The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, March 19, 1915, Image 1
H IT. 4 E'FICI/VL ORGAN OF GRADY COUNTY CAIRO. GRADY COUNTY,GEORGIA. FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1915. SON HI E DON-HERRING COMPANY Grady County’s Unrest Stor Articles of incorporation have been filed in Dougherty superior court for tlio National Pecan drawers Exchange and those who are familiar with conditions affecting the pecan industry re gard it as the most important mttvemen! vet launched in the in- I crest of its future development 'along substantial lines. The Exchange is fashioned largely after the California Wal nut Growers’ association, through Whose hands practically the whole walnut crop of California passes, atpl which lias succeeded in sav ing tin' growers large sums an niiall.v. Within the last two years many pecan groves in this section of the state have come info bearing and although there has been a steady and growing demand for the nuts, market conditions have been far from satisfactory. This lias been due to the tact that there was absolutely no uniform ity in the packing and grading of nuts In fact no grades had (yen established, ami each grow er seog'u' a marker wh -rever he frigid n-.-i. it, and obtained tin .best'prices be could got The re sult, has leg'u that, the low grade nuts • made; it difficult for the grower of the higher grades to secure the' pi ices to which he was eiitiyed though the higher grade .if i-K- h pped from A1— i ti-my ; 1 -1 - past - season . mip'd.i di- ecu is a* Kinnd In N w The following account of the matter of the Bank of Whighani and its recent troubles is taken from Saturday’s Valdosta Times where the matter was formally taken up before Judge W, E. Thomas. “The bank of Whighani failure which was followed by the fail ure of the State Hank of Whig- ham mention; of which has al ready been made in the Times, mboiwen to develop a good size sensation before the stock hold ers. and depositors got through with ft, It is claimed that the first blow wiich the bank received and whies started it on the down grade toward total failure, was a debt held against A. D. Oliver the Climax banker, for -f 1-4.000. The amount was riot a total loss, as $6,000 was recovered but it is said that it to: k nearly that much t> get it. This morning when; they had the hearing before Judgi Thomas for the appointment, of a per manent receiver for tty’ two bank'*, some ugly insinuations were mad; aginst certain officers of the two banks, for whose ar rest warrants have already been issued. The depositors are. still trying to find out what became of the money, some $60,000 to $75,000 which is due them. The claim is made chat, it will take all ofthe assets of the banks to sat isfy tilt perferred 'creditors, who are mostly bankers in other cities. The banks are in Thtmv asville, Savannah, -New Jersey and New York, and some of A Remarkable Showing Of the Frat Clothes for Young Men WE use the word “remarkable” advisedly. In every sense the showing i9 the most remarkable in the city. Styles and quality afford buying opportunities you’ll not find excelled elsewhere. Dress Goods That Are When yon buy Dress Goods you want them to ho want the correct, style and the most becoming material have any trouble in (jetting exactly the dress you are will come to this store, • Our assortment of dress goods is better than ever before : mind the s.\ lea this season arc prettier than they have been t : me. You'll think the same way after you have seen some n goods wo are showing. The prices range from 10c to 1.50 per riKtfraf Cairo, Ga —for suits in - hundreds of choice patterns and weaves. Every good coloring for Spring is represented. Many imported fabrics among them. For sheer downright style these clothes are unmatchable. They’re great $12.50 don’t always buy clothes like these. • STRAW HATS NOW. NEW STYLES. Ca.tJier Buys Entire Issue State Bonds. The entire issue of ST,525,000 state of Georgia bonds, was pur chase d by Ash G. ('andler.,of At lanta. At the-price bid\hestate will realize more than .£70,000 premium on the issue. Mr. Cand ler stated that his Lid was a,.per sonal one and nut banked by arty bank or group of'dealers or in vestors. Pino Hill News. Mrs, Bell'Gainey of If- mhton, visited her parenrs. Mr* and Mrs. Billie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Whitfield of Bethel visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hall Saturday and Sun day at Good Hope. Mrs. Tom Gainev is very sick,, but we hope for. her a fast re covery. Dr. A. B, Reynolds wa; called to Brinson the last part of the week to the funeral of his. brother who was killed a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Collins and Airs Zurie Collins and children visited Mrs. Marie E Bishop Sunday, Tiie pecan exchange imw being: incorporated will handle the cions of i's members, amooii'l vyhom are all the principal grow-| eriV.f Georgia, Florida and Ala bama. the exchange has a nom inal capital stock, and will-be op erated on a mutual plan, paying no dividends to its stockholders. It Will, it is believed, revolution ize the pecan industry, and place it oil a stable basis, so far as marketing problems are con cerned.' • ' _ , The inebrporators are W. P. Bullard, of Albany; C. H. Van DuXee, Cairo; J. B-Wight, Cairo; B. W. Stone, Thomasville; H. K. Arthur Ion-Herring Co. Merchandise of Quality. The Right Aromatic Cascara. Nearly every one knows that cascara is one of the best laxa tives. Its extreme bitterness makes it s<> difficult to take that for years manufacturing chemists have been trying to make it pala table. There are many palatable preparations of it but in our ex perience as druggists we find that too often the value of the drug has been destroyed in mak ing it eaBy to take. Such is not thh case with Reno Items. Supday sehool and prayer meeting were weil attended Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. Arthur Ferrell and Miss Sadie Frohock attended prayer meeting Sunday night. Air. O. P. Connell and sister Miss Lula Mae and Miss Ruth Ledbetter attended preaching Sunday. - i Mr, Hob frohock accompained Miss Lula Miie Bonded to prayer meeting Sunday night Miss Beil and Annie Broom, spent Sunday with Miss Maggie »Rehberg. J. T. -Reynolds Killt d At Home in Brinson. Miller, Monficello, Fla. M. Rich, Foley, Ala.;.T„H. Par ker, Moultrie; H. G- White, Put ney, and ,1. M. Patterson, Chica go. J T. Reynolds, a prominent, turpentine operator, was killed by party or parties unknown, having been called to his front door and shot dawn, At a special meeting of town council a reward of $100 was offered for the prrest and conviction within twelve months of the guilty parties, This rewaid will prob ably .be ^increased by subscrip tion of citizens. The deceased was a brother of Dr. A. B. Reynolds, of Reno, and Was well known to .many m this county. Judges for Cairo School Miss Margrefc McKay, Miss Mildred Pike and Mr. Cyrus Mal lard formed a committee appoint ed to go over to Cairo last night, to judge a musical contest in the high school there for a represen tative from that school to the high school meet,'to be held here April 22 and 23. There were several contestants for the position but. the judges decided that fiVst place be award ed to Miss Ledford, who will ac cordingly be the representative from the school. The party from Thomasville went over in a car and spent a most interesting and enjoyable e veni ng.—Times-Enterprise. Aromatic Cascara Their.service was highly appre- It is very activ , as well as uiated by a large audience which pleasant, only a small dose is re . would be delighted to have them quired, and it gives the best, sat- again any time they may come. isfaction of any preparation of j cascara that we have ever hand-1 W. C. T. U, to IVIeet led; Every family should have’ The regular monthly meeting a 25c bottle of this excellent re- of the Cairo W. C. T. U. will be medy. held at the League Hall, Monday You can depend on any re- afternoon, March 22nd, at 3:30 medy that bears the Penslar o'clock. trademark All druggists know A-good program has. been pre- that ‘ ‘Penslar ’’ stands for high- pared and the members are urged est qhality. to be present. All the ladies are The Grady Pharmacy The meeting win be led by THE PENSLAR STORE Mrs. W. O. Harrison. ant cashier J. B. fierce and fermer President O. C. Spence. All of these were arrested and (heir bonds fixed at $2,000 each. They are charged with a felony or larceny after trust. Warrants were also sworn out nginst the board of directors, in cluding President E. M. Smith of the Bank of Thomasville who happened to be one of the direct ors of the defunct Bank of Whigham. The warrants a- gmst the directors had not been sowed at lust accounts. It is claimed that the Farmers S ate Bunk was a mere braneu of the Bank of Whigham, own ing about $13,000.00 of its PHONE 248 NOTICE To Writer and Light Consumers; py action of Mayor and Coun cil, light, and water bills must be paid by the 15th of the month, at. 1 the Clerk's office or services wifi be di-cpritinuecl. J. Ii. Connell, City Clerk. White Star Market ABSOLUTE SAFETY When you have money deposited with us you can always rely on the f .ct that your money is safe at all times. We observe the laws governing banks, ' and always conduct our business on safe and sound business principles. Qllr officers and Directors are men with business experience and our policy is always SAFETY FIRST. Everything New; and Neat as a Pin. Manaped Under Several Years Experience. You Will Always be Pleased, with Our Service. her’the failure is the sensation ofthe day at Whigham^ and- through that section, and the more the thing is stirred the worse It gets, - -n , o The warrants and arrests were the latest sensational feature to the case.” We Lead and Others Follow We offer you an absolutely safe place to deposit your Money. Citizens Bank,Cairo, Ga W. S. Wight, Pres. W. H. Searcy, V. Pres, and Cashier H. G. Cannon, V. Pres. Perkins & Sellers, Proprietors.