The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 06, 1894, Image 5
— TJEJE MA-OttN TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER G, 1894. A LARGE LOT ti JUST RECEIVED. Two collars go witli each Shirt and we sell them for Also a lot of those low neck Night Robes at the same; we can give you others tho' at 50c. Summer Bows and Ties at 15c. J. H. HERTZ Corner Second & Cherry THE BUILDINGS FOR EXPOSITION The Plans Submitted td the Building Committee and the Awards Were Made. NEW YORK FIRM GETS THEM ALL Except One, Which Wai Given to a Southern Bulldet—Svei-ything In Moving Harmoniously Together. 1>. A. KEATING, rXUF.HTAKF.H AND EMBALM Eft, BI1 Mulberry St. - Mucon, On. Telrphonefc^Office. 407i Residence. 409 HOTACifi. * Marriages, births, deaths, funerals and Meetings Inserted In this column at R for ten linos and 10 cents per line for +acti added line. A responsible name Riuse accompany the advertisement aa a guarantee of good faith. / Copy for contract advertisement* to appear In Sunday’s Telegraph lmust bo banded Into the business office before 3 o'clock p. m. Saturday to Insure Insertion. I FUNERAL NOTICE. FARRAR.—-Fitenlfi amt acquaint ances of MJisa M. J. Farrar and Mrs. J.- B. GHea are respectfully requested tn attend ttihe funeral of the former from the residence of Mrs. J. B. Anderson street. South Mtoon, at 9 o. tn. THIS (Thursday) MORNING. L. McMANOS CO GENERAL Ilf Day Telephone Night Telephone 238 - 232 Undertaking Establishment' - Next to Hotel Lanier. Day Telephone 436 Night Telephones.... 435, 178 ACADEMY of MUSIC £ —One Night Only, L THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 6, i, ROBERT GAYLOB, I Presenting His Success, I SPORT M'ALLISTER, One of the 400. I Reserve Beits, at Ludden & Bates' Music House. Reguar prices. THEM! WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Office. | ~ SQUAKE ON WINDOW. , New goods overy week. Notions, crockery, glassware and Halls. Finest collection 10c. and 25c. Cabinet Frames In the city. Nicest line 25c. sett Shirt Studs In lown. • The latest stylo Corsage Pins lOo. ; Flve-ccsnt Milk Cans and ud. . Clausa Setts. j Landers, Frary & Clark Knlfo 8c. Largo lino Purses elesfog out very low. B. F. SMITH. CMS. C. Holt, —Dealer in— Artists’ Materials, Picture Frames, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Engravers of Visiting Cards and Wedding Invitations. Correspondence invited. Send for catalogue of Artists’ Mate rials. Office and Store, Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. JAMES T. HOLT, Rec’r Mind Beider and Clairvoyant, a larg* CLAY'S COFFIN STORE UBIUdtX UUiLMNU. 1 Hearse it; carriage* *2.76. - _ ttBlestwaa, 4)6 ¥,A.DOODYOO.B0UND VOLUMES Atlanta, Sept. 6.—(Special.)—The building commtrtee today selected plane for the six principal buildings of the big exposition to be held here next year. Five of She six buildings go 'to a New York architect, Mr. J. H. Gilbert, and one. the smallest In the lot, to an Atlanta architect, W. T. Downing. There were thirty different sets of plans for the tot, and naturally lithere are many disappointed arehltscts In various parts of the country tonight. There ore some In Atlantia who are especially sore over the award. The plans of dir. Gilbert, the home archi tects 'think, are mucfii inferior to the •local designs, and It Is Strongly tinted Watt 'there svus undisguised partiality shown by the awarding committee. The live buildings awarded to the New Yorker are the manufacturers, ma chinery, electricity, agricultural’, for entry and mining, and the one awarled 'to Mr, Downing Is the administration 'budidling. The buildings are to be of wood except the administration, which Is covered .with planter. The cost of the (!ix ts to be $16?,000. There will be no galleries, but all exhibits will be on the ground floor. In accepting .the plans, President Collier sold -the committee acted with a view of giving employment, to nome workmen, selecting designs that con'd be built of home malterlals, os well as without going elbroad for any special sort of anU3ans. "While President Collier was delivering himself of this 'thoughtful amd philanthropic para graph a big gang of convicts was at work out at the exposition grounds, and 'the disappointed home architects were ready to call an Indignation meet' Ing of clUrrns. A CONTINUANCE GRANTED. Atlanta, Sept. 5,—C3p5cta l ’J.)- J Arter hearing speeches from Mr. Owens of the S., F. and \V., Air. Pape of the S. A. -M. and a few remarks from Mr. Comer of the Central, the railroad commission at the request of the latter granted another comnlnuauce In the ootixan co-mprraamen'e case today. Air. Comer sat'd be wanted time to bring In expert testimony, and fw that purpose the 'hearing was suspended until to morrow morning ait 9 o’clock, when the railroads will probably conclude their Bide of the Issue. Today 3. J. Whitesides of Columbus and J. D. Turner of Atlanta, both oonvpressmen. were u3ed as witnesses. Mr. Whitesides, who: is In clMirge of the OenitraVrallroaid compresses, bring 'introduced by the railroads and Air. Turner being subjected to cnoss-ex.vml- jwliion by Mr. Comer and the railroad attorneys. The old rate paid hy ithe roll-roads for compressing wills'about 60 cents a lialc. Tho new rate Is about 6 cents a bale. 'Mr. Wh'ttissldes Stilted thlut tho cost of campressing was from 16 to 22 cents a. bate. White Mr. Turner claimed that Hit cost 30 cents a bale, the mite of 35 cents offered by hhe railroad nut being u living rate. It was brought out when Mr. Whitesides was questioned by tine .attorneys for the compressraen that the Central rullroiad owns th'e ground upon which Sts compresses ore erected, pays ullitaxcs. Insurance und repairs and op era’tod under the railroad license. In iiUcMtlon to aids the Central got Insur- ancii at half what the compresses Wive to pay. Thse facts, the oohiipressroen say, show 'hohv It Is -that Che Central's compt'eaJri) oast compress «. bale of cot ton for 18 to 22 cents. ItiOter granting Air. Comer's request for u continuance the commision this aftennoan took up Hire oocnplAln.t from Amcttcus against the alleged dlscrlml- ntutlon by one Central railroad In cot ton rates In favor of Albany. Cupt. A. S. Cults and Mr. Basoom Atyrick of Americas presented the case, show ing that cotton shipment from Albany ito Savannah is seven points cheaper than from Americus to Savannah, which to a discrimination In favor of the former. DR. JACKSON IMPROVING. Atlanta, Sept. 5.—(Special.)—Dr. ft. G. Jackson, wtio waft shot in a ng'nt witn a burglar et his bfllce last night, is In u fair -way to a raotd recovery today His wounds are painful but nolt at all dangerous. , The efforts of the police to get a clue to tho identity of the negro have so far proved futile. . .. The complete disappearance of the floater's asauliunt Is a mystery that has no* only bullied the police, but has giv en rise to a lot bf sensational reports which tend to throw doubt upon the burglar story told by Dr. Jackson, al though there Is probably no truth tn these rumors. Some of th« detectives themselves ure. however, slow to ac- cept'the story In full. They say It Is an unusuel thing for * burglar to light when he can get away, which was the cues In this Insttihce. as the alleged burglar could have made hts escape either by another door or e window when he heard Dr. Jackttm approach ing In the adjoining room. The case has been ell the talk today, anU us tinted, there are many seneu- Honal rumors of trouble with a woman behind ft 'all. Dr. Jackson, however, tella a very connected and straightfor ward story- of.the uffaflr, but did not know who the negro was, although be must have been familiar with the premises. . AFTER A FORGE®. Atlanta, Sept. 6.—(Special.)—Chief of Police Connolly today received a tetter from W. AC Brown, cashier of the In dian River State Bink of Titusville, Fin., Identifying the clever female fbrg- c-r now In Fulton county Jail under the name of Mrs. AC E. Hlcken as Aire. At. M. MaFadden of Melbourne, Fla. A new chaotic .or two tn the woman's swindling operations, including $150 ob tained from the Barium** Bank of Ma con. la also brought out by Air. Brown. The vron-nin's ftra: crime was in forg ing her sow’s name to a Check on the Indian IUvor Bank, while In St. AugJS- Une. The eon kent the Identity of the forger o secret Jortsome time, but it ftmdly leaked wiiF Airs. MoFtuIden'e downward course was rapl-i from that time. She went to Macon and paeeed as the wtfe of E. L Brady of Titus ville. Fla., und there got $150 out of the Exchange Bank. From there she went Kirt to Boston and other clues, where i the operate^, as well aw tu Chicago, l.e- ARE NOW POURING IN UPON US, Summer Goods must give space, and rather than pack away the large quantity of desirable stuffs still on hand,we will place on sale for next few days every thing in the way of Summer Fabrics at prices less than cost of production. IDT FOR TODAY! Big JACKPNETS reduced from 12 l-2c to 9c. lot of good styles to select from. American printed Organdies reduced from 12 l-2c. to 7c a yard. Printed tinted ground Swiss reduced from 121-2 to7c Whited dotted Swiss 12 l-2c a yard. , New attractions on our 5 cents counter. Bargains in remnants of table linen. New line of table damasks, doylies, napkins and tow eling. Special drives in this department—fast red damask. 25c; half bleached, all linen damask 35c a yard; extra size huck towels 16c. Latest novelties in dress suitings 38 inches wide, 49o. See our line of imported novelty suits before making your fall purchase. • Ladies’ fast black hose 16c, worth 26c. ' • Misses’ ribbed fast black hose 12 l-2c. Gents’ half hose, 3 pairs for 25c, .regular made. New line of fall Windsor ties 20c. / Tho remainder of our wash silks at 35c; good assortment. W. A. DOODY CO. tfore returning South. She opwntod suo- cuaso’fully for come time. In Atlanta be fore be-ink cnuirhlt, and 1* now under in dictment for forgery. HE IS WANTED AT HOME. Gainesville, Sept. 4.—(Special,)—William Ward, aged 85, left homo mysteriously one month ago, and now his family is anx- 0U9 to know of his whereabouts. It is feared that he has met with foul play. His wife and children are ill ant] they need his help. Ward, when he left home, was not In good health. Ho ia pale, hus black eyes and dark hair. His weight is about 135 pounds. He Is a miner by trade and. d good worker. VITAL TO MANHOOD. DR. B. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT VENT, a epocUlc *or llyiterin, Dizziness, FU*, Neu ralgta, lloadaclio, Nervous Prostration caused bj alcohol or tobucco, Wflbefulno'fi, Mental DoprcoHon Hoftenlog of Brain, causing lnxnnity, winery, decay death, l'rerouturo Old Ago, DarroiincBj, i,o*.s ol Power in either eex, linpot oney, Leucorrbtra and all Female WeakiirsHf**, Involuntary Loreos, Bpormn- torrhao cau*e<t by over-exertion of brain, Self* nbuso, over-Indalgenco. A wonth'a treatment, $J, 8 for IS, by mail, with each Order for 0 Inm-H, with 8ourStomach. Ijyrpep^ia nud Constipation, GTJaUAN'TE’iS tanned only bv GOODWYN & SHALE, Sole Agent*, Cherry Street and Cotton BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALES. ■Will be sold, on the first Tuesday In October, 1894, at 'the court house Her In Bibb county, within 'the legal hours of sale, to tbs highest bidder for rash, thb followting property, to-wl't: All that lot or land lying In Bibb county nnJ described as toltews: Fronting on Mid dle street, bounded on the north by the property of W. B. Clark, on the test by the property of Green King, bn .the south bv the. property of Tony Williams. Levied on as the property of J. C. ColKn* to ratlsfy an execution Issued from the Justice’s court of tbs ItSSbh district, G. U.t of suhl county. In favor of J. B. Broderick against J. C. OoDUns. Also, at the same 'time and plshe, the following property, to-wit: All that lot of land confining fifty feet on N4xon street, running stxty-flve feet on China dtreut. Bounded on the north by the property deeded to Jerry Smith, and on rite east by property of Charles Floyd. Levied on us the property of Wtlltam Gordon to satisfy an execution Issued from the Justice’s court of ths 1015th district, G. M.. of said county. In favor of C. H .Ctirson sgalnst Will iam Gordin. T.v> September 5. 1894. G. a. WESTCOTT. Sheriff. EXECUTOR'S SALE! B/ virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of Bibb coanty, Ga.. passed at January term, 16M, will be sold before the court nouse door In Bibb county, Ga., on the first Tuesday In October. 1894. between the legal hours of sale, (lie following prop erty betonglng to the estate of Richard F. Lyon, late of said county, deceased, and aotd for the purpose of paying the debts of said estata and for distribution among tbe belra: Description lota Nos. 2, g and 4 sa described In map recorded In book No. IX. page 5», Bibb county, and being part of lot No. 3, square 72. fronting on Pine street awl running bick to Cot- tod avenue, In city of Alucon, Bibb county, Ga. (*£*>, one tot 60x150 feet on Pink and Second streets, lying Just outside the city of Alteon and uojtnlng property of E. T. Grey, being tn rear of Mer cer University. Terms oa*h. L L. LYON. Executor estate of It. P. Lyon. WWEM rtf vk Aiia uLutirva, ft WM^WjkfcruHe* cu taxi* WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 19. Tho faculty wilt bo thie same as It wits last session mainly. Our aim to keep tho institution abreast of the pro gressive spirit and methods of tho ad vanced educational movements of this Hg". While laboring for the th,muich Intellectual training of bur young wo men,,«ye sltnll also seek to glvoUhem those liner graces nncl charms that come from Music, Art and Elocution. The old Wesleyan with Its unrivaled prestige Is without n peer In this Southern country, and parents and guardians scud from distant states that their daughters or wards may bo able to say they wero educated at tho "Wesleyan. The moral for tho Alnoon people points Itself. You cannot afford not to give your daughters these hello flts. when sihe brings them to your doors. Mrs. J. B. Cobb is Indy principal For terms, etc., address REV.D.H.IIOWE, PRESIDENT. (Former principal Scmlary for Younif Ladles, Virginia.) AN ORDINANCE Reflating 1 to tfi* Removal or Remodel ing of (file Slands, Etc., o!t Central Oity Park, Be It ortialned by R>he mayor and oouncll of t r n« cl'ty of Maoon, and it in herdby ordnlncd by authority of the eame, that nil owners eft booths, tjunds, buildings, etc., within who enclosure of Central City Park efliall, within thirty days afiter the passage of this ordi nance, romodiel the same In conformity *to 'bh'e re*iu'ird.*nents of -the board of public works of the city of Macon, or shJill remove the same (torn the park withUn Uhe Bald thirty dayw. Be 4t furUner ofdaltved, y.V.l't booths, buildings, w;ands, etc., n-ot re- <mod<ded or removed via aforesa-M shall be /torn down by the &ald bo-aril of pub lic works. Be lit further ordained tWU the re. quiremems of this ordinance be pub lished for the tfcnWIt of all concerned. I certify thtut the above ofdAoum.^ was parsed by iho mayor nnU council of the city of Macon at the regular meettng thereof, J4eptember A. 1894. BRIDGES SMITH, Clerk of Council. AN ORDINANCE Requiring Property Owner*- on Fifth StreOt Between Walnut and Ocmul- gw to Pave Their 8Ldewi p .ks. Re lit orda'Ined by the mayor and council of the c^y of Msacon, and It Is hereby ordained by virtue of the sum*, thsit tbe propettty owners on Che oust aide of PXfi-h street, between Walnut and Oamu'gee, be and the name are hweby required t» pive with hird- bumed brick, ©tone or cement their re spective iff.* walks wit bn oMrty days from .the pa swage of Uhls ordinance, to a gride Cumltthed by and under the direction of the efty engineer. Be It »further ordiiined, that for a fail ure to comply w<ib th)< ordCnance said pavement: of »uch opr ran fo falling to comply cttUt be kafd by dha city and Jhe ex pen-* thereof collected by execution as delinquent taxes are collected. I certify that *the above ordinance whs pMeed by the mayor nod council of (the erty of Maoon, ^it /the regular meeting thereof, September 4, 1£«4. BRIDGES SMITH, Clerk of Council. | and Whiskey Habiti -.4 aeot IRLt . . , R- M WOOLLEY, V * feu. & The great popularity which this magnificent work has a'ttatnod In serial form hae Jed us to make an arrangement with tbe publishers by which w« can offer bound volumes at an almost unheard of price. Sights and Scenes of the World was first published ns a 9i1gh-class artwork, and wns sold- by subscription only. A' few copies of tbo original edition remain unsold, and wo have se cured them for the benefit of our readers. They are printed upon extra- heavy mauve-tinted enameled paper and upon one elde of the paper only, making a book twloo as thick as tho twenty-ono parts would bs. Ths work manship Is superb, ns they wero the first impressions from tho original plates. They are elegantly and strongly bound, wtth specially designed titles on aldo and back, tho Russia edition having marble edges and tho full Morocco gold edges. By taking all there was left of the original edition wo are enabled to offer this unsurpassed work ot tho following very attractive prices: |i In best English cloth (publisher’s price, $8.60; our price, 13. In hit Morocco, (publisher’s price, $7.60); our price, «• co in full Russia, (publisher's price $9); our price, $4. ' In full Morocco, (publisher's prloe $10); our price, $4.60. For out-of-town orders remit 50 cents extra and tho book will bo delivered to you by prepaid express, securely packed. This Is An Unusual Opportunity To procure this king of all art works at a ridiculously low pries and should be taken advantage ot at onco, os only a few aro left. Remember that ths book Is complete and ell ready for tbe library or centre table; 350 tull-paga Views, sice 11x13 Inches and printed upon one sldo ot tho paper only. EaoH picture is worthy of a frame. Samples can be seen at tho ofllco ot the Telegraph, where all order, should be addressed. ,j ;| Rand, McHally & Co/s ATMS smm-m MANY ENTIRELY NEW MAP.! FEATUH1 METHODS. Th.e° ecological Anthropo ^ Topo graphical Hydro W a. * fllSTORY of the WORLD’S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890. Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of the World’s Bright Men. Historio Praotio Systematic Statistic Politic Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS. GAZETTEER and ATLAS. AL £3 a P“4 33 o CL 3 cc O ui —j Q H SB O □ S3 ♦♦ ca K{ Three-hundred and forty-firs pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend ered paper vrith marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE. $7.50. Cut out coupon and send il with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy of the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inches. Out of town purchasers t» pay carriage.