The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 11, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORN J NG, SEPTEMBER 11, 1804 iHLraujtmt Reports .bv W]ra «Fjoin tbu Great Markets. .. ' • lorn* ana Itunlv Few York. 8«p; 10.—Moa#r «a agll easy at ] per reuui cloiea. offeree m *. Yiuda mere* paper 4«ufc*per cent *j)Tor,(4.S. Mexican dollar* l>v\. Sterling ex* enung* weak with avtuai buaiuv.aa m oautera' bills at tor sixty day*-' J4.e5i»* ••M lore demand: prated rates f4.t6ft3t.97; commercial t>lliai't4.t'lut.blj» lor sixty aays. (or demand, bovsrnment Donas steady, fciats ponob dull. Katlroaa Donas higher. Miver at the boaru 60. closing slock quotation* vrero as follow*? . BAIUIOAD f-TOCKS. Aruer. IcitonOli.. haeu.u onaSkL. Ct prefa.. 18% Xmer.bugarltenn. 104 <u prera... kznor.lotuccoUo. iwa* protd.... Hu iataaiaiiPacinc.. Mila li:M»rm(tu... 2j•* liilcngc* Alton .. .141 auu U, '.C‘ 4 ' Luicmko uaa '*;< l c/b.ldC*. and VI. Ji.O Xuat'raanGCui.*, 1 »K i-.lenn.'V.auQua. )‘J ou pxa.... lo In»N' Wi • prelerroa.... lu* E«x* iris ana It.. )bi» os pret.. 17* Lax* Boors.. m ...)3C Louie, ana hasn.. MX Icil.&liDbeMAIO. I.V Aj anuuiihi. tons.. Ill Sv Aiein.anQ COST... kllchican ConirAlt Vb Missouri fecino.. soj* MoPlteanaOnia... 2U>» STAm £OJ*DS. U. b.Coidsx<*..... 11J« at* prero 00 hew Jersey Cent. .115 h ew 1 or* central. lull* h. i. ana h. iu... W.S hon.ana h. prsu 26,S horUJernAucino.. •*• au I trot.. 21 h h ox m western loti * as preu.JAiK paeUicMali l&H hcnaiut............ l a *. It. auu W. hw X»r.. laK Bock lsiana...... 9*X bn 1 auu... 60V a* pror. .i'ii . Silver csrtincatsa 6*S Telia, u one i.... . l«»Ja do du pret. I'JK Texas Phcinc...— 10« Colon 1‘flcCc..... it Wan. bnL. ana P. 1J* •* •• pta. H-H Western Onion... WJi WnoergauaUE.. 13* do. pta. Southern R’y ai.. __ __ _,1MH Tenusaaeo 3**.... lb YlgimaO’saeg, ao i'unna.iieo? 6bK herte teroima6e. 69 bortnf *roiina*».lJj COTZltXUkXT BOUDS. • r.8..'»re»i«t'.o.m | U.S.4V* regular. w l.H.4*» coupons.. 115 | •Old. i Asked. lEx dividend. COTTON. m M Macon. Gfu, Sept. 10, 1834. Out*' market firm at the following •quotations: Good Middling Middling * Strict Low Middling ™ Low Middling * J* Good Ordinary..-...j r .......544 Ordinary.*,, •••w/ ♦•;;*•• *® rocac BKccim. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Is* If y iii* u li H fciitutci/vy Monday, ••••,.* fruesdur............ Wednesday yw* I'Ul? *2i)i •71? .... G460 .... liM • Deo) ,,. t l)0l»t )b?3s )»>r,U 1131/ )6S37 19274 SjH ffbus fer this week. 36,«)2 jwiil. *.TJ hew Tort, Sep.; lO.—BPot cotton easy Middling cult IX 1 middling upi^naa o»j. kales, <o2 bale*. ■ Mew York. Sap.* lo.—xne future*. raarkot opened quiet ana closed, steady, bares 65,6*0 Dai**. Jan Feb March April Alar : June. ,i.;, July .... Aup. kept. SOT.. Ifrc...*,„...... ! BECkUTS AND EXPOKTS. Consolidated net receipts... .. " Exp« rta to Great Britain •* Exports to Francs " Exports toOontluent.... Etock on hand at he# York... 210.89/ NEW OBLXAN4 Cf.OSINO rOTUREJ. 5sw Orleana. 8ep. ]o- Ootwa tuturos closed Steady, bales 21,100 tales. Fenruary 0 5i Xarcn 6 60 April 6 64 September..6 82 CctODOr t 59 November 6 85 December b 43 PORT QUOTATIONS. , Galveston, Sept. 10.—Krm. MWdlins Cli; net 5,US; stock 27,CSS. Norfolk. Sept. 10.—Nominal. Middling C’y. net 197: .lock S.OOo. Baltimore, Sept. 10.-Nominal. Middling J»; etock 8.497. Boston. Sept. 10,-Nomlnal. Middling C 16-10. Wilmington, Sept. 1ft.—Nominal. Net »M; etock 2.63.7. . Philadelphia, Sept 10. -Firm. Middling J »-l«! etock 2,100. Savannah. Sept Middling Mi: net 2,767; stock 18.S34. New . Orleans, Sept 10.—Bany. Middling 614: net 5,280; stock 31,(86. Mobile, Sept 10.—Quiet Middling 6 7-16; net 660; stock 2,874. ' Memphis, Sept 10,-Sleady. Middling 6H; net 107; stock 3,873, Augusta. Sept 10.—Steady, Middling 6 7-15-. net UlTl etock 4,380. Charleston. Sept. 10.-Steady. Middling C 6-16; net 2,00: stock 18,570. Cincinnati, Sept lo.-Qulet Middling 7; net 18; stock, 4,023, Louisville, 10. -Quiet Middling 6% St Louis. Sept. 10.—Quiet Middling net 22; stock 12,211. net Housttyt. Sept 10.—Quiet Middling 614: et 4,267; stock 11,387. SUIN’S COTTON 11EVIE1J’, New York Sept. 10.—Cotton declined C to 7 points nntl closed steady. Sales tOfiOO bales. No Liverpool advices to day. There was a holiday there. Tort receipts 17,018. against 0,234 tits dav Jest week and O.tSSO last year. Total thus far this week, 20,422, against 12,- 422 thus far last year. Spot cotton was 1-11} pent* lower at New York, Charles ton end Memphis, and 1-10 cents to 1-s peats higher at Augusta. New York sold SOS bales for spinning on the basis 01 -0 7-8 oents for middling uptinds.The Bouthero markets were quiet. Today's features: The bureau report was unexpectedly favorable. It showed a decrease In the condition during Au gust of 5.0 per cent., lint It was ex pected to show a greater decrease. As It now stands the condition la 12.3 per cent, better than at thi* time last year, eren allowing for damage by excessive ra|ns. In addition to this the receipts at tho ports and Interior towns were heavy. The result was a fair decline. In .spite of renewed reports of a heavy precipitation, especially in Louisiana nuil Arkansas. Some local and South ern buying caused a brief rally, but prices soon receded. Reports in regard to the condition of the cotton goods trade are favorable, with trade Increas ing. Stocks diminishing and prices strengthening. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CMc*go, Sept. 1#,—Notwithstanding th« fact thtf this was a holiday In Liver pool. th* wqeat market sere was fairly active without reference to the English situation. During last night there .was a frost In 'be nonhweot'sng the curb-was 54% 55 64 .54% 67% 68 67 67% 62% 62% 62 62% 67% 57% 67 .67 67% 67% 56% 56% 65% 65% 64% 64% 66% 66%- 66% 65% 30% 30% 80% 801.4 36 36 85% 35% 14.30 14.20 14.30 14.30 14.15 14.40 14.15 14.32% 9.02% 9.05 WP 9.02% 9.02% 9.02% 9.02% 8.92% 9.06 8.92% 9.02% 8.32% 8.42% 8.82% 8.42% 7.77% 8.00 7.72% 7.95 7.77% 7.97% 7.77% 7.90 7.25 7.35 7.35 7.33 higher on this fact, the active market opening with the unofficial gain well main tained. A.-ieadlng local professional was selling puts previous to the opening, af terwards selling wheat to protect him self. The market, after a good, opening, preserved a firm undertone, prices holii- tne steady. Towards the ,-los.- of the s. J - sion Ney York wired a new tip on the government report, to the effect that wheat and oats would be decidedly bearish and cor-t bullish. The markit became more Impressively weak on this news. The visible supply with an Increase ot 2,219,000 bushels was n surprise, nobody looking for more than 1,600,000 bushels in crease at the outside. December wheat opened from 07% to 67%; sold between 58 and 57; closing % cent under Saturday at 5754.* Cash wheat was strong esrly. later ruling easier with the options, l'll- ces were about steady. Corn—The frosts In the northwest was considered of sufficient Importance to warrant a higher opening In corn. There was considerable realizing by holders, who felt that the government report had probably been overdone and who wished to take time by the firelock, clinching their paper iroflts. The Washington weather Indications for tonight and to morrow- were for frosts In portions of the corn belt and assisted an already firm tone. Prices dropped backwards later In the session In sympathy with wheat. The visible supply Increased 495.000 bushels, and on ocean passage there was a de crease of 170,000 bushels May opened 66V4 to 60%; sold to 66%: closing at 66%— a net loss of % cent for the day. Caeh com was In good demand, ahlppera and elevator people buying. Prices opened' U to % cent higher and closed with the ad vance lost. Onts-What little trading there was In ■oats was on the basis of the action In wheat and corn. At times complets in- ! activity prevailed. The opencing was firm, prices - ruling higher. The visible supply Increased 671.000 bushels. May opened % cent under Saturday. Cash oats were strong. Prices were % to % cent higher. . .. Provisions—At the opening some of the packing concerns wore In favor of higher prlecs for the product, and flding it ecarc- Ity of offerings on the market, were easily able to cause an advance. The hog mar ket was higher, s late report giving a strong close at the yard a,values de clined during the lest hour In rympathy with grain. January pork closed 2714 cent* higher: January lard 20 cents higher; January ribs 12% cents higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: FUTURE QUOTATIONS. ■WHEAT- Open High Low Clos. Sept. ..... Dec May COKN- Sept. ..... Oct Dec May ..... OATS- Sept. May ..... POBK- Sept ...... Jan. ..... LARD— Sept .;.... Sept ..... Oct Jan RIBS— Sept Oct. ...... Jan CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was dull and demand limited. The feeling was steady and Prices un changed. No. 2 spring wheat, M%a55%. No. 2 red, 54%. No. 2 corn, 56%. No. 2 oata, 80%a%. . Pork, J4.D0ol4.40. Lard, 3S.90a9.05. ' Short rib sides, 38.07%o8. Dried salted shoulders, 38.87%a7. Salted cured sides, 38.15a8.80. Whisky, 31.32. NAVAL OTORK8. Savannah. Sept. 10,-The turpentine mar ket waa bulletined firmly held at 26% cents for'' regulars, with no sales; receipts, 1,052. ftos; good demand! on an. irregular mar ket; sales, about 6.000 barrels. Quote A. B C and D, 3lal 06; E, 31*06*1.10; F. -31.10ol.16; O, «.*a* N, S1.4(w45; I. 31.6Cal.70: K. 31.85a00; M. 32a2.05; N. 31.80, window glass, 32.45; water white, 32.70. Charleston, Sept. 10.—Turpentine firm nt 26% cents; reorlpts, 43 casks. R»sln, good strained, firm at 31; receipts, JM bar- rels. 'MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE! OF GEORGIA BONDS. BltLAtlc'd. Y per cent. bond*. Jan. and July coupons, mitnrlty 183G 4ia per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1916.... 113% 114% 4% per cent bonds, Jan and July July coupons, maturity 1917. ..116 UG 9% per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity long date... 99 100 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 6 per cent bonds 104 lot Atlanta bonds, 93 to 115, a* to Interest xnd maturity 100 120 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of interest and maturity 100 Rome bonds. 8 per cent 101% loft Columbus 6 per cent. Donds .... 103 i« Macon 6 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupons ..... ..112 ua RAILROAD BONDS. Central railroad joint mortgage 7 per cant, bonds* Jan. and July coupons.... 117 118 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent. • bonds. Jan. and July coupons. due ltd 103 Georgia Ral'road 6 per cent, bonds. Jan. xnd July coupons, due .198 U# Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1922 Hi 111 Montgomery and Eufaula rail road 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, duo 1909..,. 99 100 Ocean Steamship bonds. K per cent Jan. and July coupons. due 13?i>. SI Columbus and Western railroad 6 per cent. July coupons 94 95 Columbus and Rome railroad 6 per cent bends, Jon. and July coupons SI 49 Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1900 99 100 Savannah, Americas and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 47 41 Georgia Southern and Florida Tailroad 4 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1972..,. 83 £5 South Georgia and Florida rall- koad Indorsed 7 per cent bonds. x Jan. and July coupons lui Northeastern Railroad Indorsed' < per cent bonds. May aud November coupons 104 103 Micon and- Northern railroad certificates of bonds. March > September coupons 29 40 Charleston, Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cert, bonds 99 lot Central Railroad compioo stock. 19 a Central Railroad 6 per cent, deb- tures..1 24 1 Southewestem Railroad stock... 71 \ Georgia Railroad stock 152 l> Atlanta and West Point rail road stock.. 76 4 Atlanta and West Point railroad debenture 90 j Augusta and Savannah railroad stock 80 | LOCAL BOND3 AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols. May and November coupons' \ Wesleyan College 7 per cent. bonds, Jan. and July coupons., 1M U Macon Volunteers' Armory 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July cou pons 1M It Bibb Manufacturing Company 4 per cent, bonds. April and Oct. coupons 100 K Progress Loan and Improvement Company B < Southern Phosphate Company THE L ®W SPECIALS WOOL DRESS GOODS. 37-inoh all-wool Navy Serge 29e. All-wool mixtures, doubk* fold, 25o. Stilt *;tnd Wool fabrics. 40 Inches wide, <9 rents. NEW SILKS. Storle Silk, all colors, 50 cents. Persian Check Silks, extra value, S5o. Paris fancies, all silk, 73c. Black Armure, Bengallne, Peau do Sole and -Marie, best vnlue ever of fered for 31. LACE CURTAINS. New Lace Curtains at 31.00. 31-25. 31.50. 32.00, 32.00, 32.50, 33.00 and 34.00. These In all the new effects. See the Dannenberg Compsny for Lice Curtains. SPECIALS. SPECIALS. New FVU1 Prints 4 cent*. New Fall Ginghams 5 cents. Heavy Canton Flannel 7 cent*. Kid Curlers, nil shades, 10c dozen. Twenty-two yarda extra heavy Sea Island 31.00. Roberts Scissors, all sizes.' 25 cents. New Buckles. Two cakes Castile Soap 5 rents. CLOT.HINO. CLOTtklNO. Boys’ Knee Pants 25 cents. Boys' all-wool Knee Pants 60 cents. New Neckwear, sll styles. New Fall Hats. See our extra shirts 60 cents. THE DANNENBERG COMPANY, New Store.s 464 and 466 Third Street. BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock 123 130 American National Bank etock.. 86 90 Exchange Bank stock 93 (g Union Savings Bank and Trust Company rtock 93 93 Central Georgia Bank stock $0 ■ Macon Savings Bank stock gj Central City Loan and Trust Company stock.... 77^ DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday By Henry J. Lama- A Sons. Cinnamon Ban*—l*er pound, 12 to 15c. Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 25c. Drugs and Chemicals.—Gum assafoetlda, S6c. pound; camphor gum, 00 to 65 cent* pound; guh opium. *2.65 to 13.50 pound; morphine, %s, *2.25 .to .*2.43 ounce; qu|I nine (according to size) 38 to 90c. ounce* sulphur. 4 to 6c. pound; salts, Epsom. 2% 10 Sc. pound; copperas, 2 to 8c. pound; salt petYc, 10 to 12c. pound; borax, 15 to 18c. pound; bromide potash, DO to 65c per pound; chlorate, 26 to .pound; carbolic acid, 00c. to *1.75 #ound; chloroform. 75 to *1.40 pound; calc ms;. sSc!\ to $i; \ 0Rm wood. 16 ten 20c. pound; cream tartar, C. P 85 to 40; cream tartar, commercial 25 to 80 cents. DRT WOODS. Corrected Every Saturday By a Waxeb baum A Bon, Prints—Berwic-, '4%; standard; 4% to 5* Turkey red. 4 to 6%; Indigo blue. 4 to 4%; solids. 3% to 5. Sheetings—4-4, 4%c; 7-8, 4%c; 3-4, 3% to 3%c. Tickings—From 6 to 12o. Checks—3% to «c. Bleaching—Fruit of the loom, 6% to 7%. FRUITS AND NUTa f Corrected by A A Cullen. Figs—Dry. choice. 12 1-2 to 16 cents. Peanuts—North Carolina, 8 l-a cents: Virginia, 4 and 5 cents. Lemons—*4. Nuts—Tarragonla nlmonde. 18 cents per pound; Naples walnuts, 15 cents; French walnuts. 12 cents; pccaso, 10 to 12 CMltS. Apples—Sun dried. 8 to 7 cents per pound. . Raisins—New In market, S3 per box* London layers, 83.25 per box; loose Mus catel, 82 per box. Irish Potatoes—82.50 sack. CANNED GOODa Corrected Every Saturday by 8. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co. Apples—1 pound cans |L25 per dozen. Blackberries—2-pound cans, 31 per dozen; 8-pound cans. 81.05 per dozen. Corn—2-pound cans. 90 cents to 81.60 per dozen. String Beans—2-pound cans, 90 cents per dozen. Tomatoes—2-pound cans, per dozen, 80 cents; 8-pound cans, *L Okra ana Tomatoes—1-pound cans. 81.10 per dozen. June Pens—2-pound cans, 81.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—2-pound cans, 81.50 per dozen. White Cherries—2-pound cans f 1.76 per dozen. Lima Beans—81.25. Peaches—2-pound cans, 81.50 per dozen. Plnapples—2-pound cans, 81.50 to 62.25 per dozen; grated. F. Sc W-. *2.25. Raspberries—2-pound cans, *1.85 per dozen. Strawberries—2-pound cans, 81.50 per dozen. Peaches, pie—3-pound cans, 81.85 per dozen. ^ * Apricots, California—3-pound 82.25 per dozen. PeaA-hcs—California, 32.25. Pig Feet—2-pound cans. 82.25 per dox. Roast Beef—1-pound cans, 81.20 pel dozen; 2-pound can*. *2 pc*r dozen. Corn Beef—2-pound cams, 81.85 per dozen. Potted Ham—%-pound cans. 65 cents per dozen; 1-2-pound cam, *1.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—1-pound cans, 83 per dozen. Tripe—2-pound cans. *1.85 per dozee. MEATS. Corrected Every Saturday by W. L. Hennr. Frenh Meats—Western beef, 6% to 8c.; Georgia beef. 4% to 6c.; dressed hogs, 6%&7c.; Western mutton, 7%c.; native mutton, 6%c.; smoked pork sausage, 8 l-2c; fresh pork sausage. 8c; Bologna sausage. 4c. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every aSturday by ths 8. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co. The following are strictly wholesale prices: Fish—Kit White fish, €0o; In half barrels. 84; mackerel In half barrels. No. 8, 81.75; No. 2. 85.25; kits, No. 8, 70 cents; kits No. 2. 75 cents. Flour—Best patent, per barrel, *3.40; sec ond patent. 83.30: straight, *3; family, 8Z.6U. low grades, 83.25. Sugar—Standard, granulated, 6% cents; extra C, New York, 6c.; New Orleans clarified. 5 cents. Hay—We quote today No. 1 Timothy at *18 and fancy, 819. Me»t»—Bulk sides, 8% cents. Corn—75 cents p*r bushel. Oats—Mixed. 45. cents* white. « cents. Lard—Tierces. 9% cents; cans, 10 cents per pound; Impound cans, 10% cents. Oil—lie. Snuff—LorlHard's Macoaboy snuff, stone Jars; 45e per pound; glass Jars, 45c per pound; 2-ounce bottles. 83.90 per gives; 2-ounce cans. *AG0 per grossjgiOM* 1-ounce cans. *3.94 per gross; railroad snuff, 1-ounce glass, 45c.; 1-ounce tins, 84.25 per gross. Tomato catsup—Pints, «0q; quarts, Hominy—Per barrel. 84. Meal—Bolted. 74 cents; plain, 75 cents. Wheat Bren-85 casts. Hams—12 to U cents. , ,1 6houlders~4% cents, • COUNTRY PRODUCE. Corrected Every Saturday by Walter Nelson. Poultry—Hens, 25 to 28c; ties 15 to 20o; ducks, 25 to 80o; geese, 40 to 50o. Eggs—18 cents per dozen. Evaporated, apfples. 15 l-2o per pound; sun dried apples, 8 to 10c. per pound; dried peaches, 12 1-3 to 15o per pound. New Irish Potatoes—75 cents per bushel, bushel. Sweet Potatoes—75 cents per bushel. Cabbage—*2.60 .0 fj per barrel. Onions—*1 per bushel. Honey—80 to 10c per pound. * .Tomatoes—75 cents per bushel. HARDWARE. Corrected Every Baturdxy By Dunlap Hardware Company. Axes—84 to yr per dozen. Bar Lead—4 cents per pound. Buckets—Paints, *1.25 per dosen; cedar, three hoop.. 12.3. ' Cards—Cotton. *4. Chains—Trace, *3.40 to 14.50 per dosen. Well Buckets—*3.25 per dozen. Rope—Manilla, 12 cents; elieL 10 cents; nttnn 19 ronla . . f . IE r 1 .. T! ffisggssa s«n», requlrt* Bo chutf* ©f diet or II QL fisg AS A PREVENTIVE 'llUS.qfl u;!?SKi , 1 i£:rfiSS. 4 s?3 CUREaS“Sr“ : GOODWYN'S DRUG 8TORH Sole Agents. Macon, Oa. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON,. rSMiOX FKOK SJlVAHHAR TO NEW YORKt Cabin, f£0; Excursion $32; tit.trage, $10. “ TO BOSTON, Cabin J22i Excurelon, «39, 8t«ra,. ' 1 $11.75, TO PHILADELPHIA. TM KBIT YORK, Cabin, I2&£0| Excursion, 433; Staarar. T122& * .team.alp. of tare. Hare ) awwlateuto uu „ follovaVtaodreUUaii SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or 80th Meridian Time.) ®j™'hm,.,.Sun„ 6«pt, 8,12 00 m. t5r """" Tu9 '' B *f t u < ■■■■■ Frl., Sept. 14, 5.D0n.tti. ri re Vt 6.60 a.m. City of Illrm'h*m..Tue.. Sept. 18, 6.80p.m Kanra. Clty..„.,„. m , Kept £ 0.30 Jm 2i“°“, h 7 - Sun., Sept 23, 11.30a.w. City of Ausuata. ..Tue„ Sept. 26. 2,00 nm Kanflan Frl " H^t. 28, C.OoS.m'. Kanaatt City 8un., Sept. 30. 0.00 a.m. nx.,, u 8ava nnah to boston. TUUhauea. Thura.. Sep. 13, 4.00 p.m. Tallahassee Th-ira., Sep. 27, 4.00 p.m. SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (Thle ehlp does not carry passengera) Deajoug Wed., Sept., 19. 7.80 am Dmkus Sat.. Sept. 20. 8.00 p.m! ' J. P. BECKWITH. O. A., JaeK.onvIlla Fla. Walter Hatvklna, F.P.A, Jacluonvllle, FK W. E. Arnold, O.T.P.A., Jacksonville, Flo. C. a. Anderson, Agent. Savannah, Oa. Atlanta and New Orleans Short Line, ATLANTA a ml. WEST POINT U. It. Gnlcl&cst him! Heat ffioiiU*. Moutgoiuery. Selma, Mobili. Sew Orlotana, _ \ Texaa and SouUiweet. ■ _ _• SouthboulMi. No. . aNu. be. Lv. Macon I 4 SO pm| 8 25 ami 8 25 am Lv. Atlanta | 6 35 umj 4 29 pmj 1 W pm Ar U> anil 9 2u pm| 8 10 pn» Ar Fenaacola ...{ 4 55 5 SO amj 5 ‘M am At Mobile i 5 2» pm X (0 ami 3 05 am Ar New Orleans.110 25 pm 7 35 am) 7 15 am Ar Houston ....) )19 tt» pm\l5 M pm TO SELMA. ■ Leave Montgomery'. I 0 30 pml 6 10 am Arriv* Selma .....)ll 15 pm Jll 15 am t Train 50 .carrtea Pullman vestibule sleeper New York to New orleana. and dining car to Montgomery. Train 53 cairlee Pullman vestibule sleeper New Or leans to New York aud anting car to Atlanta. Trains 54 and 61 Pullman Buffet Sleep ing Cars between Atlanta, and Mont gomery. KDMUND L. ‘TYLER. Genl. Mgr. JOHN. A. GEE. Genl. Pass. Agt. GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. Atlanta MACON, DUBLIN AND SAVANNAH ilAlLUUAU Time Table No. 13. Taking Effect Sunday, September 9,1894. RcuJ Down. jteau up. |buV Leave Macon Iio 46 pm'n 00 am Arrive Cochran 1i2 13 amill 42 pm* Arrive HawklnsvtUe,. .1 7 40 am z 40 pni ...... w ...... Arrive loantman |l2 64afii ‘.rflve Jeaup;. J 4 X6ara ..rnire Bruns wick’..... 71 4 15 am Arrive Jacksonvllle..,.j 8 26arn Arrive Savannah | 6 55 am 6un.| f Ho.4|KbJ PMjPM| 4 00 74 00 . 3 06 . 3 15. 3 30 . 3 40 . 3 60. 4 00 '"STATIONS: TH . |No.i|NoT3 "“|a ai| a m 4 20 ..., 4 36 ... 5 00 ... 5 12 . 5 32 . Macon .M. & N. 20 ... Swift Creek |10 10 ...Dry Branch ... Plkea Peak .... Flteperlck. Ripley Jeffersonville ... Gall (mere ..V Danvillo v« r .. Allentown .. Montrose .... Dudley .... Mooro ... Dublin 6 50 6 50 ., 4 02) 6 07|., 615) 6 99|., JAS. T. WRIGHT, General JIanager. D. B. DUNN, Superintendent. OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TIME CARD NO. fc To Take Effect Monday, April 9, 1894. Nos. 1 and 2 will run dally except Sun day. All othern irregular. Read Down. Rp»a upw . _ I No. 12. I No. 14. | No. 18. Lv. Macon | 4 30 ami 4 23 pml 8 25 uni Ar. Atlrintn... 7 3.. .uni 7 CO pntill 45 am Lv. Atlanta...I 8 OOamlll OOpml 2 00 pm Ar. Dalton....112 00 n i 3 20am 6 51 pm Ar. Ooltewh 3112 .» pml 4 10 nm| 0 37 pm Ar/Chatndga.l 1 20 pm) 4 45am| 7 10 pm Ar. Chntnoga.l '7 10 ami 7 20 pm Ar. Clnclnnatll | 7 *5 pm) 7 30 nm Lv. Cliatringa.l 7 00 ami 7 46 pm Ar. Memphl...i | o 10 pm | 7 00 .tm Lv. ChntnoRB.I | 3 00 am 5 55 pm Lv. OoKawh J 0 35 am 6 37 pm Ar Knoxvllla.,1 |l2 43pm|l0 16pm THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENTS. Southbound. Nc. 11.—Solid vcstlbuled train xo Jack sonville. with Pullman buffet drawing room earn attached for Jackroavlllo and Brunswick. No. 13.—Solid train fop Brunswick. Northbound. No. 12.—Solid vestlbulo train to At lanta., connecting with local train for Chattanooga and way stations. Carries Pullman Bleeping cars between Macon and Chattanooga. No. 14.—Solid train to Chattanooga, with sleeper attached from Atlanta, con- nectlng with fast trains for Cincinnati. Memphis and' Knoxville. No. 18—Carries freo chair car to Chat- tanooga, which Is attached to solid ves tibule train for Cincinnati, with Pullman sleoplng cars attached. Connections at- Chattanooga with fast trains In all di rections. For full Information as to routes rates, etc,, apply to JIM W. CARR. Passenger end Ticket Agent. Macon, Go. C. H. Hudson. General Manager. Knoxville, Tsna. W. A. Turk. General Passengsc Agent, Washington. D. C. J. J. Farnsworth. Division Passenger Agent, A-L'-nta. Go. C. A. Bonsootcr. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Knoxville. Tonn. A. M. 9 « 0 Lt. Dublin .Ar 53 9 16 6 .. Hutchings .. 48 9 8C 10 .Spring Haven. 43 • 45 13 .... Dexter .... 40 10 00 id .... Alcorns ... 37 10 20 19 .... Chester ... M 10 40 23 ... Yonkers ... 19 oo 29 .... Empire .... 10 .... Empire t4 1125 S3 .... Cypreee ... 18 sr.u a 40 . HawklnevlUa 13 47 « 63 ... Orovanla ... 0 P. M. 6 06 4 46 425 416 IK 8 W 120 3 00ir. 3 SOor, 2 16 3 00 Close connections made at Dublin with WrigMevills and Tennllla railroad la both directions. Hunt Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia trains pass Empire oa follows; Going South ..16 68 pm Golog North 2 48 pm J. W. HIGHTOWER, O. M. H. V. MAHONEY. O. F. * P. A, Middle Georgia and Atlantic Railroad. Time Table No. 14. Effective September 2, 6 O'clock, A. M., 1894. Read Down Read Up. 11 09p| 7 15|Lv. Augusta .Ar.l Ga. R .it. ' j 9 00 )Lv. Macon ..Ar.) \ 4 45p ftOniNoJOGI Mo.ltt • P. M. * IP. M. I A. M. 115 Lv Mlll'g'Vlll Arl| 7 60 j 1 (W 1 20 Lv Entonton Ar.) 7 45 ) 12 65 2 20 Ar Eatonton Lv| 6 80 | 11 40 p 2 21 Lv. Eatonton Arl 6 25 | 11 45 6 15 Ar. Atlanta Lv.j 3 00p| 7 26a 6 60 Ar.. Macon Lv.[ 9 10uj 120 |Ar. Athena .Lv.j 2 40 p; Browrhtonvllle meeting point for tralnn Nob. lOt and KM. Covington Junction meeting point for trains Noe. 102 and 103. W. B. TH0MA8. General Manager. CQliMfitis soamera Railway companj. Tima Table No. l& Effective Feb. 19, 19H. BOUTHBOUNDl Dally l Sunday except I jBqnday.| Only# Lv Columbue. .1 8"00 _ pm! 7~0o“am Lv Rlchl&nd I 5 40 pm) 8 47 am Lv Daweon 7 56 pm 10 00 am Ar Albany ...j 9 15 pm 11 oo am Ar Brunswick ....( 8 10 am) 8 30 pm Ar Jacksonville.. 1 8 40 am 8 20 pm Ar Thomaavllla .1 5 35 am) 6 85 pm I Dally i Suuday NORTHBOUND. I except / [Sunday. I Only. 1 7 00 am 6 lOatn 8 00 am 8 00 pm 4 oo pro 5 13 pm 7 00 pm Lv Jacksonville”. Lv Brunawlck Lv Tho mo* vllle Lv Albany.....** Lv Dawson Lv Rlchlanl Ar Columbus 111 00 am ~ A11 achedulee ahown between Albany and Brunswick and Jacksonville aie dally. No train Albany to Thomaavllle on flat* urdaya after 3:56 p. m. * All trains arrive and depart from the Union Depot at Columbus and Albany, C. HILL, Superintendent. SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY- WESTERN system. SOUTHBOUND. J No. II i No. lST NORTHBOUND. 1 23 pm G ikpm *7 frjmr 9 23 pm 9 47 pm GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. XL A Quick, Safe and Oomfortable Routs, The Only Route to Warm Springs and Oak Mountain, Ga. Schedule Effective July 15, 1884. NORTH BOUND. Lv. Columbus Lv. Waverly llall Lv. OakMo-jntuIn Lv. Warm Springe Lv. Woodbury... Lv. Concord Lv. Williamson.., Ar. Griffin Ar. Mflson, C.R.R., Ar Atlanta,C.R.R. Ar. McDonough... No.6l* No.53! fco.llf 710 am 8 01am 812 am 8 41 am 9 00 am 927 am 9 44 am 1000 619 pm 1130 am 6-00 porn 6 65 pm OuCpm 0 39 pm 7 01 pm 733 pm 762 pm 810 pm 10 23 pm 867 pm 366 pm 346 pm 3 56 pm 4 26 pm 4 45 pm 513 pm 5 29 pm 5 46 pm 7 36 pm 805 pm 6 30pax Lv. McDonough.., Ar. Griffin Lv.Maoon........ Lv. Atlanta Lv. Griffin........ Lv. Williamson... Lv. Concord Lv. Woodbury.... Lv. Warm Springe Lv. Oak Mountain Lv. Waverly Hall SOUTH HOUND. TOFT NodMi i 530am) 815am 616 am) 8 56 am 4 16 luii) 4 15 um 7 30 am 616 ami 9 06 am 6 33 am 0 23 am 6 62 ainl 9 45 am 7 20 am 1013 am 7 41 am 10 34 nm 813 ami:106 am 8 23 am 1113 am 4 25 pm 4 26 pm 6 66 pm 6 26 pm 711 pm 7 89 pm 7 69 pm K 29 pm 8 39 pm Ar. CohunbuB..... 0 30 pm 916omju06 pni • Dally. 1 Dally except Sunday, j Guo* day only. ' All trains arrive and depart Union de6 T-ots at Columbus, Griffin and Atlanta. Ask for tickets and see that they read via the Georgia Midland and Gulf Rad* rood. CLIFTON JONES, O. P. A.. Columbus, Ga. C, W. CHEAR8, General Manager. MACON AND NORTHBn"RAILROAD, ; TIME TABLE. JUNE 24. 1894. (Central Time.) Read Down. Read Upw A M.|AM| 880 •12 46 •3 20 •600 ~ |PM|P M. ...Lv Lv Macon ..A Ar Lv Machcn ...2 Ar Lv Madison Lv Athene Lv.... El her ton Lv.... Abbeville Lv... Greenwood ...Lv Lv..... Chester Lv Lv..... Monroe Lv Lv Raleigh Lv Wtldon .... Lv Ar.... Richmond ....Lv Ar ..Washington. ..Lv Ar.... Baltimore ....Lv Ar.... Philadelphia .... Ar Now York Lv 6 501 6101 4 43 2 181 3 66 12 401. 2 03 10 001 104 13221 U 481 9 331 341 j*am**ng**r trains will stop at Ocmulgee street crossing to talco on and lot off passengors. passengers. Electrlo cars will meet train arriving at 6:60 p. m. at power house, foot of Ocmulgeo street Car will leave Bol Hoxo's corner at 8i5 a. m. and make connection with train leaving 9:10 a. m. •Mixed—Monday, Wednesday and Frl* day. ! Ml zed—Tuesday, Thursday and Vatu** day. Connections! 1—With Georgia Southern and Florida, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Central railroads for all points la Florida and southwest Georgia. 3—With Middle Georgia and Atlantic railroad. 8—With Georglf railroad. 4—With Sea board Air Line vestibule limited, carrying Pullman Baffet Sleeping Cars. Solid traiq to Washington and Pullman Buffet Parlot Cars Washington to New York. K, T. HORN. Qeptttil Mnnoger. E. C. MAHONEY. Act** O. P. A* * 0. W. BURKE. Ticket Agent, o(t J, W. Burke & Co.*b Bookstore. R. R. of GEORGIA H. M. COMER AND It H. 1IAYE8, RECEIVERS. | ' .1* ,)9fi Beheduls in effect July 1st, 1891. Standard Time, 90th Meridlsn. _T | BETWEEN MACON. COLUMBUS, BIRMINGHAM. MONTO OMERY AND ALBANT. k READ DOWN. —-I--— 05 s m 8 15 am ••..111 00 am (12 24 p ni I 6 15 pm —STATIONS— B««v. Macon .. Arrive Fort Valley Arrive Cblumbus Arrve Opelika .. Arrlvo Birmingham X^avo.,••••„•, Macon .. Arrlvo Fort Valley Arriv. Amerlcus . Arrive Albany .. Arrive... Dawson . Arrive Fort Guinea Arrive Eufaula ., Arrive Oxark Arrive ......Leave Lerivo Leave L*T» Arrive Leave 1X:,IV« Leave Leave Lmm Leave 1 .rave Meant ....Leave Arrive Union Sprints Leave Arriv# Troy Leave Arrive Montgomery Leuvu READ UP. .7 00 a ni BETWEEN SIACON, ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MtLLEDQEVtLLE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH, 7 45 p m (35 pm 3,46 p m 2 25 a m •8 45 am ::::: v.v :::::::::: 4 10 p m 719 t m 2 (Hi p m C 90 . m 1 28 pm 6 90 a m 11 60 a rn 1 10 a in 11 21 s m 11 47 pm 9 20 a in 10 37 a m 10 17 p in ( 03 a ni 9 10 a ni 8 62 p in 7 16 am •7 45 a ml*7 30 p m ::: ::::: •4 U a ml*4 2S p m 6 12 a ml 6 32 pm 7 46 s m 8 05 pm 115 p ml l 00 am •7 65 am 9 47 a m 11 30 a m 7 65 pm Leave. Arrive Arrive Ar.... Macon Griffin Atlanta Chattanooga via Atlanta Arrive .Leave ■Leave ....Lv 7 65 p m 6 41 pm •9 75 pm 773 I m 10 23 pm 8 25 p in ♦6 65 p m ♦l 18 pm It 00 a m 9 03 am •7 30 « tn *3 29 a m t*.r- 14 16 p mi'll00 pm 11 30 a m Leave. Macon Arriv. 3 40 P n. 3 45 a mllO 00 a m <t , tr ..'. r. 03 p mill 45 p tn 12 17 p m Arrive. Gordon .Leava 2 65 p m I tu n, 9 10 a ni < 10 p ml..... ..... Arrive. Mllledgevlll. •Leave 8 05 a m 2 IS am 3 M pm Arrive. Mlllen Leave II 01 « m 11 33 p in 1 7 45 a m « M p m Arrive. Augusta •Leave 7 45 a ml 7 30 p m 1 (00 a m c 30 p m Arrive. ........ Bavannah .Leav. •8 30 a ml*8 45 p m ..... Trains marked thus • dally; thus I dally except Sunday. Trains marked thus 7 Sunday only. Solid train, are run to end from Macon and Muntsomery vL Eufaula, Savannah and' via Macon, Maooa and Albany via Hmlthvllle. Macon and Binnlnabatn vis Columbus. .Skopina cars on night train, betwea Savannah and Macon. Savannnb and Atlanta. Parlor can* between Macon and Atlanta. Fasaeuger. for Thomaeton take 7:H a. m. or 4:25 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton and Codartonn take 71* a. m. train. Fassenaera fer Perry take 11:18 a. m. train: Fort Gaines. Buena Vltta. Blakely and Clayton should taw jl:15 a. m. train. Passengers for Sylvanla. WrighUvIUe and Kander.ville Uke 11:» a. m. train. For further Informttlon and for schedules for volnU beyond our Una apply to ' .V . I W. F. SHELLMAN. Trafflc Manager. W. p .DAWSON. Pae.enger Agent. • J. C, HAILE. General Paaemiger Agent. . L. J. HA1UU3. Ticket Agt., Macoa.