Newspaper Page Text
£(2 Vt r.e l <•/
rAxrranfo kept in a
B. J. SMITH, Druggist,
b. * mjfc,**
uuws or low raids,
VOL. xm.
omens or wiu cocstt.
Warren Ixitt—Ordinary.
WHw Clsrfc mu
ilkf “ —
K. II. Craw
r Court.
... witrior
H. K Miller—Sheriff and Jailor.
K. H. Crawley—Treasurer.
Joe I>. Smith—School Commissioner.
W PerMann and D. J. Slack bum
Addrem, Way crow, Ga,
Arthur M Knight, Mayor. Aldermen.
Jh W. A. MeNlel. W. W. Hharp. J. H. Gillon.
Iw II. Marphy ;
John P. Cason. <
H. W. Read, President; J. M.J Marshall,
Secretary; W. J ~ “
W. Hitch. H. P.
Board meeta 8
at 2:90 p. m., at High School bul
Caraweh, b
irearer. J. L. Walker.
Hatunlay^in month
H. Murphy. ttun'n, W. M. Wilson,
M. Albertaon. l*ra Johnson.
W. A. Caaop. II. W. Reed.
W. D. Hamilton. Kz. Off. Clerk.
Warren Lott, Rz. Officio Treasurer.
Wayrrom Lodge. No. 804 V. and A'. kL.
vllU, Secretory.
■ucuuKUt cuirm ko. e, a. a.
Meets at Masonic Hall. Plant Avenue, 1st
Friday in each month at 7JO p. m. Rz.
— ... « .. » «tVz. Comp.
_ .jch month l. .
Comp. W. W. Hliarpe, H. P.; I
M. Somerville, Secretory.
J. 8.Hbarp,7. C.; LaeCrawley K. R. and H.
and Ins. Agant; A. K. Hall Kirat —
Engineer. Meeta 2d and 4th Sundays each
month at 2 p, m.. Brotherhood hall, Reed
M.. C. T. N. Hytkn, Secretary. Meeta 2d and
4th Saturdays each Jruonth at B.bB. hall,
7:10, p. m. ■ — --
WAYcnoas riiplzz.
Company —. 4th regiment Georgia'
teem. Capt. J. McP.Fmrr, tot IJcut
J. II. Gluon: 2d Lieutenant. T. O
Secretory, John Hogan; Treasurer, W. B.
Polka. Regular monthly mcatingSd Thurs
day of each month. Drill nights Tuesday
Williams Street, Rev. L. B. Davis, Pastor.
o’clock .
meeting Wednesday.
Sabbath school at 990 a.
The Earnest Workers
day afternoon.
the Ant and third Sabbaths
4>S- s —
•very Sunday,
every Wednes-
Sehool Sp.
Corner Pendleton and Mary Street, Rev.
School 0 a
Albany Avenue. Kav. W. II. 8crugg*. Pastor.
Preaching every Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7
p. ro. Sunday School every Sabbath S p .m.
Prayer Meeting every Thursday 7:90 p. m.
V M. C. A.
Johnson Block, Plant Avenue. L. John-
eon, Prmident; L. Straub. General
Services every "
tor men only.
&AKIN 1 *
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tarter baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength.—
I Ait at f' 8. Government Food Rffeort.
WU1 Yew. Da I«1 * ~
Use the Averill Paint, and paint but once,
i a long period, or urn* something "."aid'' to
t* aa good. and repaint every year or two ?
Averill Point i* the l*-*t. It Is the hand* .ni-
eause it out wean all
yean on the house* of K. II. Forbes. Win-
cheater, N. Y.. 12 yean on house* of W. K.
Reynold.", Croton I*ake. X. Y.. 14 yean on
bouses of Mr*. W. K. Cole, Mt. Vernon. X.
Y. Averill Puint has been in use 25 yean
and ia guaranteed. If you are urged to buy
'of their durubil-
„ - , What is the tint
coat? ” but "How long will it last? " Beau-
*’* * mple can I of*
til la Man uf«
Extracts from City Ordi
nanco of April 8, 1891.
Section 4. That no lot holder or oecuDiei
of any lot. shall lay the foundati*
building or fence on the line of
owned or occupied by bint or her.
aucli line is first ascertained by tin
Engineer, and after the line us afon-
aacertoined, sucli owner or occupier
not place any hnilding, fence or other
appertaining thereto, so as to affect the riali
or the city, and uni
ny r»l«*
■as the said engineer i
provision* of*tiiis ordi
lotion before the publii
■ imprisoned •
See. 9. That
fending against
nance shall, on ,
court, be lined in a sum not exceeding oi
hundred dollars or imprison
to work on the chain gang
thirty days, and may lie Imth fined and im
prisoned. or required to work on the chain
the discretion of the Mayor presid-
S ang at the i
ig in said c
Nature is tile great curative, if you give
her but a half a chance. Bat in many in-
•tanoea nature must be assisted. Very many
valuable lives have liecn sacrificed by ex
pecting too much of nature, A little medi
cine token in time, will do nine times the
good tlian if administered after the disease
baa got a hold on the system. Therefore, as
i season advances when our people should
tftelr systems i —
tiona of poisonous liutnor in tiie blood,
incidental to winter life. Xaturr should lie
Assisted by using
Dr. John Ball*s Harsapnritln.
It gives strength to every part urn! wonder
fully aids nature in her work of rrnovation.
It fortifies the system and renders one less
susceptible to cold, pm-umania, etc. works
out every particle of blood impurity that
otherwise might lurk in tins system and
cause a severe spell of sickness. Take a few
bottles of this excellent remedy now, and
nature will carry yon healthfully through
the changahle season, targe bottle (192 tea-
spoonftils) #1.00. S»ld by druggists.
/P An old lady of Covington. Ky..
writes: "I use n dozen or more bottli
John Bull's Sarssaparilla each j <
the Spring
medicine I generally have to take the whole
through. It always put;
year ti
Hardware, Tinware, Plows,
Turpentine Manufacturers' Supplies,
Bar, Band and Hoop IRON.
Wheels, Axles and Wagon
Guns, Pistols and Ammunition. dl9-lv
|P)r Jain Bull's Warn Destroyer*
taata good and quickly raaaove worms from
Prim 29 recta at drag a tores, or sent by mail
by John D. Park A Born t o.. 175 and 177
Sycamore St., ancinnati. O. dec5-ly
_ Notice is hereby given to parties Indebted
Ifo aae whose accounts are six months or
Fxaora past doe that if they sit not paid by
January 1st, I will advertise their names
and amounts in the local papers Joe thirty
•SSSTTSSSK hi * i -
The Leading (lothieT?
Owens Block. Uaycroea, G
The Herald Job
IS jnpiNt to do yoar Job
Milting in tbs Best Style.
Lloyd & Adams.
I am glad to note that the “Promi
nent Allianceman” who does the Third
Party act for The Herald has exper
ienced a decided improvement in his
literary style since he transferred his
vagaries from The Headlight. Indeed,
m> thoroughly has his literary identity
been changed that it requires a wild
stretch of the imagination to recognize
him at all in his new field of fame.
However, it is fair to presume that he is
at any rate ostensibly the same.
In the Cbrismas number of The Her
ald—which, by the way, was a credit
to Way crons and this section—in a very
brief, mild and reasonable paragraph I
deprecated the Ocala idea of govern
ment ownership of railroads of the couu-
in which deprecation I am joined
by at least nineteen-twentieths of the
population of the United States. Those
who favor this catch-plank in the third
party creedare a few scalawag politicians,
who are very hungry and very thirsty,
of the Sister Lease, Socklcss Jerry and
Tom Watson style, and their few thous
and of honest but deluded followers. In
reply to my paragraph, our “Prominent
Allianceman,” who makes no attempt to
conceal his third party ears, fires off a
slack-wad of a column and a half in the
issue of The Herald.
His reply is redundant with figures
taken, he asserts, from the third annual
report of the Inter-State Commerce Com
mission, with praise for the Ocala plat-
, and “sarkasum” for the Rambler.
While the figures are interesting they
jt help his cause in the slightest.
He estimates the capitalization of rail
roads in this country at upwards of ten
billions of dollars, but claims that over
three billions of that amount is “water
ed” stock, therofore.the railroad proper
ty of the country is worth something
six billions, which, when the gov
ernment lands given, amounting to over
billioon, are reclaimed ; when the
dividends paid on “fictitious values,”
nearly two billion, are returned ; when
•he government, state and municipal
aid extended them, largely over a bil
lion, is withdrawn; when the millions
‘that the Pacific railroads have swindled
the government out of”—but which
rcallywas consummated by the Republi-
party (see history of the Credit Mo-
bilier frauds) to which our “Prominent
Allianceman” belonged—he figures that
the government would only have to pay
$2,148,654,427 for the entire railroad
property of the country valued at $9,-
Faints, Oils, Doors, Sash and Blinds.
Terra Cotta and Sewer Pipes.
Lime, Plaster and, Hair and Cement.
Corner Ccmzrrss and Whitakrr Sts.,
Savannah, : : Georgia.
and ceilings. Write for circulars.
Therefore we are bound to understand
that our “Prominent Allianceyun” de
liberately proposes to confiscate over
seven billions of railroad property be
longing to his fellow-citizens, who are
entitled to as much protection in the en
joyment of the same, as is he in the pos
session of his beautiful and profitable
nurseries. He harps loudly on “water
ed stock.” It is usual when any cor
poration increases its stock for some one
to cry out “it is watered,” whereas the
increased issue of stock, as a rule, only
represents an accumulation of the profit*
arising from the business of said corpor
ation. Hence, I concluded, as a reason
able and inprejudicsd individual, that
the greater portion of the enormous
charged to the account of “watered
stocks” by the “P. A.,** in his labored
article, represents the honest increase in
the value of the railroad property of the
country. Nine billions is a reasonable
estimate of the immense railroad inter-
of the United States. Our country
s the world in railroad development,
it is owing in a great measure to the
(act that our government has not the
power to confiscate or to purchase them,
leaving the free and enterprising citizens
of this liberty-loving republic to follow
the “pursuit of happiness,” according to
their judgment, either in railroads,
(arms, manufactories, nurseries, printing
offices, or other employments.
the owners of property are the
who pay the taxes thereon.,‘ Yet the
impression sought to be conveyed by the
P. A. is, that when a man pay# his taxes
to the tax collecter he must also pay a
railroad tax. The ignorant and the un
thinking masscr arc thus sought to be
duped into support of the impossibilities
born of the third party. The. people
who own the railroad property pay the
taxes upon it, and the railroada of Geor
gia pay taxes to the State, taxes to the
counties, taxes to the cities and towns,
all aggregating one-third cf the en
tire revenue of the commonwealth* And
>ur P. A. would have us believe that
the people are taxed to death- by rail
roads. If the government should pur
chase this property at its value, then the
people would have to prance tip with
taxes until the last day in the morning
—those who patronice the roads and
those who do not. It would * be a gay
old time for our noses which the taxes
would be grinding aa sharp as axes.
Railroads by virtue of state and na
tional commissions are not allowed to
fix their own charges for freight or pas
sage ; their rates are fixed for them, and
they are “just and reasonable,- to use
vernacular of the law. The law
does not compel any other class of bus-
i to be just and reasonable. A citi-
irders a car loud of the necessaries
of life. The railroad lays it down at his
depot at a “just and reasonable” price
for the hauliug—a price fixed, by law.
anything ever fairer to the citizen?
He wants to travel a hundred miles. He
boards a train and pays three dollars for
his passage. The fare is fixed by law,
fair, it is reasonable, and the citi-
is satisfied. What more, in the
name of common sense, has he*a right
to expect ? and yet we are told that the
people are being ground to powder by
the railroads.
The government ownership of rail
roads would add upwards of a million
to the office-holding army of the
country, which of itself would be a
menace to free government. The party
power by virtue of this enormous
patronage would remain there indefi
nitely. Besides the railroads would nev
er be operated as satisfactorily , to the
pass I The tariff should be reduced.
The present congress was elected with
that end in view. It’s reduction would
be a benefiit to the toiling, millions of
this land. If is the first thing to be
done; it can be done—and now this “P.
A” prefers the McKinley law to any
thing our Democracy in congress as
sembled will possibly do. Wheugh!
Of courfe, Mr. P. A., your schooling
in the Republican party natnrally sets
you against a low tariff, but unless you
are hermetically sealed against reason,
you ahauld change your mind. Reduc
tion of the tariff is a probability. Qoy«
eminent ownership of railroada and sub
treasury schemes are impossibilities.
"For our part, we prefer the probable to
the impossible. Your eternal prating
about the latter is only calculated to
dissatisfy. The Democratic has always
been the,party for the people, and to it
they still lo6k for relief. It will never
die. The toiling millions are inarching
hopefully under its proud banners, fo/
they know as long as it exists the Unit
ed States will shihe in the firmament of
nations a light for every eye. The Ocala
nondescript, and the third party annex,
the emanations of certain disappointed,
disgruntled, office-seeking, one-gallus
politicians, who by the very boldness
consequent upon their hunger and thirst
for office, conijielled the attention of
many honest and fair minded men, will
vanish to eternal oblivion while the glo
rious Democracy is going ou conquer
ing and to conquer.
The next presidential campaign will
be fought for tariff refonn. It will be
fought on this issue so that the poor and
the toiling millions of our country may
cease paying tribute to the priviliged
manufacturing classes—so that they may
buy the necessaries of life (like their
railroad freights and passage) at “just
and reasonable rates.” Will you stand
with us on this platform, and forego
your vagaries until we raise the embargo
our Republican friends have laid against
the commerce of the world? Will you?
The Rambler.
to-d.,-. Th.:. opera- "tot we *“ *>M- Hence we
would, too, lie a grent deal more ex- mu,n * ! largely to blxme for oar eafler-
pensive as almost everything done by
the government is at greater cost than
by private enterprise. In proof let the
records of every government contract
speak. Again the building of new roads
and consequent development of the
country would hinge entirely upon po
litical influence; which would rapidly
degenerate our people into a nation of
flunkeys. We would, under this arrant
paternalism, have an office-holding aris
tocracy, the existence of which Would
goad the laboring people of the country
to nothing less than desperatien. The
scheme is a delusion and a snare.
^apisL . ..
to. WssStW. U fimwbH or mCtnjmt',
cfcarrv. OurfMBoCdssnUpalsa'iSMnnd. |
| aaswantzv. “How to Obtain Pzi-aax." wttk
oI —«iatS* V. 5. sad
It is an undeniable (act that the Re
publican party, of which the P. A. was
a member before he began training with
the third party, when in the plenitude
of its power, did misappropriate the pub
lic domain with lavish hand; but we
must all admit that this bestowal of these
lavish land grants on railroads did ac
celerate the building up of our great
West. Our critic values these lands at
$5 an acre. When granted to the roads
they had no such value, if any at *11.
The completion of the Pacific roads has
give them a value, and now our “Prom
inent Allianceman” jrants tc r xfiaemte,
not only the lands but the railroads as
Mr. P. A. writes as if the people of
the United States haiLto pay the inter
est o«a all money ideated in railroad
■Cock, and the taxes on all railroad
petty. Oar idea u that under our lava
The “Prominent Allianceman” has
already predicted in these columns that
the present Congress will do nothing.
He said in the Christmas issue: “We
predict right now that when spring
comes not one single law of any conse
quence will have been passed for the re
lief of the people. The whole winter
will be wasted by the old parties
scheming, the one l x> hold the offices and
the other one to get them in the next
presidential election.” The wish must
have been father to the thought, for
when he penned the above the organiz
ation of the present Congress was not
perfected—a Congress with the greatest
Democratic majority in history; a major-
tv that would be still large if every con
gressman returned from the South had
been a Republican, or a third party
which is decidedly worse. One year ago
eight hundred thousand majority of the
American people elected this overwhelm
ing Democratic congress—and noi
lore it is even organized this “Prominent
Allianceman,” of Way cross, is predict
ing all manner of evil things about it
He doesn’t believe in tariff reform—i
Republican does—and believes it all
bosh; but in order to raise a new party
to perchance destroy the Democratic
organization and get himself into promi
nence as a “leader,” he advocates such
impossibilities as a sub-treasury ware
house, and the confiscation of the rail
ways by our Republican government—
asserting, in the meantime, that “they
(the Democrats in Congress) may repeal
the McKinley law but they will not
pass a better one.” How is that for Re
publican third partyism ? How is that
from a pretended Allianceman? Indeed
he ia running contrary to at least one
plank in hia beloved Ocala platform,
which be declares to be the best since
“our government was founded,” and
which demands “a removal of the exist
ing heavy tariff tax from the necessities
of life, that the poor of our land most
kxnf and yet be—“Prominent Alii-
ancemaa”—fhvMB the McKinley robber
tariff law in preference to any the pres
ent Democratic coogrem it Hkdy 4©
God takes no pleasure in the physical
pain of his creatures. His- mercy endu-
Regular Correspondent.
Washington, Jan. 4, 1892.
Speaker Crisp has found anch a hard
taskmaster in the grip which has held
fast to him ever since the day of the
recess adjournment, that it ia' not proba
ble that he will be well enough to preside
over the House when it re-assembles to
morrow. In that case the House is not
expected to transact any further business
than the election of a Speaker pro tern,
and the adoption of a resolution author
izing the employment of clerks to the
various committees.
This programme may, however, be
added to, if Mr. Harrison shall send in
the Chilian correspondence and his
special message, as it was semi-officially
announced that he would do this week.
If the correspondence and the message
shall prove to be as important as the
public have been led to believe, the
House will probably take it up at once
to the temporary exclusion of all other
busness. In this connection it may be
well to give the views of Representative
McCreary of Kentucky, who has long
been-juatly regarded as one of the clear
est-hemmed Democratic members of the
House committee on foreign affairs. He
says : “I still think that the Chilians
will not want to go to war with us. I
believe they will make proper reparation
for the affront that has been given us.
They have nothing to gain from such an
unequal contest. Peru would be only
too willing to give the United States,
permission to land troops on her soil
and to establish store houses there. We
could land one hundred thousand troops,
and such a step being once taken, there
would be no halt until our forces had
marched through the whole country.
The intelligent Chilians mu«t appreciate
this danger, if they compel hostilities,
and upon the assumption that they do,
I believe that they will not permit war.
Soon after Congress reconvenes the Pres
ident will send the correspondence to
the two Houses and then we can con
sider the situation with a better under
standing. I am sure that the course of
the United States will be dignified, firm
and courageous. Whatever the result,
I do not think we can life charged with
having rushed into war, or that we shall
Attorney at Law,
B. C. CANROl*.
Attorney at to'
WAYCROS8, ... |
Orrrcx up tUirs In Wilma tOaat.
Will practice in the BrWMicfcdn
attorney a! Law**
WAYCB0B8, rtjftinm.
Office in the WIlewBu
DR. j. e. #.
Office M B. I. SMITH'S Oils STORE.
Reeidenc* Hick. to*.
waycboss, - Georgia.
ings in this world. But there
things for which we are not responsible,
the physical sins of the fathers are
visited upon the children to the third
and fourth generation of them that dis
This law however is laid in mercy
when we remember that any law of en-
tailment that would transmit the bad
must necessarily transmit the good as
Hereditary taints undoubtedly have
something to do in forming the status of
every life, but they do not have so great
a force as early training.
The world is beginning to perceive
that the life of each individual is in some
real sense a continuation of the lives of
his ancestors. Each of as is the footing
up of a double column of figures that
goes back to the first pair. Dr Holmes
says “We are all omnibuses in which
our ancestors ride.
We inherit our features, our physical
vigor, our mental faculties and some
what of our moral character. Often
when a generation is skipped the quali
ties will reappear in the following one.
The virtues as well as the vices of our
forefathers have added to, or subtracted
from the strength of our brain and
muscle. The evil tendencies of our na
tures, which it should be the struggle of
our lives to resist, constitue a part of
our heirlooms from the past
Our descendants in turn will only
have reason to bless ns if we hand
down to them a pure and healthy phy
sical, mental and moral heredity.
We should covet the Sana men* in
tano corpore—the sound mind in the
sound body.
We can generally tell what is condu
cive to this. Unnatural foods create un
natural appetites. If so, beware! A
cup of milk taken three times a day
does not lead us to go on drinking more
and more milk until to get milk becomes
a chief desire of our being. Avoid
whatever produces a morbid appetite.
We must maintain It good digestion.
Dyspepsia is getting to be a scourge of
the human race. We never miss the
water till the well runs dry, so we never
fear indigestion until the dread disease
is upon us. We ruin our stomachs by
bitters and pastries and sweet-meats and
ice-creams and late rappers and strong
tea and coffee, and over-eating. Adul
teration of common food helps on the
final catastrophe. We have alum in
oar baking powder, glnco6e in our.sugar,
of-dignity.” T
sentence is significant; anV£here*a
rusks. We have
copper in our pickles, chicory in oar
coffee and cotto»-»eed oil in our lard.
We hare axle-grease in our butter,
aqoa fortis in our vinegar, and golden
dnpe made from starch and sulphuric
sons for the belief that Representative
McCreary has already read the corres
Were it not for the fact that Frank
Hatton has been known to bear a bitter
personal grudge against Mr. Blaine ever
since just before the meeting of the Re
publican national convention in 1880,
his rather plain intimations in the Wash
ington Ttfct, that Mr. Blaine had, by
reason of a business deal with ex-Mayor
Grace, of New York, who has large bus
iness interests in Chili, determined to
prevent war between the two countries,
even if it becomes necessary to back
down to it, would have created a sensa
tion. As it is they have only raised a
smile, and recalled the adage, “Give a
dog a bad name, etc.”
Although nothing definite is known
on the subject it seems to be the opinion
of the majority of Democrats that the
committee on rules of the House will
npt recommend the restoration of all the
appropriation bills to committee
propriation, as they were some years
ago, and as Representatives Holman,
Sayers, Dockery and other champii
economy wish them to be again,
possible that the committee may
elude to get the views of a Democratic
caucus before acting on this very impor
tant matter.
Representative Springer has prepared
the first of the series of tariff bills with
which it is proposed to assault the pres
ent class-favoring law, and it will be sub
mitted to the ways and means committee
in a few days, probably this week,
will put wool on the free list, and place
carpets on about the basis proposed by
the Mills bill.
Ex-Representative Perkins, of K'lnm
who is to attempt to fill the vacant «*lisi»
of the late Senator Plumb, by right of a
gubernatorial appointment, did not tn«Vf
a reputation to be very proud of during
the four sessions he served as a member
of the House. As a statesman he was a
bad misfit, but as a blind, bitter partisan,
losing sight of everything but the mo
mentary success of hia party, he was a
howling success. His career in the Sen
ate will probably be but a repetition of
that in the House.
The amount of sugar bounty so far
paid, under the McKinley- tariff law, ia
nearly one million dollars, to be exact,
Although the administration —
for the payment of pensions for the fis
cal y#ar, beginning July-1, 1892, b only-
—mark the only—$144,000,060, those
who have devoted much study to-the
subject predict that it will require at
least $20,000,000 more.
The United States Supreme Court has
reversed derision of the Nebraska State
Coart, and decided that Gov. Boyd b
the legal Governor of that State.
SIMON w. i_._ kww wl arrs
I'p Sttira WUaon'i Block.
Attorney* tow.
WAYCROSS, ftlxsbeif A
Pytfointhe Brunswick South*
Attorney at tow.
ohn c. McDonald,
Attorney and Counselor at
Office up stairs in Wilson Block.
Attorney at tow.-
J)B- A. r. F.JCUIH,
All rails promptly frttroded- *WB
Physician *nd Surgeon,
ivaYCROSS, . |. : (Mown.
All ralh promptly mrakdtvMt
Office over South Georfia Bank.
Fire, Life and Aocident In
surance Agent,
—Nothin* but first-class companies repre
sented. Inhcoancz effected on all elaaaea o
Office up stairs in Parker building <a
Plant Avenue.
Physician and Surgeon,
(late of Pennsylvania.)
Special attention given to Genlto Urina
ry Surgery.^ t^nalwayi be found at Dr.K.
B ‘April DMf." r
s Drug store.
|R. G. P. FOLKS,
Residence at James Knox, in front of the
Baptist Church, Office immediately over
“ * *’* ” mptly attended to.
the Bank. All calls promptly a
Office over Bank, On Plant Avenw^
Justice of the Peace,
(Post-office Boilding—Plant AvgDueJ
—Special attention given to the collection
of all claims. Office boars from • a. m. to
12 M.,mnd from 2 r. m. to 6 p, M.
Architects and Builders.
Plm u4 SpedOratiou FnkM.
Waltertown Brick.
FtbML .
Foreign and Domestic Fruits
• fr.
" . ’ CIGARS.
‘ Ice Cold Drinks,
Albany' Avenue, '.