as a great public bene
factor, after he had shuffled oft his
mortal coil.—Savannah News.
Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Co
coanut Grove Fla., says these has
been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea
there. He had a severe attack and
was cured by four doses of Chamber
lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He says he also recom
mended it to others and they say it is
the best medicine they ever used. For
sale by J. H. Blackburn, druggist.
The Automobile Face.
It was with a pretty sense of im
portance that the Second avenue lady
was answering the eager questions of
her friends and neighbors, says the
Detroit Free Press.
“Yes. it’s delightful,” she said en
thusiastically. “I can’t describe the
sensation, but I imagine that it's very
like that of sailing through the ail on
wings. And it seems so odd to be
moving rapidly along without any vis
ible motive power.”
“Where do they keep the motor?”
“I never thought to inquire or in
vestigate. I just ride for pleasure,
you know.”
“I should think you'd be interested
in the mechanism," said the plain
faced little woman.
“Not a bit. Do you study the ma
-1 chinery’ of a steamboat or of a loco
motive when you travel? Of course
not. It is enough for me to know
1 that you go skimming along, dodging
i hither and thither like a swallow, and
j enjoying a buoyant exhilaration.'
“Puts on a good many airs,” said j
one neighbor to another, as they' walk
ed home. “You'd think that she in
vented the horseless carriage and
owned the only one in use, instead of
taking a few rides by special invita
tion. And did you notice that she’s
getting the automobile face?”
“Indeed I did. Wasn't it awful?
Looked scared, didn’t she? As though
she was going to have a collision, or
run over something, or upset and get
“That's it, exactly. I'd rather walk
all my life than get that terrible au
tomobile cast of countenance.”
Bean the V* Ha* Always BougM
Qnuinrn rtf *hft flftninre’ There is not the slightest doubt that the
OcWuiu Ul life UUuiUiO doctors do more harm than good fn treating
Contagious Blood Poison; many victims ot
DnfnUiiinrl# Vmi Pan this loathsome disease would be much better
rdICnWUSK, TUU Uull off to-day if they had never allowed them
selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the
Cure Yourself at Home. sa*^^**^
The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of
this vile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
disease —the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the
system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash
and mercury. The.mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out
into sores, and the fight is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing thesystem
more damage than the disease itself. )(T , .
Mr H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: “I had spent a
hundred dollars with the doctors, when I realized that
they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my
trdy, and tjie'se soon broke out into running sores, and I IQ
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro- 9
duces I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort, and was if Vy
soon greatly improved. 1 followed closely your ’Direc- jfejS V
tions for Self-Treatment,’ and the large splotches on my ljS3* *T.
chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long gltepr' yU&
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my jg||Nk / BL.
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my
self at home, after the doctors had failed completely. yjuffl
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be
yond their skill. Swifts Specific—
acts in an entirely different way from potash and mercury—it forces the
poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the
disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever,
constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat
ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad
vice, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity*
Write for full information to Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
•/era M. Pound, Prom. '
“There is no better training school in the State or Soi th
The most experienced corps of teachers in a st condary schoo
in the State. The best equipped and appointed ’.uilding.
Instruction is given at the cheapest rates i,. the ordinary
branches of an English education, in music, art, military and
physical culture and mechanical drawing.
The pupils of Gordon Institute are noted for their profn
ciency in the studies which they have taken here—none haf
ever failed to enter on examination the college for which.he
For.further information, apply to
IERE M. POUND, President,
women are
troubled at
vals with pains
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless,
and regular. It puts the deli
cate menstrual organs iu condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It
costs SI.OO at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
For advice, in cases requiring
special directions, address, giv
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,” The
Chattanooga Medicine Cos.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
of Oenavlllo, Texas, say*l
" I wax troubled at monthly ntervale
with terrible pains In my head nd back,
but have been entirely relieved by Wlno
ot Cardui.”
£ Did you get a sample of Dr. Tich
enor's Antiseptic ? If so, don’t throw
it away—it's too good to be wasted.
Try it when you get hurt or have
olic. It will do its business quick.
Excursion tickets at reduced rate#
between local points are on sale after
12 noon Saturdays, and until 6 p. u
Sundays, good returning nntil Mon
day noon following date of sale.
Persons contemplating either a bus
iness or pleasure trip to tho Ea#b
should Investigate and consider tho
advantages offered via Savannah aai
Steamer lines. The rates generally
are considerably cheaper by thl#
route, and, in addition to this, pas
sengers save sleeping car fare and tho
expense of meals en route, as ticket*
include meals and berths aboard ihlp.
We take pleasure in commending to
the traveling public the route referred
to, namely, via Central of Georgia
Kailway to Savannah, thence via th#
elegant Steamers of the Ocean Steam
ship Company to New York aHd Bo#-
ton, and the Merchants and Miner#
line to Baltimore.
The comfort of the traveling publle
Is looked after in a manner that deflo#
Electric lights and electric bolli|
handsomely furnished stateroom#,
modern sanitary arrangement#. Th#
tables are supplied with all tho deli
cacies of the Eastern and Southern
markets. All the luxury and comfort#
of a modern hotel while on board ship,
affording every opportunity for rout,
recreailon or pleasure.
Each steamer has a stewardet#
look especially after ladies and chil
dren traveling alone.
For Information at to rates auu
sailing dates of steamers and tw her
reservation*, applj to nearest tick**
agent of this company, or to
J. C. HAILE, Gen. Pass. Agt.,
E. H. HINTON, Trafllc Manager^