Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff's Sales of Lumpkin ('mimy, wifi I
’issUauc to be published in the Western Herald.
April 6.—l—\y4w.
Lumpkin Siieriffs fSalc.
be sold oa the fr-st Tuesday in
* “ May next, at the ('mirt-h.mse h\ Auraria,
JLumpkin county, within the usual hour* -jf sale, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
One Lot* numiicr 110* in the South hall of
0c iSlh <sist. Ist Sec. of originally Cherokee, m* Lump
ton county, containing forty Acres* >m>ro or l levied
** the property of David Plumb,To satisfy a ti. fa. ssu, <1
iVoiM the Superior Court vi Wilkes county, in lavor of
Veter Aloyniac, ys. David Plumb. Also, a ti. fu, issii’ t!
lio;n said Court in tavor of Arnold J. Greene, for the us.-
of Peter Meyniac, vs. David Plumb.
One Boat and one Shovel: levied on ns the
property off saac Campbell, to satisfy u ti fa. issued from
the Inferior Court of Lumpkin county, on the foreclosure
<•! a mort •m*o in favor of John Hills, vs. Isaac Campbell.
Property pointed out by the Plaintiff
Ono Lot, No. 103, 12th District, Ist Section
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
forty Acr more or less, levied on as the property of
Allies ‘PCkskey to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Su
perior Court, of Hail county, in favor of Jones &. Sitn
-1129n5, vs. Miles APCleskt v.
Lot number 127, 6th district, Ist section,
row Lumpkin county: levied onus th‘ property of James
•\**vkindall, to satisfy a ti. ta. issued from a
[ -ourt of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Jam s
Keykindall. Levy mude and relumed to me bv a Consra- ;
Lot number 653, sth district,lst section.con
raining 40 acres, more or less, originally Cherokee, now
Lumpkin county: levied oil as the property of Neheraiah (
Vayne, to satisfy an execution issued from a Magistrates
eonrt. ofHall county, in favor of I*. J. Murray, vs. Nehe
j.-uali Payne. Levy 4 inade anti returned to me by a Const*.
Lot number 145, 12th district, Ist section,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
•!n arret',more or less: levied on as the property of Thom
as Carver, to satisfy an execution issued from a Mama
trati s Court, of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray,'’vs.
Thomas Carver. Livy mads and returned to me by a'Con
Lot number 152, 4th district Ist section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin couny, e4O
acres more or less: levied onast'v proptrty .fß.nl Pru
e-t, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates Court, of
Hall county, in favor of F, J. Murray, vs. Byrd Pruett
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 340, 15th District, Ist Section, of
origi - tly Cherouec, now Lumpkin county, containing
sO Acres, more or less: levied on asthe property of Elijah ,
Hulsey, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Magistrates
Court of flail county, m favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Elijali
Hulsey. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 71, 15th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres more or less; levied on as the property of James G.
Dari , to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Magistrates Court
of Hall county.” in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. James G.
Davis. Lew made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 554, 4th District, Ist Section, of ori- ‘■
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Vincent
Hulsey, to satisfy a fi. fa issued from a Magistrates court I
ofHall county in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Vincent Hul
?oy. Levy made and returned to rae'by a Constable.
Lot No. 385,5 th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally C hcrokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as tire property of Basil
Gowing, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court, of Ha'l county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Basil
Cowing. Levy mode and returned to me by a Const*.
Lot No. 863, 11th District, Ist Section,ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
‘o res, more or less: levied on as the property of Isaac
Chapni n to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a A legist rates
Court, ofHall county, in favor P. J. Murray, vs. Isaac
(‘baprnan. Levy mode and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 274, 4th District, Ist Section, of ori
giaaily Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or leas: levied on as the property of Lewis
“Whitehead, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court. ofHall county, in favor ofP. Muirav, vs. Lewis
Whitehead. Levy made and returned to me bv a Con
Lot No. 1051, sth District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acre--, more orless: levied on as the property of James
Watters, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Magistrates
Court of Hall county, in favor ofP. J. Murray, vs. James
Witters. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 392, sth District, IstScction, ol ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 4®
Acres, more or lees: levied on as the property of Fielding
‘Thurmond, to setiafy a fi. fa. tiued from a Magistrate’s
Court, of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs
rielding Thurmond. Levy made and returned to me
a Constable.
LciNo. 533, 13th District, Ist Section, of or
finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acr a. sure or lea*: levied on as the property of Kdmund
Adame, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a .Magistrates
Court, of Lrk County, in favor of Benjamin Towns, ▼*.
Edinupd Adame. Levy made and returned by & Consta
Lot No. 390, 12th District, Ist Section of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county,containing 40
Acres, more or lee.: levied on as the property of William
IJunn, to satisfy two ft. sis. issued from a” Magistrates
Court, of Henry County, in favor of James Jones and
.1 olinson, vs. William puna. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 587, 12th District, Ist Section of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
-40 Acres, more or less: levied on as the- property of Ran-
Kjilingsworth to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Ma
gistrate# Court, of Washington county, in favor of F.
Cullens t Son, vs. Randal Killingsworth
3AM’L. JONES, Sh* L. C.
‘lie liigrl Liococfl stall: m.
c—i “a*E7"ILL stand at Washington,Wilkes
f V V county, the ensuing .Spring sca-
Yj son, which will commence on the first of
March, and expire on the first of July, at
FIFTEEN DOLLARS the single service—TWENTY
DOLLARS the season, and THIRTY DOLLARS the
insurance—Fifty cents to the groom.
QUIDNUNC is a rich blood bav, with hlack leg.,
main, and tail, six years old, nttcen banes ..'tree and a half
> aches high, of uncommon fine limbs, muscle, hone and
action. Ho ha3 been introduced to this State upon high
recommendation, with a view to improve the stock of
.Southern horses—and his high origin justifies the expec
tation that this object may be accomplished. He was
got by the imported Bagdad Arabian, (who was sold in
A'ow York by Mr. Barclay for 98,000,) —his dam Rosa
Carev, was by Sir Archv—his grand dam SallvJones, by
reported Wrangler —who wa3 by imported Diomcd the
r irc of-’ ir Archv. The Pedigree of UitiDsruxc is not on
-1 .-fiiVt j Ule hut auihenlic. (Sea Asncncaa Turf Register,
f>r Nav. J 331, page 152.) More particulars are men
tioned in band-bills.
, ROBEiti’ A. TOO-VIB3.
April f—i—lw
A TTORNBY AT LA’A, havin'? located himself;
at the Court-House of Lumpkin bounty, with a
view to the Practice of Law, respectfully notifies his
friends and the public generally, thut he will attend to
the collection of executions against fortunate drawers;
! and to the prosecuting atul defending of cases of fraudu
lent draws; and all other business connected with his
• ;*r4csdosi, which maybe confided to his can', in any of
the counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
All communications addressed to him at Lumpkin
Court-House, Georgia, will be duly received, and
promptly attended to. Them is a good mail communica
tion from this place to ail parts of the State.
April 6,18331 —3 t
A r rORNKY AT LAW, informs his friends, and
.Cm. the public generally, that having established him
s ii at.iiyarirt, Lurvpkin County, he is now prepared to
attend to any business in his professional line which may
be confided to him. He contemplates a regular atten
dance upon the various courts of the Cherokee , together
with those of Hall and Huberslmin, of the V- e#tern
Communications intended for him directed to this place
will be duly obtained, as the mails from various section*
of the country are regularly received semi-weekly; and
he pledges himself that all business entrusted to his care
shall meet with prompt acknowledgement and attention.
Auraria, April 6—l —2tsm
f BVHE ‘ 1 ndersigned tenders his professional services
8 in any c.f the counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
particidutly to creditors wk> hold executions against for
tunate drawers in the present Lott ries, and to those who
may be engaged in prosecuting or defending fraudulent
j draws, ills present residence is at Athens, where all
business committed to him will receive prompt attention.
He contemplates removing to that Circuit, (perhaps Au
raria, Lu:;:;kin Countv,) early in the ensuing summer.
Edward harden.
Athene, Geo. April 6,1833 — I—s1—5 t
lXt r.
(Lumpkin C. H. Ga.)
48. fc H. HOLT, have removed to this place and
. will Practice Law in Copartnership in all thecoun
tics ofCherokee Circuit, and in the adjoining counties of
the Western and Chattahoorhie Circuits.
April 6,1533 — I—ts1 —ts
JAMES ROGERS Attorney at Law, has settled in
the Town of Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia,
and will attend all the Courts intne several Counties in
the Cherokee Circuit, and the Courts ofHall and Hab
ersham in the Westrrn Circuit.
All business directed to him, willbe/luly received, and
promptly attended to.
April 6,1933—1—12 m
liiJL > E. TT^LZSP..
4TTORNEY AT LAW, has opened an Office in
the town of Auraria, Lumpkin County. He
will (practice in all the Courts of the several counties of
the Ctierokce Circuit, and in the counties ofHall, Haber
sham and Gwinnett, of the Western Circuit.
All communications for him, directed to Auraria,Lump
\in county, will be duly received and promptly attended
April 6,1833 — I—ts1—ts
4TTORNEY AT LAV*, has located at Lumpkin
Court-House —and will practice in all the counties 1
of the Cherokee,and in Hall and Habersham, of the Wes j
tern Circuit AU communications addressed to him upon
business in his profession Will be promptly attended to,
April 6 1833—1—ts
ATTORNEY AT LA’ , has located inAuraria!
Lumpkin County, and will practice in all the coun
ties of the Cherokee Circuit, and the county of Haii,
‘Western Circuit. All business entrusted to his carp,
ill be thankfu'ly received and promptly attended to.
April 6,1833- —l—ts
THE Subscriber hasestahlishcd himself in this place,
and will all professional business confi
ded to him in the several counties of tire Cherokee Circuit
—al*o in the Counties of Jackson, Franklin, Hall and
Habersham, oflhe Western Circuit, His office is at the
north end of town.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
ft ■ ———
A*iauters‘ Fire Drool’
THE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the FIRE
PROOF WARE-IIOUSES, lately occupied by
Messrs. Sims, Williams and Woolacy, respectfully tender
their services to their friends and the public in general, in .
the Ware-House, Factorage and Commission Business,
under the firm of
They will bu prepared to extend the usual facilities to
their customers by making advances on PRODUCE IN
Connected with the Ware-Houses are 6afe and very
extensive CLOSE STORAGES, for the reception of
any Goods, which rnay be consigned to them for sale or
otherwise. The situation of their Ware-Houses as to
convenience, safety and the despatch of business, is un
surpassed by any m the City. The undivided attention
of tne Subscribers, will be given to the above business,
with a pledge not to engage in aay speculation upon pro
They liope to merit and receive a liberal portion of pub
lic patronage.
February 1.—1—4 W.
We take pleasure in recommending the above gcntlo
t< niKlic Uoiicvlng, as we do, m their in
egrity ami qualifications.for business.
For themselves atul other late proprietors
THE Subscriber, lately from New-York, respectful
ly informs the inhabitants of Lumpkin and thu ad
joining Counties, that lie is now ready to to receive or
ders for building
■a ‘(tuiX'iii'vru uytt/jaaia.
either -S/o: ic', hrkkur H ood, and by strict attention to bu
siness, hopes to merit a share of the public patronage
For Rcftrtnct, apply to
Athens, Geo. Aprilffl, 18331 —ts
ALL persons arch treby cautioned against trespassing
in any way upon Lot, No. 667,12 th District, Ist
Section, of 1 umpkin county, as the Law in its utmost ri
gor will be enfoaeJ against each trespassers.
Apr;! C.— I ‘
(Auraria, Lumpkin County,)
y|UiE Subscriber still continues
JjJjijaL JL to occupy his Old Stand, on
‘I'JkI Main Street, a few doors above the Court
—■**** House. Having extended his improvements
he is now prepared to accommodate in more comfortable
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready aecess to Maps, Diagrams, &c. can be had at any
time, and no exertions will be spared to give to the Trav
eller in pursuit of information, tne best knowledge of tile
country, which his means of information will afford.
Grateful for the liberal patronage already received, its
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
Georgia Journal, Federal Union, Colum
bus Enquirer, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Constitution
alist, Southern Recorder, and Savannah Georgian, will
<ri\e the above 3 insertions, and forward their account to
S IAVE opened a house of
lisJ'Jg in the Town
ijia© of Auraria, Lumpkin County. They occupy
the Establishment formerly occupied by Mr.
Nuckolls, who has resigned his entire business to their
caro * ... ,
Persons who give them a call will receive as good ac
commodations as the country will afford.
ICT* George W. Paschall will continuo to prac
tice Law at the above place.
April 6,1833 — I—ts1 —ts . # .
The Milledgcville Recorder, Constitutionalist, Augus
ta and Southern Banner, will give the above 3 inucr- ;
The subscriber tenders his thanks to his customers,
for the liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Besides continuing the business at his old stand, known
as the
■'e has purchased the establishment at present occupied
as a Tavern by Dr. TINSLEY, where he wilt be prepared
for the accommodation of Families. —The stand is well
known as being every way eligible. No exertions w ill
I) spared to merit a continuance of that liberal patronage
by which he has been encouraged thus to extend his bu
stacss. JOHN JACK&ON.
Athens, April 6. — I—3t1 —3t
TlJf “ A-avru-r's Home.
rßplltK SnoeeriV,-respectfully informs the
uSSHL ■ Public gon .ally, that he has opened a
JUfftifii-vl L eat j ier ( a on the Chestatee River; this
place is as healthy a sitution asany in the up country; it
is fifteen miles miles from Gainesville, and four miles
from Auraria. Lumpkin county, and a central situation in
Surrounded with tUrioeilic*, both natural ftftd artificial,
well calculated to the spirits of the weary or engage
the attention of those in pursuit of pleasure. His House
is large and commodious, with suitable room 6 for the ac
commodation of all Families or private persons that inay
think proper to call on him. His table will be furnished
with tne best the country affords ; his bar supplied with
choice Liquors : his stableß with plenty of provender, and
1 no exertions will bo spared on his part to comfort the
Traveller at Home.
Apnl 6. —I —Bt
CI7 =:, The Augusta Chronicle, Southern Banner and
State Rights Advocate, will each, publish the above for ‘
ope month and forward their accounts to the subscriber
for payment W. R.
THE undersigned has just received from New-
York and Charleston, an extensive and well selec
ted assortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES,
HARD'*, ARK & CROCKERY, consisting in part
of the following articles, which he will sell low for C ash
or Gold.
4000 yds. Sheeting and Shirting,
2000 “ Cheap Negro Cloth,
407 by S qr. London Duffle Blanket!^
“ 6by7 do do do do
75 Point Blankets,
12 pr. 11-4 Rose Blankets,
400 yds. Chester Ticks,
300 “ Union Stripes,
200 “ FittaburgCord,
8 ps. Moleskin, assorted colours,
6 “ Bleached Suffolk Drills,
6 “ Cotton Diaper.
80 •* Calico, G do. Turkey Red Prints,
12 “ Ginghams, 10 do Bombaactts,
6 “ Furniture Calicoes.
4 dox-Chints Shawls, 4 ns. Crimson Circassian,
4 do. Irish Linen, 8 do.Lincnfold Shirting,
8 do. Sattinett, Silk, & Cotton FlagHdkts.
an uiv-iunn
8 Hhds. Molasses, 1 do. St. Croix Sugar,
1 do. N. iMeauW do. 3 do. N. England Rum,
8 Bags Piifae. ircen Coffee, i
l Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy,
1 nr.Cask Peach Brandy 1 Superior Cognac do.
1 do. H. Gin, 1 do. Madeira Wine,
6 Hampers Champaigne, G Boxes No. 1 Claret,
1 qr. Cask Port, 1 do. Muscat, 3 do. Malaga,
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bills. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierces Rice,
1000 Spanish Segars, 12 Kegs Crackers,
6 Bhls. Mackerel, 3 Boxes S-x-rm Candlsa,
0 do. Charleston do. 1 Bbl. Almonds,
6 Boxes Herring, 4 do. best quality Tobacao,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
8000 lbs. Iron, 100 Spades, Longhandled Shovels,
4 Setts Blacksmith Tools, 6 X Cut Saws,
6 Mill Saws, 400 lbs. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes,
12 Boxes Window Glass, Bby 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Pen, ami Dirk Knives,
Razors, Scissors, Shears, Stc.
Pad,Gun, Chestand Stock Locks,
k 4 Rifles, 6 Shot Guns, 1 double barreled do.
Everpointed Pencils, Silver Steel Pens, &c.
Carpenters Tools,
2 Crates Crocker, G ass, and China Wars,
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel Axes, Tea-kettlsa,
An assortment ofTinware,
100 Wool Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits Negro Cloathing,
N. B. Highest price given for Gold.
April 6, 1833—1 -ts
4M’LAUGHLIN & CO, have on hand in this
• place, four thousand dollars worth of Merchandise,
consisting of i
r?.:r Goers.
GROCERIES &c. which they are disposed uUscll on the i
above terms.
Persons wishing to ombark in the business immediate
! ly in the GOLD REGION, and in a populous and flour- ■
idling Village, will do well to call without delavjjat Jthe j
i Store, and examine for thamec-lvc*.
1 April 6,1833-I—l£
A FEW Dozen ready trimmed STRAW & DUN
A good assortment of Bonnet Ribbons, for sale by
Gainesville, April 6, 19331 —4w
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Hall, and the adjoining counties, that he continues :
to carry on the above business in its various bran
ches, at his Old Stand, cast side ofthe Court-House
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest and
most fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEL
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
keeps on hand
Os every description. Fie returns his thank* to the pub
! lie for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he has just employed a first rate Journey
man from the city of Baltimore, and pledge* there shall
; in future be no disappointment. G. W. BROWN.
April 6—l—sm
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Hall countv, and the public in general, that he has
commenced the
i Making anti repairing business,in the Village of Gaines
ville, one door north of John E. and M. V. Browns
Store, where he may at all times be found,
j He trusts from a thorough experience in the business
and the manner in which he will execute all business en
-1 trusted to him, together with fair prices, to give general
satisfaction to those who may favor him with their pat
April 6,1833—1—4 w
THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a general assortment
At very reduced prices, for Cash only.
Gainesville. Apnl 6, 18331 —4t
A General assortment of CHOICE GROCERIES,
for sale by A. DAUVERGNE. ,
Gainesville, April $ —1 —4t
Elands for sale.
THE Subscriber offers for sale, Gold Lot, 1037,12 th,
dish Ist section; Also, Land Lot, 72,12 th diat, 3d
section, in the Cherokee section of country, which are in
desirable sections for ‘lining or Fanning, and will be
disposed of on moderate terms for cash. A line address
ed to tlie Subscriber, Lincolnton, Ga. will meet with
prompt attention. PETER LAMAR.
April 6, IS33—l—l m
PERSONS indebted to the proprietor o r the Office
ofthe late “ATHENIAN,” are again reminded of
the necessity of closing their accounts. Those persons
thus indebted, who may have removed to the Cherokee
Circuit, can hand the amount of their respective dues to
Col. Allen G. Fambrough, who is authorised to receive
the same, or to the Subscriber at Athens—where all
monies due him will be received either by nimsclf or Mr.
Geo, (V. Shaw, wholn hisabaenoo, will act as his agent
Auraria, April 61 —Gw
MTIII CHER stolen, strayed or Runa-
JCi way from the Subscriber, two Hor
ses, and one Mare; one of the horses is a
bay, four years old, about fifteen hands
j hitrli, somewhat lean; the other is a roan, six years old,
above sixteen hands liigh, w ith his left hind ancle swolen;
The mare is a small grey about ten years old, back a
little sore; she lias a peculiar catch in her gate while at
tempting to pace down a hill. Any person giving satis
factory information about them, sliall be amply rewarded
for their trouble. IRA R. FOSTER.
Auraria, Lumpkin county, Geo. April 3.—l—ls.
““pose cppxeir
POST-MASTERS are particularly requested in
forwarding Letters and Papers to Lumpkin Coun
ty, to forward them via of Gainesville—this attention will
enable persons to receive their packages some days earli
er than if forwarded by Hightower.
Auraria, April 6—l—2t
OFLETTERS, remaining in the Post-Office at Tlar
bens Store, Lumpkin County, Ga. the Ist ot April,
1833, which if not taken out in three montlis will be sent to
the General Post-Office as dead letters, viz:
Hezckiah S. Beach, Alford S. Jones,
CoL Elijah Bync, Peter Johnson,
Jesse Brown, C. R. M’Lain,
John Chastain, Cos!. John Alercer,
Jonathan Chastain. James H.Poteet,
Charles A. Ely, Jesse O. Neal,
John S. Fry, Jesse L. Riley,
Wm. N. Head, John L. Silbe’rt,
R. Hutchinson, N. B. HARBEN, P. M.
April 6,1833 — I—3w1—3w
THE Subscriber having disposed of his STOCK OF
GOODS, and being desirous to close Iris late busi
ness, would remind those indebted to him, to make im
mediate payment to D. H. Bird, who is duly authorised
to settle any debt due him, for indulgence will in no in
stance he given.
Oak Hill, April 6—l—ts
DU. IRA It. FOSTER, has located at Lumpkin
Court House, Georgia, where he will attend to
calls in the various branches of his profeesion. His char
ges will he customary and reasonable.
April 6—l —2m
TO E Subscriber wishes to sell LOT, No. Eight Hun
dred and Eight, in the fourth district and first sec
tion. —For terms apply to the Subscriber in Franklin,
Heard County, for further particulars, reference is given
to the Editors oftliis paper.
April 6,1833—1—ts
Office of lilt- Westers* Herald,
ECP THE Office ofthe Western Herald, being fur
nished with a great variety of Job Type, the Proprietor is
prepared to execute Job ork of every description, in a
etyle which it is hoped will be perfectly satisfactory to
applicants. Orders for Blanks or Job \v ork of other de
scriptions, wiilbe promptly attended to.
i April 6.1 —6t.
i whEWzm
OF LETTERS remaining in the Post-Office t j
Gainesville on the Ist dayrof April, 1833, which ji
not taken out in three months will be sent to the General
Post Cffice as dead letters.
B. M.
Buffington, Bird & Wood Wm. M’Dowell
. B. M’Dowell,
——— M’Clain,
VVHlian l Miller,
Green Messlewhile,
Osburn Manning,
Joseph H. M’Clesky,
John M’Bryde,
P. J. Murray,
Tliad. H. M’Cleskr,
John Miller,
Milton Martin,
Isaac Mitchell,
John Neighbors,
John Nichols,
Henry Parks,
Charles Polk,
William Pitman,
Levi Palmer,
Matthew Pickle,
C. Quillian,
JohnN. Rose,
Arch. F. Richards,
John Richardson,
Wm. Ragan,
James Roberts,
W T m. Roger.-,
Patrick L. Robinson,
Jacob Rogers,
Martin Rouse,
Dempsy Rico^
Hamilton Snead,
Joseph Strickland,
Enoch Smith,
Brenklcy Strickland,
William Scaloa,
W. Stinson,
John Sowell,
Wm. Stringer,
Thomas Seddeth,
Jessy Q. Sowell, ■
Jann s R. Sparks,
Mr. S. S.
Isaac Bowel,
Brittannia Terrell,
Solomon Taylor,
James D. Turner,
Joseph M horten,
Francis Whclchcl,
Jessy V. indsor, 4
John G. W illlinms,
Benjamin \Y hot ten,
Alim Wclnick,
W ilcy E. Wood.
George Yoder,
Robert Young,
Henry York,
Dinah Young,
John Baits,
Benjamin Bryon,
Osburn Buffington,
Thomas Bird, Jr.
! John Browning,
’ Walter P. Balckuuj,
John Barton,
Andrew G. Bull,
Avington Cleghom,
\\ illiam Cagle,
Lewis Claw,
James Chambers,
John Cain,
j L. Cleveland,
John Cosey,^
James M. Daniel,
VV in. Davis,
James Donalioo,
i William Dowdy,
Hickman Davis,
Jesse Dobbs,
John Dean,
Christopher Elrod,
Jacob Elrod, 2
Benjamin East,
j Sidney Forbes,
’ Ruth Forbes, 2.
Wiley J. Garrard,
. Allen Gillespie,
! Leroy G utrv,
; H.
Major Hancock,
, Joseph Harrison,2
Eaton Hains,
E. Hyatt,
John Hills,
William C. Hopman,
Isam Hall,
Hardanay & Haw kins,
Isaac T. Heard. 2
Janies Hendricks,
Thomas J. Hugos,
• James Jenkins,
| C. W. Jackson,
Joseph Johnston,
. Green Jackson,
i Henry Jessup,
Rowland Johnson,
James Kerr
Ephraim Kitchens,
Jabcz Lewis,
George Lumpkin,
Nancy Loelen,
Major Linton, 2
Sterling H.Lcster,
April 6—l—3t
“TUB/ 11'H a view to the promotion of Military ecioDC^
V V and the encouragement of Volunteer Corps, u
system of annual Encampments is proposed.
Arrangements are in progress for an extensive En
campment in this neighborhood, to commence on the sec- ,|j
ond Monday in .May next; in which ail the Volunteer
Corps of infantry in the Mate, arc respectfully invited l*
join us. The time proposed for the continuance efthe
Encampment is one week. A beautiful location has been
selected, commanding an extensive view of the Town
and surrounding Country. An arrangement has been $
made for the construction of comfortable Tents and Mar- 1
cjuees, for the accommodation of as many Companies as .
may come. A contract has bean made with individuals
who wifi act as Sutlers, and furnish the non with good j
board on the ground, at 75cts. each, p. : day. On the.
la st da van Encampment Medal willbe shot for. The
first of the pro|M>scd series of Encampments took place
near Macon last Spring, ami was attended with mock
benefit tot hccom-mn'(^present.
E. E. PARK, I?*
J. G. POLiiILL, c 2
Georgia papers are requested to publish tl cr
above 2or 3 times, as a matter of public accommodation.
jvhlledgoville, March 13, 1333—1—ts
ENG to the delay of some of the Surveyors, in.
making their returns, and the consequent delay j
that has unavoidably attended the publication of the Gold
Maps of Cherokee, 1 have concluded to reduce the price
of them from TEN to SIX DOLLARS. The Golu Mcp
is divided into three parts, and the price of the three, com
prising all the Gold Districts, with tiie exception of the
eleventh, in the first section, which has not yet been re
turned, will hereafter be six dollars, or two dollars fifty
cents each. I have also now’ preparing, which will be
completed in a few weeks, a CHART representing all
cry I.ot on my Land Map, which, together with the Map,
will be sold fer LIVE DOLLARS. All persons who
have purchased and all who may hereafter purchase ho
Land Map, shell receive a list ol the Qualities, gratis, so.
soon as completed.
April 6—l—ts
County of Cherokee.
IiIAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, which
will be completed by the first of Koveinber next, a
general and accurate Map of the Cherokee Country,
drawn from the returns of tile District Surveyors. Ow
ing to the great number of Lots, into which the country
has been divided, particularly the Gold Region, and the
large dimension of the sheet it will require, to have all
those numbers distinctly and accurately laid down, 1 iravo
thought it advisable to form the Map into separate and
detached Sections; which I designate as Gold Slap and
Land Map.
All the Land Districts in the Territory are lard uown .
on one sheet, and constitute a distinct ond seperate Map
by themselves. . .
The Districts reserved and surveyed as Gold Districts,
are divided into three sheets or Maos. Districts No. I,
2,3, 4, 5,11,12, 13, 14, and 15, ol the first section, form
he first Map. . .
Districts No. 1,2, 3,1*1,15, IC, 17 18, Ift, 20, 21, or.o
22. of the second section, form the second Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3, 4,17, 18, 19, 20,21, and 22, of the
third section, and Districts No. 1,2, 3, IG, and 17, of the .
fourth section, form the third Map. On these Maps will
be found each District in the Territory, with cvciy square j
Lot of Land and Fract ion distinctly laid down and r.umbet ■ I
~,1 a u M ountains, Rivers, Creeks, branches, Roads, Fer
ries &c. are correctly and faithfully delineated.
The Map w ill he handsomely engraved, printed cn
stroii-’ silk paper, coloured and put up in morocco cases,
at the following prices, viz
Land Map, $ 5
Gold Mapß S3 50 each, or for the three, 810 CO
For Gold and Land Maps, comprising tho
whole Territory, sls 00
Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Mop, wilt
do well to inform the publisher 60on, as hut a limited ,
number can he obtained during tho drawing of the Lot- :
1 An communications addressed to the subscriber, in
j Milledgeville, Clii. {postage paid of course,) will meet J
prompt attention. ORANGE (JULt-Iv
j * Tilledgevill", August 23,1P33,