About The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
AzLm*** VOL. 1. CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910. NO. 18 SHAM CUV PASSES AWAY Died Sunday in Atlanta at Sanitarium. m TAIIISG 10 HIS SON, HERBEBT Death Came Suddenly—He Was Taking Rest Care—Funeral Oc curred Wednesday. Atlanta, Nov. 13-United States Senator Alexander Stephens Clay of Georgia, died at the Robertson Sanitarium here this afternoon At 3 o'clock after an extended ill ness. His death was as peaceful as it was sudden. He had been talk ing with his son', Herbert, a few ^minutes when he suddenly ceas ed speaking and fell back with a slight gasp. During the morning and after noon the Senator appeared in bet ter spirits than usual, the attend ing physicians stating that he was apparently recovering from the slight relapse of Saturday. Mrs. Clay came to Atlanta from their home in Marietta in the morning, but when she found the Senator so much improved, re turned to Marietta about noon. The only member of the family present at the deathbed was the Senator’s son Herbert, who is mayor of .Marietta. According tothfc physicians, Senator Clay’s death resulted from dialation of the heart,super induced by arterial salerosis. The Senator had been ill for nearly a year and came to the sanitarium here on Nov. 1, to take a rest cure. His funeral occured Wednes day, Nov. 16, being delayed in or der £o allow a committee from the senate to be present. Senator Clay's remains were viewed by hundreds of friends as his body lay in state at the Meth odist church, practically all the state house officials including Gov Brown attended the funeral. Arthur Hulie, Mississippi, Held sec retary of the Southern Baptist S. 3. hoard, an exjiert in his work; Mr. George W. Andrews, Atlanta, Bap tist Sunday School Secretary for Georgia—a live wire; Dr. B. H. Ragsdale, than whom there is no lx;tter teacher of the Bible in Geor gia, and last but by no means least, Miss Mattie LeatKerwooil of Nash ville, Tonn., a genius Mid specialist in the elementary won< of the Sun day school, who is said to have the model primary department of the South- The First Baptist church will welcome to the session of the con ference all who will attend ami pro vide free entertainment for all Bap tist pastors and Baptist workers of Southwest Georgia, who will notify the committee. Write, Col. Z. H. Clark. Hon. J. B. Howell, Dr. A. C. Cree. Moultrie, Ga. ANOTHER HUE HERE WEDNESDAY Sasser SAYS THAW HAS EASY The House ol Mr. B. M. Was Destroyed. Wednesday morning at about : 30 fire was discovered in the res idence of B. M. Sasser and before the gallant firemen could roach the scene the flames had gained too much headway and the building was destroy3<1. Only a few of the house fibrilIslvings were saved. His loss is estimated at about $1,250 with only $450 insurance. It looked at one time ns though the residence of Lloyd Griffin would catch from the intense heat but by hard work the fire lads ami other willing helpers enough water was dashed on the heated parts to keep the building from burning. This should show the sore neces sity for better fire protection and the tax payers should be given that much. But Mrs. Thaw Wants to Have Him Transferred. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 14.—At torney General O’Malley UNIS WHISKY WHISKY” CASE IS FINALLY ENDED MOULTRIE BIBLE CONFERENCE Many Notable Preachers and Teachers Accepted Places on Program—Will Be Held Decem ber 4-11, Th© First Baptist church, Moul trie Ga., has perfected the plans and announced the program for a Bible Conference and Sunday School ■Institute, with an afternoon and evening session each day, from Dec. 4th toSundny, Deo. 11th. inclusive. One uf the strongest programs ever presented in South Georgia has . been arranged. Some of the greatest teachers and preachers among Southern Baptists ■are to participate as follows: Prof. J. T. Hendferson, Secretary of the Laymen’s Movement for Southern Baptists; Dr. Lansing Burrows, for more than a quarter of a century secretary of the Southern Baptist Convention; Dr. E. C. Dargan, for years professor of Homiletics in the Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary at Louisville, Kv.- Dr. B. D. Gray, Atlanta, secretary of Home Mission Board, one of the most brilliant orators in the South; Prof. filed the Court of Appeals to-day affida vits in opposition to the appeal of Mrs. Mary C. Thaw in her applica tion for the transfer of her son, Harry Iv. Thaw, who killed Stan ford White, from Matteawan State Hospital to some other hospital vri^hin the state. Among the affi davits is ohe by Dr. Amos B. Baker, first assistant physician * at Mattea- wan, who says Thaw’s surroundings in Matteawan are more congenial than they would be in a civil insti tution. The appeal probably will he argued Friday. Dr. Baker alleges that since Thaw was committeed to Matteawan he has gained thirty-seven pounds in weight, is permitted to play cards with congenial companions, to re ceive visitors, take out-door exer cise, read the best literature and is not compelled to associate with any. me who is not his equal intellectu ally or morally. In some of Mrs. Thaw’s contentions she alleged that inmates using vile language are as sociated with her son. This Liquor Was Shipped from Canada Over the Border. Thanksgiving Exercises. Appropriate exercises have been arranged for, at the Baptist church, for the .evening of Thanksgiving Day, (24th inst) to begin at 7:0Q o’clock sharp, and to conclude in about an hour. The following pro gramme is scheduled for the occa sion: Doxology—Congregation. Invocation Prayer—Rev. G. T. Hurst. Hy mn —Congregn tion. Solo—Mrs, Mamie H. Burts. Origin of Public Thanksgiv ing Observance in America —Rev. R, II. Harris. Quartet—Mrs. W. H. Robin son, Miss Allie Brinson, Mr. A. C. Forester. Mr. Sam H. Sutton. Thanksgiving due for Chris tian Influence and Relig ious Liberty in our own Country—Mr. F. A, Rich ter. Thanksgiving due for the Prospect of our Political and Religious Future—Col M. L. Ledford. Hymn—Congregation. Benediction. » 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15.—An or der filed here to-day befortr judge 3\Van in the United States Court, on motion of United States District Attorney F.^IM.Watson, directing dismissal of the ,-case involving: a certain bra^id of .Canadian whiijky, brought to an end tha._iainony ‘when is whisky whisky,’’ contro versy. &■' , I . The case grew out of the seizure some time ago by the United States marshal, at the direction of the Department of Agriculture, of 9,000 cases of this whisky, while in ship ment froln Canada. The liquor was seized under the clause of the pure food law which requires that goods shipped across state borders or from foreign countries shall be plainly marked regarding the na ture of the contents. It was charged by the government that this whisky was misbranded because it was not distilled in the regulation manner. H1LS DYNAinr OVER STREET Two> Haralson* and a Bethnne Fight by Roadside. Griffin, Ga. t Nov. 14.—Meagre particulars have been received here uf a shooting affray yesterduy in the'public highway in the western part ofi Spalding county. The par ticipants wore Jerry and Jim Har- risom on one side and Jim Bethnne on the other. It is said that about twenty shots were fired and when the-smoke cleared'away it was found that one of the Harrisons had been shot through the fleshy part of one of his legs and Betbune had l>een shot just under the heart. Slarrison’s wound will amount to only a few days’ confinement to bed hot BetHune is fatally injured, and there are no hopes of Ids recovery. It is not known what brought on the fight, hut the Harrisons claim they vvere attacked by Bethune as the - were driving along the road and they fired in self-defence. No Explosion FoUows—Dyna mite is Peaceful in Accident. Atlanta, Nov. 14.—A wagon con taining 3,000 pounds of dynamite and the caps to go with it, and driven by Harry H. Scarborough, an employe of the Dupont Powder Company, was struck by one of the heavy Marietta trolley cars of the Atlanta-Northern Railway early this afternoon near Howell’s Sta tion, and just why an explosion did not follow, blowing driver and eat' passengers into smithereens is a mystery which no one yet has l>een able to solve. The wagon was bad ly smashed, and ns it tttrried over on its side the entire load of dyna mite fell onto ,the cobblestones.- Boxes woro broken open and loose sticks of dynumho foil ail uliout. Driver Scarborough fell between the two mules, which were badly injured and having escaped att ex plosion, was iti imminent, danger of being kicked to death by the strug gling animals. Nevertheless he was rescued with only a few scratches and bruises. Percussion caps were scattered till along the ear tracks amu many ofi them were' exploded by the car. wheels, yet the dynamite remained' intact. Scarborough was bringing the ex- plosive into the city to fill 1 an order. When resented and taken to' a drug store for treatment he fainted. When, his-wife and family arrived they wetje overjoyed to find him alive; IN SDIAY 9DEL HANGS HIMSELF AT Ml. Frantz aSalzen,, A Respcted Farmer, Commits Suicide HE HAD LOST MUCH MONEY He Leaves a Wile end Several Small Children. Worry Over Financial Mailers. Caused HW Despondency. Monday night the night marshal made a ghastly find. Hanging to a lieam on the freight platform of the Atlantic Coast Line depot was. the b dy of a man. He called the telegraph operator then on duty and together they in vestigated and found that it was the body of Frantz.Salzer,a respect ed white farmer, who lived near Cairo. . He was despondent over his fi nancial losses this- year and this was aggravated hy the recent fir© which destroyed the- Farmers Union Warehouse, lie having Lost two bales of cotton which he hail stored there. His body was discovered about?' 10:30 and was cold, when found. Salzer had tied an ordinary plow, line to a brace on. one of the upright posts on the freight plu.form of the A. O. L. depot, and after tying the other end around, his neck, climbed, upon a bale of cotton and jumped His tieck was broken!, Ujfl was a respected f:\ niicjr, prom inently connected, and had recently. purchased.a small farm near Cairo, He leaves a wife, two daughters and one son. Kentucky Man-Hunt Ends—Posse Gets Him With No Need ol Col- Un Except lor Him. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 14.—“Bad Jake’’ Noble, aged 22, who shot and killed Jailer Wesley Turner of Breathitt county, in Jackson, last Tuesday night, was shot to death by a sheriff’s posse in Knott county. Onlv iricagre details have been re ceived, but it is reported that when the posse, led by the sheriff of Knott county, called on Noble to surrender he made a demonstration as if to resist and was promptly rid dled with bullets. Rewards aggregating $700 bad been offered bv the authorities of Breathitt county for the capture of Noble, dead or alive. Noble had killed three men. After the shoot ing of Jailer Turner he escaped into the mountains and sovornl bands of men had been searching for him since. Noble was first heard of in Lost Creek valley, where for two days he was under the protection of armed henchmen. The first message to the county authorities was: “If you send a posse to attempt to arrest me, you had better send, along a coffin for each man.” An Old "Eyesore” Burns Down (Nearly.) i On last Friday night -the fire alarm brought the fire laddies out to throw water on an old building next to Hart’s plumbing shop and across the street from Thk Progress office; iJigrawU„ (•' i The blaze started from a defective stove flue in the rear of the build ing and at one time it looked as if the building would be destroyed, but Cairo’s fire department soon gained control and inside of twenty minutes the people had nearly for gotten that there had been a fire. 1 GROUND FLOOR SALE’ AT CALYARY, GA. Calvary Ottering You Induce ments to> Make Money The Calvary Improvement Co. is going to; have a “ground floor” sale Nov. 29th. Lots in the town of Calvary will be: sold on that day, Of there is going to be a$big barbe cue andi good train schedules ov er the Pelham & Havana Rail road, which has reached Calvary, and has erected a beautiful depot at that place, • - New business buildings are al ready contracted for and will be- ready for occupancy by Jan. 1st. 1911. Write to E. A. Maxwell, Presi-, dent of Calvary Improvement Co., Calvary, for prospectus and tell him “you’ll be there.” Then GO. Watch for their ad next week. Cairo Merchants Will Close. We, the undersigned merchanta- of Cairo, agree to close our stores or places of business all day Thursday, November 24,1910, account Thanks giving: J, L. Oliver’s Son, Cairo Bank. John L. Poulk, Poulk Bros. J. II. Mitchell, Forester Bros., T. A. Powell, Wight Hardware Co., Jno. A. Hudson, G. D. Reddick, W. A. Austin, G. S. Johnson, Cit izens Bank, C. A. Muggridge, C. F, Sanders, C. E. Van Landingham, White & Stringer, M. B. Harrison, Cairo Furniture Co-, Higdou-Her- ring Co., I. Shapiro, A. C. Gads den & Co., Richter & Rushin, Rod- denbery Hardware Co., J. P. Mathes, Wight Bros. ,Co. Cairo, Ga., Nov, 14, 1910,