The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 11, 1894, Image 2

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A Bitch of Newsy Items' Furnished by
the Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
A Threat to Kali, ll.r Ch.ruct.r It tha
lt.(u.»d lo SUtorn and Un With
Mlm—'Tho Mnrdar Tfatn
Dublin. Sept. 10.—(Special.)—W. A.
Stuekny. who killed Ira Taylor on tha
(rain near here, ta In jail awaltln* a
commitment trial.
He a none to be eufferisg from bis
brulsea which resulted In fata wild leap
fnim the train.
Stucknv hud mint rested Ms wife and
forced her to leave home, circulating a
scandal against her and charging her
with improper relaMona with another
man. She wae. therefore, compollod to
seek shelter with her relatives.
Stucknv faad been engaged In Illicit
dlatilltng an# other orookiedneas. which
brought the United States officers upon
him, and R was on the occasion of their
having captured the still and arrested
Mm that fas was In iMaoon on the day
ot the hilling, where Sire. Stuekny end
bar brother had been subpoenaed aa
Come time ago. after the scandal re
ferred to attwa bad bean started. Stuck-
uy began proceedings against fata wKe
for tfae possession of the ohlkl, which
proceedings are now pending. Since
then Oirs. Stuekny received the follow,
ing letter:
"Redhlll, Os.. Aug. 11.—Mrs. Estelle
Stuekny—Dear Wife: I- write you an
other letter, asking you why you are
treating me like you are. You know 1
lavs you, Estelle. It 1. had back/ the
way 1 treated you X could not be per
suaded by mother or toy any one else tu
treat you oo again. Estelle, 1 want to
see you and talk orlvately with you.
but I know you .won't let mo have that
privilege: but I want you to take my
wbrd onoc more and 1 will do what I
say U you will come back to me. I will
treat you well ami never tell another
lto on you or want you to tell one for
me. Estelle, all 1 have fold la false,
and ybu knew It was at Aral, but I was
persuaded by mv mother to do what I
dlit. and to treat you as I have, but I
am sorry I did It. and If you will for
give mo ami aottle with me, I will tell
the people 1 Was in the wrong and not
you. -Estelle, you have nearer mistreat
ed mo in nb wav In the leaat, and I did
not have any cause to fell what 1 told
on you. and 1 would not have done It
for anything had It not been for mother.
a->tclle. 1 love you and hate to atveur to
lies on you. but K you don't come back
I .will have to swear what 1 have told
ntul get everybody to ewear for me X
ran. for I want my child, and that la
nil the way 1 can get tolm. So, Estelle.
I will dt> what 1 any If you will come
back, ar.d If you don't will be obliged
to hav i people swear to Ilea against you
to get my child.
•‘Now, Ewtelle. if you won’t never live
with me any more. If you will give up
my child and won't swear against me
In court about selling and atllllng whis
ky, I will give you all you had awl more
bmldes. tout If you -won't 1 will carry
out my Intentions sure.
"Decide and mak- up your mind In
the matter and do what 1 tell you, and
God wfll bless ybu for my sake. Es
telle, 1 .want to see you nrul little Rob
ert and hear him eay 'naps’ and 'mom
ma,' and bear Min lough. Come up and
bring him If you can't stay but ono day.
1 will treat you the beat J mu able.
Estelle, answer this letter yduraelt. as I
lian-e written you two. and have not got
an answer to any of them. Estelle, you
have always been truthful, and I trust
you are jet. Now don't let any one see
this letter. You read It carefully and
then tear It up ind don't lot any one
see It, nor let no one know you have
got bne from me.
"Estelle. If 1 Old not think yuu would
flo aa 1 nek you. 1 would not send you
such a letter, but I know you arc all
right every way In every respect
Answer this and Oblige your husband,
"W. A. Stuekny."
Thla letter Mrs. Stuekny has n'onr In
her poateaalon awl will use It for all It
la worth. There- la no doubt that Stuek
ny entered the train wMh murder In
tola heart, determined to kill Taylor,
and perhaps tha woman he had cruelly
Mias Mattie Mann of Joneaboro Meets a
i-'eairful Death.
Jonesboro. Sent. 10.—(Special.)—A fa
tal accident occurred here yesterday,
which hue caused universal sorrow In
the runvminlty.
Among tho attendants at tho h.iptlat
church yesterday inominfg were Mr.
Tom Mann and his aletnr, iMIrw Mattie.
They Uvea abbut four miles from Jones
boro and camo to team In n buggy.
1Vhen the services were dlsmlHsed Mr.
Mann awl hie slater started home after
stopping a while at the church door to
speak to Moral.. When about two m!!«
from tha oHy the Worse became fright
ened ami started to run away,
Mr. Mann In his efforln to control the
h-rrire was thrown out. .Mlo Mattie
then attempted to lump from tfae ve-
hkcl. In doing so her head struck the
libn tire of the whtd. Me. Mann sum
moned help and Mira Mettle wan taken
Into a house near by, where eho died in
a few minute*.
It la auppoatd the blow eo the head
produced a hemorrhage In the brain.
The young lady waa greatly esteemed
In tW« community, vitro she had mtny
frlotld*. 8he belonged lo one bf the h.--:
f million in this county and the gad ac
cident la gtva’ly deplored.
or weight In Ann, «nun>l.
althy fledr, after the "tlrm,"
or Pneumonia ("Lung Fe
ver " I,Bilious or tdber Fevers,
or any —satin* drwoae; to
thoroughly purity your Wool,
rouse your liver to healthy
action, and lu-a.-o up y.-ur
system when you feel " run
down " or " pliti el-outtake
Itr. nerve's Golden Medical
.4trt„obm, Urine!a On,, Pa.
Dr. H. v. I'ishcs: Fit—Allow
me to offer my thanks to you
foe tny rood health elnee urine
your "Goileo Mrdlvwl Discov
ery," I was Put lhe shadow of
- (Din and hurzmrj, without one
•e: hod suit,-iv.1 [or Irani wait my
atoms, h sad lit ,v, and this spim* hadavt-rv
•etvre attach of let tinppe. 1 then commenced
using,tv'- and my rape SSI y Is
woad, rful I an torts -at* yesra old. and
I™ as weU sad wrong as I did when sister*
i rate -Id; my sleep ts at sound as an in teat's,
Yours thankfully,
' n «-lrcu*«cfOj faiu,
HJHV ToUeeo and Alco-
WTttV L-k kufalgi”.
•BEFORE - AFTER- Xi*. 8or,eoi„V
8«*»Jmi)ti>'iDey l L*IH mw«r iii vtMMrwi,
iatur« Old Ak«« Jn *a! uptar* Lnam. (tiuM
ay urttetodBllfMlCf, OV*WI»rtkiB of th*» IJffllD tDd
LucorrhtMt and Temale Weakares. A month's trast-
mrnl, la plain rsekstrs by noli, to aajaddress,n
Sola Agents, Cherry Street and Cotton
Avenue. Mooon. Go.
round Against Ufa* Fortner Cashier of
Cadartowu'g First National Bank.
Cedtrtown, Sept. JO.—(SueeaJI.)—A
awwmitlon avrut croaked here by eh* an
rtouffoemertt that the grand Jury of
the present Iterm of Polk superior court
hue found two true bills against J. At
llardwVtk, former cftufKler of the Flrzt
National Bank of CedSrtown.
It will be remembered that this bank
failed about a year ago arid hols
beon in tche bands of a receiver. The
bank wan orff tnlitdl aa a nutlontal bank
by lohe firm of Hardwick and Co., who
-had iprovloualy been doing ti banking
hualtwea here.
The Indictments sUsudneP iHardlwIck,
tho formor cashier, are for forgery. HI*
friends are Indignant ok the charges
being preferred and declare Mtu he
wig fatrve no difficulty In disproving
Ninety-Six Join the ChurOh at Jonea
boro—SIPty-Four Bkptiied.
Jonesboro, Sept. J0. —(SpectiI.)—Six
ty-four iperaona were baptlied by Im-
moreton here yesterday, tmreircy-stx of
whom connected Wre-mselves with the
Bzflrtlzt church, and Ifhlrty-elght -with
the McnwkUst Church.
This waa the result of a oxmp meet
ing ufaloh baa lust cfoaed after a ten
daya' aeaalon. It -was presided over by
Dr. J. *W. Bhosser ct Dalton. Nlnety-
slx persona in all have connected 'them
selves with tha church hero during the
M-dittnirroa, Sept. 10.—(Special.)—The
Montezuma Institute opened for the foil
•term bust Monday morning with a large
enrol hnena of pupae. Professor Du via
of Nakhvine'ls the principal and he
comes highly recommended aa on In
'Rev. Alonzo Monk of Mulberry
Street church, IMaoon. pretfehed here
last rttfhit. Ilia brilltaitrv sermon avua
listened to by a large congregation.
On che l»th Instant a quiet marriage
will lake place -here. The cotitraotlng
panties will be two of Montezuma'*
imeat prominent young prtyple.
MMa Annie Kate Kelson, one of Mon
tezuma's moat tulonted young ItiUles,
lent Saturday for Brookhaven, Mias.,
wheto she ovHl itc-ach elocution.
Torn Walt eon -will address tfae people
of Chit section here next Monday, the
17tto 'Instant. Our people all have a
curiosity to hear him npouk and he wlil
have a large uudlence, but tola speech
-will not hoip Populism in thla section,
aa *t In on tthe wane. The Democrats
■expods u, Vargtrr majority In Macon
county than tivO years ago.
- Bastmwun Sept. 10.—(Special.)—Mr.
A. R. -MvGookln, traveling sileemun
for-the Fler-StaerM ManufUotairlng
Company of Mlhnmikee, Wed hern yes
terday 'morning ot peritonitis. He was
taken- nick here about a .week ugo, and
his wife was telegraphed for und ar
rived four days ego. Everjkfalng that
ntedkul skill could do ivua done for
him. Tho rdmuina lent yewtorduy for
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. Kina's Now Discovery for
Coneutnptlon. Coughs and Colds upon
this condition: If you sro afflicted with
a cough, cold or any lung, thioat or chest
trouble, and vrtll use this remedy an di
rected, giving a fair trial, and
ro beneflt, you may return the boitlo and
have your money refunded. We could not
make this otter did wo not know that Dr.
King's Nov Discovery could bo relied on.
It nover disappoints. Trial bottle free At
H. J. Lamar & Boa's Drug Store. Large
tlse 50 cento and tl.
A Lively Wrangle Over tho Method of
Furnishing Prvecrtpuous.
Asheville, N. C.. HepL 0.—Tho Ameri
can Pharmaceutical Association jester-
.Iii i.m-vl t„ Imi.-.iii iiuimim-uir.'is
Who furuish physicians with their man
ufactured products for uso lu d.spcuslug
This won douo tor the purposoof put
ting a stup to what druggists look upon
with alarm ns un eucroauhment on their
own business. It Is claimed Uy them
that yeur by year the doctors uro get
ting more and more Into the "habit ot
tilling tbrir own prescriptions and dis
pensing drags from their own offices,
greatly to tho detriment of the prescrip
tion business of druggists. The resolu
tion nuiliorlzlng the lioycott was of-
fend by Professor Whlluey of Heston,
Muss. It was adopted -without a din-
seuilug voice. I'M) association also
took notion with reference to the recog
nition of tho profession ot pharmacy
by tho army oud nary ot the United
Tho pharmacists of each branch of
the service nro paid hut tdu n mouth
ami have no official rank. A resolution
was adopted today providing for the
appointment of a oommlttco from each
state In tho Union, whoso business It
shall be to Interest the dragg.ats ot
their stale with a view to securing tho
hHhu'uco of nil rolled States senators
and representatives towards the pas
t-age ot a lnw giving the pharmacists n
rank and luoronslug their pay to that
ot tho assistant surgeon*. The con
vention then adjourned.
An operation or Injections of car
bolic acid are extrr.-nely dunreious.
Try Jojxmcss Pd* Cure. Pt/dllvily
guaranteed by Goodtvyn & Small, drug-
gin la.
London. Sept, a—The funeral of the
chunt ot Pori* will take place Wednesday.-
On Tusolsy the body will ho In sute In
tlte talon ot 8towe House.
TV* nftlctal trp U-'-d rcrtlflcate says
that death -was due to Intestinal obstruc
tion and exhaustion.
J !■ J G (’ n HA v A ft f •* A
Or to j are w worn out. Trait t irx>l for noO*
imr. It tonoerml <iohilft\\ Trr
Biom now
It wlli cun* jcu. cirAUM your liver. gtim
ft aooa •
Charieoton, R. C.. Sept. &—Sailed:
S,'Uuon.'r Kilgar C. ll-xts, liipt. gulllen.
for Oeotvctowa: Mlwanl S. Stearns.
Capt. HihiL for Weymmuh.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Wot Vs Fair Highest Mtdol end Diploma
VLJ Are the new Silks
opened yesterday,
rjjk A great injustice
to yourself if you
purchase before see-
Un ing our
In Sheetings, Lace
CWtains, School
Hosiery and School
Dresses, Handker
chiefs, Corsets and
Umbrellas, ....
Tners Is a Decline of Corn Percentage
in the Great Corn Slates
of the West.
ItUth* Best Himitid In Y«ftn— 1 Tli*
OilOrop Above Lilt Y«ftr—Clo-
m PromliciA Somewhat
Short Crop*
Washington, Sent. 10.—The report of
the atatlstlclan of the department of
agriculture for the month of Septem
ber shows a decline In thd Condition of
corn io 63.4 from 69.1 lo tb* mon-th of
August, and 95 in the month of July.
This Is a decline bf 6.7 points from the
August and 31.6 from the July, condition.
The onsmte Is marked In nearly all of
tho great corn states.
The present condition Is 75 In Ken
tucky, 70 In Ohio. 66 In Michigan, SO In
Indiana, 78 In IlUoota. 61 tn Wisconsin,
M In Minnesota. 40 In Iowa.. 70 In Mis
souri. 15 In Kansas. 16 Ip Nebraska
and 16 1a South Dakota. In most ot
tho Southern states the condition has
risen anU a good crop Is certain.
In addition to tho unfavorable pros
pects arising from tho low. contllUn of
tho growing crop, reports from eight
state*, viz: Indiana. Illlnotq, Wisconsin.
Iowa. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and
South Dakota, In response to a. special
Inquiry show that out of tu> aggregate
of 10,873,984 acres olanted In thow states
there have been cut up for fodder or
abandoned 16.500.000 acres, Ur 38 per
cent., which Is s little over 20 pec cent,
of the entire planted area In tho coun
ty. The percentage of that cut up or
abandoned by slate® reportlbg Is au fol
lows: oil,'- .
Indiana. 08: Illinois. 10: Wisconsin, 21;
Iowa. 35: Missouri. 16^.Kan-us, 63; Ne
braska. 81; South Dakota, 81.
Tho condition ot wheat; V-Orlsldcrlng
both -winter nml spring varlffilts, v.-hen
harvesfted wxih 83.7. against 74 last year
and 85.3 tn 1892.
Th» reported conditions from tho cor
respondents from the principal wheat
growing states are as follows:
Ohio, 101: (Michigan. 91: Indiana. 103;
Illinois, 101: Wisconsin, 92; Minnesota
81; Iowa. 92: Missouri 91: Kansas. 58;
Nebraska. 10: South Dakota. 32: North
Dakota. 71: Californio. 88: Oregon, 88;
Washington. 67. In the East—New
York, 88: Pennsylvania, 91: Maryland,-
98: Virginia reporta 78; West Virginia,
92: Kentucky, 92: Texas, 92.
In the principal -wheat states there
has boon considerable Improvement in
conditions since -the July report. In
parts of the wheat region the orop la
fully uo to expectations and In other
pairte the yield has exceeded the antici
Tho average condition of oats l» re
ported n't 77.8, against 715 August 1.
77.7 on July 1 and 87 June 1.
The return® for rye show an average
condition Uf 86.9. against S3 n year ngo.
The condition of barley has risen nearly
2 points during the month, the Septem
ber ftweage standing at 71.5, against
62.8 In August.
There Is n decline In the September
condition of buckwheat of 12 1-3 points
from that of August. The general aver
age M M, against 77.8 laat year.
The area under clwer send Id report-
ol at 71.9 of that far IS93. The condl-
tl mi I- rnv.-n -it 6:1.2. which Is much tie-
law tho average, thus Indicating n very
short crop. The general average condi
tion for rice Is 5s.1. The condition of
peaches Is 21.1; potatoes, 62.1 n decline
rtf 12 points since last month The con
dition of tobacco Is 71.6, against 75.9 last
Crushed fntddllpgs Flour*
Ciaonlr FloeroMia klnAsnd the best ot
any kind. U l» mads hr* secret pro
ps** known to bat two pereotu.
8100,000 bsi been offered for tk« Knowledge
"The Uinline is out ot sight."
Iverson. Lord A Co, Teanill*. Go.
"The Undine Is far ahead of the flour
w* have been getting at Nashvtne."
W. H. Morgan, Pooler, Oa. i
heading, fifteen words or
LADIES physical culture and elocit'lnn,
Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Read
ing Circle, 639 Washington avenue. 01.1
pupils In oratory token at reduced rates
by joining class at Georgia Dullness
College Monday and Wednesday after
WANTED—To buy buy a gas stove at
least four burners and oven. Must be
In good condition. J. G„ care Telegraph.
WANTED—I have •applicants every day
for nice dwellings, and especially cot
tages. ' Place them with me. Frank
51. Oliver, 416 Second street.
FOR RENT—On the hill three or four
rooms for light housekeeping. Modern
conveniences. Address, John, care Tel
FOR RENT—No. 6R College street, near
Wesleyan college, contains seven rooms,
two (n yard. Inspect my rent list; sev
eral desirable bouses yet unrented. E.
A. Horne, 454 Cherry street.
FOR RENT—October L Nine-room resi
dence, 126 Cole street. Modern convert,
tencos; 125. Apply to E. F. Bronson.
FOR RENT—Officer and gentlemen's
sleeping rooms. Apply at Macon Sav
ings Bank.
FOR RENT—Tho Masterson stables, lo.,
, cated between Mulberry and Walnut on
Third. Rent low. S. A. Horne, 451
Cherry street.
To RENf-My house, 147 High street, ten
room* and two servant room*. Rooms
large, supplied with gas, etc. Room*
may be rented separately. Good place
for boarder*. Apply to Holmes John*
eon at coal yard, or to J. \V. Hinton,
FOR.RBNT—DvrelUng on street.
Apply to W. S. Payne, at Payne' &
FOR RENT—Seven room house on Oak.
street, near Second, modem conven
iences. Apply M. O’Hara.
FOR LE1ASE—Store (bouse corner Third
and Cherry streets, for wholesale and
retail dry goods, from October 1. Ap
ply, to H. Q. Cutter, agent, ait Macon
Savings Bank.
FOR RENT—Ootfdber 1. 270 NewotreeT,
one <lcfor from Mulberry, nine rooms,
irtodern Improvc-men/ts, convenient to
business und eleotrlc cars, rent rea*
wmWe. Addreos 11. V. Washington.
FOR RENT—October 1, the two-story
residence fronting Tattnall nquiire,
comer Oglethorpe and Tattnall
streets. Apply Daly’s Exchange. Col-
lege street.
TEN DOLLiARS a mouth will rent store
. on Vincvlllo Branch In the city. Pos
session at once. Jacob Hlrsch.
FOR 8\LE—4l,000 for store and dwelling,
>15 Hasel street. One-half cash, balance
SS per month without Interest Frank
M. Oliver, 416 Second street.
FOR SALE—One ten-horse engtne for sale
cheap at Macon Oil anl Ice Company.
See a H. Smith.
FOR SAtfE. OR RENT—One six-room
brick house, corner of New and Poplar
streets. It 1* the beat location in tho
city. Apply to T. C. Burke or B. A.
FOR SALE—Several seocciU-hand bar
ber chair* and bath tubs; *91 in good
condition. Qrn be seen at Lanier
hoiwe barber shorn. M. Loh.
at a goMi sacrifice 19-horse engine, loco-
notlve boiler, 50-saw gin, press, etc.
Robert A. Nlsbet.
FOR SALE—Wefl built four room cot
tage on Gray property, 575 cash and
•balance 515 per month without Inter
est. Cheap as paying rent Frank M.
Oliver. 416 Secozxl street.
TOR SALE—Old papers, for wrapping
purposes, etc., % cent* per hundred.
Telegraph office.
FOR 3ALE—One magnificent new Co
lumbia bicycle. ‘Has never been used.
Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
GO TO Chncman’s English Kitchen go
get your meal*—*the pnDy ladles’ and
gertts’ red&iurant In Macon.
NEW JAMS, Jelly and preserves in live-
pound poll* at II. C. Keen’*, 616 Cherry
gives satisfaction. Tour grocer sells
acre farm, seven miles north of Mn-
con, on Macon and Western railroad,
near station; good neighborhood, near
schools and churches; will excange
for residence property in Macon; valued at 54.000; would pay
from $1,000 to $2.00 difference for nice
place. Addre&s Exchange, care mall
carrier *4o. T.
OLD»PAPERS for wrapping. 25 cent*
per hundred at the Telegraph office.
Come right along to us. Our stock is complete in
every department. Never better prepared to 6erve the trade.
Goods for the rich and goods for the poor. S
100 dozen gents’ linen collars, regylar 20 cents quaiity 6 for
50 cents. v
1,000 yards canton flannel remnants worth 12 1-2 and 15 cts.
a yard, at 8 cents. ,
2,000 yards small check domestic ginghams, warranted fast
colors at 5 cents a yard, worth 8 cents.
2,000 yards choice new style dvess prints, fast colors, 5 cents.
25 dozen ladies fast black, full regular made hose, regular
25 cents quality, as a leader at 15 cents. 1
5 pieces 68-inch satin damask table linen, choice new designs,
regular $1 quality at.75 cents a yard.
20 pieces 36-inch fancy wool ladies’ dress goods, 35 .cents
quality only 20 Cents a yard.
New kid gloves to match,all our dress goods. New laces and
embroideries, new,Veilings. Don’t buy anythiug in our
line before seeing our stock. ‘J,-
Burden, Smith & Co.
MONEY TO LOAN—ISIx per cent, per
annum. James A. Thomas, 318 Sec
ond street., -. ’ - "
1150 INVESTED yields 1(3 averzja, weekly
Income with absolute, teevrity- Pros
pectus, Itemized statistics free. Benson
& Dwyer, 834 Broadway, New York.
streot. Consumers' Oil Company.
NEW CHEESE, tresh oat meal and Leg
gett's oat flakes at R. C. Keen's.
LOST—One small red leather pocket-
book. compliments of Hereford's
Bread Preoaration Company, contact
ing one 15 bill: one note made by J,
H. Porcher to J. A. Ward and In
dorsed by Ward to J. J. West; and
other memoranda of no value to any
one except myself. Finder can have
money If he will return me the book
with other contents. Address J. J.
•West, Rlehwood. Ga.
gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
GROCERIES—We are headquarters for
staple and fancy groceries.. John C.
Holmes & Co.
TELEPHONE 353, J. H. Roush & Son,
and place your order for .coali Best
coal on the market 31.50 a ton.
best made. Have you tried It?
Railroad Commission ol Ga.
L. N. TiuuxzLL.Chzirmsa, 1
Vuum. rowans, )• Commissioners.
Atj.r.s Foot, J
A. C. Beisooz, Secretary,
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 31st, 1801.
Circular , No-339.
On and after the 20th day of Septem
ber, 1SH The following changes In the
Commissioners’ Classification will be In
Cane mills, C. R., 5th class.
Hard wood In. the rough','ahnp*d ot
manufacturing, C, R. 6th class.
Hay caps, C. R., 3rd class. . ; '
Bottles, empty, C. R., 1st class; O. R.
6th class.
Cotton seed hulls and cotton seed meal,
mixed, C. L., claas M.
Guano horns, tin, C. R., D. L
The first paragraph of Rule No. 5 of
the “Rules for Computing Fractions,” is
hereby amended so as to include class G,
and any other classes containing frac
tions, not heretofore included.
On 5hlptmnIs rf Drlrk and lumber, pass
ing between standard gauge railroads and
narrow gauge railroads, under the same
management, no more than class P will
be allowed to be charged, provided, how
ever, that a charge of 53 per standard
gauge oar of 30,000 pounds or over, may
be made to cover the cost of transfer.
Shipments from narrow gauge roads to
broad gauge roads, will be allowed a
transfer charge, subject to note six of
the ’’Explanatory Notes” of this commis
Effective at once.
By order of the boardL .
A. C. BRISCOE, Chairman.
. Secretary.
virtue of an ortler of the court of ordi
nary for said county I will seil ait pub
lic outcry to Che highest bidder for
cash, on the 22d day of Septtomber, 18D4,
beginning at 10 o’clock and contin
uing said sale from day to day, K
mowary, tl cf 1fee pseveoal • mso*
erry belonging to-the eauaXe of M. L.
Munger, deceased, said personal prop
erty consisting of pianos, orgnus, store
and office fixtures, musical instruments
of various kinds and other articles ap-
pertainging to the music business.
A!!*•>, meliidlg personal apparel .and all
articles bf value now located In the
store on Mulberry street In the city of
Atvicon, formerly employed by said
Munger in his business. Said sale will
be made at the storehouse aforesaid
for the purpose of paying the debts of
said estate, etc.
Administrator M. L. Munger.
By virtue of a deed and power of sa^e
from U. P. Murray to the Mutual Build-
ing and Loan Association of Macon. Ga.,
recorded In book A. G., folio ZSS. Bibb ru-
perlor court, the said Association will of
fer for sale before the court house door m
Macon, Ga-, sit U o’clock a. m., on Tues
day, October 2, 1©4. the following des
cribed property to-wlt: All that lot or
parcel of land, situate, lying and being
In the city of Macon, sute of Georgia,
and know n. according to Boardman’s map
of saM city, as ptrt of lot No. five (5). In
square thirty-four (34). fronting on Sec
ond street and designated by street num
ber, 151V. said lot being the same con.
veyed by E. H. Glllon to Missouri A.
Valentine by deed recorded tn book P. P.,
folio ITS, clerk’s office. Bibb superior court,
to whioh deed reference Is here made for
the purpose of fuller description. Said
sale Is mode for the purpose of repaying
a. loan made to sold Murray by *aid As
sociation. and as provided In the deed and
power of sale referred to. Term* cash.
Most '
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