Newspaper Page Text
~ Mr. O, T. Brown of Atlanta was
in the city Tuesday on business,
Mr. O. B, Pecarson of Richmona,
Va., was in the city Monday,
FOR SALE--:At a bargain, for cash,
a brand new Burroughs Adding Ma
chine, Apply A. S, at Leader,
[f We Can Get It In
The Shop We Can Fix It
Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Dowling have
greturned home from a visit to Val
dosta, :
Don't fail to see the Microbe of
Love at the Grand Theatre, Friday
night Dec. 9th, |
Mrs. Guy Maddocks and Mrs, Stew
art of Rebecca, were recent visitors
in the city.
Dennison’s Crepe Paper for decor
ations and flowers at the Leader-En
terprise, |
: |
Mrs. Kurte Thurmond and hand
some son have retuurned to the city
after spending several weeks with her
father in Albany, St
Old tableware repiated. urop me a
card and will call, W. Harrison City,
" Mr. Wimberly Wilson is spending a
few days in the city making arrange
ments to move his furniture to his new
home in Macon,
Pre-used Sewing Ma
chines for sale. Easy
termse Crews Bicycle Co
- .
Mr, and Mrs, Dan W, Richardson
who have been the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Lawrence C. Glover for several
days have returned to their home in
Dover, N, C.
Come out to the Grand Theatre on
Friday night, December 9th and see
the Microbe of Love,
Dennison’s Crepe Paper for decor
ations and flowers at the Leader-En
terprise, : |
Mrs, Jesse ‘Powell returned home
Sunday from Leslie where she spent
some time with her-parents Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wilson,
Dennison’s Crepe Paper for decor
ations and flowers at the Leader-En
'We weld anything made
of metal. Crews Bicycle
Qompany, * ' * < ¢
Mr, J. C. Bush has_returned from
a business trip to Augusta, =~
Mrs; Pauline Crawley and Mrs, J.
C. Bush will entertain on Friday af
ternoon from four to six with a re
ception in honor of Mrs, Harry Clyde
McFadden and Mrs. William Farrand
A full line of Dennison’s Christmas
cards and Stickers at the Leader-En
A full line of Dennison’s Christmas
cards and Stickers at the Leader-En
Mrs. Guy Robinson and children are
visiting her mother in Reynolds,
Mr, Joe S, Collins of Camilla spent
Sunday in the city visiting friends.
We repair Sewing Ma
chines, oil Stoves,
n everything. Crews
Bicycle Co.
A full line of Dennison's Christmas
cards and Stickers at the Leader-En-
Eerprise, A
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The Best Christmas Gift
EIHERE IS NOTHING you can give
that is so personal as your photograph,
Throughout the year, the photograph you give
this Christmas will stand as a reminder of your
loving thoughtfulness. It will contribute happiness
to those who mean most to you.
Surprise the family, and your friends, Give
, Todgy is nottooeély to arrange for
a sitting. Phone for an appointment, ) :
117 S, Lee St, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Official Photographer A, B, & A. RR,
~ e VA Il ‘I‘O-}IVL;?‘Y PHOTQWf"‘?rz:‘;mfi;""
F TG e
Office Phone ________46o
Home Phone .. ____ls9
l Mr. and Mrs, Brure Martin =~ and
handsome little son John Marshail
Martin returned to their home in the
city last week from Douglas where
‘they have been visiting mer parents
Mr, and Mrs, Peterson,
Mr, and Mrs. L, M. Lilliston and
Mr, FEarnest Lilliston motored over
from Albany Sunday and spent a few
hours with old friends. Mr, and Mrs,
A. M, Gibbs on South Leet street.
S R e e
Don’ forget the date; Dec, 9th, Fri
day at the Grand, The Microbe of
e Mugs A, George and Mrs, John
Cooper were joint hostesses to a sur
‘prise miscellaneous shower at Mrs,
George’s beautful home on Justice
Avem_xc ‘Thursday evening in ~ honor
of Miss Tommie Lee Swords whose
marriage to Mr. W, N, Semon took
place on Sunday Dec, 4th.
Miss Sword, the daughter of of
Mz and- Mrs. T2V Stord is an acs
complished and talented young lady,
loved by all for her sweet disposition.
Mr, Semon of near Quincy, Fla,
holds a responsible positions with the
Atlantic Coast Line Railway!
The guests were invited into the
living room where was carried on pro
gressive conversation and good wishes
for the bride-elect; after which cake
cofee and whipped cream were served
by Mrs. Luke, Mrs. Ellis, and Mrs.
Jno, Qooper, ghe bride-elect being
served also with a large tray of beau
tiful and useful gifts,
Those present were Misses Tom
mie Sword, Adeline and Marion Led
better Willie Lou Bowles, Ruby Mc
Dowell L. .N. Chasteen, Wilson, Lee
Porterfield, J. M. Luke Will Swan
A. ]. Swords, Jno.. Cooper and J,
A, George.
The members of Miss Marie Bill’s
Sunday School class of the First M.
E. Church hiked eut to Whitman’s
farm woods where they spent the
afternoon delightfully kodaking and
playing games, . :
In the evening a fire was built and
supper. served consisting of roatsed
weiners. buns, peanuts ‘and toasted
marshmallows, Thosc present were:
Ruby Brown, Marion Frey, Bernice
Register, Mamie Harris, Viola Nelson
Florence Hitch Verna Stever, Frank
Henderson_ Waldermar Ratcliffe,
Lawrence Ratcliffe, and a visitor Wil
lis Miller, Dy
\ Mrs, F, M. Powers was the charm
ing hostess to the members of the
Bridge Club and "a few friends on
Tuesday afternoon at her pretty apart
ments on south Lee street.
The apartments w-cfevarlzt'ivstically de
corated- with a number of handsome
ferns, many of ‘them being of the
Maiden hair variety. ;
At the conclusion of the game a
delicious plate was scrvéd consisting
of scalloped oysters, itomato astic,
cranberries, sandwiched, hot ; coffee
with whipped cream,
Mrs, Powers was assiSted in enter
taining by’ Mrs, Franklin James. _
| The guests present were: Mesdames
Dan W. Richardson of Dover, N, C,,
L. C. Golver, Carl B, Fellars; F. H.
Farmer, C. C, Persons, Jesse Gran
tham and Miss Katherine Godbee. |
Colds Cause Grip and Influenza
the cause. There is only one *Bromo Quinine:”
E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c.
All persons are hereby warned
against hunting or fishing or ather
wise trespassing on myv landg in am
anner whatever. This means one
and all atke, J. W. Morris, D26p
Habitual Censtipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
“LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly and
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to induce regular action. It Stimulatesand
Regulates. = Very Pleasant to Take. 60c
per bottle.
™ “."
etters 1o R
fpe = N
! w_/_fiw !s_'-.'l—-t‘ )
QT Gt M "7
anta a“s \:T G, SN
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& \ " BT SR S e .
| Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
Please bring me a knife, pistol, wag
on, and caps to shoot in my pistol, and
football and fruit nuts and candy,
Dont’ forget my three little sisters.
Your little boy,
/ Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want you to bring me a little rub
ber ball and a little celluloid doll, an
orange and some candy.
= ‘Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
Please dont’ forget us Santa Claus.
because our daddie is sickly and don’t
make much money, We will he glad
to get most anything nice, jest so it
seems like Xmas; We live over the
Ford Agency. We hope vou dont’
forget Mr. Gelders because he prints
our letters to you,
As ever your little friends, the four
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
Please bring me a doll, stove, bi
cycle, doll bed, doll cradle and some
Your little friend,
813 E. Suwanee St.
Fitzgerald, Ga-
BPearn Santa Claus.—
T want a horn and drum_ I want a
gun and some shots too, I want some
oranges and somec apples and a cow
boy suit, a tent and some banannas.
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want a rubber ball to play with,_ _
I want a cappistol to shoot,
I want some candy to eat.
I want a harp to blow.
I want some fruit too,
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
1 want you to bring me a box of
candy and a doll, T want you to bring
me a dozen oranges. I want you to
bring me a box of crayola. I want you
to bring me a dozen apples, %
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want you to bring me a sleepng
doll and a doll cart and a doll stove
and some cook things and a table:
some chairs and a tub, a rubboard and
an iron_ an iron board and some or
anges and some apples and nuts and
some. candy and fire-crackers and ba
nannas and a picture book and double
box of colors,
Mr, John Lucius McMillan enter
taned a large number of his friends
‘with a cane grinding at his home near
Osierfield on Tuesday evening, Among
‘those going from here were Misses
Josephine Manning, Mildred Manning,
Lucy and Lillian Tucker, Lucile Huff
and Lois Malcolm, Messrs Wallace
Waites, Walton and Wade Malcolm,
Dr. W, A. Newsome and Wilbur War
ren. Mrs. F, M, Malcolm chaperoned
‘the party,
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund moneg' if PAZO OINTMENT fails
to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles. and you
n et 3 ¥ ‘omo
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for the sympathy and serv
ise they have shown during the sick
ness and death of our beloved mother
and grandmother.
We also wish to thank them for
the beautiful floral offerings,
Mr, and Mrs. T. H, Porter,
Miss Myrtle Porter.
Mr, and Mrs. H, A. Porter,
Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Davis,
Big Reduction On Meat
As the Wholesale Prices on Pork and Beef
have been reduced, we feel it our duty to give
our friends and customers the advantage of
same. We quote to take effect today, special
low prices, quality to be considered.
Best o Steale, Whis oo ae -i0 ok
iNoutid, Steale dßi sgo. L oo seaE il
Roast Beet saabaio a 0 T L B AR
Stew Beef, "lyr ol e T o IS AR
Hambuvoer boo oty a 0 o i o
g RbRN SR Sey
Potk steal Iy . .ooui Loa et sk SR
FOLXR Many 1l 00l ey ity e s
Pork Roastedly =.o 0 o nal b e
Lawverilbo oot LLub s i e e O
SRR I oo T
Pork Sausage, Ib. Sebiocnoile it Lol Lien L ORE
MEIEDOI ERODN T & 00l ibiioiinmisnini.c S
Weners or Fednßturts ... ... Lo o e
Best Puritan Smoked Ham, Ib. .___________ 50¢
ARG MR W .l e T
Breakiast IRacon, 10 il ive - cotsvssigpuie SB6
Breakfast. Bacon, package __..____________ 55¢
Creamery. Butter, Ib. ey nenecmaenman 990
Dressed Chickens, b, 2. _ Dlt _ & 10NIEE oB¢
We Than You for Your Patronage:
Williams’ Market
PHONE 30 125 E. PINE ST.
{ Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
' I want a cap pistol and five rolls of
caps and a big rubber ball and some
‘fruit‘ And some nuts and a drum and
a train and some fire crackers and
‘that is all, J. T, HENDRICKS,
‘ Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want a doll and a box of candy
and a dozen of oranges and a box of
crayolas and a little table and some
chairs. I want some fire crackers too.
I want some apples too, and a bottle
of ink,
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want®a bicycle and some shoes and
a hat and some oranges and some
apples and some raisins and some
English walnuts and coconut.
) Fitzgerald, Ga
Dear Santa Claus:—
I want a pop gun and oranges and a
apple and a wagon and a cap pistol,
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
Will you bring me a little car and
laundry set, a little wagon and a little
pen and ink and a doll and a table and
a chair, and a box of chocolate candy..
5 Fitzgerald, Ga.
Dear Santa Claus:— i
I will write you and tell vou what
I want you to bring me—l want a
Lttle rubber ball, and T want a little
cellu'oid doll. T want you to bring
me a new dress,
Fitzgerald, Ga
Dear Santa Claus:—
1 want you to bring me some or
anges and Engish walnuts and some
nuts and a horn and _a bicycle and a
wagon and a train and some candy
and T will have you some coconut
cake and pecan cake. Santa Clause 1
am having a good time going to schoo!
and T am in the third erade
Fitzgerald, Ga
Dear Santa Claus:— o
It is near Christmas and T know it
is hard times, Santa but please dont
forget me. I want you to bring me
an air rifle and apple, oranges and
candy. ‘
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Dear Santa Claus:—
Please bring me a doll and bed and
some fruit, -
Miss Gladys Brubaker and Mr.
George Luke were quietly married on
November 30th at the home of the
Rev. C. A, Ginn at 815 West Ocmulgec
This announcement came as a sur
prise to the many friends of this cou
ple, Miss Brubaker is the daughter
'of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Brubaker of
‘this city and is a young woman of
many lovely traits of character and
has a host of frienés who wish her
cvery happiness, She has made many
friends during her school days and
since growing into young womanhood.
Mr, Luke is conunected with the
Standard Oil Company and has many
friends in the city and surrounding
i country who wish this couple every
i happiness,
| They are mak’ng their home at the
i resent with the groom’s mother.
! ————————————
| No Worms in a neaithy Chiia
All children troubled with Worms have an un
healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and asa
i rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance.
| GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly
| for two or three wecks will enrich the blood, im
prove the dizestion, and act as a General Strength
ening Tonic to *he whole system. Nature will ther
throw off or dis »el the worms, and the Child wiil I+
in perfect healty, “Plencant totak "% vy bl,
If Kidneys Ac
ys Act
Bad Take Salts
Says Backache Is Sign You Have
Been Eating Too Much
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region
it generally means you have been eat
ing too much meat, says a well
known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which overworks the kidneys in
their effort to filter it from the blood
and they become sort of paralyzed
and loggy. When your kidneys get.
sluggish and clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels;
removing all the body’s urinous
waste, else you have backache, sick
headache, dizzy spells; your stomach
sours, tongue is coated, and when
the weather is bad you have rheumat
ic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full
of sediment, channels often get sur(‘.%
water scalds and you are obliged to
seek reiief two or three tines tluring“
the night. ‘
Either consult a good, reliable
physician at &nce or get from your
pharmacist about four ounces of Jad
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a fcwl
days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts is made froml
the acid of grapes and lemon juice, !
combined with lithia, and has been
used for generations to clean an-|
stimulate sluggish kidneys, also tof
neutralize acids in the urine oit |
no longer irritates, thus ending blad
der weakness. ‘
Jad Salts is a life saver for regular‘-
meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can
not injure and makes a delightful ef
fervescent lithia-water drink.-—Adv. |
Try Sulphur On |
N 4y
An Eczema Skin
Costs Little And Overcomes Trouble
Almost Overnight
Any breaking out of the skin, even
icry, itching eczema, can be quickly
avercome by applying Mentho-Sulphur
declares a noted skin specialist, Be
cause of its germ destroying proper
tics, this sulpliur preparation instant
ly brings ease from skin irritation,
soothes and heals the eczema right
up and leaves the skin clear and very
It seldom fails to relieve the torment
without delay, Sufferers from skin
trouble should obtain a small jar of
Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug»l
gist and use it like cold cream,
e T ———
Leader Want Ads Bring Results. l
B R L L i i
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Come on in-fun for everyhody
There isn’t any red tape connected with this contest and every
thing in the picture is in plain view. Nothing is hidden—there
is no need to turn the picture upside down. Just jot down a list
of the objects shown, such as ‘‘cage, cat, chisel”’, etc., which
have names beginning with ‘‘c’’. Then send in your list.
i - 5 ‘ ; :
Here’s the Plan [iftcen cuh prizes wil Rules of Contest Th Sy
. . e e ettt e e ——————————————————————
; oL s closes at 5:00 P. M. Feb, 15th, 1922. Lists re
persons sending in the nearest correct and complete (eved after that time will 566 B congdired:
lists Of. hames. lf your list is a\yardcd fi_rst PTIZ€, oyly words found in Webster's International Un
you will win $2O in cash. BUT if you W'Sh"o €N- abridged Dictionary will be considered correct.
close with your list a label from one of the big size = Words of the same spelling may be used only once.
cans of Red Devil Lye the first prize offered willbe Only one word may be used as the name for any
incooased to $5O, while if you enclose six labels it object or part of an object. If the plural is used,
will te ncreased to $2OO. Other prizes will be the singular must not be and vice versa. Obsolete
v h o th .bl .b I words will not be counted. Neither will words
increascd as shown'in the table below. such as *‘stepladder,”® which can te divided into
Wsite up your list and enclose six labels. You could cer- two or more separate words, each of which appears
tzinly +-e the $2OO and the Red Devil Lye will come in inthe dictionary with a ineaning of its own.
mignty aandy. 1t sure is strong and does lots of jobs around Write on one side of the paper only and number
the p%‘.u" h'eucr'thm an‘y(hm.g ;Ise. ylt maklt_s the fi‘n.cst kind your words 1,2, 3, etc. Put your name and ad
of soap. 1t vahsal w"t:;f 2 ~'l?a c}f a i Gle ker and Grocs in the upper left hand corner of your list (if
gasiol li ’fl.lps IRy "i‘ cslt > gre&isc off pots and 4.0 yist is on more than one sheet, put your. name
pans, keep: < '« outhouse or toilet clean and sanitary, clears and address in the upper right hand corner of each).
clogged plumbing, kills flies in the egg and does many other Filkau sitioen to:mh WAL be gléin for DDt il
useful thines 100 numerous to mention. corret(:t 2n(i complete of ullgv,he listsgent in. Ifthereisa
1 tiefor any prize, the full amount of such prize will be
The ! For Those Who | For Those Who Submit | For Those Who Submit| given to each of those tying. Anyone is free to enter the
| jend NoLabels | One Big Size Red Devil | Six Big Size Red Devil contest except employees of the Wm. Schield Mfg. Co. or
Prizes - |"iPiieitpis Lye Lebel with Thair Lye Labels with Their| their relatives, and there will be po obligatory expense
First Prize - -| $20.00 $50.00 $200.00 or any obligation connected with it.
Second Prize - 15.00 30.00 75.00 Checks will be mailed the prize winners on March Ist and
Third Prize - 10.00 20.00 50.00 at the same time a correct list of objects and the names
Fourth Prize - 5.00 10.00 40.00 and addresses of the winners will be sent to all contestants.
gl 8- 08 |BB LT
ixt i - 3 3 o (<
Seventh Prize | 2.00 7.00 20.00 ey °l"' t‘"”w" AT
Eisbtbto Fifteenth| 100 5.00 10.00 in early to PE\“QL‘
- ; /A
. 8 \(i‘ LT
P St L] 3
ure 1s strong/ .
To Stop a Cough Quick
cough medicine which stops the cough by
healing the inflamed and irritated tissues.
SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and
Croup is enclosed with every bottle of
should be rubbed on the chest and throat
of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. |
The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey in
side the throat combined with the healing effect o.
Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of |
the skin soon stops a cough. ‘
Both remedies are packed in one carton and the |
cost of the combined treatment is 35¢. & :
Just ask your druggist for HAYES' |
Bees oo [ |
G g L
s ; A r }:-- ‘:: u.v.‘,).\t ifi 4 m ‘{\\
RN e, Il‘."‘- "{'E“ Lo 33%
e e e
E 7’ eek K- on i‘tfi; y
4 / ‘,l
1 \¥
Surprise the Little Ones at Xmas
with a
Conway Player-Piano!
OTHING would be more pleasing to the
kiddies, and, in fact the whole family than
to find on Christmas morning a CONWAY
PLAYER-PIANO with which they could enjoy
afternoons and evenings, at home, for a lifetime.
This beautiful instrument contains the efforts of
' craftsmanship that go to make up a sturdy, depend- ,
able, graceful and well finished player-piano and '
in addition, it has a tonal quality and simplicity of
action that is beyond reproach.
Let us demonstrate this exceptional instrument
at our store and we feel sure that you will be con
vinced as to its merits.
We also carry a cor/‘nplete line of all other high
class musical merchandise.
d Music C
Bradshaw Music Co.
““ Dependable Musical Merchandise’’
South Grant St. -2 Fitzgerald, Ga.
| Office Phone §ll :
Res, rnone 545
1 .
J. T. BRICE, D. C.
Rooms 201-202
Farmer-Garbutt Bldg. .
Office Hours 9:30 to 12; 1:30 to 5
Other Hours By Appointment
Fitzgerald :-: Georgia =