Newspaper Page Text
Mrs, Aseiin Was Restored to
Health by Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable
Minneapolis, Minn.—“After my little
one was born I was sick with pains in
imy sides which the
| doctors said were
I caused by inflamma-
jtion. I suffered a
Igreat deal every
month and grew very
thin. I was under the
doctor’s care for two
long years without
any benefit. Finally
after repeated sug
gestions to try it wo
got Lydia E. Pink-
ham s Vegetable Compound. After tak
ing the third bottle of tho Compound I
was able to do my housework and today
I am strong and healthy again. I will
answer letters if anyone wishes to know
about my case. ’’—Mrs. Joseph Aselin,
608 Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful
drugs, and' today holds the record of
being the most successful remedy we
know for woman’s ills. If you need such
s medicine why don’t you try it ?
If yon have the slightest doubt
that Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound will help you,write
to Lydia E.Pinkham McdicirieCo.
(confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad
vice. Tour letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
- 2Ictvare qf Imitations -
Tuffs Pills
utlmulate tho torpid liver, strengthen the
digestive organs, regulate the bowels. A rem
edy for sick headache. (Jnequoled as an
Elegantly flu gar coated. Small dose. Price, 25c.
Our actions seldom tally with our
good intentions.
For bad burns Hanford’s Balsam IS
used to give quick relief. Adv.
A faint heart seldom lands a fellow
in a breach of promise suit.
Man. subsists upon other animals—
including other men.
For sores apply Hanford’s Balsam
lightly. Adv.
No girl should acquire a husband un
tit she is able to'convert a round steak
into a square meal.
If your horse is kicked, or cut by
barbed wire, apply Hanford’s Balsam,
Misleading Advertisement.
Jonah Raged.
"Yes, the brute advertised as s a
summer resort with an ocean view,”
he cried.
It Is Good for Man.
To heal cuts, sores, burns, lameness
and other external ailments quickly
use Hanford’s Balsam. ' It is a valu
able household remedy and should al
ways be kept in every home. Adv.
Proprietorship. .
"Can a woman keep a secret?”
“Yes; unless it’s some other worn
an’s.” ;
I K, Produce Go,
The Reliable House
prompt Returns—We handle
Its Country Produce
. »
in touch with 2,500 stores, restau
rants,-hotels, etc., in our big city
anAcan handle any quantity
hulfry and Eggs
Fruk and Vegetable
Butter, etc.
Con ct with us for results.
Bradstreet Commercial
w&gency. or any Banker.
, - W,?N. u.; ATLANTA, NQ.‘20-1916.
No man receives the full culture ot
a man'In whom tlie sense ot the beau
tiful Is not ebcrislicd.-Channlng.
The tender wafllc licnrle are sot upon
Is cltlier crisp or soggy and anon
Like maple sirup made of corn and
Lasts but five minutes and Is gone.
—Myrtle Reed,
Take sponge cake cut in neat sliceB
and line the sides of sherbet cups,
pour over the juice
from canned or
preserved peaches,
place a half peach
In each qup decor
ated with whipped
Y'^'YVl cream and a few
shredded almonds.
The cream should
be sweetened nnd flavored with al
mond if that flavoring is lilted.
When making a plain loaf cake
cover with the following delicious
frosting: Take a pound and a half
of maple sugar, a cup of boiling water
nnd cook together until the sirup
hairs, beat the whites of two eggs
until stiff and pour over the boiling
sirup. Beat until the icing is thick,
add one cupful of chopped walnuts
and cover the cake.
Potato Souffle.—Boll and mash ten
potatoes, press through a sieve, add
two onions and three tablespoonfuls
of bacon, chopped fine, yolks of four
eggs, well beaten, two tablespoonfuls
of chopped parsley. Add a cupful of
milk and cover with well buttered
bread crumbs. Bake a half hour in a
moderate oven.
Pear Salad.—Take halves of canned
pears, sprinkle with a few drops of
lemon juice and place halls of cream
cheese or cubes of Roquefort in the
center. Place on leaves of lettuce
and add dressing made from the pear
juice, olive oil, catobup, vinegar and
any desired seasonings. Red pepper,
paprika and salt will be sufficient.
Cheese Puffs.—Take a cupful of
grated cheese, mix carefully with two
tablespoonfuls of flour, add two well
beaten eggs, a dash of salt and pepper
and one and a half cupfuls of milk.
Mix well and place in hot muffin panB,
bake ten minutes in a moderate oven.
These are very nice to serve with
Figs and almonds pounded to a
paste and well mixed make a deli
cious sandwich filling. To add to any
vegetable salad rub the salad bowl
or plate with the cut side of a clove
of garlic. The tempting flavor adds
greatly to the salad.
Calomel Salivates! It Makes You Sick and You Lose a Day’s Work
—Dodson’s Liver Tone Acts Detter Than Calomel and Is Harm
less for Men, Women, Children—Read Guarantee!
Every druggist In the South—your druggist nnd every
body’s‘druggist has noticed a great falllng-oft In tho
sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dod
son’s Liver Tone Is taking Its place.,
“Calomel Is dangerous nnd people know It while
DodBon’B Liver Tone is safe and gives bettor rosults,”
said a prominent druggist. Dodson’s Liver Tone iB
personally guaranteed by every druggist and medicine
dealer. A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 cents
And If you find it doesn’t take the place of dangerous,
salivating calomel you have only-to ask for your money
Dodson’s Liver Tonic is a pleasant-tastlng, purely
vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults.
Take a Bpoonful at night nnd wake up feeling fine, no ’
sick headache, biliousness, ague, sour stomach or
clogged bowels. Dodson’s Liver Tono doesn’t gripe or
enuso Inconvonionce all next day like calomel.
Take a dose of calomel tonight and tomorrow you
will feel sick, weak and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s
work! *
Dodson’s Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll
know it next, morning bcenuse you will wake up with
your bead clenr, your liver active,, bowels clean, breath
sweet and stomach regulated. You will feel cheerful
and full of vigor nnd ready for a hard day’s work.
You can eat without risk of salivating yourself or
your children.
Get a bottle of DodBon's Liver Tono and try It on
my guarantee. You’ll never again put a doso of nasty,
dangerous calomel Into your stomach.
Late Arrivals.
What got mo In bad,” said the cap
tured burglar, “was the confound
ed pet dog of your wife’s. It began
to bark as Boon as 1 put my foot on
the stair.”
“Too bad,” replied Mr. Meekton.
’’Evidently the dog mistook you for
Was the Lot of This Lady Who Tells
The Story of How She Re
covered Her Health.
If every tree in all tlie wood could
take some ‘mortal form
And leave the ground where it has
stood through sunshine and
through storm.
The lofty pine would bo a knight in
. armor strong and rare
The slender birch with dress so while
would be his lady fair.
It would seem that the ubiquitious
potato might be dispensed with at
the morning meal as it
is dragged in at every
other in some form.
Hash is a time honored
breakfast dish and
should be admitted with'
out criticism at the first
meal of the day, hut in
any other form let us
not call the potato to
' breakfast.
Rice Pan Cakes.—These are a most
appetizing cake to serve for a hot
dish at breakfast time. Mix two cup
fuls of boiled rice with two cupfuls
of milk and let it stand over night. In
the morning add three cupfuls of flour,
sifted, with a teaspoonful of salt, a
tablespoonful of baking powder and
a tablespoonful or BUgar and one of
melted butter. Beat until well mixed
and' fold in three well beaten eggs,
the whites added.last. Drop by spoon
, fuls on a well greased griddle.
Omelet.—The omelet iB-the favorite
breakfast dish and- when well pre
pared and properly cooked is a most
delicate dish. Take ns inany eggs as
there are people to serve. Break the
yolks into-a .bowl, add a tablespoonful
of cold water for'every egg, beat the
yolks until thick, add the cold water,
shit and seasoning, then fold in the
well beaten whites. • Have the omelet
pan smoking hot and greased with a
tablespoonful of butter added just as
the omelet is to be poured in. Lift
the sides of the omelet with a spatula
while cooking, sh that it-will cook all
tho way through, after it is well
browned on the bottom set .into the
oven to finish on top. To fold, cut
the sides and lift the pan high with
one hand gently folding with a spa
tula in the ; other. Turn at once on a
hot platter. The family should never
keep an omelet waiting as it loses its
fluffincss in a few -minutes.
The Power of Toxins.
One thousandth of a gram of
tetanus (lockjaw) toxin' Is enough to
kill a horse weighing 1,300 pounds or
six hundred million times its weight..
More remarkable- still, onfe-thousandtb
Of' a milligram ot tubercuiar-. toxin,
will produce action on a man weigh;
lng 132 pounds—stVty .trillion times its
weight. ' ' . . .. ...
Dallas, N. C.—Mrs. Thomas Davis,
of this place, say8: “About two years
ago, when I was eighteen years old, I
was in a bad condition from womanly
troubles. I fell off until I weighed not
more than 85 lbs.
I suffered dreadful pains in my hips,
sides and abdomen, for about 5 days
out of every month.
I couldn't sleep at night, and the
pains were so dreadful I couldn't lie
down for the blood would seem to
rush to my bead.
I felt I must have some relief, for
it seomed that the awful suffering
would surely kill me.
I had read of what Cardul had done
for others, and thought I would try it.
After the use of one bottle, the
pains had entirely stopped and I was
able to sleep.
After using four bottles, I was
well woman, I was regular, I got back
my flesh, and 1 now weigh 126 lbs.;
and am able to do all my work with
out any trouble.
I certainly recommend Cardul to
Buffering women, for I know it cured
My friends who saw me when 1
weighed 85 pounds and would see me
now, would know what Cardul had
done for me.”
Try Cardul.—Adv.
In the War Zone.
“So your uncle has gone to the war,
has he?”
”Yes, sir.”
“And don’t everybody miss him?”
"Why,’ yes, ’they have so far. He
hasn’t been wounded yet.”
Youthful Lawyer Made Technical Er
ror In Billiard Contest With
Legal Veteran.
Judge Martin, as a young lawyer and
on first arrival in Chicago, thought
himself fortunate in gaining an intro
duction to Judge Gary—the Gary who
tried the anarchists. The judge took
a shine to the young chap and 'pro
posed a game of billiards, wherein
Martin made a technical error that
he remembered for long. Gary played
an old man’s game, and Martin then,
ns now, was particularly bandy with
a cue.
Plcturo a contest of 34 points with
four balls on a four and one-half by
nine table. Tho judge (barely bend
ing), with a childish bridge nnd a
nerveless stroke, missed his first shot.
Martin, in shirtsleeves, crouched over
the table like a jockey piloting a win
ner, and applied himself to rolling up
a run. He had counted - fifteen or
twenty when ho turned and saw the
judge disappearing through tho door
and moving with ruffled dignity.
Russian Ammunition.
Bill—They say the Russians tiro
now using caviar for ammunition.
Jilt—Well, I always did consider It
Elderly Darky Remembered His
Training and Addressed Stereo
typed Question to “Angol.”
Jack McGeevy, the vaudeville en
tertainer, whb reared Ih a sou thorn
locality whore tho population was
largely blnck and where the older
darkles were invariably vespcctful. A
part of their deference, Bnya Me-
Oreovy, was to Inquire ns to tho health
of the family of anyone who addressed
them,- even if he were a stranger.
Thus nn oldorly negro wnB at work
In tlie Helds not far from a fair
grounds where a parachute jump was’
a part of the entertainment. Tho
Jumper, a girl, had gone, up in a bal
loon and bad encountered a wind
which blew her some distance beforo
she cut loose, and when she landed
It wan only a few feet from tho old
uncle with tlie hoe. lie lmil not aeon
her descent, nnd ho fairly blinked ns
ho beheld tho vision In scarlet tights
and virulent peroxide hair. His train
ing did not desert him, however, for
ho asked presently:
“Good evenin’, Miss Angol. How’s
yo' paw an’ mnw?”
Unlock for OhlllR and Fever. Have UHCtl It when
necesHftry for SO years and have found no remedy
ns effect l vc. H Elixir Unlock 50 cents, nil drug*
gists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocrew
eld A Co., Washington, D. O.
A Good Move-Unbelt Liver Fills*
60 pills 85 cents
After a man has been married two
weeks he can readily understand why
love is blind.
1 Some mei* never misa the water
while tha frter holds out.
Nov. 23,1914:—“All my life my face
wns covered completely with a maBB
of pimples, blackheads and blotches. I
spent a lot of money on numerous
romedles and treatments without suc
cess and no relief at nil. I tried so
many things that I was afraid my case
could not bo cured. Reslnol ointment
and reslnol soap seemed to do me good
right from the first I used two jara'
of reslnol ointment and somo reslnol
soap, thp total cost being only $2.00,'
nnd this completely curod my case.'
My skin is without a blemish, nnd I
nm tho poBsosBor of ft beautiful com
plexion.” (Signed) Mabell Ayres, Stone
Mountain, Va. All druggists soil reslnol
soap and reslnol ointment.—Adv.
Sure Thing.
> "What Is you idea of a cinolx?” :
“Betting that the long hand of A
watch will get around first.”
Daily Thought.
He who receives ft good turn -should
never forget it; kts^-Who does one
should never remember it.—Charron.
Resident of Woodstock Finds Himself
Restored After His Physi
cians Failed.
The Watts Variation.
Alfred WattB, the young futurist
poet, was lunching with his publisher
at a Broadway restaurant recently,
and while waiting for his bill he
amused himself by matching quarters
with his host. After several dollars
had changed hands, the publisher
looked, through the window, at oho of.
those entertaining (little Detroitobiles
standing at the curb, and said, face
“I’ll match you for that car, Alfred.”
Mr. Watts tosBed back his much-
photographed golden mane, and re
marked, with tl|ls characteristic drawl,
“Aw, don’t be a piker! I’ll match
you for two dollars."
The Killjoy.
Senator Lawson of Brooklyn has in
troduced at Albany a bill to abolish
the free lunch.
'The effect of this bill on drink
ing?” said Senator Lawson tho other
“Well, it's effect on drinking will be
the same as the old wife’s.
“.‘My old wife certainly looks after
me good,’ said an old wag. ®She even
takes off my shoos for me.’
".‘That’s when you come home from
Hogan’s saloon, I suppose,’ said an
other wag.
‘No,’ Baid the first one, ‘It’s when
I want to go there.’”
Go After
T. A. Lewis, who. lives out bn Route
3, Wobdstock, Ga„. was the victim of
stomach troubles tor a long time. He
tried the treatments of many doctors.
He tried all sorts of remedies.
His sufferings were a serious handi
cap to his work.
Then he tried M^yr’s Wonderful
Remedy. Just as it always does, the
first dose proved to him what could
be done for his aliment. He took tho
full treatment; then wrote:
“I have taken your wonderful rem
edy and am feeling better than I have
felt in four years.
"Your remedy does just what you
claim it will do.
. ”1 tried several doctors, but they
did me ho good. I am glad that I
have found your wonderful remedy.
1 have recommended it to somo of
my neighbors who need it.”
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for stomach, liver and
intestinal ailments. Bat as much and
whatever you like.. No more distress
after eating, pressure of gas in the
stomach and around the heart. Get one
bottle of your druggist now and try it
on an absolute guarantee—if not satis
factory money will be returned.—Adv.
When a man plays cards he is loaf
ing. When a woman plays cards she
Is attending to her social duties.
Not the Ideal.
“I want a sunny lot in life."
"You'll find a few shade trees a
great improvement.”
in a business way—the
advertising way. An ad
in this paper offers the
maximum service at the
minimum" cost. It
reaches the people of the
town and vicinity you
want to reach.
Try li
lt Pays
Bothered by Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Head or Chest Colds?
haled all night long through tho air passa
ges to tho lungs, loosening tho phlogm,
soothing tho inflamed membrauo, nnd aid
ing tho body cells to drive out tho invad.
a addition, Vick’s is absorbed through
pores, reducing tho inflammation and
ing out that tightness andr soreness.'.
Try the "Vap-O-Rub” Treatment—Re
lieves by Inhalation and Absorp
tion. No Stomach Dosing.
No need to disturb your stomach with
internal medicines for these troubles.
Vick's “Vnp-O-Rub” Salve, combines by a
special process—Menthol, Thymol, Eucn-
lyptol, Camphor and Pino Tar, so that whon
applied to the heat of tho body, theso in.
gradients nro released in tbo form of vapors.
Theso soothing, medicated vapors aro iu-
Croup and
¥ I LAO Pneumonia
if-you would remain a favorite nev
er ask a favor.
A man's reputation for politeness
should bo based on Ms attitude toward
the women of his own family.
Our “JITNEY” Otter
DON’T MISS THIS. Cutoutthls
slip, enclose with 6c to Foley a Go..
2843 Sheffield Ave., Dept. A. Chicago,
111., writing your name and address =1
clearly. You will receive In return a r
trial package containing, Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain
In sides and back, rheumatism, back
ache. kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cath
artic Tablets; a wholesome and thoroughly cleans
ing cathartic; especially comforting to stout people.
not only the old reliable remedy
general strengthening tonicundappetizer.
For children as well as adults. Sold lorSO
vears. 50c and S libottles at drug stores.
fifes. Neat, nlmn, or-
numi'iital, convenient,
cheap. Lasts all
season. Made of
moUl, can’tapll! or tip
over; will not soil or
Injure anything.
Guaranteed effective.
All dealers orfimnt
er preen p»td for ei.SO.
HA It OLD 80MER8, ISO De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Yes. *wd will touch you tho barber* trudo tn fow
weeks, nnd give you position In bur shops. Toole
freo. All for ?30. Torms. 116 ca8h fc f!6 In ten days.
Wo pay yon wages while learning; Wrlto ub today.
W. Kay St. Jacksonville, Fla.
Tribute Kew Colony C*«paay,4t0Law BUf,,Isjilanspoilo.Ink.
60c, restaurant article. Soils t
Bohpenhelt & Penso, End, PfttBbi^gh.Pv
WANTED -AGENT'S—“12c • gets -,26o •ijollinfr n r-
tlcic. Sample toy sold fifty one day. Ad-
dre»B Novelties. Allendale.’.South .Carolina.
Beoau80 of those ugly, grizzly, gray halro. Uao “LA CREOLE” HAIR DRESSING. PRICE, $1.00, retail