The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 29, 1894, Image 2
THU MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, .TULY 29, 1894. A DAY'S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Butch of Bright Horn, Furnished by the Telegraph's Hustling Correspondents f>EN PICTURES OF MANY LAWYERS. DON’T MARRY Until you hav* R»n our sample* of . wed- <2L*W irivluH r i s. ^hich we send fr*e of chaJ-ge.' Address J. P. Steven* A Bro.. Jewelers, 47 Whitehall street, Atlanta/ Os. A CorvsspOMdsnt ftkstchss Attorney* In Iaorsni' Snperler Coart Itoom Daring the Session* of Last Week—other County Items* < Dublin. July 28.—(Special.)—A large crowd la tn s-ttendance on superior court now in session. The precise man ner in -which Judge Smith 4* dispatch ing the voluminous business to grati fying nod causing much comment. inhere tre wtHomeys galore here, and a pen picture 1* not amtes. The first {Black*Ionian you observe Is Col. De jjjacy of Kastman. Hie smooth-faced, ruddy coumtonance to dtooofned by snany ns he now and then delves Into «eme legal work. In front of Mm sits ex-Judge Robert* In an earnest conver sation -with Col. John «iubbs, the Ut ter giving hwaty glances at the Tele graph correspondent, who to busy tak ing notos. After dinner both sit back of the court house and puff away at a fragrant Havana. On <ho right to Col Peyton Wade, smiling a’t eomcChing risible that Col. Stubba has recount ed. Suddenly ho Jumps up, and biting a delicious cigur approaches Sheriff (Howard and asks if he knows some thing about a certain case. Ool. Wade to climbing the ladder aa an attorney and already has made a creditable record. Col. Walker 4s near the news paper man, rejoicing at freeing ored "gemimtn" from hta obstreperous "nigger" woman. While Col. Walker to so placidly » tg, Bciuuor Daly.#of WiighuvuU nit* woi. Phil Howard aro having a -legal life about wmo 876 a certain bailiff has in hto possession, and H to hard to tell which will come out victorious, dough 'Howard- gets In every technicality, ho can and Jmlgo Smith to occasionally tickled. To the left of the judge's desk #j 061. Burch, the Monographer of the Oconee cir cuit, Va!i und Jolly os ever, and when lUie keen eyes of the Judge is in uit opposite direction he to in an animated dtocusmou on-some point with Judge Mercer Haynes. Mayor Corker sits near. Col. £3. A. Smith, and la as qurlet as ever, only to move when called by the Judge. Col. Smith to jubilant, having taken a verdict of 87,000 and some cents for a client. •' Col, Estes of 'Macon and Chambers of Irwin ton looks on the Butuation *e- .renely, while Col. Daly of Atlanta to chatting rear them with a trio of Ibrother attorneys. At this juncture a Jury which ttttd been out over Vm hour and a (half. In which a divorce case of color about kke 'the ace of spades was involved, return, and after taking the .(venliot. Judge dmiUi Hells them that they ore at leisure for a short time, as ithsdr case was so arduous. This caused a rtppto of laughter. Ool. Woor ten of KUtfiinan to very gentlemanly and fa representing several oases. Di rectly In front of him sits Ool. Stanley Chappell, .twirling ’hki imperial and 'reading a newspaper. To his tight to Col. Sanders IMhtopertng too. clinotund ttlredUng the :nov*>im-u-t* or a case-us lie thinks (best. Behind Mm to n cu rious old darky, gesilcu’a.tln’g quietly no City Attorney Grlncr about a case of matrimonial InfaHolty, the dromlo outio being the centre of ivttmctton. tt’ho break brought forth a remark from the Judge, Col. Grlnsr replying very Jocularly. Hater on Ool. Gitn«r*s desk JtngUis with silver (even In three ♦troublous times), which he carefully (places in his pocket, smiling an he looks around, the donor being a gen tleman of the colored aristocracy, who a jury reNoved in 4hg evening of un- snutual reht'donsh jt beuween his darky bpousetind himself. Before 'this Sheriff Qloward drop* Into tils long pant* re- oejftoox> a few of Uncle Ham's dollars, and as he gives Ms receipt he care fully rsMUl H over anti rolls his quid of navy plug In htomouth several times Before he Is 'thoroughly —DsfllQ This done, up steps Jailer John Raffish), who whispers In Howard's ear. Raf- Held Spots t ho Telegraph man and he at onco peaces his Ups to Die sheriff’ llsieuers, the ifttttr saying no 'With sihske of his head and n sly glance the newspaper mao. wMoh the Tele- gruph man readily hnderslamto. Raf- fleld walks out ns<€ he triumph e\l, leav ing the correspondent noting incidents *that wi'l have a bearing further on. Up stairs in «he clerk's otflo© Is ex Representative Hightower tuwistlng ge- 3iUl Ilafi Howls, 'the ever-vlgllant so licitor goner.14. In getting Informal ooncrmlng vvltne*.**\s, etc. The most U** week will be consumed In dtepotoftff bf cooes on the civil docket. Judge Jen- k.ns will bo here next week, when the criminal cases will command his at tention. Much regret to caused by \h« announcement tlSM Judge Jenkins de klines re-electMn. While in hto oflfefel position he has given evident eatlsfao- to the people of Laurens county os a gentleman who possessed qual ties of un endtwrmg character, and while on the bench In his judlc&l capacity (dealt out the law stringent v and wltf out prejudice or fear to all parties. Tho grand Jury to rnmpp—il of representative body of men. the fore man being Mr. W, W. Roblnsro. on< of the city's merchants. It Is thought that a great -deal of business will be 0 me by the grand Jury. LOTHAIR LOCALS. Fkiurtahins RAln. Giv* Encouragement to tne Farmer,. Lothoir, July 26.—FJourtoMng rain, have been visiting here, lor tne paat week -in-i crops look tine, especially the corn. Several cldrene are attending Dublin court. I'osaniatreas Montgomery 4a Installed In her new position, end all enmity Is obliterated. Dr. loom, to getting well of a *e- rioua ailment from which Jte ha. been aulfering foe aeveml days. He la now aole to ba at tala office. IMr. E. T. AHen will leave for Rock Ford, hia home, uext week. He la atill seeing much fun. 'Mr. Rhode Duke* of -Rlddlevtlle, Washington county la visiting friends and relative, here. 11. la an estimable young gentleman. 'Mr. Arch Gillie, living four mile, from town, la very HI, aufTering from Wliou. colic. He is one of Montgom ery'. staunch citizens. Hon. J. C-ayiton Clements of Town* and the prospective Democratic nomi nee for •TShe legislature, was here a few days ago talking up Ida candidacy. Mr. Clements Is u man of high stand- tng and deserves dhe ihrauty support of the county's citizens. Today 'tne l'upullsts have a big din ner (helped by the Democrats) nnd a few epeeohea will be made here. Mr. Kemp, candidate on the 'third party ticket for comptroller •general, and • man named Meadows will deliver the addresses. Messrs. Thigpen and Bush, two of Iraurcna comity's young men, will open a large merchandize establishment about August 1. They will have In hand about It $5,000 stock and will be backed by L. B. Hauler. Dublin - , prince of merchant,. Them young men are energetic ad full of vim, and by •their large number of friends In tho adjoining counties will do a large busi ness. protracted meeting has been In progress at tho Baptist church. The congregations have'been very large and muon good has been accomplished with some accessions. WEDDING NEAR FORSYTH. A Pleasant Home Wedding Celebrated last Wednesday. •Forsyth, Ga., July $8.—(Special.)— One of fire most brilliant home wed dings that Iras occurred. In this county In many months was that on Wednesday evening last at tho elegant country home of Mr. John H. Moat of Johno'on- ville. about ten miles north of thie city. Tho contracting Parties wore MIsh Irene, thfc lovely daughter of Mr. Mbtt, to Mr. L L. Hlndeay. a prominent and popular young planter of Ellavllle. The cereirtony, which was beautiful In overy detail, wus Imm-essively perform ed by Rev. Ralph Hunt. The attend ants were Mr. T. J. Ogldtree With Mtse Hetfa.Fleming, Mir, Hem Alexander with Mies Mary Huddleston, Mr. Ernest M. Smith with Mies Htlcv Head, Mr. \V. T. Smith with Miss Hattie Head. After the ceremony the lutppy couple left for Ellavllle. their future home, currying with them the best wishes of a Uut of loving friends. - On Thursday last Mre. T. U. Brantley gave an elegant luncheon n't her home on Railroad avenue. coinpHinentnry to Mlsa Carrie Tavlor of Jtttcon. Tho oc casion was on exceedingly pleasant one and thoroughly enjoyed by those pres ent, who were Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. Cal laway, Mrs T. E. Fletcher. Misses Bes sie Ponder. Susie Tavlor of Amerlcus, Clifford Napier, Sallle .Evans, Sarah HabendiUm. Ada Brown of Florida. Nannie Howard of Bamesvllle, Messrs. Cyrus Sharp, Henry Andenon nnd C. T. Brantley. Miss Olivia Hodges of Bnrnesvllle la spending sevral days In tho city, tho Kucat of Miss ltutli Alexander. Popular Sam Hunter of Macon was In tho city for a short while today. MUs Suslo Taylor of Amerlcus Is vis iting Mrs. Dr. W. P. I Milder In the city. Mr. Cyrus Sharp. .Tr., has returned homo after a delightful visit to Indian Spring. ' POKE IS ALB RIGHT.a rr stops thk 1‘HoaiiKss of CMnouiuption. The maker. u( Dr. Piero'S Golden Melhwl Discovery are certain of It. They-ve proved It for year, las* -and they're -tiling to eeU it nth the agreement that If it d-wellt l-iie.1t or cure, (n wry •e, they'll return the iiwhoj t'oneomi'thro » Hint ■CTOfulou condition that ooruee from im pure WokL The “ Dieoovery prvventa it. If taken lu time curss tt completely, if y" ha\eu*t wnited too long; gu relief and .vsnfort, even In ad vantssl isms Uee it In eevera, lingering Coughs, Aktluna. IVeak I.ungs, an-1 every Bronchial, Throat, and Hung ^tTectiou. I>. HtCSS Ukl.U of ,VJ DuirA choteecr Ca. Tliin., wrttca hu'*Jt ae f.glove: ' I boa ton roitut Ttw down tn vtienatH .,],1 wrlrht fi SjlJ.lOc weoolha Iweenetat-leroMlriu l r ll.Hbere.1 Wry olt 1 11- AtVr takmr ‘ Dwcovcry' my court, l-»- ;. ,1.1 cl. I couVl welt, three uilhw without trouhle, ,wtchina 1 dou't Uletnwe me A MAN. When a merit goes t» buy dry goods r.ine -times out of ten he goes where some woman tells him to go. That’s— JUpGMENT. On ttio Jiulgirtciu and eipericncc of both we rely, tell tin; tale and Bimiva libe -why. -rOKCHON HACE8—0,000 yards Tor- ebon Lace, 1 to 3 Inches wide, some in the lot worth 20 cents a yard; to go at 5 cents. HAMBURG EDGING—200 pieces narrow and mkle' Hamburg Edging placed on canter counter Just as you enter. Choice of these ivt actual cost. OHINA SILK MULL—Were IBc. yard; Monday ten yards for 70c. LAWN—8c. quality, figured kind, ton yards foe 39c. Alpine Suiting—Sound colors, In light, blue, garutlt and creaui, ten yurds for 48 cents. . SILKS—Nona of those sb-yddy goods that pull and will not hold stitches, but good, honest TaCtatns, Chinas, etc., worth 81.23 to $1.50, put on sale Mon day nt 08c. 'Dwoolty-thrae-lnch navy blue ground, white hair lino stripe, vrero 75c.; to go nt 49c. SWIVEL SILK—Beautiful plaid and figured, were 05c.; now 25c. DUCK; SUITS—Fifteen ladles- Duck Suits to dose alt $2.59. Colored Duck Suiting, 33 iudbes, reduced to 10c. WRAPERS—500 ladles’ Wrappers, made of fine gjngbams nnd challlc, fully worth $2; Choice Monday n-t $1.29. BATISTE—LoiveJy tlgurtil Batiste, worth 17 l-2c,; for Monday at ten yards for 05c. CREPON- u 324Uh Oropons, were 23c.; Monday 17c. GINGEDAjJIS—Forty-nine pieces 10c. quality plaid and striped Ginghams to close ait 0 l-2c. A WOMAN When a Troman uroes to buy dry goods she* goes: Flrot, where the bast assort ment is fofoe found: aecond, where^ibe quail tj •ihows quality and prices nr© the best. Thait EXPERIENCE. Such prices ns these Good Crops and Staunch Democrats Make the People Happy. Milner, July 28.—(Special. )-The farmers of this community are smiles. For aeveral weeks the ralr.e have been fine and crop prospects are good. Quito an Interesting aerlee of [neet- In*ge are going on now at the Milner llupttoi church. Tin- ll« v. .1. E. 1’owoll U Asnisted by «Rev. T. U. Cal:«way of Forsyth, Go., who la much loved 1 admired by the people for hto great ability ns a minister und his many Christian grace*. The meeting is gittti auocetfs. Already sewral have been added to <the church and other* are expected. Indeed, the people of thto 'town and community have much to be thankful for. Mr. Htunton of >che Telegraph has been with us for a day or uwu. He has made many friends here und several new itubscrtbera tc* tho Telegraph. Mr. Q. W. Darden of Union vine, cry prosperous rurnier of Monroe county, i«s in town t*Kl.»y. The Democracy of old Pike Is on top. Such loyal Democrats as that old WAr-horee, G. *\V. lUdiey, the never- ceasing worker, B. G. Rivers, and the invincible K. D. Darden have just been talking of the great victory that the grand ©M party will achieve this fall, and from their talk one would think Ghat the flrot question the Popu lists, {scattered though they will be, will hsK each other after Che election, ‘Where were you at when the cy clone struck you." Many congratulations to the Tele graph for Its light for Democracy. CAPTURED A MURDERER. 307 and 309 SECOND STREET, 011, 013 and 015 CHERRT STREET and 170 COTTON AYENUE ■■ am SILK COT. SUITING—Blue or black grounds, lovely colored figures, ten yards Monday for $1. PEKAY—2,000 yards white ground, colored, figured and striped Pekay, worth 23 cuota elsewhere; our price 12 l-2c. Just the tiling for dresses and shirt waists. IRISH LAWN—Figured, 38 and 40 Inches wide, choice for 10c. a yard. CRASH—tenyardsTwllled Crash for 48 cents. SWISS—Good value nt 25c. to run Monday at 10c. DIMITY—French, colored figured at 20c. n yard. 500 ladles’ muslin Chemise 23c. Ladles' Chambray Skirts ait $1. Our 50c. Corset la sold In many places at 75 cents. The beat 25c. black Hose in tho world. Black silk Belting at 30c. 300 remnants Ribbon at 10c. Baby Ribbon, one bolt 10c. Twelve spools Silk 23c, LADIES’ HATS. Closing tho season with untrimmed Hots in overy conceivable shape; 10, 23 and 50c. for choice. Big lino Trunks, comae covered, from $7.50 to $23; zinc covered $3. Seven cakes Glycerlno Soap 23c. SUverinc Belt Buckles 23c. Bktck Silk Mitts 33c. Whlto Pearl Buttons 5c. FRENCH GIIGHAM SALE. All our fine imported French and Sootch Ginghams , 25 and 35 cent qual ity, at 15 oen ta per yard Monday morn ing to ctoae. No such value for the •money anywhere. Pretty styles, fast colors. Coll early. OUR 25 CENTS BILK SALE. Twenty-five pieces of silk that must go. Solid and fancy Silks Included In this lot, all on our Silk Counter. Not a piece In ith'ls lot worth less than 50c., some as much as $1. Don't miss them. ALL-WOOL SERGES For a song, 52-inch Navy Serge 69c yard, worth $1.25. 38-inch All-Wool French Serges, and 60c quality, for 44c yard. Twenty pieces 3 3-in oh AH-liVool Mixed Cheviots, worth 60c yard, to be closed ou't at 31c. Five pieces those 32-inch All-Wool French Challles at 25c yard. 100 remnants of Wool Goods, suitable for skirts and Children's dresses, counter at 25c on the $1. FRENCH ORGANDIES. Only line of these goods in Macon from which you can make selections, 35c yard. All colored Linings and full line of Laces and Ribbons about iha>lf of for mer cost. JNO. R. ELLIS 361«363 Second Street. GOOD CROPS IN THE WIJIEGRASS Ylaiikwtu, July 28.—(Special.)—We have had lula oiinoet every day for tho jwist <threc weeks, but crops are net hurt very much yet. Profrwoc M. B. Smith, In the em ploy moat of tho Savannaih, Florida and Western railroad nit I’hto point, has Just returned from a vtoft to Kxoeflaiar, 8tajte»boiiv f Wad ley and Samnoali. It to Indeed Interesting to hear him talk about the line crop* wHdoli ho bow In Bulloch .anal JHforeon. counties. He «aya ho eaw a>mo of tho boat com and cotton In Bulkxcih eoimqy that he has seen in soveral years. Professor Smith is a young roan pos- avrsstvl of hk?h intsd|ecitual endowments nod holds the cwteem of all *his ac quaintances. Ho had clKWgo of tlie Debtor High Soliool foe the past aohoktHtlc year aaid tws hho reputation of being oho of iho ablest eduen tora in tbe South. Tho tni^rces nnd patrons of Dexter High Sohool Kbould feel proud of Profvtoor SmLtii. A NEW TELEPHONE. Sparta, July 28.—(Specktf.)—Rldhard Johneon of thto place to about to make himself prominent on account of the invention of a ‘telephone. The appa- nAitos 1a a none-dectrio affair and can be operand at a very small cost. He haa pl;ic<Hl several in Sparta that give entire wttofoetion, besides construct ing several lines tn Sanderavf.le, Louis ville and Greensboro. The inven'UOn will cheapen a telephone service and la attracting considerable attention. Five Negroes Will Get n Reward of *350 Por Their Work. U&wkiiKYlUc, July 2S.—tSpoclal.)— Frank Oorntthere, tlio inurelcror of T. L CXsToUu'ra, Ivto ft>rnKT owikt, has iK^ni captured by (lve of Ids color and to extfo iKtdnd prison bars in Ihilaski totHj JilIL Rm live negroes Mrt» cajuuml him twi'ivol the reward of The plaik* were lukl by Mr. B. J. Mitchell, a jjrwsjK'ivus former Fulnski coiwdy, nrnl rtie five nein\x , n who unde the capniro wvre hto farm hands, namely, ’loin Corrotfiera. Ncuh r.u\ Dowell, Abe Williams, Chvvgo Bor- dcu and Sftui Mathews. Mr. Mitchell the niur\letvr and pfeiwd iho alH>ve named u»-gr at a poftit nwir Ws rwldenx* ki hto < am field. At 1 o’clnHt last oljbt they di*llref>\l l' h> him securely ttal wi»h plow lines and Mr. MitdheU, with the negroes, brought OorroChera lu to HawkinKvfile vtvto morning at 5 o'clock jlUtl dtHlrxqyM torn t*> dMftff Hunt Mr. Mitchell Ax's «** claim any ot tho rtsound, lait divides it fqasBy l>e* tween the five a.'croos who made Che capture. Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’s Fair highest Award LEMON’ ELIXIR. A PLIANT LEMON TONIC. For Billlousness, Consumption and. Malaria. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For Sleep!essnesa. Nervousness and Heart Diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kldnsy Diseases, take Lein on Elixir. \ Money’s Lemon Elixir Is pre pared from the fresh Juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fall you in any of the above named diseases. 60 cents and 81 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley, Atlanta. Ga. A BANKER WRITES. From experience In my family. Dr. H. Mosley's Lemon Elixir has If any equals, and no superiors in medi cine, for the regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. W. H. MAG NESS. President National Bank, MoMlnvllle, Tenn. A CARD. For nervous and kick headaches, in digestion, biliousness and constipation (of which*1 have been a great sufferer) l have savor found n medicine that would give such pleasant, prompt and K ianent relief aa Dr. H. Mozley's on EUxlr. J. P. SAWTELL. Griffin. Ga. Publisher Morning Call. Fords Dental Office. <54 Stood J otrott. 8»tUf»ct!-Jn guaran teed both aa to price* and work. Wihi'te Organdies, two yards wide, 36c, 50c and 60c yard. WASH GOODS MUST GO. We are closing them out. Hundred! of fine goods, fast colors, thrown out oa our centre counter at 7c a yard. Fine Balds tee, Creponettes, Sateens, Lawns, etc. Ask to Bee (them. SWAPPING DOLLARS. (Bleached and unbleached 60c and 75c Table Damask at 438 yard. Best Dress Ginghams, 12 l-2c.and 15o quality, at 7o yard. Yard-wide Sc Sea Isjand 4 3-ic. Good Checked Homespun 4c yard. Ladies* all-linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs 10c each. Mosquito Nets, ready to hang, |l.:t to 52.60 each. Best Brussels Mosquito Nets, canopy frame, made nnd put up, $< each. •Silk Gloria 51.25 Umbrellas at 99o caolt. .Elegant 25c Huck Towels, faemstficli ends, for 62 a dozen. Our 10c Colored Muslin Is reduced from 13 l-2c and 15c yard. Beet 6c Colored Muslin In Macon. Big Jot new Percales. Adi our open and shut Parchment Fans 10c eaoh. Fans in.this lot worth from 16c to 40c each. Burden, Smith & Co. WITHDRAWAL CARD. To the Democratic Voters of Bibb County: In this card I beg leave to withdraw my name as a Candidate for the position of coroner of Bibb county. This step Is taken wi-tthout consulting any of my friends, and my reason for withdrawing can b* stated in a few words. In my canvass of the coun'ty and city so many have requested me not to oppose Mr. Knight, 'the one-armed ContedoTato veteran, that I yield to the expressed sentiment, and upon sober second thought I withdraw from tho race. I am young and strong and fully able to light the battles of life and cannot bring myself to longer oppose one who has been incapacitated from earning a Uvlng by the loss ot a limb in the service of the Confederacy. Mr, Knight. I am satisfied, ■will make L good coroner. Besides, he has a large family dependent upon him for sup port and he is deserving for these rea son* the thoughtful consideration of every voter. Furthermore, I beg of my friends who have so earnestly prom ised me their support 'to do for Mr. Knight every honorable thing they would leave done towards my election. I propose to go <o the polls on the day of election with no cither purpose in view than of electing Mr. Knight to the posrtlon of coroner. Thanking my friends for their many kind expres sions. I am, respectfully, R. E. Butler. Macon, Ga.. July 23, i$9<. "IN HIS NAME.” To the Editor of Iho Trjegt-roi,:, 1 bog pardon fix- so aeon again asking your favor for few 'noro words." The mistake muds by myself !n not putting my mime m a Kno with tho letters "I. H. N." caused t-he printer to think the raimo was not to bo pub lished. Tho letters are Ihoso on the emblem worn by our order—a silver crow, ami R’gnlfy "In 1I1« Na me." The crow wo nre pledged to wear when abroad mpockiily, so that any one in need of aid may (unfiderrlv nppeul to a wearer of tire miss, 1. n. N. The nature of the communication so klmlly published by you bn yewerdnj's tssuo of your piper requirvri licit tb* writ er's name should be appeaded. lty. sportfully, Thorctn M. ScUev. Ylnevllle, July 27. t DR. M'RAE'S * Wot How Cheap, But How Good,” IS THE MOTTO OF ANHEUSER- RUSCH BREWING ASS’N., , ST. LpUIS, MO. Bre-wers of FINE BEER Exclusively. IN BUYING MALT AND HOPS FOR THEIR BREW For Sale at All Fine Grocery and Drug Stores. Where will you spend that vacation? Why not go to the White Sulphur Springs Hotel, at White Springs, on the Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad? It la the coolest resort tn the Btate. Immediately upon the banka of the fcu wan^.D River. Thto popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated, painted and re furnished, and Is run In connection with the wonderful Sulphur Spring, which dis charges 2.000.000 gallons per hour. The finest bathing pool in the world. Go-id flatting and hunting; pretty drives; No mosquitoes; no pialaria. The water is a specific for rheumatism and dyspepsia In all forms; nervous exhaustion; all Rtd- r«y and stomach tro.ibWt; all diseases of the skin. Reduced rates upon all .*U* roads. Rates 82 to 82.50 per day. Special rates by tho week or month. For par ticulars, address WHITE SPRINGS, FLOltlDl, WM. H. WREN, Falnloss aud Hur liUss Cure For Or ganic Stricture, Gravel or Stone. Call at rile drug store of Sol Hoge, corner Second and Mulberry Btreets, Maeon. Ga., mde agent for Macon nnd vicinity for this wonderful remedy, and give it a trial. After a trial of eighteen months In the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, tt ma fully demonstrated that it will cure from 83 to 90 per ctnt. of casoa treated. It is absolutely harm less. cures without pain. Inconvenience or las* of time from employment. It will tone up tbe organs, and when It cures leaves them In as heuliby con dition aa nature made them. With each rial are full hutructioas and directions. NORTH DAKOTA NOMINEES. Grand Forks. N. D., July 27.—Tlw Democratic ata-to convention nominated the foUau-tng ticket: Oougreusman, N. G. L^rrimore; governor. M. Klutec; lieutenant-governor, E. A. Euland;sec- IntemVeinc of public tastruotitm, Mrs. nttnvy of state. George Slectc; super- Elsonhutb; auditor. A. W. Torter; treasurer, K. I. Nawland; comnils- nfissdonor or agrtculmro, Georo Kurtz; Insurance commissioner, James Cud- aha. a Card’s Military Band and Orchestra at'Crump’s Park this afternoon. UNDINE. Crushed puddling* Flour- The only Flour of Its kind, nnd tbe best o! any kind, |t|ki.i».i«hy« *«cr«t pro cess known to bat two persons. f •100.000 luu been OTcrcd for tho Knowledge. Ask your grocer If hto flour to mixed •with corn flour. Such flours are inju rious to healtb. We have no corn me:»l attachment. UNDINE crushed mid dlings flour to pure and wholesome and U msde from selected wheat. IT ZB WATER GROUND, DR. ROMAN, Each person applying for medical treat ment should send or bring from four ^® eight ounces of urine that passed Jm In the morning. When all other* xau. consult Dr. Boman of New York City. The learned and .killed apsciallit. tom- erly o£ Philadelphia, who treats »»» wonderful success all diseases of and women. Prompt and permanent cure* guaranteed. ... .. NERVOUS DEBILITY ord all Itsi at tending ailments, of young and miaow aged men. The awful effect of rve * le ^‘^z or improperly treated cases rroduci s weakness of body and brain, fulling mem ory and other distressing symptoms, fitting one for study or business. BLOOD AND SKIN diseases. tumor, pimples, tetter, eczema nicer*, of hair, scrofula and blood l* > ‘*on every nature primary* *ind •f 00 ”’: *'* promptly and permanently eradicate*!- OATARRIL All diseases ot ***** lungs, liver, stomach, bowels, kwnejr bladder; also rheumatism, piles. niptu«. WRITE your troubles if >ltlng from the city. Thousands cured *th°® from correpondence. Absolute tecl TfL tg all professional dealings and m* seat secure from observation. Stricture dissolved and removed by me • cine only. I cure cancers, tthen i cui*. I do not mean atop tho hu t ahort time and then havs It return, I mean a positive cure. Address with postage or call on DR. G. W. BOMAN. Zettler House. 253 Fourth SU Macon. LAW SCHOOL Mercer University. Full faculty, uneaualled advanug- Fail term opens October L For catalogue, etc^ address CLEM P. STEED- Secretary Law 8ch.