Newspaper Page Text
for Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Centennial iiems.
For Over
Thirty Years
JBEN F. PERRY & SON, Hioprietora,
BEN F. PERRY, Jr., Editor
Entered asjmatter of the second class at the Cairo, Georgia, Post Office, under
the Act of March 3rd, 1879.
$1.00 a Year; 60 cents for 6 Months; 25 cents for Three Month
Most Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application.
Miss Mae Hunt visited Miss
Jennie Johnson Friday.
Mr. and John Johnson took
their baby to the Doctor Mon
day. We hope that it will recov
«r soon.
Visa Lila Gilbert spent last
week with her aunt MrS. T. J.
Gilbert in Providence section.
Miss Eunice Gilbert is spend-
inn the week with Miss Lila
Mr. Enoc Vickers is on the
sick list this week.
Mrs. G. B. Jones visited herj
Mr. Bob Belcher made a busi
ness trip to Cairo Saturday.
Mr, W. P. Collins went to
Cairo Saturday.
Mr., Hirram Collins visited near
Pine Level Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Rich attended
preaching at Pleasant Valley
Sunday afternoon.
Mia* Ruby Wimberly visited
Mrs.. J, W. Rich Sunday.
Mr. W, W. Griffin and family
visited at Mr. J. D. Wimberly’s
The ones who attended the
pender shelling last Saturday-
night at Mr. Wimbely’s report a
jolly time.
Mr. E. F. Thomason made a
business trip to Cairo last Mon
b ■ p.,wmmmm ■ppi
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson
spent Sunday .vith the iatters
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. Billie Harrison was out
breaking his young mule Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson
spent, part of last week with the
Iatters parents.
Mr. John Davis spent, the week
end in Meigs with relatives and
Mr. Jim Gilbert and son Willie
spent Monday with Mr. T. J
NOW that the Fall rush
is on and interest collec
tions are completed we
are in position to close
new loans promptly.
Our connections have
an abundance of cheap 5-
year money and we are making
loans rapidly to good farmers on
well improved land.
We want only the best business
Barrow Loan &
Abstract Company
Pelham - - Georgia
Mr. Ranee Ponder and Mr.
Calvin Ponder looked after busi-
ness in this section last Monday
Mr. Horace Belcher went to
Cairo last Monday.
Little Miss Emma Thomason
visited Miss Erie Wimberly Sun
Mr. Russell Forester of Con
tenial section visited in this sec
tion Saturday night and Sun
We are sorry to state that Mr.
Wimberly has been very sick
since the last writing. We hope
he will soon be much improved.
For Clean Towels And
Sharp Razors Go To
W. H. P. OneaTs
Barber Shop
South Broad Street,
Cairo - - Ga. I
Preaching was well aiti-nclu
9und o. lire. Mingledorf preach
ed a very interesting Sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Will s din
ed wi:h Mr, anu Mrs. 0. Clifford
j Mr. and Mrs. Furrey Clark
a id brother attended church at
Centennial Sunday and dine:
with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vanland
Mr. Virgle Miller of Milltown
i. spending a few days with his
p,runts, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mill
The tackey party given at the
home of Mrs. J. H. Jefferns last
Saturday night was enjoyed by
all who attended.
Messrs Tom Tyus and Jim
Henry Sasser took dinner with
Mr. Leland Rehberg Sunday.
Mr. Olen Wimberly and Sisters.
Pearl mid Ruby dined with the
Misses Grays Sunday.
Miss Leta Christie spent Sun
day with Miss Kate Willis.
Mr. Anderson Gillard attended
to business in Cairo Saturday
Mr, 0. P. Connell and Sistei,
Lula Mac,of Ren>> attend--., eh. r-
chat ■ er.tnnnia Sunday.
Mrs. Effie Christie and sister
Miss lulu Gray, attended n n*. •
ness in Cairo Friday.
Among those who dined with
Miss Honerene Gillard Sunda..
were, Misses Mary and Effie
Gainey, Eva and Katie Dixer
and Miss Ruth Ledbetter,
Mr. W. R. Chris ie attended to
business in Cairo Friday.
Everybody come out to Sun
day school Sunday at 3 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Vanland-
ine-ham spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Willis.
Sheriff’s Sale, -ciiled prop. :i;.
Will be sold before 'he court h. iw Ci-' 1 M
door in said state and county oil »he i circuit *-•»«*■••».
oh the first Tuesday in Mur. Ullfi, oni 2 ■ * <j
within the :<-ial h. utu.of sale to the 36 tyol i
nigheat bidder for cash at public Levied on as the pi
outcry, certain property, of which
the following is a full and complete
deseribtion, to-wit:
One bay horse mule named Jerry
one horse mule named Dock; one
sorrel horse mule, blind, named To-
nie. said property levied on as the
property of Chastain and Redfern
to satisfy an execution issued from
the City Court of Cairo of said
County in favor of Reddick & Col
lins against Chastain & Redfearn ;
said property being in possessior of
said Chastain & Redfearn.
This Jan. 28th, 1915.
W IT Hudson, Dep Shff
Grady County, Georgia.
Notice Farmers Union
Mr. Edi or;
As I see a cu 1
for all Farmers Union Members
to meet with ' the next county
meeting and as I have been elect
ed Secretary of the Union Ware
house Co. and urged to perfect a
mailing list of all stock holders in
the Farmers Union Warehouse
Co., I would ask that all stock
holders come or send me their
names with amount of shares
held, that I may get the desired
information to perfect the roll
as our formerjroll was burned at
time of burning of warehouse.
S. P. Vanlandingliam. Sec
Do not send off to some mail
order house or go to some other
town to buy goods. Buy from
your home merchant—the man
who helps you to pay the expen
ses of keeping up your local gov
ernment and school system, and
too, accomodates you with cred
it when you do not have the mon
ey to send off to some concern
for an article that you have paid
your money foe is as represented
or not.
Sheriff’s Sales.
Georgia, Grady County.
Will bo sold, before the court
houso dcior in oiiid state and count!
on the first Tuesday in Mar. 1915,
within the legal hours of paie, t.
t- e hi,;lie.' t ' ‘del for cash, at pub
lic outcry,'the following described
propc • >. to wu:
One two horse wagon, Tennessei
make, sold by Hand Trading Co.
Pelham, Ga., to J. M. Chason,
complete with seat, side bodies,
tongue, etc., and one two seated top
buggy in good shape, red running
geurwitn black body, also one open
single.buggy with cream'' running
gear and black body and seat, Le
vied on as the property of J. M.
Chason to. satisfy a mortgage elec
tion issued from the City Court of
Cairo in favor of Cairo Guano Co.
vs said J. M, Chason. This Dee.
So, 1914. -
W. H. Hudson, Dep. Shf.
Gradv. County Georgia.
Georgia, Grady County:
Will he .sold before the court-
house door iri said county and state
on the first Tuesday in Mar, 1915
within the legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder for cash at public
outcry the following described prop
erty, to-wit..
One half undivided interest in 35
acre-*, more or less, of lot of laqd
No. 114 in the 18th district of Gra
dy county Georgia, and boundiii
as follow#: on the north by lands of
Will Collins, on the east by lands
Alford, on the south by lands $t
Roscoe Luke and on the west by the
Ochlocknea river. Levied on 'as
t(ie property of E. A. Parrish to
satisfy an execution issued from the
City Court of Cairo in favor of P.A
Jones vs, said E. A. Parrish, This
the 3rd day of Feb. 19 L'-,
W. A. CARR Sheriff
Gr.idySCounty Georgia
W. Beverly, to -uv.r- , u- i • ■
issued from the Co, .
ThomiisyilJe, Georgia, iii
A. B. Farquhar Co and Hgs.iiist sum-
GW Beverley. On account of sat-
property being heavy and ctoiJ'i
some it will not be at said ever
bouse hut it can he seen
speoted wherg located :p I -i-
Sadler’s, neiu Pope’sstoi«. in -..
c lunty,
Tliia 2nd day of Feb. 19i5.
W. A'. CARR, Sheriff,
Grady County, Geoifeii
Georgia, Grady County.
Will be sold before the court
bouse door in the town of Cairo
said state and county
on the first Tuesday in- Mar.
1916, within the legal hour of sale
to the highest bidder for cash at.
public outcry the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
All of lots of land Nos. 801, 302
ana 340, each containing 250 ’acres
more or less, also all ,.f lot of land
No. 281 east of Big Tired Creek,
containing 225acres, more or less,
also ail of the south half of lot ot
land No. 299, containing 125 ceres,
more or less.faleo all of lot of land
No 300, excert' 100 acres on tin
east.eids of snid lot, the said traci
containing 150 acres, more or less.
All of the above land lying anr
being in the 18th district of Grady
county Georgia, and containing in
a body 1250 acres, more or less.
AH'!)! the above levied upon by
\irtue of a fi fa issued from the City
Court of Cairo in favor of G B Tru-
lock vs M S Guilford, a quit claim
deed baying been filed and recorded
for the purpose of this levy and lev
ied upon ns the property of the said
M P. Guilford to satisfy said fi-fa.
This the 2nd day of Feb. 1916.
W. A. CARR, Sheriff,if,’
Grady County, Georgia.
A Good Remedy for Cholera,
Dr. Peter F. Bahnsen, state
veterinarian, gives the following
remedy for worms in hogs;
Take one bushel of charcoal, one
bushel of hardwood ashes, thirty
pounds of table salt, and mix
these ingredients thoroughly.
Then take six pounds of coperas
or sulphate of irpn and dissolve
in a gallon of coiling water.
Pour this slowly over the entire
mixture and scir thoroughly.
Place this compound in a place to
protect it from the weather, es
pecially the rain, and in such a
place as the hogs can have ac
cess to it when they want it.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature ot
Grady County' Georgia.
Will be sold before the court
house dopr in said state and county,
on the first Tuesday iu March,
1915, within the legal hour* of sale
to the highest bidder for cash at
public outcry the following describ
ed property, to-wit:
62 1-2 acres of land, more or less,
in.Lot No. 11. in the 23rd district
of Grady County Georgia, and be
ing more particularly described us
follows: B unded on the Qorth by
lands of Sam Walden, on the .east
by lands of Henry Green, on the
west by lands of Sam Walden and
on the south by lands of Yellow
Pine Lbr. Co. Levied on as tho
property of L. D. Dickey to satisfy
an execution issued from the City
Court of Cairo, April term, 1914,in
favor of Thornasville Fertilizer Co.
vs. the said L. D. Dickey. This
3rd day of Feb,. 1915.
W A. CARR. Sheriff
Grady County, Georgia.
Also the following personal prop*
erty will be sold at 2 o’clock p m
at tho above described farm, about
8 miles south of Cairo and known
as the Guilford place.
One weeder, one 1-hori* wagon,
1 Deering binder, 1 disk cultivator,
1 mower and rake, McCormick
make, two 2-horee wagoi t, one I R
C stalk cutter, 1 hay priss and one
middle buster. Also one black mare
mule about 9 yeais old named Nell
and one black mare mule about 9
years old namej Kate. Also 33
bead of common stock cattle of dif
ferent marks and colors, ages, etc.
Levied on as the property of C 1
Guilford and M S Guilford by vir
tue of a mortgage fi fa issued from
the City court of Cairo in favor of
G B Trulock vs C I Guilford and M
8 Guilford.
SThis 2nd day of Feb 1915.
W. A.. Carr, Sheriff.
Grady County, Georgia.
W i- (
•m\ j per h.
’UlIHUV, W. G. ' o£*. iv U,
Pcride.i. . i,.' fsi -:i.*. . -, j.,;.
Rehberg It M. W«u.. n. boffiyUii
FuU'orci, J. Oseui Hain tl.
The.secetarj of the state hus
furnished the cu.miiy board with
a lot of appli ation blanks for the
1915 automobile license, any one
wishing one will’call on or write
me. «. B.M.Johnson.
Clerk County Board.
Jurors For Whigham Ctty Conrt
The following is <, list of the
jury drawn for the April term,
1915 City Coiyl't. of Whigham.
This Feby. 5th.. Ifl15.
H. M, Bitt er, J l. Lodge,
N. B. Dalton, J. F. Williams, W.
C. Bell, A. B. Mobley, E. L. Les
ter, C. H. Brinson, L. H. Ponder,
C. O. Maxwell, C. L. Cannon.
L. O. Maxwelj. R. \V. Gainey, E.
G. Martin, B. 0. Harrison. L, H.
Harrison, J. T.. Larkins, W. E.
Farmes’ Union To M89t.
Every Union man is urged to
attend th6 next regular county
Union meeting Friday, Feb. 19th
as we have something to tell you.
W. S. Lane, Pres,
J. A. Wynn, Secy.
Grand Jury For March Term
The following is a list of the
grand Jury drawn Sept. 11, 1914,
to serve at the. Match term, 1915
W. L Pendergast, S. M. Me*
Kown, R. M. Jones, J, W. Bur
roughs, SamesB. Singletary, B.
H. Wilder, Wv H. Shores, J. L.
Peebles, J. E. Forsythe, H. M.
Butler, John M. Aldridge, W. C.
Gainey, W. L. Wight, H. L. Wat
son, W, C. Jones. E. L. Maxwell,
C. G. Stephens, S. P. Swicord.
H. G. Cannon. R. W.. Gainey,
A. R. Sessions, 3. W. -Shiver, W.
S. Wight. J. E. Hall, B. M.
Davis, L. 0... Maxwell, H. G.
Maxwell, W. : L. Dixon, E. M.
Grady County Georgia.
Will he sold before the door of
the court house in said county and
state on the first Tuesday in March
1915, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash
at public outcry, the following de-
Lette s of Dismission.
Georgia, Grady County.
Whereas Mrs. Sarah F. Harrisen,
administratrix of the estate or
Thomas B. Harrison, |represonts to
the court in her potition duly filed
and entered on record that she has
fully administered Thos. B. Harri
son’s estate, this is therefore to cite
all peisons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if eny
they can. why said administratrix
should not be discharged from her
administration and receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday
n Mwh, 1915. This Feb. 1st,
P. H. Herring, Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
Georgia, Grady County.
To ail whom it may concern:
Johu W, Strange having applied
for letters of administration upon
the property of Dr, H. L, McElvy,
late of said county, deceased, no
tice is given that said application
will be h«5»rd at my effioe at ten
Traverse Jury For March Term.
The following is a list of the
Traverse jury drawn Sept. 11.
1914, to serve at the March term,
G. M. Garland, N. A. Butler
K. E. Collins, W. J. Brown, J: J.
Ferrell, R. H.. Gainey, C. L.
Browne, I. D. Singletary, E. J.
Dickey, J. W. Booth.- H, M. But
ler. J. S. Wight, B. B. Martin,
John F Massey, George Reh
berg. R.C. Hollingsworth. J, E;
Hudson* W. W. Gainous, J. R.
Bryant, J. E. Holten, L. M.
Brinson, 0. H. Banks, James
Brown, J. J. Hall, W T. Broom,
E.O. Alligood, R. M Walden. :
J. C. Courtney, H. M. Maxwell,
R. Garland. T. B. Baggett,
H, E. Mitchell, A- W. Wamble,
A. C. Carter, A, C. Roddenbery, ‘
J. F. Williams, Joe Herring, G.
W. Connell, W. B. McKown, C.
G. Griffin.
Of Best Pecan trees
2 to 6 feet tall. 15
to 25 cents each.
W. G. Jones,
Cairo, Ga,