Newspaper Page Text
Editors and Publishers
Batered at taa post office at Ellijay
Ga., as sMoad-elass mail matter
Published Every Friday
’Phone No. 33
...... ■ W■
One Year...................$1.1
gix Months.................
Three Months....... 25
Advertising Rates Very Low and
Made Known on Application
uiris, never be afraid of marry¬
ing a drunkard if you marry a
stingy man.
Wish the Legislature would
pass a bill prohibiting the use of
bells on cows.
A party committed suicide in
Atlanta last week by jumping
from the 13th story of the Fourth
National Bank building.
Hon. Tom Felder was stabbed
last week by a door-keeper of
the Senate, and is now in the
hospital from the wound. *•
Georgia was allotted $134,328
for the fiscal year, July 1st
1916-17. of the $5,000,000 Road
fund, under the new FederalRoad
act • This amount must be used
to build roads alone and not for
Senator Roscoe Pickett intro
duced a bill in the Senate Tues¬
day to allow Justice Court Jury¬
men to receive $1.00 per day.
This is a good bill and should
pass. Often a man will lose an
entire day and receive the in>
mense pay of 25 cents. —Pickens
County Progress
A bunch of land sharks of At¬
lanta, have been turned up in
Cobb county Superior Court and
Judge Patterson sentenced them
the limit. They held fake deeds
to 60,000 acres in North Georgia,
being 16,000 acres in Gilmer, 23,
000 in Pickens, 4,000 in Milton
and Fannin and 11,000 in Coib
A Season Of Torture Por Some
Hay fever causes untold mis¬
ery to thousands. Asthma, too,
counts its sulferers by the hun¬
dreds. Foley’s Honey and Tar
soothes that raw, rasping feeling
in the throat, relieves hoarseness
and wheezing, makes breathing
easier, heals inflamation, permits
refreshing slumber. Contains no
opiates. Sold everywhere
In The District Court of the United
States for the Northern District of
Georgia. In re
D. E. Watkins, Bankrupt. No. 5049 in
A petition for discharge having been
filed in conformity with law by above
named bankrupt and the Court having
ordered that tne hearing upon said pe¬
tition be had on September 16th. 1916,
at ten o’clock a.m. at the United States
District Court room, in the city of At¬
lanta, all creditors Georgia, and notice other is hereby given
to persons in in¬
terest to appear at said time and place
and show cause, if any they have, why
should tne orayer be of the granted. bankrupt for discharge
O. C. FULLER, Clerk,
By F. L. Beers, Deputy Clerk.
A Good Thin; For Children
Foley s Honey and Tar is a
particularly good cold, cough
and croup medicine for children
because it contains no opiates or
habit-forming drugs. The “lit¬
tle colds’’ of summer, as well as
the long standing deep seated
coughs, that hang on for months,
' banished by its The
are use
first dose brings relief and com¬
fort. Sold everywhere.
Children C«*y
Carteeay Briefs
Mr. D. C. Ray hrs a fine crop of
corn and perhaps more small grain
than any other farmer in the val¬
ley. Besides this, Mr. Ray de¬
serves great credit for eduepting
his children so well. This com¬
munity would welcome more good
citizens of this splendid type
r. Lawrence M. Davis has re¬
signed as postmaster at Carteeay
and Mr. Horace Mulkey has re¬
ceived a temporary appointment as
postmaster here. The postoffice
will now be kept in the store of
Mr. Charles O. Mulkoy
The recent fire in Carteeay, not
heretofore mentioned in the Times
Courier, resulted in the loss of a
building cn the property of Mrs.J.
E. Tabor, occupied as a kitchen by
Mr. bteve Atkins, who lost all of
his meat, flower and many other
articles valusd at one hundred and
twenty-five dollars. The value of
the building was about the aame.
fhe dwelling of Mr. Atkins was
saved by the heroic work of the
kind neighbors. There was no in¬
surance on the building or contents
The all day singing at Ebeuezer
church, in tjartecay district, in the
old time song books, was enjoyed
immensely by the several hundred
people present. Ebenezer is a great
place tor large congregations. Old
friend Buffington used to say of
them that all these people must
rise up spontaneously out of the
ground—that, he couldn’t see where
they cou ,d come from
The people at Ebeuezer have one
of the largest and best kept < eme
leries in Gilmer county. near¬
ly fanct.d and full of - bice marble
monuments."' The S'lcial iuidfrien
ly qualities of the Ebenezer people,
their apleudi.0 dir ners servtd oil the
grounds, their treatmient of the
living, their care for the dead, and
th ir splendid music are well calcu¬
lated to make us remember them
with pleasure. Let these examples
be followed all over our county,
Each comuuinitj cun deserve such
The Ice Cream Supper was ap¬
preciated by the folks here Satur¬
day night, and are encouraging
“Chester and Coleman'’ to have
cream every week , so all remember
the “Saturday nights” and come
with a pocket full of change
Mr. B. F. Hulsey says he will
give a “Coca-Cola Supper ’, but
as he hasn’t announced the date,
we can’t say just when it be, how¬
ever we will let the folks know Inter
Mr. N P. Pratt was a business
caller here this week
Mr. C. L. Coleman made a trip
to Ja»per this week
Rev. aud Mrs. E. T, Gartrell are
attending the Revival at Talking
Rock this week,
Th%Art Marble Co. is shutdown
a few days oil account of coal
Mr. and Mis, James Burnett an
nournre the arrival of a girl
Quite a large crowd attended the
preachiug services ut Mr. Jim I\,w
ery’s Tuesday night
Roy McCravey attended the Re¬
vival at Talking Rock Wednesday.
Mr. B. F. Hulsey and Miss Stella
McFarland attended servie-g at Mr
fowery’s. 1 liree Crooks,
*HE Texas Wonder cares kidney and
I bladder diabetes, troubles, dissolves gravel, cures
, and weak and lame backs, rheuma¬
tism all irregularities of the kidneys and
Louis?M<x' Stoid^y druggists'— , Adr? et * J
Announcements I
We will charge the following prices
for. announcements this year. The same
fee will be required of all, no matter
what date they announce, and will be
strictly in advance—
Congress....................$10.00 Superior Court........
Judge 10.00
Solicitor General............. 10.00
State Senator. .............. 7.50
Representative.............. Offices, 7.50
County and except Survey¬
or Coroner............. 5.00
Surveyor....... : .......... 3.00
Coroner................... 2.00
All political matter 5c. per line, unless
ilectrotype barged by the is furnished, which will tie
'o the Voters of the Ninth District of
Georgia: Cori
I announce as a candidate for
ress subject to the rules and regula¬
tions governing the primary September
2th. I shall go before the people in
II fhe counties as soon as I can leave
ashington without neglecting my du¬
ties. I have a message to deliver to
the people and hope to meet per¬
sonally every citizen of the district
before election day. In the meantime
I will appreciate the support and influ¬
ence of all good citizens.
Sincerely yours, Bell
Thos. M.
For Judge
To the voters of the Blue Ridge circuit:
Judge I hereby announce as a candidate for
of this circuit, subject to the
Democratic primary to be held on Sep¬
tember 12th, 1916
charge If elected, the I shall endeavor to dis¬
duties of the office in the
manner prescribed by law
I am going to try and see as many of
the voters as possible before the pri¬
mary. The legal matters in which I am
employed deal will necessarily take a great
of my time; for this reason it will
be impossible of for me to make a thorough
canvass the circuit. I shall, however,
see as many of the voters as I can
In a large degree I will necessarily
have to depend upon my friends to look
after my candidacy whether I get to see
them or not
I have many friends and supporters
on each side of the fight for Solicitor
General; therefore, I have not aligned
myself will I do with either of the candidates, nor
is so. mis-statemeut Any statement to the con¬
trary a of fact
I will sincerely appreciate your vote
and support. Respectfully,
N. A. Morris.
To the voters of the Blue Ridge Judicial
I announce my candidacy for re-elec
tion as Judge oi this circuit, subject to
the action ot' the Democratic primary to
be held September 12, 1910, and promise
if elected, as I have done during the
present term, to use every effort to
keep politios and factionalism out of our
courts,, I and give to every litigant a fair
trial. will continue to arrange the
business of the courts in advance and
have same published so as to give par¬
ties and witnesses notice, and have the
sible business transacted and inconvenience witK the least to pos¬ the
parties expense litigant,
and to the public treas¬
I thank the people for their past sup¬
port. and earnestly solicit, and will ap
preciate, the same in this campaign.
Respectfully, etc.,
H. L. Patterson.
For Solicitor-General
To the voters of the Blue Ridge Circuit
I will never forget my many frieuds
who voted for me in my first race for
Solicitor General. I have endeavored to
the best of my ability to carry out ray
promises made to the vatersof the Blue
Ridge Circuit in that race. I have not
used the office as a money-making ma¬
chine, but have done my best to temper
justice with mercy, and at the same
time, in my humble way, help enforce
the law of our land.
When an officer has done his duty
is always customary to re-elect him
a second term, and I hereby annonnee
my fice eandidacy of Solicitor for re-election to the of¬
General of the Blue
Ridge Circuit, subject to the White
Democratic Primary, to be heldSeptem
ber 12th, 1916.
Mr. Charles L. Harris, of Forsyth
county, will be my Assistant if elected.
We expect to run an open, fair race and
will appreciate the support and influence
of the voters of the blue Ridge Circuit.
Respectfully, Herbert
To the voters of the Blue Ridge circuit:
the I hereby office announce my candidacy for
of Solicitor-General of the Blue
ic Ridge circuit, subject to the Democrat¬
September, primary to be held on the I2th day of
Section 4922 of the Civil Code of Geor¬
gia the prescribes Solicitors-General the following oath for
of this state:
“I do swear that I v. ill faithfully
and impartially, and without fear,
favor or affection, discharge my du¬
ties take as only Solicitor-General, lawful and will
my fees of office.
So help me God. ”
If elected, I will discharge the duties
of the office as set forth in this oath
In the event of my election, Mr. Gor¬
don B. Gann, of Cobb county, will be
assistant solicitor-general for the entire
Your vote and influence will be great¬
ly appreciated. Respectfully,
Blue William Butt.
Ridge, Ga., June 20, 1916.
To the Voters of Gilmer county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Surveyor of Gilmer county
if elected, 1 pledge to the people of
this county the very best that u m me
to fulfill tne duties of this office.
Very truly,
' F. C. ^ Cantrel l
16 .Voters „ ot . Gilmer county:
i , r hereby announce ffiyselt candidate
| - a
poit TT oi" S? all S i,^ tne VOrS voters ana sollc in the ‘ tlR November 2 ttie sup- j
election, 1 am, liours very truiy,
A. R. Cantrell,
To the Voters of Gilmer - County:
As a candidate for Ordinary, I solicit
your support at the next generBl elec¬
tion. If favored by you, with that of¬
fice, I can bring into the discharge of
its duties, my experience in that branch
of work, with such legal knowledge nuumuigc and aim
business capacity as 1 may possess, and
can p.omise you, patient and courteous
lisdiarie l ^whJe pie-
to dealing
to the public; with County
or Pr„L,,. .e woia, as the quea¬
ns at issue may arise, and as the law
facts may direct or suggest. Inmat
a I public shall nature, within my dis¬
labor to promote the
good, the keeping in view as far as
who the expressed will of the peo¬
ple bear burdens of government.
you in advance for any sup¬
you may give me, I am,
Very truly yours,
J. C. Allen.
Talona, Ga., July 1st, 1916
the voters of Gilmer county z
Gentlinen: After making the race for
of Gilmer county in 1912, with
make thorqugh the understanding in that I would
race 1916 for Ordinary of
county, and after being defeat
ecFAt the polls, I made my announce¬
ment I next would morning be after the election
that a standing candidate for
Ordinary in 1916. Now, Gentlemen, I
renew my candidacy If for Ordinary of
I his county. a man promises you
nothing you need not exppet anything,
so if you get nothing wou won’t be dis
iointed I stand for Americanism,
Our ice, Prosperity is and preparedness.
country making great si rides and
moving fall in'line forward, and why with not Gilmer county
go the procession?
Tam in favor of belter public roads
in Gilmer county and pledge myself if
elected to do all in my power and co
operate with the people and help them
make belter roads in our county which
are so badly needed. I am opposed to
outrages dainty perpetrated on the people of
Gilmer by the Tennessee Cop
pet Companies them and am strongly in favor
of making pay damage done the
people all ihe of old our sodiers county. I am in tavor of
and soldiers’ widows
being pensioned as there are but few oi
them now and they are getting old and
a cking pension would help them in their de¬
years. I am in favor of an open
fr<S range for the stock ot Gilmer coun¬
ty iree for every body both white and
bjjjck, rich and poor, God Almighty
made the bigggst pasture in the world
tree for all the people. I pledge my¬
self if elected to execute the laws and
treat every all man fair, I staud for equal
rights to Now and special privileges to
nope. gentlemen upon these prin¬
cipals I go before the people and appeal
to them for I heir support at the No¬
vember election. Thanking the people
for past favors, hoping for a continua¬
tion of the same, I am as ever,
Yours for success.
W ■ B. L. Hensley
To the Voters of Gilmer county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Ordinary of Gilmer county.
If elected, I pledge to the people of
this county the very best that is in me
to fulfill the duties of this office.
Very truly,
Lawrence M. Davis
To the voters of Gilmer county :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for County Superintendent of Public
Schools at I he next general election.
Thanking my friends, tor., their former
influence, support and I psking Very for their truly. votes and
•„ J. F. Chastain.
' 1
To the Voters of Gilmer county:
X announce myself as a candidate for
re-election to the office Clerk Superior
Court. Thanking the people for past
favors and soliciting your support in
the coming election, I am
Very ti uly yours,
J. L. Weaver.
To the <oters of Gilmer county:
I hereby announce mysell a candidate
for re-election to the office of Sheriff of
uilmer county. I stand on my record
and promise if again honored with the
office to continue to perform the Uuties
of tne office laithtuiij. 1 thank my
friends for past favors and solicit tile
sujJpqrt of all the voters
Yours truly,
K. L. Milton.
To the Voters of Gilmer county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Treasurer
of Giilmer county. Thanking tne voters
for their past favors and soliciting the
support of all, I am, Very truly,
W. S. Henson.
To the Voters of Gilmer county;
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Tax Col¬
lector of .Gilmer county. If elected I
promise to fulfill tne duties of this office
to the best of my ability. Tnanking you
for past favors and asking the Support,
of ail, 1 am, Yours truly,
J. G. Ellis.
To the Voters of Gilmer:
This announces my candidacy for the
office of Tax Receiver of our county. In
making this announcement, I wish to
thank tho people for their generous sup¬
port in the past, and ask a continuiance
of same in the coming election, and re¬
main, Yours truly,
R. A. Pinson.
To the voters of Gilmer county:
Having received many solicitations
and consulted many friends from differ
ent parts of the county, I hereby an
nounce myself Gilmer a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of county. Thanking you
all for past favors and asking for your
support at the general .election, am,
Very tru.y i
L. B. Chastain
Legal Advertisements.
State of Georgia—Gilmer County
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Beulah Harris, widow of W. F.
Harrls TT . . late . nf , said ., county, . deceased, , has
PP lied t0 the undersigned for a year’s
tor herself and six minor chil
out of the estate of sald deceased,
appraisers have been appointed and
their return
This is to cite all persons interested,
and creditors, to show cause, if
y they can, on the first Monday in
1916, why said application
not be granted official
Given under my hand and sig- .
this August 7th,1916.
W A. COX, Ordinary G il mer County ,
of - Georgia ,7 . -Gilmer County. „
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Myra V. Long, widow of T. J.
late of said county, deceased,has
to the undersignedfor a Twelve
Support for herself out of the
tate of said deceased, and appraisers
of this court 1916. on This the first Monday ail
September, kindred is to cite •
ard creditors, to show j
if any they can, at the said term»
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s
tonic. She says farther: “Before I began to use
Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, 1
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of Cardui, 1 began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained well 35 pounds, and now, I do all my hqusework,
as i as run a big water mill.
wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman’s Tonic
a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me good.”
tired, Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman¬
ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, trying the woman’s Cardui
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today!
Atlanta, August 8.—State
E. P. Dobbs of Cobb county, in pur¬
suance of promises made in the an¬
nouncement of his candidacy for the
office of comptroller general of Geor¬
gia, has just given out the first of
several statements in which
charges William A. Wright, incumbent
in that office, with the responsibility
for huge losses of Georgians who in¬
vested their money in income, or guar
antee fund certificates issued by mu¬
tual insurance companies operating
upon the legal reserve basis.
In the announcement of his candi¬
dacy for this office, Senator Dobbs re¬
fers to complaints against the depart¬
ment in numerous letters from citi¬
zens of Georgia urging him to run,
and says;
“The admitted record of unfor¬
tunate results following the ad
■m initiation of -this department
for the past ten years will, in my
opinion, amply illustrate an abso¬
lute public necessity for a new
comptroller general and and insurance
commissioner, the installation
of energetic and progressive meth¬
ods for these combined depart¬
Referring to his own success in the
manufacturing business in Marietta,
and in other enterprises and soliciting
the support of friends and the citizens
of Georgia generally, particularly those
"whose recent contact with this de¬
partment convinces them that my an¬
nouncement is opportune,” he con¬
cludes :
“I will, at an early date, furnish
the public with the official records
of results above referred to, and
which will astonish the uninform¬
ed by disclosing the amazing nura
her of preventable losses suffered
by the people ot Georgia on ac¬
count of lax administration—a rec¬
ord in which Georgia leads the
blacklist of all the states in the
The People Misled
It is in pursuance of this announce¬
ment promise that Senator Dobbs now
proposes to give specific instances. He
charges Mr. Wright with an effort to
fool the people regarding income or
guarantee fund certificates, in that he
makes it appear in his report to the
governor, dated January 1, 1916, that
MUTUAL insurance companies were
authorized to issue these certificates.
Dealing with the insurance act of 1912,
on page 8, Mr. Wright states in part
as follows :
“No provision of this statute has
been of more immediate benefit
of Court, why said application should
not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signa¬
ture, this August 10th, 1916.
W. A. COX,
Ordinary Gilmer County.
A Woman’s Kindly Act
Mrs G. H. Eveland, Duncan
Mills, III., writes: “I was striken
with lumbago, unable' to turn in
bed, A neighbor brought Foley
Kidney Pills. She had bc-m sim¬
ilarly afflicted and they cured her.
I was cured by three bottles.” If
the kidneys do not, function, lum¬
bago, rheumatism, aches, pains,
are apt to result. Sold everywhere.
I will pay $50 00 reward in
cash for evidence sufficient to
convict the party or parties that
J 0t my Q- a A. " d Br&diej* °, ne S On ° f
Friday the 14th of July 1916.
B. L. Hensley
to the public than the section
which 1 drafted dealing with what
is known as ‘Income’ or interest
bearing certificates, issued by mu¬
tual and co-operative or assess¬
ment industrial companies. The
State of Georgia in 1909 legalized
these certificates.”
Mr. Dobbs states that the act
1909 makes no mention of mutual
insurance companies, but confines
self to “any mutual aid, benefit or
dustrial insurance company
rated under the laws of this
■upon the co-operative or mutual
sessment plan;” and that the
of the 1912 act, whose authorship
claimed by Mr. Wright, has no
effect than to repeal the law of
that nowhere in the laws of
is there or has there ever been
statute authorizing the issuance
these certificates by Mutual Legal
serve Insurance institutions.
Millions Were Lost
It is charged that one Georgia
pany has issued more than
of these certificates, some prior
1909 and manytdurfng the latter'
of 1912, with the knowledge and
sent of Mr. Wright; that two
Georgia have issued
than $850,000 ot these
making the amazing total of more
$2,000,000 issued without any
ity of law. PRACTICALLY
General Wright admits in his
that “the sale of these
caused a financial loss to many
zens,” and attempts to relieve
of responsibility by stating that
insurance department had
no jurisdiction."
Senator Dobbs points out that
ters granted to these companies
them subject not only to the laws
the state, but also to “any rules
regulations of the insurance
sioner - ...” and that these
tutions could easily have been
vented from taking the
dollars of citizens in practically
nook and corner of Georgia,
the return of any value, had
Wright, as insurance
regulated them by proper rules
compelled them to comply with
“One of the moat unpardonable
neglectful of the acts that go to
up Mr. Wright’s official record,”
ator Dobbs states, “was his failure
require the Empire Life
Company to make the $100,000
as the law requires, for the
of its policy holders, before issuing to
this company a license when it began
doing business during 1912," ,