Newspaper Page Text
e e t twt wt set wast weut wet s t
And Fitzgerald Presa
Published Every
Monday, Wednesday and\ F'riday
By b
The L.eader Publishing Co.
ISIDOR GELLDERS ... .. ....Managing Editor.
One Dollar and Fliity Cents Per Year
tntered at the Post Otlice Fitwserald, as Second Class Mail Matter
Under Act of Congress, March 18th, 1897
OFFICIAL ORGAN Sty ffiaeoraldiand
Rates for Display Advertising Furnished on Application
Local Readers 10c per Line for each insertion. no ad
taken for less than 25c.
A Great Week For Fitzgerald.
Monday the Leaders of the Baptists in the State
will arrive in the city for their annual convention which
convenes here Tuesday, V'ednesday and Thursday. Big
Preachers, Bankers, Merchents, Lawyeas and Farmers
and some of the leading politicians in this State will hon
or the city with their presence. The city will be open to
all our visitors and we want our country friends to come
to town and enjoy the many intellectual feasts that are
in store for them during the sessions. Some of the best
preachers inthe State will deliver sermons during the
week. The committees in charge have not furnished us
with a specific program but we know that men like Hard
man of Commerce, who will be here, will not fail to take
advantage of the opportunity to tell us how to iive here
below so that the future may be met with courage and
confidence. Clliff Walker our Atty. Gen. is another of
the prominent men who may be counted on to speak if
opportunity offers itself and Clark of Moultrie, that
‘builder of the capital of Colquit, known for his enthusi
asm and rugged integrity all over Georgia is certain to
bring a message worth hearing. Fitzgerald gladly wel
comes you and the convention, and we feel sure that the
three days spent in the city will be of vast good to the
community and leave it better, notwithstanding their
brief stay.
: As John Herring Sees It
The Fitzgerald Press is no more. Regretfully we chronicle the fact
for we w'!ll miss our sprightly visitor. It has been sold to the Leader-
Eaterprise. and will be consolidated with that paper.
While we are sorry to see Editor Jones leave, we are impressed with
the fact that one good paper is enough for Fitzgerald. - Without a di
wision of patronage, that city is large enough to keep a small daily going,
~ but as long as two or three papers endeavor to eke out an existence
where there is only support for one, the city will never have such\ a
paper as its size and importance warrants.
With the field to himself, Editor Gelders may be depended on to
Hally cover it. |
Pass the Bills And Come Home,
The deadlock in the legislature is not appreciated by the tax
payers of the State. Itis difflcult for the average man to believe
that a hopeless minority can successfuly hold up the passage of
bills that a sincere majority desires to pass. If the rules are in
the way, why not change the rules and the committee in charge
of them. They are creatures of the Legislature and its creator
<an certainly undo its work. The people are anxious for definite
action, we believe a vast majority will endorse whatever prohibi
tion legislation will be passed, but they desire that it pass and
pass without unnecessary delay. A great leader seems to be
meeded by the unwieldy majority, such as Seab Wright used to
bein the earlier days of the prohibition movement. Push the
bilis through and come home, public opinion is overwhelmingly in
favor of making Prohibition prohibit and the proposed bills will
oo it.
Lentral Christian
Church. '
‘Corner Lee and Jessamine
Sunday School 9:30 a, m.
Communion 10:45 a. m.
Preaching 11:00 a. m, and 7:30
P. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m
United Brethren Church
-409 West Oconee street.
‘Rev. Chas A. Gion, Pastor.
“Sabbath School at 9:30 a, m.
‘Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and
« .45 p. m.
dunior Y. P. C. E. at 2:30 p. m,
Sunday. Senior Y. P. C. E. 7.30
Prayer meeting Wednesday at
“2:30 p. m,
Seventh-day Adventist
Corner Suwanee and Grant Streets
Elder J. A. Strickland, Pastor.
Sabbath (Saturday) Sabbash
school 10:00 a, m, 11:00 a, m,
Young People’s meeting,
Preaching Sunday night at 7:00,
Subject: ‘“The Past Present and
Future of the United States ag
Ouatlined In Prophecy.”
Bible study Wednesday night at
7:00 o’lock.
Car Genuine Texas Seed
Oats---Dodd Supply Com
pany. 138 tf.
Presbyterian Church
Services next Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sunday Schoo! 9:45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m.
You are cordially welcome to
all services,
R. M. Mann, Pastor.
St, Matthew’s Epis- '
copal Church,
Twenty-4th Sundav after Trinity.
Sunday School 10 a, m.
Morning Prayer and sermon 11
8. m,
Subject “‘The Rest That Chrigt
l No service at night. Bishop
Reese will visit this church on
Sunday morning December sth.
The vicar will be pleased to con
fer with all children and adults de
sirous of confermation.
J. W. Bleker.
Christia.n Science
First Reader Wm. R. Jewell.
Services: 11 a. m.
Sunday School§lo:4s a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting 7:30 p. m,
All are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
Church cor. Main and Altamaha
Catholic Church
Mass will be held at the home
of Mr. Geo. Davis Sunday morn
ng at 9:00 o’clock.
Rev. H. A. Schonhardt.
Mrs. J. C. Boney and daughter,
Miss Daisy, left Wednesday p. m.
for Mcßae, where they are attend
ing the Telfair Co. fair.
G. B. Netherton of Macon is in
the citv representihg the L. C,
Smith Typewriter Co. Mr, Neth
erton states that several cars from
Macon ; will join the ¢‘Short
Route” tour to Jacksonville on
their trip Dec. 2and 3rd.
Are you interested in Physical
Expression as an art? Most towns
having schools as large as ours
employ a special teacher for this
department. There must be some
thing in it, worth while. Come out
Friday night and see if we can
zet a little inspiration.
What our children see and hear
is as much a part of their educa
tion as what we teach them. Let
us then provide opportunity.
Mrs. McCrory conducted a very:
successful Kindergarten here two
years ago and gave a most beauti
ful entertainment at the close.
Many who enjoyed that will wish to
see her again as an entertainer.
Strawberry Plants
for Sale
Improved Lady Thompson’s
Thrifty plants. $2.50 per
thousand. .
Geo Drexlgr, B F 121-tf.
The public is hereby warned not
to hunt any game on my lands as I
will vigorously prosecute all tres
135-2 t NeEwtoN WATKINS.
Money on Farm
Terms: 5 to 10 years
and conditions to suit
In farm lands only
We Are Ready for Business
Casper Hide & Skin Co.
Is in position to pay
For Hides, Skins, Tal
low, Wax, Wool, Raw
Furs, Etc., Etc.
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Seed Oats
Raised by E. K. Farmer
$l.OO Bushel
Genuine Texas
Raised Oats
4 I-2 Bushel Bags
80c Bucket (Good, too) Pure Apple Jelly, 35¢
No. 50 Cans Kneedit Lard, - - - $5.00
No.lo Bucket Kneedit $l.lO
No. 10 Diamond C pure
loard, - =i« -$lO5O
10 lbs. Green Coftee. $l.OO
14 boxes Washing
Powder, - - -_-- 500
Finest Extracts
P BNEION. ik 200!
10c Bottles, 2 f0r.......... 18¢
28c Bars Bakers' Chocolate. 20c
%25(: Boxes Bakers’ C0c0a.... 20c
Cocoanuts, 2 10c 80xe5.... . 15¢c
18¢ Cans Van Camp’s Pork 1
~ and Beans, 2 f0r......... 28¢
)ZSc Bottles Van Camp’s 1
NG ...
Try a Bottle of Chili Sauce,
l better than Ketchup....... 22¢
‘Grape Juice, §oc 80tt1e..... 38c
Mince oA, Bl . 10c
IS¢ Finest Rolled QOats, box. 10c
Hemi5,p0und........... ...\ 18¢
Nice Smoked Meat.......... 18c
Dainty Flour—Say, it’s fine $l.OO
Enterprise Bread Flour, satk 95¢
20c Case Tripe............. 18¢
White House Coffee, 1-1 b Cans 35¢
3 Cans for 95¢
Syrup Barrels, Each $1.40
3-Barrel Lots, Each $1.35
C. S. Hulls,-__-_ “ il 75c
100 Ibs. Bran, - $1.60
100 Ibs. Bran& Shorts 1.65
100 lbs. Shorts, - - 1.80
Good White Oats,
5 bushel Sacks, - - $2-75
100 Ibs. Sweet Feed $1.50
Salt, sack,. -~ .= 60c
Scratch Feed, 100
pound sack, - - $2.10
Wheat, 100-lb. Sack, $2.35
25 ibs.Sugar
Special P’ricel
Enterprise and *
Pillsbury 3
Be Here First of Week
| PersSack9sc
Prices Going Up--
Buy Now!
}Good Self-Rising Flcur, sack, 80c
‘ Per8arre1..............56.00
TGood Plain Flour, per Sack, 80c
| Per 8arre1..............55.60
Clematis Flour, Ext a Fine
Seli-Rising, per Sack.... $l.OO
lDainty,Sack.......... .... 9100
Enterprise, Sack. ........ 95¢
’Flour Inwood, a Good Self-
Rising, 8arre1...... . . .. .98.10
We Know Good Flour-
We Sell It.
Coker’s Pedigree
Raised by H. H. James
Appler Seed
QOats, bu. - 620
!fi*;zze;bf;?%iz’f::; 80c
No. 20 Buckets Oil
Sausage, - - - $2045
20 lbs. net Pure
Moultrie Lard, - - $2.35
5 lbs. Arbuckles Coffee . - 90¢
12 Cans Milk, - - ° 48e¢
Good Head
Rice-GoinE Higher!
100 Pounds f0r.......... $4.80
S 0 Pounds f0r.......... 2.50
25 Pounds f0r........ . 1.30
10 Pounds f0r......... 05
One Ga110n................ BBec
One-Half Ga110n........... 30¢c
- Coftiee
Arbuck1e5.......;,j..;.... -20 c
Five Pounds fop 90c
Charmer, a Good One. . o 20¢
$1.50 Buckets.... ... 80c
10 Ibs. Green Coffee..... - $l.OO
7 Ibs. Flne Green Coffee. 1.00
White House, 3 Ibs. for. 96¢
ol LN A TR
Seed Rye and
- Qats
Shel < .02 . oB
1-2 Bushel Y- - Boe
Beck, o ThHoo .. G 0
I9edalnion, - - - 30
7 Bars Clean Easy Soap 25¢
6.Bars Octagon Soap 25¢
2 Cans Tomatoes, - 15¢
Brooms, - - 18cto 50c,:
Made in Fitzgerald iR
Karo Syrup
1-2 gallon Bucket, 25 & 30c¢
1 gal. Bucket, 50 to - - 55¢